r BBJBSSkSCSS I SIP JOHN" "W". SLEDQ-E, rnoi'RiKToii. vol, xxxv. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TEPIMIS: 160 PKK ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON. N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 11. 1901. NO 50. ff&Jfl fepsi Hi 111 Lzsssah ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARK CO.,, (Successors to Cooke, Sash, Doors Mouldings, porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate I&antels, Tiling and Grates. ?3Jl'ino ItuitJur'a Hardware." PAINTS OIL & GLASS. Aod Building Material of Every Description. "S Couini'oial Place aod 49 R..anoke Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. y ly P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in (jEflEL - - - OK Al l' IEICLER BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. KySnle Ag-nt in Weldon for ST ROUSK (Knrmerlv nold here by M. F. Hurt.) A lit fflkVGTVrZir&Sk UitM) . .1 fr , i 'An-twr" T $ l. A. SMITH, -liKW.KR IN- AND A COMPLETE LINE OF Ilradiiuntits for Green (irocerics and l'rh meats of all kinds. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE in any part of town. Call to fee uie. Three doors below postofiice. 1). A. SMITH. WELDON, N. C. VW Inn 17 Iv ic. a ev WELDON, N.C .sAaV. Fancy Groceries, Fruits and -3CON F EC T Holiday Goods, ii L;Ja f A .-III mnin wi Jellies. Full line Confectioneries of ill sorts. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. Sole Agent For CAPITAL CLUB RYE. - CALL FOIt IT. KEROSENE OIL 3 CTS. QUART. The Peerless Wine, In Thousands of American Households. SHOULD Sonnnnnnn1! 1 1 BLA-OKBERRYunfailing wmR(5yInd ill their gooda arc guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home Offico, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. 'I ly The Best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. On Firkage DftVM nnll. O . . ..... work. A rrlenJiwomiaeiidvS U.mon'. Tonic KUWr-Two p'fl" oured tntlrelj." KROWN MF"d. CO., Proprietor. QiWV'". imitcd. Clark & Co.) and Blinds. Stair Work, SHOES BROTH KIW IIIUII ART CLOTHING guaranteed. -UNDERTAKINC- Inull it hr.iiii hea Metallic. Walnut, Uth Covered tkeia and Coffins. Telephone or tcliuraph inesNiges at tculeil to il iv or iiiulil. ; C- iS; sf w. 9 'I) HOD 883! wVi 7 10NER1 ES. &6 .urlnn f,,r Christmas Cakes and i..wi."r - 7A BE IN" ALL Branch Warehouse, ST. LOUIS, MO. Prlee 5 FiM for 11.00. uma limn ni EDDOTM Willi Pint- Tbo dead beat crop is'one that never fails. Tho tailor h; an lots of pressing engage- DlCDtB. POSITJOS My tKJSUton is ft trying one M w:i the okiut! remark of the clouk nuxlel of a fttshioiiftltle firm. Hut there is less est than earnest in the state ment. It is trying to te on the feet all day, to be reaching and stooping hour after hour from in o r n until mirht. And that is a very meager outline of a Imsi- ness woman's day. With many such women the ordinary strain of labor is intensified and aggravated hy a diseased condition of the delicate organs, and they become victims of that terrible backache, or blinding headache, which is so common among rusincss women. If voi are waring this burden, war it no longer. For the backache, head ache, nervousness and weakness which spring from a diseased condition of the womanly organs there is a sure cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Half a million women have been per fectly and permanently cured by this wonderful medicine. ' My niece was troubled with femaW- weakness or about four years before I aked for your advice," writes Mr. J. W. Mcuretror, ot 02a m. ana I'unceion Ave., ChicsRo, Ills. "You advised hir to talc Dr. Pierce s favorite Prescntition which she did faithfully for nine months, and now we muttt acknowledge to you that she is a veil woman. We cannot thank you enough for the cure.' Sick women can consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. Address, Huffalo, N. Y. TAPE WORMS "A tap worm elelitceu feel Ions at least cam! on tho see no after my taking two L'ASCAHETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the pant three vnrs. 1 am ittll takJiitf CaHcurctii, the only cathartic worthy of ootice by sensible people " u'-. v. uuwi.wj, uairu, miss. CANDY J P CATHARTIC j taoi mark mwrona Plaa.ant Pntntal.l.. I'..lnt Tft.t fllVltl. IM Uuud, Never Sicken. Wealtfn. or (irlpe. w. tjc. aie. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Iltrllaf R.B..J (oapiar. ( .IC.ff.. HMlr.. H.w lot. 113 tin TA DUO Sold and Bunrnntppil hv ft!! drug HU" lU'DMU nuts Co VKtTuliacco llabu. ,.FC ft r S'fliple Kiclor. V.tl.r.nism Visible Durable Co structloa. V. kO EOTlir.R. MUCH FUN. i -orlcr thl Ki'Couli 'l n. i 1 ; jcliufsall . ..r aim iuont KOLLMCIA 0"f?.V?!J CO. Dcpt34 new voki:. I CIIU M ST. LOT IS 7' VA!II ii A o. Prntis!vania Ave. ItHit M. rniLAi'i'i i ' " in Li i". IT, !I3 K. liultunora St, BUI'VAI II, ?M M " SAN I.UV I O, li$ Geary St. Tli BBRLIN. LuNPON. 1 Lot lor Salo FOll SALE, the old Sledue place, situ He on the west sid of tin s'li el luniiinu weft of the Sea' rd r in dhouse. The ut cm mis ah on J acre, and the ilwellPL' is '''" frame buildinu whi. li f "hi I" mado desirable with a little money spent '"' improvements. For terms and particular ap ply to ROANOKE NEWS, V ,l,..n, N. ('. Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Co. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jnu. l:t, 1901. No. 23 Daily. NoS5 Daily. Leave Peleraborn, Leave Stony Creek, Leave Jarratta, Leave Emporia Arrive Weldon, H.ftt) am 1(1.35 am 10.M am 11.08 am 11. 16 am 7.45 p m 8.2pro MOpm . 10pm TRAINS GOING NOKTH. No. 32 Daily. No. 78 Daily. Leave Weldon, tt Emporii Le JarrattA, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, 1.4:i a m 215 4.37 p. m 5.16 p. m 5.32 p. m 5.49 p. m 6.23 p. m 2.31 am. J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Manager. Traffic Manager. H. U. EMEkSON, Gen, Phi. Lgi. em W M7 II -PHONE Valuable Town MUSTACHES AND GAMBLERS. BADGE OF CARD SHARPS. In Olden Times Hoards Were Looked Upon With Suspicion In tho Mississippi Valley. "Back in 185D," rcuiarked a New Or- enm prufcpsiooal man, dulling about old linn's, "a muslaclie via regarded wit li (ircnl (impicinn all through the Mi.Hisiipi valtt-y . It win aupposud to l lie mark of either a military awash- buckler or a gaubler, and a gntleuiaD, particularly if he wanted to go ioto so ciety, idiaved smooth. Beards were look ed upon as an unclean foreign affectation nj 1 recall a curious incident based on that prejudice. "A charming young English gentle man who was a near relative of a distin guished man of science was visidng at a river town noted for its aristocratic and punctilious society. lie was a line spec imen of physical manhood, and, f'ellow ini' a fashiou which had just obtained a foothold in London, he wore a heavy blond mustache aod a set of luxuriant, ourly whiskers, much after tho siyle of our old friend Taffy in "Trilby." No' a lays he wuuld he envied the possession of such a superb ornament, but the good l idies of the town were greatly perplexed el, and after much consultation they finally decided (hut they could not ooun tenanee such a barbarous custom and would have to decline to receive him un les he shaved. The young Englishman realized that he had to choose between whUkcH and ostracism, and, being iilucky chap, he packed his trunk and went baek to London on the next boat. "To revert to the mysterious connr o tion between gamblers and mustaches, a thatched upper lip eventually became such a well rt'Coguiz 'd badge of lha trade that card sharps who wanted to avoid suspicion were forced to shave clean. One ailed professional who worked the big river boats looked a great deal like sanctimonious deacon when his mustache was removed, and he used to make point of dressing in a long tailed, rusty black coal, with a white cravat. Going Up lo Vieksburg one night, I was silling to earshot when he attracted the atten tion of a group of gay young genllemen playing poker in the main saloon, II was seated by him-elf reading u book and was evidently unknown to the pally '1 II net thai old rascal plays poker on the s!v,' said one of the crowd. 'Ask hiiu to join us,' said auolher as a joke. and the firM speaker acltd on the g.'Slion. The stranger was very reluetun at first, but finally said he 'calculated he wasn't too old to learn' aod took a hand A coup'e of hours later be got off at linding with every dollar in the crow remarking casually that he would now give his mustache a chance, "On another occasion 1 was going u to Louisville on some important busines and had been warned especially to lool out for gamblrs. We had the usual crowd of sharpers on board, but they were all shaved clean, and it chanced that among our passengers were 1 101 or army men fresh from the west, where mus ache! were countenanced. Consequent ly, wheo we reached Louisville aod made some inquiries of friends, I w chagrined to find that all the people bad been fraternizing with were gamblers and all those I had been snubbing an avoiding were gentlemen." New Orleans Times-Democrat. THE RIGHT SQRT OF WOMAN. It is no good howling over spilled milk and the right sort ot woman docs not allow ibe frets and worries of everyday life to disturb her serenity. Whether the day be dark or bright, she preserves her calm aod cheerful spirit and is perfeel godsend In ihe nerve racked and irritable folk around her. Ii is she lii lainra the gouty old uncle i I the fiaciioiis infant. To Ii both old aol young alike mm io lb troubles lo be cheered and coiuforti Her kin lly sympathy and large bean make her see the reason for other people tins and liiiillles and lo extend lo liieui the ri jil hand of fellowship. She might not do well as a judge in a court ol law, but she is a very pleasant and lovable wo nao, and by her very charity and her power of seeing the best in every one she oalls forth their best even from society's black sheep, inspiring them to strive to riso ou stepping stones of their dead selves to higher things. She never gives a dog i bad name, and by not doing so she saves many a one from earning it. Aii Inference. "I just know shi is ten years older thin she admits," said the woman with the sharp nose. "How?" Sited the other half of the duo. "Why would the be letting that 16- year-old kid make love to her if the were 11 joung is she pretends?" Indianapolis Press. A CHILD'S CONFIDENCE. AND WHAT IT MEANS. here Is Nothing So Beautiful As The Wav A Little Child Looks Up To Its Mother. Confidence, implicit trust what beau tiful words these are, aod how much eymeanl 11 ow pleased wo uro when someone believes io us, and when some one has implicit and boundless oorjfi- ence in us how deeply flattered we are and how hard wo try not to spoil that person's opinion of our wisdom and goodness I Vet iomo people don't care hcther their children believe in them or not! There is noihiog so beauliful as the way a little child looks up to its mother, To him she is the perfection of wisdom nd goodness More's the pity that im- pression aoesn t last, "un, yes, 1 near some one say, "that's all very well wheo the child s small, but he soon gets to thinking lie knows more than his parents 1 haven t the least rin-itatloo in savins! hat in nine cases out of ten this is the arents fault, the mother especially, for she should be the confidant, the grown p chum of her children. A mother hould always find time to listen to the troublei of her ohildren; she should ad- vise them wisely, aod never scold or laugh at ibem when they come to her with their little confidences. A mother Bhould be more than a creature who issues commands; she should be her children's best friend. The fear of hurting the I gentle heart of his best friend will provt more efficacious than all tho rules and puoishments ever devised, and it will be I an influence which will last through life. I The girl who cannot make a confidant of her mother will find such a bosom friend elsewhere, and the boy who feels that his I mother does not understand him will find some one who does: for it is human nature to demand sympathy and to ex change confidences with another. The woman who has no time to listen o her children s troubles, who never joins in their games and whose sole in terest in their studies consists io finding mit hih,. ih. hav,. l,i,,h mart i. no mother at all. She may be obeyed implic- illy, her household may be a well ordered one, but her children after the first few rebuffs will never consult her when in difficulties. They will decide things for themselves, and iu after years when they Ouuic to thocri-is in their lives it will be the same. "Mother doesn't know,' She wouldn't unJeisiatid" how often one lobars lheo Words llotu a girl's lih-! , And what do Ihey mean.' lhat mother never has understood. That sin has stood on her high pedestal and never condescended to come down to the child's level and read the secrets of a child heart. Mother does not understand, but someone el-e does, aud, guided by that mebody or perhaps guided ooly by her oncly self, the girl takes her o iurse for good or for worse and perhaps ruins her me lorever. men tno moiner wrings her hands and asks heaven why it ever sent her such an uograteiui child, aou she dares-oh, the irony of the thing- to complain because the gin am not con- suit her 1 A RAGING, ROARING FLOOD Washed down a telegraph line which Charles G. Ellis, of Li-boo, Iowa, had to repair, "btandmg waist deep in icy water, bo writes, "gave me a terrible cold and oough. It grew worse daily. Finally the beet doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioui City and Omaha said I had con- sumption and could not livo. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery L-n 4 l .: 1 . .1 ii ana was wnony curtu uy uoiues. Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds snd sll throat and lung troubles by W. M.Cohen. Price 50o The baker doesn't pose as a horticul turist, but he knows all about flour rais ing' KOHOVICK I'-HTV YKARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions 0f mothers lor children, while teething, with perleot suooess. It soothes tho child, -ol'tens the gums, allays all pain, cures Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. S3 cents 1 bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low'i Soothing Syrup," ind tike no oth er kind. A trouble loses ill its weight the mo ment we give it to Christ. $500 REWARD. We will pay the above reward for any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headaohe, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveocss we cannot cure with Liverla the up.to date Little Liver Pill, when the directions aro strictly complied with They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. 25c. boxes contain 100 Pills, lOo. boxes oentain 40 Pills, 5o. boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of sub stitutions aod imitations. Sent by mail; stamps taken. N ervita M edioal Co., Cor. Clinton aod Jackson Sts., Chicago, 111. jy 19 ly For tile by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. A TOUCHING SCENE. THE OLD MAN'S CHILDREN. It Is A Beautiful Sight To See The Aged Loved By Their Children And Grandchildren. It is always charming to see children manifest tcuder affection toward their parents, and this is still more pleasing when Ihc "children" are themselves men and women. Tb writer rcmcmbsrs beiig on a rail- road train several years ago, warn direct- ly in front of him sat a kindly looking, snowy - haired old man, ovidenlly unac- customed lo travelling, and as manifestly io his "second childhood." He was vert talkative, and he told me all about the journey he was taking. "I'm going out to Iowa to see my sob Jimmy and my daughter Nellie. Just think 1 I ain't seen cither o' them chil dren for most six years, and if they ain't tickled to see me I'll be mistaken. An' this train seems to fairly drag. I get so impatient ev'ry time it stops at a station 1 Wish it'd keep right on an' never stop until we git to K ; that's where Jim- my and Nellie live." He began gathering up his few bclong- ings when wc were still an hour's ride from his destination "I want to be all ready to git right off when we stop," he said. "Jimmy and Nellie'll both be at the depot to mtet me, although they live nine miles out io the country, aod there ain't need o' both o' them comin'. But they'll be there you see if they ain't.' When we readied K the) excited old man started to leave the car in eager haste. But the train had not yet come to a standstill when a great bearded giant of a man, fully fifty yean of age, hurried into the car. "Jimmy I called out the old man, eagerly. "Here I am, Jimmy I" Father !" cried the son, and he took the little old man right into bis arms and hugged him, while tears stood in the eyes of both. A stout, plainly clad, middle-aged wo man appeared at the car door, aod cried out, "Father! 1 hen she turned and called lo some one on the platlorm "Here he is ! Here's father I" "Nellie, my girl I" said the old man. Ihe son and daughter btth had an arm around the father as he left the car, On tho platform were seven or eight I'.randchildren of from five to tweuty years of age. Here's your gran'pa!'' said Nolliej joyfully; and a great hugging aud kiss ing time ensued. Of courBo the passengers in the car and the bystanders on the platform smiled; but I think that most of them agreed with a lady on the oar, who said : It is a beautiful sight to see an old man loved and reverenced by bis chil dren and grandchildren, aid I only wish that such exhibitions of affection were more common." juleGE TICKET REDUCED, 8eabolltrj Aif Line Raiway one thou8 aDll mile tickets are now sold from ill ; , on it inea a( of 825.00, in- eluding those previously sold in the Stale of Florida at 30 OU. These Tickets are good over tho entire Seaboard Air Line Railway System and are honored between Richmond and Washington by the Rich moai Fredericksburg & Potomao and peDI)9j,ania Railroads, between Ports- moulh an(j TJjltimore by the Baltimore gteam pac(Ct Company (Bay Line) and Betwoen Clintou and Columbia, S. C, by tlie Columbia, Newberry & Laurens Rail- roa(li AI lieKet9 j,aT8 Decn soid i . . . . . at gD.OO and endorsed "not good in glal(J 0f Florida" will bo honored over ,he en,;re stem. indudine lines in Fieri 1 da. reirardless of such endoisements. i - -o Too many ancestors have spoiled many a good man THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. The blood is constantly being purified by lUB '""K'' ,uu "U"T: i . l i i: j i.:.i v .1 orKoa in a healthy condition and the bowels regular and you will have no need 0fa blood purifier. For this purpose lher( u n()lllin(( , , Chaniberl,iri', Stomach and Liver Tablets, one dose of em will do you more good than 1 del lar bottle of the best blood purifier. Priee 25 cents Samples free at W. M. Cohen' I drug store. The steeple climber is one sort of high churchman CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature) of Swell society must be the kind that puffed up. OASTOniA. Bean tie. m m m m "maP Signature of NO MAN APOLOGIZES FOR DOING RIGHT. There Isn't One Man In A Hun dred Who Could Go On The Witness Stand And Give The Same Excuses For Not Going To Church That Ho Gives To His Family Every Sunday. So you are not going to church this morning r Ah, yes; I see. "The music is not good " That'i a pily. That's what you go to church for, to hear the music we demand. "And the pews are not comfortable." That's too bad the Sabbath is the day of rest, and we go to church for repose. The less we do through the week the more rest we clamor fur on the Sabbath. 1 he church is so far away; it is too far to walk, and I detest riding in a street car, and they're always crowded on the Sabbath." This is, iodeed, distressing. Sometimes when I think how much far ther away Heaven is than tho church, and that thete are no conveyances on the road of any description, I wonder how some of us are going to get there. "And the sermon is so long always." All these things arc, indeed, to be re gretted. I would regret them mora sin cerely, ray boy, did I not know lhat you will often squeeze into a stuffed street car, with a hundred other men, breathing an incense of whiskey, beer and tobacco, hang to 1 strap by your eye lids for two miles, lod then pay fifty cents for the privilege of sitting oi a rough plank in the hot sun for two hours longer,' while in the intervals of the game i soraloh band will blow discordant thunder out of a dozeo misfit horns light into our ears, aod come home to talk the rest of the family into a state of aural paralysis about the "dandiest game you ever saw played on that ground." Ah, my boy, you see what staying away from church does. It develops a habit of lying. There isn't one man in a hundred who could go on the witness stand and give, under oath, the same rea sons for not going to church that he gives to his family every Sunday morning. My son, if you didn't think you ought to go, you wouldn't make any excuses fur not going. No man apologi7.es lor doing right. Bob. Burdette to his son. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you Ret them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Beware! All druggists, 10c. Eloquence is vehement simplicity. If troubled by weak digestion, loss I of appetite, or constipation, try few doses of ChamberlaiBs Stomach and Liv- Tablets. Every box warranted. For e by W. M. Cohen, druggist. His Gigantic Intellect. She What are you thinking about, Harry?" He Nothing. She Aren't you afraid of overtaxing your brain, dear? Detroit Free Press. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT If he'd bad Itching Piles. They're ter- bly annoyiog; but Bucklen'a Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of pilea on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in ibe world. Price 25c. box. Cure euaranteed. Sold by W. M. Cohen, drusgist. Her Divorce. The Chicago divorcee was talking bout her former husbands. "What was the matter with the first?" asked her friend. "He didn't understand me." "Aod the second?" "He did." Philadelphia Record. A TESllMONAL FROM OLD ENGLAND. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy the best io the world for bronchitis," says Mr. William Savory of, of Warring' ton, England. "It has saved my wife's e, she liaviug been a martyr to brco obitia for over six years, being Bolt of the time confined to her bed, She ia now quite well '' Sold by W. M. Cohen druggist, Injustice in the end produces inde pendence. A man mubt stand ereot, not be kept erect by others. Adversity borrows its sharpest sting from our impatience. A PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of AgrlcnltuTal Implements, Shaftings, Mill Wearing, rulleys, All kundsol Machinery, and Repairs. t. Peanut Machinery i Specialty. Nos. S3 434 Old St., Petersburg V. Rhea Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation ol waste mailer in me system, ana can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing toou they require, ine wiioie system feels the effect of this acid poison ; and cot until the blood has been purified and brought baek to a healthy condition will tae aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Kelt, of 707 Ninth street, w. iv.ii,;..,, months ago 'l had an HUack of bciatic 1, u. whips as iooowb; a k. pain was so interne that I became completely pros trated. Tlie.ttark was an unusually severe one. and my condition wns reanrd edas Oeiiig very danger- out. I was altenoed tiy one of (lie moi4 able doc tori in WmOiiiiKtoli, who ia Isoa nienllier (.1 tile 111c- tllty ol a leading medical colleRe here. He told nie In n.xili.iilr hi. Iir.wrltb tionaaud I would i;ei well. Alter Having 11 nut. twelve times without receiving the slightest benefit, 1 declined lo continue his treatment anl longer. Having heard ol s. S. S. (Swift's specific recommended for Rheumatism, 1 decided, almost In deboair however, 10 give the medicine a thai, hobble around un crutches, and very soon there after had no use for them at all, 8. S. S. having cured me Baimi and well. All the distressing no a ter 1 had taken n ew ootuei 1 was aoic u pains have left me, my appetite baa returned, and I am happy to be again restored to perfed health. the great vegetabK purifier and tonic, il the ideal remedy in all rheumatic t r o u b 1 e s . There are no opiates ol minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful tlise.'.se should read. It is tho most complete and interesting book ol the kind in existence. It will be lent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians ftillv and freelyabout yourcase. W make nn charge for medical advice. THE swift specific Co., aiLAHia, u. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard has received the verdict of popular approval a larger sale than any other lard in this country. It is wholesome and absolutely pure. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon are unexcelled in quality, choice flavor and attractive ap pearance. Swift's Products are made under U. S. Government Inspection. Swift and Company Chicago St. Lou it Kansas City Sl Joseph Omaha St. Paul Over 950 Branch Houses in the U. 8. aaBaaaviiawaaaB-ataawBaaBBaaaaa Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY tbc FREICHT . . . LARGEST STOCK In the South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Estahllshed',1848.) 159 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk VaJ ov 2 It. II ERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Tm potency, Night Emission;, Lost of Mesa orr, in wqbiidk aiHases, all effects of self -abuse or excess and indiscretion. 60 A nerve tonlo nd blooA builder. Bring the pink flow to pale cheeks and restores the Are of youth. Br mail PILLS, 60 CTS. iv AOo oer oox. 0 boxea for 2.60, with our bankable g-eurantee to euro or reran a tne money psua. oena tor eireuiai and oopy ol our be.uii.abie (uarauiee bond MoruitaTflhlotQ EXTRA ehotb I1WIIIIU IUMIUIW 1 Immediate Rtwluj (TSLL0W LAB1LI foaltivelr guaranteed en re for Loaa ot Power, v.hmvw.Iii. UndeTeloped or Shrunken Organs, Atii nam n iw Parc.il, Locomotor Alalia, jservuu. i . w. tjoo, Hriteria, Fite, Intanitr. Paralalia and the Reiulta ot KicMilre Unapt Tobaoeo, Opium of Liquor. By mall in plain pacaaira, $1.00 a box, 6 tor tB.OO with our bankable e-aar; an tee bond to cure In 80 day ox leiuua money paid. Address N ERVITA MEDICAL CO. CUnton A Jackson 8ts, CHICAGO. ILL. For aale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. I !4f. 60 YEAR8 EXPERIENCE I ' 'friti Copyrights Ac .kill VMxm Designs Anyone senrtlim a sketch and description mnf qntckly ucertiitn our oitmiii fro wiikt)itr an nivontlnn la probably puteittnblft, Ccimimifi.-n-tlons strictly conllilonUril. Handbook on I'aipiite tjnt free. OldMt niiency for aerurlim patomn. 1'atonU taken ihroutih Munn & Ct. rewire ipeeiat notiu, without cuarsa, In the Scientific Hraerican, A handsomely lUnatrAted weekly. lAnrest etr. cu latlon of any ttttonUoe Jiwirnni. l'ern, IS a (nor: f nur moiiLke, $t Bow by all nawMtoalars. Branch OfSue. f Bt, WMhlDtlim. D. 5. "W I 4

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