7-." El ft JOHN" W. SXEJ'-DG-E, vuoi-riktor. VOL. XXXVI. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEPIVlS: 150 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1902. NO. 39 ITTIi ZTiCflSTBBIfl ..-JP PiHl . ., 1 For Infants and Children. AYcgetaulePreparalionforAs similalirifl ittcFoodandHcfiula ling (heStoinactis oral Bowels of Promotes DigeslionXheerfur ness and test .Contains neither S)ium,Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Arw cfUU DrSAHUEL PIKHR Prh .W-MU-Smum ' Sifrffwiwf - A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms ,Convu!sions,Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Siinile Signature of NEW YORK. exact eopr or wrapper. V S. N. IREDELL & SON, General Commission Merchants, 17 COMMERCE STREET, NORFOLK, "Vl. Cotton, Peanuts, Peas ah Produce. LUMBER, WOOD tod 8HINGLES. We make specialty of handling North Carolina produce. Guarantee the high est market price end prompt returns Inferences: Norfolk National Bank and Commercial Agenoiea j 20 ly !Si wrfUn.-&aai iJAlJ.''tl'illlllllllJajMWll W M. COHEN We. none of us. live io carefullly i 1 drug and medicines to put us right. juu uau get to cm iruiu iuu at proper ptiwn. vn wu , Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Stationery. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, M AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled, j J Fine Line of High Art Prompt Responses Daj or Night. . . . . . u n . IT. rQUlBHlH, niioon, n. v, - " j f !0H METAL CO. J RICHMOND, VA. Southern Headquarters For Distributors for Niagara Machine and ia,Seod at your orders and inquiries i'ir The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY 5 GROCERIES g tVW Sell Only To Merchant, Orders Solicited. 2 8 1y " The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt fHTUH 0MHT HtW VOHR OfTT. (hat we oever require the aid of i It is comfort to know where fjl Toilet Soaps, j Cigars j I I signature Av Picture. All goods delivered free. Ham PhMi II. lMltftirS I. L..A IUON, STEEL, METALS, TIN PLATES, IRON AND 8TEEL HOOFING OP ALL STYLES, BABBITT METALS, SOLDEIIS TINKERS' TOOLS AND 8U!'PLIES OF EVEItY DESCRIPTION, ETC. Tool Works, of Buffalo, N. IT. and patronise Southern industries). ' THE WELDON GKOCEKI w WILDOH.H. r THE BOYS. Don't Complain of Them, But Be Patient With Him, for He is a Most Important Factor in a Country Where the boys Eventually Become The Rulers. Bojs are berated, complained of, mourned over; and yet what would we do without litem? Why, bleat' you, (hr world wculd be a signaling place with out the bi.ya, who run errands for us and give ua needful neighborhood news far better than the local newspaper duet. Tbe bo; rune after fire, wagon, ttreel rowa, precessions, and anything else that has noiae and confusion ii it. The boy is noisy, confusing, mischiev ous, and yet the boy ie useful Re can tell you where the minister, the docttr, the grocer, and especially the baker, can be found. Are tome of the family worrying to you, with their poor appetitea and their dissatisfaction with the fond placed upon the table? Let the boy sit down, and the bread and butter will be splendid, at.d the other food too good for anything. No poor appetite with him. He knows nothing of tuch matters as that la your little daughter becoming vain of her appearanoc and her dress? Not the buj; he dons his new suit with some evidences of pleasure, but it is soon forgotten. He has his bat and balb his maiblca and bis kite, and bis comrades to take hit miod from such trifles. Is he a fine looking little fellow, with his ruddy cheeks, his sparkling eyes, bis boy. isb brow and hit merry face, with tbe rings of gold brown hair all about it? If so, he is wholly oblivious to that fact. and has very little personal vanity. Does he climb a tall tree to get a squir rel or bird, and make a great tent in hit jacket sleeve or a winkle-hawk in his trousers? We own it is provoking; but his complacency over the matter is be. causa he couoia trifling things of little moment when some great end is in view. The boy has pockets orammed with strings, ginger outs, and taffy, and is al ways ready to divide with a comrade. Don't complain of him, but be patient with him, for he is a most important faotor in a country where the boys event ually become the rulers. Li t liito sliouti laugh; ring, tod be merry; for all too toon the maika of care will come to his faoe, and he, no longer a b"y, will be bearing the burdens of life A. D. Wal ker, in Ohiisiian Intelligencer. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Blood will tell but the lea some blood tells the better The hot corn dealer is the ooe who has to put up another margin. The man who makes a fool of himieif seldom boasts of being telf-niade. If a young man ii really in love he never ttyi be ean't afford to marry. Adversity may prepare a roao for the life beyond, but it curtails his credit while here on earth. HURRY UP! Everywhere one hear that expression hurry up! It is a genuine Americanism e i pre sii ve 01 me "nwh" in which we Hve. Nothing is swift enough for us. We race atra.nt steam and lightning-and find them slow. Wt grudge the time given to eating, and rush through meals as though life depended upon our haste. Life does depend on onr haste, but not in that tense. Look at the obituary columns of the papera and aee how many promi nent men are carried away by "stomach trouble," "acute indi gestion " and other re fated diseases. Their lives have in general been aacr.6cea to the haute and nub of business which over looked the fact that food can only nourish the bod? when digest ed an 4 assimilated and that the digestive and assimilative processes ran' be hurried, r. Pierce'a (Jolden Medical Discovery, cures diseases of the stomach and the asso ciated organs of digestion and nutrition. The scir all fihvsical strength is food, nsnrtorio Hitrtwl and nerfectlv aeatmilatrti. By enabling the perfect d igestion and assitn- n t 1 t l J.. .l mA ,rm I llkntffw iiauonoi hmmi uuiwh increases and enriches the blood supply and sends new strength to every organ of hI wss7at ooe time as I thourtit almost at a-.u . ,M.r .Him sir. t. I. Bell, of I.eando, Van Buren Co.. Iowa. M was confined to mf house aod part of the time to my bed. I had takes quantities of medicines but they only teemed to feed the disease ; but I must ssy that 'Golden Medical Wscovery' has cured me. and today I am stouter than I have beea for twenty veara. I am bow torty-ttirce years oia." Fms. Dr. Pierce' a Medical Adviser aent frt to yon on receipt of stamps iq pay innw of mailintY ohIv. Send thirty one one xnt aumpo for cloih bound book or twrnt, one atamn, for paper cover, in in. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEfwMYnOYAL PILLS toe, aimn nll-kl.. KidPiwrWti 1'Hirntnrt Baui-uaf la aw4 x bwiii. kail, mmlmt wUi bin. Xlifco. Tk. mmr. hnMtHaiia. M.i.lS flll,., Buy .i fowr iran. M mo4 m. U lU-Tip. r VMt MalaJ w - BWll.r Skr USIv" -w, by mm atatt. a, mumouu. aw if oamwaaram omoaL oo. it xn mvmrnu. rmn, 14. SHERIDAN'S MEETING WITH OLD MAMMY, Virginia Darky Granted Com plete Victory Over the Eene- niy. The following story from Virginia con cerning tieneral Phil Sheridan is said to be both new and true ; General i'hil Sheridan was resting from a raid during the war in camp near fine old tuuiision in Virginia The former master of the mansion had been killtd in the battle of Manassas- 1 Mam my," who had been the mistress' chief comforter when this event occurred, had practically taken charge of the planta tion and had run ihiogs pretty much to suit herself. Sheridan's soldiers bad taken every sound horse on the place, in cluding two carriage borses. After the raid was over "Mammy" entered the house to find her mistress and the two children weeping bitterly. "Mammy asked : "Child, what in do worl' is demattei?" The lady replied between aobs : Mammy, they've taken the carriage horse, and an officer tells me we'll never get them agaio unless I take the oath." "Den, chile, take do oaf. 'Taint so bery bad, is it? You tuk ile widuut puckerii.g yo' mouf wheo yo' was a baby. I made you take many a di set and now you braco up and take de oaf." "Oh, Mammy," the lady wailed, "I cannot do it. I don't think Jack would like it." "Can't see, honey, what Mssbs Jack's got to do wif it. He's desd and buried. But if you can't take the oaf, I'll go see if I can't do it fer you. Anyhow, I'se gwine to investigate Marse Phil Sheri dan and git tlitm cariiage borses back." f I has to pretend to take pizen to do tt. "Mammy" put on her brightest ban danna handkerchief, a clean white apron, and started for the camp, which wat about a milo dittant. In about an hour "Mammy" walked back into the large yard in front of the house, leading t carriage horse by each band, each one wearing a brand-new halter around his neck. The mistress saw her coming and met ber at the front How on earth did you get them, "Mammy?" inquired (he lady. Mammy's black face was damp with perspiration aod her fat cluat faiily panted for breath. She said: "Lem me set down on de grass, hooey, and eoteh my bref. Set down by me an' I'll tell you all about it. I got to de campt and I aaktd two or thiee men in uniform! with musketi in dey han't to tell me whar I'oould find Marie I'hil Sheridan. "'What doyou want with him?' " 'Data my business," sayt I. After tkirminshing 'round I foun' de general's tent. I walkt in and drtpt my beet oourtsey. 'Sarvent, Marse General,' I says. "'What kin I do for you, madam? he says. " 'I ain't no madam, Marse Qeoeral; I'se olaiu ole black mamav.' I seed a twinkle in hit eye, and be tayt : "'Well, Mammy, what kin I do for yoo ?" 'An' bless yo toul, honey, be Mid dat mammy' jest at natural as if he had been a born gentleman. Deo I tplained dat hit soldiers hsd stole my mists' oarriagt horses, as well as ev'ry other good boss oo de place. I tol' him be might keep tbe other horses if I couldn't git 'em out of him, but dat I must have the carriage horses, for my mistit waa a lady and ber foot want 'quainted wid de groao'. " ' But rour miatreat it a rebel, laid Marse Qeneral. "Dei I says: 'I don't know notkin 'bout no rebel, Marse Qeoeral. I jet knows dat my mistis'foot ain't 'quainted wid de eroun'. and I'se bouo' te bab dose cariiage horses back.' "Wid dat Marse General laugh aod hollered to a man not verv far iff, all dressed up io blue elolhea and brats, tnd ttyt: " 'Come here major; here's somtthj' fv yo1 to hear.' "But when Marse General said dat teed a twinkle in hit eye, and I koowed tomethin' I'd said bit him in de right place. De major erne, an' I tole bote de tame tale. At I got threugh the major aod the general laughed, and de geoeral tayt : " 'Well, Mammy, if you reoognlae tbe earriage bosses you sbsll have thtm.' "And tbey m up, bole or m, to go wid me to the pen whir tbe soldiers bad tut the bosses dey Hole. Aa wt went 'long I lays : " 'Marse General of cose I kouwt my nwn hostel, but dm bostee gwint to re oognite me de minute dey slap dere eyes oo me.' "Aod To' God, de minute dey saw me eomin' twixt itm two lot white men dey pricks up dey eart ao' trotted op to mi jet ii natural at if dey bad been eir eut hottee And, mistia, de general tole one of de toldien to put brand-new hal ters on dee horses' oeeksaid ban' 'en over to Mammy, and ber dey b, and I ain't took no oaf nor nothio' else.' w VISIT OR "WEITE-w He Petersburg Furniture Co., 20:t AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. irft - 'M -Hit' m iTirarTTKOT THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IK FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD , PRMIDSNT MANAGER tt-Special Attention to Mail Orders, oct 3 ly. DON'T LOOK Don't look for flaws as you go through life; And even when you find them It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind, And look for the virtue behind them. For the cloudiest night has a hint of the light Somewhere in its shadows hiding; It is better by far to hunt for a star Than the spots on the sun abiding. The current of life runs ever away To the bosom of God's great ocean; Don't set your face 'gainst the river's course And think to alter its motion. Don't waste a curse on the universe Remember it lived before you. Don't butt at the storm with your puny form, But bend and let it fly o'er you. The world will never adjust itself To suit your whim to tho letter; Some things must go wrong your whole life long, And the sooner you know it the better. It is folly to fight with the Infinite And go under at last in the wrestle. jt THE BATCHELOR. $ 1 r-. trs'. s-c. sC- Behold the bachelor! His hair That once was brown is gray; No laughing loved ones claim hit care Nor charm his woes away. He has himself alone to please, No other's fingers search The pocket 8 in his clothes, and he's Ne'er dragged away to church. "Ah, poor old man!" I hear you say; "Somewhere the grass grows o'er Some one to whom his heart today Turns sadly as of yore. He merely lingers here as one Who is a transient guest; His joys are fled, his work is done, He longs to be at rest He longs to bid the world adiou. To crossthe river where He is to meet the loved one who Is waiting for him there." Ah, welll Perhaps 'til so; He may have loved and lost; His breast may be the haunt of woe, His soul be tempest tossed; But though his heart is buried deep Below some slanting stone, Where some one long has lain asleep, If he could be alone For just about an hour or two With just the one, I'll bet He'd fire up and learn to do Some fancy stepping yet. "I have uitd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years aod have o besitatancy in saying that it is the beet remedy for nought, oolds and oroup I have ever used in my family. I have ot wordt to eiprett my coofidenoo io thit remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North 8tar, Mich. For sale by W. M. Coben, druggiit. Ooeaaionally a woman uses a hammer to drive a tack if there Li no hair broth bandy. MR. WHKKLKli GOT RID OF HIS RIlKUMAflSM. "During the winter of 1898 I wae to lame ia my joints, io fact all over my body, thai I could hardly hobble around, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlaio'l Pais Balm. From the first application I began to gel well, aud waa cured tod have worked steadily all the year. R. Wheeler, Norwood, N. Y. For sale by W. M. Cohen. No man ia ever perfectly girl'l love until the declares him. lure of i he hates FOR OVER SIXTY YEAR Mrs. Winslow't Soothing Syrup has been used for over tiity yean by milliont ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect tuooess. It soothe tbe child softens the rums, allays all pais, cures wind oolio, and ia tbe beet remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little ufferar immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot tbe world. Za oente bottle. Be rare and ask fur " M r. W ins- low't 8oothing Syrup," tnd take no oth er kind. FOR FLAWS. I FEW PLAIN TRUTHS. At an ear trumpet the average womm it not a aucceea. When a girl ia up in trass tbe young man in tht eate teemi to enjoy it. Happy ire they who look before they marry, aod overlook afterward. Nothing to enhances the value of t thing aa the difioulty in obtaining it. Some men Hand on principle and tome oihtn rrobsWy vnaldif !b? bed U tt) stand on, Every woman knows that the talks too much, but what the doean't know ia remedy for it. Sharper than the tooth of a aerptat it the aaroaaoi of ooe who has no sympathy with human vanity. When a man it under a cloud of debt it t rather diffioult for hit creditors to the silver lining. The clock generally striket tbe half hour when you wake up in the night and want to know what lion it is. Life is full of ope and down at aboard ing bouse; you have to put up with what they give you and oxme down for it advance. When yon want t physio that ia a and gentle, eaty to lake and pleasant ifftot lie Chamberlain't 8tomaoh aod Liver Tablets. Priot 25o. 8am plea fret, Every bo guaranteed. Forialeby W M. Oohtn, druggist, SOUTHERN GIRL OF YESTERDAY. There Was Fine Stuff In Her -She Was Noble And Con stant. Of that Southern girl of long ago I write in reverence. Her beauty her virtue, her tenderness, ber repose, her loyalty to In r own, are heritages of every man who knew her in the fiah, or knows her by tradition. There was fine, stroni; stuff in her. She was nutily eonatnnt, I am not old, jet I remember "the fierce South cheering on ber aims" and the women at home, bearing the most savago of the brunt, steady, industrious, uuoomplain ing, grieved for the bright blond that was spilt, yet Inckiog their lips upon lY'ar nod loniriL', end bidding father, liu-liunil, son or lover to the fray. I remember coffee madu from bita of sweet potato dried in the bud; eassalrua root dug by negro boys as a substitute for tea; s hun dred simple herbs which took tho plact of contraband medicines, and bread made from Indian corn, sometimes sallies", and many, many pitiful eipedienta to fill the mouths of hungry children. I remember tbeae things, but I do not rtuieiuber that any woman of 'hem ever rrpined. What ever may be said for or agaiost the mm of the South, the women did not falter. This woman, who picked lint to be sent to the front, "ran the plantation" while its owner wss faciog Grant, taught the little negroes their alphabet, and had prayers each evening in the big sitting room, is the grandmother of the girl of to-day. I talked to one not long ago white-haired, blue eyed, serene, with the presence of a ducheas and the heart of a child, a widow since Chancellorsville. While we talked the laughing of grand children aounded from the "front yard." and "Aunt Prissy," black, bent, and at old as her mistress, brought in some yel low puffs-balls of chickens in a basket and showed them with immense pride. I said, "You must have found it hard to take up the work st the close of the war, Mrs. Blank, and manage the place with ilmoet every condition changed ?" The old lady said simply, "Why shouldn't I? I oever put a skirt over my head with my own hands until 1864. But I did it. H. S. Canfield in the October Woman's Home Companion. W. M. Cohen, the druggist, will re fund you your money if you are not sat isfied after uaiog Chamberlain's. Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness constipation aod headache. Price 25 cents. Sam ples fret. The man who kicks himself for having made a fool of himself adds injury to in sult. OABTOIIIA. ton ti, jt t if una mil nan siwars niugui 11(1.1. SV Ml of edvw: t-cctc Some young women have toul yearn ingt worse than the stomach ache. Rheumatism Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest tnd distress from tortured muscles, aching ioiats and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation ol waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system Wis the effect of this acid Doifton : and not until the blood nas been pun tie a ana brought back to a nealtuy condition win the aches and pains cease. Mrs. times Kelt, of 707 Ninth street. N. Tt Washington, D. C, write at follow : 'A few noothri ago I na an attack ot bcuuc Koeuma lura in its wom iorm ine ptm was ao intense mat 1 became completely proa t rated. The attack waa an un usually serere one, and mv condition was regard ed as being wry danger ous. I wa attended by one of the most able doc tors in Washington, who ia lao a member ol tnr fac ial It of a leading medical college here. He told me lo continue nis presenp t in tin tnd I would vet well. After kavlaa It M twelve times without receiving the slightest benefit, I declined to continue nta treatment ani longer. Having hafd l S. 8 8 (Swift's Specific recommended for Klicumatiam, 1 decided, almost In desisair however to live the medicine a irtaV nnd after I had taken a few boll Ira I wat able tt bobble around no crutches, and very aoon there after had no i"-e for them at all, H. 8. S- havinf cured me sound aud well. All the dlstresaina paint have left arte, my appetite aa returnea and 1 aan nappy to be again restored to pcrfed eann. vegetaDK oniatea minerals in It to diaturb the digestion and Irsr! tfr"now, habits. We have orenared a aoectal book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from thia painful disease ahould read. It is the must complete and interesting book ol the kind in existence. It will be aent free to any one desiring it. Write onr phyai. cHn fullv and (irtW about vonr case. W make no c ha-pe for medical advice, ea 1HI SWIFT IPICIFIC CO, AIUIJT, U. COiiSTIPATIOil I have tone 14 nnye at a time wltavtmt ifsMiMt of tare boweM. not belug able to move tbom sioapi by nslng hot wator loteetiona. C a too It eonsiipailon for seven years placed me tn tats terrible eoodlttooi during thai time I did ev erything I beard of but never found any relief; snob waa mf ease am I began naiug iiw inm. now have from one to three twaeagwa a day and If waa rleb I woatd fir !M)40 for each movement, I U auelk Mil erf. ' ATLHIH tll'nT. iu avouutt. mieav Owe, M.rwBUku. Vf -ftfc... or Uri, KM, MM. ... CUftt COMTIPATIOH, S r me great vegetaois IL. VV purifier and tonic, ii the ideal remedy in all kj k. II rheumatic t r o u b 1 e a . V lF There are ao oniatea ol sMaat JjSi CANOV fl Jl CATHARTIC ji Fruit. Its quality influences the selling price. Profitable fruit growing insured only when enough actual Potash is in the fertilizer. Neither quantity nor good quality possible without 1'otasli. Write for our frtt booki I smug; details. GERMAN KAI.I WORKS, 93 Ns.u St., New York City. The One Among Many The one make of instruments that holds its looe through a generation of use fulness. pIANos re not built for show they're oon- struoted with experienced care; they last lifetime and more, yet tbetr cost is very oderate, considering their quality. Send your addiess and you II immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of ggeetions. Accommodating lerms. Pianos of other makes to suit tbe most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooms, 9 N. Liberty street. Factory E. Lafayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 lj. New Drug Store I New Medicines! W. E. BEAVAIIS. ENFIELD, N. C. Dnipt anil Planacist, Opposite Randolph Bros. Full line of everything usuallr found in drugetore- Pert'umeriea, Boaps, Toilet Articles. Prescriptions carefullv and accurately compounded day or night. 8 IS ly. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine - Staplel and Fancy 1 FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. O Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden and wil low ware. Also rratt a none, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove's & Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander'i Liver and Kidney Tonic for purifying the blood. This tonic it warranted or money refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No. 33 Washington Ave., Weldon, N. C' dec 11 It- H. L. Q-2R A.UT, A BICYCLE i WORKS .... Wheels aold and Repaired Parte of Bicy cles furnished. f'ttisA'vi:''!!,,!: Good teamaand comfortable vehicle. Give ua call when tn need of wood. a team or a bicycle. I.,,,'. Yard and office corner Maple and Beooua atraeta, Weldon, N. C. dec 30 DR.U.BARRETT, DENTIST 314 Mail Street, Norfolk. Vi. Teeth extracted withuot the slightest ptin by the us of pure nitrous oxide vapor the safest nnaetthetio known. It hat been in content nse in nij praotioe for 30 year. Chloroform and ether adroioie- tered; alto the beet local anaesthetic. Gold bridge work, gold erown and porcelain crown work; artificial teeth, filling the teetb nod all kinds of dentil work knots to the fine art of the profession executed in the moat eareful and skillful manner at reasonable price. 314 Main street, Nor folk, Va, 4 25 lj.