1 Hfci 1 gag JOHN" "W. SLE3DC3-E, proprietor. A. NESPAPEB FOIR, THE PEOPLE TEIlS:-l-50 PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902. NO. 2 The Kind Toa Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per 'Jfijfc, nl supervision since its infancy. tC4CA4ni ATlnW tin An A HmaIva vAti li tfil All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trlllo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Co tori is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI IM-TAMM MMMIf, ft IURMT TMT, MtW TWIK MR. PENOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE J0BBEK8 IN STAPLE & FANCY 5GR0CERIES.& HBWe Bell Only To Merchant. Order Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 8 ly wii dom.n. o. mm "Inmates of the penitenliary havo wav of makioj; remarks tod asking ques tions I hit are sometimes startling," re mark! i a prison official. "Give rue t sample?" replied the Ob server. "The other day two of the men were talking over pinna for the future after their rt-ppeel ie termi had eipired. One of tbtm exclaimed : 'When I get out of here I iutrud to goto far away that it will take $9 to aeod a poatal card to reach me.' " 'And how do you 'spett to get dere youaelf?' inquired a oolored man, who knew that finance! were not flush among the inmatea of the big prison. The con versation ceased at that point, for the negro had plumped out a poser." Columbus lispatci.. KINO WORDS Kiud thoughts are the roots from which spring kind words aod kiud dtet's We uiuil cultivate the roots if we would have the blossom aod the fruitage ''The practice of kind thoughts," wrote Faber, "is a fountain of joy in our souls which rarely intermits its flowing. Abovo all things it is our main help to that complete government of the tongue which we all so much eovat. The inteiior beauty of a soul through habitual kindness of thought is more than our words can tell. To suoh life is I perpeptual bright even ing with all things calm and fragrant and restful. The dust of life is laid and its fever cooled. All sounds and all sights are fairer, and the golden light makea our enjoyment of earth a happily pensive preparation for heaven." PUR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for ohildren, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor Tittle sufferer irr mediately. Solu by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. sr VISIT OR WRITER The Ptahg Furniture Co, 20.-J AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. .f rr j ...r-r if ii -""-in i lit ut ui- an am yj iinrtiin tor'"' THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATK LKADE11S IN FUBHITURF, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. "W INFIELD, PRUIDKST, MANAOSS MCSpeeial Attention to Mail Orders. Oct 3 ly. ft MIXED RECIPE. A fashionable young lady visited a cooking school the other afternoon, where her attention was equally divided be tween a new dress worn by an acquaint ance and the directions for makiog a cake. Upon returning hoaae she under took to write down the recipe for making the cake for bar mother, and the old lady was paralyzed when she read the following "Take two pounds of flour, three rows of plaiting down the front, the whites of two eggs cut bias, a pint of milk ruffled round the neck, halt pound ourrants, with seven yards of bead trimming, grated lemon peel with Spanish lace fichu; stir well, aud add a semi-fitting paletot with visile sleeves; butter the p? p. with Brati'iao topal necklace, and gar nish with iciog and passementarie. Bake in a moderately hot oven until the skirt is lucked from the waist down on either side, and finish with large satin rosettes." Her mother said she wouldn't eat such a cake, and she thought these new fangled ideas la cooking ought to be frowned down. Michigan Badger. BRING THE ENDS TOGETHER. A certain oulonel somewhere in the South (no matter where) was in the habit of telling yarns and greatly exaggerating. He had a negro servant who corrobora ted everything his nutter told. One day the Colonel had some gentlemen to dinner, aod they were enjoying some fine venison very much. The Colonel said: "Yet, I went hunting the other day and saw fine buck. I took a good sight at him and shot him through the head, and the bullet went through bis hind leg." The gentlemen looked at eaah a little mystified. The negro scratched hit head sod at last said: "Yes, indeed, gemmen, just as masia raised the gun to shoot dt buok he raited his hind leg and scratch hit tar, and the bullet went through the head and right through de hind leg." The gentlemen looked more satisfied. After the guests had left the negro laid to his ajasier : "Qorry mighty, mama, next time you tell one of dem yarns do go( the ends clotter togedder. I had bard work to make both ends meet." New Orleaot Times-Democrat. WHY HE WAS REJECTED. The soul of a rajah who had been re leased from the cares of this world and an uncongenial wife presented himself at the gates of paradise. "Have you been in purgatory jel?" demanded Brahma. "No, but I have been marrii-d " "Enter then, It is the tam thing." At this moment another soul arrived, who begged Braliiua to allow him also to enter. "Softly, softly. Have y. u been in purgstory yet?" "No, but neither has that other lellow. He died tbt same day 1 did." "Very true, but he bad been married." "Married, indeed ! Why, I have been married three times." "Away, then, to the lower regions I" said Brahma sternly. "Paradise is not made fof iffibeci!t5 " AN EVENING VISION. The evening camp fire burns low; one by one the brands have dissolved into coals, aud one hy one the little circle hat retired into the cabins and gone to sleep. I take from the pile of the skeleton of a dead pine one of its huge resioout booet and oast it on the coals. The surround ing trees have all retired into the silent darkness to repnat from the toils of tbt stormy day now with itt wrestling winds also gone into the darkness of tht past. Immediately the yellow flamet shoot up high, tad the trees ttep out of the dark ness on silent feet, with a lurprited ex pression at if to lay, aa thty look down upon me. "Why, wt did not txpeot you to oall for ut again." And then they tttnd wailing, with the stars glittering in their tangled hair. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beara the Signature) The treatment of Catarrh with antiseptic nnd astringent washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco and cigarettes or any external or local application, is just as senseless as would be kindling a fire on top of the pot to make it boil. True, these give temporary relief, but the cavities and passages of the head and the bronchial tubes soon fill up again with mucus. Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh, for it checks perspiration, and the poisonous acids and tititi.it-u urltir-fi v1iri,1i1 r.fitiU ff tlit-.tmrh tlin cl-tf. n.u thrown back upon the mucous membrane or inner skid, 'fjk -IgST producing inflammation and excessive now of mucus, a-w "tj" much of which is absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation reaches every part of the system, involving the Stomach, Kidneys and other parts of the body. When the disease assumes the dry form, the breath becomes exceedingly foul, blinding headaches are frequent, the eyes red, hearing affected and a constant ringing in the ears. No remedy that does not reach the polluted blood can cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the circulation all onensive matter, and when rich, pure blood is again coursing through the body the mucous membranes become healthy and the skin active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disap pear, and a permanent, thorough cure is effected. S. S. S. being a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the Stomach, and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve tinder its tonic effe-ts. Write us about your case and get the best medical advice free. Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application. THE Iff!" SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta,, Gsu The One Among Many. - - The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. -t up y a h sr. pIANos pp Jin wm Are aot built for show they're con structed with experienced care; they last a lifetime and more, yet their oost is very moderate, considering their quality. Bend ua your addiess and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms Pianos of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooms, 0 N- Liberty street. Factory E. Lalayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. Reveoge ii sweet But only in the hands of a fool. D E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. Wilson, N. C .Roanoke Ntwa Office. DID YOU -SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the ohoiceet brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wioes, Where,YouAskP WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., . WELDOX, - - If . C. Full line groceries always on band. FOR SALE. sN WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUN. 1897 Model. A Great Bar gain. Price, only $15.00. BICYCLE One of the best bargains to be fonnd. Almost good as new. Yours for only $10.00. Apply to THIS OFFICE. m for Presents yourCiLalbsm' Cubanola Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted with TAGS f rom"STAR." "HORSE. SHOE," "STANDARD NAVY," "SPEAR HEAD," "DRUMMOND" NATURAL LEAF, "GOOD LUCK," "BOOT JACK," "PIPER HEIDSIECK," "NOBBY SPUN ROLL," "J. T.," "OLD HONESTY," "MASTER WORKMAN," "JOLLY TAR," "SICKLE," "BRANDY WINE," "CROSS BOW," "OLD PEACH AND HONEY," "RAZOR," "E. RICE, GREENVILLE," "TENNESSEE CROSSTIE," "PLANET," "NEPTUNE," "OLE VARGINY," and TRADE MARK STICKERS from "FIVE BROTHERS" Pipe Smoting Tobacco, in securing these presents, ONE TAG being equal to TWO CUBANOLA CIGAR BANDS or TWO OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOT WRAPPERS. mm iToitrrscT ! aoirninjjiiver .B tnmmirKS fi I . EJ I I6W BANDS,1 COrFEt SET 5000 BANDS TRAY 2200 BANDS i i i njj.j - i ooiia $oia (n wdi line T fj IQQOO BANDS WWES 4 rORKJ eccb Shell design 1000 BANDS aa I SUGAR SPOON 120 BANDS SIX TEASPOONS ihtll desrtn 300 BANDS SErVINO MACHINE .4000 BANDS -MM DRESS SUIT CASE, Leather 14'wide 6dp 2hntf 2000 9MO NUT SET Cracker and six picks 160 BANDS CHIC03 SET Kflf rk ft Stoat SSLBAtW t TRUNK Canvas Covered 3000 BAND5 nNDouNtwtfcca 3C0QJMNDJ GUITAR QNohtMT k. WRITE TOUR. NAME AND ADDRLS9 FLAINLT an utald of tackaf containing BANDS h WRAPrEtVS. and forward thorn fcy raglatorod mail, or osproao pro paid. Bo ouro to hao your packago oeuralr wrapped and praporly tnarhod, ao lhal It will not bo loot let tranalt. Sand band or wrapparo and roquooU for proooata (aUo roquoato for catalogue) to C. Uy. Brown, 4341 FoUona Avonuo, St. Louie, Mo. m m H m 1 o&.cLjd. .so bands v n.!,T - &&&& m CKS JJ UaflDsJf TOOL SET " WjA I! 1 SAFTYRP 5TR0P c&ggL . h CTfel m ft - orB (MArt 1600 BANltfVj TOOL HANDU 4 TOOLS" 4 M 1 Vj & 7T. ,- H I 260 BANDS KNIVES & T0RK5 Six each HP" -altaa. JLWK I 'iMARLiNlrATCUN ' W-'" .SUd Buthhorfrtwndte 300 BANDS "torV A Cr4 aV Takt dovxi It 4000 BANDS Jmln FIRE PROOF SAFE r n-r, , a, j, i Br k KJ -JSxjnfifa fel 3600 BANDS WZZhiJ CBX'f nCSdWBABYfSdSCSflfl -faVSl BICYCLE, IJ Prl5lock 600 BANDS 10 Inch NickeWd Hortr t&2t SlandarrJ mahe 5000 BANDS ', wttllufiUrJlwkMOBMflC (QneTLraRecordJ IMO.BANQJ i f i TRAVELLINO BA(J 18" CtxnblnBtion MOO BANDS IA0YS SlLK&MBRCOA 26"Cuarntrd 1400 6AN05 The above illustrations represent the presents to be given for Cobsumola Se Cigar Bamda OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of rraeonro for 14o3 IneluJoa man artleloa v. fit aanra above. It coaUlno the moat attractive Hat of preeeota ever offered for b aode and wrapparo, and will bo oent by mall oa receipt of poatago two cent. Our offer of preaeoto for baada and-wrappero will oaplvo Narreraber 30, 190. American Cigar Company V .i