A. ItTEWSIP-A-ZPIEIR IF O IR THE PEOPLE TEIlIS:-l-60 PEE ANNUM IN ADVANCE t I OL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 12. 1902. NO. 5 foHXT "W. SLEDGE, PttOl'RlETon. i;!.'a Vegetable Prtptvution for As ! jtutJalingfoeroodandRegula j UntteStuuiactea113owl3of CllST!T:ll!! Promotes DigesllonJCheerfuK ness and Rest.Conlains neither Opium.Morplune nor Mineral. NOT NAM C OTIC. Wa, Smi- as- Jm.C Aperfecl Remedy forConsBpa- lion.sour siumKn.uiarTnoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh rvtst and LOS9 OF SUEP. FacSirmle Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WWAPPER. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the i In Use Over Thirty Years CflSTOillfl m .IMT.UI M.N.T, MIW V... T. Exclusive County Agency FOB The ACME HARRO W The best general purpose harrow made.& mmm'riV.K. I. vs. r EXCLUSIVE CoufiTY AqefiGY Tor TBE AMERICAN 8TO K FOOD CO. Hog Cholera Cure, Stock Pood, Horse Powder, Worm PuwJer, Colic Remedy end Lica Remedy. EVERY PACKAGE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED BY US to give aatiafactioo, when directions are followed, or YOUR MONEY RE FUNDED. "NO CURE NO PAY." Ail It make and nothing to loaa. MuWrita fo( Prioea. FujseLL-IIhidy Ifou. Co. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. THE HARDWARE HUSTLER3. iurl Ij I VIHU a Of suit aionnrrtfTa. cZun. at WOO VK.MOPPITTt g girt; I ft) (TCITMIN8 fOWDtW) Cuts Oil; 25 ceats at Brtxtists, ti mM u c j. Morrrrr. m Com Ciolirt-bfaitui. uutrtwu.Uytantcry, ana wie sewti I rouble ot Childrea ofAnr toi. Ales DljtiUon, Regulates tnc vowtls, Mrtnjuttns trie thlld and Makes TEETHING EASY. D. ST. LOUIS, Ma InkmliMWiRkalrHnMn la Ctarlanoa w TKKT1UHA tlfe .at Wbr whM kt'M fealamnr raaalif..l,aaaarOTaiu.al wit. Mi M wi H4inMn IA. stomach. Latar II wm aartal la aMtalet ImblM. aad III .tart haa feaaa la a. aa vary haaaalalandarra.riaai lunn iaat vp.. m. .m ar arnff ui kouiu vrrapa, him aa ea. to rara it, .n.r m wit. mm aaf ta.aMMiua, wfr la.r. I. a,w fc-by I. UMho.M aad antn tD.tMlhiBff toilM mmr, u4 la.lv. MM4aat .p.. th..M af draff add not.li .kwdr.. u n. a th. immium wtM ta.r. If ...a t tai. 111. aw raja jaaaaaaModlaf It loaar filaid. I..lad af la. aMild fiat t.t a atanf iahr aala). raaal. im to kato laalf AaitJ At atmataaacw uaiiy iiaasaaa fair iiatai-Baia.aiaT.j WHOLESALE J0BBER8 IN ST.APLE & FjiNOY ftw SGR00ERIES.& . L . tm.Wa Ball Onlf To UerchanU. aWifaf Order Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 8 It wilpon.n. o. A LITTLE SERMON. "And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free." Mid people are going through life iu a aad uncertain!; about their ova aalva tioo. Soma eren oount thia bumble uo oortaii'tT a tinua and look ukaoea at brighl l'.ouJ Chiiitiane who aj, with a oleai rin,r, in ibeir Toiore, "I koow that I am aaved." But tba Bible lera no uncertain); about it. "And je ahall koow tba truth, and tba truth ihall make yon free." Wa have then a right to thin koowledge and to the freedom which it girea ua. Tbe guidr-poete along the wij are plainly printed, that be who raoa ma) read. Are our area buy with the dual f the way that wa cunnot aee, or ha?a e mimed the road rniirolv T The first iHiroir beyond that ot bearing is l e liif. Surely we hate Dot turned aside iherrl It ia our buiioea to fpply the teats Uod baa giren u. if we would knuw oor s.Wa'i m. Do we be b re su7 '' Thin, "lie Ihil br I. cih io Me .hall ne'er dip," We Itn that we aie sited, because we W li re Ood'a pruuiiiip, ' lie thai biunih My word and belleveth nn Ulm that a nt Me, hath everlaatinir life, and ahull lot come into condemnation, but in pax from death unto life." Can anything be moie eure T A little further along We fiod another teat. IT wa would be euro we are on the atraighl road to beaven let us look into our hearts and see if we ' I, ve il e brethren." Ah I Perhaps it is just here that the trouble lira. Wa love most ol tbem, all but a few perhaps all but one, id Ibat one we cannot lote because b baa ainoed against ua, and wetunnnt fur cits that sin. But here the Mad turns aharply away from tbe ilraiht aod nar row path, and brotd and downward lead een unto death. In lettera of In in fire ia written tba warnine, that we urn1 fnrgiae if we would hope In be Icriven and with the forgiaenesa we must love Has not Christ dune so wiih u! And if wa canout love the brethren, Chiist children, we know we aie not saved, for "He that lovetb not his brother abidei io death," But there are otber tests. a must bave the pirlt ot Uou cr we aro "none of His." Wa must be ) d by that spirit. To have ibia spirit, to be ltd by Him dsily, hourly, to every tliiugl t, word an acii o, thii It is to know intimately the Lord J mi Chria : to have lliiu th closest, deareat, companion. Then brought to peas within u that miracle miracles which never, until they bat eipetienoed it can tbe children of thia world comprehend tbe spirit bearin wiloeaa with our epirita that we are th ohildran of God. Wa cannot eiplain pcrbapa, wa do Dot know the reaa why, but quietly, triumphantly, uosn werably, we oao aay, ' I know I" II apirit hu told u to. 7. B. Meyer raya: "Uoderstand O at yi a are so truly oca with Him that you died in Him, la) with Him in the yrdm tomb, mm wii Him, aaoended with liiui back to Ood, and bave been already Wilonmed and ac cepted io the beloved, Remenbi r th Hia Father ia your Father, and 'thai yi are a eon in the Son, and aa you dwell io these tiuths, opening ynur l.eirt to the Holy Spirit, He will pervade your eul with a blessed eonviotioo that yna have eternal life, and that you are a child, not because you fael it, but because Ooi aaya to." nAfflxm 1 i fURE AND MELLOW; I RICH AND DELICATE. I For Bala By i W.D.SWITH, w.ido.,N.c. in I DID YOU SAY DRINKS P Wall you will find tbe choiiwtt brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDT and Sparkling whssa, Where, You-A5kP A REAL FRIEND. "1 suffered from dyapepaia and itdi gaatioo for fifteen years," aaya W. T. Sturdevant, of Marry Oaks, N. C. "Af ter I bad tried many dootora and aiedi otoee to no avail one or my friends per auaded ma to try Kodol. It gave in me diate relief. I can eat almost anything I want now and my indigestion ia good, I cheerfully recommend Kodol." Doo' try to cure aiomaok trouble by dieting, That only further weakeot the system Yon need wholesome, ttrtngtbeoiDg food, Kodol aoablea you to aaaimilatt what yon tat by digesting it without tbt stom ach's aid. W.M. Cuban. VISIT OB WRITE-w Tho Petersburg Furniture Co., 20.1 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. w M a 1 ' Oa SCJ wwiaiiii ,xM.,rtti ! fi.r jairei!' THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELl) , PHeiDI'T.A MANAOIt .Spaaial Atteotion to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. Mr uucm nDnkiniin uchit to crunm U jjjy ii ni.li unniiumn iilhi iu ouuuuli fy ROBERT MACK AY. Still in memory's cluttered garret hangs a painting, rich and re re. Of a rompinc- lad and lassie, and an old p-ray, gentle mare. lliat recalls tbe scenes or ciniuiiooa summer mornings toll ana cool, And the unforgotten pleasure when your grandma went to school. Life another song was singing, both our hearts were blithe and gay; And whenever, bright and early, I would call for her, Bhe'd say, With a smile of satisfaction, "Bill, I'm sure you're very kind " Then away we canter, slowly she in front, ana 1 behind, Over meadows, clover-clustered, down the long leaf-laden lane, On the ancient county turnpike, on the hot and dusty plain. Through the midway pool, where, somehow, she d seem over come with fright. And I'd tell her not to worry, but to "grab and hold me tight!" How our voices rang with gladness, how our laughter mocked the birds. How the love that lit our fancies seemed too deep for empty words! How the other words, in envy, lured me on to break each rule, Just to know the trancing joy I felt when grandma went to school! Father Time, turn back your pages! change these silver locks to gold Let me live once more the love-life of those dear, dead days of old! Not these dim. delusive day dreams dreams too beautiful to lust When the heart is painting pictures of the pleasures that have passed Just to see her. trim and dainty, in her little gingham gown, Just to hold her hand in mine, as then, and read her eyes of brown, Just to hear her say she loved me. and to answer her caress With a something less than heaven, perhaps, but something more than "yes. ' How that old emotion haunts me! How I thrill at thought of it! How I feel a youthful flutter, as her fairy features flit Through the softly swaying shadows, where the locust blossoms wave, Through the moonlight of my memory just a shadow from the grave 1 Ah! the old gray mare is waiting, and the morning sun is high, And the school house bell is ringing, from the belfry in the sky, And I see the same old turnpike, meadow, plain and midway pool As my fancy calls her back from heaven to ride with me to school. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP, To Make A Mere Business of Marriage, To Call It A Living Is To Degrade A Contract Which Ought To Be Most Sacred. Ella Wheeler Wilcoa. A life of loneliness is more honorable than a loveleat marriage. All honor to tba women who make their own way in the world rather than live t life with t man for tbe sake of support. Aod not until our women become independent and eelf-reliant will marriage become what it ought to be a union on equal terms and a free surrender of the heart. Tbe out ward legal forma may ba complied with, but wife she is not who marriea either for convenience, position or borne. Cupid haa changed hia name to cupidity, and tbe estimate of marriage baa become so enlirely mercenary that I should Dot be surprised to aee tbe matrimonial market lists published io the papera with the current prioea of the stock exchange. To make a mere business of marriage, to call it a livii g, ia to degrade a contract wbicb ought to be most saored. If mon ey is your real olj -ot, the older and more repulsive tbe man ia the better, for noth ing should come between you and your golden calf. Money it by no meana a drawbaok, but Cupid, though be be blind, ia a far safer guide than tbe dollar mark The man who haa no money may be poor, but tbe man who baa notbiog but money ia poorer than be. Let bim be a man of character, with baoda trained to do something worth while, and you may reasonably depend upon him for a com- foitable living. Don't marry a man to mend him or re form him I If the man were not de formed he would not need to be re formed. Tbe man with malformed hab its ia more likely to bring you sorrow and Bhame than joy and happioess. Marry a gentleman. I use that word in iis broadest teose. A gentleman gentle, generous and uoaeltub. A man who is a bear among bit aistara and dis courteous to bis mother ia just the man you want to avoid. Social atanding it no criterion of geBtility. You frequently find more real gentlemen in what are oalled the bumble than in tbe higher walks of life. Do not marry in haste or clandestine ly. Hasty marriages seldom eid well, Remember that nobody has your interests more at heart tLan your parents. You will seldom go wrong if you take their advice and heed their warning. If there ever ia a time in a touok woman't life when she should ba deliberate and pray erful, it is when she oontemplatea giving herself to anottler. Women, aa a rule, are greateat rufferers where the marriage is a blunder. Tba man can make hia escape and make his home merely a place to eat and sleep in, but for a woman there is no refuge but the grave. The frogs in Aeaop'l fable were extremely wise; they wanted water, but they were afraid to jump into (be well for fear they could not get out. Look before you leap! MEMORY'S PRANKS. Why Do We Remember Certain Things and Forget Others. The vagsries of memory are eouie of the moat interesting of those connected with tbe human miod and body. Wby we forget certain tbioge aod remem ber others ? Myriads of these irregular- itiea are aa yet unaccounted for. Per haps not even the cleverest metaphysician II ever account lor them. Professor James reminds u how some thing which we bave tried in vaio Io re- will afterward, when we have given up the attempt,' saunter into the mind," Emerson says, as iunooeotlyss if it bad never beeo summoned. Again, bygone experiencea will revive after years of oblivion, often aa the re sult of aome cerebral di-esse or accident. Such a case ia tbe only one quoted by Coleridge ol a young woman io Oermany ho oould neither read nor write, but ho was said to be pneeesscd of a devil because, in a fever, she was besrd raving Latin, Greek and in an obscure rabbi nical dialect of Hebrew. Whole pages of her talk were wriiien down and were found to consist of sentences intelligible themselves, but not having tbe slight est cunoeolion with odo soother. To say that she was possessed of a devil was the eatieat way of accounting lor tbe muter. At last the mystery waa cleared up by physioiso, who traced back the girl's islory uolil be learned that at the ate of nine she was taken to live at the house of an old pastor, a great Hebrew scholar, aod that she remained there until the pastor's dtatb. WHY AT W. D, SMITH'S, Wuhiigton Art., WELDON, .. N. C. Foil Una groeaaiaa always aa hand. for Cwtzto, ftu 4 ortvia, E.8TAINBACK, -HOTIRT PUBLIC, .tSLltauiokt Maws Office. Wbxdom, N. 0 UP OF LUXURY. "You nudaratand, of course, that my daughter haa been reared in the lap of luxury ?" "Why, aha told ma laat night that mint waa tbt first er, that ia, I hope, air, that I may ba able to make aucb pro vision at to keep her from piuiog for the lap you mention." POM OVER IIITK YUAN Mra. Winalow't Soothing Syrup haa been rued for over sixty yeara by millions ot mothers for children, wbiie toothing, with perfect auooane. It toothea tbe child, softens tbt gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and ia the beet remedv for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tbe pour little tufierer immediately. Sold by dr ungate in ttsrj partot tba woild. 23 oeuia bottle. Be aure and ask fur "Mra. Wioa- low'i Soothing Syrup," tad take so otb arklad. OLD FASHIONED. What baa become of the old faahioned ohild that "made facea ?" What hu beoome of the old faahioned man wbo buog his lodge aword in a con spicuous plaoe T What has beoome of the old fashioned man wbo aaid t bandy, induatiioua man waa "full banded T" Wbat bu beoome of tbt old fashioned man who wanted to put bit tnemiit when tbt doga wouldo't bitt them? What bat beoome of tho old faahioned father who took i whip and held heart to heart talks with his eon out ia tba barn T What haa beoome of tbt old faahioned woman wbo gave bar children potatoes m m.aa animate with, uaiog toothpicks to make the legs f What haa beoome of the old fashioned woman wbo didn't think It proper to aooear on tbe itreeti with her husband unleal tbt bad hold of hia arm T ' LEADS THEM ALL "One Mioote Cough Curt beata all other medioioea I ever tried fur coughs, tolda, oroup and throat and luoc trouble.,' aaya D. Soolt Currin, of Logantnn, Pa, Oot Minute Cough Cure is the only ab- aolately aafe oouiih remedy which acta immediately. Mothers everywhere teeii fy to tbe good it hat done their little osea. Croup it so sudden ia ita attacks tbst tba doctor often arrives loo lata. It vialda at one to Oot Minutt Cough Curt. Pleaaaut to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronobilia, croup. W. at. Cohen. Politenrti ia the tern mark of love's thermometer. SaaialU " ll ' tt"' UnT Cl,-ttT af lWJf MAKING CHILDREN HAPPY. Our quiet hours with our children should first of all be aheerful boure. Syd ney Smith baa aaid : "If you make obil- dren happy now, you maka tbem happy 20 years benot by tbe memory of it," I believe thia to ba quite true. Wa should make the hourawith our children full of joy, then twenty years from now, we, too, can recall bow bappy they were, bow we bctrd their merry voioea and watched tbem play, and wt can look with pridt oa our children whom wa loved and who want to "Grown up land." Then, too, the quiet hoare with our children should be loving hoare. How much tbt email touohea of t mother 'a lova mean to tba ohild I Kven if it ia only a wbisptr to Tour son aa ha atarla to eohouh "R- member, mother it tbiokiog about you atl day and eipeoting you to ba a good boy," how much better the effect of suoh t farewell than to hurry him away with aome sharp aod nervout rebuke. SPRING FEVErT Spring fever it another name for bil- ioueoeaa. It ia more serious that aaoat people mint, a torpid liver and .inac tive bowela mean a poisoned ayatam. II neglected, aerioua illness may follow auoh symptoms. DeWitt'i Little Early Risers rameve all danger by stimulating the liv- tr, opening tbe bowela and oleaoaing tba system of impurities. Safe pills. Never gripe. "I have takea DcWitl'a . Little Early Riseta for torpid liver averv iprins for years," writes R. M. Every, Mounda villa, W. Va. "Thiy do me more rood than anything I bave ever tried." W. M. Cohen. . Unrequiud love toon acquire a job Io of wrinkrtt. It't always advisable for a poor liar tall tbt truth. SOFT ANSWER THAT FAILED. "And alwaya remember this, my son,' said tbe man who was trying to give hia bov a proper start in life, "that 'a aoft answer turnalb away wrath.' " "No, it don't" little Willit replied "Day before yesterday at tchool I had Charley Jameson nearly seared to death but I gave hia a toft tnewer, aod that made bim thiok I was afraid, ao be got mad and bit ma on tht nose before I koew about it. You don't get me to go givin' any more aoft answer. A good big bluff s the thiog to fire at them you waot to turn away wraih " HE LOVED CABBAGE. Ao old darky who lives in tba tbiclel aoroaa the river came io Memphis one lay to get bis ueo'inn check e; shei After rroeivinc hia money, bii amounted to 111, Ibe old rx-alavt aau tered down Front street to a prrduce aod bouubt tbroa orataa of rabbagi Wheu they were delivered at the wharf late that afternoon tba old man was there and received tbem with a mouth water iog in anticipation of the good time ahead. 1 Whut yer twine ter dn wid dem eab bagea?" inquired the uegro draymi who delivered tbem. "Kat cm waa tbe quiok response 'Tie been fret forty yearn, and dia ia de fust time I'aa bad de money to buy 'ouff cabbage. I'aa gwina ter cat cabbage till I furgitde way ter my mouf." z7 n Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tbo dik'estanl.s and digests B!l kinds of Iuu. Hgive IriaUtnl relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the fiKxl you want. Tbe most sensltivo etomarlis can take It. tylwueniany thousands of (iyM,ptlejt have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for tho stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onl j by K. C. IikWitt: Co., ChlcaKO 'aue at. uouiu couuuua a uutus toe- aoc sua. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. Wood's' "Trade Mark Brand" German Millet i Is the true large-headed Bort, and pro Suoen from one-fourth to one-half more roraj:e per acre than the ordinary Millet Ibe dilference in yields from different grades of Millet is more marked than any crop we have ever grown and it is a great deal the cheapest crop results considered to purchase the best quality of seed that you can obtain;, this you can always be assured of doing when you order Wood's "Trade Hark Brand" of Southern-grown German Millet. , Write for prices and Deaerlptlve Circular whieh also gtves full Information about all Seasonable Saeds, Cow Peas, Sola and Velvet Pean.i TeoslnU. Serf huma. Buckwheat, Lata ffeeal Potatoes, ate. T.W. WOOD & SONS, j It bad been fur years Seedsmen Richmond, Vai the old man's custom to walk up aod own a passsge near the kitchen and read to himself io a loud voioe. Hia books were rxaminid, and among them many of the pasmgni taken down at the young woman' bedride were iden tified. The theory of demoniacal posses, sion was abandoned. Youih's Compan ion. The One Among The one make of instruments that holdaita tone through a generation of usefulness. IB WHS FOR THE MARRIEO. 1. Since you are married you may as well mske tbe best of it, 2. So make aome maxim, and try to live up to them. 3. fail. EL? pIANos Tl Are not built for show they're con structed with experienced carej they laat a lifetime aod mere, yet their cost ia very moderate, considering their quality. Send And don't be discouraged if you ua your address and you II immediately You will fail, but perhaps you g t'lustratea catalogue ana poo oi won't always fail. 4. Never both be cross at the aamc time, n ait your turn. 5. Never oease to be lovers. If you eeaae, tome one else may begin. . You were gentleman aod lady be fore von were husband and wife. Don't forget it. 7. Keep vouraelt at beat. It la a compliment to your partner. 8. Keep your idea high, ion may miss it, but it it better to miss a high one than to hit a low one. 9. A blind love is a foolish love. Encourage tbe best. 10. Permanent mutual respect ia necessary for a permanent mutual love. 11. The tight cord is tbe easiest to snap. 12. If you take liberties, be prepared to give them. 13. There h oolv one thing worse thao quatrele in public That is caresses 14. Money ia not essential to happi oess. but bappv people usuaiiv nave nough. 15. So save aome. 16. Tbe easiest way of aaviog is to do without things. 17. If you eao'l, theo you had belter do without t wife. 18. Tbt man wbo respects hia wife does not turn her into t mendicant. Uitt ber a purse of her own. 19. lfyouaave, aave at youi own ( penst. 20. In all matters of money prepare always for the worat and hope for tht beat. suggestions. Accommodating lerins. rianoa of otber makos to suit the most economical. a CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooma, 9 N- Liberty street Factory E. Lalayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Streets. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. IS YELLOW POISON In your blood ? Phyalclana call It rialarlal Uerm. It can be aeen changing red Mood yellow under microscope. It worka day ana night. First, It turne your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. Vou feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. It neglected and when Chills, fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you th;n but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your ayttem, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It haa cured thotii ands It will cure you, or your money back. This La fair. Try It. Price, 25 cenU. Sold by ALL DKIMGI3T3. SINGLE THOUGHT- Hook That young married couple ap pear to be two aoula with bu t aingia thought. Nye Yet, He thiukt he's tbe only thing on earth, and aha agreet with bim. The new woman alwaya di parte wheal tht new baby arrives. W- E. BEAVAliS- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS, PIPES, ETC. PraarlwitAna eararn 1 1 v laaniTmnttrlarf rlatr ornigbt W. K. BtCAVANS, Pharmacist, ENFIELD, N. C. ;8tor 'Phone 13 residence 41-1 8161y. AIISSAHDA SfUP. In 1837 Tbomaa Saverland brought an aotion against Mitt Carolina Newton. who had bitten a pieoe out of bit boat for hit having tried to kite bar by way of a joke. Tbt dtfendaat waa acquitted, aod tbt judge laid down that "when a man kieaat a woman sgaioat her will aba ia fully entitled to bitt bit Boat if, she to pleaaet,' Tba Kit and lit Hiattry." TAPE WORMS MA tp worm vghun fM long tl toast ettmo on th scene titer mv tuklnuivro t CASCAHKTH. This 1 nm mire hu enunud my bad be ui tli Tor tbe tmst Itiree yoan. 1 am iUU tnkintr OttHottrcu, the only caihwUc woriby of aoi.ee of Kseiutti wiic Qwo. W Bowus, Ba.rd, Ulae. CANDY CATHARTIC Ji BaHM&h yvics mm taaiitai J v$ Ptaaaant, ralaiauia. 1'txani. Tarts afoot, po Soon, NamSlokao. WaaMa.or 6ri(i. 10a. tea Iva ... OURS CONSTIPATION. atfiaa, BMM.y Caaaaa,, Cak-at, aa Va. SIS T Dealers In .. iFancyU.UWCt) -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden and wil lowware. Also Pratt's Dorse, Cow. Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alendet'l Liver and Kidney Tooio for nnitivlna the blood. This tonic la warranted er money refunded. R. M. PURNELL k BRO., ' (Successor! to J. L JudkiLt.) No. 18 Washington Ave., Waldos, N, u aprlulw.

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