OHF "W. SLEJDGKE, proprietor. A. NEWSPAPER IF OK, THE PEOPLE. TEPm:S:-i m pkk annum in advanck f()L. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 28. 1902. NO. 16 I The Kind Ton Rave Always Bonght, and which ha been In um for over 30 yean, has borne the signature of , and has been made under his per- f7f-f. sonal supervision since Its Infancy. CtCA44 Allownn nn iiWlv vrntl In this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ai-jrood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Intents and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeverinlincRS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CouBtipatlom and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Corn Cttliri-lnfutii, DiwrlMU.DyHiiUry, ana) thi Bawll Trouble. Aids Digutioa, RijuUlu Um Bowels, Strength the Child tnd Makte TEETHING EASY. iOr Mil It U U C. J. MOFFITT. M. D. ST. LOUIS. MO. ATLANTA. Oa., Mot. Iff. ItOO. ! W. kan aaaalAl Dr. IdM'l TCKTHINA (TamaIai Poxtel) m timet In t.l lAlndiuaoa k lb. paala. Ad Inwl. A. A pr.prl.IAr BMdlclfta, AM our WAd. I. II In AUMttv lA.rAMM irual jmi w rw ..ui ear erwn i AAwu.lto twAftr lAr. Attkdrad .roM Mr .Mr. whlAri I. A rrr lUOAA.f M.ac.aT lu rarit.n4 IM .AlUfArtloA A) glim. loth. muUmt. mt tt. AMi.trr, lot that ia, noising .IwlAAlly WAAUrAvIA Um ibeH af IA..wAr't . MAAMAirUAVINMASlBCiafl.lMIWUllAa. , IM LAMM, m AA.AIII IM. W OT.MM iCTUTMIHO POWDIW)! Costs ObIj 25 cats it Druggists, The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Orders Solicited 2 8 It We 811 Only To Merchant. THE WELDON 0 ROCERY CO , WSLDOS, N. C. i 9 OS .U. i EicclwiDr Printing Co.. m LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PACKET HtftUS.llnhuTO, m ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, POSTERS, M m INVITATIONS. ft fw orders receive prompt andw $ careful attention . 3$ Tli Bsai of Ws, -:sWELD0N, IN. C.lR- Orianized Under The Lai. of tie State of. North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. 8TATK OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY, HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OK VYKLDON DEPOSITORY. $26,000. CIPITIL 110 SURPLUS Uhrith Pop tan ihn thia mifirtirinii baa twnvidml bankia fuilitlM for tkLl ftAtHion I l.-.. fi i j; l i :i .in-j k- i : !. r I in HOOKDOiueri inu airevtori nirs uata meuiiueu win, tuv uu.ihcat luiviwie vi lUlirussd Nartbtmptos eoaiiiies fur Din; yrari. Muse; is lotsM upon ep prored leouritj it the legal ru of lotereat sis per oeDtum. Aooouoti of ill ere. eolioiled. Preeident: Vioe-Preeident: CeeLier; W. E. DANIEL Da. J. N. RAMSAY, W.B.SMITH, i Seaboard, Northampton oourty, N. C. DID YOU ' SAY DRINKS P Well joo will Sod the ohoioeet brsnds of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY end Sparkling nines, Where, Youk? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, WubiogtoB Are., WELDON, . H. O. Full Um gwcsrlM slwsji os hnd. HEARING AND DOING, Operations Count More With Qod Than Opinions. "And every obe that hearelb Ibeae jiDsi of Mine and doelb tbem not bill be likened nolo a foolish man which built hie bouee upon Ibe rand." Salreliuo eomee by (eith end feiih by heario)!, but iheie are enoie fere faithful hearera who will never know aalvation thry bear, bul do not heed. The parable of the two buildem.oo the rock and on the ud, it ibe applioalioo of the Sermon on the Mount. It ia at though the Maelcr eun anticipate lhoe people, even of this day, who are to occupied with admirioji that wondeiful ditcuuree that the; have do time to put it into pi eel ice. Applica tion ia the beet evidence of appreciation Admiration will not iomie ealvalioo. There are many who aay, "All the relig ion I need ia in the Seimoo on the Mount." That ia ihiuiih one thould aay, "All the food I need it in tbe lard er," and then ibey ahould lock the door and throw the key away. No man oeedt to worry about any more religion until he bat exhausted that contained in this termoo. But be might at well bave bis religion iu the Kt-jptiau Book of tbe Dead aa in I hit Sermon on the Mount if he never laket if out and puta it ioto practice. He who build bit hopes of bit aesthetic capacity for admiog tbe lay ioga of Jerus ia building them on the aod What Ood wantt ia not men and women who can nod tbeit heada is agree ment with the preacher 'i leotimenta or tit with a rapt expreteion ofijmpathetic appreciation i f the leimm on ibeir facet and go home raving, 1 What a love ly discount I ' He want, men ind women who n prett ll.iir appreciation of the beauties of truth by their application of ita duties. Optrati..oa count more with God than opinion. Woik iatrue worship. At the Ian you will not be a-ked your eM ail e of the lihil, oratoiical and aeoti- menial rpiiliiit of ( l.u-t a great terouu Tbe great Aivhiliot will out aek your opinion of II i dmiD and plans; H will want tone the hue yuu bave built according tu those plant or other wi e Tbe man who doea no more than to admire the plana that Ol d hat drawn builds no more than a hi ute of air on ibe sands of his iuiupinuliiin. What bad lie to show? It will ool d'i then t aiy, "Lord, I waa alwaja one of the first to tsy, Lord, Lord, ii d to ripre.s my admitation of Chiiat aid Ilia teail.ii'ga" God will ask Tor the tmildirg rrtclrd by your oh. die nee Nomaukoowa lat any truth ia worth till he tele it lu wurk. Your doo Irioe you burl dt mi o.trate. Prove it by livii g ai d ibe wi lid will lake chances on ita log ie. Tbe nuiha that Chiist spoke are God'tdeito and plan for tbe edifice of Irue liting. You run brirjg twenty people to accept these plana by erecting ihe Miucluie ofyiurtwn life tquarely and ex.ctly upon them before you could make tine single m.uI aecepi tbem by your edmiraii.iu and aruuii nla for them, What God wanir iind tl i world needa is a I hrUiiaiiiiy list l grown up tut of admiration intu tu nlati' n. aA Cbrii- lianity thai din uu rr than aise about love and piety, tl at l,ia ihem; that not only propoui ds principle, but also practices them. The chunli baa been too long like the lad ho thinks be hat solved the prohhm nf rtrpetoal motion, ton proud of the theory to Hoop to prove if, she must l ui'd no nvoreoo the saudt 1 1 lentimcntil admiration o'f truth, but on the lock of leal application. H. F. Pope, in Rtm'it Horn. 1118 SIGHT THREATENED. "While picnieing last month my 11 month bov waa poitoned by tome weed or plant," lays W. H Dibble, of Sioux City, Ia. "He rubbed the poison off his handa into hia eyea and for a while we were afraid hi would lose hit aiicht. Fi nally a neighbor recommended Dt; Will's Witch Hanil Salve Ihe nrt applica tion bellied him aod in a lew daya hi waa aa well as ever. rtr alto diseases cuts, burnt, aoaida, wounds, luseot ones. DeWiil t Wuch llavl Halve it sure nr, rteiiiivw niim at ones. newara of oouuteit"eil. W. M. Cohes. -VISIT OH WRITE-w The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AMD 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEKS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENEUAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD . PRESIDENT UAMAOER luSpeoial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. fits at a m nes Doalen In- Staple! ma Fancy1 -fru;ts. confectioreries. Crackary, Olaaa Tin, and wooden and wll lowwara. Alao Pratt't Horaa, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, aid Orovi'a $ TmUImi Chill Toade. Alexander'! Liver and Kidney Toole for pnrifyin the blood. Thii touic la wimnted or monir refnoded. R. M. FIJKNELL k BRO., (SuooeMori to J. L. Judkiu.) Vs. Wwhington An., Wsldoa, H, 0 ft 10 ly. If you would hit the urgtt, aim I lit tie ibove it. Every arruw that liei feeli the sllraetton of the earth Mall Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of tbe dlgealsnu sud digest all kinds (,. food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to curs. 1 1 allows you to est all the food you want. The nnwt sensitive itomanha can take It, By lu use many tbousinrts of dripeptici bave been cured after everything elie failed, li uneaualled for the lUmiach. Child' ren with weak slontschi thrive on it, First dots relievee. A diet annecewiary, Curt) all fttomaoh troubtot PraaaNdonli b; E. C. TiiWitt Ca, OHICAto ill It, ou.u biuvaia, mr AIUMS ah. m ' .. W.M. Cohen, Druggiat. to lC K THE LOST CAUSE. T- -, 00-00 '00-00 -X lines wBirrrn on ths sack or a conpedebats bill Representing nothing on Qod's earth now, And naught in the waters below it; As the pledge of a nation that is dead and gone, Keep it, dear friend, and show it; Show it to those who will lend an ear To the tale this trifle will tell, Of liberty born of a patriot's dreams, Of a storm-cradled Nation that fell. Too poor to possess the precious ores, And too much of a stranger to borrow; We issued today our "promise to pay," And hoped to redeem on the morrow. The days roiled by, and weeks became years, But our coffers were empty still. Coin was so rare that tlie treasury 'd quake If a dollar had dropped in the till. But the faith (hat was in us was strong, indeed, Though our property well we discerned, And this little note represented the pay That our suffering veterans earned. They knew it had hardly a value in gold. Yet as gold each soldier received it, It gazed in our eyes with a promise to pay, And every true soldier believed it. But our boys thought little of prize or pay, Or of bills that were long overdue, We knew if it bought our oread today, ' 'Twas the best our country could do. Keep it, it tells all our history over, From the birth of the dream to the last; Modest and born of the angel hope. Like our hope of success it has passed. "DON'T GO, JENNIE." The Sweet Singer Carried Him Back to His Boyhood Days. Dr Leo 0. Brougbtoo tellt this most triking incident aa it wat related to him by a friend from Cincinnati ; In that city there waa a pretty, young girl, i member of tbe church, who, on one occasion waa iovited by ber friend to accompany him on Wednesday evening to s theatre. It waa nothing new, but aometbiug whispered, "Don't go, Jeonie." Tbia peculiar aomething oontinued speak ing to ber, "Don I go. She wrote him s letter aod laid, "I can't go to the theatre to-night; there ia something that tella me not to go. "There came a letter laying, "It ia s splendid play." She wrote bim another letter laying tbe would go. Then she dropped down for an evening nap. She dreamed that the ingela came that night and found her in the theatre. She got up and wrote, "I am aorry to tell you, but I will have to break my engagement. I oan t go. That night Jeonie found herself in the church. She had been going to the theatre on Wednesday evenioe. The pastor walked up to her and said : "Jen nie, I am to glad to aee you at prayer meeting. I feel that the Lord hai some thing for you to do to-night." She laid, I tell you, I bave made up my mind. I am not going to another theatre. I don't believe it is right." The paator congratulated her upon it. In tbe course of the service he asked ber to sing. She went and stood it tbe piano tod nog "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." Her heart was on fire, aod the sang it tweeter than she bad ever done before. The congregation was dismissed, but there waa s young man who lingered about the door who was s stranger. The pastor went to the door and be laid "That waa the sweetest singing I ever heard. It carried me back to my boy hood daya, when mother used to siog to me. I am I bad boy, but I have made up my mind I am going to serve Christ right now." 'WEI'!!'"' iW'TWi'WBJim l TiTa THE FARMER'S LAMENT. ASTfeW'" '' aAi,AAMa.ayHWJ li4lAiiiWAi.j..i.A...i.t...ii.A.jJlti" LaVji a ia-S-jA tit awi i . I'm p-ittin' wearv. Mollv. of our visit here in town, Thoutrh daughter's done her very best to keep homesickness down, With sixty years spent on the farm, the town don't seem to be, Fer all its gayety and sich, the fittest place for me. It's true the guirl is married an' the boys is gone away, An home is sorter like ourselves a bit run down an gray But still I want to arit back there whar life flows slow an sweet With the bee hums in the meadows an' the pattridge in the wheat. I've read the volumes, Molly, my daughter's had me read; I've trone about the citv twice, an' all it's sitrhts I've sesd. But will you b'lieve it, lookin' down there on the cold an' slush There comes a flood of memories an' a sort ot suent nusn. I see the children romrjin' round the premises once more, An sproutin' jonquils in the yard an' roses by the door, An' then I somehow hear, 'twixt me an' noises ot tne street, The bee hums in the meadows an' the pattridge in the wheat Will T. Hale, in New York Times. YESTERDAY. W. D. NK8BITT. It is not far to Yesterday, And there we turn our eyes To where the good, glad memories In pleasing pictures rise, The faded roses of today GroTr red and rich vithdsw. And where gray clouds are spreading now We see the skies of blue. Just down the way is Yesterday There sunshine always beams; Today we close our eyes and see Our Yesterday in dreams, Today we hear the long-dead song, And now we understand Its cadence, and know why it made Our Yesterday all grand. A little way to Yesterday Today may have its fears; Yet yesterday it filled with smiles. Tomorrow has its tears Today tomorrow What of them, When we can find the way That leads us to the golden land The land of Yesterday 1 It is not far to Yesterday, With glamour of the rose; With haunting echo of the song That thrilled us to the close. Tomorrow and today w ill lose Their darkness and their gloom, And each will soon be Yesterday, With melody and bloom. TO MY FRIENDS. It ia with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon be ing advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor bad dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told bim to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I rec ommended it. George W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of tbe digestive organi. Kodol. tbe great reconstructive tonio, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia. Kodol digeste any good food you eit. Take a dose alter meala. W. M. Cohen. A BRAVE BOY. He Came Back At Night To His Bivouc Untouched. Tbe Well-Spring tells the following atory of s real hero who wore the gray during the late war: The day after the battle of Fredericks burg, Kershaw's brigade occupied Mary'i Hill, and SykeV division lay ISO yards ahead, with s stone wall between the two forces. The intervening sptce be tween Sykes' men and the stone wall wat ttrewn with dead, dying and wounded Uoion soldiers, victims of the battle ol JJ7"y TUIUfiffPHS mi in; uciiiii, lim.il icui nnu rjy, a p,yn, IaaW1sJ, their groans and agonizing cries of Beauty is woman's greatest charm. Th "Witerl water I" w..rm a. orea wauurui wonien. A pretty "General, aaid a boy-sergeant in gray tliisiwer. What can be done to perpetu- i'T .n'i Ai.rxt iViia " I a,e Uie ra( 0,1(1 keeP women beautiful. - - ...... , Ti1(-1 : , , . . , , , .... I "-' u.mn un;n wr LllllUICTl ttUU UU "What is the matter, Sergeant, asked 1 culture,! women in the crisis. Husband! the General. I b""""1 inveaiiaie uiu remedy in order "I cant atand hearing those wounded with which children can be bom and Yankees crvine for water: mav I eo and ""'y of form and r! retained. j , jo I - v . give tbem some?" Mother s Jt riend 'Kirkland," laid the General, "tbe s tlie name b7 wl"c" tins preparation it1 ' I L-Itnwn T, rllmlntkllna tl, nam atli. in .L. II Mil " f""" "'" " momeoi you step over iue wan, you u get a bullet through your head; the skir mishing has been murderous all day. "If you'll let me, I'll try it." "My boy, fought not to let you run tucb a risk, but I cannot refute. God protect you I You may go." "Thank you, sir," and with a smile on bit bright, handsome face, tba boy ser geant sprang away over the wall, down among the sufferers, pouring the blessed water down tbeir parched throats. After the first few bulled bis Christ like errand became understood, ind shouts instead of bullets rent the lir. He came back it night to bit bivouac, untouched. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me." i paiu i motherhood. Used throughout pregnancy it relieves morning sickness, curei lore breasts, makes clastic all tendons called noon to hold the expanding burden. Muscles soften and relax under Ita influ ence and the patient anticipates favorably the issue, in the comfort thus bestowed. mother' a hrlend is a liniment for ex ternal application. It ia eently rubbed over the parts so severely taxed, and being absorbed lubricates all the muscles. Druggists sell it for Jtr tier bottle. You may have our book "ftof herhood" free. IHE BSADFIELD REGULATOR CO, ATLANTA, IA. MORE TALK Mrs Crimsonbeak They say that woman, by getting into different occupa tions formerly monopoliied by men, ire reduoing the scale of wagea. Mr. Crimsonbeak Yes; that'a right; and I see now we've got women lawyer?. I'm glad of that. Why? Well, they'll charge lest and talk more. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow'l Soothing Syrup his been used for over sixty years by million! oi mothers for children, while teething, with perfect loooesi. It soothe, the child, softens the gums, illiyi all pain, eures wind oolio, ind ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every pirt of the world. 2a cent! bottle. Be sure ind uk fur "Mrs. Wine- low's Soothing Syrup," and taki so eth er kind. TOO QUEER TO PASS Yet, I still have the first dollsr I ever made, laid the gray haired passenger. The ideal rxcliimed the travelling ac quaintance. And bow did yon kiep it io long? It waa very iuiimreul, Iwiug uiy ui.l, ind I'd hive bid troubli in passing it IT NKKDS A TONIC. There are times when your liver noeds s tonic Don't give purgatives that gripe nd weaken. DeWitt'l Little Kirly Risen expel ill poiaoa from the system ind act u tonio to the liver, W. Soott DJl lilghlsod ive., Milton, fs., lays: "I hive carried DeWitt'l Little Early Risen with me for several yem and would not be without them." Small ind easy to tike. Purely vegetable. They never gripe or distress. W.M. Uoneo. PANAMA HITS- Wbit oo earth do you mean, her I mother asked, by urging your husband to I ge( one of those outrageously high-priced I Panama hats? Are you orazy to encour age Buch extravagance ? I shall want some more hata from time I to time myself, mamma dear, the tweet I voudz woman replied, and he hat al ways kicked to at the prices I pay. My darling I You always was such I hand for lookin' ahead. Let me kiss you. TOOK HIS CHOICE. No man is independent, in the strict est seose, however rich or powerful be may be. If i penon try to show his independ ence, he it not unlikely to meet with fail ure Thia wan once the case with the famous John Randolph, of Roanoke He had been atoppmg at a country tavern, and on leaving, the landlord said : Mr. Randolph, which way are you going?" The gruff Virginian replied: "I have paid my bill, and it's none of I your business." Half an hour later Randolph came to oroes-road, ind not koowiog which to take, he tent bit servant back to inquire. The landlord replied : "Tell Mr. Randolph that be baa paid hia bill, and he can take which road be pleases." OM GUARD. Keep an old gander, says a writer in a gardening piper, if you would protect young chicki from their enemies in tbe thipe of dogs, cats, crows ind .magpies. Tbi gentleman will be found of great use, shifting ill objeetiomble cbaracten with commendable promptness. Not only will intruder! be imirtly looked after, but the gander will make ai much noise as possi ble while performing hia duty, tbui giv ing the poultry keeper ind game rearer warning when all it not right. Paint on tbi roof will not strengthen thi fonndition. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. (hi mm Hati Always B3Sh: Bern tba 8iMtar0f IS.tELLOW.POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it rUlariai tlerm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope, it works day ana nleht. First, it turns vour com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ft ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. ii neglected ana wnen tnuis. Fevers, Night -Sweats and a gen eral break -down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison ana nave perfected Roberta Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, r-evers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. I nis u lair, I ry it. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS W Early Riser The) famous HUM pills. Biliousness Ml hut OMti voar valumbia CAflCAa RETS una 11 nd them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used tbem foraotne lime for 1 DdlRestioa tnd blliounnrRs and am now com Bietoiy cured, iiecommena luem. to every one. nee tried, you will never bo without them tu the family. Edw. A. Maux, Albany, N. Y. CANDY THADI MAJM I PlMUnt Palatattlav Prwant ! at (Iai-u fWi Good. Sam Htckeu. Weaken, or Um. Use, be', Mm. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... fcwt UT CeAey, tTfcWf, UmUtwi, w last. Mt Mn.Tfl.Rlf" B")d mD4i tuarantewl bj alldruc- U'IUDAW gksuto CX'JtKlobaoMllat).t: Dizzy? Then your liver Isn't acting well. You suffer From bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. Wnut nmr niouitu. lie r bettl ItMfclitul trwn or rich blav-. " ltu ua for the i, N. M, BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtf. Hail A CO , OVERCONFIDENCE. ill ill The mm who thinks he knows it hippy for i limo. For him thi light! ire brilliiot ind the iaIa ara all anhima But when the lid awakening comes this life seeini very rough, And then he envies simple folk who never mike i bluff. HARPER ,0 THE GREATER BURDEN. 'It there inything birder to bear than real tiouble?" I isked of the intellectu al man who nt next to me in the tmoker. "Only imaginary trouble," he replied. From bis anawer 1 knew that 1 was correct in my lurmiae. He wis indeed t member in good Minding of the Phi losophers' union. NOT GUILTY. SCIENTIFICALLY Diitillsd NATURALLY AGED, ABSOLUTELY PURE, Beit and 8afeat for ill uses, For Sale By W.D.SHim Weldon, N.O. Didn't I see my butbind kissing you? I n-.r--..a r-. Qoodneas, no, mum. I wouldn't be wir,.i..iowu.. w eaught deid kiting ,uoh . looking f.ng Ctyupht, CMt antl Crwtp. at him. n E.tTAINBACK. KOTART PL3LIC. ' ,Vsi.dok, N. 0 Roanoke Newt Offloa. OAHTOni Hur. ,u a H Cm too Hi A!n BoujM