f OHiST "W. SLB'DQ-Hl, PROPRIETOR. A. 2sT E "W SPAPBB IF O 12, THE PEOPLE TElRILLSr-M-SO PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE f()L. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1902. NO. 17 b-tt it'T ij i t t n " wiflnflflj I 11 AViCetabie Prepnrationror As similating itjcFoodnndHetfula twg the Stoiaachs and Bowels of I'romolcs DigeslionCheerfur ncssandRcst.Coittaliw nelllier Onhim.Morphine norrlineral, Not Marc otic. ynfOUBrSiMXLPtraaR fimyJtmSwi- Mx.sm Mm Urn (feW.Sw Aperfecl Remedy forConsUpa- lion.suur siuowcn.uiarmoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish rtess and Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signatur of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AAV IF In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTOISIA VMt ihtawii MWMin, nr. r l l2J Corn Cfioleri-lolmluB, Diarrhoea, LyHntery, and lh Bowel Troublti of Children of Ant Hot. Aldi Digestion, Regulates tru oowtis, atrenttnta th Child ind Makes TEETHING EASY. or mm ts mil u e. J. MOFcrrr. m. d t, louib, mo. ATLANTA. Ha.. No.. IS. 1D0O. I W. kin auaia Dr. KHr.lt'. TEKTRINA (ltttMai Poar.) mr (lira In ir.l l.lroducti... to th. pnalb) fed Ind. a. a pfnpriUfr raaaktna, and oar Irail. (a il nil atwdilr lacrauad from rvat lo paar aaUl our ord.ra rwaaraa.ttatwoot lara aaaaraafroup.rr.ar, waton hinrr .Iron .Tldaaoaof tumrrltand th. aall.fcUoa B .11.1 tola, atoihan of lha coast,.. f.r Ui, aolBlng a .ffattaaTlr caaataracta la. .Sacta of laa .aauBar's JM aaa ar aaaneaM, aa aalealf UN tmalaa l.rlO.iil ia tMlaiaf. f THR LAalAH BASKIX DRrjO 00- Waala.aH DraKkta. t -- S B J ((TEETH I NO fOWOIIU)! Costs Only 23 cents at Druggists, A SKULL FOR "HAMLET." The Odd Manner In Which the Elder Booth Acquired One. The elder Booth acquired a nkull for use in "flatulet" in to odd manner, ac cording to a Hory In Soon and Heard. The tragedian, somewhat io hii oupn, waa Iravolinu near Louisville when lie I took a hoim from a fluid and rodo off itli it, Horse stealing at that time waa capital offense in Kentucky, and the greatest home thief waa man named on! nine. Bjoib waa anon overtaken ml when asked where he got the aniiusl id: "1 captured him in a field back here." "Indeed I" laid one of the laimcri. And what might j'odr name be?" Mj name ia Fontaine," said Booth. without a smile. "routaioer ejaculated both turn ai-l ultaoeously, ''Then you ire the Terj man wo want, touio back to town with ii "Uerlainly," aaid Booth in the moat good iislured manner, and, wheeling hie liorae, he rode baek to Louisville with hit piora. ihe out jail waa then io oharge ol a Colonel Tliomin, who knew Booth we We havo brought you Fontaine, the orrt thief, and claim the rtward," (aid the farmera proudly, addressing the jailer "Where ia he?" they were were asked Booth wa produced. "Why, what doca thii mean, Mr. Booth?" asked Thomas. "I haven't the slightest idea," taid the great tragedian, with the utmoat implicit;. "I met theae two men with thia hone, and they insisted upon giving it to me. I cues, they dole it. I think one of them ia Fontaine." The ruslioa were about to be locked up when by the most singular coincidence man rushed to the priaon door on horse. baok and ahouted out the information that the real Fontaine had been taken into ouatody. Booth made Fontaine's acquaintance in jail, and the horse thiel who waa eiecuted later, left by will hii kull to 'be actor. The Weldon Grocery Co. ' WHOLESALE JOBllEIiS IN STAPLE & FANCYfe GROCERIES S waLW Sell Only To Merchant. ' Ordera Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 8 It wm.pnN, n. o. Excelsior Printing Co., WELIDOZSr, IT. C LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PICKET M c ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, POSTERS, ,w i.iwiTnTimie w sjfc Send us your orders. All . iM orders receive prompt and careful attention. mm. TtO'BankofW eta ,;-:WELDON, IN, 0, Organized Under Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, . . 1 AUGU8T20TH.1892. 8TATK OF NORTH CAROLINA DKP0S1T0RY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DKPOSITORY. I CIPITU IND SURPLUS $26,000. ' For tea yean thia Institution hat provided banking facilities for thia aeclioa Itaatockholderaaod direotors bve been identified with the busiaen intereau of llalifsi and Northampton ooonlies for many jfara. Monty Is loaned upoa p Airaved seauriiv tt th Imal rale of intercut ail cer ccutuui. Aooouata of all ara. Solicited. President: Vioe-Preeidcnt: Cashier W. K. DANIEL Da. J. N. RAMSAY, W. R. SMITH . Seaboard, Northamptoa-oouDly, N. C, . -)iDp mm . -. J. J. . J u . . . i SYDNOR k HUNDLEY, for value true, ara unsurpassed the city througU fielding to bob, for atylea, th choicest FURNITURE wait for yoTJ" "Durable and elegant, ornate or plain, auoh Suite elsewhere wa aeek ia ni2 ?Toted for UPHOLSTERY, here wa find a grand collection of arerj kin3 Ormcotal DRAPKRIF.9, it is known well, in perfect taste, they eioeXj H'ghtat 711 K. Broad 8t.,of MIRRORS & PICTURES, thettook'a omplet SC li beauty & quality we can rely on all SYDNOR k HUNDLEY do tuppfY I This great store is 709-71 1-718 I E Broad street. Richmond, Va w-VISIT OB WEITE-w The Petersburg Furniture Co., 2; AND 207 N. RYCAMOKK ST. PETERSBURG, VA. f fTf-l f 11 I j) lUa I I Sr. 1 LINGERING tUMMEK COLDS. Don't let cold run at thii season. Sum. met eolds are Ihe hardest kind to cure and if neglected may linger on for I monlha, A lung aeige like thia will pull down the strongest censtitution, . One Minute Cough Cure will break up tba at tack al unite, sate, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, II throat and lung troubles. The chil- dien like it. W. M. Cohen. Nature hatra monopolies and eioep. lions. Men are reepeotable only tin y spevt. Obedienc gives th right to command. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Thia preparation contains all of the dliiestunU and dlgesu ail kinds of food. It gives InsUut rellrrand never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food vuu want. The most sensitive stoniarha can take it. By iw use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren wnn weak summons tnrive on n. First dose relieve. A diet unnecessary. Cures fell stomach troubles PrvpandorjIvbT F. C. PiWitt Co., OblfafJO 'AD,u.oiHuecuDwoaai uduhuwdk. aw. . M. Cohen, Druguist. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD I PRESIDENT it MAMAOER HsUspecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. w nuunoci zz - (IV nill.nOLL LLLi EDGAR ALLAN POE. It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know, By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by fie sea; But we loved with a love that was more than love I and my Annabel Lee; With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sua, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee; So that high-born kinsman came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulcher In this kingdom by the sea. The angels, not half so happen in heaven, Went envying her and me; Yes! that was the reason (as all men know, " In this kingdom by the soa) . That the wind came out of the cloud by night Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than love Of those who were older than we Of many far wiser than we; And neither the angels in heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so all the night tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling my darling my life and my bride, In the sepulcher there by the sea, In her tomb by the sounding sea. U l.Purnell & Bro p........ Dealer In Staplel ana Fancy FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES. Crackrry, Olam Tin, and wooden and wll- low arara. A laa i'ntU Hon. Uaw, Hoc tnd Poultry Food, and Orove'a X Tasteleu Chill Tonic Alexauilrr'e Liver and Kidney Tonie for pnrilyiu I th blood. Thia touie ia warm n led oi I Bionev refund). R. M. PURNELL & BRO . (Suocessora to J. L Judkins.) Ha. lft Washington In., Wsldoa, N C apr in 1 , DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will flod the ehoioast brand of RYE, PURE OLD I APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wioea, Where,YouAskP WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, ..N.C. Full Ua grootria a! way aa hud. "j'-ti-''"-',---" p .-v-p tai i tjwpoup wawsp ma w. .utfau.aKvcp t.( "I'M COINS TO, ANYWAY." fMiBtaHa:B'TCfBri-jFpa -mfmT1xmfvumm-e. S. W. GILLIAM When you' v set your head to do it, When your judgment says you're right, When your conscience gives its sanction, Then pitch in with all your might. Don't let anything prevent you, Though the odds seem big and strong; Every obstacle must vanish As the swift days roll along If vou set your jaw and say: "Well, I'm going to, any wayl" , What's this life that we aro living, But a mighty hurdle race ? Every obstacle encountered 1 Makes you quicken up your pace TiM, with mighty bound triumphant, You come safely to the goal You had toiled for you had longed for, In the center of your soul. When you set your jaw to say: "Well, I'm going to, anyway 1" While the whole world loves a lover, Yet it loves a winner best: Loves the man, who, till he conquer. Stops not e'en for sleep or rest. Oft he may be worn and haggard, Ofen he may weary be, Yet the lion heart within Has been as firm as rock since he Set his quiet jaw to say : "Well, I'm going to, anyway !' 0 the loose-hung jaws encountered In the course of but a day 1 0 the lives devoid of purpose, 5 That we find along the wayl ; They the weaklings are, who know not What strong faith and will may do; : Know not that tho world's a servant To the man who's game and true And we sots his jaw to say; "Well, I'm going to, any wayl" W THIS TIME. fA FRANK L. STANTON. I. This time is the good time: Youth is far away, But we can't forget the pluces where the old times usod to stay The valleys and the violets tho meadows of the May The starlight, and the dreams that made the morning! II. This time is tho good time: Earth fair with sun and dew; But we can't forget the places that to youth were sweet and new When Love was yet your sweetheart, and said sweet est things to you The starlight, and the dreams that made the morning! III. This time is the good time: But oh, the time that's past 1 Far now the shadows deepen, and bitter bites the blast! Do you think we'll ever reach a home as sweet as that at last The starlight and the dreams that made the morning? HUNTING HIS WIFE'S FAN. Talk About A Needle In A Hay Stack, It's Notlnng Com pared To Looking For A Lost Fan. FIND THE SUNNY SIDE, Try to Get Out of the Gloom and the Shadows of Life. "Tom, dear," said Mrs. Newlywed the other evening just as they were about to leave the house for the theatre, "I've left my fan on the dressing case in my room, and I can't go without it. Won't you run up and get it, tbat'a a dear ?" Tom went up three atcpa at a time. A moment later his voice was heard aw fully sharp for a man who had been mar ried but three months. "It isn't on the dresser." "Why, yes, it must be, dear. Look in the upper drawer in that long blue box in tho left-hand corner. Don't muss things all up. Is it there?" "No, it isn't." "Oh, it must be. Look good. Found it?" "tfo, I haven't." "Well, don't get oross about it. Maybe I left it on the bed. Is it there ?" "No. I'll bed " "Tom I If you don't do a little favor for your wife without swearing about it, you needn't do it all. Look io the second drawer of the dresser in that pink box. Is it there ?" "No, it isn't, and I knew it wasn't be fore I looked I" "You didn't know anything of the sort I Do find it some place. We're late now. Maybe it's on Ihe mantel. I know I laid it down some place while I tied my bonnet, Is it on the mantel?" "No, it ia not on the mantel. I'll be eternally V, "Tom I If you don't stop, I'll take off my things and stay at home I If you'd look for the fan instead of pranc ing around you'd find it. See if it ia io my bonnet box. Some timca I drop it in there. Found it?" "Found it ?" snarled Tom, jeeringly. "Talk about a needle io a haystack! It's nothing compared to a " "Tom Newlywed I Just aa sure aa you speak that way again I II stay at home. Look on the chairs and the table and what are you doing op there, any how? Upsetting things and kicking over ohairs and growling like soma wild ani mal. I'd be ashamed. I suppose I shall have to come up and hunt for tho fan myself, tired as I am. Can't you find it?' "Find nothing. A man might aa well hunt for the North Pole or Captain Kidd'l treasure or some particular grain of sand on the bottom of the sea, aa to look for-" "There, there I Stop making such pitttul spectacle ot yourseit. it l were a man, I'd be a man t Look in the oloet oh, here's the fan. I declare if it hasn't been lying here on the hall rack all the time. 1 remember now that laid it dowa when Tom Newlywedl I'd be serving you right tl 1 dido t go a step with yon. Using auoh language Come oa. I auppos yoa'll snarl and sulk all th way down Iowa I" And ha did. Nothing contributes more to the high est success than the formation of the habit of enjoying things. Whatever your calling io life maybe, whatever mis- THE THIEF OF BEAUTY TS" Captured by Bradfleld'a Regulator. Tin u.s .in. is of yonnir women ore awaking to the I. n t that inherited comlinens has L.:c i alulni, and instead of glowing cli.-.Ut :um tiri'Iit eyes, tlie tell-tale wrinkles of vain have taken their place. ' Tlie:.e are tlie warning feelinjysl Wealc an 1 1 1 in the morning, no lite to enter tijiori their former pleasures, irritable, ckos, d.ill licuvxlics, general dispirited feeliir,', slect)k-S3 nights, cold feeO 'bear- in;; ilmvn" pains. All these eymptonu indicate derunKcd and weakened organs, nn. I Mui.nisti il energies follow the weak ennl roiidit'n of the female organs aa surely aa nie.lit follows day. Save you. self front worse results by taking BRAD FIELD'S Female Regulator The most invigorating menstrual regulator iu the world. It relieves painful, profus, obstructed or suppressed menstruation, nervousness, licail.iches, etcetera. Beauty of face and symmetry of form arts the re- aultsot ilsuse. Utdrnggistafi. (JurDOOK, "Perfect Health for Women." free. fortunes or hardships may oome to you, IHE "iuuheld reouutoh co., Atlanta, aa make up your mind resolutely that, oome what may, you will get the most possible real enjoyment out of every day; that you will increase your capacity for enjoy ing life by trying to find the sunny side of every experience of the day. Reso lutely determine that yon will tee the numorous sido ot tbiogs. No matter how hard or unyielding your environment may seem to be, there is a. sunny side if you can only soe it, The mirth pro. voking faculty, even under trying oir- cumsianoeB, is worm more to a young man or woman starting out in life thao a fortune without it. Make up your mind that you will be an optimist; that there ahall be nothing of Ihe pessimist shout you; that yon will carry your own shine wherever you go. There is longevity in the sunny soul that eases our jolts and makes our aides shake with laughter. There is a wonderful medicinal effeot in good eheer. Good nows and glad ti- 1 . M. aings nave a magic ellect even upon in valids. We often see a whole store or factory or home transformed by one sunny soul. On the other hand, we have seen them blighted and made dark by a gloomy, morose, fault finding person. S VELLOW.POISOH io .wir biood ? Piiysltiane cail it rlalarUI Uertn. Itcanbeseen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day a:id nlnht. First, it tu'na your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching o.Misntions creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. f ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweata and a gen eral brexk-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you th:n but why Wftit ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre. vent and cure Chills, Fevers and malm Is. It has cured thoui anJs It will cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. i Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS, W Early Risen The famoua little pHU. BEST FOR THE BOWELS faitretnea meet 10 the fickle feuiimoe 1 px. e dy, you-r. m ur m b. Km youi fancy. The attractiveness of the Adonis r.VV:.ffi.t for women ia not to be compared with DY TO WEO THE UGLIEST MAN. There ara mora way of deserving punishment than there ra of est aping it. Poverty isn't so bad after all; it reader the doctor's visit, few and far between. Actions may speak louder than word, but you aan'l make a woman believe it. If a man baa Bathing alse Io apead be an spend bis vaoation at home. Aa anthusiaatio man loses his popular ity aa soon as people get oa to him. About tba worst examples a small boy ever meets with ara ia hie arithmetic FH OVKH BIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup bus been used for over sixty yean by millions oi mothers for children, while teething, with perfeot auooesa. It soothes the child, eottena the gums, allaya all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoaa. It will relieve tbe poor little aufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part of the world, zb cent a bottle. Besure and ask tor "Mrs. Wins low'a Soothing Syrup," and take ao oth er kind Prosperity and pound-oake ara for very young gentlemen whom such things content CASTOR I A Tor Infanti tnd Children. Ibi Kind Yoi Kan Always Bought Bears tha 81gQtura of that of the man who is so fearfully and wonderfully ugly as to serve as a living confirmation of the truth of Darwinian theory regarding the descent of man. A bevy of lovely Atnerioao cirls have 'formed a eociety, the object of which is to search the land for the ugliest men to be found outt-ide a museum, and, when found, to marry them as soon as possible. Ever since the time when Mirabeau the ugliest of all Frenchmen, had his host of female admirers really hideous men have been worshipped by wonfro. This extraordinary fondness of women for extremely ugly men is aeen when some especially villainous looking crimi nal, accused of a particularly atrocious crime, is exhibited io tbe dock and imme- uiaieiy oeoomea ine mot ot all the wo men who attend the trial. The more hideous his appearance and the fouler his misdeeds tbe moro eothusiastio is the worship of the women. "Re is delightfully ugly," said a pret ty girl, when asked what particular fuel nation a brutal criminal posseeeed for her. It ia a fact that ia all age and eoun tries Ibis atrange lemioiue tendency haa been strikingly demonstrated. No explanation that seems plausible bu ever been given. TAKE CARE OF THE STOMACH. Tha man or womaa whose digestion is p'ifeot and whose stomach performs ev ery funotioB is never tick. Kodol elesnsee, purifies sod sweetens tha stom ach and cures positively and permanently all atomaoh troubles, indigestion and dys pepsia. It ia tha wonderful reoonstruc- tiva tooio that ia making ao many aick people well, and weak peopU strong by conveying to their bodies sll of tht nour ishment in tba food they eat. Rev, J. H. Holladay, of Holladay, Miss., writes: I consider tha best remedy I ever used for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. waa given up by phyeieiaoe. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meals. m. Cohan. . . A -Y- , . r- -r , EAT ENI LIKE CANDY Pl.asant PkUtaililo. Potent. Tftlt Orvod. fo Good, Nt-ratr Sicken, Wktn. or Grip). 19, . end M eenli tar box. Write tot ri-e eemplc, end Low 1. 11 i eavlth AddrM US miiiN hum voirivf , rvtriM er tobc KEEP Yli'UR BLPODJCLEAN Liver Pills That's what you need: some thing to cure our bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Ayers Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. Waut your mnuatarlie or board i.Utiii brown or rich blivkl Tbtu un BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMir. I, ft, or DiwiiT. . f . hli. Ca .Num. a. H. Sincere and ha py conversation double oar powers. iHAuWRl ! Kj7 tNB W. U a easier to pick a fuss with your neighbor thao it ia to pick music out of a banjo. Sr,th. Sigaatut f I'OHIA, 1 lie Kind You Kits kmm I " Iw. , SCIENTIFICALLY Diitillid NATURALLY AGED, ABSOLUTELY PURE, Best and Safest for all asea. For Sale By W.0.S1BITH. WidoD,N.C. Cnef.r.nute Couli C;;ro For CoughB, Colda end Croup. D. E.STAINBACK, KOTJRY PUBLIC. ,Wi.Dot(,N. C Roanok Newa Office.

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