wit HHH HI 3 1 JOHN W SLEJDGKEj, l'KOl'HIKTOK. J NEWSPAPER 3T O IR THE PEOPLE TEPMISr-l &'J l'KK ANNUM IN AUVANCK VOL. XXXVII. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 31. 1902. NO. 12 i I v3 AT F1YE O'CLOCK TEA, We All Know Just How It Is Ourselves, For AVo have Had Similar Experiences. Tlio Kind Yon lluvo Always Bought, and which lirw bectt In mho for over !?( yeum, linn bortio tlie Kiffiiatnro of and lins been niarto under Mh per- fj?f-, noiml Mipcrvislon glnoo Its infancy. AH Counterfeits, Iiiiltrttion and " Just-ait-good" nre but Experiment that trillo with and cmlftnger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA CoMtorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is l'lcasaut. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo substance. Its npro is its guarantee. It destroys Worm und allays lYvci-islinoss. It cures Diarrlujea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacca The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMl OCHTAua OOWMNV, TT HU O FFETTS frDR. M OFF1 TO&rTC :LLL(TEETHINC POWDERS) 3 1nnc ftmtitni. Ark . ftvi. is, m. A Br. J. W. Vtrt(ot ArkftOiM Mttfcwjlit Cocfrtnce.rlUl!) "EaKliil rind flfti tenia for whl.h pleiieiuiail ma. 5ti--ktMof 'TI'KTniNA " WswurxW how hridrhildrn without It. Thotbr riny n ldr lo Kit jurt vent ui icluit nt It ottn l ft mod 0iiriun limn ; ott babe wii In orioui cunditlvrj t tin buwtli b4 fcio In 11 ooa1ilioii tut dart, and nnCitnf lh w did n footl I tb aecond daa of ''TKKTHINA" fm jrfwlffllef fttid h bM tuul MlurUtw Iroubi. Other membere of tie tmUj hv mod It and erery doe b mm r nerfevt meet. n 4 The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLKSALK J0I111KHK IN STAPLE AFANOYteffl GROCERIES in Orders Solicited 2 8 ly We Hell Only To Merchants. VaHJ TH K WEI.HON C UOCERY CO , WKLDON, N. 0. 9. s Excelsior Printing Co. WELDON, IN". C. mum HEADS, BILL HEADS, PACKET M 5 HEADS, CIRCULARS, 111 ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, POSTERS, IIUIIMMUI10, Send us your orders. All b orders receive prompt and careful attention. The Bank of VV eldon :::WELI)ON, N. C.:- Organized Under The Lais of lie Slate of North Carolina, AUGUST aoTH, 18112.. I-STATK DKl'OSITORV.- CkPITIL MO SURPLUS $24,500. "So plod t' n'o you!" "All, ilianks." "So K'o I nf you to coin, !" "So (;n .il ui y,m It) axle mi lo comi !" "A i(' I ciiulil u't iiIiiii wilhnut you! The oblivion in ill on my niJo." "How mccl of ymi lo ny w!" "Now, I wu m y u to nii'i-t Mm. Slum- lung. Mia SIuuiImid, let uie pri'sent to you my uVuli f'rii'nd, lr. Twiddle-twtil- die." "So glad to know you, Mrs. Slaiulmop! I liuve bo often hoard dt'uh Mr Sweet lt of Jou llmt 1 feel quite is if I knew you. Ueauliful day, isn't ii?" "Cliawminj;! ' "W'liiita lovely wiulali we are liavinj;." "CliKiuii)(i! So very, very K"'i isn't it?" "Oh, very pay! Haven't I met you at Mrn. Tiltem' lea?" "I darn-ay you have. Isn't idle a de.li?" "Oh, I am extravagantly fond of her!" "I am too. So elevah !" "Of course you j:n to the operah ?" "Oh, I couldn't exist without it. Oh Melba! Melba!" "And Nnrdlea! I rave over tlinu all I" "I fairly ery over them! And, do you know, I have a friend who due a uot care iu thu least for them. She isn't a bit musical " "Oh, how sad! I would die if I did not Who ia the tall lady in black ovtr by the liuno?'' "1 ui sure 1 dn iii't know What ex (juisit.. laee on h.-r f.",vit! Po you know that I ju.-l siiiiolv rave ovi r bealllilul lice!" "lie dij?" " I us, 10 1" c I! 1 care more lor it linn for jewels, In-raw,' it )o you know the tall, In. e looking man who has just COOJ" in?" "lauisurel lave tern luu Koine where, and yet 1 cannot Vea, thank yiu, 1 tliink iliat 1 will Lave a cup i) t'a. How lovely the dininij rnnu loots !" 'Lovely P "Mrs. Sweet has pueh i Xquisite la-t'i I "Emuisiic! I ul'len say Hhiv do yi u do, my deah? So t;lad to aee you!' "Thanks! So clad to meet you!" "So uood of you to say sol Quite well, deah?" "Oh, vulgarly so. I really rnu-t say good by to deali Mrs. Sweet and to, I must h olt iu at Mrs. Shoddy's fur a few uiioutta." "So uiuat I. We'll ;o together," "How lovely! (Jood-hy, deah Mrs Sweet. Have had such a chawmin time !" "Muat you 10 so soon ?" "Vcs, really ! Such a lovely time !" "So glad ! Bui it ia quite naughty of you to go so soon. Social you came!" "By -bye, deah." "By-bye. You will cimio to aeo me soon ." "Yes, indeed." "You UJUSt. liy-'.Je !" "By-bye!" And as she gathers up her trailing ikirts to walk down the stepa she siya, "Thank goolno, that'auver !" Mor ris Wade, in Lippiocutt's Magaiioe. MOTH Kit ALWAYS KKKI'S IT HANDY. My mother suffered a lung lime fr m distressing pains and gi ueral ill-health due primarily to indigestion," says L. W, Spalding, Verona, Mo. "Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of 7ti eats anything she wants, rcmaikiug that she fears do had , fleets as she has her bottle o! Kodul hamly. Don t waste time dueti ring symptoms. Go after the cause II ynur slomaeh is sound your health ill be good. Kodul rests lb stuuiah and strengthens the body by digesting your lool I In natures tonic, W. M. Cohen i-VISIT OR WRITER The Petersburg Furniture Co., tiOU AXI 207 N. SYCAMOIti: ST. PETERSBURG, VA. mltmm I w 1 TIIK HUSTLING AND UI'-TO-DATK I.KADKH8 IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND OBM2HAL HOUSU FCKNISIIING8. A. J.WINFIKLD 4.Spccial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. TELL ME NOW. TiTl Alive lo the opportunity lor nearly nine years this institution has provided bank ing facilities for Ibia section. Money is luaucd upon approved security at tbt legal rat nf jnlerMf ig per frntttnv Awolint nf all ar .nlieited President: Vicc-l'residenl: Cuhier; - W.K.DANIEL Dr. J. N. RAMSAY, W. R. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton county, N. ('. WMih Groceries Doalcra Is Staple aod 1 Fancy WFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockary, Qluaa Tin, and wooden and wll lowware. Alw l'ratt'a Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Orove'a '5 Taatelem Chill Tonic. Aleuuder's Liver and Kidney Tonic for pnrilyin the blood. This tonic ia warranted or oiuuer refunded. R. M. PURNKLL k BRO., 4 (Suooeaaon to J. L. Judkios.) No, 18 Waahlngton Av... Wsldon, N. 0 pr 10 ly. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will End the ohoicest brands of IlYK, I'URK OLD Al'l'LK BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where,YouAskP WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave,, WKLDON, . , N. C. Fall line grocwle klwtyi oo band, FEMINIZE CHARITY. Tom 1 don't see what Miss Thirty odd ever married such a homely cbapfcr. He must have I een bcr li st chance: - Ntl On i he (ootiary, I imagioa be was ber Erst. n7 n D 9M Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Th' preparation contains: all of the dlgeslantH and dlgcstit all kinds ot food. It gives Instant relief ami never fulls to cure. It allows you to rut all the food you want. The most sensitive tUiniurlia can take it lly It use many thousand! of dysneoliui have been cured after evorytliing else fulled, la unequalled for the alomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on II. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary, Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only bvlt.C. DiWitt t:o . Chicago I am ai, uul cwhui ass wiuoa m rk. mm W.M. Cahts, Druggist, Arait not my friend until I'm gone, To praise and call me dear, And chant in glowiug terms my worth, But tell me while I'm here. Wait not for death, and then my grave Bestrew with flowers o'er, And speak sweet words while teardrops fall; Tis now I need them more! I would more prize a tear a flower A handclasp warm and true, From one I know to be my friend, (Tho' friends he far and few) One look in eyes that speak of faith, One little sweet word said Than lavish praise and pomp and show When I am lying dead. When I shall drop this vesture old, And from life's cares be free, The spot of earth where I'm laid Will nothing be to me. And tho' you plant there choicest Mowers, And tend them with wet eyes, 'Twill touch me not I'll not be there, Or hear your deepest sighs. Then if you love me tell me now: One little word will do; Wait not nnd say it by my tomb, When I am gone from you. PRAISES, I'raiso Him for the days of gladness, Praise Him for the hours of glee. When this life seems tilled with sunshine And your heart is light and free. Praise Ilim for the springtime zephyrs, Praise Him for the summer's calm, For the autumn's chilling breezes, For tho winter's blighting storm. Praise Him when the life is saddened By the loss of loved ones true, And all joy seems gone forever, For He'll love and comfort you. I'raiso Him for His sweet communings, Praise Him for His promised grace, And the hope of then to greet them When we see Him "face to face." Praise Him for dear ones spared us Whose love cheers us everywhere; Praiso Him for the baby lingers That caress, and smooth our hair. Praise Him that the hungry sparrows Find the crumbs on window-ledge That tho fragrance of the lilies Breathes to us His faithful pledge ! Praise Him for the midnight wakings, Know e'en these "appointed"' are He will send sweet songs of gladness He will light His guarding star. Praise Him for the evening fireside, Praiso Him for the dawning light, Praise Him for the Love that semis us, All the good, the best, the right ! HIS CLIENT WON OVER. Governor S was a splendid lawyer, being especially noted for bis success in criminal cases, aluioat always clearing his client. He was once counsel for t man aooused of borse-a'ealiog. He Dade a long, eloquent and touching speech. The jury retired, hut returned in a few mo ments, and, with tear- in their eyea pro claimed the mm ''out guilty." An old acquaintance steppe I up to the prisoner, and said : "Jem, the danger is passed; and now. honor briulit, didn't you steal lhatborae?" To which Jem replied: "Well, Tom, I've all along thought I look thai horse; but since I've beard the Governor's speech, I don't believe I did." IS EXPLIINED. Sho You old baohclora seem to know I lot about wouieo. He Of course. If wo didn't we would probably not be old bachelors, Yot cano il increase your bank ac count in heaven with blood money. "If mmmmmmmw THE OLD-FASHIONED MOTHER. Yes, she was an old-fashioned mother, She was bent and wrinkled ami gray; She had borno with brave endurance The burden and heat of the day. Year ago she was fair and graceful, Her laugh like music rang, And in the summer twilight Sweet lullabies she sting, As upon her mother-bosom Lay golden heads so small, While she dreamed that in the future Their love would repay her all. Tall and fair grew the daughters, With girlhood's winsome grace; But mother had somehow dropped behind And fallen out of the race. So long had she worked in silence At length they'd forgotten quite That in their hearts and the household She had either place or right. Ah! not till the hands were folded And the heart had ceased to beat, And God's dee) rest had been given To the tired hands and feet, Did they think of her patient toiling, Did they speak the word of praise That might have lightened the labor If spoken in other days. Years passed on with their changes, They found that never another Could take the place of that lost one, The dear, old-fashioned mother, Ah. me! there are many mothers Who through long weary days Toil for her own unceasing With no word of love and praise. The words that would thrill with gladness Too often are left unsaid Till the rest of death has fallen On heavy heart and head. And at last they learn the lesson That on earth there is no other To fill the place of that truest friend; Ood gives us but one mother. Fannie E. McDonald. ARE YOU A COMiNG MOTHER 7 ARE YOU EXPECTANT 7 HCTMEZVS FRIEND in.:l:es childbirth easy by preparing the ny .'.em I'm- uirturitiuu nil'l tbussllorlcnmg U;..r. 'nelahnul uiilcul i-l ri bheil l.f its tenors, and il (hmger lessened to both liu th.T ii!'.ile!:il.I; the lime of confinement l i .' Iiurtenctl, the nuttier rested, mill child fully developed, strong anil healthy, I'.Ioni wefcne .s. or nausea arising f r t . : : i pre; .nancy, h prevented by its use. A.j prci'mmcy advances, the breasts en large, become swollen and hard. Long befiiictlie child is brn, they are prepar ing for 11;.; secretion of miik. It is import ant thai they receive early attention. Mo'hcr's Friend Miflens the i kin and facilitates tho secretion of Life Fluid. I'lulev, inpel breasts, hard-caked shortly after delivery, are the result of non treatiueiit, end likely to culminate in Mammary Abscess, from which so many suffer excruciating pain and arc left with thee organs permanently impaired. Soilness, piiithiliiy nnd expansion are Riven lo tlie :i,isrles anil sinews, tlius l'rme.i'i; comturt Bint uuini! r.a easy issue of t!:e ehil.l. Try it. Oiilnuiei.'.sii.oo. o-.;r b.x.k "Motherhood" free. THE DRADFILLD rCG'JLAIOil CO., ATLANTA, GA. ADVICE TO A BRIDE. IN HIS LINE. "Ile a pretty gay lor a divinity stu dent, isn't he ?" "UI I don't know. He's on his vaca tion, you aec, and I suppose be tbinka it'a all right to study the divinities who congregate on the beach at the bathing hour" (iiven by a Tired Passenger on a Pullman Car a Few Years Ago. The folloniog is a most readable arti cle taken from a circular that was printed some years ago. A drummer jeincd the crowd of jokers in one of the hotel lobbies last night with a good oatured smile and waited patient ly until the laugh caused by the lust story had died uwoy. The juke had beon somethiog about a bride catching the measles on her wedding trip and the drummer ouly caught the last words, "aud they bad only been married eight days," but he was prepared to follow up the subject with one better. "These newly married people are a nuisance aoyway, he sum; "one nignt last week I boarded a sleeper after a hard day 'a work and was kept awake fur two or three bouis by a silly couple on their honeymoon. Would never have gotten to sleep at all that night, I guess, if it hadn't been for sn old gentleman who very unceremoniously broke up the coo- ing." Following is the story told : The couple had for some time been very audibly calling each other 'loots,' darline,' Movey-dovev' aod other felici tous love and everybody in the car ex cept the bappy pair was bored to death. The feminino voice at last announced that she was going to sleep and all heaved a thankful sigh. But their pleasure waa short lived, for ber belter, or rather other half, after a few moments murmured "Kiss me, Mary; kiss me just once more before you go to sleep." Uh, John, 1 am so tired, let me alone," was the drowsy answer. "No; kiss me again, Mary," insisted John. But Mary didn't reply and John evidently feaiing she would get lo sleep without any further osculatory demon stiations of her undying adoration for her liege lord became impatient and re peated frantically : "Kiss me, Mary, kiss me, just ouce, dear Mary; wou't you ki-ame? P-l-e-easc kiss me, Mary." At this juncture the old gentleman at the further end of the car put his head out of bis berth aod yelled at the top ol his voice: "Kiss him, Mary, kiss him. For God's sake kiss him aud let us all go to sleep." A maraar of approbation went from one end of the car to tho other aud nut another sound was heard from the berth occupied by the newly married pair. WORK, WORK. Nothing Conies By Waiting. The saying that "everything comes to him who waits," dues uot mean that the silting duwn lellow is thu one that gets all thai he wants. vv ailing, in ttic atiovc saving, dues not mean idleness or dreaming, or wish iog for something tu take place. Il moans eagerness in goiug alter and persistence in following up the something of value to the person seeking it. The person who waits, Hicawher like, for the opportunity to come along aod fall at his or her feet, never sees the re alization of such hopes. 1 he present oge is peculiarly a striving odc, in the language of the limes it is a itrenuous age," and only the persistent seeker can expect to gain anything, and then only by siroug effort and work, It is only necessary to look about to sec what produces success and what gives failure. The person who reaches out after bus iness, by advertising or persoual effort, gets the trade and the profits therclrorn. The town or city which presents its commercial possibiliiies gets the investor and his money, aod thereby its own com mercial advancement and building up. Note the waiting merchant who does not advertise aud seek out lor trade through personal going forth after it I Note the town or city which makes no effort to gain the atteotion of the out side business world and the world of pro gress I Distinct failure will be found in both, and very few notice or care that the first drops out of commercial circles, and the second ia unknown in the investment world. There is failure in waiting, but in go ing forth to seito, to obtain the object, there is every chanoe of success. New born Journal. r IS YELLOW POISON In your blood ? Physicians call It nalnrial derm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. Vou (eel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the biojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chilis, Fevers, Nislil-Sv.eats and a gen eral break -down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then-but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This ia fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL imiJl'.GISTS stt-; The One Among The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. '.plANOs Are not built for show they're con structed with experienced care; they last a lifetime and more, yet their cost is very moderate, considering their quality. Scud us your addicss and you'll immediately get an illustiated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms. Pianos of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Wareroonis, 9 N. Liberty street. Factory E- Lafayette Ave., Aiken and Lauvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. If you feel you have been called to nreacb lo the many, first test it on the lew. WW OVKR HIXTV VEARS Mrs. Winsluw'a Soothing Syrup has been used fur over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, i softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer iuim liately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 2! eents i buttle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind To- If Ood chaatiseth His will He do with I lis foe?. chosen what IT HOME ILL DIY. "Why weepesl thou, woman?" "My lord will be buried this day." "My wife was buried yesterday morrow I must get me another." Whereupon the widow shook the ashes from ber shining hair, dried her eves, and, looking into the face of the widower, smiled. "I will be at home to morrow all day,' she said. OASTofllA. tWailnn. of j llu) Hind tM llmt Hlwurs I I DIFFICULTY SURMOUNTED. She Is it true, eoloool, you can drink twenty -five glasses of champagne and not feel it? Uolooel les, madame, quite true: tut then, you sea, I always drink twenty is. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of faHKanmamasatteWBBBI HARPER wienjll I A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, ilGMA I hare bfu nlit t'AMC.tHVTN lor Insomnia, Willi whlrh 1 havr turn nfl U it tl tor over iwftilT y ar. urnl 1 cn hhv llmt CuM-tiiPtB DiivP riven me more rcnci itmn an mmM n inr dy ! hiive evpr irtetl. I slinll rrrlHtnlv rt f-'tn- DM'tiii them tumv menus ni'inir a'i w uro represented." Tlius. (sIM.aimi tlirln. 1IL CANDY CATHARTIC PtMunt. Pttauhlft. Potent. TauMi Gmvd. 1 uooa. Mtiver Klckim, waktn. or rie. life, 'tic, BDQ. ... CURI CON8TIPATION. DE.STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, .Roanoke News Office. iWlLDON, N. A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, A SAFE STimuLAHT. A GOOD MEDICINE. For Sale By W. D. SMITH, Weldon, N.C. One Minute Cough Curo For Coughs, Cold and Croup. W.E. BEAVAHS. DUCGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATION EUY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, CIGAUS, PIPES, ETC. Prescription) carefully eempouuded day or night. W. K. BKAVANS, Pharmaoiht, ENFIELD N, 0. Store 'Phone 13 .eaideuct 41 S. S161y. 1 r