JOKE 1ST "W. SLEDGE, l'lioi'RiKTOR. VOL. XXXVI. A. NEWSPAPER EOR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 11. 1901. TEEMS:-"'5'1 1,KH anntm in advanck no a. Tlio Kind Ton Iluve Always Bought, nml which linn liecn In ne for over 30 yen, lias boron tlio isigiiiitnre) of mill linn boon mudo iimlor Ills por- 7 jS&7fZ?j mm"I mipcrvlMlnii kIih-o Its Infancy. y-4utC. Allow no one toiloooivo you in this. All CountorfultN, Imitations mid " Just-as-poml" urn but experiments) Unit trilln with nmt cniliingcr tlio Iionltli of. lulituU unci Children Experience iigalnnt Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costorln In a harmless tiubstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare gorio, Drops and .Soothing Syrups. It 1m I'leusiuit. It contains neither Opiiiui, Morphine, nor other Narcotic (iuhstanee. Its iitfo is its jriiarautoe. It destroys Worm iiud allays Fovorlslinoss. It euros Diairlm'ii mid Wind Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, Hiving healthy and natural sleep. The Chlldron'8 l'anacoa-Tlie Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You HaYe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thi ecrua oohmav, vt huhhav iriin, mm von ct. S. N. IREDELL & SON, THE CHINESE WAY. PULLS TEETH WITH HIS FINGERS. The Cliiiu'sc l'laii Far Stijici'icir To Tlie Forceps, Says A Dentist. 17 LUMMKKCK STKKKT, NORFOLK, YA. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas aail Produce. LLMBKK, Wool) and 8IIINULKS. We make apecialty ol' hainilin North Carolina produce, (iuarantec tho high put market price and prompt returns deferences: Norlolk National llauk ami Commercial Agenoiea. j2flly E3TABLISHE1D 1870. Dr. Cluirli s K. ('uilhliii, Indiauapulis, has discard"! I In' I nr'- s ill pulling lei-lb anil Iiun adopted tliu piiiuitivo rulis ol the Chimse by using nothing except his I lr ii nili ami index fitigir for t lie purpose, Ho believes llnl I In' sight of I lie fnrcps cuiii-t itui I'm ilif harrowing pari of looili pulling and that many uervous persons are almost as slinckcd at the sight ol I ho iris! ruiiicut us they would be if a out k i il revolver were pre;cntfil at their heads, He can lake out the oust firmly-rooted double tooth in a few seconds, and without causing pain, comparative Iv speaking "Il is all dune with the thumb and forefinger of I lie right hanil," he said to day, "and dot's not require any greal strength, for it is not performed by main lorce. "In pulling a tooth by hand, it is first workrd aroiiud with a gi'utlc motion and them is absolutely no violent wrenching or t iijih'11- In surprisingly short time the largest and most lirinly-rooted molar will show evidences of btiug loosened. The inol iuii is then continued with in creased pressure outward from the pivot of the tooth, as il were, until it seems actually to eotue out of its own accord. It is brought out with a linal circular twist, nut more violent than the gentle working which is rnpiired to loosen it, and it is all over before the patient realizes that his tooth is being extracted. "It is riilieulnu-ly easy wheu you have Col tie haii)t of i'. The loot 11 always euuirv out, and my patients testify that it is a comparatively painless process, the iiioveineiit ol the tooth being so gradual as nut to produce any shock to the most nervous person. "I learned the process from a Chinese practitioner. It has beeu practiced by the Chinse friiui time immemorial. Our method seems as crude and as barbarous to them as theirs seems antiquated to us. "In many eases we are getting too far away from nature with our complicated apparatus and highly scientific way of going at things, and I have found that extracting teeth by baud is nut only better for the patient, but also for the practi tioner, for a inau of sympathy must nec essarily lee I some of the horror caused by the forceps in an extremely nervous per son, and just to the exteut that he is un nerved he is iucnuipctcnt to perform bis duty well." New York Sun. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. -;.; THE LAND OF DREAMS. Tliere's it dear, sweet land in the far away, That lionlei's the realms of iruld, Where the Krinr of life in the heart holds Hway, And the leaves of linht litifiild; Where the hallowed jieaee of a perfect day Is shed on the silvered streams. With the smile of (iod ( n the sacred sod, 'Tis the land of dreams of dreams ! Sweet realms of rest in that mystical land five peace to the weary heart. And time, with the touch of it maic hand. Smoothes care with a tender art : Ami kindred spirits can understand Life's hook with its thousand themes, And there is no rue, And our hopes come true. In that land of dreams of dreams ! 'Tis the home of delight, where Love's lilies lean- Where fancy and faith comhine, And the noblest deeds of the word are seen Ina light we deem divine; Where the laurel leaf of the past is green. And the present what it seems, And the future lies In a paradise, Oh, that is the hind of dreams! John W. Humphries. .wet HOT ENOUGH FOR HIM. !Ui FRANK T.CLARK CO., ,. iuiilt'J. Sash (Successors to Cooke, Clark A Co.) Doors and Blinds. Mouldiogs, Suit Work, Porch Trimmings, Hardwood and "Slate Mantels, Tiling and Grates. MuFine Builder's Hardware." PAINTS OIL & GLASS. And Building Material of Every Description. 28 Commercial Place and 49 Boaooke Avenue, NORFOLK, VA. ". -2 J 0"-i Nothing risembles yeilirday to much as tomorrow. Love may laugh at locksmiths, but lot at locks of hair. Truisms are usually too self-evident to be palatable. The pace that kills is uot the paci of the messenger boy. The lawyer is one mau who profits by advice. He sells it. Don't tli ink a man's i fool because he doesn't think as you do. The fellow who has a Biu'iling counte nance uheu has a red nose. The struggling young doctor realizes that patients are virtues. So Considerate. All railin' at the weather from the mountains to the sea; But "Thank the Lord," says Johnson, ''it's hot enough fer me!" The sky is cracked wide open by the heat, a-fallin' free, But "Thank the Lord," says Johnson, "it's hot enough fer me!" Jest think of the hereafter, where you'll blaze beyond degree! "Thank the Lord," says Johnson, "it's hot enough for me !" The craps air hurt to cinders wells dry as dry kin be. "Thank the Lord," says Johnson, "it's hot enough fer me !" The world might now be', with not one flower to see; "Thank the Lord," says Johnson, "it's hot enough fer me!" F, L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. -5 In a Rose Garden. A hundred years from now, dear heart, We shall not cure at till, It will not matter then a whit The honey or tho gall. The summer days that we have known Will then forgotten be ami flown, Where now the roses fall. A hundred years from now, dear heart, We shall not dread the pain, The throbbing, crimson tide of life Will not have left a stain. The song we sing together, dear, The threat'ning shadows that we fear Will mean no more than means a tear, Amidst a summer's rain. A hundred years from now, clear heart. The grief will all be o'er, The sea of care will surge in vain I'po t a ca' eless shore, The glasses we turn down today -Here, at the parting of the way We shall be wineless then as tiiey. And shall not mind it more. A hundred years from now, dear heart. We'll neither know nor cure What comes of all life's bitterness, Or followed love's despair, So, fill the glasses up again And kiss me through the rose leaf rain. We'll build one castle more in Spain. And dream one more dream there. THE HOMY MOON, WANT TQ ABOLISH IT. 'he Men Who DisctissTheStib ject Do Not Knthtise Over The lloiievmoon. Mother (an invalid) Johnny, don't you think I ought to punish you for bi ing so bad ? Johnny (aged 5) No, mamma You know the d ctor said you was not to in dulge in any violent exercise. D. A. SMITH, -DKALKR 1N- I t 1 0 Vl Hi III AND A COMPLETE LINE OF ICE Headquarters for Green Groceries and fresh meals of ill kinds. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE in any part of town. Call to see me. Tbree doora below poeloflioe. It 1). A. SMITH, AV KIjDOjN, N. C. Jl 'Jf Jnl7 1y -Krwll llread Alwaya ull llmiil , , The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBHKliS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES .6 " ' j rlwi Hell Only To Nercnanta. Ontara Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERT CO , 2 8 It wildon.n. o. 'n LOVE lives only In the present. Nature throirs a glamor around youlli ami umitU-n, so thai although they saw misery and mar riage walking hand in hand in every home in the world they would fondly Isrlleve that th' y could marry and defy misery. Vooiik women should tie taught to prepare for nier riage. Thev should understand how to preserve their woiiiauly health through the func tional changes (if maternity, lloeti.r 1'lerce's Favorite I'rescription Is the most effective med icine for the pre servation ot worn anly health and the cure of womanly diseiises. It regu lates the periods, dries enfeebling drains, heals in flammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. It prepares the womanly or- fanism for maternity and makea the irth hour practically painless. "Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol, neither opinio, cocaine, noi other narcotic. "Mv wife wai ffliileil wilh uterine li.ail.le for evrrl vrnrn." wntis Ml J C l nl I. Mile nritHin, l.rtiifuslfr Co.. l'a., "ami in Novenii 11 IKgS Hie liuttor suiil slie liail a mist-ni riiiKe. Ili tleilint her for utiiiil two moiillis in so. I'nl tlnre whs tint liille ililliioveltleut. I wrote yon after she liail coninieiiwit to take ' Favonlr t'le tcrliitloli' mill yon told as toael 'OoMni Mint test llii.i-overvf also. Hlie tis.k six or sevtii botllrs of 'favorite Hn ;riltiou ' suit two of C.oUIrn MeiltfHl llisoovery ' ami Ba onl ol in '1 aait was able to atteuil to tier houia-holil woik " Dr. l'ierce'a Pleasant Pellets cure htli-uueaa. HIS CAl'SE FOR TEARS. At a seance the other day, when the lights had been turn ed low, the medium was de scribing a tall, dark -eyed, hand some spirit, with long mustache and hair parted carefully down the centre, that was hovering round a middle aged but elderly looking man, when he burst suddenly into tears; heart-rending sobs shook his thin frame. "George, George," he cried; "why, oh, why, did you leave me to the misery of these past years ?" "Then you knew him?" asked the medium. "Knew him?" murmured the down-hearted man. "I suw him daily for months and months. Oh, George," he con tinued, "why did you die?" "My tfood man." pleuded the medium, "you must pull your self together. Though his lost to you must have been a great one, you niiiyj'ct meet another friend who will fill his place." "No, no," he cried. "His place in filled." "Filled! Why, what do you mean?" asked the medium, as tonished. "Ho was my w ife's first hus-band!"-Tit-Bits. Oflic ii Austin, Texas, Nov. 21, ltWU, I have louud Dr. Model! a TKKTII 1N. a splendid remedy and aid for my teething children. When my oldest boy was a teething child, every succeeding day warntd us that we would inevitably lose him. 1 happened upon TKKTI1 INA, and began at once administering it to htm, aud his improvement was marked iu 24 hours, and from that day on lie recuperated I have constantly kept it and used it since with my chil dren, aud have taken great pleasure in soumlini! its praises to all mothers of youni! children. 1 found it invaluabl even alter the teething period was passed. Mrs. D. II. Hardy An Kriglish journal wilh the sympo sium li has been seriously consider ing the advisability of doing away wilh the honeymoon. It is noticeable in the opinions printed that honey ebgs upon the masculine palate much more quick I than upon the feminine. "Must we sac rifice yet another leaf from life's book of romance," wails one of the fair sex. She allows that under some circumstances the honeymoon may prove a failure, but thinks this could be prevented by a little forethought, a choice in the naturo ot the holiday. Another woman suggests the adoption of a traveling bridesmaid uot too attractive, who would "retard rather than hasten the matrimonial crash. The discretion necessary in her pretence and the fear of interruption will give honeymoon love-making the best of the earliest courtship and ward off boredom." The men who discuss the subject do not enthuse over the honeymoon. There is one who contends that the honeymoon is a more prolific source of broken mar riages than the divorce court, that it en genders ennui, which produces indiffer ence, and that this indifference is the destruction of all poetry and true happi ness in married life. "The human mind,'' lie says, "is not constructed to support the contemplation of any one object, however engaging and fascinating that object may bo, for an indefinite period of time, and, inasmuch as the generality of people who marry are commonplace and ttnpoctic to the core, it follows that what a poet enn scarce achieve the vulgar herd can hardly accomplish with flying colors. A short honeymoon is a delicate experi ment. A long one is a veritable flying in tho f'aco of providence, an act of mad- uess for which a fussy legislature should be iuvitcd to discover u drastic remedy." There are more valuable theories ex ploited in the honeymoon symposium. Tbe women arc for the preservation ot tho romantic institution, and are prone to burst into poetty and sentiment at the very word honeymoon. Tho men are different. Kither they have less senti ment or they lack courage of their con viciions; for, cue and all, they hand in a verdict which in substance amounts to "the longer the moon the shelter the honey." TIIKSAMK OLD STORY. I. A. Kelly relates ail experience sim ilar to that which has happened iu almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told and retold by thousands ot others. He says: "Last summer I bad an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly is well known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. LIFE IS GROWING LONGER. STATISTICS PROVE IT. A Great Increase In The Of Existence. Span From statistics and the result of cer tain changes in the methods ol living we can safely alhrm that the span of life is steadily lengthening. Three thousand years before the Chri-tian era the aver age duration ol life was said to be three score years and ten. 'Ibis would make middle age crime at '!'). Dante consid ered that year the middle of life's arch, and Montaigne, speaking fur himself at the same period of life, considered his real work practically ended and proved that he thought he was growing old by falling into the reminiscent age. At the present time 50 years is consid ered as middle age. In the days of the Revolutionary war prominent meu at that time were looked upon as old at fiO years. We are justified in supposing that the span of human life will be pro longed in the future because the possibil ity of living to an older age has been de monstrated by the great advances made in medicine and hygiene during the past ten years We have attained a vast amount of knowledge as to the causes of diseasCj and new remedies for their successful treatment have been discovered. We have no new diseases, at least of any se rious character, and we are better able t) treat the old ones, which, like old foes appear to us wilh new faces. One of tho most interesting and trust worthy statements in respect to old age is the report of the habits of centenarians, made some years ago by a commission appointed by the British Medical associa tion. Without going into particulars of the different cases, it is valuable to note generally the result of this investigation BE READY TO ENCOURAGE. STARTED ALL RIGHT. .Many Have Fallen In Life and Lost The Race Because There was No One to Say "Go It." ToUi bel itiged to a settlement school und the school had furnished most, if not all the real happiness he had ever known. Hero the good in bin was de veloped until somehow he began to for get the bad. He was a sturdy little athlete and won most of the races and oilier contests of strength. Through various winsome traits he had found bis way lo the heart of his teacher aud she was always iuter Csted in his success. One day arrangements had been made for a foot race. Several boys were to run, although everybody was sure that Tom would win. The preliminaries were settled, race started, and the boys were off over the course. Tom led clear and free for about half the distance, then to the surprise of everyone, Johnny began to gaiu upon him. Jim was just behind Johnny and running vigorously. Tom's feet seemed to grow heavy and Johnny steadily de creased the distance between them, until finally he shot past Tom, and with a sud den spurt, gained the goal fully five yards in advance. Jim was close behind, and be, too, sped over the line a little ahead of Tom, enough to give him second place and to leave Tom out of the race. "Why, Tom, what was the matter'!1" asked his teacher, as the defeated boy came toward her with tears streaming down his face. His only answer was a Bob. "Tell me what happened, Tom." Tutu dug his knuckles into his eyes to dry his tears and tried to tell his story. "I stalled all right, you know " "ies, you led them all. Are you suffering from cold? No. My trouble started wilh a cold, but I took all tbe teuiedies my friends prescribed, and they arc what I am suf fering from now. He But why do you want uu lo ask Hinqleigh to (he house? She Why do you wear your medal? He It represents that victorious cam paign I went through belore we married. She So does be. The woild makea do bargains ita inciliid is straight reciprocity. A l'OOR MILLION A1UK. Lately starved iu London because be couldu t digest hia loud F.arly use ol Pr, K ir'" New Life I'lIU would have) saved hi in They strengthen tbe itomach aid digestion, promote assimilation, im prove appetiiH I'riee 2!o. Money back it not saiisbi'd Mold by Vv. M Cohen, diuggist. A person who can lee hia own has a chance of growing perfect. faults "But when I got half way there the It seems that most of these old people I boys began to call, (ii) if, Johnny, you're were small or medium of stature and 0f second, -Hustle, Jim, you re gaining. Hun, Johnny, run, vou re most up to him.' But nobody said 'Go it, Tom,' and somehow it zot into my les and uearly all ol them enjoyed good digestion, I they wouldn't go;" and Tom dropping to one old man of '.18, a clergyman, placing the ground in a heap cried as though bis his hand on the organ in question and spare habit. Tho voice was rarely feeble. Most of them had lost their teeth, but saying that he never knew what it was to have a stomach. Nearly all of them had enjoyed uninterrupted good health, and many had never known what it was to be sick. They weie ull very moderate in eating, most of them uing little animal food. Few indulged at all in intoxicating drinks and those only in notable moderation They took considerable outdoor exercise and nearly all possessed the good nalured, placid disposition. Koyal Magazine. FROM A BACHELOR'S VIEW. heart would break. Moral. Many have fallen in life be cause there was no one to say, "Go it, Tom." PATIENCE IS UNRAVELED HOPE. Cultivate forbearance till, your heart yields a fine crop of it. Pray for a short memory to all unkindoess. HEARTBURN. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, heart bum is likely to follow, and especially so if tbe digestion has been weakened by constipation, hat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapso between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store. A AVontan Wants Her Sav, But A Mau Must Have His Way. the Hatred itself may be a emotion if provoked io us love of good. praiseworthy by a lively Wheu you wsut a modern up-to-date physic, try Chauibetluin'a Stomach and Liver Tablets, They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. I'riee, 'J!) cents. 8atu pies free at W. M. Cohen's drug store. run over i'ii'tv rent Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over SI ty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sotteus the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. A strong-willed man can be domineered only by the best. CASTORIA For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean that SigMtWtof Brevity is the soul of wit ; wit ii levity of the soul. 1 he women may look at wicked man with horror, but there arc a lot of good men that they never look at at all. If all the advertisements dealers send out lo women were engraved instead of printed they would ull have to build big ger storeB. Woman is man's pasture; man is wo man's passion. A woman can never have much mind and speak it, too. I have noticed that a woman very sel dom bumps her head very hard when she faints away. If all the women in the church spoke right out in the middle ot the meeting and told what they were thinking about all the angels silliiit' on the roof would drop dead. You can always tell what's bound to happen to a fool till something else docs. Poker is like making up to a woman you never Hunk it n siu wheu you are winning. Probably the greatest pleasure most of the women will get in heaven will be hanging over the walls watching the men in the other place rubber. F.very woluau has a list uf Wou.eli her head that she is going to get even with when her husband becomes very rich. The average woman s idea of emiilort wheu she is miserable is to have a man put his arm around her und say, "There, there!" There are three things thai euu al ways get the best of a woiuau politic, pickles and puiicliialiou ULCERS. Sorts I 'leers lu-ver become chroni unless tlie lilouii 1 in jmor cumlition il Bliijisli, wtak ami unable to throw oil the 1 0lson tluit aceniiinlate iu it. Th system iuut be relieved ut' the unhealthy1 nuilter through the sore, ami reat danger , to life would follow should it heal befott thebl'toil has been made pure and healthy ami all impurities enmuiuien irom inesy tern. S.S.S. beginstheeurebyfirstcleans liitf and iimKoralinK the blood, building up the general health ami removing from the system A nnuTAMT n OA I ft 11 morbid, ViZZJm ZZ .J.. efTotetmmor. 'nL Oiaicm, When this has lux'n accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and tlie sore 01 ulcer heals. It is the tendency of theseold indolent Bores to crow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applti aiioiis, while fioothuiff and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and nomattei how apparently lioelfss your condition,1 even though your constitution has brokei down, it will bm.K relief when nothing else can. It supphrs the rich, pure blood necessary to Ileal the sore and nourish the debilitated, di-eased body. Mr. T 11 ThIIhtI, I.tuk Utx J4.s,Winorm, Mill.. ays: "Six veais r my leg from 111? Kit re 10 I he foot iv...- im-' solul sure. Several fihyateianf trr.itctl iio ami t tn itdi' I wo trips to Hut Sprintf, hut ftiuint in ieiiM I WHHitnluceu tntry h a. b , dtul it mii'W- acornplt'le cute. 1 have beeu a per fectly wrll t'ViT Miue ' h J&tv is the only purely vep. ST N itable blood purifiet known contains no j oi cottons minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer intis. If your fit h does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, yourbloocj is in bail condition, ami any ordinary sore is apt to bev'-mc chronic. ' Send tor our tree nooic ami write our physicians ahmit your case. We make no charge fnr this service. THE SWIM SftUIHU UU., A I LAN I A, A BEST FOR THE BOWELS If vmi hhvvii't a rrtfiimr, tiuftlth niovomimi or in ii-i ly. uu i m or win Hrp ywui ll llt l.hlMl' tr I'lU lliim, l dttlHTtTMUa). Til IhOOtfa- i.-i. rW-t, ui'iii i-mN-i'l lit kvlng lb ImI vir .lid cluen U u tfcka CANDY C CATHARTIO Kvery man known how to stare at I. 1 .!... 1 . L - L . . If it isui wuai a man uscu to ue, or wnat ; woman lie lioesn t know so she won t have the heart lo act indignant at liiiu. he is going to be, but what ho is, counts. that SHE DIDN'T WKAU A MASK. But ber beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fe ver Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. lufallible for Outs. Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 25o. at W. M. Cohen's drug it ire. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY !'! I'.lal.liO'. l'ti-nt. TuMi- Omirt. floOmii!, N,-v, i S.i-ki-n. WfHlo.n. i.r Orlpr. 10. . nli.1W r.rit. r ivrllw lur Irr. ftmir, .u.i, uu ..Ml. Ad.l,,-n. "I mt'ltl.lM! UKKMiV roiflKT. fHltluO .r MW Tims. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN ..!,. 60 YEARS' 4 - BVDBDiirima A woman will lorgiivn mau for break log her heart, hut when he once com. cells her In chanoc her mind she will hate him forever. A man can be friendly with all the world if ho ouly keeps on i-peaking terms with his lover. The aveiago man doesn't need a soul lo mako a woman love him, all lie needs is a swelled head. The girl who knows her business will never talk much baby talk to a man till after the wedding. I'M ET Tbadc Mark "riff" CevRtoHT Ac Anrnni ncnrtlng ankelrh and dfurrlptlon mmf quirk lr Muertaln our opinion free whether an ln(mllon H iminnnir iweiimoi". tJoiisniri(Miy- t "011111111 n tra- I ml. Handbook on I'aUmU --.... tiiiiiiBi iiuoik'v fur MPi tinni inatetit. I'll ninmKn mmiii pt i. iovumw RMtliout clire, in tin I'lilcntu tar-oil titer uu nmwt, Scientific Hitter .can. A haniUomely llliiitratwl worttf. If : four mnuihi, f L Bold by all newadaalert. cu I all on of any dunliHo 1 tup Ttiiir miiiiLnai. aw. anil i aiu.i Umiu Vnrlr Uraoflb once, ON V it, Washington. 1. &