jOHIT "W. SLBDC3-B, proprietor. yOL. XXXVI. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TERMS:-'1'50 PER annum in advance NO. '36 WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16. 1902. Tim Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has been In ue for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of f and has been made under his per- f' yjih, onal supervision since Its Infancy. Wo, COCA'. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Justus-good but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Caitorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS Si The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. S. N. IREDELL & SON, General Commission Merchants, 17 COMMERCE STREET, NORFOLK. YA. Ootton, Peanuts, Peas all Produce. LUMBER, WOOD aod 8BINGLES. Wa make lanecialtv of handling North Cro!ini produce. Guarantee the high at m.,bi tan! nrnm rvt Fattiima It-ferenoea: Norfolk National Bank sod Commercial Agencies - j. 20 ly W M. CQHEJN ...... We, boos of us, live so oarefullly that we never require the aid of drug tod medicines lo put ua right. It is a eomfort to know where jou eao get them from and at proper prioes. Call oo me for any Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Toilet Soaps. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cigars AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled. CSaV Fin. Line of High Art Pietnres. Prompt Response Day or Night. W.H.COHIN,Fhrwulit,WMon,M.O. All good delivered free g on Phone la, Bnldenee . II J nnnnnn mm UUllUUll iMUiau W0 BY A KISS. "It was the Dear Lady's Kind Look and Touch and Kiss that Did It." . Tbia prettjr pieoo in worthy of a place is any Christian paper- There are so many waja of working fr Jesus. Tliia incident is ooly one of the thousand of meani which God usss toaocumpliih Ilia purpoaea. It il nut uu.l that a aoul can be won to Oed by a mere k'ui. But auch waa the recently io the tour of a lady city miHionary, aha saya: "1 bad been making one of my regular visits among the poor and distrenaed, and on leaving waa followed to the door by a young girl, was 6xed upon a beautiful looking violin litlle more than a child. that bung io the oentre ol the window. Uoconacioualy, or perhapa rather aa a I Upon coming nearer he heard him sing- matter of oourae. I nut mv arm around I in? familiar melody in a pure, swer t her, and kiiaing her cbaek, took my voice, which be accompanied with rhyth- leave, and thought no more of the inoi-1 mioal morementa of his Blender arms and dent. fingers aa if he were playing the violin. A few weeka later thia girl aiose in a I He stopped to listen, quite charmed at teatimooy meeting at our mission, aud, in I the innooent, childish apeotaole. Just vain tiRmblinu wiik emotion, said. 'I then the little bov looked up, and, abashed love the Lord, and want to tell you bow t being observed, oeased his performance, I came to be a Christian. One day a "Do you think you could play as well lady came to where I lived and tellud upon that violin, if you had it, as you about Jeaua. It wasn't o much what I can ting, my little fellow ? she said, but when ahe was going she kissed me I It had been so loug since soy one bad given me a kiss or a kind word, the first time ainoe my mother died, and aomebow it seemed to soften my heart, and I felt that this Isdy mutt have tomelbiog that makes her different from the other folks that haven't cared anything about me, aod the m ire I thought ab-rat it the mire I wanted it myself. And an I oams to Qd and aaked Him to forgive my aios for Jesus' sake, and I know that I am saved. But 0, in the first place, it waa the dear lady'a OLE BULL'S CHRISTMAS GIFT. The Great Musician Became In terested In a Little Boy Who Was Looking Through a Shop Window at a Beautiful Violin. Christmas eve, as s tall, dignified-look ing gentleman was wslkiog leisurely along one of the by-streets of London, bis attention was attracted to a litlle hoy who was looking in at a abnp-wiodow io which were displayed various atliclea (soma of them apparently second-hand) for ssle. As the gentlemen, whose long, thick hair fell far below his fur oap, ap proached the little boy, he saw his gsae -VISIT OB WEITE-wi The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. STORY OF THE MISTLETOE. How The Mistletoe Gets On The Trees. IK THE HUSTLING: AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHIHUB. A . J. W I N F I ELD, PRESIDENT 4 MANaOER .Special Attention to Mail Orders. oc 3 ly. "I don't know, sir, but I would like to try, the boy replied. "Come with me," isid the gentleman, and together they went into the ehnp. "How much for the violin in the window?" "Five pounds." "Too much by half," said the gentle- ... H man. "show me something oneaper. After being ahowo five or aix other violins, which he rejected after merely glancing at them (the little boy's big blue eyea lookiog more and more wistful all the time), the shopkeeper haoded out kind look aud touch and the kias tba1 a dingy, antiquated violin, witb the re did it I" mark, "Here'e an old fiddle that I got of I uilnr. It needs flintr UD a bit. but yon I . . .. ..,llnm I SHE UIU A5 HC AUVIatU. M0 ntva U juet a it is fur use pound tan hillinn." The itentleman ecrutioild it . - n - o I Hocus What happened wties you i in,M and out remarked that it told your mother-in-law to mind her own . f ; bll, ,tid business ? Pocus I don't exactly know. I recovered consciousness, I waa hospital. Postage stamps ate egotistical they get stack on themselves When in the when Mi ffJaVf t Nothing "Just ho Good"' A. TV. Pierce's Favorite Prescription (or womanly diseases. N one knows thia better than the wamyn who has tried local doctora and many medicines and found no cure until ahe began the, nae of "Favorite Prescription." It establishes regularity, atopa weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. ' . tmnhlM ft llltM TMII with ulcera tion sad fem.le we.kne-. and my doctor in me but little relief." writM Mr tula Hunter, at Alleotoo, St. Loot. Co., " adTattiaimnt la the paper of Doctor Pierce j F.yoril. Prencrlptloa. J bS" . rf boat a Tear .so. I took bot- " , ""i one bottle of 'colde Medical Dtacoeent,' d my healta U netter aow in.n J I liae also recommended theae mediclnei to loeae of my friende, who taSered from lemsU weakseaa. aad food rctulU kav foUowed." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent fret on receipt ot ai one- expenae oi maum k. V. Pierce, Bu cent stamps to pay expense ol mailing aarfrcaa Tr. IL V. Pierce, Bui- bio, M. v. U . . . RICHMOND. VA Southern Headquarters For IBON, STEEL, METALS. TIN PLATES, IRON AND STEEL BOOFINO OP ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDERS TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF --Ml EVERY DESCRIPTION, ETC. Diatribatori for Niagars Maebtus aad Tool Works, of Buffalo, N. Y. iSjuSeod us your ordsrs sod laqniries sod patrosiae Sootbetti induatrtae. It Tho Weldon Grocery Co. WB0LK8ALS JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCEIIIES & aa w. cl.ii flnl. Ta l."arhanta. 0SWts4. raBwau"iBo7;. U.V,.MV'rfT.Vt. - - CHICHESTER'S LTwLISa EI "lYnOYAL FILLS I lltran lallakle. lavaiaa, ask riraalM i HirKKrfBM usuas a cm w O.M aulallla keaea. mmii wl Slu Te.kaMa.kar. atoMiMl aatieaS urr"Innal, M taoa aa. I. Mama. M Partlamlara, J""- WnMioaaU, laea reaiimaaiMa mnminl Dwianoai. ot. laaaa. raiu, wm. DEST FOR THE ODVELS Ma heeea1. a reeal", a-'-?,.. . oul CANDY CATHARTIO ar a-r sens I lata? CANDY Ptaaeaat. PalaUM., P.w. "L,2"ij'!2?I aU.ttak AalalrataM Ainu m Sim viiM IM eawiae e asw voaa. that he would give just one pound for it( which the ahop-kaeper, after aome hesi tation, accepted, and the money was paid him. "Put oo s string io plsce of this I ro- ken one," eaid the gentleman; "aod fur nish me a sood bow I will psy extra for it." While tbia waa beiug doue, the gentle man looked down at the little pale, won- darinv faee unturned to his, and said. n ( "What iayour name?" The boy quickly reaponded, "Leo 1 1 and father ringa the obimea if you hark, you oan hear 'em now I" Tbe gentle man listened for s moment or two, and as fie sound of the grand old bells died stay, tbe abopman handed bits tbe vio lin and bow ready for use. After tun ing the instrument carefully, be uubut- toned hia fur-trimmed travelling ooat, sod placing tbe violin under his ohin, began eofily aod aweetly to play the tune which the Christmas bells had just rung out. For some minutes he coniinued to I nlay, weaving the air into ever) conceiva ble kind of variation, and ended by play Ins the melodv once more, acoompaoied n with harmonica and brilliant arpeggios After the violin and bow bad been placed is tbe box he haoded it to the bewildered bov. and patting him on bia eurly bead, I remaiked as be buttoned up bis great overcoat: "Carry the violin home witb you and take good care of it; il is .worth naa hundred oounda at least. Learn to play the tune I heard you singing out side tbe window, and aa many mors as you esn. Tell your father to get you s good teacher. Yoo may keep the violin; it is s Christ mas preaent from Ola Bull." Ha opened the door for hia little protege, aod vassed out into tbe crowd just as the nhriaimaa bells raoi out aeaia their I merry ehime. UKUflOWHTO UWtERS Judga , one of the great lawyera of 1 the last generation, charged s client s re tainer of 11,000 io an important case, but the parties get together next morning and aattlad the suit before the judge had opened a hook ec wiiiUa a !iss ee?ri- log it. His client celled to see it ne weald sot refund part of the money. Tbe lawyer seemed surprised at tbs sugges tion. "IWundt" be exclaimed. "Re fund, did yos say T My friend, that ia a kind of fund unknown to tbe legal pro fession I" RmECTlONS OF BACHELOR. A man earns bis fame, his friends spend it for him. Little children are the rosea surround ad by the grown up thorns. Good men er women can love the bad nmaa or mee. but the bad seldom love the geod. Gives woman bar child, her Bible and her old love letters sad so adversity oaa dauat her. The mas who hasn't anything good Is aay f aey'uedy else hasn't anything good to ba said of himself. Tbeioea,k thief lakes things nnj, 1 00.00.00. 0100 fit ( nu TUC UPIPUTC w (V Ull MIL, IILIUIIItJi At AGNES HELEN LOCK H ART. We strolled together where the apple boughs Bright with the ruddy fruit, bent 'neath their weight, And down the aisles whtre four-leaved clovers hid, Until we reached the time-worn garden gate. Behind us like a sea of molten gold There flashed a field of waving tasseled wheat, And scarlet poppies bowed their stately heads To kiss the blue-eyed flowers at their feet. The birds were trilling forth sweet notes of glee; The dial marked the speed of fleeting hours; The red rose bared her fragrant golden heart, And lured the sun god from the lily's bowers. So stood we thus, my love and I, together; For here our paths divided at the gate, Her's leading through the sweet, old-fashioned gar den, Mine o'er the hills, where silent shadows wait. She would not climb the darkening hillside with me, And I in anger would not go her way, So, each one scorning to recall the other, We parted then forever and a day! Now through the magic mist of memory's twilight, So like a star my loved one's face I see Ah, would that I had crossed the garden with her, Or she had climbed the ruggea neignis wun me i The story of bow tbe mistletse geln on the trees is to me a meet iotereeiiog oae. Covering the mistletoe twigs sre pearly wbile berries. These come io thi wioter sesson, when food is comparniv.i ly scree, and benoe aouie of our bird eat them freely. Now when a robin eaia a cherry he swallows simply tba meat and flipa the atone away. Tba aeed of the mistletoe the bird esonot flip. It is sticky and holds to 'be bill. His only resource is to wipe it off, and be does so, lesviug it sticking to the brsnohes of tba tree oo which he is silting at the time. Thia seed sprouts after a time, aod not Soding earth which indeed its ancestral habit has made it oease wsnling it sinks its roots into tbe bark of the treo and buota there for tbe pipea that carry the sap. Now thessp io the bsrk is the very richest io tbe tree, far richer than in the wood, and tbe mistletoe gets from its host the choicest of food. Witb a strange foreaight it does not throw ila leavea away, aa do most psrssites, but keeps tbem to use in winter, when tbe tree is leafless. When our old Saxon ancestors worshipped under the oaks, aod indeed tbe trees themselves, they naturally felt a rrapect for the mistletoe wbich the oak supported. When we hang it in our rooms at Christmaa time we are but making a blending of our early heathen with eur later Cbristisn religion.' REMARKABLE CUkoP CROUP A Litlle Boy's Life Saved. I have a few words to ssy regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I can not praiae it enough. I bought a bottle I of it from A. S. Stcere, of Goodwin, 8. ID., and when 1 got home with it tbe poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave I the medicine aa directed every ten min utes until he "threw up" and then I I thought aure he waa going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long airings. I I am poailive that if I had not got that I bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth today. Joel Demoot, Inwood, Iowa. For sale by W. M. Co- I hen, druggist. JLiJjliiiiimstissiai ssssnsi Small crops, unsalable veg- L' aJf-iVv1e Fnciilf f mm unnf nf P, Potash. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORICS, 93 Nuuu St., New Ystlt, The One Among Many. The one make of inatrumenta that holds its tone through a generation of use fulness. 5TIEFF pIANos Are sot built for show they're eon- uruoted witb experienced care: they laat a lifetime and more, yet tbeir ooat is very moderate, considering tbeir quality. Bend ua your address and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating terms fiaoos of other makes to suit Ins most eoonomioal. CHARLES M. 8TIEFF, Warerooma, 9 N. Liberty street. Factory E. Lalayette Ave., Aiken sad Lanvale Streets Baltimore. Md. oct 81 ly. New Drug Store I New Medicines! Y.E. BEAVANS- 'ENFIELD, N. C. TIRES HISJMIICES. Dript 111 FkllUtllt, ll iippia AAsns lh ii a ;ilin.;,. M. kaea tkinrs nrettv Opposite Randolph Bros. il rr m.hhy il LIFE'S SCARS, a-t-.tJllvl ELLA WHKKLEtt WILCOX. They say the world is round, and yet I often think it square; So many little hurts we get From corners here and there. But one great truth in life I've found, While journeying to the west; The only folks who really wound Are those we love the best. The man you thoroughly despise Can rouse your wraih, 'tis true; Annoyance in your heart will rise At things mere strangers do; But those are only passing ills. This rule all lives will prove: The rankling wound which aches and thrills Is dealt by hands we love. The choicest garb, the sweetest grace Are oft to strangers shown; The careless mein, the frowning face Are given to our own. We flatter those we scarcely know We please the fleeing guest, And deal many a thoughtless blow To those who love us best. Love does not grow on every tree, Nor true hearts yearly bloom; Alas! for those who only see This cut across a tomb! But, soon or late, the fact grows plain To all through sorrow's test The only folks who give us pain Are those we love the best "A millionaire can have things pretty much bis own way in thia world," said ese philosopher. "Ha oan," said the other, "until be cornea to make bia will." Full line of everything usually found ia a drug store. Perfumeries, Soups, Toilet Articles Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded day or night. 8 16 ly. Its s luoky thing for tbe average man T T, JTJDKINS. tbat be doesn t xnow some oi me miug. thst other people know abnut him. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine tnaladv IStanlefl nearly alwaya inherit it not neceaaarily ni 'ivTVPVP SutTerera from thia horrible bom the parents, but may be from aome TJ1 -remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs I tlllUy n.. lav dormant in the blood for T 'uf 1,M11U then Ears, or unui yw - s first litUe sore or ulcer makes its sp- FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. pearaace-or a awollen gland in the Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden and IwU LraasL or aome other part of the body, lowware. Also Pratt s Horse, Cow, Evtethe first warning. Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove S To cure Cancer thoroughly and penn K Tasteless unui ionie. Alexanders SO cure 6 f r I W . . . tr-lJ 1W. for .nrifwlna aenUy all the poisonous virus must be ll it driven out. This 8. 8. S. does, and b the only medicine that can reach deep. .- h.tlmta blmd troubles like this. When'aU the poison has been forced out of the syatem the Cancer heala, and the disease never returns. Cancer begins often In a email way, as the ih fmin Mrs. Shirer shows : A m.U pirapic came un u,y j- -- - lJrtk.Siathelettald.ola.laca. Itga-a saa ao pain or nico-Tcn-alaee, aud I .koultl have IWfOtte- about It had It aot dccud to Indarne and e U MOTHER'S SONG. MttauedforaotaellBe, I I 1 1 well, becomliif -ry e.v f t aaiaraL The Cancer be- -x T S i.a o aat aad .oraad, f Snlll It was a. l.ri. ui fclldollar,w-enreerd 1 fjf ill IS and delermla- T, I d to (i- K a trUl, ,e A a4 It wt. remark. bia WrawWt Liver and Kidney Tonic for purifyina the blood. Tbia tonic ia warranted or money refunded. J.L. JUDKINS, No. 23 Washington Ave., Weldon, M. 0' dee 11 ly. H. L. QRANT, jaiCYCLE il WORKS .... Wheela sold and Repaired Parts of Bicy cle furnished. ZD Of lira's thorny, rufgud track, ' Aa we tarry looking back, Tender momoriea aweetly riae To the simple and the wiae And saong the variuus iliiuugi Softly echoes mother's songs. First s'er every sunny head, Is ita little cradle bed, Bent tbe tender faoe and true, With the love-light ahining through, Crooned the baby lullaby, Crooned the baby lullaby. When the little feet could walk, And tbs lisping tongue could talk, Then waa put to laving ass Wiser (T) songs of Mother Qeoee, Till the baby laughter rang Merrily as mother sang. Then aa growing girls and beys, Taating childhood's dearest ioys, Mother's voice ws loved to bear Singing songs of hope and chest, Chanting hymns io her sweet way, Hymns whose echoes live today. Dearest mother, airs divine Ne'er oaa seem like hyuas of thine, Bleeeed kymoa we bpe to hear Whea tba feeareeJy lewd vm near, Hyaes of weieoma, hyssas of peace, yV has all oars ssd pat ehtU seue. what a wonderful en eel l h kad Train ike er. Dcflmiai t the sore beta J Ceataw fter taking, few bottles dtiappeare. I eaUrely. w wa. two ye. i - i MfU ot lae Canear.and mr awral kealll I not-Mae. a. Sum, la mala. Ma I 7v 0. 0. ia lha trreaUst of all blood rjurlnera. and the I . oniy oaa S"'- j-5 w Irmrely veswuoie. oenai 1 'for oar Ires book oal 5 X -1 n r 0 SVnewr. containing ralusMO sna inuraav Inw information anout ilua rlf.o,irr,hvairians abemt yoorcaae, Wl make no charge for medical advice. THI SWIFT tr-ECI'IO CO, ATLANIA, SA. MS M B UHUBITT. If IBS IVTR STALLIMO Mrs.RlSemtt&Oo., WELDON, N. C NEW MILLINERY STORE. Everything la our line NEW sad UP-TO-DATE. Beautiful display of French, aod Ameri can . 1 tevevaaa aMwMi Boleadld line of CORSETS. HOBIEKT and NOTIONS generally. iAdiee of weldon aua aaareaacant coaav Ian.n.i.puiiau'. WaablBftea Ave. aad Art St., Witta,tl.a .. cctsiy. . ; - - , - P yr i Good teams and oomfbrtabV vehicles. Give us s call whea ia need of wood, a team or s bicycle. Yard and offloe cornet Maple ana Heeoaa atreete, Weldon, M. 0. dec SO BR.i.D.B4RRETT, BSNTIST 314 Miii Street, NrfoIlc. Va. Teeth extracted wtthuot the slightest pain by tbe use of purs nitrous oiide vapoi the safest anaesthetic koowa. It has been io constant see ia my practice for 30 years. Chloroform ssd other adminis tered; suo tbe boat loot. SAacMhattes.Uolel bridge work, gold crown sod porcelain erowa work; artificial teeth, filling tbe teeth aod all kinds of deotal week kaowa too too art of the profession eiscoA'td la the most careful sad skillful meaaet at roaaonalt pri'ioa. . 814 Mmp etnwt, Wot- btk, Y. ,', . ; ' v J