vK 'Tii.iinift' nniiiirniwrii li JOHN W. SLE'JDGKE, puopkiktou. VOL XXXVI. NEWSPAPEB IT O 33 THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1901. TEBMS:-f -5 l'UK ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO K ESTABLISHED 1870. Limited. FRANK T.CLARK CO.,.. (Successors to Conke, Clark & Do.) Sash, Doors and Blink Mouldings, St iir Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. IQuFine Huildcr's Ilardwarc.-rt PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Buililiui: Material id Kvery l)icripl ion. 28 Commercial lu(;e anil -I'd l!"iiunko Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. Jjr S ly P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. I i. hIit in UNCONGENIAL OCCUPATIONS. MANY APPEAR TO FIND THEM. No One Will Ever Truly Suc ceed Who Does Not, Full In Lovo Willi Ilia V(iciitiiii). (jEiEFML - - OK Al l-KINIH. ZEICLER St BAY 8TATE A SPECIALTY. SHOES AHT CLOTHING -W.Sole kgml in Weldon fur 8TROUSF. RUOTHKItK 1IUI1I (, Formerly Hold here by M. F. Hurt.) A lit guaranteed. UNDERTAKING Cloth Covered Caakt't anil Cortina. Telf )lion or telegraph messages at tended today or night. ..".aK..', ' li I'll to to to T D. A. Mil. 11, .DKALKR 1N- Q Q Q a mm mutes- AND A COMPLETE LINE OF Headquarters for (Jreco (IrocfiifS and Iri sh meals of all kind, GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE io any part of town. Call to ten mo, Three doors Mow ponlnlfii" 1). A. SMITH. WKLDON, iN.U. In many a More there an' cleils who arc longing In i-uccccd, and wiunleiing why tiny arc not advanced, clerks who have the yardstick and long to get into some more congenial pursuit. No one will cvor truly succeed who does nol fall in love with Ins vocation, until Ms whole heart and soul give their conmint to what he is doing. Half the world secuis to have found uncongenial occupations. Servant Mils are trying to teach; natural teachers are tending storw; good farmers are murder ing luw, while Choalcs and Webster are running down good farms, and good farmers, in turn ore farming still in Con grenH. AriihtH are spreading daubs on canvas who should he whitewashing board fences. Shoemakers write good verses for the village paper ond natural statesmen are poumliug shoe lasts, whi't oilier shoemakers are cobbling in legisla ture halls, (iui d inechauics andcliclri ciaus are Irjing to preach sermons, and WuliI. ring why their congregations con liuue to sleep, w hile tnc preachers are failing as merchants. A boy who steals away, at every op portunity, to make something with the tools which he hides in some secret place, is railroaded through the university and started on the road to iofeiiority as lawyer. ''I do nut forbid you to preach, said bishop to a young clergyman, "but i lure does." "The age has no aversion to preaching," said l'hillips Brooks to young aspirant, "but it may not listen to your preaching," Lowell said, "It is the vain endeavor to make ourselves what we are not that has slrewn history wilh so many broken purposes anil letl to many lives in the rough." LIFE HINTS JanlTly o-rrrell llren.l oimohim mm C.G. EVANS, WKLDON, N. C. w Fancy Groceries, Fruits and w -JC )N F KCTIO N E It I ES. ?AT and i The Peerless Wine, $&(f Holiday Goods. All kinds of flavoring for Chrisiuias Cakes Jellies. Full line Confectioneiies of all sorts. W OT.T1 WTNKS AND IiltANDIES. W M . ' It . . . Sole Agent For fc CAPITAL CLUB UYK. -- CALL Mill IT. KEROSENE OIL CTS. VUAKl. Find your purpose and fling your lif'i i.ul to it. Try to be somebody with all your might. I he lucky man is I lie man who sees and grasps Ins opportunity. I he worlil always listms lo a man wilh a will in him Ihc man with an idea has eve changed the lace of the world. What is put into I lie first of life i put into I lie whole of life. Start right. A gn at ipporiuuily will only mak yi u ridiculous unless you are preparei for it Nutix llini, "I would die lor you!" she ciclainiid pillowing her head upon his shoulder. "Oh, no, you oeedn t, darling! was the iuick reply. "I like red hair.' l'uck. V HEAD- ACHE Id Thousands of American Households. iinmf t ii i SHOULD BE I1T ALL T)T a rTrT)'lTT"D'V' luado by GARRETT I CO. D jDJUXXVXVIJ -Hi JTV-LV X UDfailing remedy and all their goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Home Office, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. : 'Sly Britich Warehouse, ST. LOUIS. MO. W Orders Solicited 2 8 ly The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOI!!!KI8 IS STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES iaWe Bell Only To Merchant. n 1 m Is onlv one fonn of the suffcrine result' ing from ft ilistHsetl roiitlitiim of the eiisitive womanly ornuism. The only wny to cute the hcu Lie he is to cure the diseases whu n cause it. The use of Ir. Pierce's favorite l're script ion has heen the means of cut in; thousands of women of headache, hack ache, female weakness ru1 other forms of disease i-rculmr to women. It estab lishes regularity, ilries weakening drain-, heals iiill.iiiiiiiHtiun hikI ulceration an cures hcaiuiK-ilown pains. I think if it wrrr mt fi vmir ' Fiivnritr Pr Crlltt'"l I WO'iltl vr Itnll lit HIV WW writf Mm K'lwin li l.ar.iii.-r ! IVvjit, I'l tntiulliCo., SUm.. Il.i u "I iwoii 'l mr mid -Mit-h n 1)1 -iuu mif frrlntir It Mf ilttl could nut it mv lttxi-r ui k. I li.til lt nil tiuwa to wah llir liiohrit. rven In tlir i 1 w. tnUk I ditl tint vnrr lo live tt( prHVl tniin Hmr that 11 wottlil take ntr. One Imv tlmIIDhi I wmiM wiilr Id Dr. I'it-rce. In B Irw dflvA I rforivftl an minwer. I 'li-ctilrd tu try Ins nie llrinc, nntl U-tnv I inn well w..nititi I hiivf no beatlachf, no pmu at ll 1 'l iilwnv hnvA hmtnrliM nrrvroiii to thr tnniilhlv ir titl uch iHiitt thiit I wmilil roll ott tlte lltxir in Rimy. Tlii mimcliiiim wimld uernr rvt ry two weeks. n) I would I vrry wt-itk alterwiiril I wti io jMin all over. Mv feft wiwUl lip fttti under me wlieti I would trv to k xniwi the room and I could not walk anv dinlaniT with, out heintj in tmin. 1 took three tKUllrn of Pawtrit Pr-rriiili(iti ' and thrrr ol Coldrtl Mediral Iti-wfi.'erv ' and thrt-e vnil of Utr pierce Pellets, and comoletely ctm-d Dr. Pierce s PelU-is stimulate the liver, tv J evneDicure VtArtnisuva 4 Beautiful X vcarn. () beautiful dream of the days of yore, Comeback to my heart once more; Come, back to my heart ere its hope depart Come back to my heart once more! For the slurs yon set in the shadow's breast, Where the storm swept overhead, Were beacons that led to liht and to rest When the day and beauty vere dead, And the snows of nielli were my soul's delight, For the sake of the sony; von nave. Would (lod for a sitfht of yourself tonight Where ghosts of your gailands wave ! 0 beautiful beams us bright as before, Come back to my heart once ntoro; From tlii! world above, with your wealth of love, Come back to my heart once more ! For the stars uru gone, ami the night Is drear With never a saving ruy; And the wild winds weep for the famishing year, That is novor blessed with day, And the storm that lies in the lowering skies, Will crush with its weight of woe ; For 1 cannot see with my sightless eyes, The. way that my heart should go, 0 beautiful life with your love-lit shore, Come back to my heart once more ! 0 come with the years that were free from tears Come back to my heart once more ! For the dreams are dead, and the lights are lied; And never a rose's bloom Is fragrant and fair forsake of the dead; Ami never amid the gloom, Does a lolio light shine to the Having shrine., The. beautiful shrine (if Truth. Ah, never a light were so bright as thine Thou beautiful dream of youth ! () life of the Past, with your song-sweet store Come back to my heart once more Come back to my heart, ere its hope depart Come back to my heart once more ! Etta Wallace Millek. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, BY MAX O RELL. They Are All l'retty, Whether Blonde Or Brunette. "I'll pass this way but once," a fool cried out, "And therefore 1 will laugh and take my ease; Let others toil and sweat and fret and doubt, And miss the chance (iod gives them, if they please But 1 will journey down the cureless ways And ope my eyes to none but happy days." "I'll pass this way but once,"' another said, "Hence all that (iod laid out for me to do 1 must be doing as 1 fare ahead. That He mav say, 'Well done,' when 1 am through By word and iteed I'll do my best to spread flood cheer along the pathways that I tread." The wise man did his work and did it well, And people blessed him as he went along, And fewer tears, because he labored, fell And higher swelled the chorus of the song The song of joy (iod meant that men should raise, The splendid song of brotherhood and praise. The useless fool went dawdling here and there, Unmindful of all feelings hut his own; What if men sang or sobbed? He didn't care One morn he woke to find all pleasures flown ! His tongue was thick and dry- he cursed his lot And shriveled up and passed and was forgot. Chicago Record Herald. MARRIES FOR LOVE THE COLLEGE GIRL COLLKOR TRAINING HOES NOTSKEM TO PREOISPOSK A GlIiL TO LOOK Cl'ON MARRIAGE Jl'ST FOR THE SAKE OF BEING MARRIED. The discussions concerning college women and matrimony have always been interesting, but there are some things that might still be said. One fact is that college training does not seem to predispose a girl to look upon marriage just for the sake of being married. as the chief thing in life. College women are quite capable of loving and quite as willing to make sacrifices for their loves as any other women, and they will insist more than do other women upon marrying for love. If the college woman does not meet the right man she does not marry some one she does not love just to be married. If she does meet the right man and her love affair ends unhappily she does not marrv someone else so that she may not be an old maid If the number of unhappy, loveless marriages made by other women were counted the college woman would not be at such a discount in the matrimonial statistics. The more n woman learns of the life that has been and that is in the world. I mean the average woman, there are numerous outside of college walls as well as inside, the more cultured she becomes, the more she believes that the greatest good in life is love. It is not as has heen said, that the college Woman is too intel lectual or too lazy that was written certainly without a sulli cient knowledge of the facts but that she is, if you call it so; too romantic. She will not marry for money or for the sake of be ing married, but for love. If love does not come to her, she will make the best of life without it. It should not be hard to decide which does most good in the world a brave-hearted, independent woman, or one who has married u man for whom she doen not care and so spoiled two lives. Margaret Dean. The ideal beautiful Wuinaii of the painters is a blonde, Kve, Venus, Helen of Tiny, all the eelebruled beauties of antiquity and mytliuloy lire invariably represented as blondes, (Inly Cleopatra escaped it. The reason is, mi duuht, thut the Very eulorint; of the blonde, her fair, white skin, her lyht blue ur gruy eyes, surest In her tho possession, I he embodiment of all that is womanly. Tim blonde is tlie wuinaii pur excellence. Sulue women declare that blonde ap peal to the imagination, to the heart and to the soul, and brunettes to the senses; that the former are sentimental, sweetj modest, (ood-tempered, obedient, angel ical, where brunettes aro strong-minded, assertive, ooueeitod, quick-tempered, pas sionate, often revengeful and sometimes devilish. I have known brunettes to be perfect angels, and sweet blondes lo be perfect little devils, and so have we all. However this may be, most women de sire to be blondes, and the proof of it is that, whereas a blonde never dyes lur hair black, many brunettes dye theirs gold, blond eendrc, light mahogany and other hues of the blonde family. On the stage the ladies of the ballet and the chorus wear blond wigs, and the only possible reason to give for this is that managers believe they will look more at tractive to the audience as blondes than as brunettes. In the modern melodrama the ingenue is blode and the adventuress or villainies is dark, especially in England and A out ica, where every member of the cast has to be well labelled from the beginni ng If tho villainess were a blonde the au dience would take her for the heroine and things would get terribly mixed. Tho gallery would no more understand a blonde villainess than they could take fur a villain a man who did not near a chim ncy-top hat and patent leather boo's, smoke a cigarette, squint all the time tu the right and to the left, and hiss like snake every timo he took brenth. I'oets are quite as partial as artists blondes. Alfred de Mussel sang of Ik who was blonde comiuo Ion bles. IN trach 's sonnets were addressed to the blonde and blue-eyed Laura. The ai eienl Greeks used lo call young blond "chilblondcB especially appeal to the nun of the South on account of their rarity "Large ilreauiy, blue eyes, tair nm soft skin, dainty features, slender figure, such aro the characteristics of the blonde which help to make her the ideal young girl; but there is auuther beauty besides that of the young girl it is the beauty of the full-grown woman of thirty to for ty, a beauty that you will fiod oflener in the brunette than in the blonde, a beauty more piquant, mure solid and more lasting; but I know of brunettes of thirty who are pussces, and blondes of forty who arc beautiful. You cannot lay down any rule. Hi J I hear you ask uie which I pre fer? II ow can you ask sue!) a question? How oan any man answer it? Good, light Sauteruc is an eiquisite wine, lull bodied Burgundy is a most exeelltnt beverage, I like both. In northern countries you very seldom see a pretly woman among the working classes. They aro faded, wrinkled or freckled, and lack expression. In Italy and Spain you see in the streets flower girls and fruit sellers who could have given sittings to Raphael and Murillo. Hut I will tell you what I like, al though yuu do not ask mo , and that is a blonde wilh brown eyes, or better still, a fine, lull brunette with dark blue eyes and the fine, delicate skin of a blonde, and if you wanl tosecihe latter, go to Ireland; you will find her there in plenty. tu THE SOCIETY WEDDING. TIRED OF FOOLISHNESS. I'he Editor ingThe It. Got Even By 11 I'lain Truth "About An editor who was thoroughly tired of llie foolishness that l'oi-s on at a hureli wedding finally gut even us f'ul- ows, says the Atchison lilnbe man : Tiny were mairii d in "real style. Ml the elite of the town were invited. rilieipally because it was thought thut they would be more likely lo bring ele gant presents for the bride. "Of course, llie ceremony took place in the church, and the church was most beautifully decorated for the oceasioD. I'otted plants were borrowed here and there, whenever tliey could be secured without making the owner mad enough to fight. "The bride's young lady friends had the decorations io charge, and when they were not making nosegays tliey were chewing the rag about the trouble and work, and wishing that the bride had sense enough to get up her own wedding. The ushers wore oliwhammer coats, parted their hair in the middle and step ped high when they walked down the aisle. The coals were hired from a cos turner and their while gloves came from an undertaker's, who kept them on hand for funeral occasions. "it was a nng ceremony. 1 tie ring was a monstrous gold band borrowed of the village jeweler- People called the bride lovely, but she was so homely that hollyhocks wouldn't grow in the door yard where she lived. The bridegroom was dressed in conventional black, called beeauscd his father once wore the coat to a lleinoeralie convention. The presents were simply eleganl, Tliey came from people who eouldu't afford to hire the washing dune or buy baker's bnad Then alter a 'sumptuous wedding sup per, the bride anu groom went lo ew York where they speut morn money in - I Hours than both ol them can earn in a month. THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT. Scrofula h bill ;i tin uli fieil form of Blood Poison uuil Consumption. The imrent who is lunili il l,y iithtr will sec m UM clulit the sume disease manifesting i t s -1 1 in the form of sunllt-n i ,.!.. ..r o... .,....! i .". throat, eatallti, ueak ana uosiesM-s and of- i litilnes while fcwcll- Mk - sure m k 11 s of Scrofula. Tin rc limy be no external Mens for 7 i a long time, for the disease develops slowly in some cases, hut the poison is in the oioou ana win nreuk out attlieurst lavor- able opportunity. S. b. S. cures this wast ing, destructive disease by first purifying and building up tlte Mood and stimulating and invigorating the whole system. J M. Se.tls, j is I'uIhHc S'luare. Nashvflie.Tenn., iiiys: "Ten years ni;o my daughter fell ami cut her fon-littiil. l-'rom this wouml the glanda on the side of her face heeaine awullcn and bunted. 8.,me il the t.et iluelurs la-re buu elsewher tteiub-il her without any benefit. We decided v iry a. o. o., auu a lew ikjuich cured tier eft-lircly." makes new and pure blood to nourish and strengthen the body, and is a positive and safe cure tor Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or your child has inherited some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. tieml lor our tree book and write ouf physicians about your case. We make no charge w hatever for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. OA. FOUGHT FOR HIS L1FK "My lather aud sister both died consumption," writes J. T. Wealherwax of Wyandotte, Mich., "ami I was saved from the same frighiful fale ouly by Ur King's New Uiseovery. An attack of pneumonia cough and very severe lun trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but .1 lew month's use of (hi: wonderful medicine made me as wel ever and I gaiued much in weight.'' In fallible for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble, trial bottles Ire Guaranteed buttles 5llc. und ?l at W M. Coheu's drugstore. To .starve in a garret is not neessarily a mark of genius. Biliousness is a condition characterized by a disturbance of the digestive organs, The stomach is debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated. There is a loathing of food, pains in llie bowel: dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting first of tho undigested or parlly digesle food and ihen of bile. Cliamhcrlaiu Stomach and hivcr Tablets allay llie ills turbances of the stomach of the siouiach and create a healthy appetite Tliey also tone up the liver b a healthy action and regulate the bowels. Try iliem and you are certain to be much pleased with the result. For silo by V. ,M Cohen druggist. . A man may be his own worst em my, but is seldom his severest erilic. KOHIIl'LH HI-I V VI'.AKS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over titty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perlcct success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in eicry part ol the world. .. cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind FOND RECOLLECTIONS. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WKLDON, N. TJ. vf- Tiiadc Mark Aneone .wilting .ketch and deacrllitlon maj aulrklr ascertain our opinion rre whether an Invention I. probably patentable, ('oniuiunlra tlon.alrictlyeoiiflilentlal. Handbook on I'ateuU aent rree. ohleal airem-y for wuniin patent.. Patent, taken thmn.h Munn A Co. raeelre apttial wrflea, fit noui rnanra, m ine Scientific American. A henu-aomelT lllnitrstMl weekly. IaunM elr cnlatlon of any aoienttoc Journal. Term.. So a year : four months, tL Sold by all tlewadealera, Kiel offlw?fc r m., waivwjon! j?f "Did you enjoy the story of Aladdin ami his wonderful lamp j when you were a child?" "Yes," answered Mr. Blykins. "I often look back on those happy days of innocence when l could read yarns of wonderful mechanical inventions like that without being tempted to put up my gootl money to help form a stock company." Washing ton Star. BKWAUK OF A COUGH. A cough is not a disease, but a symp tom. Consumption and bronchitis, which are the most dangerous and fatal diseases, have fur their first indication a persistent cough, and if properly treated as soon as this cough appears are easily otiicd. Chamberlain's Cough Kcmtdy has proven wonderfully successful, and gained ils wide reputation and extensive sale by its success in curing the diseases which cause coughiug If il is not ben eficial it will not cost you a cent. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. The man who makes a good of money may also serve time. THEIR OPINIONS. Crimsonbeak I got the opinions of two eminent lawyers on a certain question of law the other day. Yeast Were t.. "(r opinions the same? "Yes; $25 each." Yonkers Statesman. SHUDDERS AT HIS PAST. "I recall now with horror," fays Moil Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna, 0., "my three years of suffering from Kidney Trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute pains in my back To stoop or lilt mail sacks made me groan. I telt lired. worn out, about ready to give up; when I began to use Klectric Bitters, but aix bottles complete ly cured me, and made me feel like new man." They're unrivaled lo regu late Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bow els. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Unly Due. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you hin t a ri-fifular, healthy moTBint ef th bowels t-vcrx da, you ra 111 or wilt it. Itt-ep your buwtflaoi.cn. a'l l) wt'U. Force, In the ahfti'Cuf i lent t'lUflt' or Hi I jji.im.il, if dungcroue. Tim nmooth ext. fnnle-t. iiiott perfect aj ol atoei'lng tbe bow ll .tivftr and clean la to take CANDY CATHARTIC of EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY l'ltBnnt, PalntaMe, Potent. Tapte C.ood, pndond, evt-r Sicken. WMten, tir lirll'f, 10, , and 50 rent r box, Wrlif (or Iroo sant.U', and booklet on .. tltlt Aliltt-ii gTCULING UKlKtlV fOlPAST, CHUiflO ar StW TOM. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY Tim FREICHT ANt'CU ARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . I, K(,IT STOCK III the South Illustrated Catalogue FREK. THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Estubli.shedl.lS48.) 1S9 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Va.' ov 2 lr HERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Loit Vlpr and Mao boo Cure Imputeucy, Night Emisiioni, Low of Mem ory, ail waning uiHuaio, nil etlocti ot self-abube or. 'tho Dink fflow to DaFel choeks and reitorei tho tire ot youth. By mail dox. c 60 PILLSj CO CTS. ftOc nerooi, 8 buiM for $2.50, with our bankable gaur&ntM to our or reruna tne money peia. bead for cireuiu aod copy of our bunkuble guertatee bond. EXTRA STRBNQTB NervilaTablets (ELLOW LABEL) Positively Rii n ran twl cure for Low of Power, Varicocele Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Norvoua Proatre. tioD, Hystftria, Fit, Insanity, Pantlyaii and the HobuUs of Excessive Uso.f Tubacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain parkaire, $1.00 a box, e for $5 00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Addresi NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Sta CHICAGO, ILL" For sale hy II'. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Co. I'oiideuaed tcheiiile. Life with a id hu who ha nu had hi its niuxl be ciivednie.lv iiioiiotonuu ib- Chronic Coniipdlion Cured. The most iiuporliuit discovery of recent years is the positive remedy for constipation. Cascarets Candy Cathartic Cure guaranteed. Cienu- ine tablets stampetl C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Druggists, 10c. I'atienceis a virtue, especially in peo ple to whom you owe money. OLD SOLWKK'S EXI'KRIKNCK. M. M. Austin, a civd war veteran, of Winchester, Iud., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's (real went, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's Now Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only at W.-M. Cohen's drug store. The past isn't half as dead people wouM like it to be. Bun tot j9 m ms m m" mfl TKAIN8 001 NU SOUTH Dated Jan. CI, 1901 No. 23 Dill. Leave Petersburg, Leave Htony Creek, Leave JarnttU, Leave KiHna Arrive Weloon, K M am I III Warn Ill.Cij am I 11. UK am 11. lu am No 35 Daily. 7.45poi H.'Alpm MOpm 9. 10pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON, Gen1 1 Manager. Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON, Ren. Pan. A.it A PP0MATT0K IRON WORKS, -Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements, Shaftlngi, Mill Gearing, Pulleys, All kinds of ' Machinery, sail Repair P3ju Peanut Machinery 1 Specialty. "H Moa. 28 34 Old St., Petersburg, Va. No. 32 No. 78 ' Daily. Daily. Leave Weldon, 1.43 a m 4 37 p. m , ' Le Emporia 2 15 5.15 p. m LeJarratts, 5. 32 p. aa Le Stony Creek, 5 .49 p. m Arrive Petersburg, 2.31a m. 8.23 p. m 1 j