ir (lJM pep1 M (jaiai-iasa jt y k j istNUi ii JgJ DHU "W. SLS3DO-E, PROPRIETOR. .A 2SJ" "W S H? .A. IP E IS IF1 O 12. THE D? 3D O IP L 3D . TEIEIMIS-.-viM per annum in advance OL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1902. NO. 18 INTERVIEWING KILL Bachelor Statesman Talks Domestic Life. -VISIT OE WRITE-w The Fetershr? Furniture Co., A NEW WAY. HE HAD A BIG HEART. of How New York Women Are An Old Miner Who Was Mark Holding Their Skirts. Twain's Ideal Gentleman. the Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which ha been I in um for over 30 yean, has borne the tiirnatnre of I and haa been made nnder his per- I jj(J-7J-f-'- sonal inpervialon since Its Infancy. I Mf7y, 1-CtfCA4i xilow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jut-M-good,,are but : Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ! Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pan gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic subitanee. Its age is Us guarantee. It destroy 'Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation anil Vlarn1nn I8tomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Frleud. ENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of JTbe KM You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. UN mvm m ?f kwm armrt, i 1 Cum CJoltn-Mailt Diarrhou,DyKattry, aod the Dowel Troubles M Ckiliitft Ant a: Aids Dljulkm. Rcjulatts IM Bowels, MltngUWM the UIIM Hid MaKce TEETHING EASY. lor nil ii uti to o. J. MOPFrrr, m. d, st. louis, mo. atlaita. Ol. Mot. 111. lWa ft kara aaa4M Dr. Maf Ml', TIKTHIKi (TanSta. Pnkil mi rile, lu am latrodactlo. lo tb. p.bU Ma M pnarkaarr MM and oar ma. la II Cm Maadilr lacnaaaa itom jtu u Iw aalll oar ardara aiaoual to twa at tnraa aaadraa fro., pat taar, which la a varr .Irani evM.aae of lu mariland tha ati.f.aUo. M rltla. lo Ih awlhan af tha aowatrr. far thy ... aalhtag aa aSacuuuly aoaalancta Iha aflacla el Iba mar , IMaklf uattovbualacid.Bttaia.tBmi. , in i.j. n m unum vaua .iniii i(TUTHIN910WDIM)1 Costs Oily 3 cents at fraggists, The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBKliS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & eh.Wa Sell Only To Merchants. : I 11 1 wii in U ill's room it the Kidmi City niiioDileonveDiion of 1900." laid member of the group, "whon there oame I quiet lit Slat koock (id tha door, 'Coma Id.' said the Si-oator. in cipootatioo of nng a (li lt gaiiun from Teiaa or a po- io.l Iradrr from Alanka, otTering him tha l'rraidoolial oouiinaiiuo ou a (loldco allet Brjio'" frlcodd havloit gobbled a fllver one. "But in ulace of iheee free-hioded HDtltuien, there Hood a demure little woman of about 30, with notebook and pencil io haod. 'I have been lent, Sen- ator Hill,' iba laid, in a voioe in which there w.i a little hint of fear, 'by (be Kaosn City to write you, aeraonal- ly, and toll all about your looka, and your jmeatio and home life. . Now, won't you bo flood, and tell me all yon know?' "I never aaw Hill m uaed up aa be waa at that moment. 'I am afraid you will veto excuse me, madam, ir rather mise, be raid. 1 1 bere ta nothing to be laid abi ut me. Tou will have to consult my photograph! for my looka I have no habit; I am not what you would call a unieatio man in ahorl, auppoaa joo g j out and uk aome of my friend ? Theie u not a Ibiog I can tell about myself.' "Then the young woman looked np and aaid: 'I auppoae Mr. Croker could tell all about yon ?' Ob, yea,' aaid Hill, 'be'a jutt the man: ii tou can set him to let himself looae. he'll tell tou more about ma io s minute that I could io a week.' " 'But let me ask ycu ooa question, Senator. Did Mrs. Hill come with youf "No, mua, tesponded Hill, without a bint of a imilej 'Mra, Bill did not ac- eompaoy me on tbia trip. She don't take any interest in politic ' "I am aorry that I did nut aecure the story that aiirl wrote. It must have been interesting " Cleveland Plain Dealer LINGERING SUMMEIl COLDS Don't let a sold run at this season. Bum mer colds are the hardett kind to cure I d if neglected may linger on for months Ji Imu seige like this will pull down the strongest constitution. Una I Minnie Cough Cure will break np the at tack at once. Mate, sure, acta at once. Cures soughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, 1 all throat and lung troubles. The chil dren like it W. M. Cohen. 203 AND 807 N. SYCAMORE ST. Order Solicited. 3 8 ly THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WELDON, N. 0. 3ttt I Excelsior Printing: Co. if- WELIDOIT. IT. C.' ai "Rill artri PflnVof. TToaHci X Wedding Invitations,. ,Wjp Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc. H Send us your orders. All ,5ft- orders receive prompt and i. careful attention. j Tit Bank ii Wi, Orpiiel Under The Lais of tbe State of Horli Carolina. AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DR1K)91T0RY. HALIFAX COUNTY DRP08ITORY. TOWN OK WELDON DKPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ' $26,000. For law Yrt thle institution haa provided bankinc faoilitiaa for tbia seolion -v. HWhiHwmi am uinmui ( . uamoi ruviaiiiMna wiih tuw Tilifii and Northampton oountita for many years. Money roved aeourity at iha legl rata of intereat ail per eentum. lolieilad. I Preaidant: Vioa-Prwident: E. DANIEL. Da. J. N. RAMSAY, I . 8eeboard, Northampton oounty, N. PETERSBURG, VA. TP.. mm Ihjf, 1 fr lifer .Bir-" THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE. CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Aa Ja WIN FIELD, PRESIDENT MANAGES (.Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. L THE OLD FASHIONED BIBLE, r;i ." 1 i!i "i m i.i..yarfi-'",!FfM The true aervant u discovered maati r'l absenoe. in his How painfully pleasing the fond recollection Of youthful connections and innocent joy; When bless'd with parental advice and affections, Surrounded with mercies with peace from on high! I still view the chairs of my father and mother, The seats of their offspring as ranged on each hand; And the richest of books which excelled every other, The family Bible that lay on the stand. The old fashioned Bible; the dear, blessed Bible; The family Bible that lay on the stand. That Bible, the volume of God's inspiration, At morn and at ev'ning could yield us delight; And the prayer of our sire was a sweet invocation For mercy by day and for safety thro' night; Our hymn of thanksgiving with harmony swelling, AH warm from the heart of the family band, Has raised us from earth to that rapturous dwelling Described in the Bible that lay on the stand, The old-fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible; The family Bible that lay on the stand. Ye scenes of tranquility, long have we parted; My hopes almost gone, and my parents no more; -In sorrow and sadness I live, broken-hearted, And wander unknown on a far distant shore; Yet how can I doubt a dear Saviour's protection, Forgetful of gifts from his bountiful hand! O let me with patience receive his correction, And think of the Bible that lay on the stand. The old fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible; The family Bible that lay on the stand. New York women are holding their "The finest gentleman I ever knew," skirts in a new way, and wearing dainty said Mark Twain in a chat with a repor little tiea with high heels, and ahowiog a ter one day, "waa an old California miner gleam of one ankle very discreetly. It who oould barely write Lis own nsme, does look Parisian, and it's a very fsaoi- He waa a forty-niner, and he and bis nating sight tooatoh these shy little dis- partner had struck it rich in the early plays two or three to a block whenever days. The old man had neither chiok you are out. nor ohild, and he had worked hard a! "You want to know bow it it done, so hit life, and when he did get his money that tbe effect ia just the sama with all be hardly knew what to do with it. the wonienr "He did not try to jump into society "Well, first, there is the way tbe skirta or to push his way with the 'big follows' are made, which ia now. Instead of any- therei He continued to live with the body wearing a lined skirt, everybody people whom he bad associated with all now wears underneath tbe skirt of tbe life, and many an act of kindness was gown a drop akirt of silk. This drop done, many a waoderiog sod and father skirt generally haa three flounces, ae- aaved, many a sorrowing woman's burden oordion-plaited and of chiffon. lightened and her home brightened by "On tbe bottom of each (ounce is a an unknown donor whose identity with chiffon ruching to make it stand out still tbe old man waa only known to a few more. "It was different with tbe partner. Then, to get the best effect of all this He had a wife and two daughters with dare out and to show the dream of a Mcial aspirations, and after a whole lot drop akirt, we hava to hold up a corner of pushing and hauling and shoving they in the Paris fashion. To do that just landed in society. The expense was too right and not a quarter of an inch too mncn of a drain on the husband's purse much ia a woman'a triumph. land he speculated, with tbe inevitable If the lifting was an inch indiscreet outcome. He lost bia entire fortune and abe would see women staring at her in- then shot himself. ' Then it was that tbe stead of giving ber a glance of approval, true gentleness of tbe old man ebowed "The way we do it is, of oourae, be- itself. The widow and her daughters fore the long mirror before no go out. had no one to turn to but bim, and be With my left hand I catch tbe outer I did not disappoint them. He aaved their akirt, lift it a couple of inches, then grab borne for them when everything else through at the drop skirt and carry that went onder tha hammer, and ha main. np till till it ia just right. lamed them in all the regal style to "What do I do if I have to let go? which they were aooustomed, although he Well, I try not to let so. But if I do I astill lived in bis old lodgings. He lived have my instinct, and there are the deep I long enough to aee both of the girls well plate windows that are every woman's I married and the mother carefully settled mirror. I for life. Then he died in a charity hoa- "Aod if I can't get a elanoe in at one I Piul 10 " Francisco. He had spent of thoae I know iiint how much nf mi every penny be owned on tbe family of ahoe ouiibt to show aa I look down I " partner." St. Louis Republic that measures tbe height of the lift With me see looking straight down, II I can fee of my left foot ia up to tbe buckle. 'Then the stockings, too, are part of the (fleet which you remember from Paris invariably open work. Only bere in New York you don't see a cor reotly dressed woman weariog any but a black stocking. 'Besides we don't wear shoes of the f I I. A V I STORK TIW1E vomeu serious to moi l an ill; ami GW With tlie ccsiiutiim of pain necensury to dnMlmtli, there comes calm nerves, sleep anil recuperation. MOTHER'S FRIEND does diminish the paiu .accomponyiuj maternity. With its aid mothers can an do bring healthy, sweet dispositioned and ideal babies into the world. Mornini; sickness, sore breasts and ex cruciating pains caused by the gradually expanding organs, are relieved by thil penetrating and relaxing liniment. Among tlie man now ams io cnuuDinu Mother's Friend bus grown in popularity and gained a prestige among rich women as well as poor; it is found and welcomed in tlie mansion as well as in me cautn. r . lly lessening the mother's agony of mind and diminishing pain a beautiful influence " " is wrought upon the child, and instead of peevish, ill-tempered and sickly forms you have healthy, laughing humanity, remain ing a Messing ever to you and its country. All UmpKl!:: Bell Mother's Friend at J1.0O. Write for our trea Book "Motlarloaal'p THE BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, O VJ 3L X A. m Bain tb ) 1 " I'J" Al "ara BaugM The bitterest rod may aweetret comfort. diive to tbe u nw nin vn mr cc nw IfV nil ULUi IUUI1U ILLLUIIi .Cj L F. L 8TANT0N. JERUSALEM IN MINIATURE, Proposed Model of the Holy City for the World's Fair, to Be held at St. Louis. The Rev. E. Morris Furgusson, gener al secretary of the New Jersey Sunday School Association writes as follows to the World's Fair authorities concerning I.L- 3 3l f T I P .L - ig walking last any more, except in the lno ProP08ea moae' 0"" ,u" flminlrv. Th tt a shnn. with th h oh pw ' e I i.iyt. i i . - o.3 1 1 heels, is essential to the nrettv effect. It -oig''J enougn.tue ouuuay ecnoo. r - -- , . . . n isn't ever wom.n who eon venture In do ,orOT "J 10 """'" " ' I i- i j i i :n L. this; she who can-well, she doesn't have n"e reB(""a a ,ne raH"u,,0D Pruu" ' ' 111. l . I II ,1 , IH.JJI. to study hard bow lo bold her skirts. J Pre""-10 nola ,ne Sre" " orla "Aa to all that cloud of lingerie that 0 " O0D001 onD" 0'" n l.!.PT I. ' AA A the Parisienne knows how to flash so 0,l7 01 -"usaiem, pron.uiy .. .y xiv. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th'a preparation contains ill of the dlgeaUnU and dlgcsU all kinds of I lood. it gives instant, relief ana never falls to cure. H allows vou to eat all the food you want. The roost sensitive stomachs can take It lly Its use many thousands of dvdDeDtlcs have been cured after everything else failed. Is I unequalled for the sumiach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on tt. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cuius all ktomach trouble Prepared oIt bj R. C. DiWitt Co., Otalcaao 'i'u Si. noiue cwiiaiM i)t limes u wc. turn. W M ('olien, Drugeirt. . M.Purae Hh i No doubtm' of the sayin' though it comes from fur away A fellow never older than what he feels todayl Do you think I clean forgit My youth an' dreams of it f You jest tune up that fiddle, an' you'll find me dancin' yit! You reckon I've forgotten her the sweetheart of the past An' how I held the hand o' her, an' whispered'Love 11 last?" You give me, now, the ehance, Whar these young 'uns romp an' pranco, An' I'll take her sweet gran'children, an' I'll swing 'em in the dance I III. No use in givin' over Though my young days are gone, Praise Qod, I'm in the ring yit, an' still a-holdin'onl Do you think I cMan fergit ? That I've lost my will an' wit ? You just tune up that fiddle, an' you'll find me dancin' yitl dexterously, yon will never see tbat in Fifth avenne. The self-consciousness of that is too obvious to oommeod tbe trick to so American woman'a taste. The American woman cares too much to pre. serve her mystery." "Yes, I know about that," the man put in, "reticence differentiate! all of you from the Paris woman. But, neverthe less, you certainly show a vivacity ou the wuaiHa is loaned upon Aooounta of all P-are. C. Cashier. W. R. SMITH. i D 1 LIU D IS i I f 3YDN0R i nUNDLEY, for values true, ire unsurpassed tbe eity througH Yielding to soae, for styles, tha choicest FURNITURE waits for yoTJ Curable and elegant, ornate or plain, auuh Suites elsewhere wa seek in vai" Uoted for UPH0L8TERY, here wc And a grand eolleotioa ef every kiaj Ornamental DRAPERIES, it is known well, ia perfeot taste, thsy eioeXj IK,ightat 711 R. Broad 8t, of MIRRORS PICTURES, the stock's aompletEl ,5c lor beauty 4 quality w oaa rely ca all 8YDN0R t HUNDLEY do suppl-Y This great store is 709-711-713 I t E Jroad street, Richmond, Va Dealers Ia 9t kvFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Orookarv, Olaaa Tin. and wooden and wll lowwara. Ala 1'ntt'a Horn, Cow, Hoc and Poultry Food, and Urova's S3 Taaulaa Oliill Tome. AlauiMlac's " Liver and Kidney Tonic Ibr purtlylni ,tha blood. Tbia tonic la warranted or money rafnniltwi. R. M. PURNELL ft BRO , (Euooaaeota to J. L Judkiea.) He, 18 Waahlntoa In., Weldon. N. C apr 10 l DID YOU SAY DRINKS P Well yon will and tha ehoioeet branda of RYE, PURE OLD , APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where,YouAsk? WHY AT W. D. SIIITH'S, Washington Ave., AVELDOK, . K. C. Pnll Una groceries always aa aaad. A REMARKABLE RECORD. Cbsimberlsio'a Cough Remedy haa a remarkable record. It haa been in use for over thirty years, during wbioh time many million boil lea have beta sold and used. It has long been the standard and main reliance ia Iba treat meat of croup in thousand of homes, yet during all this time no ease haa ever baei, reported to the manufacturers in wbioh it tailed to effect a euia. When given aa soon as the child beeuuire hoarse 01 evea aa soon aa the croups 0"Ugli sppears, il will pre vent the sttsck. It ii plessant to take, msny children like It. It aootsine no opi'im or other hsimful subftsnce and may be given as confidently to a baby ss to sa adult. For sale si W. M. Cohen's drug store. Conscience Is a good watch, but it will aot wind itself. OWES Bis LIFE T0 A NEIGH BOR'S KINDNESS. Mr, D. P. Daugberty, wall known throughout Mercer and Sumner oono ties, W. Va., most likely owes bis life to tbe kindness of s neighbor. Be wss hope kealy afflicted with diarrheas; was at tended by two pbyeioiana, who gave him Rule, if any, relief, when a neighbor leaining of his serious ooaditioa, brought hiss a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cared bim ia less than twenty-four hours. For sals at W, M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, H. V. BOTH HAND1C1PPE0. On one oceesion Bishop Potter was guest at the Storm King Club, says ths New York Times. After a comfortable dinner he sent a telegram to one of the officials of the New York Central rail road aakiog him to atop the night el presa at Storm King ststioo, on tha oppo site aide ot ins river. He drove down the mountain snd hired a boatman to row him somas. Ar riving ia good lime, he and the boatman waited in the rowboat until the approach, log traia warned them to seek the station only to sea tha train arrive, rush by, and disappear Into the darkness. Tbe Bishop was irritated. "Well,'' be aaid, "I am a bishop of the Episcopal church, and I auppoaa my calling will not allow me to ssy any thing. "Well," replied the boatman, "lama Methodist and bv principles will sot let HIS LIFE SAVED and By Chamberlain's Cone, Cholera , Diarrhoea Remedy. "B. L Byer, swell koowa cooper of this Iowa, says ha believes Chamberlaia Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved his life last summer. He had been sick for a month with what the doe. tore call bilious dysentery, end could set nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave bim imme diate relief," says B. T. Little, merchant. Hancock, Md. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Tbe advertising of this oocssion will reach aeveral million scholars and teach. era in the United States snd Canada, to aay nothing of the rest of tha world. Of the great number who will hesr of this gathering snd long to sttend, not mote Ibsn six or eight hundred, at the outside, will be actually able to go; and at least a hundred thoussnd Bible stu dents, whose wish io this respect cannot L. .el I ..i ; atreet .hi. Ml -hiah I ... before 08 H""". '' enmusiaam l,ere n I thai a miniature Jerusalem, a faithful "Bnl it i. . belter viv.eit. than .on likeness of the real, awaiu them at St It r.t . p...J! ... i. P.ri. fn, if. ih. real thin, one oi toe reasons mr attenuiog I svn -r j When yoo see a New York woman w,k. jour x-xposition. 10 in. down here .11 ..linirl. with Ufa and P""- workin h.rd lo keen her f.c. imoassive Ml ,he 8und,J 8cho01 world I 11 1 1 . & A.1 T do you know wbst mskes it T It isn't we"' D0,D ,D m 0WD ae" 01 i,ew "er druU i.n't an. .limnl.nL ,h. h "7 "d Uroughout the international i 1 T L.i Ml 1 l.kenit u . muuM. B'a- am sure un you win no "' thai ... miaa lu oouDung un me uviog imer- J I a .fO I 1. .... Mn h. it .1 knm. Rnm. h... il " w ouuuV ouuuu' '"'", Piueu everyday. I have it three times a week the nf0iT f Jeru,,lem k "gt ' l .... k u. .i. -n..nK a k. . u a t I rauugu IUU WHJUICVO CUUUKU iu va I A niBiiagvj wunian ouiura iuu rum i - - ... woriuj mtwiituie iur mu wnuii vu iu the Holy City. Give them, twenty teres, if it can possibly be done," i-Ws!. mm in your blood ? Physicians ca'I It flalarial Uerm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow 'imLr inicroscope. It works day find night. First, it turns yourcom plcxion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. Vou feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break -down come later on, Roberts' Toni: will cure you th?n but why wnit ? Prevent future slckneis. Tbe manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify tlie blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Mnlnrlo. It lias cured thous andsit will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. 2 Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. TO' Early Risers The famous little pills. CONSTIPATION "I bftTA (one 14 Jayi at a Unta wtttomt m itvaiat of itae howiii, not belue able to dot tuen xoept bf tDg bot wawr lnjoeilona. Cbronlo conBUpatlon for Mvon f aart plaoed ua In Iblt larrlbla euudktlon, durtuK tbat time 1 did t rrtbloi 1 beard of bni oerer found aay relief: saok waa vtj cats udiii i Dean using v aw. abi.ib t bow bare from ooe to Hire pnuog e a day. and If I in rich l woald lira IIOU.OO (or eaeb moYemaBti It Uiuoba raUaf.' Au.uiu L .Ui mt. iw uuawu at., uemtt. auaa. CANDY CATHARTIC j PGR OVER SIXTY YEARS every mutcle and evety joint in my body. Wbeu I get up and go out on tbe street 1 teel aa it I wanted to leap and ran. Everv dron of blood ia tbrillinn. .1 . 1 " . Mn .... . ,nnh t M tt l a atal .USD. VV lUOIUVI UUVIUIUK HI iuu una uwa nous feeling as tbe sensstioa of coming fot Ter 6 bi mimonf 0, Irom tbe treatment into tbe living air. mother, for children, while toethinir. witb To have out-of-door lile all summer and I perfeot suooees. It sootbea the ohild, this exquisite physical toning all the rest 'ofte h K"?. ''y P'i of tb, year, a. well a, physical culture to , ZZ give suppleness or ovement-i. it lufferer immediately. 8uld bv dnuwiaU wonder, sir, that you think that women i. of the world. 25 cents a; have a new kind of liveliness, eepeoielly bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- the women you meet along this avenue T low'a Soothing Syrup," and take no otb- I ar Kind. flood. Mat ar Sicken, Wmoo. or tlrlpo, Bte, Uje, S3c .. CURE CONSTIPATION SAartaaj BiaiaW Caaajay Calaata, Baatnal, aaa luaa. SS Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It s your liver! Ayer s Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 23c. All uViiCTlati. Want jrnilr nniitHrl r beard . beautiful or r:oli blarU? 'I lien a BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttr. tOC O' rj'"v-iiTt, 0" " I". "At'. 4 Cn, , KaswnVji M, in -.1.1 B..l i .- t bow aba hotda her akirts; tbat triok oame from Paris. Bo did (he buckles on those mites ol shoes. But she wean a Cuban heel, wbioh enables her lo walk freely, though Ita as high as a French beel. "Did yon notice how gorgeously she carried herself? That waan't French and it waan't English. That's what makea her the envy of Pari and London both. She i -:,i,.a " . f . .". l all ainmanli iamiklaa inrlioAalitn anj flva. "Biie suggests Ibis fall a little Mora of " B Paris than of London; bat both would ! PeP"- copy ber if tbey could. She has Too msny persons are looking for an I impersonal religion. , .. ... TAKE CARE OF THS STOMACH Tbe man or woman whose digestion is perfect snd whose stomach performs ev ery function ia never sick. Kodol oleanses, purifies and sweetens the slom- aob and oures positively and permanently much art aa a woman oaa atand, and abe baa a physical glory tbat she knows bow to temper down till the balanee is perfect. "American women hava been a long lime getting to this point, and we're go ing further. It won't be a mere fashion we will set, but Paris and Loadoa will come here to get tbe elaasie type of mod era style. It is already beginning to be acknowledged over there. Aoy woman will tell yon tbat who lias been over this season." New Tork Sua. It ia the wonderful reconstruc tive tonic that is making so msny slok people well, and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies all of tbe nour ishment ia tbe food Ibey eat. Rev. J. H. Holladay, of Holladay, Miss., writes: I consider the best remedy I ever used for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. was given op by physimaaa. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meals. W. M. Cohen. Many troubles may be God's spades digging deep for tbe foundation of His j tempt Is oar lives. jut awuv.aatf - aa a. SCIENTIFICALLY Distilled NATURALLY AGED, ABSOLUTELY PURE, Best and Safest for all uses. For Ssle By W.D. SMITH. Weldon, N.C. Cner.inuidCouhCura For Cough Coidt and Kroup. DE. 8TAINBACK, ROTARY PUBLIC. WSLDOli, N. 0 KSLRoanoke News Office. -Mms imtKiifmtriWW art.' '.

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