IS ;JOHN "W. SLEDGE, propiuf.tor. A. IT E "W SP APER FOR THE PEOPLE TEE-MS:-?1'11 PKK annum in advance (VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14. 1902. NO. 14 Infl 1 Is t IN THE HOME. "In All Thy Ways t'de Him, Ami Direct Thv Paths. Acknnwl He Shall Tho Kind You Huvo Always Bought, mid which lms been, in hho for over 50 years, liax borne the Mlirimtnro of mill hait been nmilotiiiuYr his iicr- jWt noiml supervision since Km Infancy. -CCcAVf Allow no mm tfiliwilvn vim In thin. All Counterfeit, Imitations: and " Just-as-irond " ore but Experiments tlmt trlllo with nnd eiiilmigor the health of Inmnts and Children Experience against Experiiiieut. What is CASTORIA Coxtorlu Id a harmless) substitute for Castor Oil, Pore (forlc, Drops and Hoot hint; Syrups. It is 1'leamint. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic siibstiiiicc. Its aire is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays It cures Diari'liiea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatlou and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the 8toniiU'li and ltowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. nHDR. M OFF1 OFFETT'S JTT (TEETHING POWDERS) Rla'-k Proiana. Ark nw. J, W, Brrfnf Atlanta, ttitliodiit Conf"ftficf.wTitt) Ami flft- renufmy which pla. mall m iw h'UH or "i r.r-i mi a " wnnnnr n nava ruiracftiiarvn wiibom it, i tioinr nmj a inly in Mia t..uh miH m t iub'k4anl II earua at a mm I opportuna tinis; our bab tu la air Hout cuBJulon j hit bowrli Had to In bad conJlLom for days. nd nnthitig tht wt w did any iho ir-coml iIom of "TKETHISA" Kr nrivi.iritii na as m bmi iu iruw utfuiia. vutsr natiMra ai m iftmiiF oars iin ii ua ercri aoi & a parlMt saccata. sJtr. .a The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOIHIEIiH IN STAPLE & FANCYte 3 GROCERIES glf a, U..11 n i i. Or.lere Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , SS 2 8 ly wEi.imN, n. c. ft a Escelsior Printing Co. WELIDOIT, IsT. C. IFTTPP UFflfK RIM UPQn PflPiPT A kh I I kll MbriUUf LULL. IILDUJ) I llvllL. I fr V iff" n nrt aihaiii n n ft W HrHIIN. K HKN. 'rV rinirl Anrn inniTiiin nnnnn nrtrrrnA '-fv CN VtLUKU VI5I I LHnUOi rUo I tWX uiuiTnTinuc liiiiiniiunoi 1 Send us your orders. All b orders receive Dromct and careful attention. Tie Bank of Welh, Opizd Under The Lais of Ik State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 18U2. STATK OK NORTH CAROLINA DKI'OSITOHV. HALIFAX t'Ol'NTV DKI'OSITOHV. TOWN OF WKI.DON DKPOSITOKY. $2(1,000. I)eSi.mJi'n.'j conies ti) u 1 1 of m il limey, but nu uhiH it an t e in t e 1 1 to givu w.iy lu despair m those who, by nickor B!ii, liuvc bocp till off from llie c r- liliulj I'll r-u i t uud jileuMires of lil'e. In lln ir lii iirt ill 1 i n -l i ii (n tiny m uii linii'S lirl lliuii-li tliry bail bi'i o utterly Cur- kin. In ib en1 luiiini nta it will bo well for i-ucli tu turn tu (tie i-ain J bunk and rrlrep.ii lln ir cmifidrDi'e in Ood by miiie- in)! huw in all ajira He baa guided thi m who dared In truM lliui, but who at llit' lime, roust have been an ireplexed aa we are ofttn now. Here wc can aee how Abraham left kindred and country and Parted, with no other uide than Uod, aeroMi the truckler denert to a land which he knew not. We learn how for furiy yearn the luraelitcs wer? led through the peninmla of Sioai Wo know how Joshua, in entering the Laud of l'ruui he, ns able to enpe with tho difficulties of an unknown region and to overcome gieat ai d wurlikc nation Wc know how iu the early church ll.e aputtlea were enabled tu thread llnir way thiuugh the most difficult (u. minus and tu solve the moat peiplrxini: problem The promi u.8 fur fuidauce tu ui aie unmistakable Psalm 3't, 8: "I will instruct thee and tea. h thee in the way in which thou aliall go. Proverbs 3, C: "In all thy ways ac knowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Isaiah 28, 11 : "T" i Lord shall glide I lire continually." John 8, 12: "I am the light of the World, he that fnlluwclh Me shall Dt walk io daikness, but shall have light f life." These are but specimens. The vau'l of Scripture i' inlaid with iIiuusiikIs i l audi, that glisten as the -tars wbieh guide the wauderer aiross ihe deep And yei it mav seem to some tired and timid hearts a if every one meu'.wiied iu the norii "t tin I m' helpeil, but tin y are left without help. They seem to have stood belore perplexing problems, lace to face wiili life's mysteries, eagerly lunging to know what to du but no angel ha cone to tell ihein, and no iron uato ha opened to them in the prison hnue ol oircuni-tanocs. Rut we must imt make tin; mistake of tiiinkini; that (Jud is mil gmJiDg us tici'atisc lie Uoc9 not slwa)S doit in a mir.i uluus way. He often scis fit to guide Hi through our owu resources:. When Peter was shut up io imsou and c mid nut possibly extricate hiuiiclf, an angel was scut tu do f r him what lie could uot du fur bimself; but wbeu they bad pasaed tbruUt:h a stieet or two of (he city, the angel left hnn tu cuusider the mailer for himself. I hus (mil treats us still, We often make a u islske also by thinking that Uod is nut guiding us at all because we cannot sic far ahead. Hut this is not His method, lie only under takes that the step ol a good man should be ordered by the Lird. Not next year; but lo-m rrow. Not the next mile; but the next yinl Not the whole Pattern; but the next siiich iu the canvas, -VISIT Ol? WRITE" The Petersburg Furniture Co., !: AM) S07 N. SYCAMOIti: ST, PETERSBURG, VA. THE LEGEND OF THE DIPPER. There Is a Pretty Story Which TcIIh How the Seven Stars Came to Form the Dipper. THK HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LKADKKS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND OKNKHAL IIOl'Si: FURNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELD. PRESIDENT It MANAUER pSSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. Mr BY I.OXOFELLOW. THE BRIDGE. 'V' W."..-.-. -00 -00-00 -00 -00-00 llie bnuge wnicn is tne sunject or tne poem was the old one known as West Boston bridge. In Lonfellow's youth the bridge was probably more generally a resort for moonlight ruminators comparatively speaking, than it has been of late years, for then the only means of transportation to and from Boston was poach, and, as the fare was 25 cents, comparatively few people rode. I stood on tho bridge at midnight, As the clocks were striking the hour And the moon rose o'er the city Behind the dark church tower. IT SHEDS A TONIC There are limes when y mr liver needs a tonic. Don't ive purgatives that iMipe nd Weaken. DeWiu's Little Kaily Risers expel all poison from the system and act as tonic to the liver W. Scott, 531 Highland ave , Milt.m, Pa., says: "I have carried DeWitt'a Little Karly Risers with me for several years and would nut be without them." Small and easy to take. Purely vegetable. They never gripe or di.-trcss. W. M. C'oheo. 1 saw in her bright reflection In the waters under me, Like a golden goblet falling And sinking into the sea. And far into the hazy distance Of that lovely night in June The blaze of the flaming fur nace Gleamed redder than the moon. Among tiie ong, black rafters The wavering shadows lay, And the current that came from the ocean Seemed to lift and bear them away. As, sweeping and eddying through them. Rose the belated tide, And, streaming into moonlight The seaweed Moated wide. And like those waters rushing Among the wooden piers A Mood of thoughts came o'er ine That filled my eyes with tears How often, oh, how often, In the days that had gone by I had stood on that bridge at midnight And gazed on that wave and sky! How often, oh, how often, I had wished that the ebbing tiil Would bear me away on its bo som O'er the ocean wild and wide. For inv heart was hot and rest less, And my life was full of care And the burden laid upon me Seemed greater than I could bear. But now it has fallen from me, It is buried in tho sea, And only the sorrow of others Throws its shadow o'er me. 1 et whenever l cross the river On itv bridge with wooden piers. Like the odor of brine from the ocean Comes tho thoughts of other years. thoti- manv CAPITAL 1N0 SURPLUS R.M.PurnelI & Bro For ten years this inslitution has provided banking facilities for this aeoiioo lis stockholder! and directors hive been iilonlilied with the business interests of Halifax ind Northampton counties fur many years. Money is loaned upon ap proved security at the legal rate of iutenst six per ccutum. Accounts of ill tra. solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. K. DANIEL. Db. J. N. RAMSAY, W. It. SMITH. Seuboard, Northampton county, N. (7. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choicest brands of RVK, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY nd Sparkling wines, Where.YouAsk? -WHY AT- W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, . N. C. Fall Ub grocri lwajri ou bud. n uroceres Dealers In Staplel ud Fancy m-FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Olam Tin, ami wooden and wil lowware. Also l'ralt'i Home, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and U rove's jgf Tastftlaa Chill Tonio. Alexander's Liver and Kidney Touic for purifying the blood. This tonic Is warranted or moner refunded. It. M.l'URNELL & BRO., (Successors to J. L Judkini.) So. 18 Wuhingtou At., Weldon, N. 0 pr ID ly. If it was as easy lu do as . to promise what an easy thing life would be. PIIHOVKH MIXTY YKAKK Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It sunt lies the child, often the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and us the beet remedy lor Diarrhea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in eery part ot the world. 2a cents a bolile. lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothiug Syrup," and lake no oth er kind Permitting a nickname io childhood is to bo cmbuirasscd in later lilc. And I think how sands Of care incumbered men, Each bearing his burden of sor row, Have crossed the bridge since then. 1 see the long procession Still passing to and fro, The young heart hot and rest less And the old subdued and slow And forever and forever, As long as the river Hows, As long as the heart has pas sions, As long as life ha woes. The moon and its broken reflection And its shadows shall appear As the symbol of love in heaven And iti wavering image here. Once in a country far away, the peo ple were dying of thirst. There had been no rain for months. The rivers and springs and brooks had all dried up. The plants and flowers had withered and died. The birds were so hoarse they could not sing. The whole land was sad and mournful. Ouc night after the stars had come out a little girl with a tin dip per in her hand crept iuictly out of the house and went into a wood near by. Kneeliog down under a tree, she folded her hands and prayed that Qod would send rain, if it were only enough to fill her little dipper. She prayed so long that at last she fell asleep. When she awoke she was overjoyed to find her dip per lull of clear, cold water. Remembering that her dear mother was ill and dying of thirst, she did not even wait to moisten her parched lips, but taking up her dipper she hurried home. In her haste she stumbled, and alas! she dropped her precious cup. Just then she felt something move in the grass be side her. It was a little dog, who. like herself, had almost fainted for want of water. She lilted her dipper, and what was her surprise to find that not a drop bad been spilled. Pouring out a few drops on her hand she held it out for the dog to lick. He did so, and seemed much revived; but as she poured out the water the tin dipper had changed to one of beautiful silver. Hurrying to her home as soon as possi ble, she handed the water to the servant to give to her molher. "Oh," said her mother, ' I will not take it. I shall not live, anvhow. You are youDger and stronger than I." As she gave the servant the dipper, it ctiangeu to shining gold. 1 tie servant was just about to give each person iu the house a spounlul ol the precious water when she saw a stranger at the door. II lookrd sad and weary, and she haudtd him the dipper of water. He took saying : "Blessed is he who gives a cup of cold water io His nuuie." A radiance shone all about him, and immediately the golden dipper became studded with seven sparkling diamonds, Theu it burst forth into a fountain. which supplied the thirsty laud with wa ter, the seven diamonds rose hiL'her until they reached the sky, and there changed into bright stars, forming the "Great Dipper." And so while we recognite that this is only a parable, yet it shall give us a sweet association with the constellation in the iky; and when we look up at the "dip per as it points up to (tie north pole, this sweet story will point us to a pole star of usefulness. Christian Observer. A-SS' JB- "J1 , a . i-m v.: m- ' ': .:xw . 1 1 j- m- m - - l.p. B(H l! Dyspepsia Cure Difjests what yoo eat. Tli's preparation contains all of the dlgestunts and digests ail kltuM ot food. It gives InsUnt relief and never falls to cure. H allows you to eat all the food you want. The must sensitive stomachs can take It. Hy its use many thousands of dysiieptlcs have been cured after everything else failed, la uneitialled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it, First dose relieves. A dlet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles ProparedonljhyK.O. DiWitt Co.. oulmio Tin tt. bottle couWlua 1 Unas Urn Mc. alau. W,M, Cohen, Druggist. ROBERT MAC KAY. "Your mother died tonight" that's all it said; But, somehow, in that simple line I read The last sad words of love and sympathy, The last heart blessing that she gave to me, The admonition that till went amiss, And what God ne'er can give her farewell kiss; The fadeless picture as she knelt to pray That she miglitmeet me up above some day. "Your mother died tonight" is all it said. As on the throbbing wire the tidings sped From that old, happy home, from which I came, To strive anew for honor and for fame, To toil with will to win a golden store To lay in solemn suppliance at her door; But shuttered am the ln-pen, unnerved tho might, By that sad message, "Mother died tonight." 0 stars that glide through heaven's unfathomed sea, May 1 not meet her in Alcyone? Oh, let mo know, as oft in childhood's harms, That peace found only nestling in her arms ! Gone the gray hair, the eyes that wept in vain. Gone the Bad smile I no'er shall see again, Gone the true heart, tho soft, love-laden breast, Gone the mother to her last long rest. The person with the introducing habit should be snubbed. Every woman, es pecially, has a right to say whom she shall know. ONE TOUCH OF MOTHERHOOD. I'he Weight Was Too Heavy For The Old Woman. It is diverting to hear persons boast of the number ol books they have read. It is more so when they cannot tell you the plot of one. , i:.t U Uaw lAJtiys BoujM Cf Biari tt Blgn.itnni of CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. I ha Kind You Have Always Bought Beari the Signature of The sure sign of weakness in argument ii to grow wrathful aud noisy. When Credit opened her arms seduc tively, Thrift died of grief. Logic is to woman all that intuition is to man. A lady in writing of Queen Alexandra told a Itiepd a touching little incident which took place soon after the death of her son, the Duke of Clarence. The princess, with her usual gentle reticence, tried to bide the grief for her fiistborn It was shown only in her failing health and in increased tender consideration for I! around her. One day, while walkic with one of her ladies in the quiet lanes near Sandringham, she met an old wo man weepiug bitterly and tottering under load of packages, Ou inquiry, it ap peared that she was a carrier, aud made her living by shopping and doing errands in the market town for the country peo pic. "But the wetghtis too heavy at your age," said the princess. "Yes. You're, right, ma'am. I'll have to give it up, and il I give it up I II statve. Jack carried them for me my boy ma'am." "And where is he now?" "Jack ! He's dead I 0, he's dead!' the old woman cried wildly. The princess, without a word, hurried on, drawing her veil over lici lace hide her tears. A few days later neat little curt with a stuut donkey were brought to the old carrier's door. She now travels with them to and fro, making a comfortable living, and has never been told the rank of the friend who has tried to make her life easier for the sake of her dead boy Chicago Post. TO MY FRIENDS. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. 1 was troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon be- ! ing advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I rec ommended it, George W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol. the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia, Kodol digostB any good food you cat. Take a dose after meals. W. M. Cohen. BEFORE THE EDITOR AWOKE. One of His Subscribers Brings Him a Lot of Good Things. The editor of the Podunk Blade sat bis chair, gtinJing copy with all possi ble rapidity. It was the eve ol press day, and the printer sdJ the devil were ieking the type at a great rate. Sheet after sheet was filled with liatloiiog no tices of Pudunk's prosperity, of Major Blithers' new residence, of Banker pici zeincn's new carriage, i f the ap proaching gradualism exercises, Fa-tcr and faster he wrote, till his tired brain became dizzy and his head dropped over. "How arc you, Mr. Editor," said a hearty voice. "I'm Tom Slocum, that lives over by the big creek. Been tak ing your paper quite a spell and .thought I'd better drop in and pay up." "Glad to see you, sir. How's the crops over your way ?" "Never better. Guess I owe you for about two years. Here's three dollars. Give me credit for it, will you ?" "With pleasure. I'll just writo you a receipt. "Never mind the receipt. Say, I've a couple of chickens out there in the wagon that my wife sent in to you. She said she'd bet you'd like 'cm." "Thank you very much, I " "Never mind the thanks. Tain't nothing. Just been down to mill and got a big grist ground. If you'vo got a sack or something to put it in I'll give you thirty or forty pounds. We think a mighty lot of your paper, and wo want to show it." "You are very kiod. I can never thank " "Well, don't try. Say, I guess you'd better send the Blade to my wife's sister over in slabtown. sho visited here a couple of months last summer and got aciiuaintcd with a lot of people. She'd like to keep track of them. And whil you're about it just send it to my brother down in Cohosh. He owns some pro perty here and ought to read how tl. is boomin' here. That was a splendid write-up you gave the church supper, I bet it tickled the church folks. We thought we'd die laughing at that story you wrote about the county eoovenlton of the other party. You did certainly ke the hide off o' them. I believe your paper gets butter every week. We're goin' to have a lot of apples this summer, Come out some time noil take home couple of barrels, lour editorials go right to the meat ol the questions at issue and I'm cettin' a lot of valuable in- foiuiation out of them. Say, I'm guin' to kill a beef next week and if you want it I'll bring you in a forequurter. W can't use it all. Come to think of it had you send the paper to my boy that's going to college over to Clingville, and ain't paid for it. Count up what it all amounts to for a year. Three dollars? Saw vou won't net rich chargiu' that way. Well, I mut be goin'. 1 1 ere 8 fiver. Just give me credit on them sub scriptions for the wholo amount. I'll 1c iu next week wilh the beef. Good day." But just as the good farmer stepped to the door his foot caught on a splinter aud he fell with such a thud that the editor woke up. A pr 1 . i" Tlic Human Lottery 'AH, If orlj I wrr, baautiful ' Imppy Ufa would b." M.oiv ;i fml. .in m.ii l l,as soiil this us she I !.i '! int" tl..- mirror. It is tile (im ms-w--i -'i in llie 1"tti tv i.f himuu life which W"l:::i:1 would lint refuse. BRAD FIELD'S Female Iegulator f.iryoiinKlrlson tin: threshold of woimn !i. ..I i; i:iv.i!w iMu. Uu ;i they bc-comc pale rill, I Irllls;!: i, I, tin- eyes dull, aching iie.i1, fee! nrel lining c.lil, nppctite (June or :ibn,r:;iul, uVinteLed periods anil jiain f::i :u-;ir.r:,, .'.ml liivir systems generally run down, tin y need a tunic, building up and tlu ir i! ek-rmsed. ! trad lie M's 1 cm.ih.' Regulator for women is particularly N.iluahlu and useful owing to its tunic liriijurriies and as a regulator of the :tK'ii-,tri:.i1 (lows. Painful, obstruct ed .i;;d uii.iessed menstruation is pernia lki'.ily rLiiewd and all diseases peculiar to l:r r :eui'.al i i 'rins arc cured by it. Refill :r tor elenrsthcromplexion. bright ens the eye, sharper. the apjX'Ute, re moves muddy and blotihcilcuiidiuemsof the skin aud cures sick headache at once. Of drur'irists nt per bottle. t) peiieci neallli lor women" can be had free by sending us your address. THE BRACTIlLO REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA. OA. II1S SIGHT THREATKNKD. "While picnieing last month my 11 month boy was poisoned by some weed or plant," says W. H. Dibble, of Sioux City, la. "He rubbed the poison on his hinds into his eves and for a while wc were afraid he would loso his tight. Fi Daily a neighbor recommended DeWill Witch Ilaiel Salve. The first applica tion helped him and in a lew days was as well as ever." For 6k iu diseases. cuts, burns, scalds, wounds, inseot bite DcWitt s Witch Haxel halve is sute cum. Relieves niles at once. Beware of counteifcits. W. M. Cohen Tho person who has tact in abundance and a certain softness of tongue can work his way to fortune with little etf.irt. Common sense is not a lniiliunt quali ty, but it throws out a clear, steady dunce. A great many persons give advice end generosity is not are vexed when the lauded. IS ULLOW.POISCfi in your blood ? Physicians ca'! it flalarlal (term. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. Vou feel weak and worthless. 4 ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Might-Sweatsand a gen eral break-down come Inter on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison nnd have perfected Roberts' Ionic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRU'JGISTS. The One Among Many. The one make of instruments t lat holds its tone through a generation I usefulness. plAWOs Are not built for show they're con structed with experienced care; they last a lifetime and mure, yet their cost is very moderate, considering their quality, bend us your address and yeu'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of suggestions. Accommodating Terms. Pianos of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Warerootus, 9 N. Liberty street. Factory E. I-alavelte Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. WIIISKYJ mm Lazy Liver "I II a TO ueeil ironuifu n nrrm urn wltli 11 torpid llvrr, wtitt h proMm-en rotintti a lUm. I omul TAM'AKKTS t he ull ynuvl.tlm for thnn. nmt wu'im-d Btit-h rvUrt ilio iir.Urliil. that I iHiivliuSfd :imt her Mtimily timl w:m cmo plotaly curl-el. I Bliull only no lot phui to n o ommrmi Canon re is whenever tho op'jortiiuity li prewmtet. " J. A Smith SuHquehauuft Ave., PiiiiuUciphia, Pa. CANOY I G ATM A Hit C SCIKNTIFICALI-Y DisTit.i.ti) NATURALLY AGED, ARSOLL'TKLY PURE, Best and Safest fur all uses. For Sale By W. 0. SWITH. Woidon, N. C. TftADt MUD MMTIHO Plaitant, I'Altki&t'ie. L"ieiit. Tiu) Good, TX Uood. Horn Sicken, woukcii, ur (iilpe. l. ilc.6Uc ... CURS CONSTIPATION. M. lUriiif lOtBtdf Ctiar, hMMo. MMlrtil, rk. MTfl DIP Hold antl uiinrniitet'd hy all drug- I U-DJtb uikU u tt U JC 'i'ubaaeo Habit. One Minute Cough Cure Fop Coughs, Colds and Croup. WE. BEAVANS- mtL'US, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS, PIPES, ETC. Prescriptions carefully eempounded day or night. ... , . . D. E.STAINBACK, HOTftRi PUBLIC. IWCLDO, N. C .Roauokt Nsws Office. " W. K. BEAVANS, 1'iiaIimaoiht, ENFIELD N. fc. ' ' Btore 'l'bone 18 ,'Mideuce 41 -3. 81&lj.

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