EFjSsI pJB psy 1 il& jOHIT "W. SLEDGE, l'ltontiETOR. A U E "W SPAPEB FOR THE PEOPLE TERMS:-'150 pkk annum in advance VOL. XXXVI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AINUJST 15. 1901. NO. 14 t i . M in. f t illlih,,ii-iiri'''"-M'iitii''''''''"''''''-''''-''' AYrCr table Preparation for As 1 similalinfi itwKoodandHcgiila- ling lUe Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion.Clverlul ness and Rfsl .Contains neiilicr Omiim. Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. ttxJmim STmitmk. A perfect Remedy rorConstipa lion.Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish niss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fnc Simile Sie-rtnture of NEW YOHK. us ad CUSTOM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of t $ In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. CASTORIA THI effNTAUn IOMHNV, MW VONK ClTV. S. N. IREDELL & SON, 17 COM MERCK STKKKT, NORFOLK, YA Cotton, Peanuts, Peas ASK I. I. Produce. LI'MBKR, W()OI and SHINGLES. Wo make a specialty of handling Sorili Carolina produce. Guarantee the high est market urice and Drouint returns R l.-rences: Norlolk National Hank and Commercial Agencies je I'll ly 1 1 y M. COH EN . We, Dooe of ui, live o carefullly llial we never require I lie aid of drugs ind medicines to put us righi li i a comfort lo know where you can get them from and al propi r prices Call on me lor aoy i I Drugs, Chemicals, U 1 1 U M M 3! U ri Stationery, Toilet Soaps All Kinds Perfumery, i ToUet Articles, a Cigars " AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled. j Fine Liuo of High Art Piotures, MrPrompt Response! Day or Night. W.M.COUKN, PhannacUl, Weldon, N. C. All goods delivered fr e. Blore Phone II Rwlilfiicc . ....' tm-'m-'Mm .a H METAL CO. Tramp (lo the gardener) Whose house is ihi? Gardener Squire Jones' Tramp Do jou think I could get anything there? Hardener Well, I don't know The Ian! o' y.'Ur soil tint len i - . We can easily manage if w,' will nuly lake each day the hurdeu unpointed f, I it; but the loud will be loo heavy fur u- if we add the weight of the huideh l tomorrow to it before we arc enlleil in bear it. a r ! ! JoEiy Jach Tur. "Jolly" i I tu- wind eenemllv asso ciated with tbe iiiok t.ir. lie is the lieture of health, and tile health Imb- blesover in mirth mill merriment. V he" piMiple ore Mek, Cbperilllly when ii'kness attacks the lunua the iloetor ntU'H ailisi-s a sea voyage. Hot in the lar-ie lllaiuritv uf cases the sea voyage la impossible. It is to the men and women of the workaday world to whom sea vov.njra orehalit;eof climate are ini)ossihle, that Dr. Pierce's C'.olden Medical Discovery cornea aa the great est earthly Txm. The ellect of this medicine upon those whole limjtt are " weak " ia re markable. Kvell where thire 1! hroll chitis, spitting ot bluoil, emaciation, weaknesa, condi tions which if tin- checked or uusVillfully treated lead to consumption, "(,oMcn .Medical Discov ery" ill lliuety-eiKht cases out of a linn- ilred works a icrtccl ami pernianein cure. 11 slretlKlllells Hie siomacn aim other organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the IhIv in all us pans is not merelv fed but nourished. And it is by nourishment that Nature builds up the body to resist or throw off disease. "I had a trrriltle ciiuttll snmt'thiliK ovm a year H(o and could Innl innliiin( to stoj) it. or i v. n to rlo iilf a partirlf of ti.nkt," wriu-s J l l-'.trr. Ki.. ot Ciiiur.oi ftfifvcii Co.. c..i. "I .h:.n. cl to ee an ailviTtW'inriit of yours, and lutlli with lioiiulil a tioltle ofvour iiiviiluald.- ' (iohl, u Mtdical Ili-ov. rv Ik-loir I had t.iken h.df a bottti- I was cntiitty well " Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ROANOKE INSTITUTE, THE MOTHER'S DIARY. VERY TRYING TIMES INDEED. Hmf. Al-v rHtfcb)-. LadlM, Mk lirufflit for t IIKIimiHH KNULIKH In Urd uid tiuld ini'Ullu- buiwi, Pfttfil wllh tiluw rilibon. Tktk otlirr. HffUM daavcroua ub(l luiloHaal laillMlloa. liny uf your DniKtciitt, tir v i nl 4r. In Mkinpt for Particular, Trail anlals Mini " Hrllrf for Ladle," in tmrr, t.i rflurn .Vail. IU.IM.0 'iestlimmliUi. Hold by ll ImiRKisu. CHICHH8TBR CHEMICAL CO. 810 ladlua Nqaarv, PIIILA., PA. UruUa lU va CATHARTIC - Z CANDY Genuine itamped C C C Never fold In built. Beware al the dealer who tries to sell "somcthin j ut as good." IT U RICHMOND. VA. Southern Headquarters For IRON, STEEL, METALS. TIN PLATES, IKON AND STEEL ItOOFINO OV ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDEK8 TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OK EVEBY DESCRIPTION. ETC. Distributor for Niagara Machine and Tool Works, of Buffalo, N. Y. sjSeod us your orders and inquiries and pairouiw Southern industries, "r The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Hk.Wt Sell Only To Merchanta. Orient SoliciUd. THE WELDON UKin-tn i w , 2 8 1y n " 1 ""JSiW'fioW Medal M HiiW it Ovcrwlii'lniintflv Con vinced I lie V ntlier an to tin; Yotitliful Thomas. AN OCEAN CEMETERY. THE MOST DEADLY TRAP IN ALL THE WORLD FOR SHIPS. GEORGE C- GREEN. THK NEW PIIINl'II'AI. A YOVNd MAV OF Cl l.Tl KE AND REFINEMENT, MORALLY. PHYSICALLY ASH OTHKRWIME HE IS A 'I YPICAI. SDN OK NOBLE ANCESTORS. 7 KOKUK CHAXCKLI.i H ( J KKF.N. who was recently electeJ , lirincipal of Koanoke Itistituto, is the eldest son of Dr. mi'' .A Mrs. 1. E. Oreen. He was horn in Weldon on the 'Jnd day of Xovemher, 187H, and is consequently just at the ujj;e when the how of pi'oinise stands out clear hefore him. Morally, physically and mentally, fleoiRe is every inch a man and in his veins Hows the hest hlootl of n nohle ancestry on hoth sides. He was ire- pared for college at Warrenton and liidjjoway. At the latter place, particularly, under the excellent tutorship of Professor John (Irahain. one of the hest educators in the State. After finishing his course at the preparatory schools he entered tin I'liiversity of Xorth Carolina. From there he went to (ieoitfe- town I'niversity at Washington, I). ('.. where he remained for four vears, takinu the whole course .mil i;raduated .lime '-'nth. innl. A few weeks ao, when Professor Junes resinned its principal of Roanoke Institute, anidicatioiis heiran to pour in from many sources and there were, in all, twenty applicants from four d if ferent States. The trustees of the school met to select from the various applicants a successor to Mr. Jones. It was the unani mous opinion of the trustees that (leorn'e C. (Jreen was in every respect the most availahle candidate ami hv acclamation they electeil him principal of the school. The selection was one we deserved and the patrons of the school feel that the trustees have placed the school in worthy hands. Mr. (ireen's early training, his attendance at the hest schools and colleges in th land, and the hitfh stand he took and maintained at ( leorjrctown University, all tf'v, assurance to parents and Kunrdians that the reins have fallen into worthy hands and that while the new prill cip nl will rule wall kindness, yet, lie will maintain disciplmt and require a strict ohedience to the rules and regulations of the institution. Sold by w. "ni'h. W'Mnn. N '. DR.AD BARRETT, DENTIST, 314 .Maio Street, Norfolk. Va. Teeth extracted nithuot the ahohtest p.iii hj the use ol pure nitrous oxiue ipi he safest anae.lheiio linown n i been in cooslaut u-e in n,y praeoce lm .v years. Uhlorol'orui and eiher adii I i tered; also the best local anaeatheiiea.li- ir biilce work, gold crown and pyre 1 crown work; artificial teeth, 61 ii'ir ' tenth and i kinds ol dental work ki, ' to the tine art of the professi. n u in the most can fill and stilllui in , ne reasonable prices 314 Main -ir el. X i folk. Va. 4 I W(l aj. Music In The Heir. AtMiuDinllBawis.:-: Hi nuT l,uid mus,c , U ...1NTIIK.. PUKE OLD 11 V K MELLOW APPLE BHANLY. .. AND... Fine Wines, MADE FROM THE CLUSTERING URAPE.S. SERVED AT THE li PALACE SALOON ...or... (fW. D. SMITH, Washinjiton Ave , WELDON, - - N. V. Full line groceries always on haud. ROANOKE INSTITUTE BUILDING. Roanoke Institute was established about six years ago and the put in the oven enrollment of pupils have increased from year to year. Recogniz ing the fact that no town can be prosperous without good schools a lot was purchased in the southern end of the town and a hand some and substantial building was erected thereon. The build ing is beautifully situated, and is far enough removed from the business portion of the town to make the location in every way ttcsiraliie. It has large, well arranged recitation rooms; splendid and well lighted rooms, properly ventilated, for the primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. For years Weldon had only private schools and while they were noted for theirexcellence, the citi zens liegan to recognize the lact lli.it the town mut huve school in which all could feel an interest. Hence, the Institute Mr. Bellamy had enjoyed a particu larly good dinner, and his eiar also was much to his liking He was in a mood to bless mankind. Far be it from any one to hint that these merely materiul couifotts had anything to do with bis Kenial interest in his only son and heir, Thomas, ac,ed eighteen mouths. The baby had been named Thomas, by the way, because Mrs. Hi'llumy had thought how delightful it would be when ho went lo collet;, for his chuim to call him Tom. Thomas was on the vertieof hcint; re tired for the nitht and was indulin in farewell antics against time. ''Well, if you aren't a j ,y !" at last ejaculated his proud yuiin! papa, who turned with blaming lace on his wile. "Helen, ' he mid, "I dun't believe you half appreciate your luck in haviu.' all day and every nif;bt to enjoy the fun of tliis youn'shT I And here I only get measly scraps ol' a good lime with him a half hour each evening !" He looked aggrieved. " Yc, it's too bad," agreed Mrs. Bella my, with suspicious sweetness. ''iou don't know what you miss, really." Several days later Mrs. Bellamy gave her husband a folded document. "It's merely a chronological account of one day at home with Thomas," she said. "I don't think it's fair for use to have all t lie good limes and exclude you. I thought you might like lo know exactly just what the darling did to give me a happy day." Mr. Bellamy look I lie paper with real pleasure at her thuuglitluluess. He be gan to read : "5 A. M. Thomas awoke fmphalieal- ly. To keep him quiet so his lalher should not be disturbed I let him pound my nose with his fist and jerk my hair. A. M. Thomas was so hungry had lo altend to feeding him his oatmeal and cream and let my breakfast get cold. Gave him his bath. In his playfulness he tipped over the tin tub and flooded the new bed room rug. Water soaked down iotu the flat below aod lady sent up word veilini! decorations were ruined and she should send bill for repairs. "8 A. M. While talking lo tho grt cry hoy I look my eye off Thomas fir three minutes. In that lime he had crawled out the kitchen door to the porch tumbled down the hack stairs and landed head first in a siiowdril't. No bones were broken, so I put him in a hot balh, gave him whiskey toddy, and he went to sleep If he las pueumunia I know he'll die. "11 A M. Thomas woke up und . i i'i i ! i I managed to crawl oui oi ins crtu uy uuu self. 1 found him on the floor of the bed room close! pouudiug with the tack hammer boxful of photographic plates taken in South America, and not replace able. IU broke seveolceo before I dia- covcred him. lie merely grinned at uie, "1 P. M. While my back was turned Thomas nulled the lunch-cloth off the diniiie-room table, and wilh it the cut- glass cruet and a lot of china. The chi na (unshed and the cruel hit him on the head. He shrieked, so I knew he wasn't killed, but I had lo slick his forehead all up with plaster. Uesides, I lie viuegar L'ot in his eves. This delayed me so I was unable to L'o lo the aflernoon card parly I had promised to altend. "3 P. M. Thomas has fallen down and bumped his face six limes within the last hour. It appears to amuse him, lu spile uf his yells. He tripped up the eook and she spilled all over the floor fresh custard pie she was just going I She has given notice "5 P. M I am nearlv dead from frijht. Going into the dining room law Thomas before the open cupboai inder tho sideboard. He had unoorked a bottle of laudanum and had it to his lipa. I managed to jerk it from him be fore I fainted. The cook threw a panful of hot water over me in her excitement and it brought me to. We couldn't tell whether Thomas got aov of the lauda Dum or not, because we hadn't au idea how much was iu the bottle in ilia first ulaue or how it gJt iher". To he on the safe side, we led him a lull pound Rare, Bleak and Treeless Qties sant, the Notorious Island of Terror, and the Awful For ests That Supply it with Wood in Plenty. building was established and backed by the most influential citi- iarii ,,.1, he seemed lo relish. z 'lis of the town. e congratulate t lie people on t lie selection ot .Mr. Ureen as principal. We know be will not only maintain the well-earned reputation of the school but with his knowledge, training and inherited natural aptitude for teaching, he will at once begin toj make vigorous and earnest efforts to place it upon a higher plane of usefulness and we predict that the opening this fall will be the hest in its history. "I! P. M Thomas is alive, but 1 am wreck. 1 have just leoiembered that old laudanum bo'-tle contained nothing but roiewater anyhow. I am afraid we gave Thomas loo much laid he is very h And i must greet my appy. "lhnner time- Far out iu the Atlantic ocean, off the Northern French coast, almost duo west from Br,'st, lies a great rocky island that is one of the most uVadly traps for ships in all the world. It is I lit- island ol y,ies saul, the notuiious lie dc I'Kpuuvutile, the island of t, rr,r. Bare, without a tite to break its monotony, it lira iu the path of the ships seeking the Kuglish channel. Iflbeyslcr two far lurtli, the hundreds ol shoals and re, Is of the British coast open their j iws lor lliem. Ifihey sail to, far South, (Juessaut readies fur tln ir bonis Bleak and f,r away from any other land as the island of terror is. it still has population. What mysterious tiling it which attracts that population and makes it dint; ? The infrequent visitor Bees funny flocks of little sheep, scarcely twice as large as hares. He sees small heids ol rough coaled uouies almost as tiny as the sheep. These are the only sigus ol productive industry to be seen. There is fishing, of course, but fishing can be prosecuted better from the main land, with less risk aud a more convenient market. What is the mysterious attraction then? So asked Alexander Shuetle, the traveler, when he made his coast of Brittainy to Quessant. The answir came, at last in part, one evening when great storm swept in from the Atlantic and beat at the shores with unexampled fury. lie says: "The daughter of my hos tess led me up the narrow staircase to my room. As 1 ascend, d I noticed without remarking the oddity of it at the lime, that the staircase was of shining oak. 1 was ushered into my room, large, low chamber, completely paneled from lop to bottom. Putting the lamp on a huge oak table that shone like mirror, she said : II you should need more firewood monsieur,you will taud it iu the next room Do not spare it. It is bitter cold, and there will be more than enough firewood io Uuessaut in two or three days. Good ;ht." "I satduwn before the blazing tire and prepared for a cozy evening. I he storm raged iu the narrow streets of the little village. The surges thundered against the granite breast of the coast like end less artillery fire, and sometimes I imag ined that the very island trembled under the onslaught of the hundreds of millions of tons of waler. "As I sat listening I gazed iulo tli flames. Tho wood struck me as strange, And then I wondered. On the entire island there is not a single tree, and yet I bad been told not lo spare firewood There will be more than enough in two or three days.' "I arose and opened the door iulo the next room. I hat room was possibly .0 feet high and was tilled almost to the top wilh timber. First wilh wonder, then with growing awe, 1 gazed at the pit of wood. Truly she was right, the little maid, when she said that one need not be eeoooniieal with firewood on the island ol giessant. mere were timbers of every shape splintered masts and spars, planks Iron, decks aud sides, leinitanls of a steering wluel benches from ll,e lurecaslle, yellow, black brown, while and red woods, even two figureheads, some bright, as if they were new, some crusted wilh shells and hung wilh seaweeds. In the entire room there was not a piece of wood that did come from Bouie wrecked ship. "When I relumed to my room, I took the lamp aod examined the place closely- I noticed a strange, delicate, yet very in sistent fragrance sandalwood, llnck wooden pillara supported the ceiling. They were of a beautif ul dull black ebony, as I lived. The panels were rose wood, mahogany and cedar. Kven an unpraoliccd eye could see that all these pteciuus woods onee hid ornamented the cabins of noblu ships. The heavy carved chairs, the polished oaken table, even the bed in which I was to sleep, all came from shipwrecks. "Now I understood the meaning of the words 'stand rights.' In favor of this island, far away from the world and murderous tor the ships that lie the world together, ilus, with his bride F or&wstrsieei, The lmliililv tu disease; is greatly lc-'Seucil win ii tile: hi, 1 is in good con dition, and llx-cin iiloliuii liculthv r.inl vigorous, i'nr tlu n oil tvftisu liioUcr priMiiiitlv cinuil out nl the sv: strut ; otherwise it yvould ropiill v aroinmihite ferment. ill, jti would take- place, toe liluod become polluted and the cutisti-1 tut inn so veal'iinl lli.tt a simple.! maladv might i, suit seriously. A liealtliv, iK tivc cirrulatioit mean;! nod (lij'i-slioii and .stiuti;, lirallhyi Helves. As n Mood purifier nnd tonic S. S. S. 1 is in, ciual. It is the safest and Lest' nude lor old people, aud children! leoanse it contains no mint-nils, but i:i made c Mel UMvelv of loots and herbs, i No utile r leiiiedv so tlioiniiglily unit cfleetnallv I'e.inses the blood uf im- vn fy. purities. At the I K1" WC same time it builds '& up the ueak and de- lliw ?kJw hilib.Ud, and leno ' '-StV ES' yv.tes tbe entire sys tem. It cures permanently all manner of blooi! and skill troubles. Mr. i- 11. Kelly, of Urbana, O., u-ritos: I hud 1-' ;zeiuu en ni7 bands ana luce lor live y,':i.H. jt woo),! bnjak out in littlo vbitj o..itei s. ci-asis wuuld lonn and droij ol', li-uviot; the skin rud andinfluui ed. 1'iiy iloe.ci-.-i did me no euod. I used all tliej lue'tiu ,.ed noi-os and sal vea without benollt. H. Is. M. cured uie, end my skiu la as nieiiv a.. a smooth as any one's." Mrs. 1J !-!:: SjeiOrie I, of Cape May, N. . hiivi; I, ,:it tweiit v-ooc bottles of ti. H. S. oored hor of tamoer ol tbe breast. Doc tors aud fruoids thought her case huye less, Richard T. Uurdner, Florenoe, 8. O,, ufiered for years with Boils. Two bot tles of li. li. fl. nt his blood in g-ood con dition and the liuils disappeared. Send for our free hook, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. THE Sw.FT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. CONSTIPATION "I Im vo koiio 14 dura at a time wlltiout iovtnent of Ihe bowel, uot IjcIuk able tu DiiHO Uibih nicest by UhiiiB nui wuwr iujit uuu. (.'iiniiilo constipation fur neveu yoarr. lOuwd me la ih li itr libit) cumin ion; tlurluij ttiul llmi! I did CT- eryililiiK I ueurcl ur imuiovwr iuuuu any u'ui i, utu ub my irune until I tiutfuii Ubintl t'ASCAHKl'8. 1 now Imvo irumuiie loiliroe tiUbmufcii it duy. mid If 1 wai t ion 1 wuuld tflvt) tlW HO for until movt'iuuut; It WlUUUK WlWl. AVI.MEHI. Ill M. 1U IlUMtMl Ob., ISVVlVla-, iHiuw fjBk CANDY ft Jf CATHARTIC TBAOI MAUN MOJtTIHtD -gtT DiaauBfit I'ulktutile. 1'utent. Tantn (load. Do Uoutl, Nufor ti:ken. Weaken, or Urine. IOc'.'jC, Ufc. .. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lUrUtf Bl U(mi, UUa UMirttl. lurk. Xtt J.W.Perry to. NORFOLK, VA. I'ollou Factors and Commission chants, and dealers in Mcr- BAGGIIMG, TIES, PEANUT BAGS AND LAND PLASTER Wc quote Nova Scolia Land Plaster ,r dune and July shipments as'follows: Less than 10 Ions, $5.50. Car load lots, $5 5. 511 Ion lots, $5.00. 1(111 ton las, il 90. Correspondence solicited. .1 W. 1'KltllY CO. H rant & Stooir sWOOD,: Sawt'ti unv lt-nuth ami dolivereil iu any part of the tow n. .! BICYCLE WORKS .... Vhet'ls soMaml lii'p.uretl l'urts of Bicj vva tiiriiilifil. v r- - r CO GO husband with a bright, cheerful smile, , ,be winds, is more fruitful than is ItKOTIICK nit'KKY'S SUNDAY SAVINGS, such as he grew accustomed to in the days before we were married. Also I must be ooquettishly arrayed and pre pared to entertain and soothe him after his hard day in the city. Otherwise, as all tbe women's journals warn, I will lose Folks wliut ilon t want to makt tit- 'qiuimtani'o er religion is nios' iniriiirullv dem what wouldn't know religion of dev had it Heaven ain't built witl hammers en nails; but do only way ter his affection deservedly." reach heaven is by hamnierin' at it. Mr. Bellamy folded up the paper. He seemed out ot breath, "oay, be re- Soine folks spends half (ley lives pray in fer rain; en Jen, w'en marked to Mrs. Bellamy, oontritely, "you Je rain come, dev irives Je ytither et pray in' fer it to stop. Jusl 118 aown UB lu l"nur KUUl!" Dey ain't a bit er use in cryin' over sjiilt milk, cows out ter graze, en trust iu de LawJ. Jest turn de where it m comlortable and let me bring your dinner io and feed you. Gee!" Chicago News. Ceres to I be mainlands, wilh her harvest moon and her blessings uf fruit, Tbe blessings ot Quessant come from the gale. "The lorests ol yuessanl! Are there such others in the entire world, so unique so terrible? This forest, iustead of trees, has the mighty mists of ships. In that tremendous torest are the oaks and pines of Canada and Maine, the cypress of Florida, ihe baobabs of Africa, the tealt ot Hindustan, tbe ebony aod sandalwood of South Amerioa. The awful forests ol Quessant form the visi ble apex of a vast cemetery that stretches from New lork to t ape l.a Hague. Gootl teams and comfortable vehicles, (live us a call when iu need of wood, a team or a bicycle- Yard and office corner Maple and Second streets, Weldon, N. C. dec 2(1 60 YEARS' J EXPERIENCI (Ml Traoc Marks Hl C0tVRI0MTAC. AitTonn wnrllng a pketr-h and denrTiptlnn mmf Qtifkly urartaln nnr or(nion free whfthtw an Invi'iitton in prohKMr tmtentahle. roniiminlca Hons Mrtrtly nrntldcnttal. lUndftook on I'aUiata Hiit free. Oldest iuwcj tor iwuring patent!. I'HtmitH taken (hmurh Muim A Co. ncelva tpfcial notiu, without utiargt, lu the Scientific Jlncrican. A haniltofnfitr lltnirtrated wvHrtf. IJirrNt etr rntntiun uf any artenlitlc lounial. Tortni, $& a jvnr four roontbi, L Bold by all newideaWra a lo.iioli uaua. 636 r at.. Waskmituu. 11 u.