JOHN" W. SHiEIDO-E, proprietor. A. IN" 3U "W SP APEB FOR THE PEOPLE TBEMS:-i'5 per annum in advance VOL XXXV WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 4. 1901. NO 49. ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARK CO.,,.;, , (Successor Id Cooke, ('I nk & Co.) Sash, Doors and Blinds. Mouldings, Stair Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. IgjulMM! Builder's 1 1 aril ware. "a PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building .Material of Every Description. 2d C"iuu)-:rcial Place and 411 11 anokc Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. Jy iy HOME COURTESY. THE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE. What a Great Pity That Every Home in the Land Could Not Be Conducted in the Same Wav. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in (jElEIL iUqCMflDISE OK Al.L KIM'. ZEICLER& BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES I-.-tole Agent in Weldon for 8TROUSE BROTHERS HICK ART CLOTMNO (Formerly (.old here by M. F. Hart.) A tit guaranteed, j-" UNDERTAKING VW''TF III all it-branches Metullie, Walnut, JKif-efc ' ' " yJl-M J Cloth Covered Caskels and Collins. Z&'gsz&L'f Telephone or telegraph meiwngcs at- gggg&jjF&SiSS tended to day or night. ..... 00 .0000.m0 .ST 'at fit i I D. A.SMITII. -DEALER IS- '! Mposii WlaBS i Mi Hi It 1). A. SMITH. WKLDOX. X. C JK & tj AND A COMPLETE LINE OF Headquarters f..r Green Uroccries and fn-li meals of nil kinds. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE in any part uf town. Call to fee n.e, Tl.n e dou- Mow postnffic Arriving one nfterooon at a email town, a spoaker was met by the President of the local W. 0. T. U., u soft voiced wo man, aith a young face under silvered air. As tlie two ladies, were riding along thu shady slivet, pupils from the public school be.'.an to throug I he aide-walks At a crosiiiL', a bright-faced boy, ab u' ten years old, stood waiting for the tudiuh to pass, and lil'ied liis cap with a courte ous gesture and sunny smile. The hostess leane d fnui I lie earriiigt with a pleasint greeting, and the pray oap covered the brown curls again as they drove on. "One ul your Sunday school class? ' TcDlured the speaker. "No," replied the husleas, "my only son, Harry " As they approached the home, they Dearly overtook a youoij girl of about fourlcen and a middle-aged man, walk ing briskly. The man was listening in a deferential way to the "iri s merry chat ter. At the L!ate they paused, tbo man lilted uts hat in a parting salutation, as he held the gate for the girl to precede bin, then bowing, he passed on, as if hurried, not obseiviug the approaching carriage. This is our home; that is my husband going to his office," said the hostess. "And you have another guest or is the young lady a caller?" asked the speaker. "That is Margaret, our oldest child. She and her father are great chums," re p'ied the hostess. At the daintily appointed tea tabl the youugest child, u bashful girl of Be -en or eight years, bad the misfortune to drop and break a fragile piece of ohina Her face crimsoned with distress, and the violet eyes lifted to her mother's face Were large with gathering tears. The speaker winced, dreadiug discordant nolii where all had been harmonious. "I hope they will only send her away in dis gracepoor liitl-j thiug!" her thought ran Bui even ai she thought, ilh per fect courtesy the mother spoke the same conventional words of reassurance which she would have used had the honored eucst broken the cup. Seeing the quiv ering lie or her cherished child her tuet from God she added, softly "Mother knows jou are sorry, dearest. Just let it paMS, and overcome it;" while the father, with ready tact, engaged the speaker in conversation. The speaker was charmed The New Crusade. We are ulad to know that it is no longer fahiooable to call people lazy they are only lakmir the "rest cure. '.fy? '(!,' 'iv 'iv i. ' ' " ,u; 1U.U, M AH 0,8 3$ WKLUON, N.C Fancy Groceries, Fruits and ; W -53CON F EC HON K R I KS.5- jr Holiday tioods. All kinds of flavoring for Christmas Cakes and Jelliea. Full line Confectioneries of all s.irt. OLD WINKS AND Bit AX I) IKS. Sole Agent For $$f CAPITAL CLUB nYK. - CALL FOK IT. KEROSENE OIL 3 CTS. quahi The Peerless Wine, VAiinnnrmnn J Ki STsTMry, i iiiiiii i mini' ,:, ttirf In Thousands ol American Households. SIIOUI-.D BE 1 1ST ALL "Ot a T7-rTnrT3V'd'byGRRETTC0j JDJri.Vl.OiLLIi J- unfailing remedy and their goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home OSoe, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. itr Branch Warehouse, ST. LOUIS, MO. 'S Tonic Regu lator The Bst Liver Medicine. Largest Packaee on the Market. Ou r-k PrlM Hva for l Oft David HowlU, Ser.ntoi,. Pfc. "' ? ' ""7 "L ibfc U IF Ui WM i niynrwiw. " t& ntlrelr.' blOWN HV MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. The sun shines bright in our old Kentucky home; 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay; The corn top's ripe and the meadows in the bloom, While birds make music all the day. The young folks roll, on the little cabin floor, Anil merry, all happy, all bright; By'm by hard times come a-knockin' at the door Then, my old Kentucky home, good night ! CHORUS. Weep no more, my lady; oh, weep no more to-day ! We'll sing one song for my old Kentucky home, For my old Kentucky home far away. They hunt no more for the 'possum and the coon, On the meadow, the hill and the shore; They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon, On tho bench by the old cabin door; The day goes by, like a shadow o'er the heart, With sorrow where all was delight; The time has come when the darkies have to part; Then, my old Kentucky homo, good night ! The head must bow, and the back will have to bend, Wherever the darkey may go; A few more days, and the troubles all will end, In the field where the sugar-cane grow. A few more days to tote the weary load, No matter it will never be light; A few more days till we totter on the road, Then, my old Kentucky home, good night ! OLD FRANK JOHNSON. FURTHER REMINISCENCES OF THE FAMOUS EBONY HUED MUSICIAN, Recollections of His Band in The Cape Fear Section "Befo' de Wah" Colonel waddell ana JJr. Kingsbury Become Reminiscent. middle ef the county road in a sort of fren- DEATH AT A WEDDING. ADDRESS ON MATRIMONY. LAID TO REST UNDER MAGNOLIAS. A Pathetic Tragedy of the War Between the States. pin iltm Bread Can't lie nyk hy foul hands and clean, pure I loo.! can't be maile by a foul stom ach. The IjLhhI is miide by the stomach nm organs of digestion and nutrition. w nen inese arc diseased tliey contami nate every drop of blood made from the food they act upon, and tins contami. nation ia car' ned throuun the whole body. It may settle In the liver, kidneys, heart or lungs but the root of the diaeaae ia in the storr. ich. Cure the stomach and yen curt the diaeaae. Dr. Pieree'a Golden Medical Discovery cures diaeasea of the organs of digestion and nutrition perfectly and )eriiiaiiently. It purifiea the Mood, and w by curing the cause of disease, curt j mef forms of disease in nrimns remote from the stomach. For lite p iitxtrf u yt&n I have had torpid liver and Imli.onion anil tried many doctor. anl ptenl mrdkinm but I could not cl cure." wntw Mr. SLiK-on Si(tK. of Clv.l. A.bim P.r lull la "Three moiitlino ' Ihoufhl I would trv'p'r R V I'icnf. Col.leo Medical IXarovery and hi. ' 1'lMMiit l'cllrn ' 1 " t"l" of ...,i i rmvivM a a-,md remit In a week, and livrtav I am cured aound and wall. The lymp. 'wr roat.-o tonruc, apet. belort tnc aye., had Lite In I. e mouth, lired feeling, a reeling or dread or headache, yellow akin, etc Theae avmrtoma did not all appear at once. II f.nn, .rh trouhlea will take Doclot pierce', llolden Medical Ul.coenr and 'Plr,i. anl Pellet.' a. directed In pamphteta wrapping bottlea. they will bring lakk I he bloom ol lllc It did with me " f) Dr Pieree'a Pleaaant Pellets cure bik louaness and sick headache, BEST FOR THE nnuiri C UUWCLO rrajuUr, healthy mo t wont ef iht i ..M ltaan l ft sr.:: : iVana b. '. r -re. 'i-r lv' r. . . Jin t,r iiill iiitl, " aanitrroup. Tile .month m;.tlorrirlay 01 aMiiiuB ""' CANDY CAT FM like candt pit, rmrino tr w toki, KEEP YOUR-BLOOD CLEAN Seeing the article about "Old Frank Johnson's Band," written by Frank S. Woodson, editor of the Newport News Herald, a few weeks ago, Hon. B. F. rady, of Turkey, sent it to the Vv il- mington Messenger together with the following note which explains itself: I enclose to you for publication a clip- wbich a few of us older ones have read with unusual interest and pleasure, and which I think hundreds of your readers would delight to read. This ac count of Old Frank Johnson is deficient hat it leaves out his career in the Cape Fear section, and w my little company of readers decided to ask you to get Col Waddell or some other com petent reconteur to supply the deficiency na bupplement to Mr Woodson a ac- oounl. My wilo thinks, too, mai uiu Frank played in Clinton after the date of his death as here given. Yours very iruly, 13. F. GRADY. Turkey, N. C, Feb., 26, 1901. Acting on the suggestion of Mr. Grady the Messenger renusted Hon. A. M. Waddell to wiile his reminisceuces ol "Old Frank Johnson,'' which be did, as follows : Tin. r.,il,,win" article waa banded to .... Q . . . i . r l.l .. me with tlie request uiai i wumu .up plement it with some of my own remi- n;n,.u ,.f oni.l Frank Johnson." and in compiyinji with the request it ia dilli cull to ay whether the disposition to laugh or to weep predominates. Uld Frauk's career waa by no means conhned in th Roanoke and Warrca sections ol the Slate. He lived for some time in Wilmington, and, I thiuk, died here, or very soon after he left here, ror some years prior to lfc52 ha played at the com mencement tails at the University, when the dining room of Miss Nancy Hilliard's bolel was used for the purpose, and refer ence to ibis was made in my centennial oraiien at the Univer.ity in 1895. His band'' sometimes went out of the Stale to play for balls and parties one notable occasion being the marriage of a Raleigh genileman in South Carolina in 1857 at whioh I, with three or four other Wil- min.'ionians, all of whom are dead, eiatid as gioum.-men. Old Frank usual- Iv wo'o a aloveniDe hai. a stock of the old kind instead of a cravat, and a spike tail roat with brass bultoBs, and waa very dignified and formal, but possessed the characteristic humor of his race. Noth ing excited hi' enthusiasm so much good dancing not walking through the figures of a cotillion or reel, but that combinati' n of agility and grace which Bonamuled I he id al in Ins day, and wsa the despair of the clumsy or awkwaid beau. The sight ol such a dancer gate new life to bia fi.ldli low, nnd f Hurled from bin gleeful laughter and audible expiations of delight while he played To call what he and bis ''band extracted from their instrumcais, music, in any Other arose than may be applied to an live'y aod stirring sounds from fiddlea and ootave Bules, would be to lha last degree provincial oaw-a-days, but they could play the dance musio of their time ia the rural districts better than any one else so well indeed that it waa difficult for any one to keep si ill while it waa go ing on. Ilia piece da resistance was "Clear tbo Track," which he and his asn, John, played better, I verily believe, thai anybody in the world. lis effect waa electrical, When ordered to Chat ham oouniy lo raise a company ia 1861, I hired Old Fraok'a band lo go with me to atir up the boys, and some of the scenes that eisued have never been parallelled in my experience. They were paroxysms of revelry, during which patriotism was at fever beat, but in many cases the fever oooled off wilh the eeaeation of muiio, as was illustrated in one case by t atrapping young fellow who, after daooing in the Recalling (he historio incidents clus tering about South Carolina's executive mansion, Mra. Tbaddeus Hoitoo wiites in The Ladies' Home Journal of tb shocking tragedy that occurred there to ward the close of lha war. This was the death of the daughter of Governor Pick ena immediately after her marriage to Lieutenant Le Rochclle. "On the after noon preceding tba evening of the mar riage the northern army began shelling Columbia, but preparaliona for the wed ding continued. "Finally the guest were all assembled, and the clergyman was proceeding wilh the solemn ceremony and bad just joiaed the right bands of the happy pair when suddenly there was an awful crash, and a ball from the enemy's cannon penetrated the mansion and burst in the middle of the marriage chamber, scattering its death dealing missiles in every direction. There were screams and a heartrending groan, women fainted and walls rocked to and fro. "When the first confusion was over, it wai discovered that in all the crowd only one peraon waa injured, and that was the bride herself. She lay partly on the floor aod partly in her lover's arms, orushed and bleeding, pale, but very beat' Is Founded On True Affection There Is No Lottery In It. SOLEMN AND SACRED COMPACT. Sores and Ulcers never become chronic It is Often Said That Marriage unless the blood is in poor condition is a Lottery, But If It Is the nnisons that aeetimnlate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy At the recent wedding in London of tenii s.s.s. begins the cure by firstcleans- Msj-Oen. R. I'ole-Carew,who won dis- ing and invigorating the blood, building the system CONSTANT DRAM all morbid, . . .- effetematter. OTaitm. When this has leen accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. I tis the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, though your constitution has broken tiful.her bridal gown drenched with iy, excused himself for not enlistinz with "arm blood and a great cat in ber the pathetic remark that he was anxious breast. as any man to fight for his country but "Laying her on a lounge, the frantio w that he "had a powerful misery in his 1 bridegroom besought her by every term breast and was badly corrupted." I of tenderness and endearment to allow I think the first time I ever heard Ohi I the ceremony to proceed, to which she Frank was at a Sound party at Wrights-1 weakly gave oonseot, and, lyiig like ville. Having for a partner in the dance crushed flower no less white than the a very spirited and pretty girl, we both I camellias of her bridal bouquet, her lapered ao vigorously that the old fellow I breath oomiog in short gasps and the rose irom nis seat wttn the bddle still blood nowiog lrom this great, angry wound, she murmured 'yes' to th olergy man and received her husband's first kiss. A moment more aod all was over. "She was laid to rest under the mag nolias, and the heartbroken bridegroom, reckless with despair, returned to bis Chronic Constipation Cured The most important discovery of recent years is the positive remedy for constipation. Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Druggists, ioc. under his chin, and bowing, but oontinu- to play, exclaimed : "Oat's de thing! Please God, hit 'minds me o' when I was young." Imagine tho leader of a ball-room orchestra of the present day turning loose in that style, or a cou ple of dancers cutting the pigeon wing as regiment." we did I But there can be no ; doubt that we had more fun, and enjoyed our selves more than I he modems Old Frank was himself a remarkably fine dancer, and sonieliaiea, after the iadiea had retired, the young men would order wine or stronger drink for him. when he becams a little thawed, would make Joho play and have au exhibition of the old fellow's skill in the art. He waa really graceful, and as agile acrobat. The result of the war left him, as U M W.nslow s Soothing Syip has been ' I iiaAii 1 nvat nlln naoN Vrt mill tnnn nl did his quondam patrons, stranded, and Lother8 for ohildren, while teething , with ne movcu nnout a painelio ngure a sort pertect suooess. It soothes the ohild. of uiolaucholy reminder of departed joys softens the gums, allays all pain, cures and he rapidly faded out of life, and wlna couc ana ls lne DeM KmeaJ ,or c n , . . ., . .... Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little finally departed to the land "where the suffcrcr imrDediateT. Sold by druggist. 6 u,u "'KB""" ( in everv part ol the world. 25 cents This moved Dr. Kiogsbury, editor of bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- the Messenger, to write briefly of the low' Soothing Syrup," and take no otb faninna phnnv Itnail mti.iii.ian Ila hh 1 kind. As 80 much has been written of our old friend Frank Johnson, of fiddliutr and " 18 ",a marriage is a .otiery, , 0 ..... .. ... dancini- memorv. w will not be reminis- "e e,u ln llenl,0B 01 ,no P"3"""1" Every engagement on one side or other, is a put up job. POR OVER FIFTY YEARS the $500 REWARD. ULCERS. cent much as wo might easily be, of one E90""1 tothia """"' we knew personally as well as any man of his color, save those of his race of nur own bevish ho... We first heard of "ew. l pay the .Dove reward lor any ,. , , ., ,. , , case ot Liver Complaint, Uyspcpsia, Nek mm, aou aouoi.css, saw mm, anout itwa Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or or a nine later, no visited Uilord olten, Costivenesa we cannot cure with Liverla and played at one of (be hotels owned by the up. to date Little Liver Pill, when Mr Jamea Nmtal .n.nm .. K.ii... the direotions are strictly complied with of Mis J... H.-kina. w'ho probably ' They are purely vegetable, and never fail I tn (viva RflMfiifthnn. zfSn. hnxpi contain owned Frank at ona lime. But of that . 0n Pills, 10c. boxes oontain 40 Pills, 5o. we are not assured. We saw bim almost boxes oontain 15 Pills. Beware of sub- every year after about 1838. He waa a stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail; superior "fiddler," a master of the ball- 8tlin,P9 uken' NkrVITA M BDICAL Co., "J "'. HI. jy 19 ly elegant dancer. All of his "young folka" For sale by W. M . Cohen, Weldon, N. C, for fifteen or twenty years who caine in auccesaion danced to bis musio. and th MILEGB TICKET REDUCED. young men would g to Fraok'a room at the hotel and have old-fashioned "shin-1 Seaboard Air Line Railway one thoua digs'' and "light fantastics" of their own, and mile tickets arc now sold from all rewarding the "master i f ceremonies" points on its lines at rate of 125,00, in wiih the proper besiowiuenls in the shape eluding those previously sold in the Stale of the aniiquo and then popular silver, of Florida at SilO 00. These Tickets are wilh ao occasional gilt of monies that good over the entire Seaboard Air Line gladden I he eyes of a latter-day "gold-1 Railway System and are honored between bug." Frank waa universally polita, I Richmond and Washington by the Rich quite Chemeifieldiao in manners, and was mood, Fredericksburg & Potomao and sure of a "heany reception" on his annual I Pennsylvania Railroads, between Porta- visiia lo ' Old Granville." But tba ao- mouth and Baltimore by the Baltimore eomplishcd "brother ia black," ha long I Steam Packet Company (Bay Line) and ,ince "hung up his fiddle and his bow," I between Clinton aod Columbia, S. C, by and nearly every man aad woman, every the Columbia, Newberry & Laurans Rail youth in the fluih and ethilerati m of road. All tickets which have been sold ebuilieu lite, in lue lar past, who knew at -D.UU and endorsed "not good in the accomplished master nf the violin state ol Florida will be bonored over who discoursed such eoravishiog "sphere- the entire aystem, including lines in Flari descending music," have goo long ago I da, regardless of such endoieemsnts. in the realms beyond where there is tiaolion in South Afiica,to Lady Beatrice Butler, elder daughter of the Marquess od Marebiouoss of Ormonde, the Bishop of Ossory performed the ceremony, as sisted by Rev. Canon Fleming aud Rev. C. II. Murphy, chapluin of the forces. The nave was lined wilh non-commissioned officers aod men of tho Coldstream Guards, io which regiment the bride groom formerly commanded a battalion. "The Rev. Canoo Fleming," says the London Standard in its accouut of the wedding, "addressed the bridegroom as follows : "Beatrice aod Raginald, with mutual pledges and trusting hearts, you have to day entered on the most solemn and sacred oompaot that can bind man aud woman together, for marriage ia the very sacrainent of love. It is often said that marriage is a lottery, but if it is founded, as I believe io your case, on true affec tion, there is no lottery io it. Two hearts that have hitherto dwelt apart are today made one, two lives that have hitherto been divided run today, like quicksilver, into one. In joy aod sorrow, from this hour, there are two to share or divide it. Beatrice, remember you are the wife, or, as the word implies, the "woof" of the homo, weaving the threads of love out of your own heart, to environ him against the cold winds of life. This is a rough world outside. Let your husband return from it to be always greeted wilh the sun shine of unfailing gentleness, for gentle ness is the loveliest robe you will ever wear. If I venture to speak tbus to you, it is because I have known you so long, because I speak to you as ao old friend, because I believe you have formed the highest ideal of the new relation into which you enter today, aod will seek help from God to fulfill it. And for you (the bridegroom), to whose sheltering oare she is henceforth intrusted, who can doubt for a moment but that a soldier, so distinguished for his fidelity lo his late Queen, and now to bis King, so foremost io devotion to bis country, will cherish the yeung life you take to your heart to day, as a flower given by God into your tender care, shielding her from overy rude breath and guarding her always with a pure aod manly love. Duty is the watchword of (be brave soldier, and the same traits i f character which have always found you where danger was to be met or duty was to be done will hold you ever faithful and true to her, as ber Irish heart will ever beat faithful aod true to you. And may this auspicious day be crowned by Heaven wilh life-long happiness and blessing I" THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. The blood ia constantly being purified by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep there organs in a healthy condition and the bowela regular and you will have no need of a blood purifier Fur this purpose there is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets, one dose of tbem will do you more good than a dol lar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price 25 cents. Samples free at W. M. Cohen's drug store. down, it will bring relief when nothinf else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, di-eased body. Mr. J H Talbert, Lock Box 145, Winona, Mlia., ays: "Six years ago my leg from the knee la the foot was one solid aore. Several physicianl treated ine and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. I was induced to try s. 8. 8 , and It made acomplete cure. I have been a per fectly well man ever since" is the only purely veg. ctable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this pen-ice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Lard is used, in one way or another, in the prepara tion of nearly every meal. Its effect on your food is noticeable, and it should always be of the best quality procurable. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has attained its great popu larity because the quality never varies. 1 1 is the stand ard lard of America. Ask your grocer for Swift's Silver Leaf. You will find it thoroughly satisfactory. Swift and Company Chicago St. Louit Kansas City St. Joieph Omaha St. Paul Over 150 Branch Houses In th U. S. A girl has got to be 25 before she wise enough not to try to be witty, If troubled by a weak digestion, loss of sppetite, or eoo9tipatioo, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv-1 er Tablets. Every box warranted. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Lota of good people would go wrong if tbey didn't fear punishment. A TESHMONAL FROM OLD ENGLAND "I con-ider Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy the best io thu world fur bronchitis, ' saya Mr. William Savory of, of Warriug- ton, England. "It has aavod my wife's life, she having been a martyr to bron- ohitia for over aix years, being m isl of the tiro confined to her bed. She is now quite well " Sold by W. M. Cohen druggist. The troubles we expect sro seldom a black as their shadows indioale. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In the Soath Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EaUbli9hed1848.) 159 to 163 Bank at, Norfolk Va! ot 9 It. NERVITA PILLS Reitor Vitality, Lost Vlfor tad Manhoo Core Impotency, Niilit Emissions, Loee of Usaa. naa on, all waitlus aiaeaiei, 0jgi all effoota of self-abuse or I fT. Jexcoaa and Indiscretion. VKA nrr tonlo nd V; WJbloo builder. Brut IT 'vwYlha olnk clow to na 1 jVaW eliwka and restore th "WVflr of loath. Br nU 0 bose for 60 PILLS, 60 CTS. IR0a Mr $8.60, with our buikabls rornU t ear or rtfund th monty pld bead (or cLnuiai tnd oopy ol our Muktblo fuartatM boad UAMitaToMate extra stubnoth l,ull',JS.,.!,J!l,.wl" feu" Positively fuarentsed ear for Lo of Power, variooeelo. undeveloped i no trumpet soaod or Orphean melodies "to draw trees, stones or floods, ' snd where to many no doubt the "afieetions are aa dark as Erebus," while others now listen to the "seven-fold harmonies" of the an- gelio choirs in the City of Ood. Frank had bia day, played his delightful musio which stole through every pulse and kindled rapture in the coldest eye, and then tho biumo ceased forever, and the cunning baud was ill. Peace to the soul of the sable old Wdlet ! If all the people who give good advice would follow it themselves the world would be full of angela. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Slguatur ol Let a Christian prove by his dailj walk that he is barn from above. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT j If he'd had Itching Piles. They're ttfl tibly annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve will ours the worst case of pilil on earth. It baa cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's tho best salve in th world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Until a man falls in lovo ill girls look alike to him. or Shrunken Ora-an. Paresis, Locomotor Auzia, Nervooa Proati tioo. Hysteria, Fit, Inaanltr, Paralj.l. snd the BaauiU 0f KicesiW Useanf Tobseeo, Ojlnm or Liquor. By mall in plain packare. $1.00 boi, 6 for tB.OO with oar benkebl rati ante bond to ear In 80 Uja or refund coon paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackaon 8ta CHICAGO, ILU For sale by If. M. Cohen, H'eldon N. C. ya4 B0 years' EXPERIENCl A Tmdc Marks Copyrights Ac. Anrnn Mmdlntf ft nkfttch and rtMCTlntinn nnf autcklr Ascertain our oitntn free whaMlipr ni mweiitkm is pmtisblf pstniaM. CoinniiiHlfn. troiiistrtoUr cnfl(intiiU. Handbook tin I'atvTii lent frita. Olrttist Rvnnry for snrurinji pl!itri. rstflutf tati thrmiKri Muim A Co. rtrcvtrt i, wwm Iptfial notice without cJmrga, i OABTOniA. Beuata A l& Yotl Haw lws;f, BoagM I Blfsatar f a Ihe Kind You Haw atwayn Scientific Hnterican Ttfttri four A handsomer Nrnfrtmted WMklr. I "fa-cat Hr- ealaUoit of any tienltUd totirtial, 1'rm, Ttw i miir raimtua, b bum di ail '. ifcKp.vuYnii t. WtstiMtun, D. b.

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