JV yfc FjPj (ff W Ira ill nfcbA SsSaJk JOHN SLEDGE, Piioi'RiKTOB. VOL. XXXVI. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MA11CU 13. 1902. NO. 44 Tlio Kind You Ilnvn Always Bought, nnl which lin been hi uno for ovor :)) yearn, lias borno the nlgtiatnre of mid lins been niarto under M pcr C&L jGr? onul fmprrvUlon Mnro H Infancy. warsry, AlloW no ono to dpcPV0 yon 1WBt All CouiilcrlVIt, Imitation and" JiiKt-aN-)rMHl"nro but Rxncrliiivnttt tlmt trlflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience ogulnxt Uxpcrlmcut. What is CASTORIA Cnntorla In a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Id Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo MibfitAiiec. Its ago is its guurantce. It destroys Worms and allays Fovcrlshiies. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, It relieves, Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC atKTAOR COHNNT, TT MUHftftV TIIIBT. NCW VOKIt CfTV. E2 'ft Bank if Weill 1 -WELDON, N. C. OpizeH Unfler The Lais of tie State of Nortl Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. ESTATE DEPOSITORY.-! WHY WOMEN ARE BLUE. THOUGHT THE DEVIL HAD HIM. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $24,000. Alive to the opportunity tor nearly nice year; thin institution has provided bank ing facilities for ibis section. Money in loaned upon approved security at tbe legal rate of interest six per centum. Accnuuts of all are solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Dr. J N. RAMSAY, W. R. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton county, N. C. 4kja iat-.-.a.aJ-:a.t. SU. iM-fl nm r. -... .a.a .1 tc tut ic ; II W M. COHEN H IT t u We, none of us, live so oarefullly that we never require the aid of tjrugs and medioines to put ud right. It is a oomfort to know where you oao get them from and at proper prices. Call on me for any Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Toilet Soaps. All Kinds Perfumery, Toilet Articles, .... Cigars H AND TO HAVE j Ilia Your Prescriptions Filled-1 Fine Line of High Art Pioturei. H-Prompt Riwponse Da; or Night. W. II. COHKS, Pharmacist, Weldon, All goods delivered free. (Mora Phone II. Sealdt-nco V , K. 0. - Mors Phone II. Smldi nco V pwnwrar-rafiw)'ij- 1v There is No Habit Which G rows Upon One So Rapidly. " I y Jo so many wonun have melan cholia?" r pealed the doctor, who his a large prwtoici aiu.ing the ''depressed' and "nervous" f. ir ii iD population. '"He causu tbey ib ti't cure to avoid i II -cau e ll.cy ul'-olulely ilircgard llo rum of luentul hii'I pliysicul wi-ll-beit g. lie ciue tiny nuyij ruiber e! wbai tbey like aod mifler inilitfertinD huiI b'ue.. niter wurda than to eat what i (ood I'er lliem, but duen't tickle their palates. lieoiu.e they'd rather sit about on soft eusl'ions than takes tramp fix miles thruuub lb open air, lleciune tiny Inven t eou'iub to occupy their uiiod. and their bund " Tbeo the doctor paurd to lulc breath, and nf!'U somevibat lits uvrH iveiy : "It ii never tbe wemen vtho l ive a OiUseloftel b'uf," he said, "who iaduhe in blue.i. The women who hove j.l'iftle-8 huibauiis, hard betrtid laudb rilr, rick babies ar.d all the t!-iil aecompaniuientu of poverty Pfvtr prow so dipnwrd that tbey have to be Heated fcr it. Th j are too by. It's the woman with on ad .r iue famiiy, teeial position and a comfor table income who doifu't find life worih livinir. It ixn't the servant girl who gets up at 6 to kindle tbe fire and who slaves all day who indulges in melancholia, but the daughter of the family, who ar'tMS at 8, dawdles over her breakfast, reads a little, practices a little, shops a little, eraves excitement with all her heart, and is melancholic because she doesn't have it. "There is no hal it which giowo open one so rapidly," went on the doctor' "It becomes a disease in a very short lime. My own plan, whenever I feel an attack coming on, is to put on u y walking boots and tramp vigoiuutlynt far as I can. It is simply impossible to exerei-e and feel blue at the same time. Of course, a general care of the health is necessary, and work is the clii.t' laeior in effecting a cure. Every woman who has a tendency to melancholia should have an occupation whioh, if it doesn't entire'; absorb her, will at least keep her busy. And sbeshiuM pve her mind up to prac tical rather than theoretical uffnirs, She should study how to put on cura shelf in a cupboard, or how to stop the squeak ing door, oi how to make en overshoe that won't comr iff at the heel, rather th m the toicl'iogs of thcesophical so'iool or ll.e philosophy of llnhcrt Spencer. Ordinarily goo I health, pli .my of n 'r -iee, plenty i f 'rk and an int.-ien. in i lie alTiirs ol this woild aro the ulr.i pieven talivcs and cures of melancholia." Lon don Doctor. A RURAL COURTSHIP. I went dilen times or m re Befure I made suggestions, Aod I was ohoked almost to death In popping of the question. When I would leave her sho woul I say : 'Dear, we'll be divided.' I'd put my arm around htr neck, Aod tbeu our lips collided. The flowers were blooming all around, Tbe birdies tang so sweet, I whispered in my darling's ear, You're good enough tu eat.' But time rolled on and troubles oame And made my poor heart sad ; You see, I did not eat her then How oft I'vo wished I bad I Mental science ia splendid to oure you of things you haven't got. Women can atand an effeminate man belter than men can atand a masculine toman. The Monkey And The Old Col ored Man. Near a O.-oria seillemer.! a tin nki j ma le bis e-eipe from an obi organ eiioder and t e.k i" be woods. Ne.ir by i Ii. i e Wjs a l..g eibin, and in that cabin was an obi neuro who " stivping ove r the red eiubi r in the fire plave trying to blow them to a fiiuie. Suddenly be hestd a Miatite. chatter ing ou'side mid a scutching at the door and window shutter ''Vbodat ?" he asked repeatedly; but, receiving no answer, he cautiously opened the window, hen tho monkey, having a red cap on his head, aod wealing a little red coat and breeches, hopped iu, and ruht on tbe shoulders of the old man. He jumped clear acrrss the cabin in his fright, howling lustily for help -the money chatteiing all the time, and inci dentally pulling the old fellow's woul. He tried in vain to jump out of the window, and to unfasten the door tint his eyes were closed tight, to ke.p out the vision of ih monkey's grinning I'.ee. Finally he made fur thi chimney aud crawled up a piece as tbe monkey leaped nimbly down, and tugged at bis feet to pull liitii back. Failing in this the monkey proceeded to build a fire under him, with great in telligence blowing it to a blaze. They say around the neighborhood that the shrieks of the old man could be heard a milt ! "Ob, Lawd I my time U cornel Bu'n me up quick, Lawd! Don't lemme linger I Ob, Lawd, take me thoo' de roof, en take me quick! ' lie was shortly released, however, the proprietor of the monkey coming up with a crowd and hastily departing with bis property. "I thought hit wuz one er de devil's own imps f um hell," said the old man afterwards, "en. he sho' did look en so' it!" YOUR BEST WORK A timid mm, a discouraged woiker, nd henrtid strugghr, can r.eier do lie bet work of which be is capable. Tie timid inau is afraid to let out his foices. The discouraged man thinks tlnre is ro uc in c xeriisiug bis forces The sad- bearted man has weakened his r ices so that he oannot re..pi nd to a call. It il nit merely eheerluiuess io cur wolk that we need; it is downright faitb, buue-t, whole souled daring. Try to do your best with a question whether it pays or whether there is any hone of success, or whether life is not a great, cloudy expe rience and you will fail. The best in us comes up through confidence, snd it is kissed iuto power by smiles of hope, and it is led on by shouts of victory, and crowned by beautiful patienoe. "The best" is born of contest, and is colored by blood. And it ia measured io God's glorious presence, not by banners, or hu man plaudits, or sounding trumpets, bit by the amount of virtue which has en tered into it. P I The Weldon Grocery Co. wnntwtllf TnHUb'UH IN 38f I5a 1 , IS? tv-''" in TVnDLES .LF .roKHKHB IN STAPLE & FANCYd GROCERIES & CUtl rinlff Tn Mftrrhantil. P Ordera Solicited. THE WELPOH GROCERY CO , "SELLING OUT! Entire line of winter goods at cost to make room for spring stock. a3pecia1 Cash Sslo every Monday and Tuesday: ' All Calicoea at 600 Boat & Ceoti Tablet! Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. odIj to each customer 5e, 15 Cent Coffee, Uo. 25 Cent Bottle Robert't Tasteless Chill Tonio 16o. lis Hustler, , Enfield, N.O. ONE WOMAN With two faces ; one face bright with health, the other face pinched and drawn by illness. lUnv a woman can take the portrait of herself ttiRile but a few years ago, and holding it by her face ia the mirror realise a similar change. Behind thia change In form and fea ture ia alwnvs disease, and generally dis ease which'ailecU the womanly organ ism The backache and bearinir-down pains put a heavy strain on the nervous system. There ia lose of aleep, lack of appetite, and, aa a natural result, loss of .... it. i it t. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription i the book I gave you. cure disease of the womanly organs. It establishes regularity, dries enfeebling drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion and cures female weakness. "Word, cannot tell what I .nffsred forthirtmi mm wllh womb trouhlt and .tmmrioir-down Hln. thrmiah my Wo. and tack " "" Joho Wck.un.of lirenfrll. Atitilloi l0 . N W. Ter " I can't dwcril th mlwry it wa. to b on my fett kmr al a time. I could not ct nor alP Oflm fwlihcd to die. Thto I m -Dr. MriTc'a nwdMnca adtrcrtlwd and llmiaht I would try Ihfm. Hud not Ukcn on. botllc llll I w. fcclinl well. After I had taken nve A NERVE SOOTHER. A middle-aged wumsn called at ebemist'a in Camden Town one evening and asked for morphine, and the shop man replied to her request with ; Is it for your husband? Oh, no, sir; I have not got any. You don't think of suicide? Far from it. What do you take it for ? Must I tell you, sit? You must, or otherwise I can't supply you. Well, then, don't you think that woman forty years old, who baa bad bet first offer of marriage less than an hour ago, naturally wants something to quiet her nerves and give her a good night sleep? Tbe druggist thought so, aod she went away contented with the nerve toother SHE HAD IMPROVED. The Princesa Charlotte, daughter of George IV., was young woman of great spirit and originality. One day one of har teachers chanced to enter th' room when the prinons wss reviling one of her attendant ladies in great wiatb.and, eft givirg her leoture on hasty epeech, he piesented her with t book on the sub. jeot. A few days later he found her still more furious snd using language even mor violent. "I sm soiry to find your royal highness io such a passion," aaid he. "Your royal highneM has not read bottlra of 'rtvorlte FTelK.lllon, and one or Ool.leo Medical rMaeovery' I w.a like a new woman. O-uld tat and aleep and do all toy own work. I would entreat of any lady suffer In from ftmal. ireaknew to fire Dr. n-mr F.ortte PreKrtplioB a (air trial, for I know lite tMSeSt aha will receive." Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellet cure biliousness and sick headache. "I did, my lord," cried the tern pest u outly. "I both resd it and profited it. Otherwise I should have toratched ber eye out!" DOUBLED AS ALIMONY. "Oh, yea, daughter' fully twice happy as th wss with her hu4 aod." "Howo?" "Why, hs used to civ her alio WVISIT OR "WBITE-w The Petersburg Furniture Co., 20:. ASI) 207 i. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE LOVER'S LITANY. H &efMW aXSi mm i i ;MhM lUlsa 1 THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEH9 IN URNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENEltAL HOUSE FUItXISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD, PRESIDENT 4 MANAGER IguSpecial Attention to Mail Order.'. oct 3 It. tuc i ncT innf Tn imov y, .00.00. S 'S '5 '5 ' S -- BY KDWIN W, FULLER. Do not fasten the lid of the coffin down yet; Let me have a long look at the face of my pet. Please all quit the chamber and pull to the door, And leave me alone with my darling once more. Is this little Ethel, so cold, and so still ! Beat, beat, breaking heart, 'gainst God's mystic will, Remember, O Christ, thou didst dread thine own cup And while I drink mine, let thine arm bear me up. But the moments are fleeting; I must stamp on my brain, Each dear little feature, for never again Can I touch her; and only God measures how much Affection a mother conveys by her touch. Oh! dear little head, oh! dear little hair, So silken, so golden, so soft, and so fair, Will I never more smooth it? Oh! help me, my God, To bear this worst stroke of the chastening rod. Those bright little eyes that used to feign sleep, Or sparkle so merrily, playing at peep, Closed forever! And yet they seemed closed with a sigh, As if for our sake she regretted to din. And that dear little mouth, once so warm and so soft, Always willing to kiss you, no matter how oft, Cold and rigid, without the least tremor of breath, How could you claim Ethel, 0 pitiless death! Her hands! No, 'twill kill me to think how they wove Through my daily existence a tissue of love. Each finger's a print upon memory's page, That will brighten, thank God! and not dim with my age. Sick or well, they were at every request To amuse us; sweet hands! they deserve a sweet rest. Their last little trick was to wipe "Bopeep's" eye, Their last little gesture, to waive us good bye. Little feet! little feet, how dark the heart's gloom, Where your patter is hushed in that desolate room ! For oh! 'twas a sight sweet beyond all compare, To see little "Frisky" rock back in her chair. 0 Father! have mercy, and grant me thy grace To see, through this frown, the smile on thy face; To feel that this sorrow is sent for the best, And to learn from our darling a lesson of rest. February 16, 1875. T-lfrf"!''rT'R(JTt''"l';f:Tf:;!''f" "' t V HUDYARD K1HL.NG Eyes of gray a sodden quay, Driving rain and falling tears, As the steamer wears to sea In a parting storm of cheers Sing, for Faith and Hope are high None no true as you and I Sing the Lovers' Litany "Love like ours can never die!" Eyes of black a throbbing keel, Milky foam to left and right; Whispered converse near the vheel In the brilliant tropic night ; Cross that rules the Southern sky! Stars that sweep and wheel and fly, Hear the Lovers' Litany 'Love like ours can never die!'' Eyes of brown a dusty plain Split and parched with heat of June, Flying hoof and tightened rein, Hearts that beat the old, old tune. Side by side the horses fly, Frame we now the old reply Of the Lovers' Litany "Love like our can never die!" Eyes of blue tho Simla hills Silvered with the moonlight hoar; Pleading of the waltz that thrills, Dies and echoes round Benmore. "Mabel," "Officers," "Goodby,"' Glamour, wine and witchery On my soul's sincerity "Love like ours can never die!" Maidens, of your charity, Pity my most luckless state; Four times Cupid's debtor I Bankrupt in quadruplicate, J Yet. despite this evil case, j And a maiden showed me grace ' Sing the Lovers' Litany ; "Love like ours can never die!" The treatment of Catarrh with antiseptic and astringent washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco and cigarettes or any external or local application, is Just as senseless as would be kindling a fire on top of the pot to make it boil. True, these give temporary relief, but the cavities and passages of the head and the bronchial tubes soon nil up again with mucus. Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh, for it checks perspiration, and the poisonous acids and vapors which should pass off through the skin, are thrown back upon the mucous membrane or inner skin, producing inflammation and excessive flow of mucus, much of which is absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation reaches every part of the system, involving the Stomach, Kidneys and other parts of the body. When the disease assumes the dry form, the breath becomes exceedingly foul, blinding headaches are frequent, the eyes red, hearing affected and a constant ringing in the ears. No remedy that does not reach the polluted blood can cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the circulation all onensive matter, and when rich, pure blood is again coursing through the body the mucous membranes become healthy and the skin active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disap pear, and a permanent, thorough cure is effected. S. S. S. being a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the Stomach and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve under its tonic effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical advice free. Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application. THE SWirT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta,, Gat. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yoa btvan't a rtrmUr, belthy movMiiit of th bo we It afar; dar, you'ra 111 or will be. Keap jroui bowelaonaR.andba well. Forra.in the aba., of lp lantptaTiiaur pill pnUoii.li daneiroui. Tlie amooth Mt aaiiait, moat rrftct jr of kaaplnf the bow alt law uv4 alatui la to tka CANDY CATHARTIC k A PRINTER GREATLY BUR PRISED. "I never was so much surprised ia my life, aa I was with the results of using Chsmberlsin't Pain Balm," says Henry T. Crook, pressman of the Ashevilla Ga- sette, (N. C ) "I contracted t severe oase of rheumatism Isst wioter by getting my feet wet. I tried several thing for it without benefit. One day while look ing over the Gaiette, I noticed that Pain Balm was positively guaranteed to eure rheumatism, to bought a bottle of it and befure utiog two-thirds of it my rheumatism bad taken its flight and have not had a rheumatio pain." by W. M Cohen, druggist. I Sold Spend y tur pennies and some one else will get your friends. Mis. (', K. VaoPeuaeo, of Kilbourr, Wia., was tfflio'ed with stomach trouble aod eonttipaiion for long time. She nave. "I have tried many preparation but Done have done me the good that Chambeilaios Stomach and Liver Tabletl have." These Tablets sto for sale at W. M. Cohen't drug store Price 25 eenti. Samples free. Woman doesn't need man; she need seversl of him. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Plat.ll.. Pnlant. T..U 0oo4. P. 0"oS i.T.r DIM... . .ML. ui u.ip. ... ht boa. WrU for lm Muwple, .nd booklet n b.tita. aaar... raaua aaaaiv coinrr, caicice e saw voa. CHRONIC DIARRHOEA. Mr. C. B. Wiogfield. of Fair Plav. Mo., who suffered from ehrooie dvsenterv for thirty-five yean, says Chamberlain' Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did him more good than any other he hadeverused. For sale by W. M, 0 ffp BLOOD CLEAN Willie, you should not put your arm around me io publio. Thit isn't in publio. But it' half publio. Well, I've only got sty arm half-way round. The One Among Many. 3 The one make of instruments that hold it ton through t generation of use fulness. Headache often result from disorder ed eondition of the stomach and oonsti- pstio of the bowels. A dose or two of I Chsmberlsio's Storoeoh aod Liver Tab lets will correct these disorder tnd our the headaohe. Sold by W. M. Cohen, druggist. FWTH fllllfOURSELF. y'plAWos f Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A tore cure for all. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended bv best physicians of th country. For sale in Weldon by W. W. KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies al aya onhand.; I keep the best of every thing in my ine. navPolite attention to ill at Kay's, west tide R. R. Shed.) my ly. BICYCLE WORKS .... Wheela sold and Repaired Fart of Bicy cles furnished. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Wioslow'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions oi mother for ohildrcn, while teething, with perfeot sucoeea. It soothes th ohild, otlons the gums, allays all pain, cure wind colio, tnd is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. 8old by druggist io every part of the world. 25 oenta bottle. Be sura tnd ask for "Mr. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," tnd take no oth er kind. Am not built for show they're eon- struoted with eiperienced ore; they last lifetime and more, yet their oosl is very moderate, considering their quality. Send ui inn, .dJinaa and vnu'll immediate!? No matter bow dark tnd discouraging i get an illustrated oatalogue and book ui th outlook may be, have faith in your-1 suggestions. Aooommodating Term fiaooa or other make to suit in mosi economical. selves and io the good providence of God, and may this year bring you th fruitage of your hope, lb transforma tion of life, whioh is as wonderful tod yet s possible tt th obang whioh oomet to tbe earth in May, when the wan rains and th mounting sun suddenly work th miiaole of the springtime, when th oold tnd barren earth, aa in response to the touob of to invisible wand, bloom with verdare. CQ il.Ai'!'' Xf 11- r CHARLES M. STIEFF, Wararooms, 9 N- Liberty (tract. Factory & Lafayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct 91 lv. cro am-- The first thing a man must do when he goes into publio life t to forget all th tnee of only f 10 tnd cow h hs to pay rales hs learned from the bead of hi ber 120, 'copybook. OABTORIA. Baantat 1" AIM TM HwWwsn POUfftt Blfiarer of CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEIIIIYROYAL FILLS Yon eatt't maka t silk pur with college education. Th girl wbo ht never been kissed ia th dark ba never bten in th dark very much with t man. rmuriats at4 a. Competitor mutt be jolly good fellow foi tbey in el way letting 'em up. SkifW. AlmrinUaM.. !, 4ll VMfetft. hoam anted vita bio fibtam. TkwbMr. Safi c.i.'im awawal. Of Hid . la fiMop. Sir nQtoMm, 1 -. mi. awn, rw m mmt, biiMnaaU, t. atiiimiiti Mia agr ail fmnuia. oaioaaarw onaaooAL oo. UM !aaa Ham, rati!- Good teams and eomfortabl vehicle. Give as a call when in need of wood. I'nnort bicycle. 1 .id and office corner Maple ana second I t ets, Weldon, N. 0. dec 2U BIOMRETT, DENTIST! 314 Mail Stmt, Norfolk. Vi. Teeth extracted withuot the (lightest pain by th oa of pure nitron oxide vapor the aafest anaettbetio known. It hi been io constant use In my praotioe for 30 years. Chloroform aod ether adminis tered; also the best local anaesthetic Gold biidge work, gold orown snd poroelain crown work; artificial teeth, filling the teeth aod all kind, of denial work known to the 60 art of the profession executed in the most careful and skillful manner tt retiorahle price. 314 Main ttr.et, Nor folk, V. 4 25 !', . ...... ......j:.'t,vTrwgss