;.L 1 1 2f ill tiljUl .toasill JOHIT W. SLEDGE, proprietor. A NBWSPAPBB POB THE PEOPLE TEBMS:-"'0 PKR annum in aivane VOL. XXXVI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. NO. 42 r wmpb. 'Wmm.'' A if f n'.UVi rfny d) !. Utrui The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which Lou beea In on for over 30 yearn, has borno tho signature of and has been made under hi per- ional supervision slnoc its Infaury. exvtCo AllnurtiA nnn fjwlAnnlvA van In f rtlau All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" ore but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrislnicsg. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of IDEALS, The Passion For Things Good is Planted in Us All. The KM You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI OCMTAUH MMMMV, TV UMIAV TMCT, NCW TOM MTV EC The Bank i Wi 1 .:;::::;:,;,WELP0N, N. C. OipM Under The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. r-STATE DEPOSITORY." CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $24,000. Alive to the opportunity lor nearly uina years this institutiro h provided bank ing facilities for this section. Money it loaued upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Acouunts of all are solicited. President: Vioe-Presideot: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Dr. J. N. RAMSAY, W. R. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton county, N. C. Aprnnm to the recent discusfiun of the biography cf Stevenson is this ex tract from an editoiial article in the Cm-tury: "Tht re is a hunger i f the snul fr bings of piod repute that, piveu a life of average length, is apt sooner or later to iuKctt its power in every man not born an irreclaimable criminal. Them in a picMoD, in strong natures ss in weak, fur thiogs evil, but there is a passion as well for tbiugs clean and virtuous. In that strange and memorable colloquy of the dawn between Francis Villon and the Lord of BrUettut, io Stevenson's story. A Lodging lor the Night,' the sympa thetic figure is not well-hnu-ed stigneur, tut the homeless, thieving poet. And yet the man of convention, warming his knees by his comfortable charcoal pan, aid thiniit that ho'd water. 'You apeak of food and wine,' qu ith he, 'and I know very Well that hunger is a diffionlt triil to endure, but you do not speak ufuli.t'i ants; you say nothing ofhouor, of fuith toGud and other men. of courtesy, i f love without reproach. It may be that am not very who and yet I think I im-bot yi u seem like one who has lost his way and made a great error in life. You are attending to the little wants, and you have totally forgotten the great and only real onea, like a man who should be doc- toriog toothache on the Judgment Day. For such things as honor and love and faith are not only nobler than food and diiok, but, iodeed, I think we desire them more, and suffer an ore sharply for their absence. I speak to you us I think you will most easily understand me. Are you not, while careful to fill your belly, disregarding another appetite in your heart, which spoils the plessure of your life and keeps you continually wretched ?' "The young man who puts these words into tho mouth of the Lord ol Brisetuut knew one or two things about life, and it would be noibing other than natural if, more and mora, his own life betrayed that knowledge. 'Heaven knows there is enough to pull us down. Let us not be ashamed, we poor tinners, of cherishing ideals, even inweaknesa! And defend us from the cyoio aiiics who, for reasons that savor of qualities one does not wish to name, would deface the ideals that speak to ui from the many-volumned writings of brave, koisjhlly and lamented spirit." W M. COHEN XAct.UAi.iiv.B-.fti.6..ih4 M We, none of ua, live so carcfullly that we never require the aid of drugi and medioinea to put us right. It is a oomfort to know where you can get them from and at proper prices. CaH on me for any Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Toilet Soaps, f All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, .... Cigars AND TO HAVE Your Prescriptions Filled. Fine Line of High Art Pictures. Prompt Response, Da, or Night. - w Ph..Mi.LW.lon.H.O. Borernoneii auaineneo- A GARNIYAL ROMANCE, Cupid Sat on the Counter at Richmond Now There's to bo a Wedding. Richmond News: This is the sequel of Carnival rxnunce. During the Carnival laM October, n m uoir man visiiioir here from South Carolina chanced to go in certain dry goods store of Broad street to ake a purchase He found what he sousiht and left the store. He likewise left bis heart, for he oould not lave the ion of a beautiful face It waa love at first sitiht, for one at least, and those few minutes had changed the youth's entire I life. The next day he went again to the same place and soon located the young wj nan, 'Please," said he, tipping hU hat urteously, "may I offer you my card; you wailed upon me yesterday. Do you member ?" "Y-e-s, I remember," aaid the maiden timidly. Her eyes were dowocast, and a ok tinge was rapidly moving to her teuiples. In order to conceal her eni- rrjssmeot she fastened her eyes upon the card. "You see my name, won't you live me youi's ?" he said, growing bolder. What prompted her to give her name she did not know, but she did it, though a retiring nature and not inclined to flir tations. WORDS OF WISDOM. Fear is the mother of foresight. Taylor. Experience teaches slowly, and at the oost of mistakes. Fronde. A good man la kinder to his entmy than bad men to their friends. Bishop Ball, Knowledge is the treasure, but judg men! is the treasurer ot a wise man. Penn.' A man of iotenritT will never listen to any plea against eonseienoe Home. LJ4 The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY isjuVe Sell Only To Merchant. Orders Solicited. 2 8 IV mm THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WDO,H. 0. SELLING OUT! Entire Hoe of winter good tt ooet to make won for tpriog etock. .Special Cash Sale every Monday and Tuesday: All Caliooee at 600 Beat S Centi Tablets Granulated 8ugar, 10 lbs only to eaoh euatomer 6o. 15 Cent Coffee, im . e- 25 Cent Bottle Robert'i Taateleaa Chill Tooio loo. WOMAN'S WEIGH Does not always keep pace with woman'a will. There are enervetic, home-loing women who by sheer force of will keep thoinnFlvH iroini?. and fancy that strength of will can take the place of strength of tvwlu Kui it can't. Every dav will see a loss oi strength, and that loss will be indicated by a loss of weight When the weight begina to fall below the normal It ie time to ask. Why? In general, ill health in women may be traced to tnose woman! diaeaaee whic! aan the atrength and undermine the vitality. Br. I'ierce'i Favorite Pre- acriptlon driea enfeebl ing drama, heala inflam mation and ulceration, A .iimi btnale weakiwai. w nere uie diaeaae ia marked by low of fleah, there ia ateady regaining ol weigni coincmeni with the cure which provea the renewal of health to be tliorougn ana peroiaurui, . n -him Mm. lohn rinh.m A.. ii.. h uim.1 iwrankfordl Phil.rirlphUL retin.. "1 ".'1 a .try " ! " --r I which Itft me wlin nen ". "' w Al limM I WM K M IhM did .c4 know wh.t lo do with mlf. 1 1 m to PhlLdrlphi. two ye. . 1tiP,':k,,1S what ror ' F.voriM Pmcnptioa h.d dont for Whirit drtermined to try II mynelf. I took SbolllM. .ad twir I XroF' we" nda since I Surted to uw your F.vor pjrncriDtiOD.' Dr. Pterce'e Pleaaant Pelleto cleanse the bowela and stimulate uie amggiaa nvcr. 1 Jn L 7 U M I I I I ( Ia4 Is Hustler, Enfield, N. C. WVISIT OR WRITB-w The PetDrsburg Furniture Co., MOIST WEATHER. A Description of a Spell of Hu midity on the Wabash. 20.1 AND 207 N. 8YCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. Hi U it With, I1 si "TalkiDK about raioy weaiher," said the westerner, "I remtnber oioe out io Indianapolis meetiia; t farmer whe took the most cheerful view f datupoeaa il anybody I ever saw. I asked him il they had had muoh rain down on the Wabaah that spring 'Well, it hat been a little damp,' b anawered 'The day before I left home I had to hann up 24 of toy duoks. They had not so watrr iakrd that they couldn't swim any longer. I planted oiy corn in two fret of wster, and I don't expect over 30 bushels to the sere. My wheat is looking pretty well, hut the sturgeon and catfish have d.raiired it oonriderablr There waa about 15 min utes' sun-hine one day, and I thought I would plant my potatoes, so I loaded A .T VT NFT ET,D. PHMinisTivAMAns.it them on a eoow and anchored tho se.iw .Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. t THE LATER REST, $ ' C.tf. tLTf. 35 35 5 35 Cj' I He toiled, forever faithful, in the ways where Duty led, When earth seemed like a desert, ana dark clouds overneaa; The young man thanked her and then And "Aint you feehn' weary.'" But still his word would be he asked if she would gain permission ol or parents to correspond with him. With this he left the storo and also the city. Upon her return home the maiden ao- uainted her parents with what bad hap pened. The father ia a business man. 'Daughter, he said, ''let me answer this and then I will give you my an swer." He wrote to the young man and rr auested him to have his parents write dviMng him who they were, e c , which they did. They pleaded the cause of the young man successfully. "Now you can coirespond with Mr M ."said the father. Cutid with mcu powerful ams smm ad the two cornered safely in hU net Exchange of photographs followed and the next letter handed tbi faher was a formal proposal of martiage. The father again wrote to the mau and told Mill Let ore Le cuulu Live his answer it was necessary for personal interview. The answer brought this message : ' I ill be at Murphy's Hotel, room 44' (Giving the day and hour ) At the appointed time the father at ieared at the hotel. sir, he began, "your letter of pro- sal was handed me by my daughter and I must tell you before we prooeed we are poor, poor but respectable. Money I do not seek for my daughter, but I do want man who ia honest, respectable and capable of taking proper oare of her.'' The vouog man arose, extended bit hand and greeted hia father in-law. The father grasped nil hand sore than oordially and then they went to the home of the young woman. The young nao is a splendid looking fellow and well blessed with worldly goods. The wedding ia set for early apriog. FOILING THE COIR DION ENEMY. On the other side of Jordan there'll be rest for me!" II. The black storms beat above him: He saw, with saddened heart. The laborers in the vineyard, one after one, depart; "Oh; rest you from the toiling! I here is no ngnt to seel" On the other side of Jordan there n oe ngnt tor me." Ill "Rest, from the toil and trouble, tired hands and drooping head; You do but gather roses for graves that hide your aeaa: But evermore that answer, clear-ringing, tar ana tree : 'On the other side of Jordan there'll be rest tor me!" IV. And so he toiled, and toiling, gave earth a lesson sweet As the Love of God that showered Love s lines at nis reei; No earthlv lieht could lure him no dark his face could dim:- On the other side of Jordan there was light for him! F. L. STANTON. maim CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ?Er:mf ROYAL PILLS alw. AIw.mt.IW!.. BU, Praia w emcaniiiv bwulam in w4 ua data miullu haim, mm vttk Wu. ribbon. TafcaMaUMMi BM-rtoM immmmm ," iuiihm.iiwiw. any of rou'lmwrw. or Mrxl 4. la Mian PartlratM. VU. anun Mall, ia.eaariiin.iiuu Boiaay rNMBtMa oanoawawam OBUitOAL oo. raiau, ra. The widow of to Eugliih army offioer waa visiting me with her son, a charming little fellow about five years old 'f he mother told me with pride how honora ble be was, bow high-minded, and that ehe had never for an instant seen io him indications of any traila that were low I or baae. The obild waa put to bed every oiabt at 6 We dined al 7. I waa luting in the drawing-room one evening before! dinner. The room was dsik, the doors I open, and my seat oommaaded a view of I both the ataiiway and the diuing-ro m. 1 The table was set, and in the oenter was I dish of templing peaohes. Presently ih re oame to my rara li e patter of little bare feet, and childhh Stare, clad in a mant (", aiu JuRu 1 the atiirs, through the hall, into the dining-room, up to the table 8mall fin gers sailed the tnpmort peach from the diah ! the lime fellow iroed and trotted away upataira again As I sat io the dark, in an agony ol apprehension, there came again the pal ter, palter of lime feet, and a whiie-elnd figure Hole dowa the atairs, tkrou h the hall, into the dining-room, op to the table. Small logera replaced the aloleo paaeb just where it had been, and i stubborn Utile voice muttered, "Dose again, old detil I" Harper i Magaiine. If you don't quit eating to much, Willie, ton will be siok. Won't it be lime enough to quit thei T The mcane may justify the eod, And yet we muat admit That our auoras may oft depaod Oo knowing when to quit. vmrm aii n uAra M Mr IS liHHNbL. Time's changes, oh, how sad they seem, And life, how like a troubled dream, Kind looks; sweet smiles, fond memory blends, For those who are gone, for early friends. The home, where in our childhood's day, We laughed and sang the hours away Has claimed long since, another's care, And now we would be strangers thert. There stands tho vineclad mansion still, And murmuring runs the neignboring rill, Where roses bright and violets wild Upon its placid bosom smiled. The sun still sheds his beautious ray As glorious on a summer's day, As he was wont in youth's gay morn, When in our path there grew no thorn. Yes, time has left in beauty bright, Most things that grow in nature light, But where are the friends we fondly loved 1 And whose true hearts we've often proved. Some slumber in a peaceful grave, Buried by death's resistless wave, Roses on their tombs, may bloom and blow, But changes, they no more shall know. I, too, am changed, my heart's no more Responsive at in the days of yore. To friendships, thrill, but crushed and wrung, It tuneless lies, a harp unstrung. And yet for me some joys still bloom, But they are placed beyond the tomb, And oft by faith, my soul ascends To kindred dear and cherished friends. And here I would not always live, Fast by the joys that earth can give. Charges, grief and pain, belong to time, But reach not heaven's unchanging clime. S LOVE'S KISSES. Kitt me) Lut once, but In that space suprem? My whole dark life shall quiver to an end; Sweet death shall see my heart and comprehend That life is crowned, and in an endless gleam Will fix the color of the dying stream, That Life and Death may meet as friend with friend, And endless immortality to blend. Kiss me but once, and so shall end my dream, And then Love heard me and bestowed his kiss, And straight I cried to Death: I will not die; Earth is so fair when one remembers this; Life is but just begun ah! come not yet! The very world smiles up to kiss the sky And in the gray one may forget forget. ruH tivKH Hixrv YEAR Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over ciity years by millions ot mothers tor ohildrco, while teething, with perfect suooess. It soothes the child, soften! the gums, allays til pain, curee wind oolio, and ia the beet remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little aufferer immediately. Sold by druggists ih .iMt n.rt nf the world. 2A aeata a A much ebiard Word il "uifortuuiie." j,, ura ,nd Mk fa ..Mn, tiag. It often eovera t miiltltuda of deliberate j ow Soothing Syrup," and take no oth iniqnity. 'rkiod. in three feet ot water, when it began to rain again. '"I wantad logo down on the b"ttnna hinds next the Wabash to a"e if the grsss was growing for my hay crop, but my wife said that aa we didn't have any diving bell she'd rather' I wouldn't. I abould fee! kind cf disoouraged wirh ill the rain, but I've spent my odd hours of leisure time and the even ones, too, on aooount of staying in out of the we' boildiog ua an ark If il will only rain another week or two lotil I get her ready to nil, I'm going to take my family out lo Missouri by water for trip to viiit our folks that moved off out then beoause they didn't know enough to stay io plsca whtre they were oomfortsble.' " Boston Transcript. THE WAY TO GET IL01G. MR. v HEELKK UOI' Kin Of HIS RHKU MAI'ISM. "Durins th winter of 1898 I w. .0 il"' i u , j iii' ; . . i;, !i-l), llMI 1 e U 'l ! it .1) Ii. .villa ar UuiJ, when I b unlit a b ittle nf Chamberlain' Pain Bilm. Fr m Hie fir.t epplieati u I tiegdO lo gel Well, mid wua cured and huve WTknl Meaillly all llie year. K t-r, N r i .,, Y. P r.l- hv ''. M. 1 . It.-u lo uj"rn unver eimes, hay saj; But all aueh talk is idle gush, For wbru we hare a debi lo piy To-tU"rrw gts there with a rush. (jraoioua, duo l )nu wear labor! akin? No toy nuibaod aaya he doesn't waut uie 10 show auon bad form, BEST FOR THE ELS If ron tan't retrulavr. hUbj' movMarat of tk boweli very day, jou'v ill or will bv. 70m bowl open, and b well, fort), In tta hap of tIo lent physic or pill polton. It dkDReroui. Tti rnooth tut, eaviieat. moticrff?pt wf ol kplag tit bowela eUar nni elaan la to tko CANDY fQj CATHARTIO g. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY PlauaRt, Palatftbla, Potanc. Taate Oootl, De Oood Hr Biekm, WoakB or Oripe. H. . ana W cent pw box. Wriu for CrM ataopU, mmd booklat o (tilth. AUrtH 3 tnttuM unv ccmrm, oiicaoo r siw tout. KEEP YlUR BLOOD CLEAN The One Among Many.- Tha one mike of instrument! that holds in tone through 1 generation of as fulness, TDEL? pIANos Most ol our sucoesful men bein lit without 1 dollar fhey have won sue. e-ss by hard work aod strict h ty. You oan do the sjosi H-rJ are til Mies for getting on in the world : 1. Be honest. Dishonesty se'dom makes one rich, and when it does, riches ire 1 curie. There is no auoh . thing dishonest luccese. 2. The world is not going to pay you for nothing. Ninety per oeot of what mn oall "genius" is only talent for hard work. 3. Enter into the business or trade wbioh you like beat, ind for whioh na ture seems to have fitted you, provided it ii honorable. 4. Be independent. Do not lean oo otheri to do your thinking or to eonquer difficulties. 6. Be oonacienlious in the diaohnrge I T, "Rr11 VlPWfl n ... L 1l...v. I w ' 101 every out;. ujraiiiui( ly. No boy oan rise who ilighti bit work. 6. Don't try to begin it the top. Begin it the bottom, ind you will have 1 chance to rise, ind will be rarer of reach ing the top tome time. 1. Truit to nothing bat God ind I bird work. Ineoribe on your banner ; "Luck b fool; plnok is 1 hero." 8. Be punotual. Keep your appoint menu, lie tbare 1 minute oatore time, if you have to loae yonr dioner to do it. 9. Be polite, livery imile, every gentle bow ia money in yonr pocket. 10. Bogeoeroua Meanness makes I enemiti ind breeda distrust. L Are nut built l r snow tney re con iruoted wiib experienced care; they last a lifetime and more, yet their ooat is very underlie, considering their quality. 8end ui your address and you'll immediately !et an illustrated oatalogue and book of ugKestions. Acoommoditing Terms. Pianos of other ruakee to suit the Boat Ounoiiiical. ' CHARLES M. STICFF, Z IWarerooma, t NT. Liberty atraat. Factory E. LatayetU Ave., Aikea u4 Lanvale Street. Baltimore, Md. ' oct 91 ly. Buchu Gin. OAHTOAIAi lauataa '" 'M 1111 - A aura our for ill KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by beet phyaiciana of the country. For aal Id Weldoa by W.W.EAY. Beat of Wines, Whtakevi and Brandtei al aya onhand j ' I keep the beat of every thing in my inc. sajurolite attention to ill it .iy i, west tide it. K rjhed. mylly. Beasie, what do yon want birthday? Pa, I want t' be I boy, an gO 'tbout nobody t' boas me. for you tshitt' H. Hi. Q-AJSTT, jl BICYCLE WORKS .... vfbeele aold and Repaired Parte af Biay I clee furnished. She Here a i note to yot from pa. Ha What'ait iboutT She He wioti 01 to let him have thehaasraock Wednesday ind Friday nights. Please look pleaaant, remarked tho photographer. Sou seat tht camera. Aid low, mi'im, he oeotinuid, jog may mumi your BitnrtJ ixpnueioc ECZEMA'S ITOH IS TORTURE Kexema ia cauaed bv an acid humor in the blood coming in contact with the akin and oroit ucinir ireat redneaa ind in flammation ; little puatular eruptioaa form and diacharK a thin, stick v fluid, which driea and acalea off ; aometimei the akin il hard, dry and fissured. Ecaema in any form il a tormenting, atubbona diaeaae. and the itching and burning it timca ar almoat unbearable; th acid burling humor aeema to ooat out ind aet in tun oo nr. S.;i. i2-.S SOT ( I al application! do any real good, for M Ions; aa the poison rentaine in tht blood it will keep the akin irritated. BAD FORM Of TtTTCK, "For thee year. I hut Tetter oa mj laads. which cautta them lo .well to twtca their natural .irt. P.rt f the tioie the dlwatt w. ia the for ol nin Btng aore very paio nil, and ctiaing m. aiuchdiicoiulurt. Miur doctor a.i.1 the Teller had prof nafd too f.r lo he cttred, and they a. iioli.iua. for tat. 1 1 iok only three bottle, of 8. 1. 8. end 7 wa.corap'.rtely coied. C Thi. wu fifteen y.ra " !, am. and I hav. aMf aiBc Ma any of my old teoablt." Ma. IV a. Jacaaoa, 1.14 Mcoat n., aaaaawy, aa S. S. neutral im thla acid poiaon. cool, th blood and reatoraa it to I haalthi. natural state, and th rough, nnnaaltky akin become aoft, Mnooth and clear. , curca Tetter, sey- ilai, Faortaaia, Salt im and all akla i diaeaaee do toa poia ottcd condttUm ml th blood. Send for our book and wreit ua bout our caae. Our physician hair Bade these diaeaaei a life atudy, aad can help you by their advice ; ar mak Charge for thie afrvice. All coi 1 wiijuaK.eaw Il conducted in atricteat confidenc. tni ivnrt tnwm co, tunt, tA -3 lW"i7Vt, 'W f n it s. 0 i is 5V1 1 n Tj a iTa 1. IV. 14. NS VX Rhet DO sa a Good teams and eamfbrtabl vebiele. Oivt ua a call warn ia soad of wood, I team or bicycla. lard Md ado oanar Uapla nd Secona treeta, Weldoa, M- a dec 30 J DUMAllBBT, DIHTIS1I 314 iltai. Street. Norfolk, Vi. Teeth extracted without th ilighteet pain by th na of pur nitroua oxide vapof tht aafeet inaestbitio known. Il hae been in constant ne in my prtotice for 39 year. Chloroforal ind ether idmiais tered; also the best local aoaeathetice Qold biidg work, gold orowi ind porcelain orown work) artificial teeth, tiling th toeth aid all kind of dental wo .. kaowa to tha tie art of the prnfawMoR f xecoted ii the moat erfiil aad akillfal maaaw at retKHseble prieei. 314 MeUttre!, Hat Wk,V. 4 23 !',