6 JOHN W. SLE-DGKE, PROPRIETOR. A. NEWSPAPER POP THE PEOPLE TEEMS:--o 1'ER ANNUM in advance I V OL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 26. 1902. NO. 7 liiiii ' AYcgctable Preparationfor As similating tttcFoodandRegula ling (tie Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuK nessandRest.Contains neither (Mum .Morphine nor Mineral. OT "NARCOTIC. flmrJtm SmU- JbtJmt ft A perfect Remedy forConsbpa Uon, Sour Stomach, Eiarrrotia Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signalurs of NEW YORK. Jill mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A it j!v i' Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. mm TMf ! MVMNV. V THE STRONG MAN AND THE BABY. Story That Will Convey a Moral LesHon to Fathers. A cl p who bJ Wo I lie etrong man of bit claae at college, who held the aoie teur championship u a bsmmer thrower snd bad lirted 890 pounds dead weight, wai wool to brag of hii proweaa. "My muscle are like iroo," ha would aay. am Defer tired. I can outrun a trolley car any reasonable distance. My lungs hue ao expaoaioD of fire and three- eighths inches. I'm u bard aa Dalle and old Mr. Rbeumatiem baa takeo dij Dame off bia flailing Hit." Finally the chap married and io due lime he became a father, lie wae proud of thii and ipeot f 5 40 io telegrams to friends snd relatives, $12.50 lor cigar $18.65 fordrioU The baby thrived and grew. At tl.e cod of four months the youngster waa an old story and weighed Iwcoty two pounds and a few ounces When the mult' I wanted tbeeratwhile proud lather lit tola the hi ir from the houae to the trol cur tlie laiher Diaile an awful mar. Before walking a block pcrspirai ion pnured down the old man's lace an I be biratlud like a stallel gasoline automo bile Ho complained sorely. "Thia kid weighs a too," hedeolarcd, 'My d.sr," said bia wife, "befure we were man led you Doaatrd o! your atrength, and even tmoe 1 became your happy bride yon hare come home night, or rather in the morning, with load that would have kept yr u off a b.u lewd where heavy Iraffio ia prohibited Men are ao unreasonable. Moral: It ia the burden you can' drop that weigha hearted. Exclusive Count; Agency POP, The ACME HARROW The best 'rjgeneral purpose harrow made.g l"waT.r. Its) . aWVt ffiftf ---"'ir.-, EXCLUSIVE CoutlTY faflCY For THK AMERICAN 8TO K FOOD CO. Hog Cholera Cure, Block .'Food, Hon Powder, Worm Powder, Colio Remedy and Lice Remedy. EVERY PACKAGE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED BY US o give satisfaction, wheo'directione ere followed, or YOUR MON"Y RE FUNDED. "NO CURE NO PAY." All ta make and nothing to loae. avWrila for Price. FuTrELL-ljjfDY 7flir. Co. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. THE HARDWARE HUSTLERS. aaarS lr rr rrv t W. WOFFETT' T. "1 Cirw I II Ctrtt Clolin-bfiitiii, DUrrha.l)ycnttry, Bwal Troubles al Calldrca aJar If. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Thla nrenarnttnn contain all of the digestanls and digests ail kinds of rood. 11 given instant renei aim never fails to cure. It allows you to eat an the food you want. The most sensitive atomachs can take It. lly Its use many thousands of dyspeptic have been cured after everything else failed. It unequalled lor the s'liinacn. uniicr ren with weak stomach thrive on it First dose relieves. A (I let u n necessary, Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only hj E. C. DiWitt Co., OhlcMO 'itie 91. oulfcle cuuuuna a iiuuni me wv. w W M Cohen, DruggM. II am i . n " f SwlAlaa Dilution. Rtselatas Casti My 25 ccati at Inuiits, Or buH It aaala ta C. J. MOFPaTTT, M. aToTxiT aa. laoe.-I wm am atriaa ar m UmOr tar-." cwio. t"th ih u ... UkT -a- a. .- a... -t fa ; i. j-v. - C.StttaifSTh-SSS , aa aUaaaf la nMaaacInf Hum ftrt.d. i..a w u. awrU a auHaai wk a ua mi. TTT1 J -I 1 ?' xne wuiuuu vjrrouery VjO. WHOLESALE J0BBEE8 IN STAPLE & FANCY $GROCERIES. HaUW BaU Only To Herehaata. Wood's "Trade Mark Brand" German Millet la the true large-headed sort, and pro- iucea from one-fourth to one-half mure forage per acre than the ordinary Millet The difference in yields from different grades of Millet is more marked than any crop we have ever grown and it ia a great deal the cheapest ;rop resulta considered to purchase the best quality of seed that you can obtain; this you can always be assured of dolug when you order Wood's "Trade nark Brand Southern-grown Qermaa Millet. , Writ lor prlCM and lh-acrlptlTe Circular wbieh alao aires full Information about all SaaaaaBa SmO, Cow Pae, Sola aa4 Velvet Bmu. Taaatarta, loribam, BiickwlMat, Late peaal Potato., ate. T. W. WOOD & SONS, eedsmen Richmond, Va. SA Ordmrwllciud. 28It THE WELDON GBOCEBY CO , W Il.PO rt,N kaVatXK nunc nun i funt. nnu r.iLLLuiii ii II1U i.i RICH AND DELICATE. For Sale By W.O.SIITH. w.ido N.c DID YOU BAY JJJttllNJlS P Well you will Bid the ehoioeat brande of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE HRANDY aad Sparkliag wine, Where, You Ask? -WHY AT- W. D. SMITH'S, Wuhiogtoa Ave., WELDON, . V. C. Fall Una groeerlae'aiwaa ea batad. IS YELLOW POISON In your blood ? Physician call It rU la rial Uerm. It caa k seen changing red Mood yellow under microscope, it works day ana night. Hrst, It turns your com plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You led weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the treuble now. It enters the Mea at once and drlvea out the yellow polaon II neglected and when Chills, Fevers. Nliht-Sweats and a gen oral break -down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure yon th-n but why wait? Prevent luture sickness. The uianulac. turers know all about thia yd row poison and have perfected Koberts' 1 eaic to drive n out nourish your system, restore anoetlte. butMv the Mood, pre' - : - It. ... r. , vent aaeacure wtiuaa, a-eveea etea Malaria. It has cured thous snds It will cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 23 cents. Sold by ALL DRUtlQUTS. w VISIT OP WRITE-w Ike Petersburg Furniture Co. 203 AND 207 N. 8YCAMOHE 8T. PETERSBURG, VA. A NATURAL TUNNEL, a- -''a, Iff.f i'.-fl I SM KY THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN URIIITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. Ja WINFIKLD.PnMIDgNTAMANAGKH JuSpecial Attenlioo to Mail Orders. oot 3 ly. POETRY WITH A POINT. Z You can lend a horse to water, But you cannot make him drink; You can send a fool to college, But you cannot make him think; You may keep your daughter strumming From morn till afternoon, But you can't make her a player If she hasn't any tune. You can never make a farmer Of a boy that loves the sea, Though you may make him plow and plant And whoa, and haw, and gee. It's no use to swear and bluster Because your only son Prefers tho gal he met in the car To your selected one. You might as well switch off the track, For love is lord of pelf, And, besides, it's more than likely That you know how 'tis yourself, You cannot make a citizen, Let him be black or white, Of the man who doesn't know enough To cipher, read and write. You cannot range the rooster's strut, Nor make the layers crow, Though you may honestly believe It would be better so. You cannot make a parson Of the stage-struck Romeo lad, And if you ever do succeed You'll wish you never had. There's only one thing meaner, And that's to have to see The name of your neighbor's numbskull Finished with an M. 1. But all these things, and more besides, We may expect to hear, Until the numbskull kills us And the Romeo says the prayer. As Interesting a Curiosity as I T"i VT 1 1 T , j v irgnnu 8 natural rsnuge. While lbs tourist cornea from afar to view the Natural Bridge and carries away forever photographed on bis mem ory tie stupendous tpeotacle, yet the nalural tunnel of Hoott oounty is con ceded by most people who hsve seen then both Io surpass lbs bridge in gran deur and sublimity ofsoeoery. The tunnel is situated lourteen miles west of Gale City. Siooe Creek, a con siderable stream, flows through it, and at high tides rushes along its cavernous bed with s noise resembling the heaviest thunder. The tunnel is shout one-eighth of a mile in length and curves in the form of the letter S. At its southern entrance it is very high, the noble ceiling beDdiog gracefully, fuming a circular dome ss smooth snd regular aa if hollow ed out by tb hand of art. From this point it gradually diminishes in sir?, the roof oomiog down till st the northern totraoce it reaches to within thirty feel of the surlace of the water. The north ern deolivity sbuve the tunnel is irregu lar and presents little attraction, exespt its bold snd rugged height, but the south ern side fully compensates for sll defi ciencies. Here a perpendicular well, el- moat as smooth as polished marble and as white as alabaster, rises 400 feet high sod curves in such manner that to one looking up from below the regular rim presents a complete semioirole. Io the spring time tb summit of the wall is ringed with green, intertwined with hon eysuckles. On the eastern side Chimney rock, ao irregular but perpendicular sol umo, rises from the bottom of the chasm to the level of the plateau above, stand ing clear of the wall from base to su mil. The ridge through which the tun ncl sxteods is covered with a heavy growth of timber, and a public highway leading from Clincbport to Rye Cove passes along its crest. Ins Virginia and Southwestern rai road has been oonstrooted through the tunnel snd presents, perhapa, the only instance of a railroad running through natural tunnel. Owing to the curvatu lhA railrnail nnmninv hail In tunriij through the angular projection near ll northern entrance, thus making a douh tunnel. WHAT IT BELIEVES, Wo Do Not Expect To Under stand All Tho Dealings Of Tho Almighty. yet THE AMERICAN FATHER. PFCr I a fct.fcii mi mmmmLmmmmmmt mm m i ON THE OTHER SIDE. 1 We go our ways in life too much alone; We hold ourselves too far from all our kind; Too often we are dead to sigh and moan; Too often to the weak and helpless blind; Too often where distress and want abide We turn and pass upon the other side. The other side is trodden smooth and worn By footsteps passing idly all the day; Where lies the bruised ones that faint and mourn Is seldom more than an untrodden way. Our selfish hearts are for our feet the guide They lead us by upon the other side. It should be ours the oil and wine to pour Into the bleeding wounds of stricken ones; To take the smitten and the sick and sore And bear them where a stream of blessing runs. Instead we look about the way is wide And so we pass upon the other side. 0 friends and brothers, gliding down the years, Humanity is calling each and all In tender accents, born of grief and tears! I pray you, listen to the thrilling call. You cannot, in your cold and selfish pride, Pass guiltlessly upon th other side. Southern Churchman. Is it right to the child that b I and knows so little of his faiher? I this commercial strife worth the price of s child being almost a tiranger to his ..... I own lather I men are sometimes sur prised thst their children u instinctively to their mothers, and so little to them, But sside from the natural inatinct which draws every child Io his mother, why I should the fsct cause any wonder? I ootid attacnea nimaell to those who give him the most attention, to the one I joint him in his play And if, as so many fathers do, a man places business first i life all during tbe week, and buries biui I soli in those modern curses, the 8ur.d newspapers, on the day when he ia home, what can he expect from bis ohi It is a case of the child not seeing father during the week, and the fath not seeiog the child on Sundsy. A man must be the wage-earner and tbe family supporter. That is tbe duty laid for him. But when that is accomplished is I it woith his while to push on into the oouoicrcial maae at the expeoie of the I aweetening that abould come into the life of every nianT Is short, what profiteth it a man suppose he gain the whole world and not know bis own child r ih "We believe io Ood," says the New ork Independent, "not because of light ings and volcanoes, but io spite of them. do not expect to uudeistand all tbe icalings of the Almighty. Wa do not understand tbe forcca of nature, aad are very far from unraveling the seeistsof matter and life that are right around us under our eyes. But ignorant aa we are, there are some things that w can already know. Believing in Ood, we believe that He created nature and gave it its laws. There are those whose notion of Ood requires them to believe that be gave nature no laws or powers, ut thst every act of nature every drop ping of an apple, every cbemioal combi nation, every evaporation of a drop of ew, is a special act of divioe will exer cised on nature, aud they say that what we call laws of nsturo are only God's sbit of doing things. This is a needless wsy of maintaining the divine rule over nature. It iovolves the ditagreeabl thought that every mischief of fever or flood or storm or flame is the effect of a special volition ot Uod to that particular eod. It is wiser snd more pbilosopbioal aa well as more natursl, to think of na ture as controlled by laws imposed upon those laws acting automatically, al though their action can to some extent be controlled or diverted by the opposiog will of liviog beings." SPRING FEVER. Spring fever is soother name for bil iousness. It is more serious than most people think. A torpid liver aod inac tive bowels mean s poisoned system. II neglected, serious illoess msy follow such symptoms. De Witt's Little Early Risers remove all danger by stimulating the liv er, opening tbe bowels and cleansiog tbe system of impurities. Safe pills. Never gripe. "1 have taken DeWitta Little Karly niseis lor torpid Imr every spring lor years, writes K. M. livery, Mounds ville, W. Va. "They do me more good than anything I have ever tried. W M. Cohen. Beautiful Thoughts The sweet, juire breath of tbe babe is wvstiw of luniH-eme ami health. A HiothiT'ti yearn mi' for children is in separable from a love of the beautiful, and behooves every woman to bnn the sweeti't and best influence to bear on the subject of her inatermtv. To relieve pain and make easy that pern a wnen me is uoniagam, Mother's Friend is popularly used, It ia a lioiraent easily administered ami tor external use onlv. 'rc;;nuut women should try this remedy, bcniK untlcmalily a friend to lieruurimt nature's term of suspense and anticipation. ii tiler s menu, n used tnrougnout gestation, will soften the breasts, thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples. AJ muscles straining with the burden wi.l relax, become supple and elastic from it) continued application. All fibres in tlie atxlommal region will resxnd readily to the expanding cover ainiug tlie embryo it i lotner l-neno .plied externally during pregnancy. 11 reliable druggists $i.oo per bottle, te for free book on " notnerhood." THE BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, 6A, Little is done where many command. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If vuti havan t t rcirul-ir, Ii!tliy itHivmt r UM boIS wary dit. y" rr 111 or will t. ILejp JOUI buwrlsulM-n iht'lie) wt'li. Furret.lii the hpeof t -. i. in .! ur i.ill in moil, ta duiiifarousj. Tb am oo th at, t r1e.l. tn.t poiff I aj of kaaplnf ibt) bOwtU tk nT laJMl (jatJftU it tU CANDY CATHARTIC 4Q EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY ritusttl. Pad tab I a, rotail. Taata Own), rtoUnotl, Ner Mick WsaJtn. or Orlpa, M, E. and e cam Crr bo i. " ritej (or f rM aaJnia, a,nd bwa i alth Aatilraia ITIUJM MUM CO at Fi. IT, OIIC1M a W TOM. KEEP YLUR BLOOD GLEAN HCILSIOR PRINTING CO. WKLDO.V, N. C. All Kinds Commercial Printing. All orders receive prompt an I careful attention inur patrouage loiiciteu. GOOD CHEER. BJLhMU&h roceries D.' C.tTAIMBACK, -I0TIRT PUBLIC ' IWauMtr, V, 0 Dealers I a Staple and Fancy a-rFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Crook ery, Glass Tin, aad wooden aud wil low wan. Alao Pmtt'a Hone, Cow, Hog and Panitry Pood, aad Orove'a 5 Taatelaaa Chill Toole. Alaxaader'l live aad Kidney Toaie for parilylns the blood. Thia tools la warranted or refunded, A REAL FR1SND. "I suffered from dyspepaia and indi gestion for fifteen years," leys W. T. Stirdevaol, of Marry Oaks, N. C. "Af ter I had tried many dootota and soedi ejnes to bo avail one of my friends per evaded ma to try KodoL It gave imme diate relief. I caa eat almost anything I want now and my indigeatioa is good. I cheerfully rtoommeod Kodol." Don't try te ears stomsoh trouble by dieting. Thst only farther weskens tbe syatena. You aeed wholesome, strengthening food, Kodol enables von le assimilate what you eat by digesting it without the atom sen's aid. W. M. Cohaa. A pleaaing personality is of tatold vela. It is a perpetual delight aod in spiration Io everybody who comes in con taot with it. Such personality is capi tal. R. M. PURNELL A BRU, (Seeeeseors le J. L Jadkiaa.) He. 18 WanUaftsa Ate., Waldos, M. 0 apr 10 lj. OJa,a1T01tXA. ila In tU t Haas Alain hatat Much ia said about the importance of I beiog good natured if the members of a family would maiutaio a happy koui hold life. But th poiut is often over I looked that good nature is Dot te be achieved wholly by an effort of tbe will. If one wishes to cultivate it he mast dt the thiogt that promote it. For rxam p!i, It ii oiv!ii to tell a Suin ai Uui woman that she should be bright sod Sh oaoDOt gain that moo Weldon, N. C, Mar. 16,1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: I have UBed J. E. M. flour and find it an excellent, nice flour. Mrs. Maria Gary. Weldon, N. C, Mar. 14, 1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: I have used J. E. M. flour and want nothiog better. It is all 0. K. U. T. Bony, Express Messenger, Kineton branoh. Weldon, N. C, M sr. 14,1902. Mr. W.T.Parker: I prefer the J. E. M. flour to any I have ever used. I want nothing better. Mrs. T. F. Anderson. Weldon, N. C, Msr. 14, 1902. Mr. W. T. Psrksr: Tbe J. E. M. flour to excellent and I always prefer it to sny I hsve ever used. Mrs. J. B. Tilghman. Weldon, N. C, Mar. 15, 1902. Mr. W. T. Parker I have been nsing the J. E. M. flour for the past twelve sod find it equal or better than any I have ever used. Mrs. M.F. Hart. I have been using J. E. M. flour and find it excellent. Mrs II. C. Fpiers. MILES' J.E.M. FLOUR POKOVEH VIXTY YEAR Mm. Winalow'i Soothing 8yrup hubeel I .... , a a . 1 Ml- a I VUtJtJllUli naVtal tflF nAff VMM hw nillAM alt I mothers for children, while teething, with ""P'j lJ keiD8 willi,,8- Wal 'J' perteot success. It soothes tbe ohild, u rest, ana a qa et aiiernooo n,p aupp; softens the gums, allays all pain, euros I Dented by the requisite volitiou will pro- anna eonc, ana is tbe best remedy lor duce the dired result. Ia oil,. , 0id i: i T, .ni i: K i is.a.iuwa. i win niiiov wo uwi uttie I :c .i.:L .L.. . - , , a . i qui j . I it we iuiuk mat vcrtain in hmj. nreuaairii iiunn luiuiouiBMii. ouna uj uruiat I" in every part ot tbe world. S!o eenu a I U1UIB ,u" nV "" '"V 1 bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mn. Wins-1 generate them. Then is im use of low Soothing Syrup, and take ao oth-1 preaching good naiuiu aud chieifulotaa er kind 1 1. n.iuu n,,i .11 , ..i "What makes you billy so meek and just tb means io ik end Taa trouLl mild the daysT inquired lb first 1 with many an in usble, eroM-cr.iueJ aad Danny goat. I sour member ol trie lamny is that h or "He a got religion, I gueaa, said tb ahadua not take .ufficient rplaxalinn AthMT. I . . tvi mm an uu vwae, puu gu BUIOUQI ef resolution will impart cluerfulosss If yoa waot to be good-natured and com. paDionabie ana onarmtng you must pay some sttsotioo to your digestion and nerves, aid your requirement for sleep But for money and the aeed of it there woald not be half th friendship that there is ia th world. It it power' f ul for good, if divinely uaed. Tbe N. C. State Normal anil Initial Collets . . LITERARY I Sesaion opens Pop CLASSICAL tember 18th. Ex- SCIENTIFIC Dense 1100 to COMMERCIAL I $140; for non-resi I N DCSTIt I A L den's of the State PEDAGOGICAL $160 Faculty of MUSICAL. 33 tmnibera. Prao lice and Observa tion b'cl.ia l connected iih the College. Corri'Siioudence invited from those de siring couiieteot teachers and atenogra tihera T secure b ard io th dormito ries all free tuition aiiiilioalinna should be made before July lliih. For catalogue and other intoruiation, address PRESIDENT Cll A3. D. McIYER, 6 19 lin Oreenabim, N 0. The One Among Many. - The one mako of instruments that holds its tone, through a generation of use fulness. University of North Carolina, "Yoa don't eayr "Yes, he ate a Bible the other day." CASTOR I A tot Infant ud Children. rum Yoa Hin Alimktft 8tMtvaaf The Head of the State'a Educa lional 8y item ACADEMIC DEPARlMErtT, LAW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY One bandied and eight scholarships Free tuition to teacher and to ministers' sun. Loaos for lb needy. 6C3 8t dents. 64 loatruotor. New Dormito ries, Water Works, Central Heating 8y tern. Fall term begins September 8 1902. Address, F. P. YEN ABLE, President, 6191m. ' Cbapsl Hill, N. Is Unsurpassed for Purity and Excellence It is made from the soft winter wheat grown on the limestone soil of the ltltie Grass region of Kentucky. It makes light, white bread of very ex cellent flavor, fine grained cake and delicious pastry. A tSli plANos Are ait built for show they'ro eoo- ructed with experienced cere; they last lifetiuio and mere, yet tboir cost is very moderate, couaideriuK their quality. Send us your eddiess and you'll immediately get an illustrated catali gue and book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms Piano of other aiaku to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Ware rooms, a N. Liberty street. Factory E. Latayetto Ave., Aiken and Lanvalo Street Baltimore, Md. octSlly. W. E. BEAVAHS- UKUOS, C1IKM1CALS, I'AliiNX niKfltINK, STATIONEUY, TOILET 80A1, ALL KINDS H K It V UM E It Y, TOILET AKTICL.ES, CIO A KS, PIPES, ETC. Prescriptions carefnlly compounded day er night. W. . BNAVANt), PnAATiIv ENFIELD, . O. ISlor i 'Fbooe 13; residence 41-9. 8 lily. 1