JO SIT W. SLEDGE, pkopkiktor. VOL XXXV. A. HBWSPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE TEBMSl-'l-S" PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON. N. C, TIlUItSDAY, APRIL 25. 1901. NO 52, ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T.CLARK CO., ill 1 Mouldings, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. teO'V c Bui lil t's ll:iri!w;irr.-t PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building nl Ivvty IJt-si-r'pi ion 28 Commercial Place aid f'J li.' Avitmi.-, N( )U l''l)l,K, VA. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. DeaW in (EfiEIJL - - - ilEUCMliDISE OK AlX KIN1H. ZEICLER& BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. ItaT.-lole Agent in Weldon forSTROUSE (Formerly sold here by M. F. Mart.) A lit 'W.wW.Wppf I sSefsjtwwjf Tt-MBStafaMSSSaSafc II. A. SJM llll. -TUCALKU IN- AND A COMPLETE LINE OF Mi ii ll Headquarters for Green Oruceries GOODS DELIVERED Ji in any part of town. Call to ice ft. I). A. SMITH, C. G. EVANS Fancy Groceries, Fruits and J -?CONFECTK)NERIKS.( Holiday Goods. All kinds of flavoring for Christmas Cakei i Jellies. Full line Confectionoiies of all sorts. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. Sole Agent For CAPITAL CLUB RYK. - CALL FOH IT. KEROSENE OIL The Peerless Wine, In Thousands of Amerioao Households. Sftnimwnnnir 'vvuuuvmui SHOULD BE IN ALL BL AOKBERRYuDwiilJ feS1 c.1i their goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home Office, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. 'it Clear Rib Bides. Rib Rllle. Rei ular and clear Plate, all averages. O R ANDERSON 4 CO. J S?f ' Jf IPorkPackers i .nH,-A' rOrders solicited aod filled at loweet market price day received, Limited. (.Successors lo CouWf, Cl.irk A Co.) Doors aai Blinds. Slair Work, SHOES BROTHERS 1II01I AKT CLOTH ISO guaranteed. UNDERTAKING i it branches Metallic Walnut, !. h f',.v..r...l r.krt mill Caflliw. TelMihon or teleariuih messages at- tcuiledtoil.iyorniglit. 1 I I'll and fresh meals of all kind?. FREE OF CHARGE me, 1 hroe doors below postomce. p WKLUUa, IN. u. 7 3 CTS. QUART. 3J y7'?T-?v':' Brinoh Warehouse, ST. LOUIS, MO. g-m f IT r..i -it nil an D.R.ANDERSONfcCO. Weldon, 1 1. li iWkjijMJ AFTER FORTY YEARS. MISS LILIU LYNN MORTON. Writes A Poem And Dedicates It To One Whoso Lleart fan Never (J row Old. In lRtill H, v. A. I). Bills met a virj old woman in Bladen county, N. ('., whine aged hiiihatid hud lately died. In her grief alio said: "The heart don't gr.,w old." March 31, 1901 he lo'd the faculty and students of Liltleli n Female Colli )!H of the incident, and ail be had fur 'III yearn wauled some one lo wrila a poem on that thought. Nut day one of the teachers, Mis-i Lillia Lynn Morion, daughtir f Uev. J. li. Mortm, ofTaiburo, read lo "Uucle Belli" and his wife t lie following : Though lie pilchir be broke at the foun tain And the jears their lull- have lold, A ml the gulden b.wl be broken Yel t lie heart doth never grow eld. Though llie leks are turning whiter i the silvi r iint the "old. Yet the hope of life crows brighter In li e I earl that never grows old. And wlieu su-iie old faded rose leaf, In a I kid's 'In ly fold Calls to wind a little romance Of thit li 'art that never grow old, Then tender recollection And old love dreams unfold, And I be wliipcrcd words arc breathed oain I 'i the heart I hat never crows old. When the scroll of loving memories Has slowly been uarolled 'Tis a little liar lhat tella the tale 01' I lie lie hi that never grows old. As wc think id these Angel beings No enllid lo sn ihcr lo'd A sweet aod hopeful longing Fills the heart that never prows old. But ah! when the years are ended And the tale ol life is lold, Thin eterud louth bears her lew born child Where the heart can nevet crow old. Till! WORLD'S WAY. The world is rolling nearer To the hcavon every day; So near, the light is kissing UT the darkness all away. There's hopt! above around us, In dawn aid darken nilit. The bells tho bells are ringing And tho harbor is in sight. HAMPERED liENUS. Here aresoai'! verses which wuz writ bvavounisiuu mint', said the (Jeor- gii farmer. ''Aro they all right ?" " We'l," rep i-l the ediior, "he rhymes all riiih'.hul something seems wrong wiib his feel.' " "Well," siid the farmer, "I won'l de ny it be has gut ootns !" CdTUJut aflonl to I e sick, tliey any. So, very ! nften. tliev struif- lf;.V,V.-5l nlnnff and mi. where oilier women k tn bi d. To such Kioiuo the value of Dr. Tierce's 1' a v o r i t c Pre sciiiilion is he voml computa tion. It cures the common cause of ill-health in woman, de ranKeiiKiil or (lis ivse of the vtom- ;'fttW aoly oiKaus. 1M tei'.iiicratice medi cine. 11 contains no alcohol, opi um, cocaine, nor 3 other narcotic. Hl Itn 1 I luiiui.. of His Ku.1 Cnlteae Hrrrt. JI?i;J...i, in. " fh Ihree veers 1 iifl'"'.l V . ' u .aiuiia rinrew what I ul- (.,!.!. i-urV iiiiii.iuon t..-...-- ..a t. I mmung tkr Mfduill j umil iiiiiuir.l l.y linn H,,llolrv Iir Were', f.vorilt FtrriMl.n. ..!.'!. L.!5S"'... i. InVr l.kiii. 'Favorllf Pre. , r ., .ti f.iiv-.iK notiuil. more than lever wftalicd hrfore I was no lad I wnulil lit from day todav .ml long for death lo eonje and h" my iiifferina.' I had Internal I l; lion, a iltogreeaUe drain bearing -down pa na S .11 my o- work, .nil .m . .Iron, .nd tolthy wom.n. Thank, to yoor mcd tola I "m.ider myaelfa living tetlmonl.l of the ben efm of your ' F.iorile I'rencrlptlon. Dr. PinivCE'VORITERESCRJPTJON MAKBS WEAK WOMEN STkONO Aai SfteS rvuncv i"a A in ..iiin n tn l' 'Ltirtii '-'i. iMi .lit ln'. i.'lr.i ; IVi.'i.l. ti.t.f'1 ' sctehtlfic Jim:- A hnd.oly wrtMr. I"- ,.. . mS3k Oisii. 3" r W. WMblM.o.. D. U. Pelf uHT SUff WOMEN 'Hoi 1HAa BO VEAR8 Jp EXPERIENCE n Ur:. n f"'' r i i ' ,. -.unit'.'' ' ll';''.! ' : .'l S '' en ether's IMil llI.AH Wlien mother's at the. club then It's awful just to hear him rip and The habv follows after pa anil hau Pa tries the paregoric first and oor Fido hides beneath the stove nd Polly to Iter highest perch ut pa he kicks poor V ido out and I'he baby yells ami Polly screams It isn't long before the house is one big rub-a-dub; I guess the neighbors always know when mother's at the club. When mother's at the club we don't get very much to eat: She hasn't time fix toand fuss when her committees meet. She helps to send relief to lands Wlule we must iiincnon mscuiis tonga auiioineoncaoDagusiaw Pa sometimes tries to get a meal but not with much success lie only wastes a lot of stuff and makes an awful mess. His biscuits are sticky dough, his omelet a wreck; When last he poured the chocolate Hesays "There s people nere at home tor Her to turmsii gruo, Now left to slowly starve to death," while mother's at the club. When mother's at the club our clothes are apt to need repair, And there is something else that makes poor daddy rant and swear. He conies home with a button off The sewing circle meets that day, Poor Freddy's coat seems it will hang no longeron the child, While mother's busy making clothes to send to heathen wild. But pa he gets a needle out and tries to fix things some, And pretty soon we hear a yell he's run it in his thumb, Then everybody has to hunt for Upon the wound that pa's received while mother s at the club. When mother's at the club she has to let her washing slide. And that helps cause profanity The other day just as she got her She had to let the washing stand When pa came home at 0 o clock he never said a word Hut all the awful things he looked I'm glad 1 never heard lie went down in the kitchen and commenced to prowl around; A little time and then I heard a Poor pa had stepped upon some soap and landed in a tub; Oh, we do have some awful times when mother's at the club ! TEN $100 BILLS. REWARDED BY A TRAMP- A Woman's Surprise On Open ing A Package He Gave Her Just Before He Died. Mrs. Kiunia Carjjail, of Omaha, Neb., sheltered a sick tramp during a leuerit snovrsiorm and received as her rewatd $1(11111. Tramps do not generally have money. J. V. Myers was ao exception lo the rule. He was oue of the very few who have been known lo cling (o a certain sum and al llie same lime suffer Iron) the pangs of hunger nod cold. When he came to Omaha a few days ago be was ragged and dirty. His hair was long andgrizi'y. He applied at many holels and homes for bulging and something to eat, hut their dours were closed against him, II is countenance betrayed phjsi- cil mlfering and his appearanoe indica ted thai be bad smallpox. When be aked for accommodalions at the home of Mrs Oargail she refused, siying thai she had no room. He argued and pleaded willi her until her strong will yielded to his palbelio appeals and she gave bin one of her best loouif. Next morning ho was very sick and a doctor was called. Ho lived but a few days, during which timo Mrs. Oargail nursed him with the patience of a moth er and watched over him as she would have done had ho been her only son. As deaih drew near the old man askid for his ragged coal, which was brought to hiui, and he drew from a secret pocket a package tied with a greasy old paper uml it diriv strini!. This he gave to his guardian angel, saying feebly: "Kien this forme until I get well and if I never gel well keep it always." The package was thrown caretaslj aside, as Mr.. Oargail thought it coo. uined iiiiihin? of importance, aod was not opeiii d until several days after the old man's burial. When the stnng whs un mapped and the paper fnuu ilu I i ... 1 1 . . khe ei.uld scarcely believe her ,.j,s there, read be ore her were t D 8IIMI bills, and they genuine, lb. re W'le bImi a lew old letters and p..pirs ion. d with lliu money From llusi she learned lhat Myers had been ir.iuip lot many yai, but that at one time be h id beeu in guod financial cir cunisi slices. A letter, addressed to a man in be Mars, Ioa, ho tiauie apptarcl on tome of the papers found in the package, brought this reply : "Yes, 1 knew Mr. Myers years ago and had some business transactions with him before he left here Ho was a bach elor and a very peculiar man. At one time he owned considerable property in this couuty, but for some reason lost it all. It used to be said that he was dis appointed iu love io his younger days and he never iiarried for that rcaeon. Ha was vol. however, a woman haltr. He had seme friends, but nevir was ia tiuiate with any person. He left here twenty years ago and bas been, as I un-dtri-taud, wandiTer ever since' I was surpiised to hear of him again, and more so tn loam that he had money in his possession, as it was believed by people here that ho had lust everything. His brother also lived here until i few years ago, and through him I often learned of bis whoroabouts." Des Moinos Leader, The mm who pardons injury. easily oourtl t ho Iui. SIAI.I.dCK. pa most always has a tear; roar and rant and swear. a crying tit; then tries spanking it. and rolls Ins yellow eves. when pa gets angry Hies. Juts roll witu a towel; and I ido starts a howl. where pangs of hunger gnaw it went down baby's neck, for her to fasten on ; and mother there lias gone. liniment to rub and lavadry bills beside. rinsing water set while some committee met. burst of thunder sound. An Opinion Indorsed. "It takes genius and hard work to make a great actor," exclaimed the chub by niaUnce lavnnle who was smoking a cigiirclle aod reading a fill cent novel. Aod tho preks agent looked up from the piles ol ncuou which bis lacile pen was tracing and in a voice lhat shook with feeling exclaimed : Ifou bet it doo.l" Washington Star. A Georgia iistablisli tuout towu bears this novel sign: "t'offius, tola water and cheap for cash " in fmall $,"(K) KKWAKl). We will pay the above reward for any case ol Liver ('oiuiilHiot, Dyspepsia, sick Headache, Iudigestton, Constipation or Cosliveness we cannot cure with Liverla the iip-io date l.iille Liver l'ill, when llie directions aro slriclly complied with They arc purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction boxes Contain 1110 I'ills, lUc. boxes uoutaiu 41) l'ills, 5c. boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of sub stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail; slumps tuken. N k.r vita Mkdical Co., Oor. Clinton and Jackson Sis , Chicagp, III. jy 19 iy Foreale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. . a. Our opportunities to do good are out talents. I'OltOVIOH KIKTV YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ol mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in cverv nan ol the world, z-y cents s bollle. He sure and ask for " Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," aud take no oth er kind Wc aro all inventors, each sailing on a vovaae of discovery, guided each by a private oliart, ofwbi 'h there is no dupli cate. Don't Accept a Substitute 1 When you ask for Cascarets be sure you get the genuine Cascarets Candy Cathartic! Don't accept fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, loc. Til E sum of individual character m ikri national character. JOB COULDN'T HAVK STOOD IT If ho'd hod Itching l'ilcs. Thoy're ter ribly annoying; but Uuckleo'l Arnica S.'ve will cure (he worst ease of piles on earth It has cured thousands. For Iniuries. 1'aini or Bodily Eruptions it's the best ilvc in the world. I'rice 25c. a box Cure guaranteed. Sold by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Workers must expect sometimes to be I warriors. Coining is really warm wora- ing for that is not worth struggling lor. A TES1TMONAL FROM OLD ENGLAND. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy the best io the world for bronchitis," says Mr. William Savory of, of Warring ton. England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having been a martyr to bron chitis for ovet six Tears, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well " Sold by W. M. Cohen druggist. TiiUTn orushed to earth will surely rise unless msshed too flat by campaign lies. OABTOnlA, GontSjiO&iS There is no poison so highly contaL'ious, so deceptive a nil so ilestruciive. JJoti't be too sure you are cumi itTau:e all external sins of the disease have disappeared, am the doctor say you art well. Many per sons have ren dosetl Willi lilercury and Totash for moiitlis or years, and pro nounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up '.i-: .i... Uke Begot Like. ZHM out again, unil tu their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease for no other poison is so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a had case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced lo blood lioison con tracted . n 4 in early life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless projierly treated and driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is the only autnlole tor tins peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. cures Contagious Blood Poison in any and all stages; contains no j mineral iu nrcaK uown SflrTrir vour constitution ; it is purelv vegetable ami llie only blood puri fier known that cleames the blood and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious mood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this dbr-asc. but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. DEAD AGUE "Both my wife and mTtelf hare been olDtf CASCAKETS ami they are the best medic Id we bare ever bad In the house. Lut week my wife was frantic with headache for two days, she tried some of yourCASCAKETS, sod tbey relieved the pain tn ber head almoit Immediately. We both recommend CwcaretB." Pittsburg Safe 4 Deposit Co., PUUburf, Pi. CANDY f aajr WATflAKTIC j toads aim i Pla.g.nt. Palatable. Potent. Taat. Good. Tk Good. NoTer Sicken. Weaken, or Grl,e. 10c. &ic.Wg. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SLrllaf R.n.r t'wtu,, 'hk,.f,, Saw V.rk. 117 Hft TD DAP No'd and gunrmiteeil Iir all drug RU'IU'DAW gl.i.U. t'VUK.Ti.baoeo ll.bll Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY FREIGHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST UTOCKIllthe Sooth Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established!lH48.) 159 to 163 Bank st Norfolk Ta ov a It. I1ERVITA PILLS Ret (ore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manbool Cow Impotency, Nlfht Emliiloni, Lom ot Maav or, ill waning aneiwi. alleffeeti of telf-abuss or iknri Inilimcnttinrt. '1 A narva tonio nd DiOOOS DUUUwi. onun( 'th nlnlc alow to Dale cheek and rutqret the fire of youth. Br mail !aog iMrboi. 6 boiea for $a.60, with our bankable gauranU ta ooxt or rafund tha money paid Heod for eirooiai and oopy of our batik able guarantee bond. HrtMnlftTrirt ft.l EXTRA STRENGTH iicimidiauicid Imoedlitt Rctofti ftlLLOW LiBlLl Positively guaranteed core (or Lom of Power, Vl arioosalo. UndeTeloiwl of onnmneo wrau. Paresis, Lrocomotor auiib, nerruuB rnmi tion, Hyitnria. Fim, Imanity, Paralyiii and ttu HpbuIU of KlceillTO Ulrpl I innnr mull fn nlfti rtf nhiirrn. Onium or Mn pKcknire.Vl.OO a bi, 6 for ftft.OO with our bankabla ruar antaa bond to cure la 30 days or rafuad money paid. Addrois NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton 4 Jackaon Sts., CHICACO, ILia Korsale by H'. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. Atlantic Coast Line Rail- roail Co. Condensed Mrbediile. TKA1N8 UOINOHOUTH. Dated Jim. 1:1, 1901. No. 23 Daily. No 35 Daily, Leave Petersburg, 9.56 am 10.36 am 10.62 am 11. OH am 11.16 am 7.45 pm 8.211pm Leave Htony Creek, Leave JarratU, Leave Emporia Arrive Weldon, 8. 40pm 8.10pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. afW 60 PILLS 60 Lcts-J No. 32 No. 78 Daily. Daily. 1.43 a. m 4.37 p. m 2 15 5.16 p. m 6.32 p. m 5.49 p. m 2.31a.m. 6.23 p. m Leave Weldon, Le Emporia Le Jarratta, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, . R. KENLY, T. M. EMER80N, Oen'l Manager. Traffic Uanagtr. H. If. EMERSON, Gen. Fair.. Aart. A PP0MATT0X i-A. IRONWORKS. -Manufacturers of- Agricultural ImplemenU, Skkftings, Mill Gearing, falleys, All Kinaa oi Machinery, and Repairs. Ka. Peanut Machinery a Specialty. Noa. 22 434 Old St., Petersburg, Ye SOME STRIKING STATEMENTS, A NORTH CAROLINA COMPANY LEADS ALL OTHERS THE VALUE Of IMPROVED METHODS III CLEANING AND HANDLING COT TONLARGEST COTTON PRESS BUILDERS IN THE WORLD. 1.0 K 1NO tiibbb QUARTrits ov A Mll.l.lONdollar because they did buy from a facto- TEAItLT. According to Ike last census report, Noilh Carolina produces 5(10,000 bales ul'cotl.u. If this cotton were ginned and cleaned in the best manner known to the art, that is, on one of our complete oulGts, no man would deny lhat it would bring onc founh of a cent per pound more. This nieanstl.25 per bale, which is 1 023,0(10. Yes, hut these uew gin out fits cost more, some may say. So they do, but the giuners do tot charge the farmer more. They can gin his cot ton at the same price now charged and make money, because they do it with less labor. It is a labor saving device as wall as a means of improving tie grade. IMPROVEMENTS NOT IN THE IN IT SELF. All our improvements relate to ban ting and cleaning the cotton before atd after ginning. No change has ben made in llie gin itself a machine with saws and ribs and a brush to lake the lint cotton off the saws. A dozen differ ent factoiies make gins, and they are all more or less alike. Originally there was some difference, but the patents bavo all expired, and the desirable features which one or two had have become common property. The main question to bo con sidered about the gin is to be assured that it is well made, good material and workmanship. THE II F.ST AND BIGGEST SHOPS. Wc have the best equipped general machine shops in the Southern States south of Richmond. There may be one, possibly twe, a li i tie larger, but none bet ter supplied with the latest and best tools for Ibe kind of work we do. You have DO doubt heard of Charlotte as a great manufacturing centre. Well, without intending it as in any way a boast, but merely to show that wo have the capaci ty and skill to do good work, we make the assertion that we have the largest weekly pay roll of any mill or factory of any kind in Charlotto or Mecklenburg county, and nay the highest wages. Not only this, but our freight business in coming and outgoing amounts lo more than siit factory within the cily limits with the single exception of the oil mills, the nature of whose business is altogeth er different. EI.EYATOR ANDCT.EANER AND OLD GINS We make ike machinery lhat goes in to our complete outfits all io Charlotte. The engine (plain slide Talre or auto matic) the elevalor, the pulleys and shaft ing and hangers, and the press, of course. We can put the elevalor and improved feeders on old gins, and if not too far gone ihey will produce a far bettor sam ple than when they wero new. We can fit our elevators to any make of gins, but we send our syslrms out with the Kaglo gin. We con fit them out with Hall gins if desind. WHAT THE WONDERFUL MUKItAY FEED- MI UllKS. All CDlton gins tniK hare feeders .Hon ought lo be cleaned before it in islhegins. ll a ginm r could find a fseder, which, while feeding I lie coilon to ihe gins, also cleans it belter (ban any ngle device ever inverted, wouldn't it be a Mod thing? Well, wo have the thing. In ihe fiist place, iluro isn't any boiler feeder. In the secoud place thire isn't any bettel cleaner Iu the third place there isn't any more machinery to it than in an old type f eeder; Iu I lie fourth nlace. it costs verv little more. It is the Mutray Cleaning I'eider. II is the in yeolion of the same Murray who revolu tionised the handling of coilon by the invention of the Murray I'ueunialio Ele vator and Distributor. Tho feeder fits right in with this, and gives a perfect system, But the Murray Cleaning Feeders can be used without the clcv tor over any gin. it is driven wun i bell like anT other feeder, either from the gin shaft o( ibe line shaft. ITi MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. The cleanest col ton can be made clean' er, Interior graucs, on wniun tu i.iwui loses from one to ihtee cents per pouud, . - . 1 l L .1.- I can be raised several grades. Our sys tem takes out tho dust which discolors and the loaf trash which discredits our gotten in the markets of I ho world. Give us a chanct. THE "HOME INIIUHTHY" IDEA DON'T OO WITH 1)8. Other things being equal, buy your machiney near home. That's good doc trine and good sense. e have been to tbe business about twenty-fire years right here in North Carolina, and we have never yet asked a man to buy from us beoause we were a "home industry," but we have saved our customers many a ll FOR PRICES AND CATALOGUES ADDRESS THE MANUFACTURERS, LIDDELL COMPANY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ry near enough to be easily reached and have their wants promptly supplied. Did you ever wait for a repair for a thresher or a mowing machine, or a reaper, lo come Irom tho West ? If you ever did, you may have lost enough money to pay express from the factory on nearly the whole machine. ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, PUL LEYS, SHAFTING, ETC. So much has been said in this adver tisement about gin machinery that tha reader may thiok that's all we make. Far from it. We build more steam eoginra than any factory in tbe South. The country is full of our saw mills. We sold a hundred last year. We turn out shafting by tbe mile, and pulleys and hangers. Some of the bast cotton mills in the country are equipped with our power transmission machinery. We have built more cotton presses than any facto ry in the world a broad statement but irua. COMBINATIONS CAN'T COMBINE OUTSIDE INVENTORS. The days of tho single gin with no system of unloading is numbered. Tbe man who puts up a modern up-to-date ginnery which will gin tbe celton direct from the wagon will surely get tbe busi ness. If he buys the best no competitor can come in later and take sway his bus iness. Outfits which do not include tbe Murray Cleaning Feeder cannot be con sidered among the better class, Tbey have been so considered some years agot but must now take a back seat, and like old men, they ean only glory in tbe past and boast of what they have been. Tbe world docs oot look to su;h as these for advancing its best iutercst. They die hard, of course, and get together in one big oombine to kill opposition and finally control tbe business. This might have been possible, but they couldn't kill tbe inventors of methods wbicb are better than theirs. ' WORTH ONE QUARTER OENT MORE TO A COTTON MILL." Catawba Eleclrio Power Co. (Mountain Island Mills.) Mountain Island, N. C, Nov. 21, 1899. Gentlemen: In reply to yours of the 18th iost , have to say that we are very much pleased with the operation of your Ginning System, with Murray Cleaning Feeders. I am of the opinion that no ginnery io our section compares with ouil in the item of cleaning cotton. We bad no idea that there oould be as muoh dirt in a bale of cotton as the Murray Sys tem, including tho Murray Cleaning Feeders, take out. In fact, we oonsider cotton ginned on this system worth io per pound more to a ootton mill than on any system we have seen. Yours truly, W. T. Jordan, Manager. ANOTHER BIG COTTON MILL HAH SPEAKS. Exposition Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 7, 1899. Gentlemen: We had the pleasure of seeing your Murray Ginning and Clean ing System at work during the Georgia State Fair held here recently, and ean say the cleaning attachment discharged dirt and leaf in a continuous stream, while ginning was going on, and the staple was left in good condition. We have purchased nineteen bales of cotton which passed through your gin, and find it clean stock, and in good condition for spinuing. Io our opinion, there is going to be inoro difference made between bad ly handled and clean cotton than hereto fore. Wc noted that there was little or n i dirt or sand that went to tbs gits, which would result is quite a saviog to manufacturers. We made a comparison of ibe nine teen bales purchastd from you, with other cotton we bad on hand, end found yours tooontain less sand and dirt. Yours truly, Exposition Cotton Mills, J. D. Turner, President. WHATTHE LARGEST OOTTON BUYER IN THE SOUTH BAYS. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1899. Gentlemen: I caw your Murray Gin- ning and Elevating System io operation at our State Fair held hers this fall, aod can recommend it to those who may want to buy improved ginning out fits. Tbe attaohment for separating the leal and dirt from the ootton before it reach es the gin saws did its work well, and is a saving to the gio saws aod brushes. This system will so doubt receive tho endorsements of our ootton mills, as it is important fot them to have their eottoo oleaned well at the gin. Yoor ex hibit was a very creditable, one, in deed. HtlQU T. Inman. Si' i i 1 -C Mai. list.. TMl

Page Text

This is the computer-generated OCR text representation of this newspaper page. It may be empty, if no text could be automatically recognized. This data is also available in Plain Text and XML formats.

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