JOHIT "W. SLEDGE, .'KOPRIKTor. VOL. XXXVI. A. UBWSPAPEB FOE THE PEOPLE. TERMS:-"-5" PRR annw in .i-vn.k WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. 1902. NO. 37 JP"J; -r- I For Infants and Children A'cgclalile Preparalionfor As similating iheFoodandRegula Lng (he Stoiaachs and Bowels of Promotes DigcslionCheerful nessanclRest.Conlains neither Opium,Morphine norMiieral. Not Narcotic. flitm Smi Mx.SmuuL Ammixf' IlimjKn nmmr. ADerfecl Remedy forConstipa- Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .Feverish ness And L089 OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature or NEW YORK. "T The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of BET w exact copy or wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years icastoii TM eiMTAUM OOVMHT. HW WITT. , 8. N.-IEEDELL & SON, General Commission Merchants, It COMMERCB STREET, NORFOLK. "VA. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas fu Produce. LUMBER, WOOD tod SHINGLES. We mike t speoislty of bindliog North Csrolios produce. Guarantee the high est market prioe and prompt returns References: Norfolk National Bank and Commercial Agencies Je 20 AN ANCIENT LOVE STORY, He Was Willing To Die The Ono Ho Loved. For Oos of Xanophnu's works tells sboui the expleitl of C;tua 'be Great, and I lie fallowing lo?e shir; is found in it : Cyrus had captures an Armenian kintr who had been in revolt, Among the captives was the king's fumily, inelunini! his wife, son, and son's wife. Cyrus Imd them all brought before him, and in re ply to his questions the captive kin); ad mitted that by the fortune of war he and his family rightfully belonged to the conqueror, and bondago was what they bad to expeot, "How much money would you give In get your wife back acaio ?" Cyrus asked the king. "All the money I o.uld give," he re plied. Then, turning to the king's son, who was newly married and was passionately in love with lib wife, Cyrus put the ami' question to him. "Tigranes, huw much would ycu give to get your wifo bark again ?" The young prince said: "Ojrn, 1 would givo my very life to savo her from servitude." It is pleasant to be able to record that the conqueror was magnanimous enough to release his captives without ranMim sod to entertain tbeoa royally belore they departed. When they got back home they wire loud iu their praise of the generality of Cyrus and of his noble and handsome Demon, and Tigranes asked his wife if she did not think Cyrus was haod.-o ue. "I can't say," she replied, "for I was not looking at him." "You were not I" exclaimed her lius batid, in great surprise. "Pray, then, whom were you looking at?" Her answer must have thrillid biaa with joy as she replied, her eyes over flowing with love and perhaps with tears: "Tbe only mao I saw was the one who aid he would give bis life to aave me from bondage." There is a beautiful application that the Chilian's heart can make f this an application so plain that no words are needed to entorce it. Innstian server. CAUGHT IN AN EXPLOSION. A Miner's Description of His Feelings When he was Blown Up. A miner who was blown up while bleating a rock aV-eribes his sensations thus.- "You see, its so sudden. Its over just annul the time ynu begio to underhand that sumething is happening. You kniw I had the cartridge in my hand and put it down. Then I got afraid of it. All at once everything waa light. I dou't think I saw the flash. Any way mv face was lot exaotlv toward tbe ei- plosion. "Idii then everything got light, lighter than day kind of blinding. There was an awl'ul crash. It waa juat at the sane tiuie. I was terrified and wanted to get away. It was just as if I was hav ing the nightmare. Somehow, though, I knew just what the natter was. A man can think faster than he has any idea nf. I knew that sosaeof the others were nearer the explosion, and I said t" myelf,'They'te blown into kite, that', certain.' "You undersiand, thia was all in I sec ond sll at onoe, really. Then it was exactly the same as if I had , been hii with a (tick. I thought it waa a bit tick, bigger than any man eould swing and that it muat be worked by maohio e'j. It hit me on the head and all over. I went sailing into the air a long, long way. My earl roared, and the wind b'ew into my face. I knew when 1 ittuuk the ground, for I remember ray ia to myself, 'Well, I'm done fur.' "I don't know just when I loat any right aensei or wben they eauie back, but whan they did eome back it seemed queer tbst I was there at ill. I thought I had been thrown somewhere elae. I could feel fire burning me. It waa my olothes They were smoking and alcuoit bluing. I waa bruised all over and could not hear very wel1. My voice sounded as though somebody else were talking. That's all I can tell Ton about Ob- A true woman gives np her elub when she acquires a husband. iiwim. M. COHEN...... If. We, none of us, live so csref'ullly that we never require the aid of drugi end medioines to put us right. It is a comfort to know where yon can get them from and at proper prices. Call on me for any Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Toilet Soaps. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, .... Cigars AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled. Fine Line of High Art Piotures. Prompt Response, Da, or Night. W. at. COHEN, Pharmacist, WaldoD 1 The man trussed up so tlrnt lie can neither move h:nil nor fact is in his helplessness a fair type ot" many u man affected by rheumatism. Often the dis ease only partially disabh s, anil with crutch und cane the sufferer hobbles painfully stout. Rheumatism can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. This great blood purifying medi cine eliminates the poisons which cause the disease. It increases the activity of the blood-making gland9, and so in creases the purity and abundance of the blood supplv, thus giving vigor and vitality to all organs of the body which depend for their health on plenty of pure blood. It builds up the body with firm flesh instead of flabby .fat. The "Discovery" contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. "I had been troubled with rheumatism for twelve yean, so bad at time. 1 could not leave my bed." write. Mr. R. J. McKuiglit. of Cad' willuuislnirg Co., 8. C. "Imi badly cnpplml. Tried many doctors, and two of them gave me up to die. None of them did me nin-h good. The paina in my back, hipa and legs and t times in mv headl. would nearly Mil me. Mv appetite waa very bad. Everybody who saw me said 1 muat die. I took five bottle, of the ' Golden Medical Dlacovery ' and four vials ol the 'Pellets.' and to-day my health ia good fter BllfferinK twelve years with rheu matism." Doctor IHerce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the "Discovery." OHM METAL liU. t 31H U RICHMOND, VA. Southern Headquarters For IRON, STEEL, METALS. TIN PLATES, IKON AND STEEL ROOFING OF ALL 8TTLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLD Elf TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ETC. Distributors for Nisgars Maohioe tnd Tool Works, of Buffalo, N. Y. .8end us jour orders tod inquiries tad pslroniie Southern industries. my ; " - The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE &, FANCY GROCERIES g J S2"" -J aitlCHCSTCR'S ENGLISH ElillYROYAL FILLS W Orders Solicited & - 28 If ,We Sell Only To Merchants. THE WJJLDONGRi : ' H Jut mmtrn. Alwirt rrlUblr sUmHm, Mk Protfllt mt i mii huIku i ENULISIf in - (sjlltHMal InllHllvaU. Bii 7 of your DnicTW, or Mud fie. in tumn tnr, ' avu Drucr"- miOHIITII OHBMIOAL OO. MsmIUm mmmt milsA Fstw Biliousness MlbKT m4 Mr valuable CAaya- hkti md find ibem perfect. CouUin t tio y'hheVlh. lor IndlsoatioB and b lounnmaand am now com- Sotoll 'cured. Recommend them, to every one. Kce trlwlVirou wilt never b. without them m WORDS OF WISDOM. to Vice, after all, is only "habit gone seed." Malice is moat bitter when it does the icking gun stunt Those who are greedy of praitt provt that they are poor in merit. What loo many orators wsnt in depth they give you in length. It never occurs to fools tbst merit asd good fortune are eloaely united. Th mind unlearns with difficulty what has long been impressed upon it, All man that sre mined sre ruined on the side of their natural propensities. Whst we boot ever to do with eats we muat learn first to do with dili gence. To coach tour strvanta to lie to can- en. then okide them for practicing (0 your is asost foolish. The difference between t mediocia work sod a maaterniece ia measured and arktd by trifles. Never marrv a rich ford, for if his riches tske wings he hasn't the wit am your brtad tnd sslt. Worrying is ons ofthe greatest draw backs to happiness. Moat of it oso svoided if wo only determine not to trifles sonoy us, fur tba largest amount of worrvioiz is oaused bv th smallest trifles. It is sstonishiog how few men there are at the top. It is anlooiihing how many sssn there are who cut no ioo sll. They rosy drop ont by the thou san Is snd Dot stir t note of regret beyood t small circle of frienda tnd relatives wh have been intimate acquaintances, and who mav know of the man's eoooaaled and private w. rth. BILL KYE ON LIFE INSURANCE to VISIT OB WEITE-a Iks Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. HIS FLUENT FOUNT OF TEARS. U family." fgSkfl CANOV II ay CATHARTIC jl toadi sum wmmmntr fHeaaant, pnwnv TM Oofd- nrtnnteW Oft WW'S, Oood, Mem eioa.n. WaMen. or Qrloa. UK. ui, am. . CURB CONSTIPATION. ... MTfl Plf Sold and urntwil by lldruf I VBa5 sumw CVal!'i'oMge Uatilt. The lata Bill Nye's indorsement ol life insurance is probsbly tht most char i n 1 his writing: "to these days of dytarsits and swift otiaogion preaidenlial adminialrationa sid dark tunnels through which to eogiueer gnet groping his way tt 25 miles per boar, these days of tumbliog signs of the tiaai s snd tipay telegraph poles, live wires and dead repairert; these daya wh the poltiician and the deadly bridp policeman with bia pull lie down togeth under the influence of th same stimulant; these days when desth lurks in tbe sir we brestbe, the earth we tread, th food we est, the wster the wster we baths in I isv it behooves us to look well to our insursnoe sod our future stste, snd I tske pleasure in ecrti ying snd saying to whom these presents may eome that sine I became fully insured my heslth hss Improved so much that it is t subject for profound congratulation on my own part aid the dV-epeet diaguat oo tho part of those wl t would naturally inherit my fast woaltb." THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. .Special Attention to Mail Order". oct 3 ly. ere r- c e U tuc ni n rnTTnu riM W l(V inl ulu uui iuii uuii ;( It lies alone in the rank June corn, A relic of the days that are numbered and gone The June wind sings a song in its throat, The June clouds lovingly over over it float And through its skeleton ribs of steel ' I or its saws are rust With canker and crust They hum no more from dawn to dusk And the lizard is ginner And out and in, The spider is spinnnr At the Old Cotton Gin. Ay, many a day for the old, old South, Its spun its fleece from a fiery mouth, And wove its woof in a fabric of gold As a picture is painted, a tale that is told, And it sat in its might, this fallen thing, A hoary monarch, an uncrowned king, And over the land With an iron hand; It flung its wealth with a gesture grand, And Might was the ginner Of barn and of bin There never was a winner Like the Old Cotton Gin. Broad was the Kingdom he ruled in his might, Brave were the armies he rallied for fight, Bright were the wings of his ships on the seas, Bold were his merchantmen kingly his ease, True were his women in hut or in hall, Sweet the soft sunshine that fell over all, From banjo and bow And the cotton's long row, Free-song and slave song would mingle and flow, And Pride was the ginner (Unpardonable sin !) Was there ever a sinner Like the Old Cotton Gin Alas, for his weavings ay, tearms for the day When out from his loom came the jackets of gray, And the locks that were plucked in despair from his head Were woven to crimson in shrouds for his dead. They died for the sin the centuries had given, And their blood is the pledge on the lintels of heav en, By river and plain They march not again, And wet was his fleece with blood of his stain For Death was the ginner And Riot and Din And Sorrow the spinner, At the Old Cotton Gin. He buried his dead, and a tenderer tone Crept into his song for he sang it alone But he wove as he sang and the pattern was bright And he built his waste places and conquered by toil And gathered in peace what was garnered in spoil, ' And all the day long He wove in his song The patience of right in the pillage of wrong And Faith was the ginner, The Fabric to spin, And Hope was the spinner At the Old Cotton Gin. With his hope in the future, his heart in the past, He worked for people and wove to the last: And, tottering, he stood through the rife and the reel And died as he lived with his hand on the wheel. And, sighing, his soul passed peacefully through, As pure as the last lock of lint in the flue The heart, whose beat Was the century's feet, Was willing to cease, but not to retreat, And the New South was ginner, The New Age was in, The New Century spinner A New Cotton Gin.' Rear him 0 sons, of a generous sire Aloft on a monument, not on a pyre Base-stone of valor, cap-stone of truth Shaft-stone of chivalry, cap-stone of truth Honor him, sons of a land that ia fair, Let him not lie in the rank weeds there For seel from his night He rises all bright. He wakens; He wakens a loom of new light With Fame for his ginner, His kith and his kin, And the world is the winner In the Old Cotton Gin. John Trotwood Moore. Ths reputition of many puffed-up man tods in ssaols. 'It's No trouble For Me Weep Anywhere." To There sre funny iucidania iu the lue of t photographer A man came in the other day and looked over all the nam pies, sakiog the price of each 'Do ynu want a Mtlinji? ' I aaked "I don't see nothin' like what I want,' he replied. I told him, if lie would indicate whst lie wanted, that I might arraDno it. "I don't know aa y u can," he said, for I dnn't see nothiu' at all like what I want." I revealed what I had ahead? Haid. r He asked me to sit while he told me. 'You see, it's like this," he began. "I had t girl that I loved, and we was go ing to git married. She bad her thing made up, and ws wss sll but ready, when aha was tsken ill snd disd. And what " 1 1 wanted wss t picture of me aittin on J -ja im.frr I IP Corn removes from the soil large quantities of Potash. The fertilizer ap plied, must furnish enough Potash, or the land will lose its pro ducing power. Read carefully our books on crop. sent rt, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. FT The One Among Many.' The one make of instruments thst holds its tone through s geoerstion of ti fulness. TIE plArMos Are not built for show they re oou- atructed with experienced osre; they lsst s hlettme and more, yet tbeir oost is very moderate, considering their quality. Send us vour sddiess snd v ou'll immedistely net an illustrated catalogue tnd book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms. f laoos of other makes to suit to most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooms, f N- Liberty street. Ftctorj E. Lafayette Ave.. Aiken tad LtnvaJe Btreeta. Baltimore, Md.- oct 21 ly. New Drug Store I New Medicines! V.E.BEAVAIIS. ENFIELD, N. C. Dnpt and Planawt,- Opposite Rudolph Bros. Full line of everything usually found ia t drag atore. Perfumeries, Soaps, Toilet Articles. Prcfu-rintions earefall and accnratel W ben tbe world t brlguttr Desuty sna 1 1 compounded day or night 8 16 ly. rsrer grseo shsll win, I And life shsll aing ths ssd tiass out tod J T, J U I lK I IN Q, ..,... a ' ring tnogisa times in her grsvt wespio' " I was touched st ths homely story of grief, snd told him I eould send t taan with biin to the grave and have the pic ture taken as be desired. "It's some distance," he said. "It's over in Ireland. I expect it ud cost t lot to send over your traps for what 1 want?" I said it would. I thought," he answered, "thst meb- be you could rig up s grave here in your abon and I would weep on it, and 11 would do just st well. It's no troubli for me to weep sny where " REMARKABLR CURE OF CROUP A Little Boy's Life Saved. I have t few words to ssy regsrdtng Chamberlain's Counh Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I oar,. not praise it enough, I bought s bottle of it from A. K Steere, of Goodwin, K )., and when 1 got home with it the poor baby could bardly hreathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten tnin utes until he "threw up" snd then 1 thought sure he wss going to choke to desth. We bsd to pull the phlegm out of bis mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that I bottle of onugh medicine, mT boy would not be oo earth today. Joel Demont, Inwood, Iowa. For sale by W. M. Co hen, druggist. RIGHT SONG- Let's sing shout ths good times, wben every oot sod olod Shall Had t benediction to tht living skies of God; The Oldest and Best S. S. S. i a combination of roots and herbs of Brest curative powers), and when taken into we circulation Searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general health begins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood ol impuri ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases ol blood Doison orizin. Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, inronic oora emu Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Kheum, Herpes and similar troubles, and ia an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, rnntarrinua Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty years ol successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It number Its friends DV the thousands. Our medical correa txmdence is lareer than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thanlc ua lor tue great gooo. o. o. o. has done them, while others are aeeit- ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our phvsiciant nave mad a life-Ion z study of Blood and Skin Dis eases, snd better unaersianaaucn casta than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of ao one disease. we are ooing grcsu rood to suffering humanity through our consulting de- you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge whatever for this service. THE tWIfl SPECIFIC 00. alUNTa, K IsfSSS .L.MIBIITT. MltSBUTHSTALMltS Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine-' Staple and Fancy FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES.!! Crockery, Glass Tin, and woodea and wil- lowware. Also Pratt's Uorse, m, Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonie, Alexander's Liver and Kidney Tonle for purifying the blood. Thia tonic ia warranted or money refunded. J.L. JUDKINS, No. S3 Washington Ave., Waldos, N. Oa noo 11 iv. , H. Xj. G-IRAITT, BICYCLE WORKS Wheela sold and Repaired clea furnished. -Parts of Biey- (SB? & ff. V Good teams and comfortable vehicles. Gtve na a call when in need of wood. a team or a bicycle. Yard and offloe corner ataplt ana BeeoaA streets, Weldoa, 8.Q. dec 30 A CURB FOR LUMBAGO W. 0. Wil'iamson, of Amherst, Vs., says: "For more than a year I sunerco from lumbago, I finally tried Chamber lain's Pain Balm and it gave tan entire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do." Sold by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Fliita laugh at love tad love laugh at flirts. Cut this out and take it to W Cohen's drug store and get a sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physio. They also sure disor ders of the stomsoh, bilioasneas and headache. MnHLMsmtUCo., WELDON, N. C. NEW MILLINERY I Teeth extracted withuot tht slightest pais Everything la onr Una HEW and I bv the nae nf nor. nitrous n.U. tin rwr n.TP I .... -sw. ur-w i'i I th afal atiaMfhM ,1 kam r. k... Beautiful display of French and Ameri- bfteq , 0M , . ttlef fw M ,B M.M l'tL..r. mnA .J-l.!. 'sr attem Matsl trrf, 11,0 th bMt om h!ioi ootd DUDMRITT, DENTIST . 314 Mi Street, Norfolk. Vt Some men wtka up tnd And them selves famous, while lot of others stay np all sight tnd nevtr evea get a glimpse of fan. gnleodld line of CORSETS, HOSIEBT and NOTIONS genee-ally. Ladies of Weldoa and an aro riding coun try cordially la?lted to give as a call. utes. 11. u MkutUTT aytju.. WMhingtm Ays. and Sid Hi., Wsld ,V.G. ear lay. bftdgt work, gold erowi sad poroelsia orowa work; artificial teeth, fining iht teeth tnd ill kinds of dental work known to tht fia art of th profenaio eieoattd ia tht Boat aareful aad skillful nsaaer at iNwawoaUapriee. 814 Msia street, Nor folk, Vs. AfJ,, ttV .4 tlttf WWW i v

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