Spsl WlM wFz 1 '1 ' JOHN" "W". SLEDG-E, propriktor. VOL XXXVT. .A. newspaper foe, the people WELDON. N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 9. 1901. TEPHVES: l-50 PER annum in advance NO 2 ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T.CLARK CO, (Successor ui Cooke, dirk Si Co.) Limited. Sash, Boars and B HER LUCKY STAR. BRADLEY WIRTIN'S NEW BABY. A Pauper Woman's Child Adopted to Please A Young Grandson. Mouldings, Stair Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwodd and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. A. Fine Itui der's Hardware." PAINTS OIL & GLASS. Auil Building Mateiiil "I Hvery Description. '8 C'imra-rcial Phce and 4'J I! jn-ke .veuip . NORFOLK, V'A. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in Qel - - - fhflCfjJrJDISE OK Al-L ZEICLER & BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. shoes teTMt Agent in Weldon for 8TROUSK RROTHEIW H1UII ART CLOTHING I, Formerly sold here by M. F. Hart.) A lit giia'uuteeil. -UNDERTAKING In all its branches Metallic. Walunt, Cloth Covered Caskets undCotlina. Telephone or telegraph messages at tended to iluy or night. it D. A. SMITH, -DKALKR in- AND A COMPLETE LINE OF Headquarters l'ir Green Groceries and fresh meats ol all kinds. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE in any part uf town. Call to see me. Three door-' below post, flice. (P (P rt. 1). A. smith. i,whk, i. u. 'n lanlily aa-Fresh Bread Always un lia'.d. .11; .11 Jii iA LW. CV 1C. GL EVANS, 1 WELDON, N. C. IS mm a w Groceries, Fruits and CONFECTIONERIES. IImII.U. All kind of flavoring for Cliriaioias Cakei and Jellies. Full line Confectioneries of all aorta. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. Sole Agent For CAPITAL CLUB RYK. - CALL FOR IT. KEROSENE OIL 3 CTS. QUART. The Peerless Wine, mm Id Thousands of Americio Households. r m pi.a a a : j SHOULD BE HST ALL IBLli-CXBERRiYunfiiling roiedyInd ll tl A tiny baby was uurxpidcdly aiblid to the Bradley-Martin family this week. Mrs. Bradley-Martin, her dauyLtrr. Lady Craven; her s m io law, Lord Cra ven, and hrr grandchild, the " year old Viscount liuffintoo, have been lur. I'r the last three wei ka, and will run tin un til the Lmlon season in June. V,ii- ucsdiy the little Lord Bufliutilun was busy milking mud cakes in the park,nhm his nurse scnl him to give some pennies to a famished-looking woman with a baby in her arms and four other haoiiK to her skirts. The 3-year-old Kuojish lord im n. - dialely took a ureal faney to the suck ling baby, because "she smiled with hiin and chewed his finger." The ruothir was compelled to ait un a bench so that ihc Viscount could admire the baby all he wanted When his nurse ni'jd to lake the boy home L ird liuffiojhm kicked, bit and rolled liiilis'll' in the mud ralher tbari part fr m his new friend. ' I want ilmt baby," he cried. reartui! the V iseount Would go into CjuiuIsioiis his nurse asked the pauper mother to accompany her as far as the Elysefs 1'alaco Hotel. But there ih youiif;-ter again made Mich a scene thai hundreds ot passers by gathered Finally Grandma Bradley-Mania came down and imni.diately decided that Lord Burlington should nave the playmate lie wsDteil. Inquiry proved the Wither to le woithy of interest The husband i father was killed in a quarry and bis nuuerous fnuily left in absoluti want The preily pauper baby is nuw dress, d in the costliest tinny and is the linle lord a most precious toy She will I adopted by llie Craven's and will be reared by the Viscount. The babj's tu .iber, I'lekiiiu t i in in new cloihes, will lure a place in the nursery Her otli children have b. en placed at achonl i i hi) Bradley-Marlins. Paris ('able New York World. Savagery. -'And do these Indian ejr's n evince a ten leiicv to ri lapse into t li-ruier savaeerv? ' Tears sprani; to the eyes ofihe inissii n worker. "Ah, yes," a'nlml sin ; 'duly last tv. u iai! they set Ihc table without puinn: l ilies under the fin;er bol." I)etr..i Journal. Koblied Hint. "You see that procperoua-lookiof; man i:ver ihere? He rub bid me of the best ebanet of bi omii(? tich 1 ever had." "How did it happen?" "Herd used to let me marry Lis daunbtcr." an their good) are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home Office, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. '17 Branch Warehouse, ST. LOUIS, MO. S Pork Packers , Clear Rib Bide, Rib Kelllet, Ke ! olar and clear Plate, all averagaa, l ! Mercer- Mutherhooil ounlit always to bnn; happiness. Hut tl la olten the begin ning of life long unbappiiit aa. As a pre luration for mot'ierhiHjl, and aa a pre ventive of the ilia a often following matmiitv lir. Pierre a I avonle t're- riptU'ii has Wen bailed us a "(nl-sml to women ' It heals iiae peeuiiar to wnncn. tonea tit llie vtem, makes itiutbeibisKl oruetleallv isnuless, and ea tiblisbes the aonnd health which insures healthy chilnren. " liurlna tht-1 mi y.ar I f iml mv-rf-lf prfsmnt .ml iu rapi.llv Villus li.sllh " win., sit. w ) Kiil'U-r. ol lltll l.lr aini i HH..-.I utjt Crnleri K...Ikii VI. "I -iilTrlt.1 illraillnllv ".'Hi W.l n. .n.l urliiMf .inltcull. 1 HJI S' "WV.Z Vr tititilv w..kei e.Lh dsv .ml MilT.ud, inmh .hM-p pain .1 ton.. I ftlt lh.1 MiinrlhliiR, Inti l tiimf. I wmikIH v,1lir .aicr .utl reirivfH a prompt rtplv I to.k lw.lv. Iiulllr. ul l)r il.re. . F.vonl. Picufil'luin .ml .! foll.iwrd yuut niKTiK-tioli. I lira. ii ! mipruv. Imui.ai ...iv ... h.lil, lir.-.m. M-rU.nt. anil 1 could do .11 niy own w.nh iwe lo-. or . aixsl .ivd f.rml I wlal and n.l. .11 I wHild. .nd ra- t).d It I had a thorl ny ciiubu.mrnl and uvr a hralthv halv Imy " Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviaer (paper covera) i sent fret on receipt of at one- cent atami to pay tost ol mailing iwv Address l)r. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V ou lean. tf EXPERIENCE 1 '.i-razZSSSMM 1 j i....r:'i.a.w VOrdera solicited and filled at lowest market price day received. feb31y D.R.ANDERSONIlCO., Weldon, N C. ; Folded Hands. Pule, withered hands that more than fourscore years Had wrought for others; soothed the hurt of tears, Rocked children's cradles, cased the fever's smart, Oropprd balm of love in many an aching heart. Now stirless, folded like wan rose leaves jiressed Above the snow and silence of her breast. In unite appeal they tell of labors done, And well earned rest that came at set of sun. From the worn brow the lines of care are swept, As if an angel's kiss the while she slept Had smoothed the cobweb wrinkles (piite away And given back the pence of childhood's day; And on the lips a smile its if she said: "Jsoneknow's life's secret but the happy dead.'' So gazing where she lies, we know that pain Ami parting cannot cleave her soul again. And we are sure that they who saw her last, In that dim vista which we call the past. Who never knew her old and weary-eyed, Remembering best the maiden and the bride. Have sprung to greet her with the olden speech, The dear, sweet names no later love can teach, And "Welcome Home?" they cried, and grasped her hands, So dwells the mother in the best of lands. Makiiaukt E, Sangstku. The Beginning of the End. THE FAIR SEX. WOMEN AS CONFIDANTS. They Are Almost Certain Keep Men's Secrets, But To An Electric, Buzzer That Made Ghastly Noises At Night. 4 'Over the river let us cross, and 'neath the blissful shade Of the trees eternal let us rest,'' was what our "Stonewall" aid. He who, a short time singe, had braved, unscathed, the northern toe, Through error of his own stanch men received the fatal blow. At Chancellorsville, true, victory graced the Stars and Bars, but yet Our loss than gain was greater far as Jackson's sun had set. Yes, he had gone; his meteor course would dazzle world no more His noble form must now, alas, m retrospection soar. His magic name a tower of strength no more 'mid shock of strife Would Southrons cheer, for cruel death had cut the thread of life. His glorious work on earth was o'er; his mission was complete; Anil when fames zenith vas attained, then came tne winning sheet. Blest Christian hero! Dixie's pride! To end of Time, he'll reign As grand Exemplar of a cause he battled to maintain. nd when, in distant vears. thev'll sing the praises of theOray, No theme u hiirher nhice will hold than "Stonewall Jackson s way. Chas. Hdgkworth Jones TWO YOUNG WOMEN SUING FOR THE SAME HUSBAND, STRANGE CASE III WHICH THE LOVE OF THREE PEOPLE IS INVOLVED Beautiful Frail Girl, Brave and True, Deeply Infatuated a Young Man Writes Him If He Marries the Other Girl she will Kill Herself, and Tells Him She Has Grown Hump and Wealthy. With 'Jtf,'.jisJV DceiON. fmil Cor.vn.aMTse.c Annnp wnrttiif ttnlrh ml d-Brrl ti..:i it aulcklf M.'fMnin our dfiiiit'ii frwf wliMh.-r mvftiitlnn II pr.hnW pnlpinMf. "it'rwiiiit.-ii UoninnrllTtiO'1iit1J. lUti-ltviH'koti I'n'a'iiti rnt fr t inert irfm r ft" '"iTinif 'HHi'. l'ltmH Uki'i) IlirniiKii Mwiu A lo. rttvl ptruti Hofit, without ctar?, la tUo Scientific Jfiacrlaa. A hinioiii.y HhirtrrtH tMHf, ! iffMl "tr. rultMiutt i'f nr ili'ilt Jouniftl, T'-m. IS ft-nr : f-ur pioiiltu. It 1M4 bj all TUM.ler. There is a siratifie uud novel conflict in Hiehniond county between two young wo- . V. III. Tl . mm as iii wliose husliand Is a yi.uug man by tne name ol liOUis Seville, i uis youo luuu is llie second son ol a lamnv ol lite br tneis nouesi, inuusirious peo ple who have for some lime be. o ctnMijcd in the saw-mill business. About two years ueji Louis was in love wiih Miss Helen Dclamere, whose lamily fjfided mar Laurel Hill, iu this C'Uiiiiy Miss Delauuro is a fragile youni; girl cf eighteen, and is a great bcuuly tier bcalih is extremely delicate owing tit her frail phyical organization. For this reason and no other the Neville family were bitter ly oj posed to the marriage, and by dint of effort they succeeded in breaking off the engagement. Nothing more was thought of this love romance, and in due lime L uis placed his affections elsewhere. A pretty young school teacher of his township by the uauie ot (Catherine Steele was bis love this time Thursday, September 6th la.-t was the day fixed lor the I'ddiug and ex'ensive preparations wre made everything moved on as "merry as a . . . i i .1 i i. marriage bell. luvtlations to tnetr nt-mis were exteojeu, tne auenuauis ou eaco aide were selected and had accepted, and all preparations were concluded. Nothing oocurred to mar the serenity tf the occasion until just before the day set for the wedding, when young Neville received a letter from Miss Delamere, who is living just over i lie line, in South Carolina, iu which she informed him that she had jus1 heard of his proposed marriage with Miss Steele, and that she loved him more de. voledly than ever before, that her health was good and that she had picked up many pounds o( flesh dutiug the past Iwo yeats, that she had reeeutly come into properly Tiluid a; t(!0,b(l0, and lhat if hemarritd Miss Steele she would immediately com mit suicide. MAHUIKI) 'NIK OTHKll GIKL Tlii- letter sel Louis afire. All his formtr love for Misa Del-nnre returned, and h ihrcaictnd to commit suicide if his lamily did not consent f. r him to immediate ly many Mi-s Delamere. His family nlu'd bis condition and kept close watch 0 ii biiu, hut on Wednesday before the day appointed for his marriage to Miss S ce'e, be escni r l the vigilance of bis relatives aud went to see Miss Delamere. As soo i was missed search was instituted fur him, and he was finally found in a .etui c ti-ii us lou lition over in South Carolina in charge ol Miss Delamere, who str-nuously J eland that ihey had been regularly married Louis did not seem to romember much of an)ihiog, but did have a Very distinct recollcciion of some kird of pi rfoitnancc before a magistrate, He was luouht back home sgaiost the promt nf I is ile, aa Miss Delauicro declares she is, and his condition has not materially imptovid. His second intended immediately called on him and very generously forgive all, and lor fear o! aaore trouble in the fulu'e ihey were immediately married Louis making little or no oppositiau. Mis Neville accounts for her son's awkward predicament by saying that be has b ift subject at long intervals during his life to seasons of slight menial aberration tad that he was temporarily unbalanced by the letter of Miss Delamere. TAKING I1KKOIC STKl'S. Miss Dclamore saysshe is able to prove the marriage accordiog to the laws ol South Carolina, which do not require a license, but permit parties to enter the civil (jontraet of marriage uuder any lies. Mrs. Neville, as she calls herself, has employ,. J .x-Judge UirdiD T. Benr.ett, an ex-member of cougreas ftom the Sixth District,' and Mr J. T. Lockhail, both of Wadesboro, to represent her, and she says she has been advised to wait a reasonable time and see if L mis will not get well aod Volun tarily return to her and resume his matiid life with her, If he does not she intends to sue out a writ of habcai c irpus and appeal to the courts for the posseF sion of bet husband. Wife No. 2 and the Neville family charge that Lmis was drugged and while in this condition the mtrriage oerriu in; was performed between him and Miss Dcla. mere. The ease bids fair to ba m ist eclebrated in the judicial history of the State. Id the meantime wife number twa is living with Liuii at Laurel Hill, aid wife number one it acting on the advice of her lawyers. Ooe marriage having laken place to North Carolina, and the other in South Car. olios, interstate complication, may arise in the settlement of this dispute, A mere man says that he told a wo man something under a solemn seal of secrecy a week ago, and that only yester day the thing was told him again, with variations, also under the seal of secteuy, Having traveled by way of 1- feminine creatures in the meantime, The mere mau didn't receive auy sym pathy from her to wbotu he conGded bis troubles, fur she promptly reminded him that he had told her in the first place, and lhat what he, whom it most concern ed, could not keep he should nut expect others to conceal, The woman had had experience in tolling things hen-ell. Once she told her best friend, under a pledge of the most absolute silence, that she hoped a mouth later to give a small luncheon to a bride-elect. When the rumor of this entertainment reached her again, which it did in a few days, the luncheon had become a ball, a betrothal ball, for which the invilations were already out. Re proached, the best friend defended her self ably. "Did you ask me not to tell, "Louise?" she asked, with quivering lips. "Why, dearie, I forgot all about it, and I was so glad you were going to have such a pret ty entertainment that I told Mamie. I knew you wouldn't mind her knowing it." "If I had wanted Mamie to know it, I would have told her myself," began the woman, sternly. But then she stopped, for she knew that it was no use; the wind bloweth where it listeth Sometimes more serious things than entertainments, however, are affected by the feminine short memory for promises' The whisper uf double in a family, of s wayward son, a cruel husband, or fioan cial embarrassments started by those mott interested, many times because sy pathy is craved by the broken or sad heart, becomes louder and louder until the melancholy fads, with many euibet ishraents, are known to all of a circle i aequinlanees and to many ontside ihc circle. Women are not the only culprits in this matter. Men, like the parrot in the story, talk too much also. They re peat more accurately than women; but they do repeal, whatever they may d cl ire to the contrary. It is a noticeable tact that a woman will seldom betray the confidence placid in her by a man. Mic leels IKilc a m punciion iu giving away the secrets her girl friends tell her, but she excuses her self by aayiog that she knows some one will tell it, and she might as well have whatever eclat attaches to being the first to break the news. She is profoundly mum, generally speaking about what a man tells her ia confidence, though. Some persons who have noticed this are cruel enough to hint that she fears to have her masculine friends find she is not reliable, lest she hear no more of their secrets. But this is an unworthy suspi cion. She respects a man's oonfidence because she feels that his assurance that he has told no ooe else is true, while she feels morally sure that she is not the only ooe in whom her woman fiiend has con fided, despite the latter 's protestations. NOVEL METHOD. DEVICE TO MAKE HER MARRY. John Davenport, of Huuloeks Creek, was before 'Squill' Donubue, owing to his novel method of w ioiog twenty-two-year-old Dolly Williams, whom he was eager to wed. He got the girl In become bis house eeper, and after she bad been in (he House a few Weils mid he saw she suited him, be began paying a. r little attentions. Owing to the disparity iu llicir ages, she did not respobd as be would have liked' Then, so she told the Squire, be rigged up some eiectrical device lhat during the night made a peculiar I uzzing noise in her room and made her believe lhat it was haunted. She told the old man about it and be said : "Well, if you marry me the spook will disappear." Alter being frightened several times by the imaginary spook she chanced to discover what it was and left the limi-ic He was so angry that he struck her, She had hitu urrcst'd for assault and battery. After she had gone ho made a will giving her alt bis beloagings when he died il she would come back, Tbo will was submitted in evidence. It is as fol lows : "Ilunlocks Creek, April 1, 1901 Dory Williams come back to work for me at 00 cents a week. If we can agree and if she uses me white and the friends that comes in half white tel I dy wat I bav lef tliel be heis and if she don't use oie good, this shal be uul and void so I say mc. JUII. WAV r,.ruiu. 1 he .-quire gave the couple soma eood advice aod the girl agreed to marry Davenport. They left the office happy Omaha News. Forevarnod, The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the blood is in good con dition, and ihc circulation healthy and vigorous, l-'or tluu all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate ferintntatiun would take place, the blixxl become polluted and the consti tution So weakemil that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion ami strong, healthy nerves. As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. lias no equal. It is the safest and liest remedy for old people ami children because it contains no minerals, but is tnadecxelusivcly of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im- purities. Attlie v'. same time it builds up the weak and de pot ovi:r fifty yi;arm Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over titty years by millions ot mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success, It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhuea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world. 2; cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothinj Syrup," aod take no oth. cr kind "BEl'ORK BABY IS BURN.' A VALUABLE LITTLE BOOK Of INTEREST TO ALL WOMEN SENT FREE. Every woman looks forward with feel ings of indescribable joy to the event in her life, compared with which all othcis pale into insignificance. How proud and happy she will be when her precious bub nestles on her breast how sweet the name of "mother." And yet her happy anticipation is clouded with dread uf the pain and danger of the ordeal, so that it is impossible to avoid the feeling of con staut fear. The danger and suffering attendant upon being a mother can be entirely prevented, so lhat the coming of the little stranger seed not be looked forward to with (ear aod trembling. Kvery woman who reads Ibis paper can obtain absolutely free a valuable aod attractive iiulo Uuk entitled "Before Baby i Born," by sending her name and address to the Bradbcld Regulator Co., Atlanta (ja. This book contains priceless inlnr mation to all women, and no one should fail to send for it. Some parents think they ought to get to heaven because they send their chil dren to Sunday school. FOUGHT FOR HIS LIFE. "My lather aod sister both dieJ of Vii 1 it-iti-.! anfl fptiru y i&r vates the entire sys tem. It cures permanently all manner of blood and sutn troubles. Mr. E. E. Kelly, of Urban. O., writes: I had Eczema on mv hands and face for five years, it would break out ia little whito cuitiMos. crusts would form aad drop off, leaving the akin red and inflam ed. The doe: or a did me no good. I used all tho memc'ited soaps and salves without benefit. S. S. 8. curd me. and mv skin ia as clear ai.d smooth as any one's." Mrs. H"tirv Blrrfried. of CaDe Mav. N. J., buys t.'iat twenty-one bottles of B. 8. 8. oureu her of UJiuoer of the breast. Doo tors aud frisads thought her case hope less. Richard T. Gardner. Florenoe. B. C, nffered for yci'.ra with Boils. Two bot tles of 3. b. R. put his blood in good con dition and the iioils disappeared. Send fur our free book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advii-e free. THE SVJiTT IPECiriC CO., ATLANTA, 6A. Sour Stomach "After I ws Induce U Cry CAICA BETS. I M1 nrverbe without them Id the bouse. Slv ilvur wtu in a very bail shape, and tor head achtjil ii nd i had stomach trouble. Now, aluce tak ing 1'uscarcis. I feu I Hue. Mjr wife bam I ho uned Ihem wiiu iHMitmciai remit Tor tour siimitcn. jus. KuiULiNti, Htfl Cougress Bt., Hi. Louis, Ma CANOV 3 jjflr CATHARTIC vkaoi mask wiwsumo PlOBMnt. Palatable. l'oint. Tane Oood. Do Good. Nuvcr gleatjD. Weaken, or Uripe. lUc, 2Jc.Uk!- ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SltrllMf llrtard, f.Hi..r, C.l.., klMtr.l, Raw l.rt. Ill VH K'i'oliaeco llubll. The talents, ours today, may be de siandid by the owner tomorrow. Six Million Boxes a Year. In 1895, none; in 1900, 6,000,000 boxes; that s ( ascarets Candy Ca thartic's jump into popularity. The people have cast their verdict. Best medicine for the bowels in. the world. All druggists, 10c. Fidelity, not tuece, regulates the final reward. $,MM) KICWAKl). We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverla the up-to date Lilllc Liver I'ill, when the directions are Mrielly complied with They are purely vegetable, aud never fail to give salUfaciion boxen contain 100 Tills, 10c. boxes contain 40 Tills, Sc. boxes contaiu 15 Till-. Beware of sub stitutions and imiiaii'ins. .'-em by mini; stamps taken. Nf.hvita kiupai, Co.. Cor. Clinton ami Jackson nts , Chicago, III. y 1! ly Kor sale by W. M . Cohen, W.liUn. N. C. I It is bard to gel ourselves to believe that anything can be m m; upon which we have set our hearts. Biliousness is a conditimi eh .racierit'd by a disturbance of the digestive 1 rgans. The stomach i debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated There is a loathing of food, pains iu the bowclx, dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting first of the undigested i r partly digested food and then of bile. Chaiutarlaiu s Stomach and Liver Tablets allay the dis turbances of ttie Moiuach of the stomach and create a healthy appetite The? also tone up the liver to a healthy aeii and regulate the bowels. Try ibeiu and you are certain Id be much pleased with the result. For sile by V M. Cohen, druggist. Muel people W.ttt 1.1 to hi aVi'D, but not all of them are agreed to go (tod's way. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT '""GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ... LARGEST MTOCk III tUa .loath Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Establisbed',1848.) 159 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Va 2 ly eon pills 6O CTS. NERVITA PILLS Rcitore Vitality. Loit Vlfor and Maahtol Cure Tin potency. Niftht Emistiom, Lost of Uaa urr. ail vsititiff dueaiei.r all effects of self-abuse or I jciCMi ami lnuiscretion.i PA nrve tonlo ind I the tilnk flow Co Male flheekt and restores tfcel fire ot youth. Br nttil tftOc Der nox. 0 boxes forL $2.60, with our bankable guorutee m omr or refund tho money paid. tial lot eironiu and copy ol our bankable guarantee bood. PositifPly minrantred cure for Loss of Power, nnrneeit). t n.mTeiopd nr Rnrausen urrans Pan-fluid. Locomotor Ataxia. Nsrroai Proetre tion, Hyftteria, Fits, I inanity, Psrslyiit and the He suits ol hxresuve I sngjf lorMoeo, upiom ot Ltqoor. By mail in plain packsire, A1.00 a box. e fr $tVOO with our bankable guar ftntee bond to cure In aO day or rofuM money paid. Add rets NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackion 9t CHICAGO. ILLi For sale hy II'. M. Cohen, B'ehlon N. C. consumption," writes J. T. Weather wax of Wyandotte, Mich., "aod I wag saved from the same frightful fate only by Ir King's New Discovery. An attack of pneumonia cough aod very sevcy lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but a few month's uss of this wonderful medicine made me aa will as ever aod I gained much in weight." In fallible for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble. Trial bottlea free. Guaranteed bottle 60o. aod tl at W. M. Coheo'i drugstore. BKWAKE OF A COUGH. A cough is not a diiea.e, but a symp tom. Consumption and bronchitis, which are the most dangerous aud fatal diseases, have for their lir-t indication persistent cough, and if properly treated aa soon as this cough appears ore rasily cured. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has proven wonderfully successful, and gained ita wide reputation and extensive sale by its success in curing the diseases which osuse coughiug If it is not hen eficial it will not oust vou a cent. For sale by W. M. Cohen, (Iruognt. Somo Christians break up the Rock of Ages to fling the pieces at one an other. Baantaa Slfaatai lln hii Von Him Wwirt BagM Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Co. Condensed rnedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 1:1, lnl. Leave Petcrahnrg, Leave huray lietm, Leave JarratU, Leave Kmporia Arrive Weldon, No. 23 Daily. 9 M am liL.Jo.ui 10.52 am 11. (Mam 11. 16 am No 35 Daily. t7S pm S.opui MOpm 10pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Weldon, Le Emporia Le Jarratta, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, No. W N. 78 Daily. Daily. 1.43 a m 4.37 p. 3 15 S15p. m 5 S2 p. M 6.49 p. aa 1.31am. 8.83 p. m J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON. Uen 1 al anajrr. Traffic M uagar. H. H. EMEKHON. O.n. Pmh. Art J - rr.rr A PPOMATTOX IRONWORKS, V . ' ' , a Hannfactnreraof ' Agrlcnllural Implement!, RiiL, ' Mill Gearing, Pnllejs, All ki4a4 .'( Machiaery, and ttepaira Wk. Paaaut Machinery a Specialty, -ym Ha. W 4 014 81, rataawkug. Tat t ' wt' '