.ijOHnST "W. SLEDa-E, proprietor. A. NEWSPAPER FOB TUB PEOPLE TERMSH' ra annum in advanck (VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 19. 1902. NO. 6 A MALICIOUS MEDDLER. -VISIT OR WRITE-w lie Petersburg Furniture Co., REALIZING MARRIAGE IDEAL! NOBILITY IN NORTH CARNLINA. The Most Dangerous Infernal Machine In A Home Is The Last Word. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Love, purified by religion, is ike very The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in uses for over 30 year, has borne the signature of and has been made under bis per- f-A, sonal supervision since its infancy. CCCCAMV. Allow no nn tniAlvii mi In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trllle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nud allays Fevcri.diness. It cures Diarrhooa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of si The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. fWI HTaU. HHNMt, TT MUM HAV .TRf IT. IH VM Off. The Young Woman Had Very Good Ground for Detesting Him. Two well-dressed sod atlraetive young women business girls, apparently mi lled iuto car the other morning sad took seats, After they wereeomfoitably adjusted, with parcels and umbrellas, the one in the blua cloth suit scanned the two men who aat opposite, aod remarked to ber oompaoioo : "It's too near the stove here; let's move down." Then the girla arose, aod took seals farther down, out of range of tbe two men. 'What was the matter, Clara?" the other girl asked ; "it wasn't really too warm bank then1." "No," the first girl answered with piril, "but that horrid man with the brown hat aod overcoat sat near u. He is always oo (ho ear near me, L mm, and I detest tbe iM ol him." "I doo't know hira," oumuieuted Lau ra: "who is he T "Why I doo't know him, either,'1 Clara explained; "but I won't ait where I have to !o. k at liiiu." "Has he ever beeo rude to ou?" asked Laura 'Rude? I think so About tinea uinnths ago I dreamed I was ttandiog bafore the altar io a lovely church all decoiated with palms and flowers and wasiust about to be married oh, to sucb a handsome man, Laura, and that hidaoua old thiniz in the brown hat and ooat the very same man cirue ru-hion down the aisle and sirested my promised husband fur biitamy." Detroit Free Press. Exclusive County Agency FOB The ACME HARROW---The best general purpose harrow made.i EXCLUSIVE CoulTY toM For THE AMERICAN 8T0 K FOOD CO. Hog Cholera Cure, Stock Food, Horse Powder, Worm IVwder, Colie Remedy and Lies Remedy. EVERY PACKAGE AitsoLV TV7iA' fcUARAVJEKD V.X US to give satisfaction, when directions are followed, or YOUR MONEY RE FUNDED. "NO CURE NO PAY." Ail to make and nothing to lose. isaWrite for Prices. pUTHELL-lfjiiiDY How. Do. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. THE HARDWARE HUSTLERS. niarll ly Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Th', preparation contains all of the digeatants and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to cure, it allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. ily its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. 1: unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. DeWittA Co., Ohlcaso The 11. buttle conlalua SS4 times tlie 500. slat. W M. Cohen, DnigiMat. 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WIN FIELD , PRMIDENT .4 MANAGER 4.8peeial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. a4CTUTHIN. POWOIrWI fats Wj 25 cats it Inaists. I Carat Cloliri-laftDlun, uterrhou,Uyitatry, anl the Bewel Troubles of Children tfAnt tat. Aids Dilution, Regulates UK Bowtli, Strtnjthcns the Child and Malta eawV r M,V. ' JCEimmi tAM. I- TJ3ot " ' e. j. Morrrrr, m. d t. touts, mo. noaiacVa.c., Not.ss. lata. I wit ant aa?lees arm nuaHrekriitiea I. Ubatueioa w ih tkethina VUheer eebf whi haM beta, vary ruiae lefaahaa epnrenbfeef ceil, eac I nil .idi.Hlll IbeeloBiace. Lelevll vee IHlala Ifatbiat troeblte, eadlueffeetbaa Ua laeaS lebeieeerr h.a.i.l eeS aefree free, ataa-at, ihUM. co.frMU.nt apue u,, Hl. ,( .,.( MS aeoiblae arnipe. tbat we a. c.n to r(.rS It, eftar aae ub Uirei cbliaree, eeeaeof lea ihhiIUm bea djare la eaev beer l tta.fc.uM aa4 Belli ibebMthjae traebloa ara m, eea we babe elaaaare la tteeraeadlii H to ear frlaada laitaad of tfca aarria ituCtfcat.0 nanj vaopla at. ta k..p tiiaaj aa.ni ira.iua, ai an, vaiMafar ataiif Yiaaaa aaa waaair iiowataaaaafar.; rsalat. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY 3GR0CERIES.S afuWe Ball Only To MarchanU. Ordara Bolltlted. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , i a ly w rlihin, M l fOREAKD MElLQWj 1 RICH AND DELICATE, For Sale By JW. D. SMITH. Weldon, N.C. I DID YOU . SAY DRINKS P Wall you will tai tba ahoieaal brands of BVK. PURE Ot.D APPLK BRANDY and Spark liojr, Where.YouAsk? -WHY AT- W. D. SMITH'S, Washington An., WELDON, . M. C. Full line grocetloa always to imi. Wood's "Trade Mark Brand" German Millet; Is the true large-heailed sort, and pro iuces from on-fourtli to one-half more forage per acre than theorlinu; Millet. The difference in yields from different gradea of Millet is more marked than any crop we have ever grown and it is a great deal the cheapest crop results considered to purchase the liest quality of seed that you can obtain; this you can always be assured of doing when you order Wood' "Trade lark Brand" ol Bouthern-grown German Millet. . Writ for prlcft and DfaorlptWe Circular whioh also gives full Information about all Scuonabla Sads, Co I'aaa, Sola ana Valvat Peaas, Teoalntt, Sorghums, Buckwheat, Lata iaal rUtaM, ttc. T. W. WOOD & SONS, eedsmen Richmond, Va. IS YELLOW POISON In your blood ? Phyalciana call It nalartal Oorm. It can ke aeon changing red Mood yellow under microscope. It work day and night. First, It turns your coni plexloa yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop tbe trouble now. It ant ore the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Favors, Night-Sweets and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why welt? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low polaon and have perfected Itoberte' Tonic to drive It out, ecu.-!:!: yi-r :y:t:ni, rcstors appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers snd Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This la fair. Try It. Price, 2s cents. Sold by ALLDRUdQliM. UUMM DE. STAIN BACK, MOTtRT PU3LIC. EEs, Rosso. Ktwi We, WitBotr, N, C THE TREASURE OF HOPE, O fair bird, singing in the woods, To the rising and the setting bud, Does ever any throb of pain Thrill through thee ere thy song be done; Because the summer fleets so fast ; Because the autumn fades so soon; Because the deadly winter treads So closely on the steps of June? 0 sweet maid, opening like a roHe In love's mysterious, honeyed air, Dost think sometimes the day will come When thou shalt be no longer fair When love will leave thee and pass on To younger and brighter eyes; And thou shall live unloved, alone, A dull life, only dowered with sighs? 0 brave youth, panting for the fight, To conquer wrong and win thee fame, Dost see thyself grown old and spent, And thine a still unhonored name; When all thy hopes have come to naught, And all thy fair schemes droop and pine And wrong still lifts her hydra head To fall to younger arms' than thine? Nay; song and love and lofty aims May never be where faith is not; Strong souls within the present live; The future veiled the past forgot. , Grasping what is, with hands of steel, They bend what shall be, to their will; And blind alike to doubt and dread, The End, for which they are, fulfill. Lewis Morris Dealers Io Staple! ana Fancy WFRUITS.' CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Olaas Tin, and wooden and wll low war. Also 1'ratt'a Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, aud Urate's $2 Tasteless Chill Touts. Alen.ler' Liver and Kidney Tonic for purilylnj the blood. This tonic is warwulnl or woner refunded. R. H. PURNBLL & BliO , (Suooeetors to J, L JuJkins.) No. 18 Waablnftoa Are., Weldon, N. 0 aprlOly tt unuTtn it Jt ii nn i lh. m a . . . . . . aflta 5aW 5a mV SI' Ssa-' SV 4V'-4a VaS '-aS as 'r f WANTEB Ai?.an who is gentle and just, A man who is upright and true to '.'.is trust Who cares more for honor than he cares for pelf , And who loves his neighbors as himself.' Who's sober and earnest, and merry and gay, Who cheerfully shoulders the cares of the day: Whose principle's high, whose integrity's strong, Who'd rather do right any time than do wrong, Yet who to a sinner shows sorrow and pity. Wanted a man is there one in the city? Wanted a woman no saint, understand, But a womanly woman, who, on every hand, Sheds the luster of purity, goodness and grace, Who carries her loveliness stamped on her face; Whose wisdom's intuitive, insight is deep, Who makes living sunshine where life's shadow' creep ; Who's poised in her little world's center; and who Is gentle, responsive and tender and true; Whorse sweetness and graciousness fit like a gown Do you think I might Snd such a one in the town? Chris Cross. HOW IT HAPPENED. "It is kinder funoy that la, or lookia, tli setioisDtaa of it," said tbe landlord of tbs Petlyiille laTsrn. "You see, Miss Oabrialla Lanka, wbo bas tot Biessing any disreapeot Io ber you aodersiasd been so old maid so long tbal lis generally believed to be chronic, spproashad tbe railroad erosain', and a brekesjae waved s red Sag st ber lo wars ber of tbe danger. 8be tboaghl be was tryin' lo lirt wilb bar, and sd vaneed toward bim witb a mile; and a eebooas tbat waa baekia' up stuck ber good and plasty. Luokily no bones wars broken; aad lbs first thing she said wbea ahs recovered oonsaioesnesa was; "Ob, Ibis is so luddenl " Asiil Smart 8et. SPRING FEVER. Spring fever is another name for bit tousotus. It is mora serious than moat people think. A torpid liver and ioao. live bowels mean s poisoned system. neglected, serious illness may follow suul symptoms. DeVVitl's Little Karly Risers remove all danger by stimulating the liv er, opening the bowela and oleausine the ayatera of impurities. Sale pills. Never liripe. "I have taken DoWitt'a Little Karly Risen for torpid liver every spring for years," writes R. M. Every, Mounda ville, W. Va. "They do me more good than anything I have ever tried." W. M, I'oheo. life of marriage, Hut prayirs in the boms won't mate up for everytliinsj. Soma of the most pious people are the most peculiar, and require of you the most graoe to get aloog with. Lei love rule- Love is never slubboro. Love will make each blame self aod not the other when things go wrong. It trans forms blemishes iuto imaginary virtues. The most dangerous infernal machine in s home is the last word. Every dis pute between man and wife forces good humor out of its ohanoel, undermines affection and gradually destroys tbat oordiality which is tbe soul of matrimo nial harmony. Politeness is not to be used only in our intercourse with strangers, but is in tended for borne consumption. Carrv over into the wedded life the same delicate thoughtfuloeM, gentleness of manner, courtesy of speech, warmth of affection sod incessant sacrifice that characterised your wooing days. Your wife hss a sacred right to some expression of appreciation of her uusel fish devotion to your interests. You may be full of loyal devotion to her, though for want of comprehension of a nature more sensitive than your own never assure hei of your appreciation. Let your husband feel that you think hire good, and it will be a strong stimulus to his being so. As long as he thinks he possesses the character he will take some pains to deserve it, but when you make him feel he has lost the name he will soon abandon the reality. Never speak to anyone outside of one another's faults. Keep your own secrets- Pay attention to little things. Estrange ments are rarely the work of one day or caused by one offense. They are growths. "It is tbe little rift within the lute that by aod by will make the music mute." Make hose everything. Men run ning day by day against this lightning footed twentieth century, weary and heavy laden with the toils in tbe world's workahoi s, harassed by the ot res and competition of trade and dull rounds of profesmooal life, years for the repose of home. There let warm greetings come fiom appreciative hearts, fond glances from bright eyes, the little arrangements for thiir comforts that silently toll them of thoughtful love and force them, before they know it, into au easy chair and make them spend the evening at home because they can't get away. THE LIGHT GONE OUT. A man who had lost his much beloved wife consulted s stone mason in regard to the erection of t tombstone with a suit' able esitaph. &het Wing a number of lines suggested he finally selected tV following : "Tbe Light of My Life Has Gone Out." A short time afterwards the widower fell in love with t very charming girl, to whom he became engaged. Jle imme diately felt concerned about the epitaph upon the tombstone of his former wife, and again consulted the stone mason, to whom he explsined the circumstances, and stated that the epitaph would have to be changed, He intended to leave town returning on the day of the wed ding and implored the mason to take the matter in hand and alter the epitaph so tbal the feelings of his prospective wife would net be hurt. This the meson promised to do, snd when the widower returned be visited the grsve at once, finding that tba masoa hsd been true te his word, the epitaph now appearing' "The Light of My Lifu Has Gone Out, but I Have Another Matoh." Three Orders of Nobility Crea ted by the Lords Proprietors, In the Colony of Carolina. The following article from tba pens of Messrs, Waddy Thompson aod Joseph H. McLean firat appeared in the Atlan ta Conslitution, and is reproductd at tbe request of a subscriber iu Atlanta, Ga. "There were three orders of Nobility crsated iu the Colony of Carolina by the Lords 1'roprietnrs. It should be noted, however, that the-Palatine was not an ordsr ef Nobility, It was a single exec utive office, the supreme head of the gov ernment and higher than tbe nobility. It was held by the eldest of the Lords Proprietors and upon his decease the eldest of the surviving Proprietors suc ceeded kim. Io the list here given the palatines are named in order of their tuo cesaion. The nobility was composed of, first, the landgraves and, second, the caciques. Tbe charter granted by the crown to the Proprietors authorized the establishment of a nobility in ihe prov ince, but nqujrrd that those composing it should be seleoted only from the in habitants of tbe colony. The famous "Fundamental Constitution" of the colo ny, written by the philosopher Locke, provided for this nobility in article aix, as follows: "There shall be just as many laadgraves as there are couoties, and twice as msny caciques and no more. These shall be the hereditary nobility of ,the province," etc The requirement that the n obiUty be selected only from the inhabitants of the colony was not always obssrved, for some of those selected were residents of England or of other colonies. TA I, A TINES. Duke of Albemarle, .October 21. w4 TiME T KTS f h VLVVI U 1 4 1 STORK to mo. t women i.t u term anxiuty, tierinus thu and Bwct.-t nnticiimtinii With the cessation of pain liet:c:.(iry t o diildbirlh, theru cornea culm nerves, sleep und recuperation. MOTHER'S FRIEND does mniimsh llie jium accompanying maternity. With its aid mothers am and tk) briujj healthy, sweet dispositioiied aud litcal bamcs Into tlie worm. Morning im-fcncs!, sore breasts and ex. crucialinK pains caused by tbe gradually expanding organs, are relieved by thu penetrating nuJ relaxing liniment. Amti'.T the manifold aids to childbirth Mother's Friend has grown in popularity and gained a prestige among rich women as well as poor; it is found and welcomed in the mansion as well as in the cabin. l:yl:s;cni:igt!ie!iiotlier' agony of mind anil diminishing pa in a beautiful influence is wrought upon the child, arid instead of peevi ;h, dll-ti'inpered and sickly forms you nave healthy, lauglmigluimanity,xemanv ing a blessing ever to you and its country. All IniiKialK st ll Motlicr'B l-'rirncl at $i00. Wriie for uur free Ilwok "Motherhoad" IHE CRAOFICLD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga 1. 1669. 2. 1670. 3. ft. S. 6. John Lord Berkeley, January 20 A REAL FRIEND. "I suffered from dyspepsia and indi gestion for fifteen years," says W. T. Siurdevaut, of Merry Oaks, N. C. "Af ter I bad tried many doctors and medi cines to no avail one of my friends per suaded me lo try Kodol, It gave imme diate relief, i eea eat almost aaylbiog want tow and say indigestion is good. I obeerfully leoorenjeud Kodol." Don't try lo cure stomach trouble (7 dieting. That only further weakena the system. You need wholesoass, strengthening food. Kodol enables yon to assimilate what yon eat by digesting it without the stoat aoli's sirt W. M. t.Vheo. ' It is saaier for a woman to star vounn after forty than to make othei people be lieve she is. KOROVEK MIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothias Byrat has Wa used for over sixty yeua by miUiee of mothers for ohildiea, while teething, with perfect auooass. It soothes tbs ebild, softens the giueta, allays all paia, cures wiaa colic, ta a the beet remedy for Diarrheal. It will relieve tbe seer little sufferer usnediataly. Bold by dntggwte in eieij part ol toe world. 25 eeaas a bottle. Be bum sod ask fV "Mrs. Wis low s Soothing Syrup," aad take a etb er kind. Some women are so fair minded that wbea thiy know they are ta tbe imng they will aeorpt an apology frosa yea foe it. THE DIFFERENCE. "Wherein lies the difference between photogrsphy and courtship ?" lie aaked softly. I don't know," she replied. In photography," he eiplailiod, "the negative ii developed in the dark-room, whi s in oourtabip that is where the irmativa is developed." She blushed, but made no answer, "Let us," be suggested, "proceed to develop an affirmative." 1 here being no objection, it was so ordered. Washington Post. ,. LEADS Til KM ALL. "One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicinea I ever tried for oou eolds, oroup and throat and luog troubles," says D. Soott Cuirin, of Wanton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is the oily sb solutsly safe cough remedy whioh sots immediately. Mothers everywhere testi fy to the good it has done their little ones. Uroup Is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too lets. It yields at once to One Minute Couh Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure ours for grip, bronchitis, oroup, W. M.Oohen. Sir George Carteret. William' Earls of Craven, 1681. John, Earl of Bath, April, 1697. John Lord Granville, January 10, 1701-3. 7. William, Lord Craven. 1798. 8. Henry, Duko of Beaufort, No vembers, 1711. 9. John Lord Carteret, August 10, 1714. LANIIUIU VKK. 1. John Locke, uuthnr of Funda mental Constitutions, 1671. 2. James Carteret, Baronet, 1671 3. Sir John Yeamans, first Governor of Carolina, 1671 1. Sir Edmund Andros, appointed Governor, but did not act, 1671. 5. Colonel Joseph WoBt, Governor of Carolina, 1674. 6. Thomas Colleton, Eq., of liarba. does, brother of Sir J'eter Colleton, Pro. prietor, 1681. 7. Joseph Mor(e)tn, Esq, 1681. 8. Daniel Axtell, 1681. 9. Sir Richard Kyrls, 16S4. H. JameCUn,1686. 11. Mr. John Pries, 1C8.7. 12. Thomas Smith, Esq., 1CU1. 13. Colonel Hubert Daniel, 1C(H. 14. John ArchJale, 1694. 15. Joseph Blake, 1696. 16. Thomas Amy, 169?. 17. KJuiuod Bellinger, 1698. 18. John Bayly, Esq , 1698. 19. John Wyohe, Esq , 1700. 20. Sir Nathaniel Johnson, 1703. 21. Christopher Baron da Graffsn- reid, 1709. 22. Major Edward Jaocucs, 1709. 23. Abel Kettleby, E.q , 1715. 24. Mr. William Hodgson. 25. Charles Eden, 1718. CAUiquis. Captain Henry Wilkinson, 1681, 1. Mr, John Smith, 1682 3. Major Thomas Rows, 1682 4. Mr. Thomas Amy, 1682. 5. John Gibbs, Esq., 1682. . John Ashby, Eiq., 1682. 7. John Monk, Esq., 168. 8. Sir Nathaniel Johnson, 1686. 9. Dr. Christopher Dominiok, 10. Thomas Smith, Esq., 1690. 11. Philip LodwsU, Esq., 1692. 18, Mr. WtH.ea HmlewMi, IT'S. The above ia from Undor Proprietary Edward MoLrady 1 WsiiMmB Weldon, N.C, Mar. 16,1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: I have used J. E. M. flour and find it an excellent, nice flour. Mrs. SI arm Uary. Weldon, N.C, Mar. 14, 1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: I have used J. E. M, flour and want nothing better. It is all 0. K, U. T. Bony, Eipress Messenger, Kinston branch, Weldon, N. C, Mar. 11,1902. Mr. W.T.Parker: I prefer the J. E. M. flour to any I have ever used. I want nothing better. Mrs. T. F. Anderson. Weldon, N. C, Mar. 14, 1902. ' Mr. W. T. Psrker: The J. E. M. flour to excellent and I always prefer it to any I have ever used. Mrs. j . D. ingnman. Weldon, N. C, Mar. 15,1902. Mr, W. T. Parker: I have been using the J. E, M, flour for the past twclro and find it equal or better than any I have ever used. Mrs. M. If. Hart. I have been uiing J. E. M. flour and find it excellent. Mr8. H-, C. Spiers. MILES' J.E.M. FLOUR. Is Unsurps-.-o-J for Puriiy ar.d Excellence It is made from the soft winter wheat grown on lilt- ha estone toil of the lilue Grass region of Kentucky. It makes light, white bread of very ex cellent flavor, Cue grained cake and delicious pastry. The One Among Many.v- The one make ul instruments that I holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. 1 m "plANos tar m Are not built for show they're con structed with experienced care; they last "South Carolina "'"i"" mri yet tneir oust is very Government" b I mouerate, oonsiaoriog ttieir quality. Send ua juur auuieaa anil you 11 iiuoicuiaiciy The above is copied from the North cl illustrated catalogue and- bona ol rwiin. tli.tnrin.1 and n.naalooioal suggestions. Accommodating lerma Register of Kdenton. Thomas Amy (Amis) above named was the ancestor of the Long family of I Halifax. Isais ike fa toijt faun HEAD ACHE "Both niT wife aiiS mvaalf liaTa beea In a CAHCAKiri'S and they arc Iho ba medicine we have ever had In tun house. I.aal , week my wife was trantlo with bei'duehe tor IWVUuya. anv tnvti atmii: ui ruuiLnm ni.&ia, and thev relieved tlto uuln In bar head aluioat Immediately. We bothrecontnemlCaacareta." UHaa. CTRnaroitit. PIMaburi Sale Depoait Co., Pltuburg, Pa. CANOV Pianos of other makes to suit' the moat 1 economical. , CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooms, 9 N. Liberty street. Factory E. Lalayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Streets Baltimore, Md. oct SI ly. It It true the coat does not make msn, tut it has much to do with standing ia society, V. E. BEAVAI1S. DUUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, CIO A Its, PIPES, ETC. PfescriutioDS carefully CAaarxmoutd day or night. , Slaaamnl lalataM. Powat. Taiu Good. WOUB, never einaen. w ea,sm, at Vila. Hal, a StafHf aieaai C ear, ralem. HaaMaal, S laeV. lf PW si w fOf plat V WVVaWaSA aWsWHW , W. K. BRA VANS, Piukmaoikt, ENFIELD, N.C, Ifllore 'Phone 12; resilience 4 1 -t. Hlly.