L i A.. JOHN W. SLEJJGKE, phoi-hiktor. VOL. XXXVI. A. IT E "W SP APEB FOK, THE PEOPLE WELDON. N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1901. TEIlvfIS:-8!-5 l'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO S. ' pg (jAjg ' gM r ANeficlable Preparation for As slmilntinf! llierixxlaiiilUcfiula ling Itic StouKichs aid Bowels of l'roniolcs DigpslionCliwrfi nessarKlReslConlains ncillier Dimim.Morphiiie norliiieral. NotX Ait c OTIC. apt of IH J OSMilTLPIKHER IKmpkiA Sad' AweStrd Hi CiatuutlrJUa A perfect Remedy forConstipa liun . Sour Stomach. Diarrhtx'ji Wiirnts.Convailsiuns.Fcverish iwss and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Siv'nnture or NEW VOTIK. exact copv or wrapper. S. N. IREDELL & SON, 17 COMMK.liCK INTOR-FOLK. ta. Cotton, Peanuts, LL'MUKU, WOOD We make a specialty of handling North Carolina produce. (!tiaraii!cc t lie high st market price aoJ prompt returns K- 'forencos: Nurlnlk National lt.iuk anil Commercial Agencies, je lill ly ESTABLISHED 1870. FRANK T. CLARLv CO. (Successors to Cooke, Clark ,t Co.) Sash. Doors Mouldings, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. PH.Kine Builder's Hardware.- I PAINTS OIL & GLASS And Building Material of Every Pescription. 1'8 Commercial Place and 49 Roanoke Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. lyMy r T A CiUfT I A i I I I -DKALKR IN- AND A COMPLETE LINE OF it ii ICE Headojuartcrs for Green Oroccriei and fresh meats of ill kinds. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE in any part of town. Call to sco me. Three doors below postnffice. It 1). A. SMITH, WELDON, N. C. fl vfte Jnt;iy -Kri'sh llreuil Always on HhuiI. 1 fh WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY 3GRO0ERIES Mk.We Sell Only To Merchant. Ordera Solicited. 2 8 It CflSTORIA I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TMC CINTAUN OOWMNV, NfW VOHR CITY. STKKKT, Peas vYi! Produce. ..o.l SIIINULKS. Limited. and Blink Stair Work, run i THE WELDON GROCEltY CO , wkldin, n. e. CASTORIA Ik OLD-TIME RELIGION. NEEDSTO BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT. When WiHThodient Churches Bel.etl Hy Ileal Shcplii-rds? Charity unit Children Tlii long haired parson who imagims he in in charge of the world, which won d soon go In luin withiiiil him, in having hi "inning" no; but he will nt iiftlicl ui forever Think til a mi nict.l if rnrUiurMiii.il Haitist'onl u.s Tiilinact; and linn ll ink lor am iln r moment nl Hugo and llroailus and Phillip;. Bunks The world is vi aiy nl pulpit moiinie bstiks nnd sensationalists. It is even tired of tin.' had grairflnar uf Sam .ioncs The pulpiis arc li'led with number if men called In lie Icoiiircrs. Tiny u.-c their pulpits u.s rouudiugbuards to send their wise sayings to the ends uf ti e earth' They ate eternally meddling in politics, nr playing leap-frog in the guise of the "refawmiT " HuW long, oh Lord, must these men cut their capers on Sun day ui uniogs? When will thesu groit churches he led t.y real shcphirds? Shepherds who feed the flock ralhtr than fV.'i ce theiu? We are guileful lliul there are only a few of these rclii us ranters, hut three frogs in a pond, lin y make you ttiink they are a million. All through the land there are thousands nl noble men of Clod who Mill break the breu'l ol life to I lie people, not the rolien husks of their own opinion.". Hut tlicse reflections came to us Irom reading u very raey article which we found in ilie Wushinglou l'ost of Meuday, by ltcv, William lleury Sharon, a Homan Catho lic priest, lie says that "the Sunday si rinon in ninny el. inches needs to be born again of the Spirit of the Uosrel; that the devil of sensationalism should be exoicised from every proie-iaDt pulpit; that (he i ispel of Je.-us Chiist is what evi ry devout Clirisiiau espects to hear in church, (lot ihe latest political, social, or literary fad, the liospcl alone af preached by a Moody or a Spurgcon the Word of God unaccompanied by any pyrotechnics is the highest ideal for any Christian prcaclur, uud is sufficient ly attractive for all who are Christian. in fact as well as in name." The brother is cverlustiugly right if he is a Catholic. "IT CAN'T BE DID." We agree with a brutlier editor that there area good many men who arc lying under the green today because he tried to please everybody. W hen ihey started out in life ihey made up their miuds that everybody should be satisfied with them, but they didn't succeed in making any body happy but the undertaker. The world is full of fault-finders and grumblers, and a man cannot walk five minutes in any direction without meeting with 'cm. Kven when a man turns his face to the wall, kicks the foot of th bed and eipirei there arc people who will find lault with it. Some will say- that he ought to have done it tweuty years ago, while others will say that he ought tu have waited a little longer for the sake of his family. The man who j igs along from day to day and dots his best, regardless of what people say, is the one who is the hardest to kill and when at last he docs die there is about as many bouiiieis laid un his casket as there are uu the casket of the iuid who worried himself iuln Abraham's bosom. Louis ville Timis. How many hearts are broken aud lives go out ou the oeeau ol duty, dying, lor what they believe to be right in the face of their own despair. The Happy Home. lliimiiiiess mint tie founded on health Where there i III health there will aurclv I iinlniiiiies. the liapiuness. nf niaiiv a liome ins received its down fall at the t.ilile. snreiul with rich ami dainty foods, tlie first symptoms of disease of the stomach are ignored ai heinir ilis..BreiMlile hut not dangerous. Pn-sieiilly (lyscsi or some otlier form n( iWhsi. fiisteiis on tlie stomach. At anv stage lr. Pierce s Golden Mel ical I)iseo ry will cure diseases of the iiiina.li and other oreana of iligtstiun ami niilritioii. Hut the cure ia quicker if the "Discovery" is used in the earlier stages of disease. If you have any symptoms ol diseased siomacn use "Golileu Meilical Discovery" and be cured. "I frrt t' it I wontit he ilolnft nn tnjiistice to you if I ilul ma sinit via a stnteuifiil of my ease " wrid-s Mrs llaviil W lluiee. of Uainhiirir Kninkliii Co.. Miss. "I lul l liver complaint iuid inrliuestlon. KvervtttinK Unit I ale itisflKrt-tnt Willi me. I Milftreil all the lime with swim ming in mv tuiul ; lleail Ih-.H loo l.lsl : my leet ami hiinils ere riilil all II"' lime I'm sleep well at all. Was alilc to 'l alsml lint very lillle I rimimenceil to use lr 1'ieiee's t .olileti Mettioal Iisco-erv anil " I'leasnut I'ellels' Hi May. iY7. Mint liy Decemlier I coiil'l Iw'Kiii to aet alsmt very well. Have len tiomi( my work evrraince. feel belter than t have for aeverul yeara." Dr. 1'ier e'a Common Sense Meilical Adviser, nijier covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address 1)1, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. : S TO MAKE EACH DAY BEUATtFUL. ft We sliiitild fill tlie hours with the swertcst things, If we had hut ti dity ; We slmtilil drink iilniit' tit tin iiiifnt springs In our upwind wily. Wf should love with it lifetime's love in tin hour. If the hours were few; We should rest, not for dreams, hut for fresher power. To he and to do. We should Kujde our wity wnrd or wearied wills H.V the eleuieht fitfht; We should keep our eyes on the heavenly hilhi, If they lav in sinht; We should trample the pride and discontent Heal It our feet: We should take whatever ;i koihI (lod sent With a trust, complete. We should waste no moments in weak regret, If tin day were hut one; If what we remember and what we forget Went out with the sun, We should he from our clamorous selves set free. To work or to pray. And to he what the Father would If we had hut a day. Dream i-i i . i I could not catch my dream, it was so licet: Only a fragment, yet enough to know That there are times when earth and heaven to meet; When all of heaven seems below. () golden sunsets of the vanished years, 0 radiant Hashes of the coming dawn, Ye show us oft, through mists of blinding tears, The light that beams a little further on. 1 could not hold my dream; it was so large It crowded all my present cares away, My heart was like a heavy-laden barge Freighted bliss, with joys that might not stay; I tried in vain to spun, to catch, to clasp That overflowing rapture of delight, But visionlike, it floated from my grasp And left me in the darkness of the. night. 1 cannot paint my dream; it was so bright, So fraught with dazzling radiance tome It threw a glamour o'er my 'wildered sight And left me blinded by my ecstacy. My longing soul essayed in vain to soar Beyond the shining path nf sun and stars, But all too soon she languished as before, Panting and worn, behind her prison bars. I cannot tell my dream: it was so sweet; And yet 'twas such as many hearts have known; Woven with tender memories, replete With words of love dropped in the years agone. A fond caress a dear, familiar tone; A gentle whisper and a low reply; It was but these, yet are not these alone Tlie all of love and life that never die? Chicago Post. HOME. THE CRYING NEED There Is A Luck Of Am The Heal I Tender- Living Love uess. Whal is the crying need of the home ? Not money. Not intellect. Notnfine- uiont. Not wisdom. It is love, and warm demonstration of love. Life is such a little thing, a short space of years at best, aud to live k through and to have missed love tu childhood from father and mother is the saddest thing in all the universe. Most people love their children. Few fathers aod mothers would own to a lack of affec tion fur their offspring. But in many homes shall I say iu ihe majority? there is a lack of the real living love aud tenderness that fill the heart full to running over with love, words, kisses, fond caresses. Tho good night kiss, the dear hand upon the little one's head and cheek, how these things eipaud the soul uf the child and make it reeepiive to good influences, To be a father or mother is to hold the keyr of heaven aud hell for the hu man race. The relation is a divine one, with infinite demands, and yet how often undertaken with no forethought, no sense of the awful responsibility. Wisdom, goodness, nohiliiy, strength and patience are needed by the parent, and, above all, love. SI.K'I'.TII.VT MIXON. Tliia here weather's hard to beat, Country lane, or city street; Ain't glowin' 'bout the heal: Slice that melon! Hot lun, with pcispiriu' face; Scorehiu' lime in every place; But we've got anisziu' grace: Slice that melon ! What's the use o' feelin' blue When I west wind s fanoio' you ? Cut that red, ripe heart in two : Slice that melon t tkoi iti.i: aiii:ai. "Well," said the old man, ".Inhu'a got homo from college, but I see trouble ahead of him." 'Trouble?" "Yes; the mule won't understand him when he cusses him in Greek, or gee haws liiia in Laiin 1 ' Some people who strain at eouvm i n I gnats swallow uueouvenliunal camels wi h the sang ftoid of a libertine. have ns to he. -Marv J.. Dickinson. P Iemopies. - y CHOKE IT DOWN. When th' gall gits in your neck, Choke it down; When your heart gits out o' check, Choke it down. When you feel you're geltin' blue. An' your mind's all in a stew, 'Tis the best thing you call do Choke it down. When th' world gives you a slap, Choke it down ; Don't appear you care a rap, Choke it down; When sonic one gits in your way Hon't start out t' kill lb' jay, An' be careful what you say Choke it down. Dou't let Borrow spoil your face, Choke it down; Take another firmer brace, Choke it down; Take a whirl at it again, Don't let darkness shut you in Keep a fighlin'; you will win, Choke it down. Don't you let this ole world's Ways Choke it down; Kill the sweetness o' your days; Choke, it down; les' keep peggin' 'long your way; Dou't care what all others say, You'll come out all right some day, Choke it down. TH F. SAMK OLD STORY. .1. A. Kelly relates ao fiperienec situ ilar to that which bus happeued in almost every neighborhood in the United Stales and has been told aud retold thousands oi others. lie says: "Last summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which 1 used according to directions and with eulirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies, Mr Kelly is i well known ciliten of Henderson, N. 0. For sale by VV, M Ooheu, dtuggist. No Possibility. "Are you never afraid, 1'ncle Jerry,'1 asked one of the (coffers, "of falling from grace?" "Connel," replied I'nole Jerry, "how kin pussi n fall fr'm de bed rock?" Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels, are out of order. Cas careti Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. SA1I druggists, ioc. VANCE. THE TYPICAL CAUCASIAN. Story Of How The Picture of Senator Vance Happened To Be In The (icngraphy, Charlotte Oliserver On page Z of Maury's Elementary Geography, revised, there is an excellent picture i f Senator .ebuloii B. Vance. I'uder the picture is written "A Cauca sian." In a conversation with 1'rot". U. j. Hunter, supervisor of county education, the agent of the Maury Company told an interesting story of bow the picture of Senator Vance happened to be in t Ti e geography. When the geography was revised a committee was appointed (o select a photograph that would K'rvo to faithfully delineate the type of each race. To obtain the composite element, or to get a picture that would best serve to portray the varying features of the Cau casian, the committee selected lUO pho tographs from various places in Kurope and 150 from America. In writing to the photographers the committee re quested that Ihey Meet the pictures they considered as repn scntalivc of the Cau easi.ii. It is singular that six American pho tographers chose the photograph of Sena tor Vance as that of a typical Caucasian. When the committee come to make a selection from the LT0 photographs they reached their decision by gradually dis carding photographs that were compara tively unsuitable. At tho last the ti photographs of Vance remained, which indicated that the choice of the commit tee was unanimous. To those who have seen Senator Vance or his photograph the conclusion of ihe committee is not surprising. His physi ogoomy embodied the best and strongest in the Anglo-Saxon, who is dominant among Caucasians When you waut a modern up-to-date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at W. M, Cohen's drug store. Seven thousand mills in Russia grind auuually over 10,11(10,1100 tons of grain HKARTlil'RN. When the quantity of feod taken is too large or the quality loo rich, heart burn is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation, hat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store. Three thousand marriages are per formed every day all over tho jorid. Office of P. HTlUruTSccTof State, 1 Austin, Texas, Nov. -1, l'JOO. I have found Dr. Motion's TF.F.TH IN A a splendid remedy aod aid for my teething children. When my oldest boy was a teething child, every succeeding day warned us that we would inevitably lose him. I happened upun TF.KT1I INA, and began at once administering it to him, and his improvement was marked in 21 hours, and from that day on he recuperated. I have constantly kept it and used it since with my eliil drco, and have taken great pleasure in sounding its praises to all mothers of young children. I found it iovaluable oven after the teething period was passed Mrs. D. II. Hardy. The proof ol tho puddiug is in tin digestion. SIIF, PIPN'tvKAR A MASK, But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnioa Salve, Thi they vanished as will all Krupliuns, V ver Sons, Boils, 1' leers, Carbuuclca and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts Corns, Burns, Scalds aud riles. Cure guaranteed. 2"o. at W. M. Cohen drug store. It doesn't take a horsewoman to drive a bargain, A POOR MILLIONAIRK. Lately starved in London because he couldn't digest his food. Early use of Dr, King's New Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach aid digestion, promote assimilation, nn prove appetito Price 25c. Money back it not sattsbed. Sold by W. M Cohen, druggist. Even g bee in a bonnet may ting in ub tail. have CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the Bit-nature of SOLDKISSES. AND WASHED A PIG. A Novel Way To Wipe Out A Church Debt, New York Telegram says: The First Methodist church at Malawan, N. J , soon will be free from debt. There is nothing very thrilling in this announce ment, but there is something of interest in the way the church debt is being cleared. The members of the F.pwnrtli League have taken the contract to collect the money needed. According to the ar rangemcnts made by (lie leaders of the organization, however, only a dollar may be contributed by each member, and that must be earned, not begged nor stolen. Of all the Fpworlh Leaguers Miss Ida Lisk was easily first in originality of ex pedient. Miss Lisk washed a pig and sold kisses to raise her dollar. Of course this method must be viewed favorably. As yet pig washing is not a recognized industry, and there is at present no very strong demand for pig washers, even of the most expert class. There is always a demand for kisses, however, when the saleswoman is a rosy checked, demure Fpworth League lass, The only possible criticism of Miss Lisk is (hat she sold the kisses too cheap ly. Five cents a piece really is below the trust price. It is true Miss Lisk may have mad a contract rate and de livered the entire consignment to a single buyer lot a reduction. Nevertheless her action is likely to break the prevailing rates and cause a sudjen fall in the kiss market. Heretofore a kiss from a really pretty Kdworth League girl has been listed us worth 7 to "jc, aud any re duction of these piic.es is calculated to depreciate values. These criticisms should he taken into consideration by the F.pworth League and a ruliog price established at once. tllANOliOlUASK. "Well, ycr boy graduated in tireek?" 'Oh, yes,!" "An' what's he a doiu' of now ?" "Splittin' rails in dialect !" SO.MKTI1INU UK TOOK. "But of course a rich man can lake nothing with htm when he leaves the earth," said the tail passenger. "Well, I dou't knowabout that," re marked the little man at the end of the seat. "A Columbus capitalist who died uddcnly last week left his safe locked, aud they had to get a couvict from the peniteutiary to open it. It looks very much as if the dead man took the combi nation with him " i, ovinia uis i:uo in ick. Who loveth his brother hath peace store; Aud hateful the heart that can love no more I Who loveth his brother although clod, Taketh hold ol that ,Vc which the world calls Clod I WITHIN TIIK I'l.ACK. Ureal was the sermon, aud the applaud ing crowd Saw sinners hurled IVoiu holy heights above; The Lord was ushered in by organs loud, But Love hid Hell beneath the wings of Luvi ! Stanton. Mean About It. "Whenever Bannister wants to get ven with his wife fur anything that she has said to make him ',.. jir u whipped cur, be says 'hello' In her," "Why?" "She was a telephone irl before he married her and is trying, now that ihey have money, to keep cage Times Herald. it a Morel. - Chi Tit For Tat. Slopay I waul you tu make other suit for me. Tailor (reluctaully) Yes ? Slopay Yes. Now let me sec some thing in the way of a iheek. Tailor All right; hut suppose you do the same for me. Eternal vigilance is the pi ice of liber ty, and there is no prosptct "fits being marked down. hhe nen are yon going to see papa? He I dou't know. Kveiy time I have called at his i.lh.ic he has l.eeii in. KOHOVKK KIKTV VKAHH Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years hy millions ol mothers for ohildren, while teethiug, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world 25 cents bottle. Be sure and ask for " M r. W ins low's SoothlUK Syrup." ai.d lake no nib r kind. Everything Goes Wrong. "Why do you seem to dislike Mr. Simpson, Miss Hopkins ?" "Oh, he's the man who never comes in your house without putting up the broken window shade, sitting in the dis abled chair or getting the cracked tea-m-" The Eleventh. Teacher How many commandments are there ? Small Boy 'Levcn. Teacher Eleven? What is Ihe eleventh? Small liny Keep off the grass. Kinpcror William is said to receive more than (100 letters a day on an aver age. There is one the leader ul an fairs the music. admirable thing about orchestra. He always There are thirty-four cheese factories io the Slate of Washington. Never ask what you have no right to know; never tell other people what they have no right to know. A nun never learns much of a wo man's character until she is in luve with him. The man who is most onseioui of coming Irom uud will be most likely to return to llitn. Uo who limes his efforts by his incli nations is pretty sure to miss both oppor tunity and blessing. The Oldest and Best. S. S. S. is a combination of root and herlis of great curative powers, and when taken into the circulation Searches out ami removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general health liegins to improve fnvm the first dose, for S. S. S. i.-i not only a blood puriGcr, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purRing; the blood of impuri ties. ,S. S. S. cures till diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Koztina, Psoriasis, Salt Klieum. Herpes and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Cont.iLrious Wood Poison. A record of neatly fifty years .of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numlicrs its friends by the thousands. Our medical corrcs- fmniknce is larger than ever in the listorv of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. S. i. has done them, while others are seek ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long study of lllood and Skin Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. e are doing great j;ood to suffering humanity through our consulting de partment, and invite you to write 11s if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, 6 A. "I hit VP bren nwliitt CM 1IIKTS for InsiiiniiUL. with which 1 have been ufilicled for over twenty yearn, and I can say that ("uscarcu ii.tvo v iv en mi' more re net tnaii any otuer reme dy I liiivt ever tripti. 1 shall rrm.nly recom liii iMi Ilo'in io mv fruMnls us be i nt; u1! Ihey tire r presented. ' Tlio3 (ilLLAttu. KlKiQ. HI. CANOV CATHARTIC MM I'lnaBant. Palatable. Potent, Taste (jooit. Ilo lioist. Never Hlelii'ii. Weaken, tir (iilii. Ilk', Zv, UW. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... tl.rltiiK lli nolr I ..Mpaar, ililriita, Minitrtil, sw Vert. NIB Ufl.Tn nif Solil unit allilrliiili'isl li iillilrnii- U I U-DAlt liMKl.i I'l tKU.,;, liuliii Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY Tine FREICHT anpCUARANTEE 8AFE DELIVERY . . . I.AHCl-'.WT HTOCK intlie tt)th Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER IRhRBLE works. (EaUhlished'1K4H.) 15 to 1611 Bank St., Norfolk Va anv 3 1 V .wkk4j . BO YEARS' El X EXPERIENCE ta D Tradc Mark Duions Copyright Ao. s .V .f 1 qiili-ki sucirlHiri onr np ulna free whether an liiTHUlloii mproDnniy pmeniame. i nnimuniftV tioiid utrltf iTmnBdffntinl. llAiidrMtnk on i'mtnnM win free, utiles msmrf fur aeeiiriiiK patent. Patent taken tlmmtth Munti k Co. reoa.T gpn-Ml mtkt, without chwue, ill the ' Scientific flnerica A handtomelf tl!ntratd wmklp. Ijrmit iMfw eulattun of any veleimao Journal. Terra. $3 year ; four monUw, 9L Bum brail nwadalm mmo'V''NewM firauoti Uflliai. ON T St., Waabtiwiun. D C,