I fl JOHN" W. SLEDGE, i-iiohuktor. VOL. XXXVI. a. nsr e'-w s f f e ir, e ok, the eeoiple WELDON. N. C, THURSDAY. AlKUIST 8. 1901. TERMS-1'5" l'KH ANNUM IN ADVANl'K NO. 13 !m -v- r - m .r a -vw. a a t it a roroiGHToiHMOTMl ROBERT 0. BURTON, The Klml Yon Have Always B.mKht, nnd which liiw boc In use. for over 30 years, lin borne tho slifimtiirn or - ami 1ms been miine, under his lor- j Jrf-t-f- smml supervision since Its liininry. iLttfUcSUK Allow no one todceelve you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-Rond" are but IMK-rli.u-i.ts that trIHo with and Midunir" th health of Infants and ChUdrcii-Experleiieo against 1.x pertinent. What is CASTORIA i,...tnli ..cither Opium. Morphine, nor other Nam e substance. ItsHKCis its (ruar.mtoe. It . "'; , allays r.tW.nm It our,, I)...r.h.ea and Oil... It relieves Tcclhh.i; Troubles, cures Coi.st.pati on .ml Flatulency. H assimilates tin- Food, rcu!ut the JSIomm l. and Bowels. KlvlnK b.-altl.y a.-d natural sleep. The Children ranacea-Tho Mother's Hienil. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS .. i e Bears tne aignaiurou The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. m ...rr.ua . Tt tctt. ' S. N. IREDELL & SON, IT COMMKIU'K STKKKT, NORFOLK. VA. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas AT.. Produce. U'MltKK, WOOl" ami SlllStJI.KS. BORN WITHOUT SIGHT. "0 Mother! Is This Really You Oris It Heaven.-' Ani'midcr iu an Mima villago re c.ivcd ii cull one niyht bum a parisliionrr "Will you (!" Indiana". olii for me?" he a.ked. "We have de cided tu acid Johnnie iIhti! fur mi c" r atiun. Wo have received i-uuinirn.'fi.'iii lluit lie univ vet lie made In " Johnnie had liceo burn without i",ln, aud now a little lad of si. Iri(jslit imJ sunny, and baldly rcalizinir tlint tit- lack cd anjthint; lo make life happy, lie wan facing a future of dark m-iw, little hope having; nuw been given to tlio patcno that anything could he June fur his OJ'08. ,..: ulili me tlfi- ii ml Johnnie. " said the father "1 eannul (!; 1 dare ... I Bui stav with her till it i ov,r, and cither rejoice with us or cuiufurt ns, and gxnd me word as fast an lightning can bring it, The minister went, and stayed with the lad while tilt oculist, not ovorconli- dent, began his work, aud till at last, with thrill of triumph in his tone, he said, The boy will see. The ulad wire tinaUd with the rocs- sago to the father, and the minister, with (he overjoyed mother, retired to wait for the time when the banuageu eyes couiu bear light enough for a hrst look at tlie beautiful world. At last came the notification ol the expected test. In the dimly lighted room the mother and tno minister stood breathless while the doctor carefully raised tho shade. I he little lau, over whelmed b)' the Budden possession of a new Bense, cast a bewildered look from one to another of the three. "Johnuie," said the minister, "ihis is your mother." The little arms went up ana claspeu her neck, the happy boy verifying his new sense by those already tested; aou care-sing the loving face that be saw leanini! above him, he cried, "U motner: T.ihi,, mallv vou. or is it heaven?" Ttwaa indeed 1.1 KK a glimpue into heaven. "I felt," said the miuister, "ai if I had witnessed something ol the glad bewilderment of a newly translated soul in its first sight ol the lace ot our llcav enly Father." Youth's Companion. V". . tef ,. .. . jhl i ! JS A 1 JgolU Son of tfhh &untij. ,S KAKI.V srltVU.US, AND MOW S.'Kf BV STKP HK Ml.L'XTKII TIIK ,.A.1..KK OK KAMK AND STOOP VIH)X TUB TOPMOST HOL S.. WHKS WAS (.'AI.I.KD VI H1UHKH. Wc make . specialty of handling No.il, Ca.ulina produee. Guaranl.e the hi,h. 1 .. . V...I..IL- ,i nun iauk and r-i market price anJ prompt returns u n r.'n,.- - I iiiniiiereial Agencies : . . ::V M. COM EN j ! We, none of us, live so ear, lulily ihat - '"17' .' . : ,),,. .J medicines tu nut us riM Ii ". 'M k.DUW. - - r- --- , U.,B VM ,, uie lur any . , t yuu can gei uiem avw 1 - r , Drugs, Chemicals, ; ! Patent Medicines, Stationery, 1; Toilet Soaps. ; ; . All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, .... Cigars AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled. ; ; Fine Line of High Art l'ioturea, Prouipt Renponsen Day or Night. The hlackbird ha been called a great thief, but, as for the redbreast, he is al ways a rohin. The WeaK Spot. t a 5 , W.M.COUKS, PhnnctH, Wel&n, N. P. All good delivered free. J Hlorr Plmiw 1 Bnideucv . a am, n; r mm MP.TAT. fill. J RICHMOND. YA SmitWr, Hfi'adauarters For .... . ..rr , I u TIN lI.ATi:S IKON, STK-1-. "'" mnv AND 8TKEI1 KOOHNO OF AM STYLES. BABBITT METALS, SOI.DEUS TINNEKS TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF ii.'uritlPTION. ETC. v . uT-v.--, nff i. n. y. DisUibuto,, for Niagara Marine ana " Soulhetn indulrie.. Sena us your oruers u iu,...-- 1 ' i ... .. r.-Cinr nil vhprP II you lire muiuk .11 waitresses are 111 uuni.imc, ,.,,le now and W " '"unK mil her hand t iver 11:1 k. I ,e i.ll.. l.r liiw ure tli'htelH-i "I "? ... .:.! It's backache. Yet all II "J I" day long sue be oil Her leei lifting, carrying tittrrvlllf. Th.il we.lK MU'li (li luii'k. call be nude airoug by the use t i" Pi,.ne' l avurlle PteseriiU,'ii It cures the womanly diseases which cause liemlaclie bai'kaehe, Mile- aehe, inrousiiess and sleeplessness. II makes weak 'tin en strong ami sick women well. " l'avoritc in ni-riutiou " contains no alcohol, ami is banltilelv Irve from oi'inni. caine and all other narcotics. n I ..-r..l VIM1 for ilvi.'e Hibniniy 4"l. l.tiUil lUIMriin. . . . , ,he 'V T; " r:,.,luv:"f . ., ' . iui Hr-b rtldi.tl 'irtlllU'll MftlKdl IHMHtl. .mt ,M.I. ?;"-,,n,n-r n,,;:; Ji,, . ..ul " ' 1" " ""'"','" " I)r I'lerce a Molical Advisur ill p-M' covers, is sent pre on receipt f 21 one cent .tamps to lv ex,H-nse of mai 1 v Address Dr. R. V. IVrvc, but- falu, N. Y. KOBKKT OSWALD Bl liTOS was lioril J UlUltll'V !, at " ophU (Smvi- - near WVldon. X. C. and dii'd in ltul-ii?h. N. (.., lVf.-m-,JtM. 0 ,,. He was tho third sou of U,-v. Rol.,i t . Iiur1ii. wlios.' ..aim. lie bore, and his n.otl.er was Kli.al.etl. Juviier. a ,!..,ht..r..f Col. Andrew .lovncr. wl.o was public allairs of l.is county and wl.o represented hi lieo. e Mr ..anv vears. and at a eritieal period, in the le,islnt.ve bodtes of he State Mr. Burton was of Kood stoek. I'atne.at, to the core possessed a hil. sense of true nobility and sturdy nianhoo " . . , t t.w ,,,:,l...-..al inalldfatlier, whose 11.0th- wlnc 1 lie iiiiieriii'ii " . : 1 ... er tl.ouRh of Kentle birth and ample means, beinR .d.. el: h . ... .... 1 ,.f her bovs that tl.ey iniKht. as a- . To this training Col. .loyner attril.u.,,1 Ins success ,, I, , d t was perhaps due to principles then develop,, and al ler, a r. a" . ,.:...i ..1., ,.v u,.n tl.i.t he was able lo ovcrciii, transmmc. to ... ......K.... - dilli.'ulties in climbing the lull -I success. .... ' f irain and eoininandii el,,,,..,,,,'., of bis revered father wa . . , ..1... 1.1 1...1 in his IICIMIII. lalllllV distill,' a no 1 e nr lirigiu. i'" ' , , , ., f Son and ,liKnitv and always lived so as.,, uphold the pride of Liu f.iniilv i'i'C(il'(l." His earlv vears were spent like other boys of his ,,,, l.liorhood with the disHiictiot. of beinK a favorite at all times ,,... his trades and scl 1-tellows. At the old school taught by Mr. ...fterwards Dr.. Archer, it was this writer privil.-Ke to share . .... ....1.:.. u-.,. , .ran f iiiisoiieis base proposed.' t us coniraiieM..)'. h ... 1 w . 1 . . ,. 1.., v ,......i, ,ivd , iron both sides. Was "Hub liurlon was in-.- .... 1 , a less bright bov troubled with the solving l what seemed to a 1, r.-i h . 1, tmvll.olltM ' him intricate problems in iierceuu.Ke, ... , ,....." 'Bob Hurtott" was the friend to stand between him and Mr. Archer-srod. while he, too. sometimes fell the persuasive e n- f ,i,w wm.mi. ,0, . is nature was c;...... . h .(l,.rPliviiis cliche he iM'Ktin teacbiiiK' again. ivailniK law at the same time. In 171 he was admitted to the bar and locale! in Halifax town. "He soon drew to himself clients and if a suitor ,.,. cmidoved Mr. Hurtoli he always employed him." He be- 1 . . . . . . :.. ii.: 4 : t.- .1 i t t, ,ii .i- ,-ai lie of the lending lawyers 111 1 11 is s.- , .... ... ...... ...m.k ,. ,.u nttracted and benehtted by retaining Inm as (,,s,.l in most dillicul. legal cases. When he left Halifax couu iv for a wider Ii, 'Id of usefulness, we gave him ( .odspee.l and al ,1,,. lim,.of hisdcalh he was regarded by the prolcssnui as the ,.,. f anv lawver in North Carolina. e shall .ml dwell upon ' . "... ,.r i.icwiifri'toi. Tlie in iin'iii;t one wjis lail li- tl,1(.sslo,!utv. Anolhertypeol his character St. Janies detiues as a line ChnMinn in that he "kept liimsell unspotted 1 t'oni 1he world" No unli, ilv gains nor cMoiiio.iaie .emnus ... t " bis upwaiil course.' Loving his profession lie became Us master, thai hemighl bring belictil lo lln-se he served. While prolioiinced in his pel il lea I con iclioiis. he never cared , , , it i-i I life, preferring lb'' sure rewards that came lroin a einse pursuit of his profcssii .11. lie Im;I i.-v.-.l '" ,''"S' '(' ii,...,. Mini lived the UlU'lii'lit III,' ol a follower ol the ,ll III' nil. Saviour of men. " , , . . 1 I'suallv when a man dies U is as a tale ilia isb.ld as a dream tint is nasi A few words, was bom. is dead, is the slory ot ,,,'uiv lives' A few friends: weep while '-dust to dust, ashes to ashes" are 'being said, then turn away and the world moves 011. ' . .child, men 11 not hi mr nrc. sunken ol t hose whose characters will i,t stand the test of trull.. Charily cov ,.,s .,11 shortcomings and only the good done is remembered and . . ' . 1 ... .. 1 :..i.. ...Ml,. Vni s. 1 with this man. "whose house was 1 11:11 inn a .1 . , " ' I. mil 1111011 a rock. . . When the message came saying that Kobert Burton w as dead, until.." " . , .., , . .un voices were lllisneii. 010 ... ..--. .. - Mined a blow. Kobert Hurton , lean . nou , 0111,1 11 .- , ,i, .. u, so pure, so useful, in the prime of life, should so sudden y ,,,ut oil' Be taken from wilVainl children. I rom brot hers, sis- . 1 r..: .'....,., u life illst beu'i 1111 i 11 LT t I lc f I'll i 1 i oil ol Vl'al'S lel'S illlll llieiiun, ii, .in j - i.:,,,,. ,,f stu.lv and toil, from those who will so much miss his k ndl.v K uidaiue iu business affairs. "What shall we , was the hear e,-v of those w!. had looked to him for council and advice at even- step. Hard indeed it seemed lo our finite minds. But the 1 l I..,unil lien,. all. his rod. ilcstrover came ..in. " ... , His familiar lace will tie seen aii.uK s ... ...,.. ouent voice he heard no more ai on, .n v. ,u;. , ' . ,,. .,.pv His haimv smile not seen m the social life 01 JI1SII, ' he ove.l so niucn. , . , , . , 1 esleet.s at" l'oplar nrove." near his honored sire at whose fee he earlv learned lessons of wisdom and truth and we weep, ut i tast'ht.sewhohave no hope. Our friend is gone. e . . 7. . c tiv..u hot the tiuestion. "If a man die shall he miss miii a .... "... - -, ..,..,, ,i,.tl, iveaL'an ' 's answered in u.e . . ..... .....,.n... . k. i. ,.,,. when, ist hv victorv." hanks be Clirisl," ami we are com,, . ...... - " - b(.,rUii liere must go on ana wo en - im.ot Bevolld we will Know, wny ....... now s,-,-i... r. . a... b'.r'd was done, and realize that our Father is, "too wise to err. tun uood to be unkind. i . n 1 "r ... , , i-u ...n, i. .eo.it. ii in .nte i.ai.l to Mr. Ye mi illNlieu ii i, '" ..i , ... - ,.,.,. ,v his brethren of the bar. at a late term ol llal.lax UUOlll.i ".' 1 , . .. 1. . ... ,. v , i-'.i. , c . tltis1ll.lt. Y l curl, from wlucli we nine ; ; .' V 1 h. , ave read will, pleasure u.e pe n;. i e ... ...... . M1, lit',, by )r. .I.C. IMIgo,."' '".v V......-H. ...... . . nirture an, tlie acctiiupaiiN oik ..,,.. .... ...... ., I1 1 1 , n lit,, mill who... we mav claim as tr btlle to one w in. .. , ,, , .airs in future histories of the great men ol Norlli ( arohna. ITCH IS TORTURE. Ectmii'i i c.usfil by mi acid humor in the blood .Mining i contact with the tkin and ,.rl...- !!' re.lness and lli llanniwnou ; lull. ,,..,.li.larfriij.tioiis(onii and .lischarve a linn, H.cky iluld, which .Iru s in. I , -io'i' ' sonictinics the skin is l.ar.i,.lry"ai.d li".m-l. I'?":"m j." a"? turn, is "a t.,rw.n.!'. stubborn disease, ami tin iu-hi.iaMl l ii inn at tunes are al,n,l ..U-r..Me; ihe ac.,1 bui.am humor ., to "id ad l Hi'-ai.i on r h .'.. v.uli, ..mr oUareiter-1- . . . .1.. 1 1-.1 ... 11 hi . tor al lull" ns Hie fl l" main-' the blood ilwlll kw-i.thc skin uiii., Id. bad ror.M or rcrr;..':. I.uil T 1 I I. umls v II. . I i i tin in. :UI ot .In- inn W'l Hi 1 1 - lllll S I' (ul, 11 ,-l timi'li ,li--I., rt. ii-. I111.1 1: '.' 1 1 I . ii'i'""'t i I, ul, . I I 1,1 v I- '"r ' ' ' . , .,1 ,,1-1 triml'k-." M.i L i: 1 ... .: -;V.. m .....-. KaaOUy.Mo s ., , . n'ra'-.fis t'.ii . at:, I )...m. .... ,1 . . , u-i.t ,t,M-a ii to a liaAhhf LOOl , , n.iur.1 tv.. I." roueli, u.'lty iki.l i.ti -Jl.it. l. !!!! 'lb RUdcicr . - ... . i-urfi Tetter. Ert i,-.las, i'suriasis, Salt Rheum and all skin s due to a tiois- ..np,) c.inditioti of the UuikI &. i. l f"r our hjk anl1 ,vn e us about vIir c.c:.e. ur physicians have made tiir-e .lises a life study, and can help vou by their advice; we make no chaWe tortais .ervirc All correspondetlM is con.lu, led i:l s'.riclest confidence. TH SWIFt SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. BEST FOR THE BuWbLS if : 1 it-i" ,. n. mi'' I -ti!:ir, hi uUli) tiiovement of thn ..' 1 ,1,. i,.'ii-iitH. "11.- unioolli- Ul LORD'S OWN PEOPLE. NO NEED TO WORRY. A Darky Philosopher Kxplains How lo Live Kasily. .1. 1.. I.. I..h, tl... lleedv. 1 1 .1:1 ,t.. mi, lie was at ail limes ie.1,1. i" . I a l.O , I, 1 ii... , if.; 1 1 tl. weak and exact irstice tor ins can,. no,,.. The result of the civil war and the devastation of the recon- 1 11 , .1,.., ..w .ivi.p liis 1 mill 1 1 v iinniiii's uiui K rilCI (Ml in-1 umi i'" " 1 A ueiillcii.J" hi, has the luane uie.it ..fa business Unit ri.uircs a larjje numb, nil .nut,., said lo one l ins -ph.y.i'a n cully, "Sam, the eelured are a wundeil'ul people, are they nt ?" 1 ii,,,.. .....I Sun l n.k.d II was uiuiiii 1 BRUDOER GARDNER. S..MI! I'll 1 1.. IS. I'll-A I. I1KKI.K,'H,.NS tt V TIIK I'.ll.nllHll SAUK EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY , ,t'r. U, m... i'''U-!!'-j--:: :;'i';;; KEEP YOUBJLOOD CLEM J J. Perry Co, lie linn win, am Iiu.k in lur Irul.l.le kin alius liud it. Fur ,.her .'id j ars no ihief r cum abuul my eahiu, hut Iwo uilils arier 1 had ... in a Imridar alarm 1 lust a bar'l ul'suli s ..ap an a bran new wheel- harrer. When ile old w .iuaii tigered it out dat we could Luv au ie.-box fur $'l an he up I'ri.ni 1 is lin dnnier kettle and repmu: boosted to de tup ul'sueiety, 1 saw nultin i ',s v.l. 'I'hev can p-i 'l"tw i'h l.'M but de icebox. When we had uut it , ..... limn than I I'.,.... .I.i 1, I....L i.... .in l.i.lli.r ,v 111111 have 1 (lie ..uiuiiii .i... - nuiiu: i. i nu.u u..i n ..v .... ........ 111 ' in , . . . . ,, lu.iii, ..- ill. I. 1 ..... .1.,, .I...... any people 1 kuew 01. j " '""i ; on inea. .... u.uit ... .uu .., 1 r ..... ..v than white h'lks. 1 ney u"u 1 was au ass as well as a Dux. l(.,ion period threw a shadow over ins .amii ........ ..... Uetur .nan w.,.,e ....... " " ... 1 1 ' t li .111,1 imi'iv I 1 uii.rrv t lit' III. 1 UU .1 i.r.....ir.u which k ioUUI liit t nrrii in j w... - - uaVu uuj'h the advilllt.lgt s v llll ll sliotll r,..,,ltL.- e,,lred reonle Ket their eat-; Fo tv va.s , when I Ink, ,1 a ImlI1ho,l. by birthright . were ..e "jfor idmos, nothing, and, if they du.i'l r JisMeiv Nuah's a.k I ,hu,., ot HIS own t. .0.1.. w..,e..ts and free ,l,ink whiskey, a little money Roes a log : de uialt.r wa.s s.ul.d lo.el.er, hut to It W difficult, in tins u.. . K If, colored uun ha-; 9U,rist, J, alll soil heiu dki.sse.l scholarships, to conceive ot tm mimkk" . , , . ' , !, . .Iwava Ket a . a..,.i. a .... all si.l.. wid a ehaneedat of that period in the attempt to se, in. a iar white man's din - rv, bin i ,1.- .. all de tune. M.l.he Manv faltered and failed just at this point. eont. nimK . ub. s,lves with only what ktiowledge could be ga.ne.t ...tin m m , color(,, lliaD I 6)0m, y,,ra ,,, w,,k ,.,.,,, .., resources of the i.e.ghborlioo.l scl.oois. ... r .iunallv. and if he has a Hurton. Nothing short of the profession to winch he en n n st who ek be ,, on ,.lll .....1 which he tilled with such distinction cm. .. . iui, Ul cuu.ac umbition. But bow was this to be '-''"V"hw J. ,(,,,)ri,d ...en have . -kc-p bouse,' l. 1. C ... ..11 ti-. 1111 lilliHtYl'rlNIIt ll tliirvv. '...--,,,.. were noiu' 10 ium , mm uu i . 1 1 C V.,fth I'lil't NOHl'OLK, V A. I'iiiioii Factors and Cuiuii.i.-siou Mer chants, aud dealers in BAGGING, TIES, PEANUT BAGS AND LAND PLASTER 11 - .....In VrtP-l SVnii:i Lund Plaster v. e tjuuic - lor June and July shipments asjollowa: Less than 10 tons, Jii.atl. Car load lots, a 511 ton lots, SbM. lull ion h.ls. $t90. Correspuii'l'-nee solieite.l. 1 1 ll- I.L'.IIIV I'll ,, . ll . I 1 1 ll ll 1 v ' H runt & Simirc but that don't always prevent them from guint: arouud and dot. t mane ..vuij; e.... jW n The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBHEKH IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES . n 1 , , i.. the business world of North Carolina ami in. i .- :.i.i .,...,ii,t niul iniintMuattMU'tion So we see him after leaving the cross road school, leacni ng s,hool himself to secure funds with which to complete his edit- B . . .. 1 : 1 1 ..... 1 , ,u,,l,rt:lk-nir hut. hv cation, mis niusi ....ic . - strict eeomitny and appl.ca ion to wor -; . .. . - ; 1 .-.l.i.i t, i.nti.f if :i lllltll llll iUtuini v r- y 1 "' ' ,,,. iv.... .liffcrent schoolsL, h.,fl neonl, . taking his place tn an auv.... i, u . fi( necessary to n.s pi....-- , llM . . I uu.uii" J griniui.in.i. I ain't s.iyin ,l ,t f lo-l my lailh humanity, hut when I lilt up in de man- in an lin.l u.y Sunday slutl niissin I'ruiu de clothes line I'ze l,d tu r, fleet dat dt old wouuin's s'.iii i.liiit v iu leabiii dt ..,,,,.1, because his old woman, if he ha", duibea out uher niul.l hasn't el. vaied de ' . . 1 . ...1.... . . ...I...-. one takes in washing or ,' ""' 1 moral slautiin ul nuclei y on, r iu ice, sin.de as married ur married as mum I Illlll sW00D, Sitwnl :ti.v UnntU i.nd tlclivcreil in uuy t,I I (l l lit IdVtU. . n. au nl r- WORKS .... W heels wild ami K.-iia.red-l'arta of Biey i-lcs liiinislici. ah, the r,d lulls aro Anvhodv'a clolheB A aud Oidera Holicited 2 8 ly WaSellOolyToMerchan soRot,ER I. 1 WI.nON,N. C. f mm In The Heir. AlMiflDinll Bails. v- QUT LIQUID MUSIC "n D ...IN TIIK.. PUUKOLDUYK MELLOW APPLE lilt ANDY. .. AND... Fine Wines, MADEKUOM THE CLi'STKHINO OKAPES REKVED AT THE PALACE SALOON- ...or... (f W. D. SMITH, ( . Washioiilun Ave , WKLUON, - - N.T. Full line gioeeriea alwaya uu hand. . ;u with hia shoes blacked loeaajusi.s . 1 Here nirain he nracticnl suel. wii-uen.a. a.m . " - ,. ;,, nrm J7r.s1.it seldom seen at this extravagant age. Not having ,,., mill Wl.ali, white man's frttv his other expenses am pay W he 0. g ht hn, o o Tlll,y visions, hired some college o,. 1. , .' , .. , I mil fit or he will mak iiiem ' colored inamniy to cook them for him and satisfied his hunger ku(i nll(, j U,UD as long as any remained in spue 01 ias ... - k, ,,,,..-. l n .1 :.. l. mi. niiviir vnu id 1 h umiimii ' .... . I.;. luiu h,ardt,.co,nplai,,..o t,,a..er.,ow ,ar ese - i 1 i.. t ii.ut. i'linii 11 miin r a 11. ' . ... intact, tew k..o r . . e .... irur tT 11111111 Mil 1 lll'll' f mi 11 un .....uu. . were clothed in too frail a tenement for earth, but who was ed through Mr. Hurton's intliience to master a , .0".. same place and under tlie same conditions w.th.n a short tune after he was there. the oiii.oi tunities ottered Inm So well mil .nr. ." I . . that soon after he attained l.is majority, in the spring of lb..'. ... i.:.,i. I,,.,,., is winiiiiie- the delilllols medal he irrailuate.i win. ii.K" , offered by the Washington Literary Society, though he took no. degree from the fact that these were ....... . who finished the whole college course. In the theme of his.liscourse at this time " P ron t ne possni.e , ,. 1. il... t.e.,,1 of his future life, hut can tn the real. r 1.111,1,.". ... . . , w grasp the possibilities t-ising befotv the ,t this talented young man 1 out.. '"-v" are tnanv dreams just at Ibis point in life but bow few are able ' .. ... 1 ..... 1. ... ,i renl nv.ii.rienee. to hriiigthe possibilities 01 tiu.se ........... - - -- l" s ' . .in of an unsettled brain. Mr Hurton s aspirations - . Application was l.is watch word and though young in years ho re'iLed that he who would mount the billows of success must teni the tide of difficulty, and patiently begun the struggle. To prove ll.al railroad men really do i,,,,.. (' Hir es S. I.'V. LTlieral Y'"l " , iiaisentfi-r am-iit , f the l.iliiiili Valley, luisnlaeed the luliov. i..! in. red rd It. hi Hlaek lii.,tn..ii,l Kxprifs Monthly : An old raiir-ad ...an liaiini! b.uc.in- v.-rled. ttii. ick.d lo 1. tl'l in l.at.r The CilloWil." v.;.. ihe '1 spnl.M : t) hold, now thai I have tl utr-l Tkee, nil up my I,.,., t'rnl.i ,l,e ruuiili l'u.,.l ol lib' ullil 1 .. , .- . t. an. .. en. sa.eiv on nu- " ' " lie uun . u..i " i I . . J .r:.ll II. hll Villi ill . I. I .... .-. ,iil 1-1.1., . , , : 1 ,1. I,,r 1'eep. 1 ma plait. i F f ... And vou know ihe culoied man, il ... . i.j ... be is civil uud handy, can tie. io,s ... j-ood things freni while people for nolle i I.. .I.,ul I liil W.IV. illjl. 1 mean irum i.-i...v - j- I ,l.,n i know how it is in the norm oi un the country. 1 ain't ".ot a thing on me now that cost me a cent. 'Yea, boss, colored p'c i the Lurd'a I. . ..' .1.. in It a Li i'l. ,'. II" inns .. . don-.uelalonn .he woildltt-nshed '" .... Wllh'U ll.'" li t belter than a while man, it w in own fault. The colored num. an, J1'" '3 ."".f -""" - , ..... , the cni.t'linas in t lie n un won u.e s.ron link ol Tl.y I 've, oinl let my hand lamp be the Hil.l. ; ami, n. aveiiiy ru.net, seep all swiiclus closed .hat lead ell the sid iujjs, espe.i-illv .hose aith a blind end. ,1 l., ,l il i. l- Tin iili-asure. have every sen.i.i l,",v l.l..ek al-litf ihe line show the vil li.' line o I Ii" pc, thai 1 may niul,.- the urn aiilmut stup.i.ij.'. And, bi lil, ui.e us ihe leu cm inat.d ii,...,.. I',.r a s. h- ill.li-. ...id when 1 In" era ri. ' Mt V i-2 . j'- I. JlWa.. I . 11 . , o n.l'.,rll,ln vMl.b-lea. .live ua a. tall whe'i iu need ol wood, a team or a bicycle. ana Vara anil olI.ce corner a.aie nets, Weldon, N. C. streets, dec ?'l dt.le ll.tl-. aud pulled it-i" if e 1 i.t .link station ol Death, mtv l b- u, u" 11 "I,'ul 1,1 I... 1 1 .. . ..... . V,. 11 itutir. .Inn. eood luult. . ne ,-u.. -' .1 - ,..v . , - v , vou ..v of hi... "a wonderful man. U ' and failhfiil s.rvant. c ..... and Mn the he -oL a litde, he can sleep in the ..n. pay roll and r, e, i v.- y h. . k lor c-r- ..; .,! .lm.-al wail for .he victuals l " come lo him Savannah News. The Limit of Faith. j He studied t'hriitian Science, j Till lie said, without a blink; ( "The thoueLta wc think are unthoui-ht, For we ouly think we think " B0 VEAR8' EXPERIENCE ivsm HEADACHE . 1 . TY Al all MI . Pe t j Covioht e. Antra. .ttirttnt .kHrti nd dMrtp '" hi. ..twlHln .mr ninnliin ire. ..Linn ti,.iii(iirlrtly (niMdoiiill. IUihidih oli l inenw . nt iriwt Vil.lMt iicnry fur r-w-urmtl twtmta. nwlill tKWKC, "ji-. - nwbii .ricf, without fiiHnto. " Scientific flttterican. H Tniii.3i Hew hit itUttftun IJ C. , ; four month., Ik SuVd bjr li tiw.lilera. 1