ft Wl Sgnl bHN "W. SLB3DC3-B, PROPRIETOR. A. 1TB-WSPAPBB FOR THE PEOPLE TBBMS:-i.5i) per annum in advance r0L. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 3. 1902. NO. 8 The Kind Ton Have Alwaya Bought, tnd which hits beea In use for over 30 yean, has borne the nlgnfttnro of j) and haa been made under hli per- fcs?-flP7, lonal eupervlslon elnre Ita Infancy. W4i7y)i Allow no one to deceive yon In thla. All Counterfeit, Imitations, and " Juit-as-good" are bat Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of InfimU and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Oaatorta ia harmleH substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare gorie. Drop and Soothing 8yrupe. It la Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotle substance. Its age Is It guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food,, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. rF&g? ,ttt - Costs Oalj 25 cents at Drs&ists, )0r suit It Mali to C. 4. MOPPITT. M. Urn Nolan -IntHloii DltrThou.Dyxnlry, mi ins nowai irotiblu of Alee Digestion. Regulates UK Hawaii, Mrtatthciu the Uvlld nd Maku TEETHING EASY. D. ST. LOUIS, MO. (Wuinhu. (ia.. Aua. 4. 1D7. hw vMt- TE ETil I XA iTeethlna Ire rerw4. rmiHntnb. JOMKPM H. SKV. (Aw Bishop nrfMw Jet t'fcwrtfc,) JNwtvr m, Ami (fcurwft, DS. C. J. MOWmT-nmr DMtm Vf mm mr TJL MvtUrt) tm Mir IMtle frraK4 fcM mttk hmupUH rmUt: The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY 3GR0CERIES.S: Orders Roliei ted. 2 81y .We Ball Only To Merchaots. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WILDON.N. The N. C. State Normal Mistri al College . . . University of North Carolina, LITERARY 8eaeion omu Pep CLA88ICAL tember lSih. Kx SCIKNTIFIC pensea $100 to COMMERCIAL 1140; fur non-rosi-INDUSTRIAL deoii of the State PEDAGOGICAL 1160. Faculty of MUSICAL 33 Dumber Prae- tioe tod Observa lion School connected with the Collect. Correspondence invited from thoaa de siring oompeteot teacberi and steoogre pberi. To secure board is lb dormito ries all free tuition applications aboqlt) be mads before July 15th. For oatalogu ad other information, addresi PRESIDENT CHAS. D. MolVER 6 19 In Greensboro, N C. DICELSIQB PRINTING CO. Cj WELDON, N. 0. All Kinds Commercial Printing. All orderi reoeivs prompt aod careful i(pnijo. Your patronage solicited. lIMill Lli BEFORE MARRIAGE. Violets Every Day, and Roses Twice a Week. He ia young and ambitioua and prides himself on hie common eeoee, hie prsoti eal, business-like way of doing things, and hie eordid eaiihioess generally. On hii way home the other evening he stopped to loolt ioto a florist's window, aod lha florist taked him io.ide to aee ooe very fine wedding flowtrs he wu tendiDg out. The loriet ia an elder! mn, with kind tyei blinking behind epectaclee. "Yon don't buy flowera any more, do jou ?" he ioquired aa he tied up a bunch of white lilacs aod Ltwaon ioke, and laid it on a fan of feather; grteo feme. "No, I don't," laid the busineei-like man. 'You were a pietty good customir year or two ago. Violets every day, aod reeea twice a week, wasn't it ?" "Kr I was engsged then," sod the practical one laughed aod flushed. "lou used to tute ner flowers every time you weut to see her, dido t you? aod the old fioiiat's tone was more kiod ly than icquiative. "Yea." "They're not so very expensive in the spring. "UD, the woulu Have liked them as well bought on the streets, as long ss they were fresh and fragrant. She didn't csre for the swell box. She wasn't that kind at all." "Too bad, too bad. Young ladies are fickle. I suppose she chose anolher in your stead." "Ob, d; I married her a year ago." The old florist twisted a bit of slriog srouod the stems of some pale rosebuds, and then he said gently, as if treading on thin ioe: "You don't love her any more ?" "Indeed, I do. Were very hsppy But you know the l iwer business doesn't go any more. "Did she ever say so?'' a.ked the re lentless old man. "Well urn er, no, I can't say she did." "Did yu ever ssk hei about it?" "!io. 1 m kept pretty busy, you know, wilh more practical thiogs. I don't have time to bother about trifles, The old florist dido't answer. He dived into the ice-box and came ont with a handful of mignonette and white tulips. He wrapped Iheio in a eoisioopia of tisau paper, and handed (hem to hi lac. customer. "This is for old time's sake," ha said. "You might take them to your wife, aod if she doesn't like them, you can brinu them hack to me." They never came back, but the young man did Uommeroial Advertiser WVISIT OIR WRITER Its Petersburg Furniture Co, PROPHECIES OF EVIL. 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMOItK ST. PETERSBURG, VA. The Head of the Slate's Kduos liooal 8ystem ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY One bnodied and eight scholarships, Free tuition to teachers aod to ministers' sons Loans for the needy. SG3 Stu dents. 54 Instructors New Dormito ries, Water Works, Central Heating Syi iem. Pall term begina September 8, 1002 Address, F. P. YEN ABLE, President, 6 19 lia. Chapel Hill, N. DID YOU SAY DEINKQ p WH you Will find the ehoieest braods of RYE. PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where,YouAsk? -,WHYAT- W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ah., WELDON, . N. C. Poll line groceries alwaji on hand. rURE AND MELLOW; m UNO DELICATE. For Sala By W. 0. SMITH. Weldon, N.O. Rio net & 6 .Special Attention to Mail Orders. "Kinp; Shall Edward Be, But Never Shall Be Crowned," Ran Ono Of Them. King Edward's illness recalls the many prcdiclioos which have been made that he would never be crowned. The dismal prophecies have boon es pecially frequent during the Isst year. The time for the fulfillment of some of them his passed, but others aro still pend ing, and his failure to recover from the operation certainly would be regarded by the believers in prophecies as another proof of their value. That the Kiog himself was not oblivi ous to the words of the prophets and that he was not free from foreboding has been mentioned often as a trait in bis charac ter. Ever since the death of Oueen Yictoiis, it is said, he has been haunted by a superstitious fear that be would not live to be crowned. Reports have been current in London siooc his accession A. Ja "WINFIELDiPRMmsNTAMANAGKE Uhatheofteo brooded over the predio- THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEKS IN ' FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FUIlNiSHiauu. oct 3 ly. for over sixrr years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for ohildren, while teething, with perfect sueoess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, oures I wind oolio, and is the best remedy for I Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Besureand ask for "Mra. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind ONLY HUMAN. Manager of Midway Museum at Pan-1 American Eipositiun What's all that! soreaming at om? Cashier Why, F.iiuia, the lady snake I ehaimer, just raw a mouse! Brooklyn fcagle. 17 nn Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat. Th'a preparation contains all of the dlgestunta mid d Incuts nil kluds of fond. H gives Instant rllf IKl Dover tails to curt. U allows yuu to eat mi ilia fuudyuuwRnt. Tho most sensitive I Uimuclis can Uke It. Hy lu use many thousands of tlvsnvDUc have been cured after everything else fulled. Is uneaualled for the stomach. Child- iwn with wnali atnmarha llirWn on It. I First done relieves. A diet unnecessary. 1 Curat all tomach troubltt PrapaMKt only by K. 0. DtWirr Co., Oklrato Sue 91. Du.ua ouBuuna a tiowa suu. nw W. M. I ohea, Druggist. WHEN FATHER MAKES THE FIRE, St sC; St St L'mL"JZi -' ' -5 Spff WADE WHIPPLE. When father, mornings, makes the fire For sometimes mother's sick We children run and climb a tree All on the double-quick; And though we climb up to the top, We wisn the tree was higher, For chips just scatter everywhere When father makes the fire. We always know when its his turn, 'Cause 'fore he comes down stairs He rips out words that sound just like Our iceman when he swears, And cats and dogs and hens and geese From out his path retire, And scat 'way out to our back lot When father makes the fire. Then 'fore he gives the kitchen stove A rakin', like as not, He kicks the scuttle 'cross the floor And breaks the coffee-pot, And when he takes the ashes out The fates and him conspire, To sift them on the table-cloth When father makes the fire. They say that war is terrible, And plagues and pestilence, And that they bring to sons of men Great suffering and expense. But I'll just bet they can't compare With woes that we acquire Whn ma's away, or sick abed, And father makes the fire. WHEN JIM DIED. f-nt-rrilM atiawlfcaCiitiwitaiiaiTliiii l fcAnjtiicttii.Wiat:.??. aarsi tBaaiWittifctli When Jim died, all th' neighbors came from fur an' near. 'Pears like to me they held him just as dear As mother did an' me; fer they all came in to gaz Once more on his calm, pale face, an' a sort o' haze Seemed to settle on their oyea, fer I seen thetears A-tricklin' down their choeks maybe th' fust fer years When Jim died. When Jim died th' birds stopped singin' in th' trwes, Fer they missed him, you know; an' th' golden-belt' ed bees Flittin' o'er th' meadows whispered to th' olover It would kiss his bare, brown feet no more; an' th' plover An' the kildee in th' rushes an' th' fen Seemed ever to be call in' that he'd never come again When Jim died. Jim was a curious chap not like other boys; He had his own way o' takin' life, with its joys An' sorrows; he loved birds an' flowers, an' I'll bet He never much as trod on a timid violet That peeped shyly thro' the grass. Like music of a flute The birds sang to him, but their voices now are mute Since Jim died, Slnoe Jim died, 'pears like to me mother ain't so spry As the used to be; there's a sadness in her eye , An' voice that sort o' cuts me to th' heart; for Jim Had alius been her pet sence he was born; sh loved him Better than the rest, h was her boy; she don't com plain, Mother don't, but liinu hIio'h never been lu' Hume Since Jim died. Rochester Post-Express. t 11 J tioos of evil which had been made about him aod that he was unable to shake bis mind free of them. It is ssid the prophecy that gave the Kiog the most uneasiness was made at about the time of his birth, aod is as fol lows : King shall Edward be, But never shall be crowned. As the date of the eoronstion ap proached his thoughts recurred with in creasing frequency, it is said, to this prophecy. Anotner preaiction was made by a gypsy crone in London before Queen Victoria's death. The woman had achieved some fame by making predic tions which bad boen proved true in re gard toother reigning families in Europe, She said : me rnnce 01 Wales will be killed as Boon as a great honor haa been conferred upon him." Henrietta Coaesdon, who pretended to be able to talk with the Angel Gabriel and who attracted attention in Paris in 1896, is said to have predicted that King Edward would not reign long and that he would die in 1902 after a "surgica operation. Mile Couesdon at the same time predioted that the German Emperor would meet with a violent death in 1902. Raphael, a London astrologer, at the beginning of the present year, said the planets were unfavorable to Kiog Ed ward, aod he added : 'Let care be takeo of his Majesty's health and person." Another astrologer, who oalled himself "Zadkiel," drew a horoscope of the Kiog at the time of bis birth in 1841. It was of the non-committal kind that might be twisted by the superstitious into a pre diction of what has happened, but no details were given. THE MAN WE CAN'T FORGIVE. "We can forgive the one who injures us, said a wise student of human nature, "but the one whom we find it almost im possible to forgive is the ooe whom we have injured." rre do not state tne esse in tbat way to ourselves; nevertheless it is true, I There is nothing tbst will more surely I incline us to dUike another than the J knowledge that we have wronged him His acts, whatever they may be, take on I unworthy motives to us. It ta easy to I believe aoy evil report coooeroiog him I The eight of hint awakens our animosity VI by? Beoause deep in the spirit, too I deep for our oooscious recognition of it, perhaps, lies a desire to justify ourselves, I and to prove that he deserved the treat I ment we have given him. For the one who has wronged us may find excuses, but for the one whom we have even a secret suspioion of hav iog wrooged there is solaoe in finding condemnation. The sight of him asakea us uncomfortable; his presence wounds our self-respect. We cannot forgive him lor making it impossible to forgive our selves. "What has he ever done to you?" I the question commonly asked aa aa noex j pHttuwu CQSitty Ui&QuvStS Imm;,,. A tfuvi- lion we might more profitably ask our selves would be. "W bat have we ever done to him?" No More Electric Fans Will Ever Bo Used In That Meet ing House. A minister in Trenton, in the state of trusts, has contracted for a number of electric fans with which he calculates to rob bis parisbionsis of one popular ex ouse for remaining away from Service. He is not the first io this field, how ever. The pastor of a western church secured a big fan last July snd fastened it oo the front of the gallery at the back ol the auditorium. Tbe fan worked ell until on one eventful Sunday it ran away. It revolved so fast tbat it startled tbe entire congregation sll exoept Desoon Briseom, who always slept like "Rip Van Winkle" in the middle of bis loLg nsp. The deacon didn't wake up until a violent fit of sneezing spprised him that he was tbe draft. Why, that wheel created such a heavy gale that it blew the new hats of sister Jane Stebbios and Petunia Brown clear up to the grained ceiling. Elder Baxter Pbinney's wig followed the hats, aod the sheets of the pastor's sermon edded about the big chandelier like a flock of white doves. All this time tbe angry roar of tbe wheel could be heard clear down the pike as far as Ab Greenlee's general store, but it was oot uotil the wind rolled little Milliken clear up to the ohaocel rail, aod then flung the orgaDist head foremost ioto tbe keyboard, tbat Johnnie Scraggs hsd the presence of mind to creep down the basement stairs and switch off the current. And that's the last electrio fan tbat they'll ever Bet up in that meeting house. Cleavcland Plain Dealer. onMll rnde Mark Brand." t tories Dealers Ia Staplel ana Fancy w-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Orock.17, OUae Tin, tad wooden and wil lowwara. Also Pratt's Hone, Cow, Uef aod Poultry Food, and Grove's Z Tasteless Chill Toaie. Alexander's Liver end Kidney Toole (or parilyin tbe blood. This tonic Is warranted or awaev refunded. R. M. PURNELL A BRO., (Suooeasors to J,. L Judkins.) No. 18 Waanlogtsa Are., Weldon, N. 0 aprlOJr V' POISONING THE SYSTEM. It is through the bowels the body is cleansed of impurities. Constipation keeps these poisenaio the system, oansiog headache, dullness and melancholia at first, then unsightly eruptions, aad final ly serious illness unless a remedy ia ap plied. DeWitt's Little Early Risers i. I lie true laive-headfd sort, and pro- 1 tu. from one-fourth to one-half more I imt-e ' r uere tlisn the ordinary Millet. I prevent this trouble by stimulating the Hie .lim wiufin yields from ditferent I Ufer pran)ttis saay, healthy action of ,s w ht bow(, These little pills do not aet any crop we have ever grown and It Is a fioeD,, bot by strengthing the bowels (reat deal th clu-niK-st-crop results (njb)e ,0 (ofm ,Mt ork conemereu-to purcnaae me oeei qusmy N ol dialreaw. Wl .Ufl JVU VHU " I can always be assured of doing when you order Wood' "Trad flark Bread" ol gouthern-ron Oermaei Millet. , Write tor prtees and Detortptln Ctralar pieh alio iivm lull Information about alt MoawMe Cw Pea, ) end Velvet Mu, Tteatatf, Sarf daps, BwkwKHl, Ut f4 Patata, flf, T.W, WOOD SONS, W. M. Cohen WHERE THE LOCUS BLOOXS. Seedsmen "No," said she ingeniously. "I don't like eaooea," , , t'Why iotf" aked tbe college student "Beoause," responded shs, blushing' "you have to sit tandem all die time." Richmond, Yi I Tonit Toic ' . MOTHER ALWAYS KEEPS IT HANDY. My toother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill-health due primarily to indigestion," says L W. Spaldiog, Verona, Mo. "Two years sgo I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and tow, at the age of 76, THE OLD FAMILIAR PRAYER. A trained nurse, watching at tbe bed sids of Mr. Kipling during those moments when tbe author wu ia tbe most oritioal stage of illoeas, ootieed that his lips be gan to move. She bent over him, think ing he wished to say something to her, eats anything she wants, remarking that ,d beard him murmur that old, familiar ahe fears do bad effects aa she has her prayer of ohildhood days : bottle of Kodol bandy. Don t waste "Now I lay me down to sleep." time dootonog symptoms. Go after the "I beg your pardon, Mr. Kipling," the cause. If your stomaoh is sound your nurse said, in an apologetic whisper, when heslth will be good. Kodol rests the aha realised that Kinlinir did not t a a 1 0 1 atomeco ana strenginens me ooay ny h ,.t tooul.h. .aa -,nted something." digesting your food. Ite nature's tonic W. M. Coheo. own A simple remedy for warts Is a dram of selicylio acid, with aa ouuee of collo dion, ia a bottle which haa a tiny brush run through lha oork. Apply this mix ture to lbs wsrts twos a day, and ia 1 few days they till dry up and fall off. "I do," faintly observed Kipling, want my Hearealy Father. He only can oars for me now." THOUGHT IT A WINNING CARD, eai Wll A vt'tfetiiMe liquid for governing 01 imiuuiK the now of women utense .licit occur once in every lunar month. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator 19 the essential qunlity of powerful herbs. It is a concentrated essence best adapted for women's delicate organism, and put in such form that it is always properly assimilated and taken into the system. Stoppages, suppression, painful or other irregularity of tiie menses and sickly flows are corrected and cured by the regular use of this superior emmenagogue. Menstruation, or periodic flows, neces sitate a breaking down of cells lining the mucous membrane and a reconstruction after every sickness, which is accompa- nicu wun marKeu congestion anu loss 01 blood. Such changes are very apt to pro- luce chronic catarrh. Leucorrhea or Whites is the result of these irritating dis charges. Regulator cures these troubles and restores to perfect health the patient who Buffered the debilitating losses. lluy 01 druggists. Ji.oo per bottle. Our illustrated bonk mailed free. " Perfect Heath for Women." THE BRADF1EID REGULATOR CO., AUaata, (a. VACATION DAYS. Vacation time is here aod tbe children arc fairly living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them, You need only to guard against the acci dents to most open sir sports. No reme dy equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for sores, cuts or bruises, savs L. B. Johnson, Swift, Texas. "It is the best remedy on the market." Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of coun tsrfeits. W. M. Coheo. God hath so suited our duty to our in, terest, tbat obeditnoe to Bis will is bap- pi ocas to ourselves. ACT3 IMMEDIATELY. Colds are sometimes more troublesome in summer tbsn in winter, its so hard to keep from adding to them while cooling off after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cures at once. Absolutely safe, Acts immediately. Sure cure for coughs oolds, croup, throat and lung troubles. W. M. (Joben. MAMIE AND THE VERSE. "Mamie." said the father, "run out and olav: there is something I wish to sav to vour mother." "Well, papa." answered Miss Mamie, "my verse at school to-day said, 'He that hatb ears, let him hear 1' so I think I ought to Btsy aod bear what you are go ing to say. Sour Stomach -Aftr I WM ftlcMl I try CASCA Rri'tL 1 will navasi-bej wUbout tbvm ia the buuM. Ut lltor im In fair bwl ihP. nl T be. sai, nA I ha.rl ttmtoh trouble). Now. uluco leak ing Ctvtcarau, 1 fe I fin. Uj wife ot-alio uted Ibem witb benoflclal rotultt for tour itomacD. JUI. AHItUtlNa, 1VU (JMffvM (,, e. bums. mx Weldon, N. C, Mar. 16,1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: I have used J. E. M. flour and find it an excellent, nice flour. Mrs. Maria Gary. Weldon, N. C, Mar. 14, 1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: I hsve used J. E. M. flour snd want nothing better. It is all 0. K. 0. T. Bony, Express Messenger, Kinston branch, Weldoo, N. C, Mar. 14, 1902. Mr. W.T. Parker: I prefer tbe J. E. M, flour to aoy I have ever used. I waot ootbiog better. Mrs. T. F. Anderson. Weldon, N. C, Mar. 14, 1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: Tbe J. E. M. flour to excellent and I always prefer it to any I have ever used. Mrs. J. B. Tilgbman. Weldoo, N. C, Mar. 15, 1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: I have been nsing the J. E. M. flour for the past twelve aod find it equal or better than any I have ever used. Mrs. M. F. Hart. I have been using J. E. M. flour and find it exoellent. Mrs. II. C. Spiers. MILES' J.E.M. FLOUR- Is Unsurpassed for Purity and Excellence It is made from the soft winter wheat grown on the limestone soil of the Ulue Grass region of Kentucky. It makes light, white bread of very ex cellent flavor, fine grained cake and delicious pastry. CANDY CATHARTIC r Wj JT CATHARTIC jS . 503 The One Among Many. -- The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. 1 .... Tail. Good. DO Qood. Nf ir StukBU. Weaken. or tirliw. Vie. SuC.fOo. ... OUIII CONSTIPATION. ... sunk er twr. mw. anm.ii.tirt. 111 HA TA DIP n!4 ans fitarantMil br alisros' Btv'aw'wnw sia"';ii. UBavrotauwo UaHlk r OA.STOniA Mia tU 1 K IM tM MH lir llfUtUS af ' aw aa -a. - .c . aw IK w lot Hm iwm Botitit IS YELLOW POISON In our blood ? Physklane call it , MMI NM Gl Ui. Si MM IH !! changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthiest. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will atop th trouble now. It enters the blojd at one and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night -Sweats and a gen eral break -down coma later on, Roberta' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about thla yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It baa cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This U fair. Try It. Price, 25 centa. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS TIES' i 'pIANos Are not built for show they're con structed with experienced eare; they last a lifetime and mere, yet their coat is very uoueraie, oouaiueriug their uuaiuy. Seuit us your address and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue aod book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms. Pianos of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES Ml. StIEFF. Warerooma, 0 N. Liberty street. Factory E. Lalayetta Ave., Aiken and Lauvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct SI ly. V- E. BEAVAIIS. D." . ITAINBACK, -NOTARY PUBLIC. ,Wildo, N, 0 Boanoks News Office. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, CIOARS, PIPES, ETC. Prescriptions oareftilly impounded day or night. W. K. BBAVANS, Phaemaoiht, ENFIELD, N. C. JStore 'Phone 13; residence 41 i. 816ty.

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