jjlwl W. SLEIDO-B, I'ttOPMKTOR. NEWSPAPER FOR TUB PEOPLE. TERMS:-'1'50 PEB annum in advance VOL. XXXVI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1901. NO. 33 ygag r.JT -"i a. j , -a".. f yyyv.-.V'v.v.w....S',V,....,N,-.-.Vv,..yt.,..Sttl The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which ban been lu uh for over 30 yean, has borne the signature of - and baa been made under bin per- J1' sonal lupervliion since IU infancy. tfw4 Allnwr nn nnA it. A AfAf w van In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitation! and " Junt-aii-good" are but Eiiierlments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fevcrinhness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. mI itrrawa mpmw, f imumv imn, ttiw vmh em. S. N. IREDELL & SON, General omission Merchants 17 COMMERCE STREET, NORFOLK!. V.A.. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas i m. Produce. LUMBER, WOOD and SHINGLES. We mtka t speoialty of hiodling North Carolina produce. Guarantee the high t m.rkat nriiM nil nramnt raturna ltuferenoes: Norfolk Ntiool Bsnk sod I I r Commeroisl Agenoies 20 1 If. M. COHEN REFLECTIONS OF CHRISTMAS. Ws, sons of ni, live to oarefolllj that we never require the aid of drugs aod medicine to put ua right. It is a comfort to koow where you oto get them from tad it propor prioes Call on me (or soy Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Toilet Soaps. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cigars AND TO HAVE f Your Prescriptions Filled. Fine Line of High Art Pictures. Prompt Responses Day or Night. W.M.COHKS, Niaraaaclal, Weldon, W.O. All gooda delivered frr Store Phone 11. Rnldenrt '. If ORDOH METAL CO. The Time for Moral Stock-TakingMankind Is Surely Advancing. THE GOSPEL OF PEACE. In epile of the psrsiateDt aoundiDg of the note of pessimism, the discerning e t sees sbtindsnl evidence Tor the beliel that the gofprl of peace on earth and gmd will toward mrn in conquering the mind d heaila of civilized humaoity. Cliri-t- maa euiuas but occe a jrsr, aud it is an ooossion for moral stoik-taking and fur a review of the work dime by toiling, wrak, ioconanteut, eriing biiogs bcaet and sur rounded iih ttmptatiuna. Do w full"W in our daily live and social, political and industrial activities the i-ublinie. perfect creed summed up io the golden rule ol Chriatian ethics ? None will have the hardihood to assert that we are true to the religiuua aod mora! tru'ha we profess, aaya the Chica go Poat, but are we at lout moving to ward the ideal? No query ia more time ly, more vital, more solemo. But a aobir niinded view of acciety will surest a poaitive anawer. We are advancing, though slowly and with many a tall, it- easional reactions and even fine against the light, Mankind ia certainly becom ing kinder, more merciful aod more ympatbetio. There is more good will and aincere devotion to peace and broth erhood than at any former period. Our age haa been described aa one of queatiooiog, eearchiog of hearta, decline of mere dogma and the enthronement of reason aod science. But the eibicil ele merits of religion and they are the tabid nal, the sliding eltmente have never bees more firmly rooted and mire pro foundly recogoiied than now. Tint wealth ia a trual, to be administered for the general good, ia no longer tlio Uto pian suggestion of s few, but the grow. tog theory aod practice. i ublio opinion enforces the higher, the moral duiiea of wealth with even greater rigor than the state doia the purely legal olliginkur at' I aching thereto. The rich man is, in- deed, without honor who faila to provide to the eiteotof bis capacity lor the wanta of the Iraa fortunate, and in thia country the aoouai contribution! toward the main tenance of educational, charitable and other public institutions reach coloaeal proportiona It ia truo that society needs more justice aod less beneficence, but justice ia an intellectual problem to be gradually aolved, whereas tl e maoifeatS' lion of ih nokleit product of evolution t good will, ia e guaranty of the eventual triumph of the altruistic ideal, In great affairs and in small, in na lional and neighborly relations, the still ua I voice of oonacieooe la ctiauily re sisiioe evil impulses aud compelling sub million to the moral law. And alowiy but surely this submission loses the char acter of eompulaion and ktcon.ia sponta seoua, inevitable. Thia ia a stimulating reflection for the holy and uracil ua eca son, sod true one. Mankind Did Not Fully Under stand It Until Christ Was Born. What is tendcrest and beat in the hcurl of man ia evoked when the keys of memory are touched aud the song of tb Christ-day ia sounded. It is the music of tlnj Imuj" anil the loved, a glad, it subdued, melody recalling the carlieat ays of rcGulliutinn an eager tuah for well-filled pendant ptockings, for the ladeo Christmas tree, with ita (tilts for all of the houn hold. Aye, and the esger ushing about the house with merry shout and jnyoua greeting for all. Then, the hosoe-cnitiing of the absent and 'he gathering of all about the family boaid. Whether the coriidors of our memory mansions bo long or short our lives be many or few, the harmonics ling along them just the same, telling of the pres ence in the heart of that which ia old as immortality, and which shall never die love. There, then, thia Christmas day, that Christmas day, and every Christ mas day, is presrut in the heart ihia line for the home, with its iomatia, for friends nil for humanity. Tbe Christ-day praciice of opening li e heart to uoselfi-h influence is bum if tbo tcaohinga of Him whose birth the day commemorates. His the life beauti ul, the life rounded, the ooly completely perfect life. He taueht the lessons i f love, gentleness, mercy, compassion, for giveness, beocfolcuce, chastity and self denial. What ia Lilicr and best in liu manily is of His leaching, and from the alter has come the Christian home, the best development of unselfish aSVciiuD and c internment lobe found among men The CluU-day ia attuned to melody that ever ahull thrill the soul and cause it to brios forth what ia best in it. The herald song of the sogcla to the ahep. herds on the piain is In Blu r, stronger, closer, more harmonious than evtr, in the light of the newer blesMi gs which have come t'tom the Gospel of His peace. The lesson of real humanity, refined, IMvios Itruisui, and not the coarser sort some. times called by this name, was unheard Kr VISIT OIRYWIR-ITE-w The Petresburg Furniture Co., SOU AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. WHO IS SANTA CLAUS ? RICHMOND, VA. Southern Headquarters For IRON, STEEL, METALS. TIN PLATES IRON AND STEEL ROOFINO OF ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDER8 TINNERS TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ETC. Distributors for Niagara Mecbioe and Tool Works, of Buffalo, N. Y. s.SenI ni your orders end inquiries sad pntrosise Southern industries. ht - -4 m 1 5 I The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE J0BBEB8 IS STAPLE & FANCY 2GR0CERIES.& -- - IBS, a .11 I AJPhtvaaiia II Order. BofielUd. . TH V (, Bsbg's Mfik How many s woman datea a life of chronic invalidism from baby'a birth. She tries "diile.rout ductors anil different nreilicinea" witn lit. . jA hundred FJ " Favorite tie benefit. Then, fortunately her at tention ia called to the remarkable curea resulting fiom the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pieamp- tion, ami she givea the meiucuie a tnal Her experience that of ninetv-eight women out ot every who use Pteacri jJtion" for woman ins sne ia cureu. Dr. Pierce's Fa. vorite Prescription ia neculiarli mother's medicine. Ita use before ma ternity makea the baby'a advent prac tically painless. II gives the mother strength to nurse her child. It cures diseaaea peculiar to women and curea them permanently, There ia no alcohol, opium, cocnini or ny other narcotic in " Tavnrite rrevnp. tion." It la purely a vegeiame piiim tion and cannot iliBagree with the weak eat constitution. Mr. Kmennn Allen, of DorH. Ofltirlo Co Ont , write. "I e.n Inil, hv Ih.l I lllliiK nr. Pierct'. medldne. the het I Iwve rr uw4 I w. In wrv pm hrslth tor . lima lime, ilulhi. rraa Ih.lilrih of my lllll. lrl I liM .tiB. mit dortonand dinVrrn! mnllcinM. I ornvnl wry much Bor bcocfll from ymr mriiinnr, thsii Inim an, Mini l I...VC r . . . " ImIIIm of ' Pavorlte Pnrlilmn anil Int.. biSII.. of T.oUtm Mnllcl lilmmry.' anil I alway. keep the ' Mla ' In lh hmo." Pierce'a Common Sense Medical tier Imuml, ia aent Jrte nn receipt of Jt one-cent atampa to jwy '.Hi I lr ,'1 mm if , , i - e 1L It I II lr 1 U1MSI ii JV-iU,iif TIIU HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATK LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. AV IN FIELD, PRESIDENT MANAQEri .Special Attmiinn to Mail Orders. oct 3 lj. ii n di nuTmnm pudictmac jt n rLnniniiun unnioimnoi ,y rCg'g'g'C'afc T'eS.' V2 VaS S '-SaaV FRANK L. STANTON. We knowed we'd heah de muBic er the Chris'mus bells a-nngin' Byde col' win's en de snowballs dat de angels wuz a-flingin'j ay de way de hre talked it ter de chillun high en low, En de tracks dat Major Rabbit lef behind 'im in de snow. De settlement wuz buzzin' lak a beehive, up en down Sich highfalutin' fixin's sich a mighty stirrin' 'roun' 1 Sich bakin' er de 'possums, paradin' er de pies, Made de h r pickaninnies show ue whitin er dey eyes. Tradition Answers With A Pretty Story. It is frequently ssked, "Who is Ssnta Claui?" Here is storj sbout him tbst lets light upon bis real character. He was bishop of Mjra and died about tbe jeer 32C. Among his pariabooers (so runs one story) there lived s oertsio oo blemao who had three daughters. From bciog rich he became au pour that there seemed to him no tneane of obtaining fond fur his daughters but by sacrificing them to s diahonurable life. Over and uver again the thought cams ioiu hie mind to tell then so, but shame and sor row held him dumb. Me.i.whi!e the maidens wept continually, nut koowiig what to do and having nu bread to eat, and their father became mure and more desperate. When St. Nicholas heard of this, he thought it a shame that such thing should hsppen in Cbriaiian land. Therefore one oight when the maidens were asleep aod their father along sat watching and weeping be took handful of gold sod tying it np in s handkerobitf repaired lo the nubletnan's dwelling. He oontidered how he might bestow it with out making himself knowo, and while La Hood irresolute the moon cuiing from behind a cloud showed him an open win dow, So he threw io tbe gold, and it fell at the feet of the father, who, when he found it, returned thanks and pre sented it to bis eldest daughter as her wedding portion A second time St. Nicholas collected a similar sum, sod sgain he threw it in bj night. So s wedding portion was provided for the second daughter. But the curiosity of the old nobleman was now eicited. He Poor Soils are made rkh er and more productive and rich soils retain their crop-pro ducing powers, by the use of fertilizers with a liberal percentage of Potash. Write for our books tent fret which gire HI details. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 93 NsUmu Stmt, New York CHy. ; The One Among Many.' The one make of instruments that holds its lone through s generation of use fulness. ' 1MK OS 4 plANos Are not built fur show thej're con. etructed with experienced care; the? last a lifetime end more, vet their oost ia verjr moderate, considering their quality. Bend us your addiess sod you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating terms. rianoe of other makes to suit tn most greatly desired to koow who it wsa that economical came to hia aid. Tbercfuis he deter- CHARLES M. STIEFF, I We had'the Chris'mus feelin' en we 'lowed de whole plantation mined to watob. When the good asintl Wrerooma, 8 N. Liberty street. wouiu nave a dinner wnat woum ue a nongry man satvaiiom camo lor the third timesod prepared to J ISClOrT d. LajBTHIi ATS., I T covered, lor ins nooieman seiseu mm oy me skirt of his robe snd flung himself at bis feet, sayioi!, "Oh, Nioholas, aervant of God. whs seek to hide thvself?" And Dar wuz thinnin' out er Turkeys whar you use to see dem roam; throw ; tDe tti(lj portion, he De Rabbit quit housekeepin' en de 'Possum warn't at home ! oovered.for the nobleman seized h De table wuz de longes' stretchin' out so fur away and It made you think er sundown shakin' ban's wid break er day! Des piled up wid do plenty f 'um 'possum down ter pie, En ever'body eatin' lak he'd git der by en by. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. En all de time de fiddler wuz a makin' music fine of uoiil from His peace nn the Jlount of En watchin' er de dishes ez we pass 'um down de line; Iieatuudrs He gave u forth, music En we kept in sich a fidget ez dat nddle-bow he swing, sweittr than angele ever sany, that hiher We up en let de dinner en we nop inter de ring! soug that niao lives not unm himself a one, and that the gientisl thit which cimea of doing otheis. Pence on earth I good wil he kisaed his fest snd hands. But St, Nicholas made him tiromiee that be would tell no man. Sister Johnson, 'near ter lead us: She weitrh three hundred pond unto En 8he took up wid de notion dat she'd swing de deacon's 'roun'; En ter see era des a-Kwinel . . . Dey sholy peared ter ny, Y111. J- II 11 1. f X .1 - to men Lait tie no wuz maue er ruuuer, en wouiu uuunce um ter uv When tile llair Fans THE BRIGHT, SWEET SEASON. Tnat higher anng which lifts wan above SKT 1 Mown and makea tnui tut utile lower peare,i de whole plantation wuz scrougin' in de do', in.o me angeia. Kn de niggers on de outside lak blackbirds in de snow; The (Jlmst theme will never die. rirst En de banier en de riddle beat de bes' er all de ban s, heard on tbe plains of Bethlehem, with De white folks des a-laughin' en a-clappin' er dey han's ! .L- It J. I. L ... .1 . I me, .owning emu-.eu,p,0 Uui vu. . , .... on . .nn(l tnP -ml uun." m.u.u when vou full er halleluver en de me en 'Dossum. too: i i.i . i: f.i.-l r -I . . .. . ' ' ncara Hie leacninga m me law ui reveugc En ef lt8 W1Q gome ailment 1 got ter reacH de Sky. aod love of self, heard there for the first I hopes de jury'll lay it ter Chris'mus Possum Pie! time, it has been souodiog ever since, spreading wider and wider, uutil now It compasses the whole earlh. In Christ's dy Home bad waxed to ita soon of majesty, yet Rome paased snd wss not On that kingdom rose other kingdoms, which peiisbed in their turn. Since He I lived one system after another system of philosophy has been built up, only to be I torn down sgain. But the words of the Christ be snd sbide, and they shsll stand forever, influencing men to nobler lives and higher results in living. His King dom is an everlasting Kingdom, and of its duration there shsll be no end. Meet snd riht is it, then, that the Christ-day shall be one of gladness io the human heart; that the ohildreo shall take I Dart in it, since He loved them and biassed them, and that gifts shall be ex changed in token of that love for one an other, which He bore fur all humanity. Dr. Adviser, paper .incline of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Christmas Superstitions. To be born on Christmas day is, ao- oorJing lo an old superstition, to be lucky 1 all out 's life. The rrat event of the Chiisimss din ner 400 or 5U0 ysrs sgo was the entry of the chief cook bearing tbe boar's head,! garniahrd with roaeary. In G rowall Chriaimae eve is s special holiday whh children, who sre allow, d I lo sit up till midnight sod drink to the "Mock" ss lbs Yule log isosiied ihere, Ibe Twilfih fake wss formerly made full of plums and with a bean snd a pea. Wbosver pot the former was king and wbeever found the latter wss queen of the ocreuioeies, New York Herald. If FRANK L. STANTON. Its good to be a-livin' 'most any time o' year, When Spring is weavin' garlands fer all folks to wear ; But in the merry season when Christmas comes alor?, Life then goes to the chorus of a jubilatin' song I You clean fergit the sorrow you leave the hitter strife, An' reap in brighter gardens the richest blooms o' life; When your feet are in a fidget to a lively fiddle's soi'id, There's joy enough believers, to reach the) world aroand! The weather's jest so bracin' the twinkle o' the frost, 'Pears like it recompenses fer all de roses lost: The homes there in the valley, where the blue smoke up'ards curls, And the halleluia singin' on the brisk ride with the girls! Oh, its good to be a livin', beneath a sky o' blue, When all your toil's rewarded, an' all your dreams come true ! All in the juicy season when Christmas comes along, An' life goes to the chorus of a jubilatin' soag I accompanied by mucous paicnea in the mouth, erup tions on tbe skin, sure throat, copper colored snlotches, Alt swollen lu:uls, aching muscles lllll hunc''. Ul' disease is making v rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly an.l enecuiaiiy cicanseo or ims violent fiestnictive ooison. S 8. K. ia ihe nnlv sale and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures uie worst cases thoroughly and permanently. Ha CondllliB Could -Siia Ilns-nR I t rlsti Dave Bcm No Worse. jte-ssiS did me no food ; I wai rtttlni; worse til tbe . niHhilrrainainiii nirsTi nnaFrd in tnr throat And month, my botv wan almoit covered with copper colored aplotcheg and offensive gore. tttinrrea aevereiy ironi innimnn. !"" In my shoulder nd irmi. My condition could nave ween no wotw ; uniy uiuajca.uu.icii a can undemland my auffrringa. I had ahowl lost all hope of ever Dcing wru pia wi I decided: to iry e. o. 1. but muit con fen I had littte faith left in an medicine. After Ukinjr thethird bottle I noticed change in my condi tion. Thia wan truly en couraging, aod I deter- tninra 10 Hive s. a. i. thorough trial. From M lhattitneontheimprove- meat was rapid ; s. . y f aeemed to htve the div f case completely under control; the anre and leers healed and 1 wasi toon free from all niicm'ty IK. .lianr.lor 1 hnvf "" JL,. W. buiTM, iucsi uoj on, nooiesnne, in. is the only purely vei table blood punt known. $i,ooo is offered for proof that it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Senrt tor our lire dook on niooa roiwn ; It contains valuable information about this disease, witlt full directions fox sell treatment ' We charge nothing for medi cal advice ; cure yourself at borne. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA New Drug Store I New Medicines! V,L BEAVAIIS-, ;enfield, n. c. Dnmist aii Plannacirt, Oppoaite Kandolph Bros. Full line of eTtrrtliinir. usuallr fouud ia a drag atore. Perfnmeriea, Soaps, Toilet Articles. Prescriptions carerblljr and accurately componnded day or night. 8 161 J. 111! If W irocenes J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine-' Staplel and Fancy' w-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. 1 Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden and wll- lowware. Alao Pratt's Morse, Cow, Hoff and Ponltrr Pood, and Orav.'a 2 Tasteless Chill Tonic Alexander'! the blood. Thia tonic is warranted or moner refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 93 Washington At.., Weldon, N. C' dee 11 ly. "II, L. Q-I2A1TT,- BICYCLE i WORKS Wheels sold and Repaired Part, of Bicy cles furnished. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS CD 3 4 THE REASON WHY. BEST FOR THE BOYELS WB&Shamm&tea. PAT 'EM LIKE GAMUT B.-..I .;' "S'r'nl""" aria's "'. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAR Angling in life's river, Cupid drops bis line; On the hook he fastens Some fair maiden fine. Men those silly fishes Quick dart up above; Out he pulls anil frirs them In 1 he fire of love. . No government can make a people free when their hearts are enslaved. Thers is do roan so poor ss to hs without the itilarnoe of his example. Tbe familf altar is tbe heart of the home and determines ita health. Tba war a man parte liii I a r has ireat deal to do with whether a woui D iliiuks he is a Keutleiuan or nut. MAJORIE JIOOKE. "I heard a story lutoly, which I think is very queer!" And Robert's self was on my lap, his lips were at my ear "A Hrpudfiii. tifeadlul story " a sudden, awful pause Somebody said the other day there ain't np Santa Cluub. Would vou believe it, auntie? They said 'twas all a trick About ta tinv reindeer and the visits of Saint Nick. That all the chimneys were too small, the stoves were all too hot. And lots of just such stuff as that, I can't remember what. They said that years and years ao, with fireplaces wide, And all the doors upon the latch in all the countryside, Both old and young for myths and dreams had quite a pretty passion. But now belief in Santa Claus had all gona out of fashion. And when I cried that I could prove 'twas all a wicked lie, They only shrugged their shoulders and said I'd better try; I never will believe it, 1 Enow it can't De truei For if I've never seen him, say, auntie, haven't you? Ah. ves. mv little Questioner, auite often in mr dreams. Though when I wake I only see the cold, white, still moon' beams; Dozing I often think I hear the sound of horn and hoof, And waking find the elm-tree boughs a-tapping on the roof. But I have other reasons than those plain to eye and ear For trusting in the story that we hold so true and dear; I never shall outgrow it, nor lose my faith, because The world will never get beyond a need of Sauta Claus, Hi,',1 M ... i- 7 s i . il Bah. Alwtriralltfila LaHKa, MS nnweiiS SK A I lairsnfsat snauLiaaf i mi ai aJ A it 'J SJoia nitWIlo boiM, wlia blu. SIMM. fX Mtf x A S I Tatuiw. B.niHaus.rMiMaia. r A L i X. mj kUMiua iBii.auM. aurorrouiinuaOK, S w' ' I vk i fl laiMl 4a. In suinii. lot rarllealM, Ttt. Y t I I nli ml 'BalM kl Uan."la, gT . . W i 1 t nun Blall. le.eM Tauiusilia. tela a V W Ji umoiM. Jg ' 0 v ' ii a caioaiiTia cusio.t oo. Vi.' ii -W is m w Good teams and oomforUhls vehicle. Give na a call when in need of wood, a team or a bicycle. Yard and office corner Maple ana Beooaa streets, Weldon, N. 0. aeo " BR.iD.BMEn, BEH1IST 3U Mail Street, Norfolk. Vi. Everything in onr line NEW and T' Mtracted witboot the slightest pain TJP-TO DATE. 1 17 the use of pure nitrous oiide vapoi Beautiful display of French and Ameri- iba safest anaealbeile known. It bat' can I been In oonstaot sse la my practioe for 30 . . I years. Chloroform and ether admioia- '- Pattern Hats' teredi a id om etioa ooid ' 0 .. I bridge work. dr. ild nruwn and tmraal.la Snlendid line of C0R8ET8. ROHIEBY crown work; srtiSoial teeth, filliosx tba and NOTIONH gmierally. teeth sod sll kioda of dental work known Ladies of Weldon and aurrounding ooua- t0 BD, ,rt 0f ,n nrofeseion elecnled MHRfl H I. MKKKITT. M1S9BUTM STALLING Mro.H.L.MerritUOo., WELDON, N. C NEW MILLINERY STORE. trv cordially invrtod to live m a call. Hid tl. Li. M KKKl IT i IA , WaahlnKton Ave. and 3rd St., WeUon.N.C. oetiy. in the noet eareiul aod skillful manner at reasonable prioes. , 31 1 llaio street, Nor folk, Vs. v , , 4-.5-1;.

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