13 1 JOHN" "W. SLEJDG-IE, I'Uoi'iuktor. VOI, XXKV1, A. NEWSPAPER FOR. THE PEOPLE if TEEMS:-i'M per annum in advance WELDON. N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1901. NO 1. iinitcil, ESTABIJSHSD 1870. ' F R A T K T. .CLARK CM., (.Successors to tSn.'.i . I'lirk it Co ) Sash, Doors and Blinds. t i' ' 4 Moulding, Suir Work, S l?orch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. 9.Kini? UuilJir's Hardware."!! PAINTSOIL & GLASS. And Building 1 i t-ri:l i Every Description. 28 Commercial Place un.l 4'J l( .-lookc Avenu-, NORFOLK, VA. )j a ly NEVER QUARREL THE ORIGIN OF DISPUTE Did You Ever Stop To Think How Foolish Two-Thirds of The (jiiarrvls In Life Are ? P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in f.UflCMiDISE OK Al l" KISI'P. ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES ttaTSole Agent in Welrtoo fofSTKOUSE BROTHERS HIGH AliT CLOTHING (Formerly noli! here by M. K. Hart.) A fit gnaniuteeil. UNDERTAKING 1 Ull it" liranchoB Metallic. Walnut, W gg?.C Cloth Covered Caskets and Collins. ;ifi5Bayfciaaete't: " 1 Telephone or telegraph messages at wftZisSSSSS i ended to day or night. Id. a. smith, Is -l)lvLKlt IN (l AWn A COMPLETE fl S rti fti (Mi it Hi Aft ; ; line of OffV4affiaSi ff l Headquarters I'ur Urcon (iroceiies and fresh meats of a'l kinds. yff GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE f in nj part of town. Call to ee uie. I hue doers below postuthee. fy II 1). A. SMITH. WKLDON, N. C. jj -fern. 0000. 00. 00. 00.00. . ''VSvSiS'-Sf . I-- )UnJr ICG. EVANS,! A quarrel often begins wiih a mere differe nce of opinion, apart from all mi' ice. Standing up for our tide unflinch ingly, without any giving in, will always provoke little at ubborncss in another It in very hard to maintain such stout ness of judgment without showing bad blood. If we feel right, and cannot yield conscientiou-ly, we should sedulously avoid prolonging a dispute. When we feel driven to a depute, wo should pre vent heat of temper settling into a grudge. In differences of opinion in mutual wink, we should cultivate a spirit of concilia tion. When we cannot conscientiously joiti with another in propositions of work or companionship, we should separate from him in respect und good will. We should bo (.Had alternants specially to show such an one respect and good wit Above all, we should not, by our severity, discourage any one who proposes o o'lane lib behavior for the bctttr D d you iver slop to think how foolish t wi thirds of the quarrels iu lile arc? Some minor, i.umUu led slight separating fiieuiis lo make I In in bitter enemies. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Avarice is the result of abundance rather than of want. The wise man makes dollars from the fool's want of sense. Women often confess little faults for the purpose of hiding big ones. The man who breaks a promise can easily make another just as good. Cleanliness may not be next to godii-ne-s, but it's a good life preserver. A man in a position to do good at d learn a on thiug useful is in his proper place, A man of few words and many deeds is like a girden of many vegetables and few weeds. Them in who i-n't wiring to practice what he preaches should give up preach-in.- and t-t in f r polities A man who probably speaks by the book says it is fir easier 1 1 g't a mither-Jn-Iaw iu the h oi-e than it is lo get her out again 'KIM! IN HIS WORK VKU)UN, N.C. '' Fancy Groceries, Fruits and SCON F EC T 10 N Kill KS.5- All kinds of flavoring for Christmas Cakes aud Jellies. Full line Confectioner tes ol all sorts. .jj jjiiiCT. run .... - y'r W OLD WINES AND BRANDIES, O (.. A a V . CAPITAL CLUB RYK. - CALLKOIUT. -$t KEROSENE OIL 3 CTS. QUART. sK The Peerless Wine, ChicaiO Millunaire (-hi wing his libic ry to distinguished novelist) "See then bo Is? ' Ilisliog'iishcd SuVclM ' Yes " t'. M. "All bound in calf ain't ih,)?' I) N "fi,, I,.V r,.." ('. M (pr..udij)-"VcII, sir, I killed all iIkiu calv myselt. The true iii-tiue'or le.uns more than l:c tiachis Safe K?Sn. Scuppo Id Thousands of American Households. mow! mmmm - 1 1 1 II.L.B,jrnCaitj u 4- J? - JU'A-y SHOULD BE I IT -A-LL nT a TTI?T,DT?V'ID"dobyGRRETTC0i', JjJiWi-VOJLrilV X unfailing remedy and all tbeir goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home Office, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. 'IT i... ii. .1.. ..t.11.1 id KriTi. frnm onliimrv 1 m- mm ii J dangers iu the care of the faithful tins. Hut neither Hie dog's fidelity, nor the mother's love can g'.ianl a child from those ilivisi' le Una lor.l uuk in air ...iu. ..,,.1 t...Hl lhi l't-nns of disca?. Children mid to lie ajKi-ialty waicr.ci -...I 1 r... Wtii'ti llu re is loss of atitietite, lassitude an 1 lisllessinj, ill a ctiild, an attoui.t : hmild la-iuu.li to re vive the iiii ;ite and rally the spirits. Ill Dr. Pierce's t'.i.lilcn Medical Discovery jiari'ius nave lounu hu .... ...... cine lor einiiirrn. us ilium ... -t u...l .l..ltit.. irt'idtiltl flolll fllllltll ll-l I". - .1....1...1 nr.n.,1 i'h t-omtneiia It to every thoughtful t-rm. It i pleasant ..i!!.,. ilir. ffiid oils ami IU llisir, - , their emulsions uirerc'i tor cmitireu use. "Coltlen Medical )isi-ovcry"makcs inire bltKKl and sound llesti, ami aoso ,..!.. .ii,u,ntfa Iron! the system the poisons which feed disease. Mm Ells r.nr.lner. "I Co. V. . wh..i.lsiilhlfran""l from m.laml wlumwl .no currh. wrlw. : " My lillle ST, 'l..njr,,l.,(..lr.uliu health I .m M of UBaai-i Catarrh Rei..sly. and .he U well. We thaiiL God for your medicine.. Give the little one Dr. lSerce's Plea ant Pellet when a laxative is needed. They're easy to Uke and don't gripe. Branch Warehouse, ST. LQUIS. MO. m). R. ANDERSON & CO. I Pork Packers I Clear Kib Side, Rib Belliea, Reg fnlar and clear Plate, all averagea. 1 " Ordara aolleited and filled at lowest market price day received. . - a at aiaiak ITf t .1 VT n i febSly D-HtANDEHsONItliU., . BO YEARS' iA. XEXPERIENCB m dmm 'tr' Copyrc-'i. ' M'lc'-.W iis.wililil "" fii'"i"ll Jr. . i.t.-' n: i.,n i- i ri.Kiit ly . aent-iMf " ; .iiiitrlfflT( iMiiml.il. l"v ' " .,-ui In-r. oiiU-( am "'! ttr w'liar.ti.! ; , I'liixi.ia lafci-ri ihr..iiiili Muutt A am I. icn it n-ittet, wtiimul tinimOi l t" Scictiuitc nmnx: A hnd.nmlr lllilMraljit wwHt. oulal Ion t'f imy It'lwulflc loiiriial. Tttii . t u ,"r ' four mtiiith.. IL Sold bjalt ne..ltjtlr. A air." I love it, I love it, and who shall dare To chide ire for loving the old ami chair? I've t easnretl it long an a sainted prize, I've bedewed with tears, and embalmed it with sighs. 'Tis bound by a thousand bunds to my heart : Not a tie will b: eat, nor a link will start, Would you learn the spell? A mother sat there, And a sacred thing is that old arm chair. In childhood's hours I lingered near The hallowed seat with list'ning ear; And the gentle words that mother would give, To fit me to die and to teach me to live ! She told mo that shame would never bet; le, With truth for my creed and (foil for my guide; She taught me to lisp my eaniost prayer, As I knelt beside that old arm chair. I sat and watched her many a day. When her eyes were di n and her locks were gray; And I almost worshipped her when she smiled, And turned from the Bible to bless her child. Years rolled on, but at last one sped My idol was shattered my earth-star fled ; I learned how much the heart can bear, When I saw her die in that old chair. 'Tis past! 'Tis past ! But I gazo on it now. With quivering breath and throbbing brow; 'Twas there she nursed; 'twas the.e she died; And memory Hows with lava tide. Say it is folly and deem me weak, While the scalding tears run do vn my cheek; But I love it Hove it, and cani ot tear My soul from my mother's old arm chair. Slept in Security . THE LORD KEEPETH THEM. THE LITTLE CHILDREN SAFE. In Your Hour Of Need Pray That Jesus May Not Forsake You. UNDER THE FLAG. A TOXICA SMALL IJOV USUI) FOR HIS WEAK FEKLINC.S. There is a 5-year-old boy in Massachusetts avenue who is of the blood of patriots. His grandfather was in both the Mexican and civil wars, and his father was also a soldier, consequently the little fellow has heard much "flag" talk in his short life and has exalted ideas of its protective qualities. He was the baby of the family till verv recentlv and occupied a crib bed in hi mother's room. When the new baby came, Harold was put to sleep in a room adjoining his mother's, and as he had never slept alone before his small soul was filled with nameless fears which he was too proud to tell in full. "It's mighty lonesome in here, mamma," he called the first night after he had been tucked in his little white bed. "Just remember the angels are near you and caring for you,' replied mamma from the outer room. "But, mamma," he objected, "I ain't acquainted with any angels, and I'd be scared of them if they came rustling round, same as I would of any other stranger." "Now, Harold, you must go to sleep quietly. Nothing will hurt you,'' "Can't 1 have the gas lighted in herp?" "No; mamma doesn't think it necessary, and it is not healthy.' There was silence for some time, and then the small voice piped up again. "Oh, mamma!" "Yes, dear." 'May I have grandpa's flag ?" "Why. what for? I want you to go right to sleep." "Please, mamma!" and a small night-gowned figure appeared at the door. "Just let mo stick the Hag up at the head of niv bed, and then I'll go right to sleep, indeed I will! You know the night grandpa said at the meeting that "under the protect ing folds of the flag the weakest would be safe," anil I feel mighty weak, mamma. He got the flag, and when his mother looked in on him an hour later he was fast asleep, with a fat little tist under his red cheek holding fast the end of the "protecting flag." Washington Star BOKKOW1XO TKOl'Hbi:. Borrowing is poor business, at the best, but of all the unsatis factory "no returns for your pains" occupations the very worst in the world is borrowing trouble. To begin with.it is based on fancv, crankiness, vaporings, undue nervousness or the men tui or moral idiosyncrasies that should have been trained out of the individual long before the years of childhood were passed There are few people in the world more depressing and dis heartening than those who are nlwavR seeing some shadow of coming evil. The world is sombre enough even at the best, and ;t. is seurcelv worth while to iro out seekiiiaT for shudows or to conjure up purely imaginary ones. TIIK l'LKASAXT TOXIUJK. There is no finer art than that of dwelling comfortably with people. The social or the family structure is a sort of kalcido scope, which should ever resolve itself into a pleasing t' vn if each will willingly slide to his place anil permit others to do so. Nothing so promotes this result as a pleasant tongue. Not the tongue of honeyed phrase that is smooth from policy, but the one that is the result of a generous, tactful, sympathetic heart. Too often the high worth of pleasantness is overlooked but in the court of life it is one of the greatest factors. Perhaps it is going too far to say that it has alone won more high positions in life than actual ability, but it has certainly obtained where strenuous, self-assertive virtues have failed. Unselfishness is the creator of a pleasant tongue; an unselfishness which crowds out of sight all jealousy, all resentment, gloom and restraint an unselfishness that makes light of favors bestowed, and is ex pansive and grateful over those received. The Household. Grratniss is not so much in ability to plan masterpieces as in persistency in pursuing them. Ir every bridal moon saw the bridling ol the tongue happier homes, would be the result. You cannot purify the tenant by painting the house. PUSH. KEEP AT IT. EQZEfJVS ITCH IS TORTURE. Ecueina is canned by au acid humor in Alwnra Tmno-ino TI.nr.T1,. TWr ?? mo?!l .m,?R conu """.V sicin ana prottucuiK great reiiness ana in' flarumatioii ; little pustular eruptions form ge a thin, sticky fluia, which When my little readers have become grown persons, and happen to make a journey to St. Petersburg, the residence of the Russian essperor, they will proba bly be well pleased there, during the short summer, with the wide streets and with the proud palaces of the rich Rus sians. However, they will soon get tired, I suppose, in the suburbs, where miserable cottages and muddy streets ate quite common things. In one of these suburbs, on a very slormy day, early, at 6 o'clock in ( the morning, a widow took leave of her two children, a son and a daughter fur she had to go to her hard work to obtain bread for herself and her children. The children begged: "Mother, do not leave us without bread, for otherwise we shill die by hunger." The mother divided, with sorrow, the scanty remainder of food, kissed the dar lings of her heart, and said, at partin "When it gets dark, pray only that Jesus Christ may not forsake you." At her hard work she was always thiukiBg of her little children, aud that made the work easy to her, os she did it for them. The wind, in the meanwhile, increased dreadfully, the sea overflowed the banks and inundated the country. The alarm bells of St. Petersburg tolled, d thousands of people hastened from their habitations along the seashore to the hills, for the waves dashed over houseB, destroyed vessels, and many peo ple were made beggars in a few hours, The house of the poor widow was also near the seashore, and it was to be feared that the saaae would likewise be destroyed by the waves. The mother, stupefied by terror, was standing at the water's edge; once she endeavored to go through the water to her dwelling, but it was impossi ble; the water and the waves were too gh not even a boat could pass over. She could, therefore, only look in the di rection of the place where her little chil ren were, and could do nothing f ir tbem but pray. In the evening the otm abated, and suddenly the sea re tired within its limits; and the people astcned to their homes to see what the flood had left them. The mother of the little children saon ached her coltage.tbough the street was ot quite free from water, and she had often to wade through. She opened the toor in haste, and looked in,her little ones were lying quietly locked in each other's arms on the table. The mother kissed hem what jay penetrated her anxious eart! Tbey opened their eyes, and, with pleasant smile, looked on their mother. Children," 6he cried, "who took care of you? who has saved you?" 'Dojouknow," said the boy, "that the Loid Jesus has kept us? When the water came into the room we got fright- ned, and stepped upon a chair; but the water rose higher and higher, and we stepped, upon the table. 0 mother, I would that you had been here ! chairs, chests, boxes, brooms all were moving about in the water, and we were swim ming uway with our table. The water continued to rise, so that our beads touched the ceiling. Then we knelt own as you have taught us, and prayed." The mother shed tears of joy, em braced her children, and said ; "What ever may happen to us in the future, we II trust in the Lord." Beli in cs To You 0 .-.' uiu uismari? dries aud 6ca!es off : sometimes the skin is Push is a talent as much as skill in hard, dry and fissured. Eczema in any ... fnem ,a n Innnanl'm. CtUl.nirn .1 WHV. auy an. i ou can commence pusniog the itching M(1 burniuf, at timts are by imagining yourself as a pusher. Keep I almost unbearable ; the acid banaisg ir i ..p.. ... i .l honor (ten to oote out and at tne tkw yoursen ueiore yoursei, in your miuu as on WMhe, nor ,her eKter. a pusher, and such a frame ol mind will I nal anollrations do anv real good, for at length make vou nush. There is a !onf?.? the Vuim.n. remV j" the blood i it win ifppn t is skin lrntaita. puwtrr iu c'Juuuu4i wsigiuttiiuu ui gjQ FORM OfLT yourself in uo; certaiu cburacter. Iiu- "For ti.r-e year I Wm . . I .,1 i . . i , had Tetter 011 i:iy iuu mui uiu i im uliuiib x xj jf uu , uu jf uu hands, which caused will find the best coming to you. Imag- .SS'li-lSS ioe the worst, sec yourself in the poor- VhTfomofru" bouse, and the poor house will come to FTdSme" you. Success, like charity, must com- rttS'.txSer bat! progreuseJ too far to be ctireil, ant thfy could d nothing for X mence at home in the miud. If now you are compelled to live at home in a poor 1 1 'okt.'ii "thr si room and nn nntir fare An an nnl iinrW I bottles of S. S. S. end 3 , , v wa? protest. Keep your mind on the room and the better fare. Don' s pose 1 must always take up with this. s, s. s Iie,,tralkes this acid poison, Say. instead."! am goine to have betterl rxotathbloiandroiwtttoahaltby, ....,.. .1 nttual statt, and tb rough, things than these. You are creating Au bacon,., anft, amooth and el conijilt-lely cured. Mr betterl " w"s " " ' Tj'A!Sw I aeo. and I hate nerar 't sav "I I tlDeewea .nyjjn of raj old troobla." 1 v J A I L. B A( iaii McCee St.. kill Mil CltT. Ma.. MO. tor yourself strength, not weakness. Ion are then ever strengthening the inexpli cable mental attraction which will bring! these things to you. clred7 afl! iOE dSSfk "ah Me. k "No," said the man in the mackin tosh, "my wife doesn' give uway any of my old clothes or Bell them to the rag man any more. I cured that habit effec tually once. "How was that ?" they asked him. "Wheo I found she had disposed of a coat I hadn't worn for several weeks I told her there was a letter in it she had given me to mail the last time I had it on. And that was no lie, either," hi added, with due satisfaction, LEARN TO LAUfill. cure Tttt.r. Brr- sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and all skin diseases due to a pois oned condition of the blood. Send for our book and write ut about your case. Our physiciane have made these diseases a ute siuay, ana can help you by their advice; we make no charge for this sen-ice. All correspondence I conducted in strictest connaence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, U. BEST FOR THE ELS If too hf n't rciulbr, belthy tnoToinent of tht bowt ls every dnv, vuu're 111 or will be. Keep your bowuli oven, anil'ljn well. Force, In the ihs.teof tlo lent uhysluur pill polion.U dannroui. lti mootto t, eMlr.it, inoU imrfert wT of ktrtplng tUe buwuli clear a.ad eleui lito Uke CANDY m I nun i iu A good laugh is better than medicine. Learn how to tell a story. A well told story is as welcome as a euabeam in a sick room. Learn to keep your troubles to yourself. The world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows. Learn to stop croaking. If you cannot see any good in the world, keep the bad ta your self, Learn to hide your paics aud acbrs under a pleasant smile. No one cares to bear whether you have the earache, head ache or rheumatism. Don't cry. Tears do well enough in novels, but they arc out of place in real life. Learn to meet vour friends with a smile. The geud- humored man or woman is always wel oorae, but the dyspeptic or hypochondrio is not wanted anywhere, and may be a nuisance as well. Whether a woman loves a man or not, I e is her lover if he dares to tell her he I oves her, and is heard with attention. Biliousness is a condition characterized by a disturbance of the digeslive organs. The stomach is debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated. There is a losthiog of food, pains in the bowels, izzioess, coated tongue and vomiting rat of the undigested or partly digested food and then of bile. Chamberlain Stomach aud Liver Tablets all.iy the dis turbances of the stomach .if the stomach nd create a healthy iipin iiie They also tone up the liver to a healthy acuon and regulate the bowels. Try them aud you are certain to t niucli tiieaseil wuui or rerana in. mon.y dmo. ona rot eirauui . 1 m, , and oopr ot our baakable tuaraata. boad. ' " NervitaTaMsts ... i A golden miracle! Good looks and gold together are rather superhuman. KOR OVER FIFTY YEARS! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part ol the world, 'id cent bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take do Oth or kind Msaeiiline idea, are on. thiug; but Itt feminine ever be feminine, er our civili- I. lion pirishts. They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and Brjdy rest Cas- carets Candy CatharAe repair your digestion, your livV your bowels, put them in perfect Order. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Ail druggists, ioe. Two hearts that snake one tiul do not separately count their gifts. $500 UEWAItD. . We will pay the above reward for any cis J of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation tr Costivcness we cannot cure with Liverta the up-to data Little Liver Till, when the directions are strictly complied with They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. 25o. boxes contain 100 Pills, lOo. boxea oontaio 40 Pills, Bo, boxes oontaio 15 rills. Beware of tub stitutioDi and imitations. Seat by mail; stamps taken. N tav it M XDIOAL Co, Cor. Clinton and Jaolson 8ts., Chicago, III. if 19 IT For sals by W. M . Cohen W.ldon, K. 0, EAT "ENI LIKE CANDY ti n.i.t.ki. Mntmnt TrLalfl fionil. DoUOoa, Never bR-koii. Weaken, or Gripe. 10, , ano nt r hox. rue lor ire ntine, auu ' aalth. Addrena 433 ir I ft LI Ml KK1KDT COIPIKY, CHICIO ar KW TOR. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREIGHT andCUARANTEE 8AFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In tht Soath Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THECOUPER WARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank at.. Norfolk Va aov 3 It. NERVITA PILL Restore Vitality, Lo.t Vljor aid Maibto Cure Impotency, Night Emitttoni, Loti of lira au waiting aiteaiM, 8' otj. all waiting di til effects of Mlf-abuw or nicest aud iud iteration. A nerve tonio twl blood builder. Briuga the Dink glow to Dale cheeks aud restore the Are of tod 111. Bf nail 50c per box. u boxea tor 60 PILLS, 60 CTS. FOUGHT FOlt HIS LIFE. "My father and sister both died consumption EXTRA ST8EN0TB UmJI.Ii Dh.II. (raLLOW LABBL) PoaltiTsljr iroaranted eflrt for Loat or Powm, Varicocele. UndenlopMl or Bhrunkan prraoa, r.mi. Irfimmnttir Ataxia. Nerrou. rroatra. tion, Hratari., Flu, InnaBitr, Paralyal. and tht MesulU or bxceaMT. Laeapl Tooacco, upium or of ' writes J. T. Weatherwax. Liquor. Bt i dox, o Tor I Kicmmis Umbo! Tobacco, upium of y mail In plain packain. tl.00 a in nr. .with nur h&nk.bla mar. ants, bond to cur In 30 day or rtfosol mon.y paid. AUdraaa NERVITA MEDICAL CO. of Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was saved Qlrrton Jtackaon Sta- CHICAGO, Uii from the same frightful fate only by Pr. For sale by ir. M. Cohen, H'eldon H. C. Kinii New Discoverv. An attack of I pnenmoni. cough and very severe AtiHIltiC CQuSt XjIHB R&ll- rouble, which an excellent doctor could 1 not help, but a few month's use of this onderlul medicino made me as well as I ever and I gained much in weight.' In fallible lor Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble. Trial hollies free. (lllarsnleed boll It 50o. aud SI St W. M, Cohen's drugstore. mil Co. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS G01NO SOUTH. The simpliciiy of the life of labor iked beautiful Whst ai l not look beautiful contra-ted with the fly io the web? t- , . , . , 10J11 No. S3 NoSS Dated JnM3,1901. j,,, DUy Leave Petersburg, 9.66 am 7.45 p m Leave Btoay Crack, 10.35 am 6.20pm Leave Jaraatta, 10.52 am - Leav. Emporia 11.08 am ft. 40pm Arrive Weldon, 11.16am . lilpm , TEAIN8 GOING NORTH. a No. 33 Na. 78 Daily. Daily. BEWARE OF A t'OUOH. A cough is not disease, but a tymp- tn. Consun.pti.il and which sre the most dangt-rous and fatal Emporia diseases, have fr their 6m indication I L8tonf Creek persistent cough, and ll properly treated Arriv. fawwbnrg, msun it llilM i.iinh ainriiaata ara stakllv I ouiei. v,uniuiici imu n Vjuuiiu iiuituj i t.i,ae. ira.u k ... i.c..u r..i .S X.. ' 4""U"J ...n iit..u rr-...,, .u- n. m. a.aB.Hriun, nan. r0. avart. gained Its wide repuiaiion and extensive I sale by its mceess in curing the disease I which oaux coughiug If it is not ben- 1.43 a m a 15 9.31 ,m. 4.87 p. m 5 .16 p. m 5.3SB. 6.48 p. n 8.33 p. B eficial il will not cost you a cent. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Thought flies beat when the bands are easily busy. ' . OASTOniA. B. of lhl Hind Yon Han Always BotnW A PPOMATTOK li-X IRONWORKS, -Hannfactarer of- Igrionltural Implements, a&SkAkti ; . MiU Gearing, Polleya, AU kiudaof ', v Machinery, and Kapolra f , 9. Panut'JMa.hinerjf a gpeesalt. -vtj Ho. 13 M Old 84., rttataans, Y. J XVr -

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