JOHN" W. SLEDGE, pkoi'KIKtor. VOL. XXXV. A. NEWSPAPER FOR T EC E PEOPLE TEBMS:-1-50 PER annum in advance WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1901. NO. 42 ESTABLISHED 1870. THE SPAN OF LIFE. IT IS GROWING LONGER. STUDY ALL YOU MAY. MAKING KISSES. BEECHER TO HIS SON. THE STAR IN THE EAST. FRANK T. CLARK CO.,,-. (Successor lo duke, ('lark k Co.) Sash "Doors Moulding, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate x&antels, Tiling and Grates. .Fioe Bui'der'i PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building Material of Ewj Description. 0 'iniDrcial Place and 49 Roanoke Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. Jy ft ly p. N. Stainback, WELDON. N. C. 'Valor in (?FteMi - - ZEICLERIt BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. WTStfle Ag lit in Welilon for HTKOUSE i Fwrarrly M-'d here by M. P. Hart.) A lit mtiF,1-s(. rSt5l ,M ?a;'';'- VJfi&to WW n b U 11 aitftf 114 frtVritf The Public Schools are now open ing over the State, and will need supplies. These school books and supplies can be had at a discount to teachers and dealers. We sell :all kinds of books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & GO., ,ict 4 4m. R A.LEIGH.N. C. .'a. a' ICG. EVANS J WELDON, N. C. Fancy Groceries, Fruits and -)CON FECT Holiday Good. All kind, of 8 Jellies, f ull line L'outectiooeiira ui " XX VIA nili3 API1 flUAiumw. TY n I i V... 1 4c Sole .VW.- OAfiTAi. pi.iir RVK. -w w " KEROSENE OIL The Peerless Wine, '0 WnnannAnflP In Thousands of -Aiuorieao Households. ' SHOULD BE IN" ALL i3UVlVOJLlrvLV 1 unfailing remedy and all their goods are guaranteed to give aatiafaotioo. Home Office, CH0CKOYOTTE, N. C. 'el Vr , RftWSHS Regulator The Beit Liver Medicine. Urreft Packafw on the Market. Oa. Feekaf feeM -..... rj.r "w--2Ja ITJ."Y.- 1 P'UbT,tal.o?il,TIJI! ioc-Uaowo H and Blinds. Stair Work, Hardware."j SHOES BROTH El8 HIOH AKT CLOTHING goa'Miiteed. UNDERTAKING i branches. Metallic. Walnut, Telephone or telegraph messages at- renilen louityor nigm. A 61 u .MM ' 3$ ION E U I KS.- .voting for Cl.rU-. Cuk.s aod Agent For -- CALL FOR IT. 3 CTS. QUART. .... Branoh Wsreheuse, MEMPHIS, TENN. Pries He. frra fot II 00. L.8. ' - Statistics Show Considerable Increase In Human Existence and Fifty Years is Now Con sidered As Middle Age. From statistics and the result of certain changes io the rui'thodi of living we can af.'ly affirm that the span of lile is stead ily lengthening. Thiee thousand year before the Chri.itiun era the average du ration of life was said to be three soore years aod ten. This would make mid dle age oouie at thirty five. Dante con sidered that year the middle of life's arch and Montaigne, speaking for himself at the same period of life, considered his real work practieally ended and proved that he thought be was growing old by falling into the reminiscent age. At the present time fifty years is con sidered as middle age. In the days of the Revolutionary War prominent men at that time were looked upon as old at fifty years. We are justified in suppos ing that the span of human life will be prolonged in the future because the possi bility of liviug to an older age has been demonstrated by the great advauces made iu UKdiciuc aod hygieue duriug the pusi ten years. We have attained a vast amount of knowledge as to the causes of disease, and uew remedies for their successful treatiui'iit have beeo discovered. We have in' ii' w J:. ise, at least, of any serious uliraen r, aud we are better able to treat the old oues, Tliieh, like old foes, appear to us with oew faces. One of the most interesting and trust worthy statements in respect to old age is the report of the habits of centenarians, made soujc years ho by a commission appointed by the British Medical Asso ciation. Without goiug into particular of the different cases, it is valuable to note, geuera Jy, the result of this iovesti gal ion. It stems that most of these old people were small ur medium of stature and of spare habit nl body. The voice was rare ly feeble. Mom ol ihem bad lost their t ieth, but neai'v all ol'them enjoyed good di''esttou. oi.H old man ol uinetv-embt. a o'ergyman, plueiug his hand on the organ io question and saying that be never knew what it was to have a stomach Nearly all of them had enjoyed uninter rupted good heal'h. aod uiauy bad nevei known what it was to be siek. They were all very m idorate io eating, m ist ol them using little animal food Few indulged at all in intniicaiing drinks and those ooly iu notable moderation Tbcytook considerable outdoor exeroise and nearly all possessed the good-natured, placid disposition. Wonderful. Norah, fresh from old Ireland, stared at the baby's toy balloon, which wavered at a place two or three inches higher lhaa her bead and was anchored to the back of a chair. "Tis quare and wonderful entirely," he laid, raising ber hands, "to see it up aod balancin its own self aud it sbtaodin oo a string!" Youth's Companion. in Be summer Of life a woman may find hemlf fading and failing. She doeau't understand it. She goes tn doctun, who treat her for this or for that, but ehe gets no better. 6he grow frail and pale. She can juat "drag about the house," but has no pleaiufe in me. Many such women have Ulcen advant age of Dr. Pieree'a offer of frn contult iim Sy ltitr, and bare been restored by Dr. Pietce'e treatment to per. t'ect health. There ia no anore wonder ful medicine for women than Dr. Pierce'e F ivorite PreK-riutioa. lis action upon the womanly organs ia at slice apparent in the decrease of pain and the in crease of atreneth It cares female weaknaaa and auch diacaaee as take. away the strength and beauty or women. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pieree by letter Aw. All corres pondence private. Address Dr. R. V. Pua-ca, Buflalo, N. Y. I aamnmMed loaae mr wdldae I , a ka4 ooadUloa (x 4fht (tin) and kWr 4aakn ral . writ, alrt. Stt uki., af (l)iln Mofthaoilitoa Co.. N. C. Tbcr aaarK. !" n at Um Booie n U fat I M Ml as Uf . I wu tone dtri la air "i Km" V dran! about lh In ii- tax m! in bmiln of Dr. ritrc Vl nai rraaci4utla lud ve of the 'Ooldtn yMjal Datcwcrr.' and four vial, of tht rl ttu.' Mow I awl Ilka a new woman, and I want tht wwrld kt know U The action of the Favorite Preemp tion " is aaaiated by the use of Pleaaant Pellets " when the bowela are irregular. APPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, Manufacturers of Agricultural implement., ShaiUngi, Mill Wearing, reiiejn, an nmunw Machinery, end Repairs a3 Pesnut Machinery a Specialty. "Tar Not. M AM Old St, Petersburg, Ta. NO SUCH THING AS A TIRED BRAIN. When a Man Thinks His Brain Is Tired, It Is Really Hi Stomach That Is Overfed or Some Other Vital Point That Is Weakened. Kvery man should have impressed upon him the fact that the human brain is capable of absolutely unlimited devel opment. It csn be developed more easi ly, more permanently than the muscles Like the muscles, it is developed by exer cise, but unlike them there is no limit to its possible development and there is no sge limit to the growth of meutal facul ties. If you g i to a certain hotel in Chica go you will God at the door of the large dining room a colored gentleman who takes your hat, uvercoat aod umbrella He gives you no ticket. When you walk out again, to your inteuse amaie tnent he bands you your property, iden tifying you among hundreds of othet guests and immediately associatiog you with the proper hat and coat. In a big store in Twenty-third street. Vew York city, a small oegro lad, 1-1 oi 15 years old, works for a living. One diy at that store this writer asked for 8 buok apparently seldom purchased. Va rious dignified white men were asked about the book. They thought that they did not have it, but to make sure they asked the cjlored boy. Without ii moment's hesitation be pointed out s certain balcony oo the ea-t sido of the store aud tol l exactly where the small volume could be found. Every one ol the thousands of books io tbat store was located in a definite spot in that young negro's mind, despite the fact that hi probably had seen the insi les ol very lew ol the Volumes. The two ioslances quoted are not un usual. They iudicate merely the most supeificial Bort of development of one particular mental faculty, that of recollec tion. A mure remarkable instance ol such development was showu by lluudir, the French prestidigitator. Ho Could pass a shop wiudow coutaioing perhaps scores ol d lfereul articles, cist a glace at the window as he weut by and enumer ate without error cveryihing io it from th it one glance. 8 uue meu leuro a score ir more of languages. Y t the grealo t development of any h'litian braio has never taxed even to the slightest degree the capacity of the mind No matter to what exteot you may tram your mental taoultlei, oo matter how much you may use your brain, you will still be like the man who has spent 5 or 0 oeuts and has a million dollars in the bank We au in-lined in beltevine that we are destiud to marvelous mental achieve ments in the future, when we coosid the instrument of thought that has bees L'iveo to us aud which is so little used at present. A scientist nsmed Meioert calculates that the urav matter of the brain con tains 600,(100,000 cells. This in itself seems quite complicated. If we only had one thought stored sway ia esch cell, we would know quite i good deal. But you must remeniber that each oell is divided into several thousand mole- oules separately divisible. Every one of these molecules oontains many millions of atoms. Unquestiona bly each separate atom plays its psrt in the working of the brain. Figuring on a very modi at basis, you find thst your brain ooolaius 18,000,000,000,000,000,- 000 separate atoms. The theory tbat the atom is an indi visible particle of matter, which is iudi oated by iis came, Meaning uneaiibl-i, is only a theory not by any meal demon strated. Tbi re ia no reason to believe that theie ia any limit to the uuiverse iu the direction of bigoesa or littleness What mill ao atom may be in fffeet an invisible particle of matter or it may be a small universe in itself. However this may be, don't you think that with a braio organised as above you ouht to be able to develop a good deal of mental energy and be quite free from any worry ihnut overworking the machine which has been given to you to do your think ing. When a man thinks his brsin is tired it is really his stomach that is overled or some other vital point that is depleted or overloaded. Keep the rest of your body in good condition, and your brain ever feel any amout of work that you will be able to ive New York Jour nal. Quite Free. "You sketch with a free hand, Miss Brownship," remarked the professor, who hsd been oritioally examining ber port folio. "Botirely free," eaid the young lady as ibe oast down ber eyes in soft eonfu sioa aod waited for tbo professor to fol o up the opening. TOO METKOOS SUGGESTED. One Calls) for Eggs, the Other l)oen Not Take Your Choice. Iu iis ' Hints to Housekeepers" de partment the Philadelphia Heoord gives the following receipe for making kisses : ''Kisses are made by beating the whites of three eggs uutil they are stiff sod flaky; then sift over the eggs three quar ters of a cup of powdered sugar. Mix the sugar iu lightly with a knife. Cover a board with paper, drop the mixture on it by spoonfuls, and place io a hot closet oroven,wiib the door open, for half an hour. Then remove from the oven snd let dry one hour. To make them suc cessfully a moderate beat is required." The individual who eonducts "The Man on tbe Corner" column of the Qer mantown Independent-Gazette declares the above is wrong aod submits tbe fol lowing: A bachelor friend, after reading the above, rises to remark that io an expe rience of some years he has had no occas ion to use eggs in the business or to mix io sny sugar. There is, be says, no use for a knife aud fork, the oven isn't in it, aod tbe door should be shut rather (ban open, with the curtains down. In tact, he doesn't like the recipe, and offers one of his own, which he thinks is much more satisfactory. Now, then, listen : Take one girl. Flump, with a peachy complexion, tender straight nose, ps the color of a ripe watermelon's heart, big brown or delicate blue eyes, and a finely rounded chin. Entice your scarf pin to begin to come out of your neoklie, or ostensibly make a mess of pinning a buttonhole bouquet on the apel of vour ooat. When she oners to help you accept with a look of grateful urprise. Watch your chanoe, and wh"o he strikes a snag io replacing the scsrf piu, or her taper fingers tremble as she tries to adjust tbe boutooniere, when the watermelon lips are at a minimum dis tance, aud the brown eyes are pleadingly aud peisistently looking below the level of yours as if tryiog not to be caught by your gaie " Well, if you don't know the rest, all the newspapers that ever were printed couldn't leach you. LA ORIPFE QUFKLY CURED. In the winter of 1893 and 1899 I was taken down wib a severe attack of what is called La Grippe, says F L llewett, a prominent druggist of Winfield, III. The only medicine I used was two bottles of Cbambi rlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up tbe cold and stopped tbe coughing like maiic, and I have never since been roub'ed with Grippe Chamberlain's Cuugh Remedy can always be depended np n to break up a severe cold snd ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable aod one of the best preparations in use for these ailments. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Willie l'a, what's a fixed star? Pa (formerly an actor) A fixed star, 1 suppose, is one who gets bis salary regu larly. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE Has world wide-fame for marvellous cures, it surpasses any oioer salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for outs, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, TeL ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chsppcd Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible tor Files. Cure guaranteed. Only ioa. W. M. Cohen's drug store. Doctor, don't you think tbat raw oys ters are healthy? Yea I never knew one to complain. FOKOV KK KIKTV YEARS; Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions ol mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind coho, aod is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists tu otcrv part of th? world, ib oeots bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take bo oth er kind. There is a healthful baidineae about real dignity that never dreads contact and oomtnunion with others, however humble. PNEUMONIA CAN BE PREVENT ED. Tbis disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip aod may be pre vented by tbe timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. That remedy was ex tensively used during the epidemics of I La Grippe of the past few years, and not a single case hss ever bean reported that did not recover or that resulted in pneu m -nii, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained a wmld wide reputation for its cure ol oolds aad grip. For sale by W. M. Co ben, druggist. Tbe fi iwer of civilnation is the : fin ished ) the muo of sense; of giaoe of oeocnplishment, of social power tbe gentleman. JUST STARTING IN LIFE. The Great Preacher Lays Down Some Excellent Rules Which Ought To Be Read and Pre served by All Our Readers. Here is a letter which the great preach er, Henry Ward Beecher, wrote te his son who bad just gone from home to be gin business for himself. It ought to be read, clipped out, and preserved by all our readers: My Dear Herbert; You are now for tbe first time really launched into life for yourself. You go from your father's house and from all family connections to make your own way into the world. It is a good time to make a new start, to oast out faults for whose evil you have had an experience, and to take on babiti, the wants of which you have found to be so damaging. 1. You must not go into debt. Make it a fundamental rule cash or nothing. 2. Make few promises. Religiously observe even the smallest promise. A man who means to keep bis promise can not afford to make many. 3. Be scrupulously careful in all statements. Accuracy and perfect frank ness, no guesswork. Either nothing or accurate truth. i. When working for others sink yourself out of sight, seek their interest Make yourself necessary to those who employ you by industry, fidelity aod scrupulous integrity. Selfishness is fatal. 5. Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else ex pects of you. Demand more of yourself than aoybody else expects of you. Keep your personal standard high. Never ex cuse yourself to yourself; never pity your self; be lenient to everybody else. b. Concentrate your lorce on your proper business; do not turn off. Be constant, steadfast and persevering. 7. The art of making one's fortune is to spend nothing. In this country any intelligent and industrious young man may become rich it he stops all leaks and is not in a hurry. Do not make haste; be patient. 8. Do not speculate or gamble. You go to a city where everybody is excited and strives to make money suddenly, largely and without working for it. They blow soap bubbles. Steady, patient in dustry is both the surest and the safest way. Greediness and baste are two devils tbat destroy thousands every year. 9. I beseech you to oorreet one fault seve re speech of others. Never speak evil ef any man, do matter what tbe facts may be. Hasty fault-finding and severe speech of absent people is not hon orable, is apt to be unjust and oruel, makes enemies to yourset and is wicked. 10. If by integrity, industry and well earned success you deserve well of your fellow citiions, tbey may io years to come ask you to accept honors. Do not seek, do not receive them while yoa are young wsit; but when you are estab lished you may make your father s name known with honor in halls of legislation. Lastly, do not forget your father'i and your mother uoa. Dectuse you win be largely deprived of church privileges you need all tbe nerve to keep yout heart before God. But do not despise small churches and humble preachers, ".Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate." Read often the Proverbs, the precepts and duties enjoin ed the New Testament. May your fath er's God go with you and proteot you." Mothers. Mothers are the queerest things! 'Member when John Went away, All hut mother cried and oried Wlmo they said good-by that day. She just talked aod seemed to be Nut the slightest bit upset Wu the only oue who smiled! Others' eyes were streaming wet, But when John oane back agaii Ou a furlough safe end sound With a medal fur bis deeds And without a single wouod, While the rest of us hurrahed, Ltughed snd joked and danced about Mother kiased him, then she cried Cried and eiied lika all git out! E. L. Sabin, in Tbe Century. Nothing ia mora disgraoeful than in sincerity. Te those whose god is honor, disgrace alone is sin. Th s is the ptrlor, eh? tentatively re marked the house agent, who was looking over the heuse. Yes, replied Joote, but I usually call it tbe oourtroom; I've got sevao dsughters, you know, WORKING OVERTIME. Eight hour lawi are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills ' Millions are always at work, night aod day, curing Indigestion, Bil iousness, Coos ipalion, flick Headache, aod all stomach, liver and bowel trou bles. Easy, pleasant, ssfs, sure. Only ?5o. at W. M. Cohen's drug store. ONLY A FEW SAW IT. And when the Star Stood Over where the Young Child was the Wise Men Rejoiced with Exceeding Great Joy. "And when tbe wise men bad beard King Herod tbey departed; and le, the star which they saw in the east went be fore them, until it came and stood over where the youog child was. When tbey saw tbe star they rejoiced with exceed ing great joy." We do not see tbo star. We are too busy with our business; we are involved with other affairs; we do not look out of the window; we do not look forth unto God. It is not dark enough yet to turn our attention away from tbe world lo tbe heavens with their shining lights. We are so anxious to re. cover from aome temporary evil, or some little diffiulty that is of oo special ac count. How few look up iolo tbe heavens. Not oue out of a hundred can tell what now is the evening star or tbe morning star, feople are just as lodiuerent in looking up at the religious heavens as tbey are in looking up to the stars above us. We were crossing the desert years ago from Egypt, and on our way we lost the compass. I think we found it after wards. But we went into camp because we could not tell where we were going, as tbe sky was cloudy. The guide said : "The clouds never remain over tbe skies at night in the desert. Then we will travel by tbe stars. Wbeu I can lee the notth stsr it is just as good to me as a compass." Instead of travelling by day, we travelled through the night and bad the north star for our guide. Did you ever think, io reading tbe story of Jesus Christ, that it wac only a few wise men who saw the star. Ooly a few of us are wise enough now to see that the love of a child is worth more than a fortune. To have tbe family gathered around one's board is a boon more valua ble than all fame or kingdoms. Only very few wise men really see this star. Tho politician is too busy, the merchant is much engaged, the innkeeper is attend ing upon his earthly guests. Of the wise men there were ooly seven. From a sermon by Russell H. Conwell. His Most Useful Book. First Passenger What book has help ed you most in life? Second Passenger The city direc tory. First Passenger The city directory? Second Passenger Yes; I'm a bill col lector. Syracuse Herald. Tbe silence of a friend commonly amounts to treachery. His not dariog to Bay anything in our behalf implies but a tacit censure. Courtesy is a duty publio servants owe to the humblest member of society. Wood's Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to their ailHotatiility to the soil iiml climate of the booth. On our seed farms, and iu our trial tiroiinils, thousands of dollars are t-xpeii'leil in testing and growing the very best seeds that it is possi ble to grow. My our cxperinienta we tire enabled to save our custom ers much expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up tn date, and tells all itluiut'tliK best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other public-minus of its kind in helpful and useful information for Gardeners, Truckers and Farmers. Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers & Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. lAltCST lEEt HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. Q PMS ft 01 AW A WEEK, FOR ABOUT THE PRICE l OF ONE... This Paper and the Atlanta Twioe-A- Week Journal Tor ev vi Here you get the news of the world aod all your local Dews while it is fresh paying very little more than one paper ooets. .hither paper is well worth 11.00 but by special arrangement we are ena bled to put id both of them, giving three papers a week for tbis low price. Besides general ' news, the Twioe-a- Week Journal bas muoh agriculture matter aod other matters of jpeoiaf inter est to farmers, It bae regular eoatribu Uods by Sam Jones. Mrs. W. H. Feiton John Temple Qrayes, Hoi. 0. H. Jordan and other distisguished writers. Call at this ifide aod leave jour sub scriptions tof both- papers. Ye can get a sample copy of either paper here oo application. Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing mure serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangeroua disease ; if not at first, it Very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation ia carried to all nnrta nf til fiv.tpm Salves, washes and spraya are uneatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. a. S. does. It cleauaes the blood of tbe poison and eliminates from tbe system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst cases. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading dry-good, chain of Spartanburg, S. C wrllH : " For ' yean l nau a aeveic case oi nasal Catarrh, with all the disagreeable effects which belong to that disease, and which make life nainful and unendurable. I u.ed medicine, prcacrilied by leading pliv.iciana and suggested oy numbers of frieuda, but without getting any better. I then begun to take R. at 8. It had the desired effect, and cured me afler titkiitir eivhtren bottles. In my opinion B. S. 6. ia tbe only medl clue now in uae that will effect a permanent curt of Catarrh." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known, and the great est of all blood medi cines and tonics. If you have Catarrh don't wait until il becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at once the use of S. S. S., and send for our book on Blood and Skin Disease! and write our physicians about your case, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, SA. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has received the verdict of popular approval a larger sale than any other lard in this country. It is wholesome and absolutely pure. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon are unexcelled in quality, choice flavor and attractive ap pearance. Swift's Products are made under U. S. Government Inspection. , Swift and Company Chicago Kanaal City Omaha St. Louii St. Joseph St. Paul Over 350 Branch Houlea In the U. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY ... LARGEST STOCK In the South Illustrated Catalogue IREE. THE COUPER WARBLE WORKS. (Established 184a) 169 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk Ya aov 9 ly. IIERVITA PILLS Icitor VlUIIty, to Ylfot ill Maih4 Cure Impotency, Kifhl VttfntaBt, txm 6f Mom. err, Hit witi.iu dtiwiet.i .II effoti Off Mlf-tbuM a at oieeaa and IndnKOttoa,! JV A aarv tome tcltpill HJ ih. pink flow to aT ftA iimui ana netorw uil or youth. Br Mill CTR 0, with oar Bankable itiniiUtliim fi th iMit hm. ftur "'Tfi.l and eopr of our banfcabl foanuua bono, NervitaTaUstsSsS (tbllow (.mo) KesatDj Pnaltlvah Variooeal Ival foanntHd nn te Um of Power, oosle. UndnvaioMd or bhrunaan Omni. 'amis, Loooaootor Atuia, Nervous Pruatrm- on, urataria. Viim, Inaaultr, raratyill and tbe Main OI AiniMM va Lmtr ilnm n. Liquor. By mail In pltin packara.wl.OO oi, e (or $6.00 4rHb 00 anSaala ante bond to euro I SO days or rofuaal Boonay paid. Addrsaa ' NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Olnton Jawkaon aXau CHICAGO, IU.' For sale by W. il. Cohen,' Ifeidon N. C. quirk) tcejrtftiri our opinion fr wht iir an Inwittatl Tr,l XmbK. fttiNu'tf ntr. Uotiiitrictiy Conflrtesnt'.-fc Hfrndbrbol oft I'vlvuU 4Wlt flfej, Olrlartt UWJ for fPUtiri IWttUt' . PmtsiiiU uuen thrtmrt. innm Cw. nostra iptcitte nMUt, wtt houi clMrve, U U ;,-8deoiJieji AnfTOtMtifi1fi.T sinh atu! (WnarrlntiAii nil M nation 4l mm HCff loanttO, 4trui. t a vttar : f mir mum, Ii. . L VMavtl M4lU.sf. .etfcvo.l'tcrt t,Waskiftga.S.C. i ; BO'frtAR.' I Mm 1 : . I . '! 1 I. J 1 'J - "