at AXriv w; 6 JOH3ST "W. SLEEGKEJ, proprietor. VOL. XXXVI. .A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. TEEMSH1''0 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 10. 1902. NO. 48 rati The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatorta is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation " and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the , ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of GHOST AN ACTOR, The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC eCWTMsa OMMStV, TT BUNIMV TOUT. MCW TWI OtTfe mm The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE J0HUEK8 IN AT A PTTC Rr 17 A WP.V AAefl. WA W a V tft'.J SGR00ERIES.& pS l.Wi Belt Only To Merchant. Orders Solicited. 2 8 ly THE WELDON GROCERY CO., WSLDON.N. 0. Apparition that Told a Penn sylvania Man of His Broth er's Death. "Firrrrlv I s a tiardtnrd i-kppiic: in miMr of pjrliio" sairl j pion it;f nt buyer if Prnrisjlvm :n tip oihfr duv," "but I converted l y " (iprrirsce that ha wad.1 ni n an! m believer in tliioin nipernnMiral 0' e Di;ht ncemlv 1 on my wuy in TuKitia i o h-rnb:ir k. While iaini! through I "ni! ptrrtch of wnods I siid'len ly raw, jimt ahead of ni, the 6'iire nf e man. Ho woied tn be surrouorln hy a fierce f.ll nf ttviw, wliiuh was apparently hur'rd against him hy n terrifio i t' ind. As the man utrupgleil a'oi'u bly against ttin norm my horse si ppid Mi'ideo'y, pricked up his ears and awed the. ground impatiently. All an and, except io the email space tnririindiiiK the figure nf the man, was clear and calm I ru!bed uiy eyes od made up my mind that the man was Koine druckrn I'ell'W on hi' way home from the village, r, J that the storm was an optical illusion I called out to him but do answer came back I fhouted again, and again, louder each time, but the struggling figure gave do response. "At last tbe man fell as if exhausted, aid the fierce gale whirled the sonw around him. Knowing tbat if the fallen man was drunk he would frefZ) to death if I left him lying there, I jumped from my horse and ran to help him up intend ing to take hie to the Dearest place of shelter. As I reached the prostrate fig ure I started back and almost fell fainting in the now. The face was revealed in darkness an cleatly as if it bad been broad daylight, and it was tbat of my brother, who lived in Dakota. When I recovered from the shook and turned aaio to the body, it was gone. Thers was not eves an impression in the snow where it had lain.. Bewildered and much unstrung, 1 finally mounted my horse and rode on. "I gradually recovered my composure, and at last convinced myself tb .t I had been the victim of a itraoge and unac countable hallucination, but a strange forebodiog of evil haunted me. A few w-VISIT OB WRITER Ike Petersburg Furniture SOU AND 20T N. 8YCAMOR K ST. PETERSBURG, VA. Co., Mksl L If THK HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEItS IS FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND OKNKltAL HOUSE FURVISHINOS. A. J. WINFI EL I), PKMIDEST MANAGER BaSpeoial Atlrntion to Mail Orders. it 3 n. diy later I received a leiier from the town i f Dakota where my brother was, and whicb informed me that he had been caught in a blizzird while on his way to bis cabin tad was fnn-jn to death. "The letter gave the date and lime of his death. It had occurred at the very hour and night that the apparition nf the man struggling against tbe storm ap pcared to me on the To wand i road, and I ricogniz.'d by brother's face aa be lay dead in the enow.'' Chicago Inier-Ocean. FOR IIVEH SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teethiug, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents u bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mm. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no otb er kind Soon the days of Halleluia, With bluebird on the wiog; Blooms are hidden in the bhuird, (Common meter: All hands sing!) PLACATING MRS. HI. Mrs. Mann Oh, yes, I suppose I'm a disagreeable thing. No doubt you are sorry you ever saw me. Mr. Mann 1 woo I go so tar aa tnat. I only wish when I did see you I bad taken a better look at you. COMPARISONS. Mr. SeMnm.Hnma Mv husband is one of the mint disputatious mortals alivp. I can hardly ever make a statement with out bis "bejrging leave todiffar " Mrs. Jenne Lee Undego lour hus band is an aneel. Mine always difri without bejjgtnf leave. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. Tbe blood is constantly being purified by tbe lungs, liver aiid Li Joeys. Keep these organs in a healthy cooditiuD and the bowels regular sod you will have no need of a blood purifier. Fur this pur pose there is nothing equal to Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one of them will do you m ro goi d than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price, 25 oents. Samples free at W. M. Cohens drug store. EDUCATE YOUR CHILDREN. Erery person should be interested in the education nf his or hr child. The time is now at haod when witb our sys tem of schools in No'th Carolioa every child has an opportunity to gain knowl edge. The time is approaching when a bov or a girl uneduoated will be denied the benefits of society sod wi'l Iip ur a bla to tarn a livelihood If b ys or t'U1." expect to enter into any of th-prl-s-sions, into society or expect to succeed in any of the avocations of li'e they njur he educated. To fit one's self for any of the pr 's sions, one oiu-t be eduC4t"d io those 'ranches that bear upoo thai panicul.r profession. If one wishes to shine as an ornament in society there must be that culture, re Socmen! and learning that can ony come from being th irouhly educated. It makes on difference what may be your ambition fur yout child, if it is only to be a pUin citii-n, yet if yuu educate that child he will be belter enabled tu cope with tbe world and can be more suc cessful in any business he undertakes. There is one reaoo that more strongly appeals to the parent now, why the boy should be educated, than heretofore. After 1908 the boy who is 21 years of sge and who cannot read and write the constitution of his native State will not be allowed to vote He cannot enjoy tbe same privileges of citizenship as did bis father. And if there were no other in centive than this it would seem that every boy should be taught a rudimentary edu cation at least. Send your children to school. You will be held responsible by the Great Creator, Himself, if you allow your child to grow up in ignorance, witb to many educational advantages around jou. Ex. If troubled by a weak digestion, loaa of appetite, or coostipation, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Evety box warranted. For sale by W . M. Cohen One cent's worth of mirth is worth a dollar's worth of anuer. Gossip uncovers a multitude of sins. Pi I bequeath to ray children Scrofula with all its attendant horrors, humiliation and suffering. This is a strange legacy to leave to posterity ; a heavy burden to place upon the shoulders of the young. This treacherous disease dwarfs the body and hinders the growth and development of the faculties, and the child born of blood poison, or scrofula-tainted parentage, is poorly equipped lor life's duties. . Scrofula is a disease with numerous and varied symptoms; enlarged glands or tumors about the neck and armpits, catarrh of the head, weak eyes and dreadful skin eruptions upon different parts of the body show the presence of tubercular or scrofulous matter in the blood. This dangerous and stealthy disease entrenches itself securely in the 6vslem and attacks the bones and tissues, destroys the red corpusc'.ef of the blood, resulting in I wmte swelling, a pallid, waxy appearance ot tne skin, loss ol strength, and a gradual wasting away of the body. t. b. fa. combines both purifying and tonic properties, and is guaran teed entirely vegetable, making it the ideal remedy in all scrofulous affections. It purifies the deteriorated blood, makes it rich and strong and a complete and permanent cure is soon effected. S. S. S. improves the digestion and assimilation of food, restores the lost properties to the blood and quickens the circulation, bringing a healthy color to the skin and vigor to the weak and emaciated body. Write us about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise and help you in every possible way to regain yonr health. Book on blood and Skin diseases free. THK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta,, Ga. The One Among DID YOU Many. The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. AlANos If Are sot built for show they're con structed with experienced care; they last a lifetime and mere, yet their cost is very moderate, considering their quality. Send ns your sddiess and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book ol suggestions. Accommodating Terms Pianos of other makes to stilt the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Wareroomj, 9 N. Liberty street Factory E. Lalayetta Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street. SAY DRINKS ? Well yon will find the choicest brands of BYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave , WELDOX, - . X. C. Fall line groceries always 00 hand. oct 21 ly. -Baltimore, Md. D E.STAINBACK, 1 NOTARY PUBLIC. ,WlXDOH, N. C .Boanok Naws Office. OTIOE Having qnaliSed as administrator of Am brose Hawkins all persona having claim against hia exUte are hereby notified to bring them tn medoly verified on or before 27th dav of Febrnsrv 1903. AU person indebted to bim are requested to make tm mediate settlement. This Feb. !I7, 1902. C M HAWKIN8, Admr. Ambrose Hawkins, dee mar 6 fit 1 "a iini1 for Presents your vILIL Cubanola Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted GOOD LUCK," "BOOT JACK, 'BRANDY WINE," NEPTUNE," OLE. VARGINY," and TRADE MARK STICKERS from "FIVE BROTHERS" Pipe Smoking Tobacco, in securing these presents, ONE TAG being equal to TWO CUBANOLA CIGAR BANDS or TWO OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOT WKAJT&K.&. T taoc r- ..ex ar " HfRfiFSHftir. "STANDARD NAVY." "SPEAR HEAD." "DRUMMOND" NATURAL LEAF. ixr; vrTrcTtrr-i .ivAnttv cPiiM rott T t "Ol.n HONESTY" "MASTER WORKMAN" "JOLLY TAR." "SICKLE," ..on r.ce nnw -nr n PF AP.H amt. HOMEY ". "RAZOR." "E. RICE. GREENVILLE." "TENNESSEE CROSSTIE," "PLANET,". rS e r twSMJB xMy irsl JWh lJ ML rZii G&ssr A . mMmi Z "" fel dJ VL jSgP rS&f flpocKnHHirtA WmORMrC f A POCKET KNIFE A SSfed H-hour Oonj S.rih ,50BAND5wT towaoWK 7 3JHL NJJ UL f 1200 BAND3 WicM 400 BANCS r , WATCH ryni.V ifeW XJ . '300 EAMDS KMIVCS A T0RK3 I IIZIJ 'W BANDS JD jCJl -J t-p ? II 1 QwW3 pj) W Cch5hrildign M-X- fe5BAHDgf doll L JrT SSSr""J y IL J 50 BANDS J 1000 bands isfe B fysg5L grrl irMIn S t?PS 7 eze" nun ffll dB & 'rr- CTfesy) thclldcstn ORCSS SUIT CASE 1 8 Irl4y; J SAFETY RAZOR AND STROP ," STS 1 1 IfflL m l!rT'iVil'i!f . sh'"" 500BANDS. M U crnym M?7r. . Hi J o Mfl I -Z3S K TT-K rT I UBANDS Sr32 Clibrt I600BANMJ TOOL HANDLE . TOOLS j ft 3 1'' 1 1 IT DLL dSrrdl I 5 S7r rrr 280 BANDS KNIVES 4 FORKS Six each ,31 P ..j 1 ii 1 tTf"l iTTLa 06 " ' Take dawn It ue 4000 BANDS tJ,-. r,M,.ra FIRt PROOF SAFE fc ftf4T -'jp" j FPltl L HI "T - SrV3 l-WMObSMOWM Jfo MACHINE KH IV IW-- m Kyd LTZZ f'j , . ?,lm ' 1T" Vcd f 3000 BANDS iS-atJ-'RCVOLVER t PC 4000 HS-m , NUT SET NEjsC----' LJ2UaJ'1 "M ' MARUNrWlAZINERIFLE'atCr;- EJ llTW )J AtWIie Ejeclor jfFb. W BANDS ijo'bNDS tCi ro-S; T I ToKadown 30JO Calibre 4000 BANDSV x Jj 'Ori200BANDS -fcf j4-. f 54wdr4l PSSgS CX TRAVELLING BAQ . lADVS SlLK UMBRELLA rwSrVTj CSS5 JltfSSlfl W ymzr i imoobaw' uoo bands 3oo bands - mm ceo; r )mmmm&& m .. . CHILD5 SET Kro(f forhftSoooA MANDOLIN (WashburtJ 3200 BANDa OUITAR (Vtahburri 3200 BANDS The above illustrations represent the presents to be given for BICYCLE Standard make 5000 BANDS rtwinEmsriiioi. r;pAPHnpHONF Prl Stock 600 BANDS 10 Inch NickfW Hon VilhRubbjrJifickeOOBANS (Otic wne Record) 1800 BAHOS Cobanola e Cigar Bands WTT TOUR NAME AND ADDRE.S9 PLAINLY on outside of pacKago containing BANDS or WIUERS. Tnd forward Ih.m by r.l...ral mall, or pr.pald. Bo ouro lo havo your packaco iJ,pll7rj marhad. .0 that It will not b. lo.t in tr, Sand bands or wroppei r. and !!':.: 7Z (.u. ...u .r r.Uiu.ui to C. Hy. Brown. 424 Folaom Avenue. St. Louie, Mo. OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of preaente for 1902 Include many artlct not ahewn abora. It containa the moat attractive liat of preeenta ever offered for ban da and wrappers, and will be aent by mail on receipt of postage two centa. Our offer of preeenta for baa da and wrapper will expire November 30, 1902. American vl JS- Vumpouy J TV"