V f S "oraBSKjj lab A. NEWSPAPER IF1 O IR, THE PEOPLE WELPON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 1902. TERMS:-'150 PKR annum in advance JOHN" "W. SLEiDG-E!, ruoi'HiKTOR. VOL. XXXVII. NO. 4 ItgP Mtk IIa isy J Tlio Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and wlileh lias been, ia use for over 30 yourx, lias liorno tlio tij'iintnro of ri , mid lint bcoiuiindo under Ills pcr- Iff , gtJJJ-f-p1- Kimtil supervision since its infancy. ut-CUcUA,'. Allow no cmo totWIve you In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-ns-Kood" urn but Experiment 1 tliut trlllo with and endanger tlio liralth of Infants and Children Experience "Ifn'nst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neitlier Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlci substance. Us ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays IVvcrislnicss. It cures Diarrboja and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stonmcli and iiowels, giving healthy and liaturul sleep. The Children's Panaccu-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Haie Atajs Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OCNTftUH OOWPONV, TT MUKHAV TBIIT. NKW VOBK CTV. LIFE'S LITTLE D4Y. O.io Ki'cret of n swert nnil liuppy CI' r:" l in i in K'lu'Tjitid 10 ''Vl! ''.V l'1' II U ilif I. ii ii Mn Irtiis that lire us. We tliink of iil'', a whole, tunning nn fir Ii'. We ih imt winy tli Inoil until t are three ni'i.ri) noil ti n. We camn t lil'i tins liai t!c continually for half cmlury. Hut fully tlii-to uru no slrit:bi-f. I-il'u does not etui' lo tii nil t c t.e twi; It CnlllL'H lillly a ilnyut ll tillH'. Kvi'U !'- nmrr.iw i i,i'i r uiiik unlil it lii'i'mni n I i- day, uml wo huvo niiiliini: wlinii'Vi r to dn with it liul to J im it di wn a lair nod Itooil inhi'iitiitice in todu'n wink wi'H doiio und to-dnys's lifu well lived. It ii a liUsaed neeri't, this Hvinjj day by dy. Anyone cud carry hi hiinh n, h,wom heavy, l ill nightfall. Any tine can do his wotk, lmwever hard, fur one d:iv. Any one enn live BwreiK, nniwit- Iv. luviniilv and nurelv li I the Mi" U1,1'" dowu. Arid this is ill that lile iui uieunf lo tit just one little day "lo to-dny's duly; iihl in-duy's I. iniiaii .ns, ii&d do not weak' n uml (list r. ci ymir.-eif hy louliiin forward to things you em not we, nnd omltl not understand ll nu siw iheni." Clod sives us niejlit to shin duwn tlie etirtaio of darkness on our little tluy. : We eiinnul see licyond Short, horiims I make life easier and (jive u one of the blessed aeerets of hruve, true, holy living, HER PRAYER. The Weldon Grocery Co. $ WHOLESALE JOBIiKUS IN 'GROCERIES MSl W Order Solicited 2 8 ly We Sell Only To Merehantn. ' THE WELDON GROCEUY CO , WKl.HON.N. C. Sg The Buffalo News tells a etory of u four-year-old fiirl who was spending night awny from homo. At bedtime she knelt at her hostess' knees to say her prayers, expeetinn the usual irnniitiiij;. r'indMin Mis. H , unable to help her out, she C'.t.e'uied thus; "l'lease, God, 'souse uie, I enn't remember my -riiyers, aud I'm slaying with a lady that don't know any." CASTORIA For InfanU and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sltfuatura ftYISIT OP WRITE-M in IMU laaaniikuiHM ! IB MM 1 1 II H th I'A ().i AND '-'" S. SVCAJIOKH ST. PETERSBURG, VA. Mmi f i . i I'll mm Tin; iiusri.iNO ami i;i.io-iati: li:adi:ks in FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES CHARACTER IN EYES. Aocording to the lanpnao of oris: Hlack eyes are considered tlio bright est. AXI GKNKKAIj IIOU8I5 FUKMSIIIXGB. A. J. "WINFI E IiP, PRMIDHNT.4 MXNAGKR K,Special Attention to Mail Orders, ect U ly. NO INTRODUCTION. FULL DRESS IS IRKSOME. A vouni married collide from the country, of course attended an exhibi tion of "dissolving views". The bride, beioxveiy pretty, attracted the attention of a stylish-looking cily gentleman who happened to occupy the sumo seat with the happy pair. During tlio exhibition the part of the hall occupied by the au dience was obscured. l!y some accident tho lights went out also on the stage' During the darkness the young man from the city pressed the hand of the bride. Slio was much alarmed, but offered no resistance. Then he ucluaily leaned over and kissed her. This was too muon, ana mo who resoiveu 10 ion lur hu'-bai.d. "John " "What?" 'This feller's kissing me " "Well, tell him lo quit." "No, John, you tell him." ' fell him ) nursed'." "No, John, 1 don't like to tell him. You tell him. The genthtuan is a feet strauuer loiue" l'hi. Tunes. A bel lied traveller, who .. i . ii i. . peiled to nay an uigni. iu Vauii) is the dugl tcr of selfishness. was com-backwoods laldn, says that soon after the Irugal sup per of ' sody biskits" and fried "side ... . . meat, swimming in grease, naa doch eaten, a tall, gauut youth of about 18 and an equally sallow imd gaunt girl oi 17, both barefooted, took their hats from wooden pegs iu tho wall and prepared to go out, whereupon their mother, taking her pipe from between her yellow teeth, said reprovingly : "Go 'long an' wash your Icet, Levi, vou an' Loolv both! Hain't you shamed to off to an evenin' tmrty without washin' your feet ?'' They obeyid, but as Levi took the wushpan from a bench by the door he said, with a grumble : 'I'd 'bout as soon stay home from a party as to have to fix up so lor hit I" per- llypoeiites pray cream and live skim blue eyes tho mist lovable. Gray eyes the keenest. lintel eyes indicate quielncfs of sympathy. Brown syes me (1m most roinuniie. The ancient tirei U and liiinuit s ad mired blue eyes iiio l of all. Mii.erva was believed to pnf'i s eyes so blue that the lea sermid ( my and and the skies ashen by cotitra-i. Eyes I lint are nslle's have mi power It takes tho concentrated gM' I" influ ence and probe the secrets of another's Soul. Avery round iyo is never found in the face of a clever, quick-witud individ ual. "The more' tho iye resembles the round, bead like one of u bird, the more does it betray dullness," says on old wniir. If the left eye is the larger, the indi vidual is lulcd by the heart. A larger right eye signifies hardhcart- edness. If, when you exitnine your eyes, you find that tho left eyelid droops further over tho eya than docs the right, you muy take it for granted that you possess delicacy of constitution united with bril liancy of intellect, and that you are a genius in one way or another. The hncst eyes are those that unite sense and Bwectness. korovkr HixTir Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect bucccss. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the bet remedy ior Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part oi the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth or kind, contagious Blood Poison Is the name sometimes given to what is generally known as the BAD DIS EASE. It is not confined to dens of vice or the lower classes. The purest and best people are sometimes infected with this awful malady through handling the clothing, drinkinc from the same vessels. using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in contact with persons who have contracted it. It begins usually with a little blister or sore, then swelling in the trroins, n red eruption breaks out on Ten y(,, aft0 r contraoted s bad ,, the body, sores and Hirers appear of Ulood Poison. I wamindor treatment in the mouth, the throat becomes of a pbystolan until I found that beoould ulcerated, the hair, eye brows and l0" " "" bel" , , . ,, ..,1,1, 8.S. 8. I commenced to Improve at onoa lashes fall out ; the blood becoming Rnd ,n aTerv ,hort t(mo all ,TtdBn0, 0f mote contaminated, copper colored thu dlieasa disappeared. I took ! bot- splotches and pustular eruptions und d i?d,m t"i!"1 nd sores appear upon different parts of Wa"' Morri.town, T.nu. the body, nnd the poison even destroys the bones. S. S. S. is a Specific fur this loathsome disease, and cures it even in the worst forms. It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes the lilooil ami penetrates to all parts ot the system. Unless you get this poison out of your blood it will ruin you, and bring disgrace and dfsease upon your children, for it can lie transmitted from parent to child. S. S. S. contains no mercury or potash, but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound. Write for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagiout Blood Poison. If you want medical advice give us a history of your case, and our physicians will furnish all the information you wish without any charge whatever. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. The One Among Many. The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. U BeA;s tiiii II.! Kind '(.j Sit la E 7" (2LvtfizU Some men aro so stingy even give advice. hey won i pIANo Judge a man's true worth by what he has in his heart rather than by what be has in his pocket. A wumau's idea of refinement is to be tall aud thin. Are not built for show they're con structed with experieueed care; they last a htetime and mare, yet their cost is very moderste, considetiog their quality. Send us your address and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions.. Accommodating Terms 1'iauos ot other makes to suit the most CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooms, 9 N. Liberty street Factory E. Lalnyetle Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choicest brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave , WELDOX, - - If. C. Full line groceries always on hand. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Weldon, N. .Roauoke News Oflice. FOR SALE. WINCHESTEK REPEATING SHOT GUN. 1H97 Model. A Great Bar Kiiin. l'riee, only f 15.00- BICYCLE One of the beat bargains to be found. Almost good as new. Yours for only $10.00. . Apply to THIS OFFICE. ar , your for Presents Cubanola Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted UL J i L AUtl iiiJ lxl.i.vyix, ju. wn t x., . 7 7, i nwr TAT t.J OI F VARGINY." and TRADE, MARK STICKERS from MfIVfii liKUintVO ripe omotving ioDacc,w sunuj r-"' eaual to TWO CUBANOLA CIGAR BANDS or TWO OLD VIKUIJNIA tntRUU i w twtrrcts.o. r POCKErHNlrclKTtuwiit.K' Rcjfwood handle Best steel 150 fiANDS r r w KtAL n tnuutin iuouhu J.jau S?SA ir t 3r-i-?- . ,,.T r.5 rv I POCKET Hmrctuctn iwi ilfi si a ft TO0L. I AHOUtf T'lS2SKf flrJ ll fe fTSli COFFEtStT KJ ,k sfTH Rawaxl handle best steel ja.B'fag i y A- " 'MSI 1200 BANDS JySwfi p,--1"'- :tfgShzZ Cl XffiW 1300 BANDi SMIdesin 500 BANDS 1 I H''Us BANDS I "pl CraC6o8BANDSh TRUNK fSl j lokedown 3(V30Cai;bre 4000 BAN0TtSr ( V!J jffl bcOO.BANDS $ TK 1" crpt f&fi&x 3000 bancs --L L -fey 1 iMsjrt) ISi CHIi.05 SET Knitf Fork & SpooTj 5Q BANDS WAMDOLIN (Wailiburnl 3200 BANDS OUITAR (Washburn) 3200 BANDS The above illustrations represent the presents to be given for BICYCL' Standard tnahe 5000 BANDS WlMEfcLESS PISTOL Y,RAPHnPHONE fori Stock 800 BANDS ID Inrh N,rkli Hnnv -'.iibRubtarJiaekcOOBMW (Oneta Record! I600.BANQS Se Ciar Bands m WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY on outU of pachage conialnlng BANDS or WRAPPERS, and forward Ihem by re8ilered mail, or .ipress prepaid. Be sure to have your ' Pc Merely wrapped and properly marKd. ao that it will not be lost In transit. Send bands or wrappers and i". V - - -. . . i - fD, r..Ml0uaal to C. H. Drown. 4241 f olsom Avenue, St. Louis. Mo. , American tigar company OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of presents for 1902 Includes many crHcles not shown above. It contains the most attractive list ef presents ever offered for haoda and wrappjra, and wilt be sent by malt on receipt of postage two cents. Our offer of presents for bands and wrappora will expire iMove'nber av, ivuc. 'i JJ-C . . ..,,.,u.--r';.;.)iv,i,C-i ( lit fTuii.irfc'i-

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