JOHN "W. SLEDGE, I'lionuKTOlt. VOL. XXXV I. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEPjIwTS: 1 -50 l'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON. N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 9.7, 1901. NO 7. Tbo Kind You Have Alwnys nought, mul wliltli 1ms been In use for over !10 jonrn, lias lionioi the nlfimtnre of and lias rPf-p1-, tonal tmpci-vlsion nhiro Its Infancy. Allow no mm tnilpiwivn vnu 111 tlllx. All Counterfeit!!, Imitations and " Jiist-as-Rood" are but Experiment)! that tritlo with aud endaiiKcr the liealtli of Infants ami Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Mnntliiiiff Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic tmliNtunce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm uml allays Eeverishness. It cures Dlarrluva and 'Wind Colic. It relieves Tccthiiif; Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and ltowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI tHYAUR MIND1 S. N. IREDELL & SON, 17 CUM MKIK'K STHI'.KT, 1TOBFOLK VA. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas .vTi, Produce. M'MHHIl, WOOD uml SIIINOLKH. We wake a fpecially ul handling North ('atolinu produce, (iuarautee tbi) 1 1 i K -em market price and prompt return U -I'cr.'oecs: Nurlolk National Hank ami Commercial Afreneie. je -0 lv ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T.OL'AIUv CO, l (Successora to Cooke, Clark it Co.) Sash, Doors Moulding, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. .Fiue liuililtr'i PAINTS OIL & GLASS i Ami Buildiug Material of Every Description. 28 Commercial Place aod 49 Itoanoke Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. Jjj -J g .fP 0 0 0 0" ID. A. SMITH, (I) DKALKR IN AND A COMPLETE .1 LINE OF ICE ill Headquarters for Green Oroceiie and fresh meals of all kinds. jj GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE i in any part of town. Call to see me. Three doors below posti ffice. It I). A. SMITH, WELDON, N. (J. i ' C- Sf - -7 '55 'S The Weldon Grocery Co. 1 WHOLESALE J011BEH8 IN STAPLE & FANCY .3 GROCERIES Ma.Wc Hell Only To Merchants. M n.r. ali..i 2 8 1y been niaila miller Ills mt- liilijitcd. and Blinds Stair Work, Hardware." JJ Jj fJJ; JJ 2; JJ; . Si nn th E WFI.DOV OliOCERY CU . WELDON, N.O. ffc IE I $ 1 99 THE USE OF ALCOHOL. NO HEREDITARY DRUNKENNESS. Drunkards' Children May He Uetft'iieratt's Hut The Craving For Strong; Drink Is Not Transmitted. London Litneet. It in now eighteen In ml In nincc tin! Society for the Study of Inelirieiy ap pointed a apecial cnmiiiillie to ci U'idcr the rial ion id' lnrediiy to iui-hricly The conimitlee wan consumed id five physician, tw surgeon, a pnl'eiwr of bacteriology, an uiuiy Mirgeoii, and live general luedlcal (irmlil ioniTH. Kiuhleeu months have beco spent in invent igui ion, The report of thin oommittee has just been publiahed and it in ginned by nine of the fourteen member.", some of which have mul.; eiiumen tn, while one ha" rent in an iucl vu dent riport. The ret' crenel) to ihe coiniuitlec wan in ihii-c terms: to inveaiinale the coudiliom un der which the lendcncy of drutikmuitu H capable ol'traiiKiuisHon to off-piing It does not appear to be loutcndid that in ebriety in iu itself In itdiiary, but that a capacity or li udency to it is heritable. The report dcclana that I he inebriety of un individual depends upon three con ditions the first being an inborn capac ity for itijojiog the sensations which al cohol produces, and thesicmd and third being acquire 1 personal experieocos of the pleasures of alcohol and the increased delight which continued indulgence con fers iu the case of the inebriate. That one drunken generation often succeids another suggests a hereditary taint The committee adds that there is no evi Jeoce that Mfjuircd chuiacliTS i f any kind are heritable. This appears to have bceu a much debated question. Popular opiuion lias takcu for grauted that the acquired characteristics of pur- ant are likely to be inherited and, of oourse, "leuiporaueo reformers," well- meaning, but often Ignorant and mis. guided, have not been slow to urge upon the public that each man's driukiug is pretty suro to produce for him a genera tion of children who will become di utile ards. If this he not true the temper ance reformer (who is generally in favor of id1 ire abstiuencc rather than of teui perance) must bear a heavy responsibil ity for the vast amount of mental tor ture which he has inflicted on the mod crate drinking citizen. The last word id' science, howevi r. as declared by teachers of physioli gy, hi ology and botany, is a very ih lici'e as. sertion that no instance i f thu heredilaiy transmission of an acquired cbarueleris tic has ever bceu demonstrated cither in t lie animal or the vegetable, kiugdow. If this be a fact a man can only transmit to bis son tha here lit iry taint with wh'oh he was born, and if a man having no in born tendency to excess yet acquira druoken habits Ins pr ogeny are in mi more danger than are those of hi neighbor, leaving out of consideration tin effect of environment of youth. It ii oot denied that drunken parents who be come thus mentally and physically who are degenerate weak in body and feeble in mind; such persons, iu fact, as under unpropitious circumstances tend to be eome paupers, criminals, epileptics and drunkards. The point which is denied is that the drunkard's child has th specialized tendeucy to become inebriate rather than vicious iu some other direc tion. It seems probable that the question of environment is of more importance after all thau that of heredity, and a man of strong will is just as likely to exercise it in tbo gratification of hia desires as in Woiiuii are vastly nuire patient than men. It is M-au-vlv In-lievabie that a muiKiti, suftemiK pa: t all telliiif,', ean uttend to huMiie, hum heml ami stco with a luck wlitse aehe itf uK"ny. Am i tx.'Vwnl all tliid ihe smile us she Her.d aim Umi)!1 atKjiit her eustmter. A mm. miM swallow tltiwii an oath or keej Itack n rim ii, hut his face wouM Iw liL tluintleicloml, uml hia voice scareeh tli'inw his itrilution. 1 or women who sutler from Kn kaehe, hearinHlown ptiiiut, r otlu t pains due in womanlv ilistasei. there u no oilier meu ieine eijiial to Or. fierce' Favorite I're-ai-riiilioir. It reifiilates the womanlv fnm iinna. tnes wealtt-nini tirauis, hrais iutUmmrttioii hikI ulceration and cTiretT ffiiiMle weakueiM. There i no alcohol in " Favorite Pre- criplion" and it is entirely tree Ttoiii ojtiutn, coaine ami an oiui-i nmunns, A vej-etahle preparation, it cannot di auree with the weakest condition. thank you lor in gmtd cint have done me," Mhc llntwn. of Cmiloti, I1U "t wm lTullnt ffiimtf wraknrii ml wtlh irvrriil tlifftrrrnt or Thrv liJ lift help mc liutrrtl, 1 yt II the time I had ill ation and dttlamnrnt th menu, w nt i sui titlvrru no Uklns ftv hoi- llr T Hvor- tlf Prwrhaint, ' and thrrr of ' C.oMrn Mnlkal Dl- cmrrrv. I a, Irrlhta it wtil evrr II hi lli llnuMt two yean ttitl 1 havt hail ao rrlurn erf ht trouble. My ImmU Itll hh I don't look ai thouah I ever waa auk " Dr. Pierce'i Pleasant I'clleta curt tuU alipatlon and ita cauaea. I wih to ymir mnU- jf wrilea Mm. C Fulton Co., doctor- "vi eent lo f ! f Tjf bearing-down Vi If ' f,,4 I V j V 1 nought I J' Ws my twek I W 1 km inc. r i f! "i ;;mmmmmmm; P THE GRAY INKS WRITTEN RV A t'ONFEUKKATE COMRADES OF THE Wliciiei' roiiictli all tliesf 1'ilfccriiiiK Ami wlicicforc do these aeil men wav With sliriinken fraini's, ami titires lient, ami faees scarred and old - Seek thev some Meiiiiiliian Onicle, I'liese men are they who wore the The future does nut trouble them Their hair is scant, their beards and round. Hut Fame, with laurel and with crowned! It was not thus they appeared some forty years ago, hen health and strength were youth aglow, They firmly stood in sterried ranks, each lad in Gray attired; Their eyes were bright, their mnscles tense, their hearts witli ardor tired. For when upon their mother soil Kach eager rushed to meet the lliey heard the Southland's trumpet call, and answered well the blast; Flic voting, the old thev mustered all each fearful he'd be last. Tis hard, indeed, to realize that Are men who under Johnston, For they're as small as common Would seem to sav, "Who wore mold." And these same old, decrepid men Of fearful fratricidal strife, did 1 hey re gath ring here in memory Perchance from their old feeble Yell." Hut 'twill not rise in thunder tones, as once it did, forsooth; ror Time has shrilled their vocal Youth i Nor will it voice the fierce, wild Yet will it mark the patriot fire Hut 'tis not age alone that dims Nor lung impaired that causetli 1 heir thoughts today are tar away on events of the past; They think of those they'll meet his blast. Thev think of those who with them faced the sleet of shot and shell, And drowned the roar of battle Of those who, boys in point of age, in point of war were "Vets," W hodountless braved the cannon nets, They think of those who, lighting, fell with pierced and bleed ing breast; Of mossy mounds on many fields Anon you hear a (juiv'nng sigh And furtive hand will seek the And when the Angel Gabriel sounds the final reveille, Assemble on the Colors, next Then from mountain, plain and their scars And they'll yell in joyful chorus underneath the Stars and Hars. And they'll sing the songs of Dixie as they form their last array, And their feet will beat the cadence as they march upon their wav. And when good Saint Peter challenges, as sentry at the Gates, They 11 proudly give the countersign: ' We re hx-Confederates.' Then will jolly old Saint Peter give to each a welcome hand, Saying, "I have heard that heathen gods the Titans did with stand; 'Hut I fear celestial ramparts Should these Pilgrims Gray assail them with their old time "Rebel ell.' " Carthage, Miss. contrary clir.'etion. II a man ot powi r ful will finds that alcohol given hiui pleas ure he will take good care to repeat tbe experience. 1 lie habitual arinaer is one to whom alcohol brings enjoyment, either aa positive pliaxure or cessation of pain, whereas the voluntary abstainer is one, who from constitutional peculiarity, finds little pleasure in alcoholic exhilaration. Alcohol weeds out from every race tbe individuals who most enjoy and indulge in it. The races of Southern Europe who have had the long"t experience of alcoholic drinks are now uoie temperate thau the llrilisb. the Scandinavians and tbe Ku.sians. The committee is of opinion that the eoniinued abuse of alcohol lends to ren- der a race less innately prone lo luebriety I Tcrv thankful and hopes that all suf thao it would otherwise have been, this j fcrjD(, likewise will hear of her wonderful result Wing brought about by Ihe elimi-, riHH)very. This valuable lioiment is fur n il ion i f the drunken unfit and the ui vival of those with a weak tendency lo alcoholism. I'UISIBLE THEORY. ''Where were you on the alternooo iu UesiioU?" aked the lawyer. Witness "I was at a ball game will) a couple ot Irieuda." Lawyer "Friends, huh ! A couple of thieves, 00 doubt." Wilmss "Very likely, sir; they were both lawyers. THE VERY PLACE. Orator Where else will you find in one spot sueh products as marble, iron, clay, chalk, copper, lead, slate, gloucose, fruit! of all kinds, hemp, flax aod all manner of grains? Manioihe Audience In my boy's pocket. What many meo call friendship is olteo nothing but a selfish abortion upon honest regard. Fools Bicat-ure the extent of moral sco-e and intelligence io others by the abtenee of these coiutuoditiei in them aelvea. Ooe face above all others shioea, and, through oight'i darkness, point! with I hand of hops towards the dawn. PILGRIMS. i VKTEKAX DEDIC ATED TO HIS LOST CAI SE. in the iilpusant month of Jlav? towurd Mt'inpliiw wend their their future to unfurl? trray in eighteen sixtv-ono; their duty's nobly done. are Kniy. their shoulders bent bav, each hoary lieud has in their limbs, their veins with the proud invader trod. foe and free their native sod. these in this array, Lee and Jackson wore theGrav; men! whereas their deeds of old the Gray were cast in giant are some who in that dav all that mortals may ! of a cause they loved tull well; throats we'll hear the "Rebel chords, while robbing thorn of Ire, born of the battle's rage; their children's heritage. the luster of their eyes, them to utter muflled sighs no more 'till Gabriel sounds with a ringing "Rebel Yell." s mouth and teurea not bayo where valiant comrades rest escape some Pilgrim Gray, eye to brush a tear way. the signal call will be. valley they will gather with wouldn't fare so very well, L. Maury Garrett. HKAD IT IN I11S NEWSPAPER. George Schaub, a well known German citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con stant reader of the Dayton Volktieitung. He knows that this paper aims to adver tise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein fur lame back, he did oot hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wile, who fo. eight weeks had suffer ed with the most tenible pains in her back and could get no roli f. He says: "After using tbe Pain Balm fur a few days my wife said to me, 'I feel as though born,' and before using the entire con tents of the bottle the unbearable pains bad entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties." He sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Depravity is not until regret is absent known. entirely depraved and remorse uu- HOW TO AVOID TUOUBLK. Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ketuedy, It is almost certain lobe needed before the summer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town io the oight or io your busiest season. It is every where admitted to be the most successful medicine io use for bowel complaints, both (or bowel complaint!, both for chil dren aod adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by W. M Cohen, druggist. How oarrow ia the line from jest to earoeal; how quickly turns t imile iolo a sigh. POK OVER KIFTY YRAR Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty yean by millions ot mothers for ohildren, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist! in every part ot the world, lift oeots bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low'i Soothing Syrup," tod Ukt bo oth er kiid. MARRYING OFF THE GIRLS. THAT OIL WELL CAUGHT THEM. It Was A Gay Wedding. Three Fair Brides At One Swoop ; Three Grooms At a Single Deal. Old man Simplex sighed as he un buckled the lai,t buekle of the harness; he also gave utterance as follows : "They hang od, dam my pesky skin, them gals hang on like stickio'-salve ! Three on 'em, three on 'em ! Every dern one is up'ards o' thirty, yet they bang on. Some folks gits 'em offer'n their bands 'fore they wants to; but my gals bang on. Why'n thunderashun duz my gals baDg oo so ?" He paused for reply. The old sorrel lay back bis cars and poked hia nose viciously into the feed-box; a grass spider ran down a cobweb and dropped into the ear of the fly-tormented roan; the roan lifted her left hind leg and kieki d out the back part of the barn. After Simplex had repaired the dam age he sat down upon the edge of the water trough, clasped his hands together, and said : "Tbe wheat has been put io the barn, the hemlock bark has beco dragged to tbe mill, I've got ten bar'ls o' cider io the cellar, forty bushels o' apples in the bins, one hundred prime puukitisan' seventy five bushels o' pertaters housed. 'Sides that the garret groans with heaps o' nuts an' strings o' popcorn. I'm layio' in fer Winter. Gals oughter have fun; my gals is only gittin' the itchin' o' fun. They give their hands to the chaps kind er friendly-like; they play kissin' games an puller an postoffice, an' all that; but the fellers don't pop. Why don't they pop?" Old man Simplex again paused for a reply, The only answer he got was a dig in the ribs from the boms of the hump-back cow. "That cow's got more gen'wine sense than all my gats' fellers put together. When she wants a drink, she comes here an' gives me a gentle hint to get out the way. Drink, my beauty, drink dee; you are the heftiest milker o' Ihe lot an' I takes off my hat to you!" The old fellow took off his hat and bowed to the gentle cow and then he stood up stiff as a pioo and said : "I ve jess got an idear ! It's too pw-ky mean that cows an' pigs an' horses an hens can't git idears; but it's human brains what evolves idaars. Every one o' the gala has got a beau ter iiihl Every one o them gals is jeta doin' bur level best to snatch each pcrtick'ler bean but thev don't hitch. I'll sock rore inomin comes well nave some 'gaged persons on this farm or else I'll miss my guess I Gals, I'm helpio' you, hoop ! and Simplex jerked his soft kat off and swung it about. The hump back cow gave a snort aod trotted away. Simplex proceede dto the kitchen, washed bimselfand combed his hair. Then he went to his wife's room aod asked for clean shirt. The good old lady raised her face in suprise from the sock she wai darning. "Simplex, are you mad ?" "Mad? Durn it, wife! I've beeo mad fur sev'ral years. I've jess come to my senses. I want a clean shirt, an want it quick." "But your health! Two months ago " "Yes, I know all 'bout il;but ehangio' a shirt once in two ruooths ham t got outhio' to do now." He got the shirt, fixed his collar and asked ; "About where is Almiray aod the tape-wrestler ?" "Oo the end of the porch. Goin kill him?" to "Great Scott, Do 1 1 u) eom to snare him," said Simplex, as he rushed away, However, before he reached the door to the porch he halted. Ho heard low whisper io the pallor. He heard giggle. He oould not be mistaken about that particular giggle. It waa Laura 'i He halted in the parlor and said : "Lauray, turn up the light. I've got news for vou," The lamp was turoed up in ao iostaot There sat Laura upon a chair, aod about ive feet away tat the young mao who kept books in the tannery. Kasteoed to the left side of Ihe youog mao'i mus tache waa ooe of the little hairpins that Laura used to keep her baogs io place. . "Lauray," said Simplex, "I haio't fiodin' oo fault with your style; but I've struck gas on the tartu ao you ve gut lo chaoge partners. Now, where's Almi ray I" This was a ooler shot from Sim plex as he meaot it to be. "Almiray 'i out oo the porch, pa." "Good eve I" tod Simplex weot ioto the hall. He felt some one's feet. "That you, Teooy ?" "Yes, pa," oame a voice from the dark. "Raise the light," said Simplex Tbe hall light waa turned up. Tenny stood leaning against the banisters aod tue youog mao woo ran the livery in towD stood with bia back against the wall, twirling his long red mustache. "Teooy," (aid Simplex, "I hain't find no fault with your style; but I've struck gas on the farm and you've got ter change pardncrs. Where is Al miray?" Out on the porch, pa," answered Tenny, demurely, as she drew aside from the banisters. It was a pretty night outhide, and the stars were twinkling. "Almiray!" "Yes, pa," came a voice from the far end of the porch. "Almiray!" blurted Simplex, "I hain't findio' oo fault with your style; but I've struck gas on the farm, and you've got ter change pardners. I'm gum' now '' "But, pa" "Goin' to bed," and Simplex dodged through a side window. He went up to his wife's room, took off the clean shirt, put on the case-hardened gingham and said: "I've nailed 'em, dern my needles! ve nailed 'em!'' "Nailed who, Simplex?" asked his wife, as she darned a heel of a sock. "Fools, fools, fools!" grunted Simplex, as he slipped his pants and shoes and tumbled into bed. He slept sweelly, It was a dreamless sleep sueh as comes to rest the brain after well-doing. "Pa," said Lauia at the breakfast ta ble, "I'm going to bo married " "I too," added Tenny. "I the same," uttered Aliuira. "Gals, you 'stonish me" muttered Sim plex, as be buried his face io his bauds. "So suddeo," uttered the old lady, as she went around to kiss each of tbe girls. It was a gay wedding. Three fair brides at ODe swoop; three grooms at a single deal ! The festive young peoplo went away. When they returned, the grooms all cauie to Simplex. One of them asked, "Where is the gas located? There's fortune in it." It is here," boys," announced, Simplex, as he opened bis mouth and gave a puff. "Naturul gas!" It was but a few years afterward, when poor old Simplex began to think, as the crowd of grandsons and grand daughters began to overrun the farm, that he had made a uiislake after all. LIFT UP. BY AHTIIKll II LEWIS. Iuto the hope banished corners of fate Send any strength you are able to spare Out from the love-famished prison of bate Lead to the sunshine some child of de spair. Work in the gloom of failure and pain; Small lights glow bist in the darkness of night; Start oo the highway of hope once again Some stranded fellow who lougs for the right. If the Son of God Deeded lo pray, should not have who are we that we greater oeed? DIDN'T MARRY FOR MONEY The Boston mao, who lately married a sickly rich youDg woman, is happy oow, fur be got Dr. Kmgs New bile I ills, which restored her to perlect health lolalible tor Jaundice, Isiliousness, Ma larial Fever and Ague and all Liver and stomach troubles. Gentle but effective Only 25c,. at W. M. Cohen 'a drug store The Wife As if 1 didn't know where you were last night. Don't you know you can oot deceive me ? Husband Of course I do. Hut I always try to because I koow it gives you much pleasure. A TERRIBLiTkX PLOSION "Of a gasoline stove burned a lady here frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer of Kirkman, Ia. "The best doctors couldn't heal the running sore that fol lowed, but Ilucklens Arnica Salve en tirely cured her." Infallible for Cuts, Coins, Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skin Pis eases and Piles. 'J.'ic. at W. M. Cohen's drug storo. Kitty Charley Junes proposed lo me last oight, and when I accepted hiiu he wanted to kiss mc. Janet Well, did you kiss him 1 Kitty Why, no, indeed. I cao't go arouod kissing every man I meet. "C" With Tail. The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Probably the Mory (if thU carili will be but a chapter in I he liistoiy of l,ruu r, You nay aa well ciect lo run a Mraru engine without water an to fi ml an active, energetic man with a torpid liver aDd you may know that hia liver i torpid when he doee not relioh bin fond or Iccla dull aod languid after eu'inn, often liaa headache and miuielimen ilittiiieoa. K few doaca of Chamberlain! iSioinaeh and Liver Tablet will real ore hia liver to iia normal functions, renew hia vitality, im prove hiidigealion and muki- him feel like I Dew man. Piice 25 eeoK Sam plea free it W. M. Cohen'i drug More. SAVES TWO FUOM DEATH. ' Out little daughter had ao almost fatal attack of whooping cough aod bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, ol Ariuonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption io an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to oo oth er medicine on earth. Iufallible for Coughs and Colds. f0c. aod (1 bottles guaranteed by W. 51. Coheo. Ttial bot tles free. Tiue politeness may be observed rather by what we do not do, than by what we directly practice. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Stand in the Bunsbine of your hopes, not in tbe shadow of your fears. My little son had ao attack of whoo ing cough and was threatened with pneu monia; but for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we would havo had a serious time of it. It also saved him from sev eral severe attacks of crouD. H. J. Striekfaden, editor World-Herald. Fair Haven, Washington. For sale by W. M. Cohen, drm-nist. As swiftly changes the chameleon's hues, so does hypocrisy its various colors show. GANGER Sufferers from this horrible malady nearly always inherit it not necessarily from the parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer often run through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood fol Sears, or until you reach middle life, then le first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearance or a swollen gland in the breast, or some olber part of the body, gives tue nrst warning. lo cure cancer morougniy ana perma nentlv all the poisonous virus must bi slinnnateu trom tne oloou very vestagi ii it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and is the only medicine that can reach deep leated, obstinate blood troubles like tkis.1 When all the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and th disease never returns. Cancer beirinsoften in a small way.astlM following letter from Mrs. Khirer shows: A unlit 11 pimple citnie on i.iy jaw about an inch blow the ear on the kit side uf my face. It gtvl Se no paiu or ttifimvrn Hce, ami I tihuuUl Have forgotu-n aliout it had it Bot begun t inflame ami Itch ; It would bleed a little, then K-ab over, but would not heal. Ttlil eoutlmied for tome time, rfheit my juw bewail to well, befouling very paintui. i ne cancer ne ajftn to eit aud ttpreitd, until il wai aa large as a half dollar, when I heard of 8 8. S. and determin ed lo give it a fair trial, And it wat lemarkable what wonderful effect it bad from i lie very beginning : the sore Mganu heal and after taking a few bot t lea disappeared entirely, TbUwas tieo yenrs ago ; theie are still Do aigns 01 ine tamrer, ana my general neaua continues good. Mas. K. bHikVR, La Plata, Mo is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed fiurely vegetable. Send or our fret book oo Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about this disease, and write our physicians about your case, Wl make no churLe for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. OA. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If ynu hTf ii t a ri'ifulnr, healthy movement of tha bowli etiTjr dav, jou n til or will Keep your bowcli open, aixt bit well. Fureo. tn lhi ahtiie uf lr lentiihvpK-ur lull ,k1oii,.j daiiRrrouR. Tlit rmxtb it, i -wie-t. nuiit itrfi-ft ty ot kteplD tha bowtla clear and clean la to taka yJJV CANDY fQj CATHARTIC A EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleisant, l'tlilaMe. Putent. Tlf UfMtrt. Pnllood, Mcvi-r hiikcx. Wettkrii. it ((ripe 10. . ml W cent! ixr h.n Write lr tree mili aul Ixiokiet in Ualtb A-Mii U tkrmk, NKicnr roirKT, rmnnn trw toil KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thk FREICHT '""GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . LAHl.tvMTMToi In the Houtat Illustrated Catalogue FliEK. THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1H4B.) 158 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Va alv4 eo YEAR8' Z- O EXPERIENCE A. " rWa.a.aa.. CoiV MIGHT AC. Atmrnft amrltng a aknteh and dnaerlptlnn aaay qiilfklr ascertain our opinion froa whether an Invent Ion la pnbahlr Mtntahla. Oitnmunlraw ttonaatrtctlyennBdotiltaJ. Handbook tin t'atcuti Miit free. iMtleat umvj for aH-oriii patwita. I'atvinia taken Ihnmftl Munn k '. MoalvS tprrlal notict, without charm, IntM Scientific Jteerica.1. A haatlaorovlr HtnalratH wtwk'r. Larmt Ptfw dilation of any tctntlSfl tour-rial, Ttmn, S3 ft rour muntu. at. tkMrall MvariraMr sss uttc, tm r HI, Waaatnaiw. n. 0.