Mjg-a (Uril f JOHN "W. SLE1DC3-E, proprietor. A NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. TEEMS:--S per annum in advance VOL. XXXVI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1901. NO. 30 If 'if ' AM'Cetable Preparation ror As similating HicFoodandRcflula ling the StooiactB andBowels of Promotes DigestionCheerful neas and Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morpliine norMiueral.' NOT NARCOTIC. jV.-l .lit .W - ADeifcel Remedy forConslina Hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss OP SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 12 Jin For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of exact copy or wrapper. Af a A If tip W In Use For Over Thirty Years innoTnmn JundiuiiiH VMI INTAUP. . HEW TORN CITY. Gene S. N. IREDELL & SON, Commission Merchants ra 17 COMMERCE STREET, ITOPFOLIC. VA. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas all Produce. LUMBER, WOOD aod SHINGLES. Wt Dtka a itKoiilij of h.ndling North Carolioa produce. Guarantee the high flat mas-lraar tiMM 0.111. ninmnt rilimi References: Norfolk National Bank and Commeroial Agenoie. ') 20 ly 6 W M. CQHEJN We, none of na, lira ao carefullly that we never require the aid of drug, and uedioioea to put u right. It ia a comfort to know where you oan get them from and at proper pricea. Call on rue for any Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Stationery. Toilet Soaps. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cigars AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled. Fioa Line of High Art Piotirea. Prompt Response. Da; or Night. W.M.COHIN,rhtraaclrt,WiUkn,X.a All good, delivered free I on Phone M. Rtsldsncs . TTT THE BLOW LANDED. She Will Never Leave Charlie At Home Again With The Nurse. 8ha doesn't go to her clubs and euchres half aa nfion as the did. People uaed to ay thii oharming woman spent moil if her time t these gatherioge. One day lie called on a dear friend to reprove her for her eleeksning iotureet in the club. I believe it waa a elub for reformiog the gai meter or eonietbiog anyhow il waa a reform affair. "Look here, Liuie," laid the eotbu- aiaat, "why on earth don't jou eoaie to the meeting? Hare you are paying your duea and never ahowing up. Yuu owe it to the club to take an intereat in the work." "But I cant come," explained bir friend. "Tbere'a the baby, and Henry doesn't aome home aometimea till late, and tupper must wait, and if be wanta to out I can't go away and leave the ohildren. I would worry myself to death." "Well, I must lay Henry ia iuouueid- erate, and tbe caller. "Why, there a my husband and children too. They give me no trouble. Every time I want to go to tbe elub Charlie aayi be will be glad to atay at home with Bridget and keep an eye on tkioga till I come back. He never objecta '' "Maybe," retorted tbe amiable hostess, "if I bad a houaegirl aa handaoma and young aa Bridget, Henry would be glad to atay at home, too, but mint ia black and goea home at nighta." The blow landed, and tbarlie bain t betn .skid to look after Bridget eod the house amce. "WHIZ if WALK A MILE" la a laconic definition of a toboeran rile. It'a quick work going down tile slide, but it'a a long climb back to the starting nt. It it very much that way with it ia quickly lost and slowly regained, wneu the first symptoms of failing health ap pear, proper care may prevent the deacent to utter weakness and debil itv. Usually the complication of dis orders known aa general debility haa tia origin in a dis eased condition of the atomach and other organs of di gestion and nutri tion. These diseases sre perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures through the stomach disorders which have their or igin in a diseased condition of the stomach. There is no alco hol in the " Discovery," neither cpium, cocaine nor other narcotic. Mwaaatl rundown; Had ao strength; had harp darting paloa all through me : head and back ache every day. write Mra. Frank Cae wclt, of Salamanca. M. V. "I waa alo troubled with a diatreaied fcellof in the .loin.cH and paiu hi trout of Ihe hip bonea. 1 had s severe conk h nd tt nearly kiued me to draw a long breath, 1 v mm ihroueh rav lam s. T wrol. to Or. Pierce, telling my .ymiaom. SB hear a. I coald. He aen me a ery " letter. advlln me to try hia medicine., wlnth I did. and before I had taken them a werk I waa decidedly better. I look two bolllr. of Hie ' Ooldeu Medical Dlacoyrry ' and two of the Fa writ prMwrintlon.' and am sure I never fere better in my life than when I quit taking llicra . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets arc a cure (or biliousness. poi health ..:..n rr f BAD BR kaaasa mitnm fABCAMKT mm M mild offooiiTe laiktlra lbr n trnfi- -uo-derral. Ur tlaunliwr Sud t wrt buHieftatj mltk u-k ftUHuafb -ml our bn'th tu rr tatl. AftW lublDf tuw tkwet of CftKftreti we tavt iBipnTM WliailMINA WAtllL. tin HiMubouM tti.. ClaolDiwU. Ohio. CANOV 9 METAL Vsiiwwai 1UC11M0ND. VA. Southern Headquarters For 4 IBON, STEEL, METALS. TIN PLATES, ! IRON AND RTKEL ROOFING OF ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDERS l TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF I ETERT DESCRIPTION, ETC. Distributor, for Niagara Macbin. and Tool Worke, of Buff.lo N. T. tA.Send ua tour order, aod ioquirie. aid patrowa. 8outher induatnoa. If sjiMr WW ww Mi!UiMfliiti. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES mA Vi fuH Anlv Tn Uff)iAllU. nnrnnV iVl u wa:z7.' : . ...wLDo,...i Plwant. Palalabla. Pounl. Taiu Ootid. Do Ijouo, K.vai aiakas. Wossw. or urli. BM. be. me. OUR! COw.TaTIOU. anal, sot Iwft. II. lift Tfl ! anisana anaraiiteal hr aMdrna- stw-av-ariw glalaw uwsis iviaw unuii. Pate Si hi, WELDON, N. 0. Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths PLUMBING and 8TEikf FITTINO, Senairarsof . . . . FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, SEWING MACHINES TIN ROOFS GLASS LAMPS, EARTHENWARE LAMPS Ani ell kinds of MACHINERY. InrnW. Laths. Bbinilea and UeUl mnflm tarnUhed in anantttiea to suit All orders promptly atteswled to. Scrap iraa of all krada boDgha. Viek'a old Hand on Hecoau street. nm-oaa A PATHETIC INCIDENT. A Story From Real Life as Told by One of the Principals. Letter in Henderson Gold Leaf. Oovernor B., from a distant Southern Slate, whom I frequently meet at Buffa- Lithia Springs, relate! the following liitle incident that happened during hia first term at Oovernor. Save he: Mr 11., a prominent planter, in the eat of pasaion abot aod dangeroualy wouoded hia manager, for wbioh be was tried and ientenced to terve a term of re yeara in the peaitentiary. On ac count of his piomioenoe and estimable ebaraoier every effort waa made to secure bis pardon, but 1 did not feel it my duty to interfere. But when hia young and diatreaaed wife and her two beautiful little girls came to my offioe and begged o piteoualy, I came near yielding, but I braced myself up and finally told her Ihe woret. I can never forget the look of diaireaa that waa oh ber faoe when ahe left. It haunted me for dayi. A few werka after this, little Lelia, the eldeat daughter of Mrs. H , a beauti ful little curly headed blonde, aboat four yeara old, oame rushing in my of fice, aid crawling np in my lap and looking me in the face, commenced to prattle away in her sweet ohildi.-b brogue. "Duvner," aaid ahe, "have you dot any little dirls like me at your bouse?" "Yea," .aye I. "Duvner, do your little dirla love yea like me and little aiater love our eweet papa?" "Yea; I gueia ao " "Duvner, do vou love your little dirt. like our papa love.ua?" "Ye.." "Duvner, do your little djrl. run to tbe gate to meet you ebry night when you go home?" "Yea; very oftea." "Mc and little aiater uaed to run ool to the gate to meet our aweet papa ebry niebt, and he would take ua up in hia arm. and carry ua up tbe steps, but our aweet papa don't come home of nighta now, and little aiater oriel ebry night, and I one. ebrv nizht, and poor mama ahe cries ebry night and all the time. Duvner, please, pleaaa let our pspa oome home to night. Please Dueuer, please Duv 1 The sweet little darling broke down and went into sobs. After sobbing while, ahe nestled her Utile curl; bead ia my bosom and was soon axiund asleep, She had been aaleep bat short while when a aweet aaeile Mole over her bright little face, and partly opening her eye. he Hid : "Don't cry little aiater; please don't ery mama; our dear, aweet papa ia eoi tag home to-night; doodDuver. I then broke down, I could .land it no longer, and directed my aeoretary to fill out a full aid unconditional pardon for H., and hand to me to tigs. I gave it to my secretary and directed him to call I csrrtage and go to tbe prison at once and have II , change hia clothe, and briou bin to my office, but not ta tell him that hi. family were here. I gently laid my liitle charge on lounge, but her mother and little ieter soon came in and called for her, but I told Mra. H , not to wake ber, a. .ho wa. roiling to aweelly I supposed the aogsla were whispering good newa to her, I ahowed her in an adjoining room, and told her I would bav. a carriage for her in time to take her train. In a abort while my secret ry drsve np with H I met him at the door. H eaabrsced me, but waa too full for utter st oe. I look kirn to the lounge where hi. little daughter wsa sleeping, and while he was taking her ia hia arm. upend tbe doer and said to Mra. H Hire ia a present for you. Yea can imagine the rest. Kitneil, N. C. 0. W. R. If your skies are overcast, They'll be bright tomorrow, There will come an end at last, Unto hurt and sorrow. Past the shadow and the night, bhia.es tne sun forever. There awaits a golden height To reward endeavor. POINTEO PARAGRAPHS. in hot A domi etio broil get. a water. Some people are prepared far say emergency zotpi twine. When you m-st a Baa with a sel ems, proceed to gut in a burry. Tks man who own. but oae .but enesearily, abort of change. Meiv a man wha Iriae to ha rami Bid. h. I. only capable of beiag a fool. Al Irishman My. there ia aa blessing like health, espee.slly when yea are sick i Mel sometimes become wiser as tkay row older, but they aeldom become fooli'h. V' Whea a womai ha. beadacb it atural; whai a mat haa I headaohe it usually acquired. Doo'l think that by being miserable here on earth yoa will be any happier heaven if you happen to gat then. A Ciaeiuiatl phyaioisa took ana. hia owi msdioioa. Tbe verdict of I eoroasr'a jury waa "Death die to aopre- f anions! eoaduot," lea. w VISIT OIR, WEITE-si lie Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. 8YCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. A GOOD YARN OF the civil WAR, The One Among Many." Why the Drummer Did Not Properly Salute the Colonel. The one make of instrument, that holds its tone through . generation of use fulness pIANos THE.HCSTLINO AND UP-TO-DATE L EADERS IN URIIITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT A MANAGER la.8pecial Attention to Mail Orders. - oct 3 ly. Here ia . dslicious story of wsr times that has an uamiatakable air of freshness and human intereat : Tbe tern and tattered remnant nr a Confederate regiment one day, toward the olose of tbe war, was lined up by iia .oloonl aod told that the oommandiou general waa to pay at 'vii.it ui Ueoiiuo" on tha following day. The . ildiera were admoniahed to "do tbeir prettiest.' "Just brace up aa tbougb your olotbee were brand new uniforms end although you bad tbe beat on earl h to eat and plenty of it. We haven't any huglea left, but Smith there baa got a drum, and it', a plumb fine ooe big as a barrel. Now, Smith, when I give you tbe word to-morrow, Vou let her go for all ahe'e I worth." Thueepoke the colonel. CHARLES IVl. BTItrr, The seat dsy oame tbe geoersl to "in- JWarerooins, 9 NT. Liberty street, spect the poor, b.lf-atsrved tghlsrs, and uiayette Ave.. Aiken and ....... .i t. Lanvale Btreeta Are not built for show they're con structed with experienced care; they last a lifetime and more, yet their Oust is very moderate, onnvideritig their quality Send i your addrcen and you II liumcdutely get an illustrated analogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating lerma. Planus of other make, to suit the most eoooomioal, fl na ma 11 II Kr lit MM. il 'Spite of grieving and of pain, For the ones gone from us, Shining o'er tomorrow's rain Is a bow of promise Qod above the tempest smiles Through the clouds of sad ness. In the sunny afterwhiles There is joy and gladness. In the home, when toil is done, One awaits to meet ut. There are little feet to run, Laughing eyes to greet us, After all, the world is fair, God is good above us, When there's some one else to care, Some one else to love us. There are songs of joy afar, If you stop to listen. Hope can see a silver star O'er the mo ning glisten. Past the future's open gate Brighter days r.re glecming, Derth and parting, wrong and hate, These are only seeming. Though disasters line the way That awaits before me In the province of To-day There is sunshine o'er me; Onward through a fair To-Be Is my spirit winging; While a voice of melody Through my heart is ringing. Denver News. as be sppesred in lb. distence tbe oolo nel eave the order to ' line up. Aa the eommandiag officer drew near, the oolo- nel shouted : "Now, Smith, !et ber got ' and turned to salute the general. But note a not came from the big bar rel drum. The colonel, red in the faoe, turned to ward the drummer and again abouled hi- order for muaic." But atitl tbe drum remained a. mute aa the harp of Tara Hall fame. Infuriated at tbi. open disobedience ol orders and in tbe presence of bis oom- manding omcer, too, tbe colonel rode down the line, and a. he reached the re fractory drummer, cried out : "Bav, Baith, what in and do you mean by not beating that blankety- blank drum 7 "I can't colonel," whianered Smith "The old drum ia full of cbickeoa, and ball of em are for you. The oolonel paused bat i moment be fore he ehouted ao that the general .nd tbe soldiers might bear: "All right, Smith; but it yoa were too aick to plav tbe drum, why m- and didn t yoa .ay Kir Baltimore bun. Baltimore, Md. oct 91 ly. Catarrh lias become such a common disease that a person entirely free from thia diagustiug complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a bad cold, a ainioie innauimation or me nose ana throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; it not at nrst, it Very Boon uecomea ao. Ihe blood is quickly contaminated by I the foul secretions, and the poison through I the general circulation is carried to all I narta of the svaletu. ... Calves, wasues anu sprays are unsniia- I factory and disappointing, because they dc I iSfefefefe 666 6 6 6 666 1 GIRL WHO SINGS NEXT DOOR. 8z. 00.0. 00 I.' -e-iaiaiafr JIBOMI P. FLII6HMAN. We've got a girl next door to us a pretty little thing, Wno got a crazy notion in ner neaa mat sne can sing; She favors us with melodies from early morn 'til night; She bangs a great piano but she doesn't do it right. Oh, the girl next door the girl next door; one 8 jUBl a puotic nuisance anu an iuuiviuuui uuro; I'd give a hundred dollars yes, a thousand to the poor, If some disgusted man would choke The Girl Next Door! She'll start a dar of torture with "Because" unearthly sound! "When You Haven't Any Money, well you JNeear. uome Around' Will follow on the programme; then a comic opera lay And that's the way she entertains herself the live-long day. Oh, tie girl next door the girl next door; The walls are only two brick deep I would that they were more. If ever soul of man was unto its deepest core Its when that one-girl starts up Girl Next Door 1 One night a fellow came to see this human graphaphone, And then the air around the block waa one discordant tone: She, irava him "I am Waitintr." followed ut) br "Love. I WeeD"- . .T .. ... V .. .t 1 . And sne sang them witn men reeling mat me reitow went to sleep! not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal accretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst caaea. Mr. T. A. William.. leadlnf dry-rood, n chant ot Spartanbuii. S. C, wrltea : " for yean I I nan a .evert eaw or oaaal Catarrh, with all the disagreeable cfjerla which Celoni to that aUcaM, and which make lite paimul ana noendurahle. t u.ed medicine, prescribed by leading plivaician. and augee-iro. dt uuniuvr. of friend., but without getting any better. I then begau to take a 8. B. It fad the desired effect, and cured me t ml.mr taking i.hl..H ' bottle.. In my opiuiun 8. S. a. U the only medi cine now In uc that will effect a permanent cun of Calarru." is the only purely veg etable Dlooa punnet known, and tne ereai. eat of all blood medi cine, and tonics. If vou liave Catarrh don't wait until il becomes deep-aeated and chronic, but be- j win nt once the use of S. S. S.. and send for our book on Blood and Skin Diaeaaei and write our phyaiciana about your cat THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, OA. New Drug Store I New Medicines! W. E. BEAVAI1S- ENFIELD, N, 0. Dript anu Plarfflacist, Opposite Randolph Bros. Full line of everything usually found In a drug store- Perfumeries, Bos pa, Toilet Articles. Proscription, carefully and accurately compounded day or night. 8 16 ly. jTl. judkins,! Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine' Fancy UiUWAWi "FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES,! Crockery, Glaaa Tin, and wooden and wll- lowware. Also fratt's Horse, vow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove'. Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander'. Liver and Kidney Tonic for purifying the blood. Thia tonic ia warranted or monev refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 83 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. 0' dee 11 It. H. L. O-R, A.NT, BICYCLE WORKS .... Wheels sold and Repaired Parte of Bicy cles furnished. i!,S!;,i!f'''i,1::;i(,i:!ri'..!t:'i t sss 1 MLSUf ' il',ih:!!;'',"1'i'l'":ii.i"i"l.!t''"i HZ a SGIUIRE JOE I Good teams and comfortable vehicles. Give na a call when in need of wood, a team or a bicycle. Yard and office corner Maple and Second streets, Weldon, N. C. dec 20 ' DRilBARBETT, DEMIST 314 Mall Street, Norfolk. Vi. Teeth extracted withuot the .lightest pail by the oae of pure nitron, oxide vapor the safest anaeathetie known It ha. been in constant use in my practice for 30 yeara, Chloroform aod ether adminis tered; also the beet local anaeethetice Gold biidge work, gold crown and porcelain orowi work; artificial teetb, filling Ihe teeth and all kinds of dental work known to the fine art of the profession eieculed in the moat carelul and skillful manner at reasonable price. 814 Mail street, Nor- foik. Va. Oh, the girl next door the girl next door; That fellow never came to see that maiden any more: And now she's working overtime on "Happy Days of Yore" I guess she moans those happy days ceiore She Moved Next Door! . . - .. - SH0ES1 SHOES! FOR EVERYBODY! Brand 'Display If yoa would have ao appetite lik. bear and a relish for your aseali tak Chamberlaia'a Stomach aid Liver Tab- i . . j- j e.i . If . ipl. aai'A .iseave, any fare- . 1 "I " " " "- ilyakelatoiaii other fople'.oltieet they h and ngulalelb Imi ana Wwele. drag out their owe .id try la pals) ih.ia J'HM S Osmp'es irea at v . n. off for other people'.. ' Cobai'. drag Mora. Hen's Sne Satin Calf Bala. 11.25. easllv worth 1.60; llra'a Vid Kid and Patent Leatner Vid, tbe $1 60, t4 and $5 kind, I sell at $3.50, $3 and S3 60. These are the latest wrinkles ia footwear Goodyear welts, extenaion soles or the more modest kind to auit your fancy. You get here a solid Dongola kid bnttoa or leoe lor the ladies at !.', yea would say they are cheap at 1 1.50 Onr line at Vid K'd ami Patent Leather Vid made eo pretty lasts, aad eoo talcing all tha good r state for cmnfortable wear, Just ia, at I 60, li 93.60 and $1 Tha goods are rarth awM-ahird aaora. Have tna Tin IM Yoa Km AItsts BcctM UberT M1 Koluk i" fw kwi? tuc Ruii r"" "'""i r"w41 I beat shoe ever aotd ia Wsldou for tbe moa- Aaara tkai . ,m , "ley. Oall aaa aaaiaine A faraaer'a aboe f3tW0 Of fZl-OioMi J. T. EVANS?! Ottltm Up to-Dateabee Dealer. CASTOR I A For Infant, and Chiluea. Of- -FALLAND WINTER- r.llLLI.IERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bnttsriek's Patterns. II. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c, Ladles 75s. tc tl. HawPrieoswill be made to auit the Urnee. Hate and eoaoete nada and trimmed a MM. t. A. LEWIS. Wsidm, V. , C ' il 1 J.. .. , -