"7 JLeU mAm JOH1T "W. SLEDGE, proprietor. A EIR, POE THE FEOFLE. TE:R,2id:S:-i-50 PER ANNUM in advance VOL. XXXVI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1901 NO. 32 mp iiLi !-('' Adelaide Prcparalionfor As similating litcFoodandBegula ling (he Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DigestlonCheerfur- iieos aim iur3i.i,viiiaui3 neiiner Opium.Morpliine norliiicral. ot Narcotic. ..Sme Stmt f non , Sour Stonch,Diarrhdea Worms .Comnil&inna Fnuor.ck. ness and L089 OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of XEW YORK. M -ill! GASTOIili For Infantg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Hori-killii' Tie The Cherished Link Between Our Past And Present. EXACT COPY or WRAPPER, In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt rrauit Mvniin mtm torn amr. S. N. IREDELL & SON, General Commission Merchants, 17 COM MERCK STREET, Cotton, Peanuts, Peas l Produce. LUMBER, WOOD end SHINGLES. Wa mike t specialty of handling North Parnlina nrmln-a ik. r- . .vouvw. UH'ltNIBO UO UlgU est market prioe tod prompt returns Refereneea: Norfolk National Bank and r !.l 1 : . . vuuiiuotqisi Agencies je go J, l M. COHEN M We, none of ua, live to carefullly that we never require the aid of druge and medicines to put as tight. It ia a oomfort to koow where Jon can get them from and at proper prioef. Call on me for toy Drugs, Chemicals,. Patent Medicines, Stationery, Toilet Soaps. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, .... Cigars Tt? Your Prescriptions Filled. lila Fioe Liu of High Art Pictures. "Prompt Responses Da; or Night, All goods delirered free W.k.OOHliN, riuraKlit.W.Idon. H. C. . . . . B ora Phone II. gnrldrnro kunuun mDiau uu. U ' RICHMOND, VA Southern Headquarters For IKON, STEEL, METALS. TIN PLATES J BON AND STEEL ROOFING OP ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDEKS TINNEK8' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF wt?iiv nvunuinrrfw manual vimvniriiufl, Distributor, for Niagara Machine aod Tool Works, of Buffalo, N. Y. MA tttflafi Wahi v .-,1 i.nnirini .nit Waal fARitria Q,-..k. : J. .-.. II, int. Trri j y& The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY(Hn 3GROCERIES& l' S.Wa 8.11 Only fa Merchant THE WELDON OHOCERY CO , Sjif lm.We 5 Onlere Holicted intra u mumo in the waiDiih winter air aod joy among our ruddy rural oiti. una. The fedire hut gory loaaoo known aa "hort kiliin tlma" h .rrlv.,1 ,nA the coui lry runs red with the blood of the iliuiihtrrfd awine. in eicrj oouniy, id fery illape, iu erery hamlet, the miicrere of the ho ia heard, and day by day hia nutubera are being depleted. Like Antony, he ia ujiog: "lam dying, Egypt, djiug; ebb! the crimaon life tide fast"; but un fortunately, he hat no Cleopatra to mourn hit Iota or refuse to be oomforted. Veri ly, the world rejoiceth in hia demise, fur with his dissolution oomet a train of joys wmcb abed their blesnngi far and wide. With the quadruped of the twisted tail, death mrane but hit reappearance in a nobler form to-wit.aa ham and btoon tod chine and "spare-ribs," and soase, and chitterlings, and "soasage," and scores of other pleatiog shares. And so our country friends are mak iog merry, and the pot boils cheerily while the knife doee iia work. There is fun for eer)body at lets! for eterv body but the hog, aad ereo he. if nbilu aophioal, can aee that the whole burineta is intended aa a compliment to his attract iveneti and winning waya. Dut a tew dava amnn h wam an cast, an unolean. brisllv Iihmanlitiv iik none to csress and love him; now he will be received id the btat socitly aa well as in ma numoiesi novels. In soolh. the univaraalilv nf hi. rMni. oitioo will be compensation for the dear dsmnalion of his taking off. True, he will reach the upper-ten in widely-soat. tered fragments: but ail the sin. h-'ll get there and receive the honor he de serves. Blest be the pig in hit last dis membered sleep I Ah, it is a elorious season, in Imre iinin nme, ana tnose ut ua immured in the ciin s thiuk sadlv of it and aciously litli. In fancy, we grow yi UDg aaio and feel once more the thrill of Dealth and viijor as we look nun scone of carnage. The picture conies with painful vividness before our mind io its senil e cf red and with its sinokiniF iDf.ionuij irom tne Doilire cauldron How meirv it was at eveniiJi-. wlntn ih.. sun, lazily sinking behind tbe sillioui'tlu'l woooianas, aore into nis garuli o uieh ol orimson, gold, and blue, and ceased lonirer to ouiintenanoa the mnul-rl k,J bow our feet quickened when the fiddles scraped at nihtlall, and we, oiih no pangs ut oonscienco ooneeruirg ur dead ly work, "chassried for'rard" and "swung our partners to the light." But it ia all over Dow all over for the "ln.ru" and all over for ua The pig Inn died the phyaioal death, and we of the eiliea, long severed from the erstwhile lira that bound, are but the mnmini a of our vouth. Noble hog, yon an th cheritbed link particularly when id link sauaava , - r snipe Detweeo our past and present, and moat heartily do we aav "I.nny m. J you nva or rainer, "liong may you aie. nioamono iriapaton. Antamn Ii Tbe Sonth. A Vivid Picture of the Chang ing Seaions. Few climatic changes mark the transi tion from summer toautunnintheaouth crn slates. If to grow old b-rscefullv be a mark of queenlioess, then is tbe southern summer queen r No frosting of the royal locka: no But ling sside of queenly robes, when aha descends the throne. But under the direst of akiet with the glory of the June time still about her, she lava down h royal roopter sod yielda up her spotless reign. Where August stops, September be gios. September ia a red hot month without any figures. Aa to auoahine she is tbe peor of any. Sunahine is her native element There are limitless oceans of it bstbiog earth and sky. It scorchea your cheek io the mornine. It smites ycu at midday with a torrid fierce ness that makes yon long for a shade. It is aa if the king of day had caught a glimpse of his vanishing empire and were fretting himself furious at the proa- pect At ci'herend of the day, however, the heat ia mercifully tempered. As the ev- enieg drops into night there ia a ehill in the air that sniffs of the coming frosts. At midday torrid, at evenins; lime a bright glow on the hearthstone that is September. Theo there ia that deep blue of th sky, where a handful of mist does not atay long enough to gather to itself a shower. Along yonder mountain aid hidden well-nigh from February till Msv. the crags and rsvinea are plainly visible faring with Ita everlasting smoke, is not in it with these peerless Iotliao sum mer days. Meanwhile the landscape gathers in creasing signs of maturity. WTISIT OT?. WD Ttn-ni- -1- JJ lie Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE 8T. PETERSBURG, VA. TEMPERANCE TOWN. LITUfTON's PMSIBTINT WORK BUYING our THI SALOON. IX 1 vv: 1 1 1 I ( THE HUSTLING AND CP-TO.DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES uSpeoii AND GENERAL HOUSE PnRNTSHlwna A.J.WINFIELD $ PRESIDENT A MANAGER 1 li..i! a. k :i f i a mvcuuuu iu mill OOt 3 lj. W TUP IIIAnn aa........ ..... 'A WILLIAM COX BENNETT. itffAL dL ahi not . few AnH lni. w u 8 I " UBT0 passea o er me and you; And, love, what changes we have seen-what care and pleasures, Since you became my own dear wife, when this old ring was new. L T """.j""' iu, Bweei "les- made you my lov. lnir Wife ?t?X:?LlZ 2? are dear to you dp "ouuib, ueur wne, wnentnisoid ring was The Raleigh Morning Post's Littleton oorrespondeot seuds the following bit of intsn ttiog temperance history lbs temperaooe people of Littleton nave ot late been making it mighty lively about (hat beautiful and thriving little town. Lust July they succeeded after a furious fight io elating the btr rooms. About two months after that a gentleman who owocd a httlo vineyard and made wine in the edge of town set up a "win ery" ia ouo of the vtoated "firewater" bouses, and began to sell wine He wss prosecuted nod oonvicted in a magistrate's court aod the oase was carried uo to the I Superior oourt where the decisioo of the lower oourt was Dot only sustained but the defendant was told by the iudce that he oould neither make nor sell wioe either at bit vineyard or his wine saloon m town. The prosecution of a druggist wbo bad taken out license to sell whit- key and medicated bitters for "medioal purposes waa at onoe vigorously poshed aod the day before the trial came off he surrendered his lioense and signed an agrtement not to sell whiskey or aov aubstitute therefor on condition that the prosecution be dropped, This makes three distinct victories won by the tern persnce people in Littleton within the test lew months and thus ended the third ohipter of this interesting bit of history Corn removes from the soil large quantiticl of Potash. The fertilizer ap. plied, must furnish enough Potash, or the land will lose its pro ducing power. Read carefully oar books on crops Kat r, GERMAN KALI WORKS, M Niuu Si., Nn York. The One Among Many.' The on mnlr p '..T TiT" . t "Jon uiueiiiB I OK Doldsitfl tone thrminh .r lul new. 'pIAWos If Thfl A.itton I fields are whiteniog to the harvest. The How well do I remember now your vounc swAnt f.i tW rln t 'oodsare still green with thedviog sum- OW fair you Were, how dear VOU were, mv tnnwnn r-nnlH WHW l ............ sav. " ' ' J, mer, wiiM uere anu mere a oil ot bright I ut v "4 . . color, touched by the cool breath of an- r"? t 1 n yU; . ' hW pr0ud 1 was of 70U ' tumn. J"u "IUIB WUU1 n?w wnen tnis old ring was new ? Then you wliiak annihi-r loof lrrm I No no:nnfn Ana, dear as life to mo this dav. how mnld vnn rionror. v,. I An i. m .... ' j va-vwi s. ud the colors of the rainbow dance before J'.'.T our Iace nSnt bo that day as now it is, 'tis true- ynur vimod. It ia as if sneae miuhtv -'uul ,w,irl as weu when this old ring was n magiuan's wand had n.uohed field and 0 Partner of mv rrlnilnei wlfo oriuinff I inin mm . ni ,r For mo vnn won nniK..,,.i, c ;,i "siito That Tells. To the six Uv bicycle races the oace toll a torrihltF est h m M.n man falls out exhausted. The victor wabbles wearily over the line. In the huUllMaat Far it's thaw aaaimja - Malti taffor man drops out exhausted. The success ful man is often a drapeptic, unable to enjor success. When the stomach is distMiitMl tliawrf ia tint twtiniHrVi mitritinn attsimilated to sustain the Cody and re. pair the daily waste of tissues. The result is weakness, tending to collapse. cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, It enables the twrfect assimilation of food by which the body is built up with sound, healthy flesh. I tiive taTea one bntttt of ftortor Herev?t nnliUt MmIimI Il u-nwrv tt,r ItiiliuMlinti ait. llr conii'Uinl. writw Mr. C M. WUstia, of V.ila C-M'r ?Mtaf Co.. N. C "Have kail no bad prlla ilnct I cum m oiyu your mMllcinin fact, have not felt like the tame man. Hrfor? I took the 'CoMen Mnllcal Dtavwivtry I eotitd not eat anything without wish without having unplmMnt feelinn, Iit I will ip?k ir nahv wai teethinv ami u aa t toot- he wm almoitt a ukrleton We Rave him vuur Ontdca Medical Innovery' ind now he ii u xuarl wnr I Inr vuur mrtiii'l " Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure nek headache ilthv and well an anv child I will arm iue wnenevtr 1 nave imsoriiA il haiwii BukJhn Haalaaaar rill-1 III71 Inftonmta, with which I hav tH-en Hfiilfted for ! have iff ven me more re lief than any t-thrr retne df 1 bve ever tried. I shall n imitilv ret cm tBPDtt ih"m to my frlnnda aa be Hip ill they ura repreMDUrt. ' Tnoa. Uti.LaHi. rmm, liL CANDY CATHARTIC vtUNaMa eaaawaaaseatr . fiiium. tank Ts.1. omx. rv, r licaMk Wj.,.0, or e,lM. m. i. Urn. CUR! COMaTIPATIOal. -r " num. im im v. m 1 t&vssms&'sssr forest, trannloruiing llioin iulu a niiilil Hero, where the oaks and luaulea are mat ed tognlher, are gnat ranks of cii sod. 'under I tower of gold, where tome msjestio poplar haa thrust ita head above the surrounding forest This is golden October. Yuu nerd no almanac now to tell yon where vol are. The autumn colon are everywhere. The falling leavra sprinkle the brown earth with yellow and orimson. In tbe heart of the forest flourishes gigantio flower gardeo fair aa a dream of tbe Arabian Nights raesnwoile, tbe mercury ahrtnka visi bly in the lube. There ia a oolder aosn id the evening air. The eti 1 nights are oloudlrsa, held by the frosts, while overhead a pale blue iky, pieroed with many i bright ray seems wonderfully neer. But fsirest of all era tha mornines Just watch that night aky pale toward the dawn. First tha eonatellationa low their identity in the growiog light. Then, one by one, the stars sputter and eo out Only the morning star burnt on aa if disputing aupremacy with tha kinz f day. Great streaka Of crimson shoot an the eastern sky, turning to violet, then gold, aa the first level raya of the rising aun kit loader hill top. Theo. aa if shot from soase mighty catapult, tbe aun darta above the horn io, and begioa hia brief march acroaa the heavens. To witntsa snob a sunrise ia better than listsning to an oratorio. The mem ory of it ia itself a benediction. Gradually aa the Ootuher days slide by the brown on the meadowa deepens. 1 he landscape miniili no green with ita colors now, save whera tha perennial pines oliuier, or some hardy oak haa withalood the frusta. Silently, but surely, tha earth arena ripening lor tha general harvest, And over it all, like a baptism of peaoe, liea the soft October hate VY itb the coming of November are ether and more marked changes The frost ia whiter now, on meadow and up land, while the midday chill telle ef the coming winter. . The radiant buea have faded from field and forest, and a sombre brown hn taken their placet. From morning till evening the woods ring with the olsttei of blaokbirda. while an occasional far-off honk tells where the crana ia making his southward flight All nature ia clothing herself io more ombre huea. , Yet there are golden days even now, days shot full of auoahine, that breathe ef violet beds and the far of epring Then there is t darkening of tha heav- snt) the falling rain tends a deeper (hill into Iks gray air; an icy breath sweeps down frets the north, driving the aaimaii shivering to their ahelter; and winter, xp ' ? "ut, wuaii cure, wnai griei is tnere For me VOU would not rirnvolf 1 . n ...i, 1 .-.-.w, mi,!,, ivuu uiH you wouia not narer () wnnt S Vfpnrv want ka a... A r . . ur 7- ii ;J ""i ovcij uuj, u wantincr you. Wanting the love that God made mine wheu this old ring was Years bring fresh links to bind us, wife-young voices that are Young faces round our fire that make their mother yet more YUno you" hartS' yUr are eaCh day makes yet more like More like the loving heart made mine when this old ring was And. bless'd hn OnHI All i... : m. . n., ii i ..; . k,,cu wnn us yet; around Uur taolfl nvnrv nnvmna Ufa Ut nil r . ' w TkC ' ua biui is iouna; Th0UteL6An, -orst we RUilJluII,'.... 1 nRTr.' UD ii.D uauo lor au n,g love 8,nce th j. The TIARt in Hoar if a nwiuilnUn ni:n . m.' ZZs't " : -""-n"" " our memories treasure yet: The griefs we've borne-toether borne-we would not now for wSfilSi i..1 unt0- rt .till true, ""ooua.cuBu eise since this old rine was new. And if God spare us, 'mongst our sons and daughters to grow rr i j i ii you wouia nave an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, Thov correct disorders nf ih ilnm. ach and regulate the liver and howula Price 25 cents. Sanmina free at W. M i;onen a arug store Money ia the sugar that sweetens the miser a lite. Poison ook Poison ivy are among the best known of the many dangerous wim pmnis ana siirubs. To touch or handle them auicklvnroduceaau'niliMo' and inflammation with in tense itching and burning of the "kin. Tim soon disappears, the suf ferer honea forever Kttt almost as soon as the little blisters and uaiuiea Tirtearen i it nnmni .t i i F, , , "I t taaas USUI ICUI-UCU the blooil. and will Uab .an aim raca time in a more Si'trra vatedform. Tlita nni'mn m iA;si.. u. tv lie tui ktl ill ujr, system for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before yon (tan UTtianr as u..t . " pcrmaneni cure. Niiire's Aiiioie FOR Natire's Mscis. ia the only cure for Poison Oik, Poison Ivy, and nil noxious plants. It ia com- Liu,cirui ruuiaana nerDs. jvow Are not built fur ahnw rh'.a m wu- StrUOted With si l... . - r -v-w voio, vuvj IBBi lifetime sod more, yet their cost it Tery -"""'"i uuusiuenog tneir quality. Seat us your address and vnn'll iii.j;.i.i. get an illustrated catalogue and book of ..6fiui.iii, accommodating Terms. Piaooa of other makes to suit the moat economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, .Warerooms, 9 N. Liberty street. Fctory-E. Lafayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Streets. RaltiirwirA Vf ,1 . oet 21 ly. sss posed is tbe New Drug Store! NewMedicinesI W. E. BEAVAHS. ENFIELD, N. C. Dnpt and Plarmacist, Opposite Randolph Bros. Full tin r ....i.i , -"j.u'L, uaoaiiT ronna to Articfel Perfun,"'"i Toil." Prescriptions canfnii. ii otmponnded day or night. 8 151y. J. L. JUDKINS, i the time to get the noison out of Timr I system, aa delay makes your condition I worse. Don'i experiment longer with salves, washes and toarja the never rue wranaii, mmEaeeper of the Atlanta (ua.) Cat Licht Co.. waa tiijswttwi ,v. jaa, n ooc auipnur. Artenlc and variova I nfhar Antnm -..1 -....11-1 . .... . .. lotions and Ml. ea wil b no benefit. At titnea the Wholesale and Betail Dealer In Fine - mine grow We know His goodness will not let your heart or Coin ; m 8h?-n to you, " ' " J "ivo bocu nmce tnis old ring; was And O when riant ti dinll .1 . 1 . ir t r :. r li,BI 10 Dia me to my rest, May I die looking m those eyes, and re.ting on that breast- Omavmv nnrtinn- rrn ), I,1'.J ;ii A, 6, " r" "lc1". n .k. j 15 , V00 u Wllu ,n6 oearsignt of you. Of those fond eyes-fond as they were when this old ring was 1 n-n THE HALLELU1A FEELIN'. a.-J FRANK L. STANTON. De worl' look des lak Chris'mus de .hinin' country roun', De win' a-blowin' chilly, de gray fros' on dt groui'; Don't tr fnr lunla s , .B . v ir 11 , Duimiier sicies er blue Do Halleluia feehn' is creepin' over you! De world look des lak Chris'mus de country high en low Dc h! t-ps-tiin-ntwtv. de lan' laid out for .now; ' n L I 7 n'f1'? uP7'ardg-4e re "Parks nym', too, En dat Halleluia feeltn' a-creepin' over you! Tears lake de worl' is sayin', in sunshine en in sons; "I feels it in my j'tnts dat good times comin' 'lonir I I)f5V ItUUtaTtB Hat. haflfa Am aiw,,nnn A . b r u r r-; - ,rv" ""i u over- t,nris'mus tree. En de Halleluia feehn' is creepin' over me ! De Chris'mus weather's finest on ever' hill en plain I don't keer how the win' blow, en how de ram-cloud rain I 80 clear de way, my chillun-dis beats the spring en fa' II De Halleluia feehn' is got you one en all ! A. J. Soell wanted to attend a nartv. but waa afraid to doaouoaooount of paina in uu stomach, which be feared would grow worse. He ssys, "I was telling my troubles to a lady friend, who said: "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- tlisia Remedy will put you in condition for the party." I bought a bottle aod lake pleasure io staling that two doses cured me and enabled me to have t good time at the party." Mr. Soell is a resi dent of Summer Rill. N. Y. This mm. snow-crowned and srist. with kit minus : edy is for sals bt W. M. Cohen. drn. of storm and fogi etepe upon tha throne, ' gist. VOR OVKR FIFTi YEARS Mrs. Winslow's 8oothing Syrnp has been used for over fifty years by millions 01 mothers for children, whil rr,;n , -vuvuiug, wilU perfect success. It soothes the child. totlens the gnma, allays all pain, euros wind colio, snd is the bent remedy for Diarrhoea. It will rli. th. i:..i. , .. . w 111 vie sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 oenta s bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," snd tske no oth er kind. 8o sailss look ti thoush the l.A beea soaked ia vinegar. ' welling and inflammation wn to aevere he was "mu. ror eigni yean tne Doiaoti wowld break out every aeiton. Hit condition wai much improvta auer takins one bottle of 8. . 8., aod s few bottlt-i cleared hii blood of tbe polaon. and all avMa ! nt Ik. allau.. t;.. ' J ' People axe often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case ausaj tw uui puaiLiana, ana mey wui cuceriuuy give sucn information and ad- j . v, n.uiuui vuaijje, SOU we will send at the same time an Interest ing nook on Blood and Skin Diseases.! ma swirl sr-tcipic Ctk, ATLANTA, A. Groceries Grand Display or FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. Staple and Fancy -FRUITS. C0NFECTI0KER1ES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden and wil. rrau s Horse, Cow, Hofl- and Pnn 1 f lJ i n n j w, .uu urore . - ,vu(u Ainxanaer'S Liver and Kidney Tonic for puritying the blood. This tonic is warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 23 Waahinartoii An w.u.. w . eel! ly. 'tvv .1 BIAWai a I VIWU81 4 WORKS . Wheels sold and Eepaired-Part of Bier- I film fnmiliA I v.MiUIOUI4. FANCY OOOD8 and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. II. & G. CORSETS, Miasm at 60c, Ladies 76c. to $1. ta.Prira wil) U saade teanit ha timaav ! tIM SwiaVtt sWWseU SUatS C tr1?fM I oroer. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WeluM. K r CO iH.-.'a r v I 0. - ' , MSBS L HISRITT. MIS IUTH STALLIHO Mrs.H.L.MBrritUCo., WELDON, N. C NEW MILLINERY STORE. Good teams and eonfortable Tehiclea. Oivaoaanaall whnn In r m 8 team or a bicycle, 1 Yard and Affimtwn ix.i j atreeta, Weldon, N. C. v- aec m - DB.A.D.BABRETT, DIKTiST 314 Mail Street, Norfolk, Vi. Teeth extracted withuot the slightest pain by the nse of pure nitron oxide vaoot the ufiut .i....k.,i. I r. f ... .nuwn. u n tteen in constant use in my Draatiiw fr an DnffAtm Tli.J'. JMr?' ,chlorofo" "id het adoiois rJraitenl UatS & feri ' ,h bl enaestbetios Gold ,, ,,oa poroelait erown work; artifioial tMih fiiu.. .l. teeth sad all kinds of dental work know w me use art ot the profusion executed in the moat eareful and akilirl . reasonabls pnoes. 314 Main street, Nor- Evenrthlne In onr tin. DEW .1 Trp.Tii.niTK - 'v .'nil.. Beaatitul display of French and Ameri. Bplend'd line of CORSETS, BOSIEST w iw.io smnur, i indies at Welitin uul J- ln .reriull. I..IW1 i. ?. J ma im im aaaij. j MMi. U I. uD:nifvi ai 1 1 m wv., WeaJianeton Ays. and Aide,., WeMras. H.C, M4 a swat "" ' 4 2S-1;. c larTslTfTMaaeuw.

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