f fi. troHisr w. A. IT E "W" S P A P E R FOR THE PEOPLE TEIEIIMS: l f'u 1'KK annum in advance SLEJDC3-E, 1' UOPKIKTUR. WELPON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 24. 1902. NO. 11 VOL. XXXVII. i lurtu BUiiin OB: SASTOSil AM'Kelable Prrpar.Hioit for As sluiilnlinfi thcFoodantllU'jJula Img die Stomachs uiul Dowels of I'romolea Dicslion.Clrcrful neasandRcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. KotNahcotic. nmpetfou a-xm'aptrawi flJa Stat' WntJrJ-ftmM.imir A perfect Remedy forConstipa tiun, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea ss and Loss or Sl.EE!. Fat Simile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I Signature of HOW MEN PROPOSE. Conmiled Verv Carefully By One Wlu Undoubtedly Un derstands Something About The Mutter. fcr "VISIT OE "WBITE-w Ike Petershr? Furniture Co., MESSAGE TO "SHUT INS." Many Blessings Have Come To and From Such Imprisoned Ones. We A re Never Older Than We Feel We May Keep Our selves Young By Being Cheerful. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. LW y For over I Thirty Years InnoTfisim iuHiilUlllH m m ar tmc eiNTun etwi. m vonh city, 3 Cures Ghclera - inTantuni, Dlarrhoti.Dyicntcry, and the Bowel Troublti ol Children of Any Mg$. Aide Digestion, Kcgulatci the Howels, Mrenjthens the Child and Makei TEETHING EASY. D ST. LOUIS, MO. (lllfMi. Oil., tun. 14, IH7M. aare mwrrrmnvi ueerniiio Imrdrrm) ( our litllr grand ehild with the. haviiient ri-nlf. The ' ir.u. ,,ffiw JVimI hurcK DR. WOFPETT'fi JW,. CtTHING POWDIWiWLa Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, Or nail 45 ceita to C. J. MOFTETT, t'olUtllflUi BR. r. J. MOFFRTT-ltear Baetori Il gave onr TF.t towderm ottr llttl araud vhlUl with the. hamtient t'c vere almoiit mugtcat, und eertuittl u more untltiJUctoru thanfvti we everuaed. Yourn reru truiu, JOHVI'ii (.Yvm Blthop Southern aethodiit Church.) Funtor of bt. M' mi. TTT 1 .3 1 n -m xiie vveiuuii urruuery uo. WIIOLKSA1.1-; JOI!JiKi;S IN STAPLE & FANOYtfiE 5 GROCERIES w Orders Solicited. 2 8 ly We Sell OdIt To Merchant. ir ' THE WEI.DON OKOCEUY CO , WRt.llON. N. C. V St n Encekior Printing Co. WELJJOIT, ZST. C. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PACKET HEADS, CIRCULARS, P ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, POSTERS H INVITATIONS, 2S Send us vour orders. All IK- M An Kn(i!i.-li e xel.ai.fif, fiiolin from dull compiled by a MutiMicnn ('mm sev eral humliid tn.vilh ih1 luinaiiri x, luukm tin' l"ll'iinn ci'iiniKiit on Imw men jiio puw ; I'mii KM) 1 vtdcal fuse of aceepli il dt-t-lurut iotix iif luve the Malii-lii ian ol: laiiin i he f.lluwin; lijjurin: highly. one nf tl,(. 101) turn nvoweil lhat they cim'.J lint live any hinder without the adend ntic; 7- held the Indie.' hand in a tiht (:iip, (it) li-nd lluni on the lip ID m the r t hand, two on the lip ol the noM', and one on tlie fchouldei; 18 wctc to excited that they could hardly punk; (i I. 'St their eloquence through certain qualtD. ol conscience; li natu in deet-ehist teuii: "Thank God," and Sllliaiikly aduiitled that they wero rxprcsMbl) happy." By studying the conduct of 1 00 men whose uim were rc jected the .-!;iliiican obtained the lullow inn equally lutercwiiii" hurm: 1'urly of theiu lushed in a Ire, ay out of the room, 2 1 raid lhat life lit uciTi nil had uo more value in iheir ees, and that they would commit micidi ; I I boeatin! sudden ly tongue-tied and irrational; rix ealujly reio.iicd thuijH'lvis to the inrviiakli five aviwnl tin i r inti tiiion of im uu liiutc ly i uiiraiio!; to America; three tore out aouje of their hait; two hit lluir lips till the bluod caiue; one Murk hi-liaml.-i into tin trousers pocket and nliMled u iopu lar son;; and another luuked up towards hiaven ai.d tuyan ihe I. ild'a Prayer. Of the. hoiks 8" " r lent knew hi forehaod that the tin ii'tals wire ohotit to he mode to i Ik-iii. tei niy of ihein ank, tin Ii i iiihaitai-i d. ini" the ;.rm of the I. il one, m.il ' n'y lour fell newly d "n i n a el air or af. l'Vniici u eov et.d ileir llo.-hiei; lacs with ihiir lui.il-; . vl.i threw tin ir nuns j i .tmie ly uruit; J llo' lucks ul t l.o tutu; two said: ' I'll a c at lo man tun," and BDeercd. Ouc lady, who was 4H yars old, prutitid lijji rously amiint Riving or rcccivim: a kiss: another, who was about Ihe same age, said, "1 es, yiu may ke. me, but you must do it in a "enile manly manntr." .MOI II Kit ALWAYS KKK1VS IT HANDV. My mother sull'ered a long lime from disiressiui: liaiim and ueninil illdieahh due ptiuiaiily to indigestion," saja 1. W. Spaldius.', Verona, Mo. "Two years ago I got her to try KoJol. She grew better at once and imw, at the age of 70, eit any I iL' she wants, n maikii (; lhat she fears mi tiad i If cts as lie has her bottle of Kud.d hand)." Dmi'l waste limo diieloring -ympti ii.. (i i after the cause II i ui sloni ieh is sound your health will he good. lvodl rots the stimiaeh aud sireuuihens the body by digesting )"Ur loud. Its nature i tonic. VV. M ('lnn jo:j ai ao7 x. syc amoui: sr. PETERSBURG, VA. In every city and village of our lard there are aged, infirm or sick person who are called "shut ins" because they cannot possibly leave their rooms. Most uf these have regular visits from friends; sonic have occasional call or letters lo cheer them, and others, perhaps, seldom receive any word of sympathy or message of hope. The ' shut ins" may at times be impa tient or fretful and many wonder why they are obliged to suffer solitude or pain for long months and dreary years. And yet many blessings have come to and from such imprisoned ones. If Kichard Baxter had Dot been shut in by long illness during the civil war in England iD 1 GIT he would never have written "The SaiDts' Rest," a book which has bten blessed to many thous ands iu every land. If John Hunyan had not been a pris- A. J. VINlIKIiOil'lii-IIiKNfJiMANAiiKR onerin Bedford jail for twelve years the sflUnit-i rJwifwiriffiiJiW lltw 1 I I THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATK LUADBK9 IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES and gi:ni:ual housk fuknishingb. lft.Special Attention to Mail Orders. i V3 AT THE GATES OF NIGHT, oct 3 ly. world would never have known and loved "The Pilgrim's VrogreRS." If Robert Boyd had not been a "shut in by lourleen vears sickness hi: "World's Hope," "None But Christ,' "Wee Willie," and "Glad Tidiogs" would never have been written. There are two gates that guard the night; The one where shadows creep. And lullabies come crooning low, Full-throated, soft and deep; Where twilight reaches forth her arms To all mv Day oppressed, And lulls them"into happiness. Serene upon her breast. And from that gate all dark and cool. The night road stretches far, By palaces of'sweet content, Where many dreamings are; Where blind may see, and dumb may speak, And sad ones laugh and sing, Where hungered ones may drink and eat. The pauper be a king. All through the Night the good road goes, O'er valley, plain and steep; Along its sides, in grandeur, rise The citadtds of sleep. And many things there be that soothe And comfort us, and bless But best of all the blossom fair Of rich forgetf ulness. The other gate that guards the Night The one that ends the way Hits trumpeters that loudly call Us forth into the day, And though vo fear the foes of Day With bitterness and dread. We know that through the weary hours The first gate is ahead. W. D. Nesbitt, in Baltimore American. OLD AGE, There is a great aversion to being set haek, as il were, which is the tendency of the present age. The young have been ptidied for wind so much that unin tentionally on their part for it is simply result ol' their prominent position that they become i-oucei'ed and some what overheating. It has been said, and with much of truth, too, that we are never older than we feel; in other words, we may keep our selves young by being cheerful, even tempered and unselfi-h, looking only to the bright Bide of things, aud not mur muring or complaining, lucre is much truth in these words. A cheerful old petson is indeed a mest pleasing sight and we may believe will be always wel come to the company of both young and old. If only one who is growing in years would kindly accept the inevitable aud in calm security with a heart full of grati tude to God for all His mercies, commit their wavs to Him, how quietly and peacefully would their lives pass away. with no Vain regrets, no murmuring or complaining, but happy, in a perfect sub- mis-ion to God s will. Keep the eye turned heavenward, and all will be well (WW. A I'M wy; 0 If John Milton had not been shut iui.iT ho ills of earth will appear less and the Graceful Women k bt jtb lor a Perfect Figure II Jnstprmbl from a Lov of the Beautiful. Tht! sivnt tt the v inlet or rose is as previous us the lovely flowers whose hrcath tlu-y arc, nml while the lives of fiuwers are brief uiul we can only enjoy Lheiu for u ilav, the beautiful woman gives the pleasure of her fragrance to its as a pcniiam-nt blessing. The soft fragrance of a beautiful woman taurtfesits purity, health and elegance; she is the refinement of diIi.atioji; an index always of ootl taste and an unerring bailee ot gentility. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator in reirulatiii the lunar periods in Yeoman permits of li i wrinkles, pale cheeks or ti -rtui t il nerves anil shapeless figures. It is Nature's remedy. The druggist may offer sniucthiuej else ami call it "just as good" luitthe HiLMiMtrual organs wilt not he de ceived, and permanent injury may result. Try our Regulator. Of all druggists $i. Our treatise on " Woman " mailed free. THE BRADFXLD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA. by political persecution and blindness "1'aradUe Lost" would never have been published So the feeblest, most obscure "shut in may be ol use to others, hvery person calling upon the patient sufferer may he taught invaluable lessons and be led to more earnest efforts for the welfare of others and for personal piety and con secration. God shut Noah and bis fam ily in the ark and their safety was there by secured. They were shut in, but anticipations of heaven greater. One of the saddest sights, is a disap pointed, careworn, crabbed old person. Life may have gone hard, trials, troubles, sorrows and struggles may have been their portion and these may have left their impress on the face, but the grace of God in the heart. Faith and trust in His precious prom ises will drive away all shadows, and cause the sunshine of His mercy and love to so till the heart and life a to have no were also remembered The little canary I room for despondency or complaint. Let bird is shut in its cage aud yet sings its us learn to grow old decently and grace fully. Mr AN ENCHANTED ISLAND. b orders receive prompt andf ?5. UcU CJLU1 ttblCUtlUU. ! Ai. v'Vl Cvl. vW. CW. s. wVl. CViy.vW. .dls. vVl. CW. I V -V - V - V -3 V -3 ? "V" -''' -9r fy-sy DID YOU SAY DitlNKS ? Well you will find the choicest brands of IW:. I'l'IIK OLD AITI.K UKAXDY and Sparkling wiues, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WKLDON, - N. C. Pnll line grocariea always ou hand. HER ANSWER. Did she give hi r pielure, Tom, when you asked In r for it .' No, but she gave me the negative. The true art of mi morj- is the art attention. of (University of ! North Carolina, The Head of the Stats'i Educt. lional System. ACADKMIO DKl'ARTMKN T, UW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY One hundred and light scholarships, Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' tons. Loans for the needy. 5ti3 Stu dents. 51 Instructors. New Dormito ries, Water Work, Ootral Honing Sys tem. Fall term begins September 8, iy(L Address, F. P. VENABLE, President, G 19 lui. Chapel Hill, N. C Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa eat. Th'9 preparation contain till of the dlgi-stunts und digests all kinds of food. llglvt'S instant relief uiul never fuil to cure. It allows you to cat nil the food you want. The most sensitive itomiiclis can take It. Hy Its tiseiimiiy thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after svervtlilni! else failed. Is iini-quallou lor the hioiiiiiiii. niiii' ren with weak stoiniu-li thrive on it, First dose rcllevi'. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles 1'rcpanitoDly ley T. C. nrWi-pr Co.. t'lilesKO '1-1,.. 11. huUlucuulatlliifVt limps UlU tslC. SUM W, M. Cohen, Druggist. Tie H. C. Stale Normal anil Industrial College .... LITKBAUY I Sessioo opens 8ep CI,S81CAL ; ItemberlSih. Ei- 1 SCIENTIFIC penses $100 to COMMERCIAL $140; for non resi- INDUSTRIAL denta of the State PEDAGOGICAL 1100 Faculty of MUSICAL 33 members. Prao- E lice and Observa tion School conceded with tba College. Correspondenoa invited from those de siring competent teachers and stenogra pher!. To secure board in the dormito riei all free tuition applications should be tp,ade before July lfjth. For catalogue me) other information, addresi PRESIDENT CHAS. D. McIVER, 019 1m Greensboro, N. C. Groceries One Klnuta Cough Curo Fsr Cough, Goto and Crup. Dealers In Staple Fancy1 i-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Olnna Tin, aud wooden and wil lowwure. Also Pratt'a Horse, Cow, Hob and Poultry Food, and tirove'i Tutelew Chill Tonic AleiauJer Liver and Kidney Tonic for punlyiui the blood. Tbia tonic is warranted or mone? retViuded. ' R il. PURNELL Jt BHO., (Successors to J. L. Judkins) No. IS WaahiugtoD Ave,, Weldoo, N. 0 aprlOly. liPtii .vinsiorp A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, A SAFE STIMULANT. A GOOD MEDICINE, For Sale By W. D. SMITH. WtiduB, N. c. A wonderful stream is the river of Time, As it runs through the realms of tears, With a faultless rythm anil a musical rhyme, And a broader sweep and a surge sublime, And blends with the ocean of years. There's a musical Isle 11(1 the river of Time, Where the softest of airs are playing; There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime, And a song as sweet as a vesper chime, And the tunes with the roses are staying. The name of this isle is the "Long Ago," Ami we hurry our treasures there; There are brows of beauty and bosoms of snow, There are heaps of dust, hut we loved them so, There are trinkets and tresses of hair, There are fragments of songs that nobody sings, And a part of an infant's prayer ; There's a lute unswept and a harp without strings There are broken vows and pieces of rings And the garments they used to wear. There are hands that are waved when the fairy shore By the mirage is lifted in air, And we sometimes hear them through turbulent roar, Sweet voices we heard in the days gone before When the wind down the river is fair. Oh, remembered for live be that blessed isle, All tlie day of life till night; And when evening comes with its beautiful smile, And our eyes are closing to slumber awhile, May that "Oreenwood" of soul be in sight. sweet song. It is fed, watered and cared for. Flight would be death to the little songster. So the "shut ins" have the loving care of their Heavenly Father, whose "exceeding great and prceioui promises" will never fail to give them comfort. The child of God, although shut in, may yet sing : My cage confine me round; Abroad I cannot fly; But, though my wing is closely hound, My heart's at liberty, My prison walls cannot control The flight, the freedom of the soul. Lessons of patienco arc taught the "shut ins" and patience woiketh expe riencc and experience hope. "Happy is the soul lhat remains obedient and con tented in his prison till it has found its Ararat, till the blessed dove gives Ihe nl..,n nn.l tli.A niun. lltn llnftV llf .I'lnHS,-! Dr. liny, an eminent English surgeon when injured apparently for life, said "If it be the will of God that I should be confined toTny sofa and He commands me lo pick straws during the remainder of my life, I hope I shall feel no repug nance to his good pleasure." During l'r. l'ayson s last illness a friend said : "Well, I am sorry to see you lying here on your back." "Do you not know what God puts us on our backs for?" Baid l'ayson, smiling, "No," re plied the visitor, "In order that we may louk upward," laid the man of God. on, dear weary and sometimes impa tient "shut ins," trust in God's all-wise provideuce. "As thy days so shall thy strength be," read the precious words of Jesus. "Peace 1 leave with you; my peace I give unto you; not as the world givcth give I uoto you; let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid." THE RO WINCE OF MARY INN. POH OVER SIXTY VKAKS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sullerer immediately. Sold hy druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a Dome, nesure anu ass. ior - iur. thus low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. IT SOUNDS BETTER. Is Cholly really looking for a job? Oh, dear, no. He's looking for an opportunity to consent to accept a posi tion. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Weldoo, N.C., Mar. 16,1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: d I have used J. E. M. flour and find it an excellent, nice flour. Mrs. Maria Gary. Weldun, N.C.Mar. 14,190'.!. Mr. W. T. Parker: I have used J. E, M. flour and want nothing better. It is all O. K. O. T. Bony, Express Messenger, Kinston branch. Weldon.N. C, Mar. 14, 1902. Mr. VV.T. Parker: I prefer the J. E. M. flour lo any I have ever used, I want nothing better. Mrs. T. F. Anderson. Weldon.N. C, Mar. 14,1902. Mr. W. T. Parker: The J. K. M. flour to excellent and I always prefer it to any I have ever used. Mrs. J. B. Tilghman. WeldoD.N. C.,Mar. 15,1902. Mr. W. T.Parker: I have been using the J. E. M. flour for the past twelve and find it equal or better than any I have ever used. Mrs. M. EJIart. I have been using J. E. iM flour aud find it excellent. Mrs. II. C. Spiers. It is a misfortune tor a woman never I to be loved, but it is a humiliation to be I loved no more, BEST FOR THE BOYELS liii . ."rr J r. J "I -Ol I"-, k..p joa, I Ef; I "."J 'i"a. - fur... In lh .h,.I .10 eUtr .iid cluao U to tk CANDT IkSJ OA I HAM ' j MILES' J.E.M. FLOUR. Is Urvsurpasssod for Purity and Excellence It is made from the soft winter wheat grown on the limestone soil of the llluc Uias region oi Kentucky, n makes light, white bread of very ex cellent flavor, liue graiuul cake and delicious pastry. rl Iff 19 "COIN' TO CAMPMEETIN'," i. Nothin' ever like it in all the world so wide (loin' to campmeetin'r with Sally by my side! How bright tlie plains an' meadows! how green were all the hills ! How sang the birds! What music came ripplin' from the rills ! II. Nothin' ever like it, to come with time or tide Hright road to campmeetin', an' Sally by my side! An' talkin' 'bout religion it had me in control ; For it (termed that heaven was shinin' through the windows of my soul ! Ill Nothin' ever like it ! ... my throbbin' heart she heard. An' her bright eyes gave me courage the wished-for word 1 An' she whispered she was willin', .an' she named tho happy day, An' I shouted "llalleluia!" ou tho bright, cainp- neetin' way! Frank L. Stanton. Both Jones and Drown loved Mary Aun, And Jones was very small And monkeylike, and people said He had no brains at all. Now, Brown was big and handsome, too; At school he led his class, And people, filled with wonder, turned Ofllimes to sec him pass. Jones had a father who was rich; Brown worked for what he had, Because good luck had never tagged Around behind hi dad. It chanced that Brown and little Jones Went forth upon a day I To claim the lovely Mary Ann And carry her away. They found her playiog on the links, Where both rushed forward, and While Brown waa pleadiog for her heart Jones pleaded for her hand. "You won my heart long, long ago, She sweetly said to Browo, "And now be kind enough to just Go way back and ." Then lovely Mary Ann that day Said: "Fate has wisely plaoued. My heart is his who yearned for it. The other has my hand. The One Among Many. The one make of instruments lhat holds its tone through a generation of use fulness. cat 'FM LIKE CANDY riutni, r ' i. "" "'.. ., ,t M .anil I m.,k.,i. WoaYkem. or wnim, m. I Al 1111 I KEEP ll'llK BUjUU ULtAlt pIANOs H E a liai Alal HA.AM.I lb TtLLUn rUIMJN In your blood ? Physicians call It rlatarial derm. It ran b ,, changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. Kirat, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You (eel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. II neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and agen- eral break-down come later on, Koberts Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify tne Dioou, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. I his is lair. I ry It. Price, it cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Baan Uw ) Ihe Kind 1m Haw Mwap Bought Are not built for bIiow they're con- Istructed wilh experienced care; they last a lifetime and more, yet their cost ia very mode-rale, oonsiderina- (heir quality, nend us your addtoss and you'll immediately get an illustrated oatalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms. Pianoa of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooma, 9 N Liberty street. Factory E. Lalayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Streets. Baltimore, Md. oct211y. W. E. BEAVAHS- mtUOS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, , STATIONERY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PEUFUME11V, TOILET ARTICLES, . CIGARS, PIPES, ETC. Prescriptions carefully mmpounded day or night. D.' . STAINBACK, ROTARY PUBLIC. LWlLDON, N. O Boaaoke News Offios. . i ! W. K. BEAYAN8, PrunaiAoigT, ENFIELD N, C. Btuae ThouelJ ..eeidence 41-8, . 8 lfi Ij. .