JOHN "W. SLEDQ-E, proprietor. VOL. XXXVI. A. 1ST E "W SP APER IF O IR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1901. TEKIIS: 81-r'' I'KK AXM'M IX ADVANCE NO 8. S. N. IREDELL & SON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ussr 17 COMMERCE NORFOLK, YA. Cotton, Peanuts, LUMBER, WOOD and SHINULKS. We make a specialty of handling North Carolina produce. Quaranlee ike high. Ht mtrket price tod prompt returns. References: Norfolk National Bank and Commercial Agencies, je 20 ly ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARK CO,. (Successors to Cooke, Clark & Co.) Sash, Doors Mouldings, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. lVFine Ruildtr'i Hardware.- PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building Material of Every Description. 28 Couimercial Place aad 49 Roanoke Avenue, NORFOLK, VA, l 5 t 00 0-00-0-0 00 m D. A. SMITH, DEALER IN M at UtMl AND A COMPUTE ICE Headquarters for Green Groceries GOODS DELIVERED in any part of towo. Call to tee me. mm M. I). A. SMITH. I'ilil K)iN, IN. U. m '.V Jin 17 1v -Kr,h Hreml Alty ILiol v v. mt.t.. 00.0. '-S '-S ir ''V'Sr'5'; --00. ..-00 -00-00-00-00-00-0' IC. G. EVANS m WELDON, N. 0. Groceries, Fruits and CONFECTIONERIES. Holiday Goods. All kiods of flavoring for Christmas Cakes and .51 Jellies. Full lina Confectioneries of all sorts. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES. Xjh Sole Agent For CAPITAL CLUB RYE. - CALL FOR IT. 3 KEROSENE OIL 3 CTS. QUART. The Peerless Wine, 0' la Thousands of Amerioan Houwholda. SHOULD BE I1T ALL J31jrxUi.X5 JjjJAl.V 1 twfailing remedy and all their (foods ire guaranteed to gi aatisfaolion. noma Offio, CHOCKOYOTTE, N. C. 'tr The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & W.W Sell Onljr To MerchanU. OHen Solicited. 2 8 ly STREET, Peas aTl Produce. and Bhnds. Stair Work, -- -s DiS Q Q Q Q 2B132Q3, and fresh meals of all kinds. FREE OF CHARGE Three doors below postoffiee. a. a. a. a jav 3k- 4$ Rranoh Warehouse, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WRLDON.N. WHAT A TRACT DID. A REMARKABLE STORY. An Illustration Of The Power Of Consecrated Printer's Ink. Her. Dr. Taluiago some months ago in an address in Philadelphia, give this remarkable illustration of the power i f consecrated printer's ink : "A good many years ago, I lu re was an unknown wninan who passed along a road aud thought ; 'llinisa religious tract. I will just drop this on llie road and offer a prayer, and who known tut what some bad man will cotue along and pick up tbia tract, and it may save his soul.' So the woman paired on. Sure enough, a lit ( le while after there came a very bad man along, and it was Richard Baxter. lie picked up that tract, and it brought him to God, and was the means of his eternal salvation. "Richard Baxter wrote a book entitled the 'Call to the I'ocooverted,' which brought thousands into the kingdom, among others Philip Doddridge. lie wrote a book entitled the 'Rise aod Pro gress of the Religion in the Soul.' Its harvest is uncounted nmliitudcs for tl kingdom of Heaven, among others the great Wilberforce. Wilberforce wrote a book oa the 'Practical Views of Christi anity.' It brought many ioto the king dom, among other) Leigh Richmond. "Leigh Richmond wrote a tract called the 'Dairyman's Daughter.' It has brought tens of thousands to the Lord Jesus Christ as a Saviour, and all that tide of influence rolling on through Rich ard Baxter, through DudJridge, through Wilberforce, through Leigh Richmond, on and on forever and ever. Shall thai woman get no reward ? Has she not al ready received her reward f 1 tell you her reward is just as gteat in Heaven as that of Richard Raxler, of Doddridge of Wilberforce, of Leigh Richmond." The milk of human kindness cannot be carried iu I he dish of dispos tioo The ouly man who is filled to disstrui nate Ms thoughts is he who can cntieou Irate them. SwaHawing A sword iH it iii'-!; not cmnlitrui' to lieilth or liMu.-vilv. Hut it is not ninn.' iujtiriou.i th in llit: h. isty swallow .1: of halt nwstiLMtcil U washctl down by pulp t K'e water in Aunini.-r or flips of hut coffee in w in ter. Histy c.iti:iK is tlic te tI lu'.tnii. Sooner or Viler it miMt rts.ilt in in direction or s-nne other form of stom ach ihse.ise. For the cure of the disease! of the stomach mil Ml if I organs of ilifstion ami nutrition, there is no medicine so effective as Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. always helps. It almost always cures. Mr. Mary K lwl. of Tanner. Gihurr Co., W. V.. write : "1 will lwsv rti timc-iM llr. Pirrcr's tVol.lcu Moltc! Ditcuvrry. " Fa vorlle frecripliou' 4 u 4 riraam renew, - iur how i-iirnl Hlr w'lril iLtiril atUtl UllliT ilU'.ll ciitea fmlcii h'r lillfeii vewrn t itilftretl imlxlil raiterv wurn i cotninciutM lunitin ut ncivc meiliciue. 1 hail well. 1 couTl nrt lie ilown to tlty it ml iven tin ll hD ot ever evervthiuii I ate wult ahuwt enmu me to gelting death. Wai verv iiirnnM auJ cunlu har.tly walk icrtvii lh rwm. ulv ufh'J ninth pounds wheu 1 couiuieticctl uktug thew Itinll ft nf ati veart aitu: iw Utah itm kmnJftl and fittlt' pounds ati A am havinv llter heulth than ever before Mv frienJ all aay thty can hnntly br-lifve that I aiu tite uiiie iwrm : an fwtnj L-t mi kniL' I kjvt f haunt J to 6f tub, ami rmv chnkrit 1 Iwve trtken fifteen bottle of the ' licovery filWn t)f the Prescription ' and fifteen of the ' Pellet Or. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on w-int of ii one-cent stamps to VAX expense of mailintj only, or if cloth himlinif is desired ed t stamps. Ad dress Dr. U. V. Tierce, Bufialo, N. Y IIERVITA PILLS Ktitsrt Vltillly, Uil Vltor sbs Mssboo CnreTm potency, N if tit KmUiltwit, Loss of Mm, or, ill watting uiMaaet. all(fcta o( wtlf aliuM) or oice-ti anil iiuiiacratinn. A naak Iflnlfl nrf 60 PILLS J blood butldar. Brut kl vVfilia nlnk alow to Dl 50 CTS. 1 Rtv. J eMi(4 Btid rMUrea Uit FATlillr. of vonth. Hr aiail loOa tr boi. 8 boint (or $a. 60, with our btnkftbla raurantM toourt Or nraia La. mon.y pia- oau lor circiu.1 uid euuv o( our utukabl. auaruilM butul. Ur,.UTl,lAA EXTS4 STSENOTH 1101 IUUIUIW ,,.,. b. Paaltlnlr tu.nntiiMi nn fur Lou of Powtr, V.neoMl.. I'D.ld.olopM or blirunkoo Orc.ul LoromtHar Auii., Nervuua Pri.tra ii i . . ... V . I TnUMn Onmm ni 1UOT. BT nultl IB plain panne " m . . wi I . U A- W s h I Vll.r- toiu bond to our la DO day or mAum) IIFPVITA MEDICAL CO. Olntona Jackson at, CHICACO, lib For sale bj W. M. Coben. Weldon, N. I' Tiuoc Mark DCfllON Ccwhiohts Ac Anrmi Mffidlng ketch and ilMnintlmi may Blrhlr Mcwtmn our opinion tnt whtMhw InTWUion It pmbtblf plsntbl ('ommnnlr. tluatMrtcttrcstnlilciittAt. IlnlrxMk on ratenU nt frt Ulitfrt UsHHT wrunn pt(. I'ftUnu tmkiMi tSntufh Munn A lo. rclvt rM tvrfttu, without tl-"io. In tit Scientific mtrm. ulalltin ot any otMttdfi tovnial, rw t four nontiu, il H014 OVntW. inn.f Id feral) nawadraltw lltlrMtM,,NfWTQri oaos. turn, wmii n-1 JlglsA. Ii. C. T,IE Tht'i't) is ail utisci'ti ford wliicli liimls I'lio wliolc wide world togeth er: Through rvi-ry liuinan life it winds I'll ih one invstt'iioiis tctlicr. It links till raui's mid all lands Throughout their span allot ted, And death alone unites the strands Whichdod himself lias knot ted. s7iirjsir,ijiti,,rAiriiirtQir NO WON1IER THAT THERE AKOSI! AS TO WHOSE NAME WAS (MVEN TO THIS LOVELIEST OF THE TWELVE DAIOHTKKS OH" THE YEAH. In his exquisite "Vision of Launfall" has not Lowell spoken for us all, beyond the range of our feeling, in these words: "And what is so rare Then, if ever, comes Then heaven tries the And o'er it softly her warm ear lays. Whether we look, or whether we listen, We hear life murmur, or see it glisten ; Kvery clod feels a stir of might, An instinct within it that reaches and towers, And groping blindly above it for light. Climbs to a soul in grass and flowers." For, which of all the other months can compare with June in wealth of charms, or power to lift of our poor; plodding days? In June we fall in love with life anew. No wonder that there arose among gods and men contests as to whose name was given to this ters of the year. Ovid tells us that Juno's wrath nied her claim to high honor. The biographers and eulogists of a famous Roman statesman contended that this distinction was accorded him to link his name with immortality. Hut the best tradition is that upon the nudule month ot the year because it means ripeness and is eloquent of nature's well the name becomes the month! In June the trees put on the grass, "tne liankerc met ot the carpet for the feet of sinful man. changes from flashing green to forms the commonest field into blooms of white and pink; the maiden beneath her lover's first star hills, hedges and hollows with galaxies of blossom, and the watermelon's full, red heart gives up its delicious secret. Though June has the longest long enough for the bird's rapturous and insatiate song, which he prolongs far into the mellow night as he at once guards and serenades his mate, whose own heart is swelling with the swoet and soon-to-be-realized hopes of motherhood. The silver moon is burnished t und the south wind is never so sweet as when it comes laden with exhalations gathered in its soft sweep over and through the forests of June's unnumbered flowers. It must have been a night in song "ploughed its way tnrotign tne sad heart oi luitli, who, sick for home, "stood in tears amid the alien corn." How natural it is that pure, such a season with tenderness and love! June is above all oth ers the lovers' month. Its sunsets, its twilights, its bright moons, its dim, leafy shadows and its balmy breathings seem to be especially ordained for those whom the blind deity has bless ed with their first clear vision of life and destiny. How multitudinous are the paths, which, from every direction converge in June at Hymen's walk therein! The brave young man, so confident of his fortune the trusting, clinging young woman, so sure that the roses which cluster ut her feet, will never wither, nor the warm heart with which her own beats iu such perfect unison ever grow cold. In that happy heyday these are the kings and queens of the earth. Of them dear old Victor Hugo said: "They have found life's best blessing. Let them seek no further. To love and to be loved this is a consummation." Of that June morning when Aurora Leigh met Ronmey in the garden she says: "1 was glad that day; The June was in me with its multitudes Of nightingales And rosebuds reddening where the calyx split. 1 felt so young, so strong, so sure of Hod!" May the heart of every June lover be filled with an eestacy and sanctified by a faith like that! Atlanta Journal. BOTH LIKED THE CH A.1STC3-E- Friend "(liven up housekeeping and gone to a hotel, eh! How do you like hotel life?" McTiff "First rate. Never was so happy in my life." "Indeed! And how does your wife like it?" "First class." "Where are you staying?" "I'm at the St. Charles, und she's at the St. James." A. SUBSIDY "I see so much in the newspapers about subsidies. What does a subsidy mean John ?" A subsidy, Mary, is where I mother, instead of having her Call at W. M. Cohen's drux, store and get free s imple of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. They are an ele gmt physio. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver aid bowels. They are e-y to take tod pleasant in effect. USEEX QORD. Howew hti'nlde be your lot.'er your hands are fet tered, You ran not think a noble thought Hut all the world is bettered. With every impulse, deed, or word Wherein love blends with du ty. A message speeds alonj; the cord That K'vt'H t'"' earth more beauty. J" 3 AMONO (IODS ASK MEN' CONTESTS expression, but not of our as a day in June ? perfect days: earth if it be in tune. us above the common level loveliest of the twelve daugh raged against those who de the name of June was bestowed full-blown beauty. And with us how- full robes of their royalty and the l.oril, lies spreadeil out as In June the Southern wheat luxuriant gold: the cotton trans a flower garden glorious with ripening peaches blush like a kiss; the blackberry bush be- of all the days it brings none unwonted splendor in June June when the nightingale's young hearts should be filled ut altar! How happy are they who TJEEIITED. give you f JO for going to see your come to see you." MDNT MAURY FOK MONKY. The Ilostoo man, who lately married a sickly itch young woman, is happy now, for he got Ii. King's New Life Tills, which restored her to perfect health Infallible lor Jaundice, Itiliousness, Ms laria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gentle but effective. Ouly lilio it W. M, Cohen's drug store. Your unkind thought, your selfish deed, Is felt in farthest plaees; There is no solitudes where greed And wrong ran bide their faces; There are no separate lives; the r hain, Too subtle for our seeing, Unites us all upon the plane Of universal being. X. Y. Journal. FROM A BACHELOR'S VIEW. MANY TUCKS IN A WOMAN'S TACT. There Is Nothing Like A New Haby To Knock Women's Clubs And Politics Out Of A Woman. Lola of men smoke cheap cigars to help support their wives' manicures. The two greatest foes to married hap piness arc 9trong drink and cocoa butter. Kvery woman whose husband earns less than either of the neighbors would believe in anarchism if she only knew how. Kvery old bachelor over thirty can think of a girl that he thinks he might have got married to if it hadn't been for her mother. A really successful woman is one who can always End one more pin somewhere, The average man's study of woman is mainly an effort to learn to read the price mark. Men make most of their enemies in society and women make theirs at auc tions. l'robably Adam ate the apple because the snake had taught Kve house-cleaning anyway. Probably, if women loved little babies less, ihcy would treat them more like human beings. It will probably be a question whicl changes a man a character most, a great love or a boil. It is a shame some people ever get the idea that they ought to get married uud quit being decorative. llj sure you're right and tbeu let your wile go ahead. !n man ever comes to hate a woman who is not one that he might have loved. You can't always tell what a girl's favorite coon song is by the classic mu sic she keeps scattered on the piano. It is instinctive in the average man to try lo comfort a pretty widow by making her think there are others, II women just naturally had all they wanted to wear, and men all they wauled to cut, marriage would die out in one generation. There is nothing like a new baby to knock women's clubs and politics out of a woman. For a week after her minister comes to dinner, the average woman feels good enough lo say her prayers io bed. The most truthful woman io the world will make her husband's proposal a lot more romantic than it really was when he tells it to another woman. Il is a wonderful thing that Itrown- ing could keep the girl he waoted to marry watching for his love letters when she hadn't rrinttd her poetry yet for him to quote from. New York Kx press. You may as well expect to ruu a steam engine without water as to find an active energetic man with a torpid liver and you may know that his liver is torpid when he does not relish his food or feels dull and lauguid after euling, often has hcaduehe and somelimes diuiness. few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver I ablets will restore Ins liver to Us normal lunclins, renew his vitality, im prove his digestion and make him ft like a Dew man. f rice -o cents, bam pic free at V. M. Cohen's drug store. Sowing in pain and tears premises the reaping io plenty aud triumph. Twentieth Century Medicine. Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as the electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. The assets of character are in what you are and not what you have. A TERRIBLE EXPLOSION "Of 1 gasoline stove burned t lady here frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer, of Kirkman, la. "The best doctors couldn't heal the running sore that fol lowed, but Hueklen's Arnica Salve lirely cured her." Infallible for Cut Coins, Sores, Boils, Iiruises, Skin Dis eases and Piles. 25c. at W. M. Cohen' drug store, THE VOICES OF GREAT ORATORS. How They Controlled Them In Impassioned Speech. Henry Clay's reputation as a great public speaker arose largely liotu his enormous voice aud w II rounded peiiods. Thomas (Vrwin, who was a greater p'-aker t linn he, .l.-talt more in humor, of which he was I In- mnl euiispieu .us mas ter that ever appeared iu American poli- II. n. lie always thought, nut without eaiiM', llial his very I ailiness lo eonvue laughter detracted gave the solemn, lUI'lil'llCf nli Iruui his fruiiie uml sonorous speaker, like Clay, great advan tage with the reputation makers. Caleb II. Smith had a lisp in his peeeh, which, however, was scarcely dis tinguishable io the rapid liio of his clear, soprano utterances. Smith wits not real oil the printed page, but as a pop ular orator on the slump he had no supe rior and few equals. Cussius M.Clay roared like a railway speeding train over a long trestle, but in the rumble his words were at a little distance inJisliuct. It was not so with Smith. As far as you could hear the rioging tones of his voice you could distinguish his words and follow the line of his thought, although he spoke with much greater rapidity than Clay. George W. Julian spkc slowly and dis tinctly. He was the best master of the weapons of irony and sarcasm the senate ever produced. A bitter word grew ter- tible as it fell from his lips. D. W. Voorhees was the orator of lofty flight and starlliug simile. His voice could accommodate itself to every change of thought or mortification of feeling. He could strew flowers one mo ment or revel in tbo haunts of denotation and death in the next, tl is voice was his servant, and he was more the actor than the logiciun. Morton was an image breaker. When other men wrought fanciful creations of frail materials, Gnisheil iu beautiful pat terns, his merciless logic, heightened by the wonderful depth and force of his voice, went crashing thruiigh tbetn to make plain the tiu'.h which they had ob scured. The power of bis voice was so great that when he used to read his keynote speeches, holding the sheels open in hit hand before bin), not one person in twen ty of the thousands who heard him knew at the time or would afterward believe that he was reading a carefully prepared oration rather than speaking from inspiration ot the lour. ludianapolis I'ress. -Oltlll:R KIKIV V I'M KM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ha been used lor over titty years by millions mothers lor children, while teetlnug, with irfect success. It soothes the child sot tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea, ft will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in e cry part ol the world. !:; ceuts bottle. He sure and ask for " M rs. Wins- low's Soothini.' Symp," and take no oth er kind. Your worth depends on what yon are and not on what you have. SAVKSTWO FUOM DK VTII. 'Our little d rjolitiT had an allie s! falal attack of whooping cough ami bronchitis," writes Mrs W. K. Ilaviland, of Armonk, N Y , ''but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with lr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption iu an advanced stage, also u-ed this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly Well " Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. Kings New Discovery as to no oth er medicine on earth. Infallible lor Coutths and t'olds. .'illc. and ii bullies guaranteed by V. M. Cohen. Trial hol lies free. Chaff may be ground lis fine as flour but it will not make bread. HOW TO AVOID TltOl'HLK. Now is the lime lo provide yourself and family with a boiile ol I 'lianibctlainN Colic, Ch,. I. -la ami Diarrhoea It iiiedy It is almost ceitaintobe needed bclore ibe summer is over, ami it procure.! now may save Vi'U a trip U tiesn in th" rtHit or in your busiest season II is every where admitted lo be the most successful medicine in uc for bow.-l complaints, both for how. I complaints, both lor chil dren and adults No fanii'y can afford to he without il. For sale bv Y. M. Cohen, drucgisl. All men li-ee tiiml rights hut not equal resolution to leiich them D.VM KKWAltl), We will pay the above reward lor any easo of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costivenesa wc cannot cure with l.ivert the date Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly complied with They arc purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. 25a. boles contain 100 Pills, 10c boies conlsin 40 I'ills, 5o. botea contain 15 Pills, lieware of sub stitutions and imitations. Scot by mail stamps taken. Nkrvita Mkiucai, Co. Cor. Clinton aud Jaikson Streets, Chi cago, III. jy 19 ly ForialebyW. M. Cohen, druggist W eldon, W C. BAD BLOOD, The skin is the sc.-it of an almost end- icss variety of diseases. Thev are kuewn by various names, but are all doe to the same cause, acot and other poisons ill the Mood that irritate and interfere with tile prnper action of the skin. io have a smooth, solt .skin, tree from ell eruptions, the Mood umst be kept pure and healthy. T he many preparations of arsenic ami potash .ind the lare number of face powders ami lotions generally Used 111 tins class ot diseases cover up for a short time, hot cannot remove per manently the ujdv Mutches and the red, disfiguring pimples. Eternal vlglanoo la tho prloo of a hoautliul complexion when such remedies arc relied on. Mr 11, T. Sho!,e, 7- u l.un Avenue, St l.miil. Wf) . s.ays "My l;uinlui r hh iiti!ietut tor yean wllh n (lisp corinjt crupnon on litr face, which resisted nil lr- oment. Mie was takeii lo twol celet'iatnl limit h s.iioc., l.ut received no bene fit. Many inclicoits wvie i,rescntel. but with out result, until we dented to try S S. 8., and by the time the In si Iw-tlK' was finished the emotion beKan to CisiftKar. A d'.en ttottles cured her conn-lctety and left her skin perfectly imooth. She is now seven l reii years old. ami not a sign of the euit.arrahaing disease has ever returned. ' S. S. is. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst forms of skin troubles. It is the greatest of all Mood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Had bluod makes baa complexions. purifies and invigo rates the old and makes new, rich blood that nourishes the hodv and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards earn ing ott the impurities from tne Doay. If vno hae Ixiema. Tetter. Acne. Salt Rheum, I'ior asis, or your skin is rough and pimply, send for our book on Plood and bkin Diseases and write our pnysi cians about your case. No charge what, ever for this service. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, BA. BAD BREATH " I have lieen mln CAB'AUr,TanlM a ml U a ut) envnvu Uxntive lluv are biundr won derful. My .l;i.i!htir ami 1 wen- iKitlifreu wltti sick stiwiuch ami our lircath whf. tit)- IjikI. After luKtiiK a tew unset, or t,uharoif we iiavu iniiirurea TfuuUerlully. Tln-y am :i rrat httlp tu tlio ftituily," WlMIKI.MINA N A 1.. li:n HLLiuuUoubu St., Uucluuatl, Ohio, CANDY ' -MI HMK I ft CATHARTIC rsiADf kim tttawrma gf Pleasant. Talatubi,!. I'.itent. TnMp C.nnd. Do Uuuil, NtviT hu kcu, Wi'iik'-u. or ljriit,-. 10c, 'Ia-. 'JK. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Btrrllot II.Mrri, Lap..,, lilrw. S.w Ynrh. 31S Hfl Tfl Rift Sold and srno rn nror-rt tr nil dnia-HU-iU-BAb lbU tfVKtToto Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT amCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . l.K(.i;sTsT(K K Inthe south Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COOPER MARBLE WORKS, (KstiiblislieiC.lMrl.) 15B to ltili Hank St., Norfolk Va aov 3 lr HENDERSON TELEPHONE ! COMPANY. OFFICE OF G EN F.HAb srPKRINTKNDKNT, IIKNIlKHSoN, N. C 1 beg to announce that the folluw ig towus arc now connected by long isianee phones, and the rale herewith published will be in effect on and after December :t, l'.HMI. ra mssttn I l.iitsl.urir, Mcr.vr, . Nashville, liitir..r.l, linlelKll. 1-1 k.h tv Mount, l.l I StsKUml Nix-It III j Kmillillvld, as Spring lloi. 40 I Ttrhiiru, 4 . f Wake F.irent a. j WarlYiilnn, 7.S WufclnuKtuu. MIJ VtlUnii, tUsWluMoU, K. lYTotri.tMArt, Ucn. Hupt I. mill, -I.. ii, t'tmse t'llv, t Inrksvlllc, Intini. I no 1. 1. in Knlk-l.l. Tmiiltllnlon, lir.s', i.rt'i-iivilli., lU', It IK I' I'.'lut, Itiil.lKiro, l.llllcloli. Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Co. rnndrnsed Schedule. TKAINH UOINO SOUTH. Dated 1..1. Z. Leave reUirnburg, tt.nttliai 7 4.', p m Leave SUuiy Creek, 10 '35m t),2llpm Leave JarratU, 10.52 am Leave Emporia I 11. oh am 8.40pm Arrive Weldon, lHUatu l lopm TKAINH GOING NORTH. No. 33 N 78 nilj. Daily. Leave Weldon, I 1.43 a. m 4.37p. Le Kruporia litis 6.15 p. Le JarratU, 6 32 p. LeHtonj Creek, I 6.49 p. b Arrive feterabarg, 2.31 a. in. (.23 p. J. R.KENLY, T. II. KMEHHON, Oen'l Manager. Tnffle a) isavar U. U. EH EltHON, Oaa. faaa. IgC '