i Ifl flf wm 'OHN "W". SLEDGE, proprietor. h)L. XXXVII. A. UEWSFIPEI IE1 O IR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9.1. 1902. TBBMS:-i.5 I'k annum in advance NO. 15 III If mm fisak - iP- J For Infants and Children. ft J AYcect.iblelVepar.iitoririir As similating llic Fowl ami He ula -ling (he Stomachs aril Bowels of Promotes DigcslionCheerrur nessandRest.Contains neillter Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. KOTTiARCOTIC. iiMfetfMa-smnpiKim fKmpkut Seed' MxJmn HIU ,Wu - ipennvrt - HinpS-J- Apprfecl Remedy forConstipa lion, Sour Sloinach.Diarrlioca Worms .Coiwulsiotis, Feverish iuss mid Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature or NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of HIS SUIT BALKED. Motherly Old Sherlock Holmes the Cuuse of It. 4 ! or 1 ragnaiure fi u 1 ilrt1 In i j is 1 lnaHu iw JtJ T ill; EXACT COPY OF WflAPPER. M II C-J B IE I I ' " ' TM eiNTWH tOVHNV, NIW tOB ' Use For Over Thirty Years 1 FDR. M O FFETT'S RttT ET A (TEETHING POWDERS)! Burl BraiNa. Ark . t-t-vt IK. lWJl Rt. J. W. Berrr of AthliHi Htb4iit Coo fmnc. writ i) "InrUd And Bflr tenia for whkh dImus mail m Nnp4 tUH or 'l M-lin a woDUfr nut w narruiacniiarn wiinoui 11. intoiner aaj iut tn mii kiinwnltii ft MtrkKKnt ItcuMfttft natt Opprtun lima; our bbe wu la ft Mrioui coitlilinni hn bowel. ha4 irrnln bd conlit:on for dM, nd Bolhing thai w r a did uy good; lb lecond duM of rKfcTHi N A" fpneci rviisi ibo us mi ami bo ivuw voiuiii vur muhti oi um luniif uvi una n tua inrr aoN ui Ma m pancci aacoau. WHOLESALE J0BI1EKK IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES ; Hk.We Sell Ouljr To MrrcliaDU. Ordtra Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 8 1; WKI.DON, N. C. m "I am nfrnid that iti) all off," Kiglird I lie ynun niun. "Juat an I lie prii)i)clH looked tlio bfililcNl too. WhcD all tli world to nie lift In vi-it an Bunt who livM in die oi'iilral l arl nf llif) utalo, it linppeniil lliat Iliad tiuxincra I lint look uie t lio uio Way, and I chancrj lo take tla'aaine traiu that alie did, uiid njlur, il ly I look a aiai al lier tide 8 lie vat very tuuih tupiirtd to ice oie and aclid vrrjf dislant ul firal, evidrDtly Dot be lii'Viii; my Mory about iuiporlant luni ocu taking me t lie same way rlie wan going I wan jud ueceiding in break ing the ico when the train stopped at a statioo, aod a motherly old fool, wearing corkscrew curls and swelling peppermint, who sat just back of uc, took advantage of the lull to leun over the buck of our teat and, with a braining luce that was mi not for friendly intercut, t-aid : "Jia' niartied, ain't ye?' "The uJdi,'iiiK.i of the ouealion left me incapable of anawinng Of course yuu br!' she cackled again like a pullet with her first i'gg. 'I up poie yc thiok it is fashionable to set apart like old murii'd folks when ye are jea' dyin' to lurey ilovpy each other I The land sake, when inc an' JoHahgol mar ried we held each other's hands an' said 'lovo)'' an' 'ilu'ky' ail we wanted t Now, young man, you j'ist set up cluse in' put your arm around her I Wc wou't mind, will we?' she said, turnirg to the piescngers, who were roaring. llitn tne Irani s'arteii ai d gave us a respite. Uutiiir wlncli t lie mrl turned to me with burning luce uud hipered fiercely thai if I didn't gel off at the next Btop she W iiil l nevir speak in in gain. "I am too go id a 1 11. r i t lo obey orders, so I dropped i II ai ilic M il tl'f It turmd mil lo l.e noil i g but a station, ami t spent Hi" r l t Hi.' nay watching the t: r.uuh ir iins g i ust. tnanugeu at la.l to i riiie a Ir.lhl eon duel or tu lake in nwuy. "Up to U.iin no sort i f eipluna goes with I lie girl. She says ilia', il 1 hadn't been llietu u wou!dn t have hup peued." iJcirnii Free Press. ST. JOHN'S EVE. i?7rtfix fisVifs she?) fxhx- ? ftJisviK'tofZ frjK k Ita UniMilMM I'm sior Mb lm Pnntinof Co WELDONi IT. O. 7- m LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, PACKET HEADS, CIRCULARS, Curious an I quaint belt' fs .-nil prevail iosnn.c parts ol England annci rning St John's oie. I.-ici still placo I loir shoes, belrre n-r 1 1 tiiix for the Hj.t, a tight angles f'iri.inga T., reeillog ill lines : Hoiiintt iliis id);ht mv true hue tu see I p'aee my shoes in the form of a T, under the idea that ill ir future hiishaud will be revealed tu ihem in dreams For merlysuppir wa- placed on the table with the belief that llie future husband wiuld enter by the open die r. Tbi re is, too, prevalent I.Ira that especially lorluual are Hie children born on M. Johns eve. th" rhyme rum ii g : Under the Han i n ihe i ve uf Si. John, Lucky t lie oaOJ thai tf"-ettura shine oil , uniuukriiiw, m ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, POSTERS, M ., Send us your orders. All w oruers receive prompt ana careful attention. Hilt OVKH MX t V YKARM tor VISIT OR WRITER Ik Petersburg Furniture Co, 20!1 AND 207 N. SVCAMOItK ST. PETERSBURG, VA. ir'f i rn'tairii) S (FllOTllliOiiflL 1 HiVi", I'ciira' MM 1 a .fttrCTM I ' ! THK HUSTLING ANI Ul'-TO-DATH LEADEHS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENEItAL HOUSE FUKNISIIING8. A. J. WINFIKLD.l'ltriSIDKXTiMANAdKR IS,Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. COMING OF MILLENNIUM. Alleged Prophecy of an Infant Near Warsaw, in Russia. The Practice Was instituted by the Early Roman Rulers X THE MOSQUITO AGAIN, In the marshes where the bullfrog sings his mellow serenade, In the swamps where booms the bittern in the gloomy cypress shade And the cheerful alligator lurks within the everglade; In the cistern, where rainwater pours and trickles down the spout, In stagnant pools, in grasses and most everywhere about, The bloodthirsty mosquito from the egg in hatching out. And, once hatched, ho comes among us with his pesky little bill, And he settles on our persons, very much against our will, And, inserting proboscis, he proceeds at once to drill. And when through our epidermis he has managed for to bore He fills up his little carcass to the bursting point with gore. This is strictly true, though doubtless you suspected it before. You think that you have got him and find out that you have not For he keeps one eye wide open to elude tne suuuen swat And knows just how long its healthy to remain on the spot You may screen up all your windows and hang netting o'er your bed; It rlopsn't keen him out. because ho stavs inside instead, And you wake up in the morning and find that you've been bled. Similarly you may smear yourself with evil smelling stuff Thnt is truiiranteed bv druirtrists on mosnuitoes to be rough, But they seem to quite enjoy it, though it does smell bad enough. So he breaks our summer slumbers, robs us of our needed rest; So he drives us from our porches, where the vines he doth infest, And he spoils the fun ot hslung, does this sanguinary pest, Chicago News. x:: IT it s?l"1 ALONG THE WAY TO MEETIN', I wondered if the world so wide had heard my heart a-beatin', With Sally walkin' at my Ride along the way to meetin'? It. senmpd to time mv every step iest koepin' time accordin', An' say in': "There's no rest fer you 'cept t'other side of Jor dan !" ra. Wiiidiiw'i. Sniitliing Syrup has been used lor over -iny yuar.- ly millions ol mothers lot children, while teething, with perfect sun cm,. U Hjoihen the child, softens the iiuuis, allays all pain, cures wind eulic, and la tl'.c I.lm icuiedy tor Diarrl aa. Ii will relieve the pnor little sulTcrei uuiiodiaielv. Snld by druggists in e cry ( an ol : l.e world. 25 cents bottle. Ilefure and ii-k fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup." and take no oth er kind TVBuk i -:::,:WELDON, IN. C.r Opizei Unfler The Lais of lie Stale of North Carolina, AUGUST 2GTH, 1892. 8TATK OK NORTH CAROLINA DKI'OSITOUY. . HALIFAX COUNTY UKl'OSl TORY. TOWN OF WKLUON DKI'OSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $26,000. For trn ar ihia in.tilnlion h nrnvided hankinu faoilitias for this at 3 I'a slockholdera and directors have been identified with tho business intcresls of iiamax anu porinamjiiou coudiicn lor uiaujr jeaia. I'luucjr in iuhucu upuu my i proved seountv tt the leaal rate of interest six per centum. Acoounts of all are. solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL Da. J. N. RAMSAY. V. VL. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton oounty, N. C. IS YOU LIKE IT. Two drooping i yis, Two pouting lips; Two angry teeth Cite finger tips. Two ruddy cheeks Flush more and more. Two dainty feet ChaMi'ae tl t floor. The maid is mad. Two merry eyes, Two I nching lips; Two roes of pearls Tott.h fiuurr tips. Two ohecks aglow Willi love gal re, 'flip o'er the floor. The maid is glad, I'd tried an', tried to say "theword," with patientest endeavor The word that might, or nughtn t, make her heart my own for ver: But somehow, when it reached my lips, it seemed too much too utter, With my poor heart a-keeping up that everlastin' flutter! Twin shore mv tribulation day close by my side to view her To pull the wild flowers by the wav, an' then not give em to fieri Hut. sudden come this word from her 'twuz like a benediction: l mthinkin', John, this meeiin uay you re uiiuer ueeu i viction!" An' then, I up an' told her all my heart, so sore afflicted: I loved her more than all the world that's how I stood con victeil! An' then, as eloso she come to me, with sweeter looks an' fonder. I read my shimn' titles clear to earth an' over yonuer. o ma ion. It M.Purne I & Bro Dealers In- Groceries i Staplel and Fancy 1 "-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Crockarr, Glass Tin, and wooden and wil low ware. Also Pratt's Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Grove's JjX Tasteless Chill Tonic, Alexander'! Liver and Kidney Tonic for pnriljin the Wood. This tonio is warranted or moner refunded. R. M. PURNELL k BRO., ' (Successors to J. L Judkins.) No. 18 Waehlngtoa An., Waldos, N. 0 apt 10 ly. DID YOU SAY DRINKS P Well you will find the choicest brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, . N. C. fall line groceries always on hand. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat. Th' preparation contain nil of the dlgestants and digests all kinds ot food. Hglves insuiit rciieliinu never falls to cure. H ullnws yuu to eat all the food you want. The must sensitive tomaclis can take It. Ny Its use many thousands of dvsucDtica have been cured after everything else failed. Is uneuna eu lor tne sumiaou. niiu ren with weak stomachs thrive- on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary, Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. 0. PiWitt Co., Ohlcaro 'a nu f i. uouiu contains in hmn wu w, W. M. Cohen, Druggist. "In one year's lime there will be a great war between tho world powers, and in three years we will witness tho coming of the millennium." This startling prophecy, it is declared, Was a short time ago made by a male child only three months old, born in a small village near Warsaw, Russia, Mr. S. Berlin, a Seventh Street merchant, re cently received a letter from his father in Russia, relaliug tho incident. Ac cording to the letter the mother left Ihe home for a few moments and told her seven-year-old daughter to look after the be. For some reason the little girl became frightened and began to cry, when, ao- ording to the letter, sho was startled to ear the thrce-months-old baby uddrecs er plainly with the words: "Don't cry; mamma will be back soon," This unex pected speech from such a source scared the girl still more, and she ran out of the house in search of her mother, to whom she related the incident, The mother immediately went in to the baby and be gan questioning him, and finally the boy spoke again and said: "Send for the rabbi." The rabbi was immediately called and several of the neighbors who had noticed the eicitcd state of affairs about the house also dropped in to ascertain the cause of the commotion. When the rabbi entered the room where sat the prodigy the baby refused to speak until he and the rabb' were left alone, and when the room had ecu cleared, it is said, he gave utterance lo the prophecy mentioned previously A few days after Mr. Berlin received his letter with the story of the wonderful child another gentleman in Washington received a letter from a different party re" atingthe same incideut as that told in the first letter. It is said that the pre diction lias created great consternation among the Jews of Russia, as, naturally it was calculated to do. Several Hebrews told a reporter for The Star that, according to the Torah me millennium is due in about three or four years and that ihey seemed much mpressed by the reports that have come from Russia. They consider this prophe cy as a vcrmcalion or reminder ol the ap proaohing reign of tho Jews. The de struction of the Mahometan and aoii- Cbrisliao kingdoms and the restoration of the seed of Abraham to the favor of God they say, are all that is necessary to ihe introduction of the millennium Wash ington Star, July 31, 1902 TO MY FRIENDS. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon be ing advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that be had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me trom him because I rec ommended it. George W. Fry, Viol Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol. the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia. Kodol digests any good food you eat. Take a dose after meals. W. M. Cohen. 4 THE SINGERS. Each has his idace amid the throngs, Some to toil in the busy hive, Some to be driven and somo to drive, And some to sing their songs. Emdl OUt) la Uucful 111 bin uphold, lie who delves in the fruitful eurth, He who adds unto the world's mirth And its wealth of hope and cheer. Some at the forge and some in the mine, Some to toil in the counting room And some to lighten the hour of gloom By words of love divine. Some to minister to Jisease, Some to instruct ffld somo to preach. Some to charm with tho gifts of speech And some with melodies. Some to shine and some to plod, Some to walk with the rich and great Some to rule in the affairs of state, And some to tell of Qod. None more worthy than tho rest Who honestly strive with the gifts they hold, The gifts within them to unfold, And give the world their best. Some to create in the realm of Art, Some to relieve the suffering, Somo to labor and some to sing The songs within the heart. KISSING THE HAND, many The practice of kissiog the hands was instituted by the early Roman rulers as t mark of subjection as much as one of ro ped, and under the first Omar the cus tom was kept up, but only for a time. llicso worthies conceived tho idea that the proper homage due to their exalted station called for less familiar modes of I obeisance, so the privilege of kissing the emperor's hand was reserved as a special mark of condescension or distinction for dicers of high rank. No such restriction, however, was placed on the emperors themselves, who, MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW tl tncy wished to cooler signal honor on any of their subjects, kissed either mouths or the eyes of those they wished specially to favor, the kiss generally intimating some promotion or personal satisfaction for some achievement. Roman fathers considered the practice of kissing of so delicaje a nature that they never kissed their wives in the presence of their daughters. Then, too, ODly the nearest relatives were allowed to kiss their kindred ol the gentler sex on the mouth, for in those days, as now, kiseiog was not a mere ar bitrary sign, but it was the spontaneous language of the affections, especially that oi love. Under the Romans if a lover kissed his betrothed before marriage she inheri ted half of his worldly goods in the eveot ol his death before the marriage ceremony, and if sho died 'her heritage descended to her nearest relatives. so-c:ilk'(l birth medicines, and lies fur women ill the treatment of li- r (!Jicate oiimiis, contain more or lc. s opium, nmrpliine and strychnine? t)0 V'cu Unow tllLit ill must cnmitriefl ill n;;''i-.'i nro not permitted to sell narcot- t Kbdiii' them rioisons? Do You Know that vou should not tc'.te internally any medicine lor the i trcumranyinic preznancv. 1'j Y ii Know that Mother' Friend THE MOTHER'S LOVING EYES. One of the greatest artists tells a story of his schools days. He was the son of widow aod be was sent to a grammar school and only once a month could he see and speak to his mother. But she loved hiiu so dearly and so desired to be near him that she took a house which overlooked the school playground and every day, when the boys were at their games, she was watching at the window. He soon found it tut and from that lime he was ashamed to do anything wrong or mean, Ho always thought of those loving eye.-; they seemed to be watching him even in his chamber and it helped lo ke p him straight and true. Hoys, God's love is stronger than a mother's, and if we were to go to Africa or China His lovo would still follow us. He is always watching us. Let us not do anything that we can not ask his blessing on. It seems a wonderful power, does it not, to know aod see all and hear all? One of the grand attiihules nf our heavenly Father is Ilia omniscience; that is, know ing all things Another is His omni presence; that is, present in all places Another is His omnipotence; that is, pos sessing unlimited power. National Ad vocate. .p; Mt-d extornsilv only? lio You Know that Mother's Friend is a ech'bnited prescription, and that it In. . Ih i ii in use over forty venrs, find that Ii b,.ttle of ihe ii en ui tie bears the name of Tho llra.lfid.l Regulator to. ? J)o you know that when you use this remedy iluring tlie period of gestation that vou will be free of pain and bear healthv, lieartv and clever children? Well, th.-se thiuL's are worth knowinar. They are facts. Of druggists at fr.oo. Dun t l-e jK-rsrtaueu to trv a atibstitute. Our little book "Motherhood" free. IHE tmADHELD RSGulATGR CO., Atlanta, 8a. ar.-iBFava-'iHeafEat.'if'w IS YELLOW. POISON in your blood ? Physicians call It nalarial (ierm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow undci' k i i . i p nun vsbu6. il wuikb uay Btiu night. Flrst.it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. c ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and nave perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purifthe blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. I nis is lair, I ry it. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. The One Among Many. The one moke of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. &m 0 B-1 ES f3 i 1 ILP 'pIANos THEY FELT HUNGRY. She Well, Clarence, dear, the titua- tioD is not quite as rosy as it was pictured to us before marriage, is it? He Well, not altogether so, love. Sho I wish er I wish He What do you wish, dearest? She I wish wo had the rice and the old shoes they threw at us when we wero married IT NKKDS A TONIC. Thcro are times when your liver needs a tonic. Don't give purgatives that gripe and weaken. DcWitt's Little Karly Risers expel all poison from tho Bystem and act as tonic to the liver, W. Scott 531 Highland ave., Milton, Pa., says: I have canied DcWitt's Little Early Risers with me for several years and would not be without them." Small and easy to take. Purely vegetable. Tboy never gripe or distress. W. M. Cohen. HIS SIGHT THRKATKN ED. "While picnicing last month my 11 month boy was poisoned by some weed or plant," says W. II. Dibble, of Sioux City, la. "He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes aod for a while we were afraid he would lose his sight. Fi nally a neighbor recommended DeWitt's Witch Haioi Salve. The first applica tion helped him and in a few days he was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burns, scalds, wounds, insect bites, DeWitt's Witch HaEel Salve is suro cure. Relieves piles at once. Beware of counterfeits. W. M. Cohen. COULON'T MISS IT. Miss Iloyle Yes, he kissed me when we went through that dark tunnel. don t see how he mansged lo find my mouth. Miss Doyle That was probably the first thing he struck New York Even ing Press. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, ihe Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature of Are not built for show they're con structed with experienced caro; they last a hletimo and more, yet their cost n very moderate, considering their quality. Send us your address and you'll immediately get an illustrated catalogue and book of 'cstionn. Accommodating terms. Pianos of other makes to suit the most economical. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Wareroonis, 9 N. Liberty street. Factory E. Lalayctte Ave., Aiken and Lanvale Street. Baltimore, Md. oct 21 ly. FOR LOVE. He I understood she married him for his money? She No; it was for love. Ho Love, indeed I She Of course. Love of his money. Detroit Free Press. II.! Ul i I1 ,m' Mums Bought Baari Uta Binatare of 1 lie problem la not lo get education out uf politics so much as to get educa tion into the politicians. The pulpit easily heoumea for pride. "" " platform HARPER I BEST FOR THE BOWELS If mn havpn't rt-iriilar, hcalihy nioTdinont nf thi bowHi vwrjr drty, jou'io 111 or will lit. Ui'p yuitl boweli mien, ami ba well. Foreivin lt- nhii-uuf vio v...t i,hit.. .,r nill noiioii. 1st dntiireiSjiii. Tho imooth t, tfci'iftat. mat M'rffftaj ot IwiIub lb i! buwult CANDY SCIENTIFICALLY Diiiilled NATURALLY AGED, ABSOLUTELY PURE, Best and Safest for all uses. For Sale By W.D.SMITH. Weldon,N.C. OneRlnute Cough Cum For Coughs, Cold and Croup. mlffim W-E-BEAVAS- k VwVWWWWVV DltUGS. CHEMICAL8. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Dnaiaant Palatal, I PnteUt . TeYltd flood. PoOood Kevur Sk-kew, Watkon, or Urtp, W, tt. bik) W nuti Cer bttz. Write for Cr cample, and buoklai oi ttalth. Address U ITIEUKQ HKMI-H CWiriKT, fHiriOO OW TOM. KEEP YlOR BL000 GLEAN DltUGS, CHEMICAL8, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, TOILET SOAP, ALL KINDS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS, PIPES, ETC. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night. DE. STAINBACK, .KflTIRV PIIC I IP I iiv, mil uuliwi iWiUxw, N. C I aVRoanoka News Office. W. k. BEAVANS, Piurmaoiht, ENFIELD K. C. Store 'Phone 13 residence 41-3 8151y.