ip fyit JOH1T "W. SLEDQ-E, 1'KOl'liIKTOR. VOL. XXXVII. . A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEP,:m:S:-i-5o per annum in advance WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1902. NO. 13 4 i 1 AM'6c!ablcPfcpMlioirorAs similarity the Food niiriHcfitila linj ttte Stoinnchs and Bowls of Promotes Digeslion.Checrful- ness and Hest.comains nciiher Opium.Morplune nor Mineral. Not Uarc otic. vr troujirsmmpnmcR fierim Srttl MxSmi ' HhJU MflhfcvjMiM nmmr. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa lion, Sour Stontach.Diarrhoca Worms .Oonvulsions.Fewrish ness find Loss OF SLEEP. Fat Simile Signature of NEW YDTW. FDR, M O wJr 11 (TEETHING rfftwpMkUMtrf'i.KTfitN A " Woi.i.rlhow htfo exact copy or wrapper. ll :-J. laawKul Kef. J. W. Dorr? (of irhMU Mrthailrt Cotllfne,Tlllf) "Knclt-Md And flflt coottfor which plM mall Sat .otm tent ui m parkaga ftni It earn it a moil tipiMunt Um lilt n I no to I r trf litf and he hat had (urUwr boufcla. Other id oaa ooouinoa ror JTi, ana noioinj uti wo foro v.iwan a porf oct hoccm. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE STAPLE & GROCERIES jWi- inennioui; lu niercimau. 5? Orders Solicited. f$ 2 8 ly Excelsior Printing Co, IK m m WELTDOIT, IN". O. g LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PACKET m HtHUS, tlHUULHKb, m " riniri Anrn wioiTiiin Annno nnotrnp flrv- I M t-nfi.LUri.0f VI5I I INb LHHUo, rU5 1 m j 3Kr iiniTriTiniiP IIHMMMUI10. SV O J ' orders receive Xx careful attention. Tin Bank -::::::WELDONf IN. C- Orianiiei Under The Lais of the Stale of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. a"STATK DKP()8lTORY.- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Alivo to the opportunity for nearly niue years this institution has provided bank ing facilities for this section. Mone; is loaned upou approved security at the legal rate of interest tit per centum. Aceounti of all are solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: I W. E. DANIEL Db. J. N. RAMSAY, Seaboard, Northampton county, N. 0. Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries mtFRUITSi CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Ultra Tin, nd wooden and wil low ware. Also i'mtt'a Home, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, sod Drove's jjg Titleless Chill Tonie. Aleiander's Liver and Kidney Tonic for pnritjtin the blood. This tonic Is warranted or noner refunded. R. M. PURNELL k BRO., (Successors to J. L Judkius.) Ko. 18 WaaWogUn An., Wtldon, N. 0' pr to ly. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over A Ah y Thirty Years GASTORIA THt CINTAUN COVMMV. HIW VOflM ITV. FFETT'S j! i i i ii n urs cr a POWDERS! Hurt .rutini.. Ark . hpt rftit chlldrai wUbnyl It. Thoftthsr imtm 14 Ii Mlt aui bobo wai la a mtiOui condition) hi bowtli ha4 nauibvri el lh futilr hat nwd It and amp dot ha am inj (ttun; tuo laouDa a'lH di iKbiniMA JOltllKKH IN FANCYff THE WEI. DON CiliOCKUY CO , W wni.noN.N.r. $ ii . J A 11 prompt andM i Wi 1 $24,500. - - W. R. SMITH. DID YOU SAY DRINKS P Well you will find the choicest brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE I1RANDY and Sparkling wines, Where,YouAskP WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - N. C. Fall Uu gnxwtff tlwtyi oa fund. TSTRot SAM JONES WAS FLOORED. The Famous Evangelist Was Disconcerted "While Holding A Meeting In Virginia. "Traveling on the steamer Northum berland, on I lie Rappahannock liver lui-t week," said I lie Rev. K. II. Ragby, of (lie Ninth Street Christian church, ac corilini: to the Washington Post, "1 Cell iti with u group of ministers on the upper deck, ami noon we wi re swapping stories, The eccentricities uf the lutnous evangelist, Sum Joneii, proved a proli6o topic. The Rev. Mr. Dull?, a Methodist uiitiisitT I'ronj Gloucester county, said that the mil) time ho had ever known Situ to he disconcerted wan at H , Vu , where he had been called to con duct a union revival. The first night of the meeting the pastors cf the different churches were on the platform and crouds filled the pew.'. All were look io( for Koiui'thing Heosational, and were not disappointed. Evangelist Jones arose, turned to the Methodist preacher and said : "'HrolherS, how many members have ynu in your church ?" " 'Three hundrtd,' wus the auwi'r. " 'How many are willing to j.i uy in public ?' " 'About a dd'n.' " 'What is your salary ?' " ' Five hnudred dollars.' "Then each member was called in turn and inti rr gated upon (lie suioe poiuls; revealing the lad that the Amount ol salary received by the minister and the number taking public part in the services was woefully small in comparison with the siza i f the conureiiaii in "hcii, saw .Mr j.juis, aililnssing the ministers, but with a sidelong gluuer at the audience, "if I bad such a mean measly lot of eop'ein my chinch, y know what t wou ri il I 1 would get them op iu a pen and send i ff and get a hound dog and set liiio on tlu'io, uuil say "Sic 'em, Tim ; sic 'em, Tige.' " " 'Kicuse nie, Hrnlber Jones," said the Methodist minister, 'but that is just what we have done. We have gathered the people together, Now, "Sic 'em, Sam Sio 'cm, Sam " "II Mr. Junes was not himself the balunoe (if the evening, it was iirobabli that he us ihinkint! of the' hound d AlVriCALOI.D MAID. Rome years ago wbtlc tuhtibu was Alabama's capital and railroads were few in this stale, it was orees-ary fur the rep. resentatives to make the trip (in horse. back. A knit; the uihYreut ruads were inns where the lawmakers were aceus tinned to step. One or these taverns was kept by a blushing (?) lady of (45) (oily-five summers, who still held to the idea that some day she would find her man. On one occasion when the representa. lives were returning and a di ten or more had gathered around (he table of this al ways pleasaut landlady, she insisted that Mr Krnwo, for whom she had a peculiar liLinii, tell her some of the luws enaolc He began by saving : 'One I reuietu ber is that all old maids with very tmall mouths can marry once." She drew h mouth up as small as possible and vtry mudestly said : "Well, good gracious! ,ur. uroo toniiuued : Anotbvr 1 re. membi r along this line is that all old maids with Urge mouths can marry twice " Tl. ii was too tuuih fit the hope ful creature, and with a mouth spread all over her fuue she sank into a chair, ei elai'iiing : ' Wa'al, my Cud, what luck.' TO MY FRIENDS It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did lor me 1 was troubled witb my stomach for several months. Upon be. ing advised lo use Kodol, I did so, and words canuot tell the good it has done me. A n ighbor had dyspepsia so that he had trbd must everything. I lo him to use Kodol Wi rds uf gralilud have come to me from him beounae I rrc. ommended it. Heurgo W Cry, Viola Iowa. Health and slreiiylh, it in I ml and body, del end on lbs sti tnath, snd normal aciivily i f the digestive oigani. Kodol. the great uci ustruotive Iodic, currasll ttomsrh snd bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia. Kodol digest any good food you cat. Take t dose after meals. W. M. Cohen. Children are psarls iu alio bis thorns io it. Ih. n "7 n n Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa eat. This preparation contains all of the dlgostatits and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive lUjinurbe can take It. ltylu use many thousands of dysnentlcs have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child, ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First done relieves, A diet unnecessary. Curas all ttomaoh troublaa Prrparadonljr bj K. 0. PtWiTt Co., Oblcaso lb (I. botUe couuiiia M timet tbe Wo. alas. W.M.CohM, Druggist, sr VISIT OB The Petersburg 203 AND 207 N. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WIN FIELD, PRESIDENT MANAOKR (.Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. Bwtirij re i irtaatN-t;-ii'p &ptul,u i a jaS-ii' miimutrS a cratM( !tr-.i AWAY OUT IN Away out in the country Where there is no clang and roar, Where its eight miles to the railroad And its three miles to the store, There is peace and there is quiet; Men are not contending there For the powers that seem precious To the greedy billionaire. Away out in the country Surly teamsters do not try To run men down, unless they Pass the crossing on the fly; A schemer isn't waiting Everywhere a man may look To rush in and get his earnings All away by hook or crook. Away out in the country Where the woods are full of joy, And the hens are cackling loudly At tho sunburned farmer boy, There is never any crowding, There is room out there to spare, And the people aren't breathing Flyin' rubbish with their air. Away out in tho country Where tho lilacs sweetly blow People don't pay out a dollar To behold a ten-cent show; Men are not looked on with pity Just because thoir clothes don't fit, And the women don't go mourning When the servants up and quit. Away out in the country Where, the water's cool and sweet, And the knife's a useful weapon When the hungry people eat, There is not the constant jangle, Nor mad clanging that subdues And distructs the city poet When he seeks to court tho muse, Away out in the country Where the funerals are few, And the people keep apprised of All the things their neighbors do. Here and there some queer old fellow May not hanker to put down The tools the farmer has to use And move away to town. Chicago Record-Herajj BE A GOOD BOY! GOOD-BY! How oft in my dreams I go back to the day When I stood at our old wooden gate And started to school in full battle array, Well armed with a primer and slate, And as the latch fell 1 thought myself free And gloried I fear, on the sly, Till I heard a kind voice that whispered to me; "Be a good boy! ( lood-by !" "Be a good boy! Good-by!" It seeing They have followed me all these years; They have given a form to my youthful dreams And scutUred my foolish fears; They have Btaid my feet on many a brink, Unseen by a blinded eye, For just in time I would pause und think; "Be a good boy! Uood-by!" Oh, brother of mine, in the battle of life, Just starting or nearing its close, This motto aloft, in the midst of the strife, Will conquer wherever it goes! Mistakes you will make, for each of u errs, But, brother, just honestly try To accomplish your best. In whatever occurs "Be a good boy! Uood-by!" John L. Shroy in Saturday Evening Post. AND THAT SETTLED IT. A little negro girl, standing close lo s Boston woman said: "I ain't gwine." "You should Dot say that," said the Boston lady. "Listen: You should ssy 'I am Dot going. You are Dot going. Ha is not going. They are not going' Now what do you a)f" The little pickaninny, whoa eyes bad been getting wider and wider, replied. "Dey ain't none of us gwine " Foots learo nothing from wise men but wise met learn muoh from fools. WRITE"i Furniture Co., SYCAMORE ST. - TO - DATE LEADKKS IX ivip. Bui.' trtiiff:jim-i'rii-n.i. iafcalj::JWiiiJrt.aiWi.H-i'i.i THE COUNTRY. ft K(IH OVKR SIXTY YEAR Mrs, Winalow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while toethiog, with perfect suooeas. It soothes the ehild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. 8old by druggist in every part of the world. 25 oetts a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothiog 8yrup," and take no nth n kind. It is easier for God to work a wonder than for us to comprehend it. If seeing is believing, a blind man must ba a hopeless skeptic. i 1 AV 1 HOW A STORY GROWS. Farmer Brown, Much Exasper ated By The Loss of His Tur nips, Determined to Prose cute the Man. A farmer once was told that bis tur nip field had been robbed, and that the robbery had been oommitted by a poor, inoffensive man, of the name of Palmer, who, many of the people of tho village said, had taken away a wagon load of turnips. Farmer Drown, much exasper ated by the loss of his turnips, deter mined to prosecute poor Palmer with all the severity of the law. With this in tention he went to Molly Sanders, the washerwoman, who had been busy in spreading the report, to know the whole truth; but Molly denied having said any thing about a wagon load of turnips. It was but a cart load that Palmer had taken, and Dame Hodson, the huckster, had told her so, over aod again. The farmer, bearing this, went to Dame Hod son, who said that Molly Sanders waa al ways making things worse than they really were; that Palmer bad taken only a wheelbarrow full of turnips, and that she had her account from Jenkins, the tailor. Away went the farmer to Jen kins, the tailor, who stoutly denied the account altogether; he had only told Dame Hodson that Palmer had pulled up several turnips, but bow many he could not tell, for that he did not see him him self, but wai told it by Tom Slack, the plowman. Wondering where this would end, Farmer Rrown next questioned Tom Slack, who, in bis turn, declared be had never said a word about setiog Pal mer pull up several turnips; he only said, he had heard say that Palmer had pulled up a turnip, aod that Barnes, the barber, was the person who had told him about it. The farmer, almost out of patience at this account, hurried off to Barnes, the barber; who wondered much that peo ple should find pleasure in spreading idle tales which had no truth in them I He assured the farmer that all he had said about the matter, while he took off tho beard of Tom Slack, was that for all he knew, Palmer was as likely a man to pull up a turnip as his neighbors, LOVES HIS FAMILY. John Phillip Sousa, who may be said to have "marched" himself into the hearts of the Ametican people, likewise all other peoples who have had the good fortune to keep time to his irrcsistable marches, is a man food of bis family. Wherever he goes he carries with him, as the most val uable part of bis personal baggage, a folding leather frame which holds the clotures of bis wife and children. So soon as he is put up at a hotel the man tie, it mere tie one, or tue bureau is adorned with this life-like reminder of the ones dearest to him. Few photo graphs have traveled so far and into so many lands as these belonging to and treasured by the famous bandmaster. WHAT ONE WOMAN THINKS. Ad existence only for selfwhat a humiliating satire on Life I Sooalled Society has its perfumed aod appareled savages who Deed civilivation. Once the parallel pathways of friend ship or love in life separate it is remarka ble how rapidly they diverge. The world's judgement is largely of the pocket and of the stomach; the next world's entirely of the heart aod of the head. There is a telepathy between hearts that are congenial; you soon get to know the person from whom you would expect sympathy as resdily as you would look for warmth in a lemon ice or substance in a meringue. IT NKKI1S A TONIC. There are limes when your liver Deeds a tonio. Don t give purgatives that gripe aud weaken. Ie Witt's Little Katly Risers expel sll poisoo from the system and act as tonic to the liver. W. Scott, 531 Highland ave., Milton, Pa., says: "I have carried DcWitt's Little Early Risers with me for several years and would Dot be without them." Small aod oasy to takt. Purely Tegotable. Th never gripe or distress. W. M. Cohen. BED TIME. Mothers, do you put the little ones to bed in peace, or do they lie down in tears and perplexities T Do they kneel beside you with pleasure, and love to oome even as they love your kiss? Don't scold bedtime. It seems to me that if there is one sob among the children's voices thrown upon the ocean, whose waves are said never to give up their trust, it ii th sob that, bursting from the ileeping child falls mournfully upon the darkness light. See that lamps are clean and lights ar bright; that your owo hand tucks in covers; aod that your own lips say some thing pleasing about birds, or kittens, bees, or lowers anything; of which one tak notice, little HAVE FOUND A SMUGGLERS' HOARD. Illinois Men Unearth $7,000,000 On An Island Near Porto Rico. A smuggler's treasure of 17,000,000 hidden on a small island a couple of hun dred iui'i' from Potto Hie i has been liiund by I'hi'o Hemic and Abe Fogel if He-lick, a 'itll ' c:iy in the stiu'hrro pall of I iini.i-. Puting the civil war a pa::y of lull a d z n u.ui!g;-.rs were en gaged in thn slave trade between Porto Rio uDd the lTni!ed State", As there was cjn-iant danger of capture they mtrged their weaNh, auiouotiog iu all to about 17.000.000, and concealed io a stone embankment on a small island 200 milts south of Porto Rieo. At the close of the war they started for the island to recover their bidden treasure, but the elements interfered and they were wrecked. There were but two survivors and they returned to this country. While at New Orleans one ol these died, and the other, being financially unable to re cover the money, kept his scra until justbelcre bis death, wuen be revealed it lo his kinsman, Reude, Just recently thela'ter confided in his friend Foale, and together they organized the Porto Riean Prospecting company. Several prominent citizens of Slielbytille, III , look stock in (he company and were greatly rejoiced to get this message dated at Porto Rico: "Amount all 0. K. Reude." This message is taken to indicate that they had found the tiea-uie and wele in possession o' it. THOUGHTS FOR EVERYBODY. It is the small leaks that impoverish a household. It is the small economies that lead to affluence. Work today, for you know not bow much you may be hindered tomorrow. Recreation is not idleness, but ease to the weary by change of occupation. If you wish to be as happy as a king look at those who haven't as much as you, not at those who have more. It bas been well said that no person ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of to-day that the weight is more than can be borne. By holding a very little misery quite close to our eyes we entirely lose sight of a great deal of comfort beyond which might be taken. most ot the shadows tbat cross our path through life are crossed by standing in our light. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. I he Kind You Han Always Bought 7 . Signature of AT THE HELM. lhe curling waves, with awlul roar, a little bark a-sai'ed, od pali;d rears di'.rac;'Dg power our nil on boaid prevailed Savo one, the Papain's dar'ins; child, wli fearless viewed the no: in, And cheerful, with composure smiled at danger s threatening form. And can you smile," a seaman cried ' while terrors ovcrwhe'm?'1 Whv should I fear?" the boy replied "my father's at the helm !" So, when our worldly hopes are reft, our earthly comforts gone, We still have one sore anchor hit 0 he'ps, aud He alone. He lo out prayers will lend His ear, H gives our pants icliel; Ho turns to sniiiei each tnuili '.og (ear, lojoy tach loi luring gtir!, Then turn to Him, 'mid tun is wi'd, when wanisand wees o'ei hetu, Reuicaiiieniit;, I ke lh Innle-s child, Our r. tiers at the Hi uu 1 Maud "Gaskell thinks be is a regu- ar lady-killer." Esther "I should not wondrr, I had a talk with him last evening, and I really thought I should die. BEST FOR THE BOWELS It h..' r.ru!r. h.althy movB.t of thi Z" ...r, d.r. j..;t. in '' Wn pHrSo ' P"' l"l. .!. tl J""'"? CANDY CATHARTIC A. WAT 'EM LIKE CANDY of . . i . .. , i. T..i. n-nd Pa Qe 3 l WW ..., auk... , or urlp.. It. par aai. WrIM lor tr Ma.pl., ! kMkIM taaltb 14dr.M " aauai HI DMrPtVT. CtUUW S1W VUt. KEEP HUB BLOOD CLEAN tho E. ITAIMBACK, ROTARY PUBLIC. IWM.DOJI, MReanoke News Ofios. SECRETS At tHs PrUm of Suffering. Woman oil bur way to senii-invalidisiu caiweil by prunuiu-y suffers much p.iin. j Monti ue prompts lu-r to suffer alone in sili'iit-e and remain in the dark, as to tho true c;uise motherhood. Mother's Friend takes the doctor's place and she bus uo cause for an inter view. She is her own doctor, and ber modesty is protected. Daily application tr the breast and abdomen throughout prcnaiicv iU enable her to undergo the period of gestation iu a cheerful mood and rest undisturbed. Mother's Friend Is a liniment for external use only. It would indeed be shann-ful if the sacrifice of modesty were necessary to the success ful issue of healthy children. All women about to become mothers uted send only to a drug store and for fi.oo secure the prize childbirth remedy. Healthy babies are the result of usetn Mother's Friend. Our book " Hotherhood " mailed free, THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians cull V it rlalarlal derm. It can be seen J changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns yourcom plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensation creep down your backbone. You leel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberta' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent luture sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chilli, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS The One Among Many.v The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of use fulness. pIANOs If Are not built for show thoy'ro con structed with experienced care; they last a liletime and more, yet their cost is very moderate, considering their quality. Send us your address and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating terms. Pianos of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerooms, 8 N. Liberty street, Factory E. I.alayette Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. HARPER vinsior a nri loiiTrm nrurnanr ft utLiuniruL ULiLnnui.4 A SAFE STIMULANT. AGOOD IrtETjlClNE. ' For Sale By l W. D. SMITH. Weidon.N.c. One KSInute Cough Cure For Cough, Colda and croup. V. E. BEAVAIIS. LKUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS, PIPES, ETC. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night - 4 W. E. BBAVANS, Pharmacist, ENFIELD N. C. Store 'Phone 19 -esidence 41-9. t)lbly. N, C