Ij ' 1 Witt wm JOHN "W. SLEDGE, I'Uoimuktor. VOL XXXV. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TBEMS:-i-5o pkr annum in advance WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY. FEBKUARY ill. 1901. NO 43 EST. FRANK T. CLARK CO., (Successors hi Sash, Doors Moulding, Porch Trimmings, Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. IBS,, Fine ltui'drr's Hardware.- PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building Malt-rial of Every iH-s-ripiinn A 0 -in in -rcial Place and 49 Roaouko Avenue, NOliKULK, V.V. jyftly P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. fl, llcr in QeIeML - - - iUqCIHflDISE OK ALL KIMS. ZEiCLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. AsJ'.S.ile Ag -nt in Weldon fnrSTItOUSE (formerly mhl here hy M. K. II irt.) A tit K..5!j3$2S" l?.ISruQ. i,'JQ.qi n C J The Public Schools are now open ing over the State, and will need supplies. These school books and supplies can be had at a discount to teachers and dealers. We sell all kinds of books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., .K-t i 4 n. P, ALEIGH-N. C. fC. G. EVANS,! Pnnmr flrnnpripci Fruits and W 9& J C()XFE0 HON E It I ES.:- Holiday (Joodi. All kinds ol fl Vorinj for Cliri.-: inns Cikis Jellies. Full line ('oiifeclionoiies of all sorts. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. Sole Agent For CAl'ITAL CLUB RYK. - CAM. FOK IT. KEROSENE OIL mm -o..- a.sv si..- & ..a try rfv -fry fry fr The Peerless Wine, In Thousands of American Household. Miiinnftpnftnffi nbi 51 ss til mm SHOULD BE IN ALL VJ Ui-V.WlX.iJll Lil i i?ood are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home Office, CH0CKOY0TTE. N. C. 'ly Th Best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. Ou Pwka( Prle Limited. (,'ioke, ("lurk fi (.) aal Blinds. Stair Work, Hardwood and S II 0 E S WIDTH HUH HIliH ART CLOTHING g'la'iinteeil. UNDERTAKING In ull its brioches M t ill 1 i i-. Walnut, Cloth Covered Caskets anrtCnffliis. Telephone or telegraph messages at- tcmleii to day or night. IB! ' It 3 CTS. QUART. JL unfailing remedy and all theii Branch War-bouse, MEMPHIS. TENN. 'S Tonic S&e. FIt for 11 .00. g-m fkulato A CURIOUS FREAK. SHADOW ON THE WHITE HOUSE. Profile of McKinley and Pic ture of Queen Victoria. Several tioies in the last three years there have been published in the Sun descriptions of the various singular shad ows that have appeared from time to time on the nirth or main pored of the While H-use. Ono of these shadows represen ted the pr tile und h ut form of an old woman, wiih one hand resting on an in-di-linet object, (bat risemhled a spinning! wheel. This shadow, c:ist by the suu's rays shilling through the railing, which is a pari of li e Colonial stiuelure at ihc top of the u an.si-n, appearet d lily at a cer tain hour fur (wo or lime week-; and ns it was about that tine that President McKinley s mother died, the phcnouie- non niadii a deep impression oo many superstitious persons. List fall another shadow appeared and it required no ctf.nl of the imagiua lion to recnguizi it as a human forearm and hand, wiih bent forefinger upheld in the altitude of warning or reproach Superstitious folks who saw it every day for a f iruiighi orso agjiu had a chill while 01 hers rem irked facetiously thai the incident ought to be a comlort to ih ami-iuiperi ilisis who have s long been p eiieiinK cilamity. li the public has regarded these publications in the Sun is liclne; ot a myllilcal order or mere 'shadow" stones, the ai5 lavils of all th. messengers und guards at the Whit House can bebrnuht forward to sub slanliate them. The latest uianilesialiin of freak ill nesson the VVhite House ponico appear ed today. The sun was shinioir bri-htlv nd at 10 minutes before 1 o'clock shadow of nondescript fo'iu appeared ou the-ieat pillar at the extreme northwest c-rner ot me portico, il soon took on detiuile sb ipe, and at 1 o'clock repre sented the face and shoulders of Presi dent .McKinley in pn fi e. The silhouette was so sliikiu- in ils aceuracy that many mrs-os who saw il remaikid thai a more eorreol profile drawing of Mr. McKinI c-uid not be made by any anist. The likeness was o it a coin cl one for more i lien 2 luinole.H It tzradu illy chaogud ii h the alii'iin- p' sii.in of I lie sun, and at 10 miuuiesp-si 1 o'clock hadassuu-id a reiuirlably perlect likeness to the face d ihc laic Qieeu Vietolia, even to an o' jeet ou ll e head retembliiig a cn wi I'his likei,cs lasiid for two or three ruin utes, and then gradually disappeared I wo hours later the same succession ol shadow-portrait appeared on the n-rth east pillar, at the opposite side of the portico, 40 feet away. N. Y. Sun. Ten Things fur tthiih You're Never Sorry. Doing good lo all. Speaking evil of none. Thinking before speaking. Holding an angry tongue. Hearing before judgiug. Being kind to the distressed. Asking pardon for wrong. Being patient wilb others. Stopping the ears to a tale bearer. Pishelievin-.' most of the ill reports. the; FARMER WORMS HARD Por living. He has to. He must "make hay while the sun sliim-a," no nuitter how he feels. The result is over work. The stomach usually give the firit sign of strain. The organs of diges tion and nutrition are deranged, hood does not nourish. Indigestion nppcara. In such a caw Dr. Tierce's lloMen Med ical Wsccivc.7 n--tiiMislies the health by a conipiaie one of the d!isr.lo!Kaiii of digestion and nutrition. It cisunses Oie stomach, puriftea the blood and re moves the causes of disease. It is a tcmperaooe medicine, and contains no whisky nor alcohol. I n Wooblfd wllli twHirwtloii for alwut Iwo Cr," wrM Wra B..wker. Kl . of Juliartte. itak Co Idalio. I trwtl diffcreut doctor ud rrmoUr but to no anil. mUi wroU to Pr. rtrt and he told m wht to do. I nurrered with a pla In my aloniaeh and Iclt ante and thouahlTl would kill m. 1 am lad lo write and eyu know that 1 am all rtelit. I can do my work now wtlhoul pain aud I don't h that rad fMlina tliat 1 utd to have. Fle bcatlca of Dr FiWl OJiltn Mfdical Ulaeovtry and two viala of hla ' Pleasant ITlIttn' cured mf." Sick people can consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All correspondence private. A, Mr- Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. APPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements, Shaftings, Mill Hearing, pulleys, All kinds ol Machinery, and Repairs si Pessnt Machinery I Specialty. No). 93 a 34 Old 81., Petersburg, Va. THE GRAND OLD HYMN. ' NEARER MY GOD TO THEE. The Hymn was Written Ly an English Oirl Who Did Not Live to Know the (Jlory That Awaited it. As a writer, as a poet, there were lew in the literary world of Loudon (in the forties) who had not heard of Sarah Flower Adams, the gifted woman whom sil Christendom today pays boia age in ils I ivo for her iinm trial hymn fearer, Sly (Joii, lo Thee, writes Clifford Howard in the February Ladie Home Journal. "It was written in 1840 and had subsceju ntly been set to music by K izi Flower, and included in a oollec. Hon of hymns written and composed by the two sisters: 0 ily wilhin that year had liuir bonk of 'Hymns and Anthems occn puo'isncu, ana ine liyinn in.it was destined to inspire the world bad then been heard bul once or twice, and with in the walls of a single church Soutl Palace Chapel, London. "It was not, however, until after tli. year 180U, when the present well know tune was composed for it by Dr. Lowell Mason, of New York, that the hymn at tuined its wide-spread popularity. Up lo mat time u nail atiracieil out little no lice. Thruuuli the spirit of Dr, Masons sympathetic1 music it was quickened in in glorious life, a-id brought within tht reacn or every congregation aud every Christian soul. But this was long after the author of I lie hymn had passed away She died in 1844, without knowing ol the triumph and I lie glory that awaited her work. Her grave in the little vtl luge or npr Dinn is unmarltea oy any m oiument in hr fame." run ciohi:tik. I'm a niodt-l ciari-llc, Just a lillle lliitig, anl yet They Hold me up Tu the indignation 0: the world As a crime I'uwliipt of Justice; And tl. ey pinch me in the slats Cause I he nice young man in spals Treads The primrose path Ol' Jali nice Wiih me, tire, aiding My lotiis-iulling fragrance I hioiigh his immature Luous and Lights and Liver, And congesting His delicate mucous membrane And his sensitive hioticllial tissues tt iih my inhalations; tVhich is not my fault of course, When he coughs aud shows up hoarse Becausd If he smokes me, li is my bounden duty To return the coaipliment By smoking him. 1'hen they slug me without truth, Saying 1 corrupt the youth Of the lowly and the highly kind the same, And they say I have a smell Which is something worse than well, I ui not bad enough to mention such a name. Furthermore, 1 am charged witb High crimes and misdemeanors, From color blindness To locomotor ataxia, From pipes To paresis, A-id they jump on me like sin, And they call the lawyers in; Boi, darn it all, I niu't to blame, Am I ? They don't have to Smoke nie Uulcss they want to, Do they ? Confound ihetu, Thcj b;-;in it, Don't they ? I'm a linle cigarette, Very liltle, and I'll let Them alone If they'll Let me alone; But Il'lhey fir-" me up, you bet Thev will fiud a cigarette, In the course ol lime, will get Tke bst of them and yet It is out the cigarette That la raising All the row, Is it? William J. Li npton, in N. Y. Sun. Probably Jonah had no idea that hi' wife wou'd believe him when he told her where he had been, snyway. After he has been married three years the average man can fool bis wife as easi ly as he used to fool his mother. Probal ly a woman oould sever tell whether she dresses most to tiokle the men or lo make the othet Women aad. 1 THE WOMEN. A HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW A Writer's Prediction on the State of Affairs when An other New Century Rolls Around. This is what a wriier in one of ihc Knglish magazines predicts will be the state of ulf iirs when another ucw century rolls around : "By that time women will be a I six feet in hi ighl, many ol them considera bly over, while the average height of man will be five feet Doihing. Woman will be simng and lusty; and broad, and heavy in build, and will be very proud uf her large fuel, thick wrists, powerful limbs and great muscular development while men will have grown vain i.f iheir trimly-corseled waists, nice pink-aud ...l.:. I . " . l r i wiu'e complexions ana son, gentle voices, ''Love will not have been completely done away with, though seDiimcnt will have given w..y to common sense Every woman will bo required to marry and support two husbauds, one of wbotu must be a useful, domesticated creature, caps ble of tending the children and looking after the household (while the wife is away iu the city earning good nioory to keep ihe home together,) and the other will be a better-looking, und therefore more ornamental creature, (not a 'general utility' man like the 'housekeeper') whose duiies will be to Bet as cuspniion i l 'gentleman-help to the uii.lress snd ruler uf the mansion, and keep things up to the mark generally. "Women a century hence will all wear 'bloomers,' both literally and figuratively peaking; any woman transgressing hy ap pearing in a long-tailed skirt will be con demned to act as public, street scavenger for as long a period as the local eouneii shall determine. Woman will also Wear a moustache, and the faces of m m will radually beooiue smooth. Couks will nn looker bo at a premium, as tiny ta bloids of food will take t lie pi ice of I In elaborate dishes of the past. We shall he able to get through a six-cmrse dm- ucr in about two minulrs, a tabloid fut ach course, or, if we prefer it, wo can ave, mullutu in parvo, a tabloid with everything compressed and oondensid into one harmonious whole " PNEUMONIA CAN Bli PHK VENT ED. This dUea-c always results from a cold or no attack of the grip and may be pre vented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Beruedy. That remedy was ex- nsively used duiiug the epidemics ol Li Grippe of t lie past few yours, and ool a single case has over b.'en reported that lid ool recover or that resulted in pneu- m oiia, which shows it to be a certain preveii ice of that dangerous disease. hjiohei lam Cough Remedy has ghineil a weilrt wi.ie reputation for its euro ol no ds ami trip. For sale by W. .M. Co hen, druggist. A man never lakes out a life insurance policy t'. r his wife without Woudering whether he isn't pulling away good m niey for some other man. LA GRIPPE QUI 'KLY CURED. In the winter of 18118 and 1899 I six taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe, says F L Hewett, a prominent druggist of Winfie'd, III. The only medicine I used was two bottles td Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Il broke p the oold snd stopped the coughing liks magic, and I have never sinco been troub'ed with Grippe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to' break up a severe cold and ward ff any threatened attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, ton, which makes the most desirable and one of tho best preparations in use for these ailment-. For sale by W. M. Cohen, drungist. A woman's dollies has uiore to do iih her religinn lhau lir religion has lo o with her cloihes. POHOVKK HK1V VIOAK .Mrs. Winslow's Smithing Syrup has been used for over fifty years hy millions ol mothers lor children, while teetliiug, will, perleot success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Sometimes you see a woman who is too much of a lady to remember that she is anything else. $500 KKWAUI). We will pay the above reward for any case ol Liver Complaiut, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Coitiveiiesa we cannot cure with Liverta ih.-up.to di'e Liltle Liver Pill, when i he ilireetions are strictly ootnplied with I'll y are purely vegetable, and never fail to give s ii i-f, iction. 2"io. boxes contain 1UU Pills, lOo boxes ooutaiu 40 Pills, 5c, boxes oontJin 15 Pills. Beware of sub stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail: N KB. VITA iUlllOALCd., J Cor. Clinton and J .ok son S.a . V.WuJ III, jy 19 lv For sal by W. H. t'oueu, Weldoa, N. C. A STUDY ORINKLES. TO BANISH CARES AND DREADS. A Pretty Little Sermonette by the Richmond News. Once a man and a woman loved each other and were married. In the course of time troubles came upon them and the man went home at night with bis heart heavy with the burdens of the day and fears for the morrow. And the woman perched herself on the arm uf his cbair aud with womanish wiles and foolishness incited him to laughter sod with warm soft lips kissed away the wrinkles gath ered on his forehead aud coaxad his soul to harbor Courage and Hope, banishing the cares and dreads. The woman as the years went by be came Worn and wearied with child bear ing and caring, with the sorrows the years bring to all lives and the more racking troubles the days bring to a woman's life. Then the man kissed her tenderly and told her that be loved ber and the foot prints of pain and worry were smoothed from ber face. Her heart was filled witb light aad musio and beauty like a cathe dral at a festal lime when the organ leads a great congregation in Te Deua Lauda mus, snd the sound of solemn and splen did exultation rings from flior to dome. For when a woman loves aud knows she is loved ber soul can koow no hunger and the uufadiog radiance of that ono truth weaves rjinhow glories even into the mist of her bitterest tears. And at the end one of them died no matter which one. The living looktd upon the qui -1, while face of the dead and saw upon it the marks of time and toil aud grief, perhaps, but none placed there by him ur her, as the case might b. I be liviug one knew then that death separates but cannot desiroy, that between the heart yet beating and the stilled heart there remniied a connection never to be broken, diMiuct but baffling t he senses to comprehend, elusive, impal. pable and beautiful as the track of moos- iiiihl along the surface of a placid sea. the man ana the woman whose love and care and thought are to smooth the wrinkles from each other's faces may be poor in all else, but in that one thing they are magnificently rich and enviable, No ill turn of fortune can deprive them of that inestimable prise. Even the darkness of death itself cannot shadow its beauty nor dim its light, for its mem- ries in shining thousands throng the path of thought from the earlier to (be later days, and glorify lbs humblest snd most sorely bruised heart. OWED TO Till: GRIP. Cold that makes you rear and rip, Quinine with a fiery nip, Boiliug drinks to sip snd sip, Lemonade and high-spiced flip, Back that aches from neck to hip, Swollen nose and puffy lip, Head that seems to go ca-tipp ! Pulse that shows a lively elip, Strength that swift sway doth slip, Feet that stumble, stub and trip, Knees that toward each other dip, Gait that rolls ss if on ship, Tongue that's furry to the tip, Still mure quinine, 'nother dip, It's the grip I Cleveland Plaindealer. EVIDENCE OF ENTIRE SOBRIETY. The policeman had given his testimony which was unqualified to the fact of the old gentleman's intoxication. Then the old servsnt was called to the witness box l Here was a ruioiiiecl expression ot in. dignation and determination on his Ouun- tcoance. He testified flatly to the sur prise ot the couit, that the old man was sober when he came home. The Muiiis- ua.e proceeded to question the witness: "You say that Mr. was sober when he ca.ue home?" "Yes, sir ' "Did he get to bed sUil?" "No, sir " "Did you put him to bod ?" "Yes, sir " "And he wns perfectly sobel?" Yes, sir " "What did be say when you ut him tolled?" "He said, 'Good night ' " "Anything else ?" "Yes sir." "What was it? T il us exac'l; what he said, every word." "He said as how I wasto wake him and eall him early, for he was to be the Queen of May.'" The old man was fined. The King. WORKING OVERTIME. Eight hour laws are ignored by tboss tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills .Millions are always at work, night and day, curiog Indigestion, Bil iousness, Cons ipation, Sick Headaohe, and all stomach, liver and bowel trou bles. Easy, plewaot, safe, sura, Only 25o. at W. M. Cohen s drug store. Th n,,l J"u " O""""" g that kissing wdasgorous.il by, showing bar, RAM'S HORN BLASTS t READ AND REFLECT. Warning Notes Calling The Wicked To Repentance. Tho only way to have the very prosent help is to have the ever present Helper, The preacher who thinks only of prun ing flowers of rhetoric will pluck little of tighleousncfs. Sculs are not saved by slovenly ser vice. Probably Paul was a D. D. before he was oonverled. lie who takes all lie can get often gets more than he can take. Every man has bis own imago. When love calls His Lord there is no sweeter word. The magnified church will often mean the minimiud Christ. The preacher's oratory in the sanctu ary must fail unless prayer has its oratory iu bis soul. Heaven may include earth. The dance is the devil's litany. You can never teach a toad to trot. There is much difference between be ing washed white and being white-wasb- ed. Thero is much difference between the tally cards of earlb and those of heaven. When men serve us well, we must, not worship them but God who made them His iosiruments. Jacob had to give up his cunning, Job his goodness, and Peter his strength bo- fore they got a blessing. They who keep near the Good Shep herd do not know that thero are either dogs who guard or wolves wbo attack. There is a good deal of difference be tween seeking to have the truth on your side and seeking to be on the side of truth. The pre-cription fir salvation must have an application as well as an under standing before healing is found. Patriotism is based on principles. Restraining prayer is relaing care. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE Has world wide-fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any olher salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin E'uplions; Infallible for Piles Cure guaranteed. Only 25o at W. M. Cohen's drug store. COULD TAKE A HINT. It was late, but he still lingered. "I have been tryiog to think," the young woman remarked after a pause in the conversation, "of the motto of Ihe state of Maine." " 'Dirigo.' " said young Spoonamorc, reaching lor bis Bat, 'and I will go, but it will always be a consolation," he added with a profound bow, "to koow, Miss de Muir, that you once called me 'dearie!' " Wood's Seeds nre grown and selected with special reference to their adaptability to the soil und rliniiite of the South. On our seed fiirms. and in our trial grounds, thousands, of dollars are oxieti'U-il in tostiiitr und growing tile very best seeds that it is possi ble to grow. Hy our experiuients e ine t-imliled to snve our custom ers much expense and loss from piiiiiliiig varieties not adapted to tun- Southern soil mid cliumte. I Wood's Seed Book for 1901 iu r.,11.. .... .1..... i .ii ,1 - ,oo, tljf in UUIO, HIIU IC1IH Hil nboiit Ihe best Seeds for the South. It nui pusses all other pub lications: of ils kind iu helpful and useful information for Gardeners, Truckers and Farmers. Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers & Merchants, R1CHA10ND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. 3 PAPERS A FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF ONE . . . This Paper and the Atlanta Twioe-A- Week Journal for Here you get the news of the WO! Id fresh snd all your local news while it is paying very nine more man one paper coots. Either paper is well worth II 00, but by speoial arrangement wa are ena bled to pnt in both of them, giving three papers a week tor this low prioe. Besides general news, the Twioe-s-Week Journal has muoh agricultural matter and other matters ol speoial inter est to farmers. It has regular contribu tions by Sam Jones, Mrs. W, H. Felloo, John Temple Graves, Hon. C H. Jordan and other distinguished writers. Call at this offioe sod leave your sub scriptions, lor both papers. Yon can get t sample oopy of either piper ber en application.' ' SO THE OFFSPRING i OF HEREDITARY I BLOOD TAINT. Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood Poison and Consumption. The parent who 19 tainted by cither will see la tht enihi the same disease manifesting itself iu the form of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak eyes, offensive sores and abscesses and of- tt-iitimcs white swell- lng sure siens St Scrofula. There mav benoexternalsiL'iisfiirX VTC t a lung time, fur the disease develops slowly in some cases, but Ihe poison Is in the tiiooil and will break out at the first favor able opportunity. 8. S. S. cures this wast ing, destructive disraie by first purifying and invigorating the whole system. J. M. Sral., lis Pulillc Square. Nahvlll,Tena, snys : 1 en yram nco my ilaiihtrr (ell and cut rier forehead. From lltifl wouud the alande on the side of her face Iwrameswollen and txirMed. ... , .....ii.it.v uu liic oiiHin nun ai mil iiihd home or the best doclora here anil elaewhere attended her without any benefit. We decided tn try S. &. S.. and a fp h..,il.. h. tlrely." makes new and pure blood to nourish and strengthen the body, and is a positive and safe cure lor Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleausea the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or vour child has inherited some blood taint, take S. S. 8. and ret the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and write our physicians about vour case. We make no charge whatever for medical advice. IHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. OA. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Lard is used, in one way or another, in the prepara tion of nearly every meal. Its effect on your food is noticeable, and it should always be of the best quality procurable. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has attained its great popu larity because the quality never varies. It is the stand ard lard of America. Ask your grocer for Swift's Silver Leaf. You will find it thoroughly satisfactory. Swift and Company Chicago St. Louii Kansas City St. Joteph Omiha St. Paul Over 350 Branch Houses Id tht U. 8. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY th FREICHT anoCUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In the South V Illustrated Catalogue FREE. -HI BTHE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank st, Norfolk Ta ot 9 It. IIERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality. Lest Visor i Manas. Curslmpotsner. Nla-M Kmlaaiona, Lou of lien. urr, an waanna aiaeaaM.i all effeeteot acll-abuas or I OO .Vf lim tonto ndl lAtixceai ana ina aemtinn I PILLS oiooa Duuaer. nrinnl tlie sink mlam mTJ ehsaki and mtoraa thai CO flra of youth. Br mkl Hon m1 CTS. hot. 0 bofas (or or rafuad tha nonay paid, T&od (, elraulu swsaebaad, . ISVlaaaaa a . .. osllow LAaaM . -- "' oaltlvslv narantm) enra for Loss of Power, arioiwolj, UndereloMHl or KhrankM Otaana, areaia. Locomotor Alalia, Nerr raa Prrotray Rmralta ( Ki.l.. ."" . , ' ' i.nq vniuin ue Liquor, Bv mtll In man vu-ktm. (1.00 a OOI, 0 for tS.OO Wtkh nnrWUI. snonay paid. Address . . NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jaoksmn St. CHICAGO, iu.' For sale by W. M. Cohen, Ifaldoo N. C. lvkA444 BO YEARS' v w. V.EXPERIENCB D r itjH Covr:iaHT Ac. AnTonaamidlns aaVMeh and ileK.Tln-i nn, iilc-kl j a.certnm our ,UnKn r,M . , rl" , J liireiillon la nmhnl.lr nnlwiahla -,.n.li -n,i ". IhnaatrtrllrniiirMMiital. lUiiliH-ne i I- . ii ewrt frea. OMnat aaHiirv f,ir atHU; yu1! i i I'alent. laknn tlirounh Kin,,,, a . reco;,. a ... . a fisnSamaelr ninatralaS mWt.- Iwt etr. uIukiii irf anr aMuiuao InanS i?l a .. Wat wmr i rour noiuaa, fi. 'r.wmfi. t hfiMil ft U8. 8 Salt wawiVt:tra. '.U t. aw ' HOn

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