trasS, f, r fjf W IIP fl ff iTa ir, i J1 'a ii r 11 E ..' JOHN "W. SLMDGKEi, proprietor. A. IT E W SP APBB FOE THE PEOPLE. TEI?ES:-I1-S0 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1902. NO. 3 pBBBBl 'i '.-i,... JaWsV-SJ&l. itWQlL JL-. .J 1. AYf gelaWe Prepatationfof As similating ihcFoodandKeflula ting the Stomachs and Bovreb of Promotes DigestionXhterfuh nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Vox "Narcotic. A perfect Remedy forConstipfl Hon, Sour Stonach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness nnd Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YDHK. i i mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of POWERFUL ARRAIGNMENT OF WHISKEY. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. iVIV In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY aGROCERIES.S MkWe Sell Only To Merchant. Orders Solicited. THE WELDON OBOCEEY CO , 2 S It wildon.n. Whether tneo apeak of tbe priie fighter whom oouregod failed, or of tbe financier whose nerves went to pieces at tho critical uinuient; or of the writer whoae imagination and will died out, the at or j will be the tamo ; "He look to whiukejr and that whs the end of him " Deoeit ia another aijjo f mental decay. The lie io the man ia like the hollow at the cttiire of the tree it aouodi hollow, it tolls of decay, Whiskey ia the father of lying. Who believes the drunkard'a atory? He tella bow ha happened to drink too much tbe judge dooa not even listen. No one liatens all know he ia probably lying. He aweara that he will never drink again. The whiskey ia swearing and lying. No ods believes him except perhape aome poor, oonfidiug womun whom nothing oan discourage. From drink cornea boastirg another kind of lying. Frona drink men get lying, disease, obstinacy (did you ever see sober men trying to make a diuokard to home?) brutality, oruelty (doea any but the drunken man murder his own children? and many other vices that destroy then. . What eingle good thing comes from whiakey? Not one. Artificial strength, bragging ioeicad of achieving, lack of will power, weak nasi of purpose, conceit baaed on an over stimulated brain, foolish dreams never to be realized these things whiskey gives. It gives nothing, nothing. New York Journal. FOR OVER SIXTY YKARH Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 centB bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wius- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth or kind. r VISIT OIR WHITE !he Petersburg Furniture Co, 20U AND 207 N. 8YCAMOKH ST, PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELD ,; manager sea8peeiel Attention to Mail Ordera. oot 3 ly. TEARFUL OCCASIONS' Rapresentativs De Graffenried of Texas, who ia one of the best atory tellers in the House, waa sitting at lunch yester day when be sampled some very warm horseradish. Tbe teara came into bia eyea. ''That reminda me," he aaid to the Congreaiman who were gathered around the table, ot the man dowa in my coun try who sampled tabaico sauce for the 6 ret time. He filled a spoon with the hot mixture and drank it. His eyea at onca filled with tcare. " 'What are you oryiog for,' aaked bia companion. "'My mother ia dead,' waa his reply. "A few minutea later he induced bis companion to try the tabaoco. When his friend's ayes beoatuc watery, ha asked him why he was crying, " 'Because you did not dia when your mother did', said bin companion." AN APPRECIATIVE LISTENER. ; ".l id Yci Haw Always Bought "Yes," said the eminent professor at a social gathering, adJrossing his remarks to a email man to whom hejiad been in troduced. ''I flatter myself that I rarely fail to read a face correctly." "So ?" queried the small man. "Yes. Now, there ia a lady," contin ued the profesior, pointing to it 200- pound specimen of the fair sex, "the lines of whose countenance arc as cloar aa print to me. The chin shows firmness of disposition, amounting to obstinacy; the pointed noae, a viooua temperament; the oapaeious mouth, volubility; the square ohin denotes trouble fur those who oppose her wishes; the eyes show a hardness of heart " "Wonderful, truly wonderful, profes sor," interrupted the small man. "You evidently know something of the lady, then ?" said the professor. "Sura," replied the small man; "she is my wife." JUDICIAL ADVICE. In passing judgment in the cases of men arraigned at the, Central station on charges of intoxication, Magistrate Cunningham, although he frequently re verses himself, off t to cuch offender some sound advice. Bill Jones, who had been found upon tbe publio highway minus the faculty of navigation, was arraigned before him. "Married or single?" akod the Mag istrate. "Single, sir," r p'i d the shaking cul prit, "You ought to gut married. If you had a wife and family to occupy your attention you would have no desire to drink," said the Magistrate. "I'll dis charge you; but I hope you'll give tn matrimony more (bought than you have given to liquor." John Smith, who had alao been ar rested for being iutoxicated, was next called. Married or single, John ?" queried the Magistrate. "Married, your Honor," waa the pris oner's reply. "Then you have no business getting drunk. Drinking should be done by single men who have do family to require their attention and casb. iou ought to have remained single, then tbe damage you are doing would fall upon you alone. Uo home aod think it over. 1'hiladel- phia Telegraph. Some girls would know their blond hair by any other color. can t trJ (yr H , Slauder is a moth that good name eats holes in a All the world's a stage upon whiuh each aetor plays his part after which he ccoupies a private box. mm m f ar r g Are in lnaI,y respects like other ulcers or ( JL afc M O B0KS' and tllis rblanc often proves fatal. Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal the sore with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that arc multi plying' in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop ing keep up the irritation nnd discharge, nnd at last sharp shooting pains announce the approach of the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous, sickening cancerous sore begins its destructive work. In February, 1899, 1 notloed a email No fleer or sore can exist .with- SrtMW.'t ..WbK out some predisposing internal cause 0ut Into an op.n .ore. I bearan to take that has poisoned the blood, and the 8. 8. 8. and after I had taken eeven bot open discharging ulcer, or the fester- ' the plaoe healod tmUmly and no ing sore on the lip, cheek or other ' .V.Town, HoUandTs. a" part of the body will continue to spread and eat deeper into the flesh unless the blood is purified and the Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated Irom the circulation. S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying cilele matter. It has great Untidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons and restore the blood to its natural condition. And when pure blood is carried to the ulcer or sore the healing process begins, the discharge ceases and the place heals over and new skin forms. S. vS. S. is a strictly vege table blood purifier containing no mercury or minerals of any description. If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, write us about it, medi cal advice will cost you nothing. Books on Cancer and other diseases o( the blood will be sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. The One Among Many.'- The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. Some people are io slow they even compete with dead men. The marriage habit is easier for a man to break himself of than for a woman. A tomlstone marka the dividing between here and there. The fastest thing in tbe world is get ting into trouble; the slowest getting out. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of T1H pIANos FIT Are aot built fur show they're con structed with experienced oare; tbey last a lifetime aod more, yet their oost is very moderate, constdenog their quality, send ua your address and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms riaoos of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooms, 9 N. Liberty street. Factory E. Lalavette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. DE. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Wkldon, N. C IsBuRoanoke News Offie.e. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choicest branda of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling winea, Where,YouAsk? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - - K. C. Full line groceries always on hand. FOR SALE. WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUN. 189TMorlol. A Great Bar gain. Price, onlv $16.00. BICYCLE One of the beet bargains to be found. Almost good as new. Yours for only $10.00. Apply to THIS OFFICE. Dry Goods of all Kinds. SEb:3 of all Clothing to Furniture-All Prices. I STOVES I Wagons for heavy Buggies to Kinds. Fit all. Felt Mattresses, i Heating Cookin g and light use. Suit all. Harness-that are Beauties. 1 oarry a full liue of I'auey Shirts fr..m 26o. to $1.5 Boys, Young aud Old Oeillemm. All n.w. No last sea i.n's toods. St- I FolUlMiWilL mm WELDON, N. 0 HAS ANYTHING YOU WANT. Dry Gooiis Department. I have a full hut of DRESS GOODS, Including the Fineat linra or Wl.t f Dimity Piquoe, Lawu, Indian Liaen, Brown Lineo, Fancy Gingham., Htrir. G d Fanoy Wanting, Organdia Suiting Duek and Skirtiag of patterna of laii-ai dat. In faot if tbert is aaylhing you want in Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, inn will Bad hara aa T kaaa nnle nna bargain dav and that's the day when you lail ay store. Politaj attention is assured all who eotue It ia n.i trouble to b shewn goods ia say store. S. Write for samples aod price. A postal card will d. Shoe Department I carry a full line of BAY 8TATE, ZE1GLER BROTHERS and JUST WKIQHT SHOES. Ws buy them good to suit you and and do not look for the cheapest goods to be had, but alwaya aftar your interest the best that oaa be had for the mon In Msn's Shoes ws have them from $1.25 to $5.00. (ajuOuarantee all Leather. , In Ladies' Shoes we carry the Ze igler Brothers Shoes, known the world over for comfort and fit. A cheap shoe is never cheap in the end. Always buy good ones. .1 Clothing Department. Hats, Caps, Collars Neckwear for young and old. We lead all others in our town in this line We han- Hlo flio fa. mous HIGH ART CLOTHING made by STROUSI BROS. of Baltimore, Md, in which we can fit you. It does not matter to me whether you are slim and lean or short and fat. I have got the clothes if it is a wedding suit. I guarantee you a tailor-made suit or money will be gladly refunded. I rather have you satisfied than have your money in my drawer as you will come again. In Shirts, I have all kinds. Come and examine them. In Un derwear, it is a treat to see the line I carry for everybody. aaFURNITURE.&g In this de partme at you will find that Jrf I save you money in buying of m e. S i I carry eviry line needed for a wall kept hou-e. I have a full stook of CHAM BER SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, in H)lfi to suit your taste. Side Boards, Exleu&iuo Tables, Center Tables, Sida Tables. In HOOKERS you will find anything ynu want. Hare you ever used a Morris chai ? Y u can get any ra- elin you wsnt. Is the most comfortable chair made. Call and pxarain it. I carry a nice line of chairs for the dioiug room, the sitiinu room, and the hall. Iaarry a full etock of M .VTTINGS of Chinese and Japanese weavia Nr Stook and New Pattern. In my CHINA and CROCKKBY iif.l'AlU Mri.1 you will bad 4 have atudisd your wanta and hava gotten to gether a stock that willoompare with any oity three times the site of Weldon. I have toilet sets of 10 pieoea for you at $2.75 to $12 50. Tea Seta-all prices. Dinner Sets all prices. Banquet, Hall, Library and Study Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Wall and Kitchen lamps.&ggi KNIVES MD FORKS, SPOOKS, Fancy Flower Pots,. and numerous other things that space prevent mentioning. Call and examine this Depart ment and be supplied. We handle only the celebrated Richmond Stove Co's stoves Any store that haa the Ricbmand Stove Co. on it is an aasurano that you are getting the be.t. If you need a stove call and aae the largest stock in Waldon. Polite attention sale or no sale, I oarry LOUNGES and COUCHKS of all makes. Iron Bedsteads and Cribi, i n white, snameline and colors. Have you I good mattress? If not, eall and ex amine my hoe of Felt Mattresses, they are the standard made in single and double leotion. I have STRAW and COTTON MATTRESSES from $1.50. Sbuok aad Cot. ton $2 50 to $5.00. Anything in that line for $1.60 to $12.60. A largeand ooinionaoie LAW N 3VV INti aioely paintad, ready for us at $4. Hammooks from 65o. to $3.50. Door Mats, Hall Rack. Wardrobes. Safea. et. WAGONS AND niiafJIKS nf. II ,.!,. w.. j -- -" .? .wum, vviiiii, IUU IiaUKOCj DU6 gtea, Piedmont Wagona best on the road. Harness for all purpoaea, light, medi um and heavy wagon and slip barneas. Also pieces of Harnesa. PLOWS. PLOW CASTINQS, and PEANUT PLANTERS always in stock. ' GROCERIES, HAY, CORN, Eto. Undertaking In All Its Branches Metallic Cases, Coffins, Caskets, 8hrouds and Robes for ladies aod E'Btlcmsn Caskets in while, Plueh, Chilli, Solid Oak aud Walnut, . A fine heaise will be furnished at a moderate cost to any points mi of town Telegraph and Telephone ordirs promptly filled. 'Phone No 25. " waWajilai , . aassisi "Wsstf'' . 1 -4 I J ' 1