i ll fcllfci i w IMSt ra lit - JOH3ST W. SLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. A. NEWSPAPER EOR THE PEOPLE. TEES:-l-60 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVI. WELDON. N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 30. 1902. NO. 38 The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which hu beat in um for orer 30 years, hM borne the slg-natnrsj of 0 and hM been nude under hie per fz jU&M'f'fM, on lupervUlon ilnee iU infancy-. Cm Allow no one to decelre you In this. All Counterfeit, Imitation and M Juit-M-jood" re but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Caitor Oil, Pare fforlc. Drop and Soothing; Syrups. It la Pleasant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlfl substance. IU age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rellerei Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, firing healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUIflE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS Si The Kind You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. S. N. IREDELL & SON, Oninl Ussioii Mercian ts 17 COMMERCE STREET, eJqttqr. Fnuts, Pea fLDL froe. LUMBER, WOOD sod SHINGLES. Wt maks s speeislty of handling North Carolioa produce. Guarantee the high est mtrket pries sod prompt returns References: Norfolk Notional Bank and Commercial Ageeeies ) 20 ly M. COHEN ff. We, toss of as, lit so esrefullly that oaver require the sid of drags ssd medicines lo pat oi right. It ii comfort to ksow where oa ess got them from tod tt proper prioet. Call on me for soy Drugs. Chemicals, Patent Medicines. Stationery, Toilet Soaps. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, .... Cigars AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled. ji.LjMofBih Atves, Prompt Reapoaees Day st Night. All goodi wsllvsrod fret. Star rhoae IS. eeld.ncs I. ' A PATHETIC APPEAL. The MoTing Plea of a Divorced Man Who Wanted to Wed Again. Tht following plea for judicial mercy Hot to im by a correspondent, says Law Notes, will bo fuuod brimful of pathoa : Ei parte Samuel Rice. To the Hoo. II. A. Sharp, Judge of the City Court of Birmingham, in Equity : Your pelitiooar, Samuel Rice of Mo bile, Ala., would deferentially represent that os January 10, io the year of grace 1891, your honor dissolved the onnubial tiea theretofore exiitiag between petition er and bis eootort, Annie Rice, granting her a divorce a vinculo et matrimonii, with the beatifio privilege thereunto ao sexed of marrying again, a privilege, it goal without saying, aha availed herself of with an alacrity of spirit and a fastid ious levity disdaining pursuit, but oo this vital point your honor extended to peti tioner only the charily of your silence. . Petitioner baa found in his own expe rience a truthful exnipliftoa'ioo of Holy Soripture, "that it ia not well for man lo be alone," and, aeeiog an inviting oppor tuoity to auperbly ameliorate his forlorn condition by s aesond nuptial venture, he Ends himself eireumvallated by an Oasa Palion obalaole, which jour honor alone has power to remove. Hta daya rapidly verging on the aere and yellow leaf, the fruita and flowara of love all going, the worm, the oanker and he grief in eight, wiih no one to love and none to oareaa him, petitioner feels an indeecribable teaming, (cutting and heaving to plunge hie adveniuroua prow once more into the vexed waters of the Ma of Oonnubiality. Wherefore oiher refuge having none and wholly trusting to the tender benignity and sovereign discretion of your honor, petitioner hum bjj praya that in view of sccouspanyiog fists of a great olond of reputable citiiens, giving kirn s phenomenally good nam and fair fame, you will have compatHoo oo him and relieve him of the hymeoca1 disability under which his existence has. become a burdes by awarding htm lbs like privilege of marrying again,, thus granting him a happy issue flu,t of the Red act of troubles, into wbtcfe a pitiless fata has whelmed him. Fo;, comforting as the velvsty touch of an angel palna to the fever racked, brow, and soothing as tht etraioa of an aatlian harp when swept by the fiogars of tbe night wind, dear as those ruddy drops that visit thiae aad hearta of ours, and sweet aa facrs- mental wine to dying lip, it in l en life'i fitful fever ia thbiug to its ci . to pidow ana's aching head on some fond wifelj boaom and breathe hi) jife put gently there. And is duty bound to attain the i oaai bilitt of eotnpaasing suob a aietsutelees basediotion, pelitiooar will pray without ceasing, is sooanta is loud and earnest a tvar issued from oalibatariao lips. ' " Samdil Rtcx, Petitioner, ' Men don't mind looking old if tbay don't feel it; women don't mind fetlisg it if tbay dos t look It. nnnnnH mot at nn J RICHMOND. VA. Southern Headquarters For IBOlf, STEEL, METALS. TIM PLATK8, IRON AND STEEL ROOFING OF ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDEK8 TIHXKRS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES OF KYEBT 1EC1PTIQ, ETC a .. 'Irll u.'..k. .r RrT.ln N I lingered between life and deatn. ! think Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription ami 'Golden Medical Die covery' the beat medi cines in tat world," write. Mrs. Amelia Dougherty, of Kerrigan, Wsvne Lq., gave birth to a Daoy last summer. After con 6n.mnt I lircamt verv ill, bad the beat physi cian that could bt tfnt. end h. diinuaed my cast as uterine m tending to qronsr. iia)tcmr evHi Ao ana no mxxf. vl Urunrcd batwaan Ufa an4 (loath lor quite s wuua, every ony growing weaker until I could not walk KToae um room. My ItWnde war. look- Ptarnbatora for NiKni S4.ch.ns H T4 Works, of Balo, U. V, m Sad as your orders sad inquiries sad pal rosin 8outhsrs induatriea. ., 1 ' l L4 The Wcldon Grocery Oo. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN ' STAPLE & FANCY 5GRO0ERIES.S OLVs Ball OalT Ts Marsbaata. Ord.ra Solieltsd. THE WJCLIHJK uinit.i w , I S If 1 1 U.MW SAHA. tMkM-M WII.DO,. C til II is i Ing for my death errr aninut.. wrots and 1 A friend Sold en. about Dr. R. V. Pierre, and I at one wrote to hint for medical advics. H replied bnnwdiataly, giviog ms lull inatructiona aa to what to do. I at ones followed hia advica, and when luil uken hia medicine about a week hit a good deal stronger. When I hai takes it about one month-1 Mrs stfAV aa 1 do tc-day:" l took RiUl utiles al ?Ich llnd sod two Uls of Pleasant, Pellet,!. Many thankarorthS medians, J( hu permanenuy cured m, ciiiEiOTtirs cnsu:a ?Ei::iYr.3YALF,US PROF. LOEB'S EXPERIMEHTS. He Believes He Is On The Verge Of the Discovery of the Dream Of All Ages, the "Elixir of Perpetual Youth. In a paper read before the American Society of Naturalists at Chicago laat week, Prof. Jacques Loeb, of tbe Uni versity of Chicago, made the announce ment that he had discovered the physical processes that accompany life, and that eciricity, and not heat energy, ia the basis of life. Heolaimeto have praved theory which ovartbrowa s fundamen tal position of the teachings of text books of physiology. Ten years ago he was rat led into this lino of research by the observation that electricity waa able to affect protoplasm in a more univeraal manner than any other stimulus. He then oatne lo the oonclusion that if eleo triciiy waa able to have auoh effeota in the form of currents, it ought to have ke results when io the form of "ions." Ao ion,'' he explains, "is ao atom or group or atoms carrying a charge of lec Irioity." It will be recalled that ao ami oeut English scientist announced several mouths ago that be had experiments bieh satisfied him that what is com monly the '-atom" of matter is onaupoaed ions" of electricity. Tbe two Hoes of experiment appear to point toward the oonclusion that electricity ii the basis of matter and life. Prof. Loeb desoribea another eiperi ent which of interest. Unfertiliisd sues of the sea urcbto ware plsoed to a weak aolution of potassium oyaiide and abandoned lor several days, Io ordi nary condition! an unfertilised egg diet n a few boura, but at tbe end of several aya the egel ware again examined and found lo b "ill capable of fertiliution and of producioe health t animals. His theory ia that by the use of certato chern- ioals'tha soiive principle inherent in liv ing orgaoirm, which eventually causes death, may he overcome, and that life may bs prolonged indefinitely. In otbtr words, Prof. Lueb believes he is oo the ysrge of the diaoovery of the dream of all dges tho "elixir of perpetual youth. His announcements have been made wits s fins degree of reserve and without any sneculationa ar prophecits as to what be may bs able to discover by future expe riment. Eminent Englhh scientists si press the opinion that the ptoof pre- aentad by Prof. Loeb is not sufficient establish th claims ha puts forth. w VISIT OH WBITB-w The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE GREAT DISMAL SWAMP. A Region Strange and Interest ing, Weird and Solitary. (THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD,rRBIDMTaUKAQM Special Attention to Mail Orders. Oct 3 ly. nV aiwi wMr , Tmrm w c wn-t-vm t. eJ aM4 bmu Sotm iM wiik Sh MMm. tw m mmtm. aiam si mumiwannii swarmfXiH Jsll?! ii3siK13a. A fil ; T'ioasn aaasteM oo. alas mfmm .. ssoss,re. svg&S&& & & & Sfe LOVE IS NOT BLIND. 1 S?. ".:r: SSSSSK' Love ia not blind, but sees through all disguise, And that is why we hear from day to day Of odd engagements causing much surprise, And wedding passing strange in every way. "What can she see in him!" the critics say; Love is not blind, but sees through all disguise; 'Tis those who cannot use his Roetgen ray At whom love laughs and leaves them.ta surmise. find in you what all true lovers prize; You find in me all I was meant to be; Love is not blind, but sees through all disguise, And finds the charm compatibility. And so when comes the day when we are wed, We'll smile at those who think themselves more wise, ; ' And live to prove the truth of what we've said Love is not blind, but sees through all disguise. J) SCENES FAMOUS fj HISTORY, Tb Courthouse Where Patrick Henry Made His Speech bull Standing. The scene of Patrick Henry's great scseoh os the stamp act ia ona of lbs most sharming little buildings is Amen' st, tbe old courthouse at Williamaburg, Va , which waa designed by 8ir Chriato- oher Wren, the architect of St. Paul'a cathedral and other of the most famous p iblie sdifioea of England, saja s wtiter io the Chicago Herald. It stands today n as excellent state of preservation and looka very small compared with tbe ordi sary county courthouse of modern Amer ica, but. unlike many of them, tt is ohaata snd symmetrical example of ar chitecture, beautiful is its simplicity. Tbe room is which tbs house of bur gesses met os that memorable occasion is BBehasged and is still used for judicial purposes. Every Saturday morning s justioe of the pesos occupies the bench and impose, loss upon Ihs petty offend ers, mostly negroes, who are brought be fore him. The remainder of the build- log, which ia of s single story, furnish Starters for tbe aounty slerk, oouotj saaurer sod other local iSoiala. It ia entreating bielorieal faot that Patrick Hanry wrote hia famoui reten tions upoo the fiy leaf of Thomas Jeffer sob's vojums ol "Coke's" Commentary Union Littleton," snd it was from Jaf- fereon'a modest chamber that this brief leas barriatar went lo the lit lie of,tthouse ig May, 17ftS. to deliver the speech SMatsat lasallos without repraseotatios which made him the moat lamoue mas of the hour sod as notorious in Eoglsnd ss he was popular io the Amerioaa sole-sin. Jcfferaon and Henry met s few years before at the house of Mr. Dasdridga, tbs father of Martha Washington where tbej sprat stvel p!eae,ut daya together and, began a lrieodhip that taxied until political difereooes divided them toward the eod of their lives. Whes Heory eame frequently to Williamsburg, ha shared Jrfferaon'a bed for the lack money to pay s hotel bill, sod thus their intimacy continued. EQ0ER3I EDUCITI3JI. FotJ Mother Oh, I am ss glad yos eame is I I dos'l ksow what os earth ails the baby. , (Jailer Shall nil (ss tbs dostor. Food Mother No, for ss Interpreter. tlis French suree ,laft suddenly today, bbs sobodv - sas aoderaUnd what bs isajs. mm Mil mitf iiiamii I "1 l l tVfcHT UHT WIM, Grand deeds are trumpeted; loud beHs are ung; And men turn round to see The high peaks echo to the peans sung O'er some great victory. And yet the great deeds are few. The mightiest men Find opportunities but now and then. Shall one sit idle through long days of peace, Waiting for walls to scale ? Or lie in port until some "Golden Fleece" Lures him to face the gale? There's work enough; why Idly, then, delay. His work counts most who labors every day. A torrent sweeps down the mountain's brow, With foam and flash and roar, Anon its strength is spent, where is it now? Its one short day is o'er. But the clear streams that through the meadows flows All the long summer on its mission goes. Better the steady flow; the torrent's dash Soon leaves its rent track dry. The light we love is not a lightning flash From out a midnight sky. But the sweet sunshine, whetse unfailing ry, From its calm, trcme of blue lights every day. The sweetest Uvea are those to, duty wed. Whose deeds, both great and small, Are close-knit strands of one unbroken thread, Where love ennobles all. The world may sound no trumpets, ring no bells, The Book of Life the shining record tells. "TO THE JEDGKINT DAY." i. When things went wrong, grandf a ther he'd say: "Well, the world rolls on to the Je dgmint Day; An' what should we sigh fer an' why should we care? The reckonin' comin' sometime somewhere I Bear with the winter, an' dream o' the Ma,yi The world rolls on to the Jedgmiut Day!" II. When things went wrong, an' we knelt in dust To thank the Lord fer the poorest crust, An the old-time friends that we thought we knowed Had left us friendless along life's road, It waa always ncihia' but this to say: "The world rolls on to the Jedgmint Day I" III. So we stifled the sigh. V irl4 fer the sang, Knowin.' Gad. made the right, an' would reckon the wrong; An' trouble seemed lighter, an' even the night Had. stars never dreamed of to make it bright, We can bear, we can suffer along the world's way Fer "The world rolls on to the Jedgmint Day!" The Great Dismal swamp is s region atrsnge and interesting, weird and soli tary. It occupies s billowy plain soma 40 miles in length by 25 miles in breadth along tbe Atlantic aeaboard, extending from Suffolk, Va., in s southerly direc tion, well ioto tbe bounds of North Car olina. Its deep shades, great si retches of brake snd its solitude make it a region of in terest. To the naturalist and sportsman it has much to offer. In ita silent fast nesses tbe black boar inds s home ad mirably adapted to his protection and in every way favorable to his locreate. Hare amid the denae growth of under brush and limber he may live in compsr- ative safety, and there ia perhaps no lo cality io tbe whole eastern United Slates of like extent wbicb can offer a larger bear population than this great morasr. The white tailed deer ia also ao abund ant deoisen of the swamp, Irequeoiiof the elevated parts. In addition to the deer and bears, there is s big game feature of a rather unusual nature. The swamp abounds in wild cows. These aoimals, of a brown color and aomewhat smaller than the or dinary oow, having for many yeara been under the peculiar conditions of tbe swamp, until they are almost completely apacialised, are extremely wild. They sre feraliied from the herds of the fsrms adjacent to tbe swamp, and are the des cendants of cattle wntch many years back wandered into the fastnesses and were lost to their owners, finally becom ing wild. Being so longer recognised ss property the sportsman msy call game all that he may have the prowess to shoot. Lake Druutmosd, some teo miles from Suffolk, Va , is the only great body of water in the swamp. It is s beautiful sheet of water, of ao oval contour and fringed with s heavy growth of limber, mostly oypresa, white oedar and black gum. Its water ia of a dark color owing to the deoaying vegetation of the sur rounding country, but is suitable to drink, and possesses tbe quality of remaining pure longer than moat other water. For this reason it is often carried ts ses bj sailors oo long voyagea. Ths ohafaeteriatio mammalian fauns is of a samitropioal nature aa regarda the smaller forms, while there are many trop ical plants. Of birda there are not many kinds, prothonotary, hooded and Swan son's warblers and the Maryland yellow- throat being tbe principal smaller forms. The trees, some of which are primeval, are large and beautiful, while there ia s luxuriant growth of ferns snd squatic plants. Cane grows io profusion. Forest and Stream. The One Among Many.' The one make of instruments that holds its tone through s generation of use- ful0C8P. YBEFP .L S Si aj ' 83 PIANOS Are sot built fur show they rs con atructed with experienced care; they last s lifetime and more, yet their cost is very moderate, considering their quality. Send ua your address and you II immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating terms. rianoa of other makes to suit tbs most economical. CHARLES M. 8TIEFF. Wsrerooms, S N- Liberty street After s woman is loat aha heeitatea for ths purpose of deliberstisg. sores and ULCERS. Sores and Ulcers sever become chroaie nleas the blood ia in poor condition ia BluggiaU, weak ana unabl. to tnrow on the poison, that accumulate in it. The eyatem tnuat be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the aore, and treat dan per to life would follow ahould it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy snd all impuritiee eliminated from the ays Item, S.S.S. begine the cure by first cleans. Ing snd invigorating the blood, building p the general health and removing from the ayatem rfelenratTer: WW THE SYSTEM. When thia haa been accomplished the die charge gradually cemaes, and the aore of ulcer heils. It ia the tendency of these old Indolent eorea to stow worse snd worae. snd eventually to destroy the bonea. Local applications, while soothing and to soma extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. 8. S. does, sad no mattes bow sDoarenUy hopeless your condition. even though your constitution haa broken down, it will bring relief when nothing slse can. it auppiiea me ncn, pure blood Poor Soils 5 are made rich er and more productive and rich soils retain their crop-producing powers, by the use of fertilizers with a liberal percentage of Potash. Write for our books sent ret which give all details. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 9) Naauu Sut, Ntw York Cicy. Factory E. Lafayette Ave., Aiken Lanvale Street.. Baltimore, Md. oct SI ly. snd New. Drug Store I New MedicinesI 7. E. BEAVAIIS- ENFIELD, N. C. Dript and Pharmacist, Opposite Randolph Bros. Full line of everything usually found in s drug store. Perfumeries, Boa pa, Toilet Articles, Prescriptions carefully snd accurately compounded day or night. 8 16 ly. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale snd Retail Dealer Is Fine - Groceries Staple snd Fancy -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. 0 Crockery, Olaas Tin, and wooden sad wil- lowware. Also rratt'a tiorss, Cow, Hiw snd Ponltrv Food, and Grove's $. Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander's vi i t:j the blood. Thia tonic ia warranted ot money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, Ma S3 Washington Ave., Waldos, N, 0 aso 11 ly. BICYCLE WORKS .... Wheels .old snd Repaired Parts of Bicy cles furnished. ary to heal the sore sod nourish the debilitated, diressed body. r f r. I. B Talbert, Lock Bo iV : 'Btx jrcara bio my leffroi foal w s tit solid sure. Iver intttit, MlM-i 'rl phrsicUnt I Hoi AortnsTBV But found nortUcf. 1 m ituluc! lolry I I I. 0 VI lk foot IrMMd me and I mile Iwo trip. .4 tt wed. . cenplrte cw(. bsv. bM. . per w.i, mtum wrwt .ki ia the only purely ves etable blood punnet nV knows contains no ) tjLjTaj poisonous minerals to mmm0 mmm ri.in th iSi.i .itow miA add to, rather than relieve your suffer (nga, U your fleah does not heal readily When scratched, bruised or rat, your blood ia in bad condition, and say ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send tor our tree book and wme out phyeiciana about your case. We nuke do Chsrre for this service . IMS SWIFI SKCIFIC CO, STLSBTS, SS. A CURE FUR LUMBAGO W. 0, Williamson, of Amherst, Va., aajr "for asore than s year I suffered from lumbago. I finally tried Chamber lain's Pain Balm and it gave me entire relief, which all other remelia had failed to do." Sold bj W. M. Coheo, drag-Kist. Be sure job hue the proper bait whes yos lib far eomplimeota. CuJ this out sod Uka it to W. M. Cohen's droit store and get s aample of Chamberlain's Stomach sad Liver Tablets ths beat physio. Thej alee ears disor ders of ths atom .oh, bi'ioasBrss aad headache. RKMARKABLK CURK OF CROUP A Littla Bov's Life Saved. I have a few worda to sas rerardios Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life sad I feel that I oan- Bot praise tt enough. 1 bought a pottle of it from A. K. Steers, si Qoodwia, 8. V., sad whets 1 sol home witk tt lbs poor bbj ooutd hardly breathe. 1 gave tbs saedieins ss directed every tea mm ntes until bs "threw up" ssd thea 1 thought sure b. was going to choke to death. We hsd to pull the phlegm sot of his mouth is gnat loag strings. I sa Bosilivs that if I had sot get thai botua of oasis sisdioias, sty boy wocld sot be oa sarta today. Joel Deatoot, Iswood. lows. For sals by W. M. Co kst, druggist. DEST FOR THE DOWELS f ... k.a't s nnlsr. kultkT bMtsjuiI f Utf k.w.11 ittr; sWj. jost rti 111 or IH W "it y te)lhior lm potto. 4tifrtL Th nMltv i. a.sisk ssauai V ' ' -v - 1 ' 1 etttUri 74 CANDY V B AsatHISflIA tVWWwx'VV) kT 'EM LIKE OANDY tatSkassaitL laalsatastasV iNaUsit. Tasrt tt(M4. TH tt4 t ilcsHP. WsMtwrn-as w)Ht. H, . nst M ssrsiU wnt lor irw tMaiiM, mmm a.iw lias. Aatetrswa imUN UslMf CMTiVt. fSWM m H TMI. IVkkr Itswil bkbwai WLkniS CQ CQ X- r- a V .A p- Good teams and eoaamrtsble vehicles. Give us a call when la need of wood. a team, ot a bicycle. lard snd office comer Maple and Beeoao) streets, Weldoa, N. C (tee so DR.A.D.BAERETT. DENTIST 3U Miii Strtel. Karfolk. Tseth sxtraoted withool the aiighteat pais by tbs ass of pars natrons oxide vapor tbs safest saaeathstis knowa. It has bees is eon slant uas in my practice for 30 years. Chloroform snd ether adminis tered; alas ths best looal aasesthef ios.Qoldi biidgs work, gold stows snd poro.la's erowa work; artificial teeth, Ciltcg lbs teeth snd all kinds of dental work kaow to tbs fins art of ths profeaaioa esexwted 'is the most careful sad skillful saaaaer at rsaoooebls prioss. 314 Mala strati, Nor folk, Vs. 41J.1;. www i ,S . '

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