NO. 12 pa ANi'tfelflble Preparation for As himilaimtf ilicFoodawlltctJula Img Hie Stouwchs and Bowels of Promotes Di4c9lion.Clvcr(ur nt'ss and Rest.Contains neither Ihmim.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Mr ofUl-SAMVlietTCHSn Mx .tm lit (trtmrntJUm MVi(..fW- Iiji m i nmrw. Aptifecl Remedy forfonslipa limi, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea nml Loss of Sleep. rac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. S. N. IREDELL & SON, 17 COMMKBCK STKKKT, NORFOLK, YA. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas aTl Produce. U'MBKIl, WOOD ...) SIIINULKS. We make a specialty of handling Nouli Carolina produce, (iuarantce I lie high lit market price and prompt returns. lt. lVr-Dco: Norfolk National and foiuuiercial Agencies jo -0 ly M. COHEN We, Dooe of us, live so oanfullly drugs and medicines to put us righi. you cap pet them from and at proper a . .s Drugs, Chemicals, a Patent Medicines, a - Stationery, j a v Toilet Soaps. ; ; ', All Kinds Perfumery, ' Toilet Articles, i a a .... Cigars ; ; AND TO I1AVK ? Your Prescriptions Filled. ; ; Fine Line uf High Art l'roiut HepoDhtffl ty or Night. I w. h. miir.a, rtiannai'ui, itfimm, n, . i ! ! a MDIl METAL CO. U RICHMOND, VA Southern Headquarters For EVEHY Distributors for Niagara Machioe and gaSeod us jour orders and inquiries I iy The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE J0HHEK8 LS STAPLE & FANCY .GROCERIES ML.W6 Sell Only To Merchant. (IrH.r. fLllil - ft 2 8 It GftSTOi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years tmi ointaun cowmnv. niw von city. i! 4 ihai we never require the aid uf I i a "iiifnrl to know where peicis Call uu uie lur any a a . : . Pieluren, a All food delivered free. ( Slur Phone II Realilenee t. t m it i k CASTOR A IKON.8TKKL, MKTAL8. TIN PLATES IKON AND STEKL HOOKING OP ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDEKS TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES Ol DESCRIPTION, ETC. Tool Works, of Buffalo, N. Y. and patronise Southern industries. n u n THE WELDON umHJCKl IaJ WU)0J,rl.o. THE EFFICACY OF PRAYER. "ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE " The Saving Suit Of The Is Still To Bo Kunnil lluillllll' lllllllt'S. World In The Atlanta Cuiwtitutimi. The old-fashioned Christian w lm br ieves in Hie ihicaey ul prayer hu ad a striking conlirnialion uf hi faith by the abundant rains of the past IVw ays. When, uiiiler (he scorching rays el continued Mini', vt'cintii n grew weak and began lo will, threatening the I I v f I he com crop whieh lo million in ilie staff' or life, the world wan presented will the fear of dire dislicss With the ex haustion of every human effort and hu inanity brought face to lace with its Creator, it was remembered thai I he Lord God Himself had promised lo lis ten to earnest prayer. "Ask, and ye shall receive" was the advice of One spoke as never man spake, and a belief in and reliance upon whom has differentiated I lie millions of civilhsalion from the myriads of barbarism and sav agery. What wonder was it, then, lhal church men, I ore. el I in;.' differences in creeds, uniting in (heir reliance upon ihe treat Creator, recognizing in I liu ihe giver of all good, should, in tho hour of distress, turn to Him for relief, anil pray that He might look down upon the crea tures who trusted in lliui and semi lo (linn that relief so urgently needed. Congregations assembled nml prayed that (iod might avert the evil of famine by sending to them plentiful showers, so that rejuvenated nature should perforin its mission. The governors of states joined iu the movenieut and called upon waiting commonwealths to appeal lo the Great Source of all good. This old-fashioned f ail h is ihe salve. lion of man here and hereafter. Froiu il he derives all strength of purpose, and ilh it he rides safely through every emergency. Let scholars doubt and skeptics urgue. The saving salt of the world is Btill to be found in those humble Christian homes here it is not forgotten that over all God rules, and that lie is ever ready to answer the prayers of those who approach Him with conlrite heart and with relianoe upon His goodoess. No man call tell whether ho is rich or poor by turning to his ledner. It is ihe heart that makes a man rich, lie is lieli or poor according to what he is, not ae ruing lo what ho has. If t wt.-.tfi i- pin sit-iiU v miscr:i'i!e nl iitt'iit.tiiv iiiih.itipv, tilt cli ilil via hfars will. 1:1' unl I'uftn, as will a;, in tlisH.iitiL, iv.Vil liT own rim-U- tion. r.verv wtmnti whn aiitirii:ite i motherbcMxl oulit lo think of this ami be a fairy kkIiiii -titer to )ut own cliiM, fiidowin it with lu-atth, U-atity, atut a hapnv ilisiHiKitum. The tneiiUl Hilary ol tne irosiRdivc mother is in i-ciu'riil the result of hrr physical eoiiihtion. hue is uervons, lur appetite fails, she cttnnot sleep. Re store her appetite, quiet her nerves anil give her sleep anil she th-couies a new woman. "It has maile a new woman ot tne," is the constant tes timony of women who have ueL Dr. liene's l-'avorite Prescription. It tramjuilics the nerves, encourages the appetite ami induces ie!rehing sleep. It e st a h- I i shes regularity dri weakening drains, heal flannnatinii and ulceration and female weakness. cures " I Kiting the tirst month, whrn I locikcl fur- watd to iiiatrriiity. I could ma kt-t-p iihvthiiiu on niv stomach." wnte Mis 11 C. Amlfi nil ( kid it h ftrilmit New Hhvmi ftp. Conn " A mntk thai I wrnt If twil n the jth ot Juiir and never iM un till the first ol AhkiM 1 trml tit fte lent ilorlotv bill with tittle lienetit 1 r il aliout inativ Im-iiik helNil lv umiiit your inoli cine, ao I tmniKht 1 wmiM give il a trial 1 !. an to take your ' Favorite rn-scriiiti-'ii in No vemtwr. nA I h.ul a nice liule ll.v itnl m Pehniary (nllowiiiK. My Itahy wcinhfil ot eiirhl nouiuU I was oiilv ill tor alHinl one hour ami (tot alonit nicrlv itiiiinv nuriiienirnt ud anJ treeil on the eijjhth !av. I tirver Ihe doctor with in al all lust the nurw- ami in ot two trieniU Mv Iririnl thmighl I w -it -i verv hurt tune This make- mv sr.-,.inl rli-..l With the Bi-t one I .h i ll t:ikr 1 F.ivillr l'-r aenption.' The little one livt.l ti-l uUmi ti. months, and she w,i u k all the inn- I last twhv is as plump timl hi-ulthy is .uu tiiotn. i con Id witi " Or. ttrrvc'i iVUels etire lonMiptiMii Misic lo The Heir. At Miflniilt Bawls. v'l QUT LIQUID MUSIC 1 1 LI .I.INTHI... l'URKOLDUYK MELLOW AITLE BKANDY. .. AND... Fine Wines, MADK FKOM THE CLIISTKKINO UKAPES, 8EKVEI) AT THE & PALACE SALOON ...or... (fW. D. SMITH f Washington Ave, WELDON, - N. C. Full line groceries always on hand. I. Tlii'V'vc lii-cn n-llr;ii'liill' it, lu-tl', tlitll f;iitll is ;i tlilllf,' Jil.iycil llllt, l'lint tin1 tniL'cIs ticvt-r lii'iir us when vc sing; to t In; skies, un slmnt; I'lwit if tin' wdiIiI is lii'iiiiiin', its Mini tluit niukt's it liriKM- Tlitit ( lull's voii'e is not in the tliumliT, an' his stnili itint in tin1 liBlit. II Tlii'V'vc lii'i'ii ii-iii'i'itrliiir it. iii'oiilf, from tlie hilltos fur an niili; I'liat tin1 rainliovs oiilv a rililioii sky; hat tliere ain't no ironiise in it. It's onlv a dream," thev tell us, Thev've lieen a iireaehin' it, neotile, an' I've liearn em loiifj the wiiv; Hut 1 thank the Lord ahove us 'Villi in the true and steadfast great an' Rlorious promise Listen! The flowers were wiltin' An' June saw the lilies drooiun' n' w(;said: "The craps are thirstin hv the valley an the plain: e clouds of (Iod ahove us. an' tn we sat m the u iiuni an i;riiinlileil, an scowieii at tne skios above, Till it come to our minds the ruin of l.ovp; :Vu' that comfortiii' word of Scripture to all o' the hearts that tfrievc, Jomoto us then sweet say in': VI. An' the lirotherin' called a meetin' in the (dd church in the pines I5lest hv tin; summer blossoms- u the invar her rose an told us: plain: Let us kneel in the Light of l'resonce an' pray to the Lord for rain !" VII The sk v was jest like a oven-' all routi' with heat, Hut raith saw the raindrops tallin incoolm showers air sweet: All , ''Lord send the rain, cried the tield, an' glen !" An' the very gates of heaven were shook by a loud "Amen!" VIII. Amen! AVe'ro mightily needin' Amen! from the sun-scorched hilltop to the parched and plead ing plain: Did ever Thv people ask Thee a Open the fresh'nin' Moodgates id' IX. An' even as wepraved no wonder! bowed in His there We heard ( iod's voice in t he thunder the (iod that praver ! We saw the Hash o' the lightning plain: Anil we shouted: 'Halleluia! rain!" X. (Hi. it fell liken benediction, on Till the hills seemed clnppin' their hands for jov, anil the glai fields said, "Thank ( iod !" An' over its gracious falling rose With "Halleluia to Heaven!'' and XI. Hrotherin the Bible's with us! - When you're needing the rain or knees an tirav 1 llianks lie to (iod tor Ills hlessings, for He s with us now as then: Jest shout "Halleluia!" to heaven, and the angels will sav.Amen S SP. ,v4 sA i Qet 'Jn 5fAc JfaJsit of paying t t Into IVqclicc We are sometimes humiliated invciation lor Kinnnesses done others think so little of our at amazed to see how much some people too, to do for them without a word of thanks. Sometimes this is due to a hick of appreciation, sometimes to thoughtless ness and sometimes to pure neglect. Tlie thank you habit is good one to acquire. We need to get into the way of us even though the service they taut. It may lie a greater service in ineir eyes man m ours they may have taken great pains, and they may be look fug for the appreciative word. We are not advocating flattery, and we have no patience with gush, hut wedo think those who serve us should be thanked. And the more humble and lowly the one is who serves, the more readilv our observation goes to show that those who care less about such things are tlie very ones we those whose taces would light if we should bestow a hearty thank you I hoy never receive it It will be good for us ami tor those who are about us it we should acquire the thauk-yoil thechildren and the servants hkev neilect il when Vuii go out into the world. THERM AUK OTHERS. Mrs. Younirwed icrvmgi mi! know a big tramp ate olie of the Hoo-hoo! Mr. Youngwed Oh! well, dear, there's lots of other tramps Besides, the police won't blame ANSWERED. But how do you pass your time? asked the lady from the city of the retired business man who had settled on a farm. Well, said the retired businessman, 1 spend u good deal of in explaining to inquirers how 1 get along out here. Tid Bits A READY Mary told me how to get the Shi; told me to wash it in milk night. How did it work '! Oh, the spots had disappeared dress. Denver Times. am. h roiiinl tin' lilack dross o the like the flood Hook said of old with its iniride aa' its n'old. III. there's faith in the world today ! in the hearts that still helieve "Ask, and ye shall receive: IV. in the imrdens ' the May: in tin; face o' the rainless day: never a drap o ram ! V. - clouds were ruined liy a (iod "Ask, and ye shall recent kissed of the clinibin vines: " I lie onl ot tlie l,ortl is the preacher, "to the hill, an the blessin', Lord, o' the rain! blessing, O Lord, in vain'' the rain! tin- rain! tin; rain! presence answers on the Held and the hillsid Thank (iod for the rain the the drv an' sunburdt sod the shout o the people then. the ( horns: "Amen! Amen! the promise is true todav; the sunshine, git down on your Fkank L Stanton 'itM KV.iyhtxly At'onqd that ve have shown so little ap 10 us. v care olten ania.eii mat tempts to serve them. We are people will allow us, and othc always thanking those who serv render is small, ami unimpor should thev be thanked. Yet are careful to thank, while up w ith a smile of gratification habit. Tut it into practice with about the home and you will not rrank boo-hoo. Doiit vou pies I baked this morning you for it. RECIPE. grease spots out of my new dress, and hang it out in the yard all in the morning, but so had the TRUE FRIENDSHIP. THE HEART YEARNS FOR IT. esus is I he )ne 1 rue. I mail ing Erieiul, Through All The Ages, Yesterday, To-day And Korever. In all llio di'iartini'nlH of human life the heart of evciry one sinha and yearos for a Iruo frii'oil in whom to cuididc. God .iaw in the licuinoiriL' that man's haipini'ss would not bo complete with out a helpmeet, a tiuc and luviug friend with whom to associate, otinsel, and trust. The child liuJs such a friend in mother. In her tar aa in no oilier die ecrctsof the heart arc emptied and from r loving lips the Diveetest, safest words of advice are spoken that eun soothe and cheer the anzioun, acliiog heart of the one who trustingly confides in her lov ing friendship. Jonathao was willing lo risk his life at the court of his rash and jealous father, in the interest of the bold and valorous David, because he loved bim and found iu him the heart of true and loviug friendship. Thus it appears very clear that the human heart is not at ease, not satisfied, unless sharing in the blessings of a true and faithful friend. 'larlhlyl'riendships, although a great comfort aud blessing, are but temporary, transient and uucertain, The mother may be taken away; circumstances, con ditions, and influences may change those we have believed to be faithful and true, and their friendships may fail us and we be left in amazement at the inconsistancy of man and to feel our discomfiture in the vanity of all earthly things. Kveo Chi ist was made to thus feel when one of His disciples denied Him, another be trayed Him and all forsook Him. Tlie wise son of Israel's greatest king said truly: "lie that would have friends must show himself friendly, and there is Friend that stieketh closer than brother." Jesus is the one true, unfail ing Friend of tho whole race. He, in love for all, came to live and die for all, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to a knowledge of the truth. He is the same loving, svm- lalhizing Friend, through all the ages, yesterday, to-day, and forever. In all conditions of this eventful life lie is with His people to lead, support, protect, and fend. He is Ihe model man, God's ideal of uprightness and loyalty; one whom lie is well pleased, lie is every ;ooil man a ideal, lur we can look no higher, find no purer. His graco freely given is the bread to satisfy hunger and the water In slake the awful thirst, He will environ tlicm Willi His power and will drive hack ihe enemy. In tiials, trouble", persecutions, bereavements and death He never forsakes. Ho is the ttn der sympathizing Friend, and yet the mighty cotKueror, who shall not he dis couiaged until He hath set judgement in the earth and led captivity captive. The bow of promise is in the cloud, the gol den sunbeams and sweet scented breezes inspire and cheer His forces on to the destruction of the works of the devil Give yourself in cheerful, loving, loyal service to Him and you will truly enjoy satisfaction found only in Him and the full meaning of true friendship. llev, (I. J. Duckworth, in Herald of Gospel Liberty. KOKOVI'.K ni TVVBAKS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over til ty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child solU'US the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists iu every part ot the world. -.) cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins, low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Hewitt Mrs. Gruet has presented her husband with twins. Jewett You've got funny ideas about presents. ASTOUNDKD TIIK KD1T0B Editor S. A. Brown, of Beuuetlsvill S. (' , was mice imnitim ly surprise Through long suffering from Dyspep sia," lie writes, "my wife was greatly ruu down, She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach, but she tried Kleetria Bit ters which helped her at once, and alter using four bottles, she is entirely can eat anything. It a a grand tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splen did for torpid liver." For Indigestion Loss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles its a positive, guaranteed cure Only 60o. at VV. M. Cohen's drug store, They are not engaged yet? I suppose he is slow and sure? Well, he's slow, but she isn't at all suro. TO SAYK 1IEB CHILD From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nan nie flalleger, of La Orange, Qa., applied ltucklcn'a Arnica Salve to great sores on ber head and face, and writes its quick cure exoecdad all her hopes, It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Erup tions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 25o Cure guaranteed by W. M. Colwo, druggist. WOMEN AND DREAMS. BAD LUCK TO DREAM OF A CHILD. Superstition That Is Rife Even Among The Educated Fair Sex. It doesu't seem possible that iu this enlightened agu superstition could be rife among the educated, but then; are never theless a number of young women who converse fluently, if not eloquently, in ree languages, and who read Spencer and Browning and I'lmerson, but who ace a ureatuUuult Willi their oiuie on the table beside the bed and consult it in the morning the first thing. Willi a credulity worthy of a negro mammy, if their sleep has been visited with unusual visitors liny seiz; this vol ume aBsoon as their eyis are fairly open and look for an explanation. If misfor tune is foretold by it, the seeker after knowledge assumes a bravado she is far from feeling. "I don't uare," she says to herself, by way of bulstering up her cour age. "I am not superstitious, anyway, and I don't believe iu such arrant non sense, out sue s nervous just the same for days until her truubles have driven this mythical one out of her mind. There's one young woman known to the writer who never dreams of a young child without shivering aud shaking for days alter in fear of some drcadlul thing happening to her. She has not consulted dreambook on the subject, and so she doesn't know how infants and bad luck became eonnected in her mind, but never theless, after she has had a visit of this sort while sleeping, she says prayers of unusual length and then makes up her mind to be patient under afflictions sore, She is an intelligent woman, mind you but she doesn't attempt to explain the terror that besets her at this particular dream. She doesu't call herself super stitious of course no woman docs, net even the one who wo ildn't walk under ladder but her friends do and make l'ght of her until she exposes some fetich of theiis, when the subject is carefully avoided afterward Baltimore Ameri can. A CUKK FOB C'HOl.F.IU INFAN TUM. "Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Baker, of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of our neighbor's was suffering from chole ra infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chaiaherlain's Colic, Cholera and Ihar rhoea Bemedy tu the house, telling them I fell sure it would do good if u.'cd ac cording to directions. In two Uay' lime the child had lully recovered, and is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I have recommended tho remedy frequently, and have never known it to fail in any single instance." For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. I,ady (to clerk iu clothing store) "I want a pair of trouseis for my husband.' Clerk "What site, madam ?" Lady "I don't know the size, but he wears fifteen collar." Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Pi arrhoea Uemedy has a world wide repu tation for its cures. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. Fur sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Vou kuow practice makes perfect. I kuow; but it also makes one tired. WH AT A TALK IT TF.LLS If that mirror of youis shows wretched, sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blulehes on the skin, it's liver tmuble; but Dr. King's New Life Fills regulate the liver, purify the blood, cive clear skio, rosy cheeks, rich complexion Only -5e. at W. M Cohen's drug store. It Dili Not l.iiuk Hislit. "Klsie says iheic was mily one draw back to her wedding." "What was thai?" "Sue says her lalher louknl loo elii er tut when he gave lu r away." The laws of health riiire that the howtU uiovu once each dav aud oue the penalties for violatiug this law piles. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chaiubeilaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary anil you never will have that severe puni-ll tuent inflicted upon you 1 rice -IK' For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. There's a small grain uf wisdom Which runneth this way: Men who have hnrsc sense Know how lo say "neigh." A man compared lo woman All logic seems to mock, He has a larger laiynx Bui a Vastly smaller talk. j headache! Al M 2S Ohm lit. 1 1 Contagious Blood Poison There is no poison st hiehly contagious. 9o deceptive and so destructive, ltou't be too sure you ure cured because all external sitis of the disease h.ive disappeared, and the doctor savs are Men. Many per son s have hu n doed with Mercury and Potash for iti' tilths ur ye.'irs, and pro nounced cured to re. due when too late that the diseae was only covered up aV fii, driven I mm the. Uko Bogota Liko. gltrftt,rt((l(r(.ak out aain, and to their sorrow ami tnortifi cut ion find those man st and dearest to them have hei n iniected !y this loath some disease, for no other poison is ho stirclv transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a had c:tseot KheumatiMn Catarrh, Scriitula or severe skin disease an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can he traced lo blood poison con "early Tho Sin of th P' life, for it remains stnolderinn in the sys tem forever, unless properly-treated and driven out iu the Itet'inniny. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards cures Contagious Mood Poison in any and all stages : contains n. mineral to break down your constitution ; it is' purely vegetable and tlie only blood puri fier known that cleanses the Mood and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little hook on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it nut only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and ihould be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure, Send f r it. ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. "lliave ud your valuable CAM'A- HFI'H and thai ttiem perfect. Couldn't do without tiit-m. I tiavo used tliem for some time fur indigestion ami biliousness and am now com plctcty cured. Keconinjetid them, tit every one. Once tried, you will never tie without them lu the family. " EDW. A. Maui, Albany, N. Y. CANDY ( CATHARTIC - ratoi aiM i PlAARAnt. PnlnMUil... I'ritpnt. T.BLP flood. 110 (Jouo. Ni-vor sickiMi. We&kt'li. or Grliu. Kir. 'c. Ulc. . CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Urn. Ktmtii fiiMpj, f.tfac. Moatr..!, S Verb. SKI Ul Tfl DIP HoM mill (iiinriiilpfil liv nil 1rii( HUI U'DAti to trl UK'luu.cco lUbie J. W. Perry Co. NOBFOLK, VA. Factors and Commhsion Mer and dealers in Cotton ehauts, BAGGING, TIES, PEANUT BAGS AND LAND PLASTER Wc uuutc Nova Scotia Laud Plaster for June and July shipments asjollows: Less than It) tons, S5.50. Car load lots, 85.25. 511 too lots, tS.OO. 1011 ton lots, 81.90. Correspondence solicited. J. W. l'KBBY CO. ii SWOOD,: Sawed any I. until ami ilelivcrcj iu any p.ul ol the towo, II. L. GHA-ITT, I BICYCLE y 'i rVORKS i Wheels sold and Ueiiaired Parts ol' Iiicy- GO X GO li Ol tiood tfttuvsiiml eomforUttile vehicle. Hive ua a cull wlieu iu netil of wood, a team or a hieyclo. Yard unit otliee corner Maple ami Second streets, Weldon, N. ('. ileo 20 .Wlti4 60 YEAR8 -O EXPERIENCE I TRADE In ARKS DttlQNS Cop v right 4c Onlrklf amtirt tun mir opinion fr i Biliousness Q runt & gpiro It- luriuslletl. . .I-.,, I'-., ii: '.,. i, '.. ;",-. VNt ''11 "i4i,,!!!r 'If hivniiltiin in pnilmlilT ntonthl0. ('"imniunlrn ttmn nl Met ly e. mtlilPiil lit). on I'lttonta sent rnn. ni1nt nitcur- for iwuriim patent!. Tritenm tul-mi throituti Mtinn A Co. rvoelTt firrfut witicc, wittuiut dmniu, ta tho Scientific American. A hmnrttmmrtr llltiRtntiHl wtwklr. it i mum or any Mtu.iae hiurnu. 1'wrui. 11 four months, L 8uM bf all fMWdalrtv iiirM. Now York tnuicu utoin. ma, Waakiaatuft, u. C