f5 ' IJpl 1 Jj 1 p j ' "Nlp ,'OHIT "W. SLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. A. NE"WSPAPEB F O I? THE PEOPLE. TEK3IS:-l-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE OL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1902. NO. 19 AYcgetable Preparalionfor As similating thefoodandRegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DigealionJCheerful ncss andRest.Conlains neillter Onium.Morphine nor Mineral. NOlTJARCOTIC. am tfauatNvn.mawt HaVaaJVae!-anr Apetfecl Remedy forConstipa llon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness And LOSS or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Iffljttn MtV 'H EXACT COPY OF WHAPPEH. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A At M ti .kv In Use For Over Thirty Years GASUA vanii arm VMI fllKTAU HVNMf, HI m (TI d BR. MOFFETT' VTTlClirM Mri I We biv handled mi trade u t propr wtavry CTKTHINO Costs Only 25 cats at Draggists, Or mM ti au to C. J. MOFFETT. M otatl'l TEKTHINA (Taetalae Polder. I arel .late lu tr.1 tnuodacUoa to lb. pabllt . readlclBe. and our trade Is it be steadily lacreeead (rum real la jtu eaul onr order Infantun. l)larrhot.Dvuntry, an1 tht Bowtl Trouble! of Children of Any tgt. Aid Digestion, RtguUtti tne Bowels, Mrenjthtat tht Child and Makti TEETHING EASY. D. ST. LOUIS. MO. ITum. Ob.. Rot. 19. 1WO. w amount to two or tbroe baadred froea pr jttar, wblah lat.rr itruBi.vid.aotuf lunorltBBd th.MUitMUoB n lo eueutlUMir eeaaierBciB toe rawn ui m. imiMi a aou k etvlne to tea motb.ra of th. eouauv. fur th.r BV nothlnf Lil bub a- AMannaua a nulkl- It. .TCMlblU larM.nt to ta.thlae. , THK LAaUK RAXKW DROO 00. Waoleaale Draicut. - - !f The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBEKS IN STAPLE & FANCY 5 GROCERIES II n mm nil Order Solicited 2 8 lT We Sell Out; To Merchant.. THE WELDON OROCEBY CO , WKLTXIN.N. 0. urn Excelsior Printing Co., WELDONf IT. O: fW Letter, Bill and Packet Heads Wedding Invitations,: rZ 1 TT 3 T:ll- T7li. TI ;f Send us your orders. All orders receive prompt and careful attention. Tfi. ri. n.1 ri. ri.1 -ri. T'l. 'ri.1 Tri ':r., A LIGHT FOR REMEMBRANCE. She Wanted To Leave Her Children Something That Would Be a Comfort and Cheer. tier face attracted ail pawed, it wai ao wliite and worn and ao patient. Id tht rp"tlc orowd of ihopperaihe locmcd to be the only quiet one. She t back inl.trohtir iuiliii(i, while the jrouoir Kill olctlt filled (be table near her full of lamp.. "Doo't trouble," I heard her lay, "to brini; any that enitt mure than four dol lar!. I can't pay any more than that, yet I wuut ju-t ns good a one a I oan find." Sbe coughed a little, and lingered at the next table and looked again io her Ita worn linea told me much u I listened to that racking cough. "Oh I" the ezolaimed, half panting for breath, "I'm so thankful I could get here." Sheamilcd at the sympathising faoe of the girl who was waiting on ber. a see I've only been able to si four dollar, and I'm going home so soon now I want to leave my children sol thing that v. ill be a cum foil and cheer real help. So I have thought and thought of what I could got I punled over it often at night when I eould not sleep, and every time I teemed to see good, olear, bright light burning on the table, and the children looked at it and said, 'Mother's light, we cm see best by mother's lihl.' I've so little to leavo or give them, but I waut them to always re. member that I shall leave them just the lame where the light shines forever. So to-day when I found I'd been given little more strength l camt to buy my lamp, as a remembrance tor my dear e." Sbe slopped for another paroxysm of coughing. I feared it would utterly ex hauat ber little strength, but the rested t few moments, then bought ber lamp. "It n.uct be plsin; she was plain Ah 1 not wilh ibat look in ber faoe God't ripe souls are beautiful, even wh they shine through the plainest of masks "It muM burn clear and bright." Lik her faith, "The shining lieht that shin eth more tod more unto the pei foot day "It must have the soft white shade for comfort." And to rest the eyes th would weep bitter tears over a mother' going before they saw in her light of re membrance the beautiful emblem of ber lovt, burning brighter tnd brighter for then) io our Father's borne. She found all she wanted. It wis to be tent home to her children. "They won't understand it, all at first," the said tenderly, so 1 wanted to tell tome one bout it, and told you, dear." Her smil was t blessing aa aha looked up at tb young girl, "You've been to kind me, I know you're good to your mother." Tho girls eyes filled with tears. Her voice trembled. "My mother! Bhe cried, "Oh I I've just lost ber." "No, do I" cried ike woman, "we never can lose our mothers. God gave thtm to ut forever." Congrcuaiionalitt. LINGERING HJM.MEK COLDS Don't let t cold run st this tetson. Sum. n.er eoldt sre the hardest kind to cuie and it neglected may linger on for mi nth.. A It ng aeige like this will pull down the strongest euosiitulion. One Minute Cough Cure will break np tbe at tack at once. Safe, aure, acta at once. Cures tough, colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat tnd lung truublcs. The chil- dieo like it. W. J). Cobeo. Til Bank it Weil, WELDONJN. C.: Oipizeil Under The Lai. of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TO, 1892. 8TATE OK NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. $26,000. CIPITIl 110 SURPLUS For ten Tear this institution has provided banking facilities For this section Its atook'notaers and directors hare been identided with the business interesli ol Halifax tnd Northampton counties for many yesrs. Money is loaned upon tp proved security tt the legal rate ol ioterest six per centum. Accounts ot ail are. solicited. . President: Vice-President: Cashier. W. E. DANIEL Ds. J. N.RAMSAY, W.R.SMITH, Seaboard, Northampton county, N. C. PI n J D SI QYDNOR & HUNDLEY, for value tine, ire nnsurpatted tbe city througU "STieldiog to Done, for styles, the choicest FURNITURE sails fur yoTJ" Durable tnd elegant, cm ate or plain, tuuh Suite elsewhere w teek in siJ" Uoted lor UPHOLSTERY, here we find l grind collection of every kiuJJ Oroamentil DRAPERIES, it it known well, io perfect taste, they exocT. 2&ight it 711 K. Broad St , of MIRRORS A PICTURES, the stock's complete &C lor beauty A quality we can rely on ill 8YDN0B A HUNDLEY doauppTY This "'great store is 709-711-713 . Broad street) Richmond, Va w VISIT OI WRITER The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. uuu an THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT 4 MANAGER IflLSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. Hlobbe I im ill rug down. 8obU Why don't you get so lutomobile your aellT . . , , ml pbtv-aw-BMi: -it-Biaj.:1BS Jj-:ii!:si:;r; fir ffff The Dinner Pail Of the American working man la gen- raJlr well filled. In tonic case It it too well filled. It contains too many kinds of food, and very often tht food ia of the wrong kind turd to digest and containing little nutri tion. Aa conse quence many work ing man develops eonte form of atoanach trouble which Inter fere, with hit health and reduce hit work ing capacttv. IW. '. 1 r. it Indigestion or any other Indi cation of dia ta of the atom- ach and its allied orgeat el digestion and nu trition, the use of Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medical Diatovery will almost Invan ably produce a per fect and perman ent cur. Mr. Tfcoa.es A. Bararta, of Sub Statioa C. ColaatbtM. o.. Boa lot. amt. : a I ail laeatt with severe fcaadacae, thea cramp ba tlia atomBch and 1 food wguU aot dlr. that, llOBay eaa Harr trouble and my bttek aot weak ea I cottli platnU at ooo Karaaty a at around. A -tat I had all the coav mor . 1 1 oc, the I fot until mb raara paaaad. poorly I aovM aarrV walk li aid or a raw., end 1 ffot ao t HOW HE LOST HER, i.aaiaanaaaiaB;Ba Ba.ja,trwi3a1i:abJa:awewaaawiaaiaba)aranr. .Siii.aiiaiiaiiiak ii aajiin.ili...iai. aaaaajjcataraWaaBafattHB iatiiiia.aet..kBi' He hardly dared to touch her hand; She deemed Bhe was far above him That he would never have the sand To even think that she could love him. And so he let concealment prey Upon the cheek he lacked so badly, And dumbly watched her day by day And moped about and acted sadly. It may be she his secret guessed ; If bo, she never seemed to show it. But then, if love is not expressed A girl can't be supposed to know it. She let the foolish fellow call, He had a crude idea of spooning; He seemed afraid to talk at all And sat and took it out in mooning. Another suiter came at last, Who was not shy about his wooing; She knew ere many minutes passed That there was something certain doing. And one week from the day they met His ring was on her second finger; AIro, the nappy day was set That lover surely did not linger. And No. 1 he drooped and pined, Recovered, sometime later mated, And ever after was inclined To thank his lucky stars he'd waited. The moral is, when all is done Our love we should not hide nor smoth wrrf But, anyway, it's six of one And a half a dozen of the other. doctored the worae I 1 had become a In the kouM or the rot an thin I had eiaae a U ato, tktudrtw thai I could aot ba cured. Thai oat of my neighbor said, ' Take my edeke and laka Dr. kiarce'a toldn Medical DucorerT an make a new ataa out of youreeUV The Aral bottle helped Bae ao I tkeaaaM I wmM fat another, and after 1 had taken elf a! bottle tl about Ita wfuka. t wa weighed, neat round I hnd falaed twenty-erven tiT) found. I em a. total and healthy today, I think, aa I ever waa.1 Pbxk. Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, Is teat frtt on receipt ol ti one-rent aumpa to pay ermuaa of an ailing y. Addicts Dr. R. V. Pierce, Duflilo, N.X. Mr it) THE BLUE AND THE GRAY, "0, mother, what do they mean by blue, And what do they mean by gray?" Was heard from the lips of a child As she. bounded in from her play. The mother's eyes filled up with tears, Her heart was heavy with care ; As smoothed away from the sunny brow Its treasure of gold 'n hair. "Why, mother's eyes ait-blue, my sweet, And grandpa's hair is gray. And the love we bear our darling child Grows stronger every day, "But what did they mean," persisted the child, For I saw two ft Apples today: And one of them said he fought for the blue, And the other, he fought for the gray. t "Now, he, of the blue, had lost a leg, And the other had but one arm, And both seemed worn, and weary and sad; Yet their greeting was kind and warm. They told of battles in days gone by Till it made my young blood thrill. The leg was lost at Fredersburg, And the arm at Malvern Hill. "They sat on the stone at the farmyard gate, And talked for an hour or more; Till their eyes grew bright and their hearts seem ed warm With fighting their battles o'er; And parted at last, with friendly grasp In a kind and brotherly way, Each ca!!iT!S cn God to speed tho tinio Uniting the blue and the gray." Then the mother thought of other days Two salwart boys from her riven; They knelt at her side and lisping prayed, "Our Father which art in Heaven;" How one wore the gray, and the other the blue, How they passed away from the sight, And had gone to the land where the gray and . blue Are. merged in colors of light. AN UNEXPECTED QUESTION. A Fine Position For An Educa ted Man In a Christian Coun try, Said The Great Lawyer. One morning about twenty years ago i lawyer, on bit way to his office, stopped outside i bsrber'a shop door lo get i "shine." Tbe little bootblack who plied his trade there was do stranger to him, al though be knew him only by bis street name. This morning the boy was unu sually silent. Tbe lawyer missed his bright remarks, and began to rally him a little, wheu suddenly tbe boy looked up in his face and said -. "Mr. Burtlett, do you love God ?" Tbe lawyer was an up right, self-respecting man, but neither a church attendant nor much given to re ligious thought, tod he took the question at first ss id attempt it joke on the ptrt of the boy, but he soon found it was meant in all seriousness, No one hid ever asked him tbe question before in quite the same way, and it staggered him. "Why doyoo ask that. But?" be said, after i rather awkward pause. 'What difference does it make to you?" "Well, I'll tell you, sir. Me mother in' me's got to get out; for the place we live in'll be tore down pretly soon, in' feller like me cin't psy much rent. ...11 ... .. Hiotncraoes in sae can, but you see there's three of us, ao' me grandmother's lame. I duooo what to do. Yesterday I heard two meo talkin', an' one of 'em said God helped anybody that loved Him if they d tell Him they was in tbe bole. I thought ibout it 'most ill night, in' this mornio' I mide up my mind I'd lay for somebody that knew Him well enough to isk Him." The lawyer was embarrassed. All he oould say to tbe threadbare little boot black was that be bad better ask some one else. He had better keep inquiring, be told him; for in i city of so many churches he would surely find the sort of person be wsoted. He thrust i dollar into the boys's hand, and hurried away But all that day be found bis thoughts reverting to the bootblack tod his strange question. "A fioe position for in educa ted man in a Christian country !" be said to himself. "Struck dumb by an igno' rant street arab I I could not inswer bis question. Why not ?" The lawyer was an honest man, and is telf-extmintlion ended in reBolu tioo to find out the reason why. That evening be went, for the first time in many years, to prayer meeting, and frank ly told the wholo story, without sparing himself. From that day life bad a ne meining for him tnd I higher purpose, A few dsys later, it conference of ministers of different denominations in the same city, the lawyer's strange expe rience waa mentioned by the pastor who gave him his first Christian welcome, Immediately another minister told young man io hit congregation who had been awakened to religions life by the same question put to him by tbe same little bootblack. The interest oulmioated when I third declared that he had call from tbe bootblack himself, who bsd been brought to bis study by a man who had ippreciited hit unexpected questio tod knew how to befriend him. Such in incident could not be illowc to end there. Tbe boy wis helped to good lodgings tod to patronage which enabled him to provide better for his "family." At last he had found some body who loved Qod; and io time he had learned to love Him himself, and "know him well enough to 11k Him, Opportunities for decent education were opened for him, tnd be showed much promise that bis lawyer friend took him io, first u in office boy, and finally at student. Many would recogniie the bootblack to-day if bit name were given, not only as i member of the bar io successful prtotiot, but it i ohuroh member and worker in Sabbath school. He loves boys, sod the few who knew thst he was 000 a bootblack uodurttaod his interest io littlt fellows who need friend. Help ing thorn it for him loving Ood in the most effectual way, Youth's Compan Tbe young person who dreams is often laughed at for his plans, but thereia al ways promise for the one who dreams that the sua, moon and stars bow down them. An ideal is a picture of what we are to bo or do, drawn by that great painter of the soul the imagination, on the canvat of faith, hope aod love. They are visions besutiful that Ood sends into the bouI to cause us leave the low-vaulted past for more stately paths. The dream- ng time of life is the critical time. Our wishes aro the forefee'.ings of our possi bilities. The scriptures present Joseph as the master of dreams. Io him we behold the prototype of the young men in all ages who have risen to power and use fulness. Dreams were the plan of proph ecy of Joseph's life. There has never been a time when there was so much to encourage young people to lofty aims and high endeavor. Edisoo, Theses, and Marcooi, have not learned all the secrets of electiicity, aod times call for masters io nearly every field of human activity. There were never greater opportunities io State, com merce or Church affairs. With tbe more or less unsettled and nncertaio condition of things, it looks as if the world pauses for tho coming of a man. Thrift. HIS HONOR'S DECISION STOOD. INHARMONIOUS. What strange oootiidioiions Io lift yon will find Like twelve-dollar hst O'er i two dollar mind. ' VERY CUTTING. Ethel "I confess tbit my sole object is life it to kill time." Miud ' So that he can't tell my one your ige, I suppose!" Did the make i brilliant match? oo, the married for love. Oh, OWES HIS LIFE TO A NEIGH BOR'S KINDNESS. Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known throughout Meroerand Sumner counties, W. Vs., most likely owes hit life to the kindness of neighbor. He waa hope lessly tfflioted with diarrhoea; wit it tended by two pbysiciiu, who give him little, if any, relief, when i neighbor learning of hit serious eonditioo, brought him i bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Choleri tnd Disrrboei Remedy, which cured bin in lest than twenty-four hours. Kor tile it W, M. Cobeo t drugstore, Weldon, a. U. A REMARKABLE RECORD, Cbtimberltin'l Cough Remedy hat remarkable record, it baa been is use for over thirty years, during which lime many million bottle have been told tnd used. It his long been tbe stindard aod main reluno in the treatment of croup in thousand of homes, yet during sll this time do ease ha ever been reported to the manufacturers lo which it tailed to effect cure. When given it toon the ohild beooruet hoars or even is toon tj the croupy cough tppetn, it will pre vent the attack. It it pleasant to take, many children like it. It oontaini no opium or other harmful substance tnd may be given aa confidently to i baby as DREAMS. Looks As If The World Pauses For Tho Coming Of A Man. Beautiful Thoughts Aiiesweci. j jure breuin ot tne Daue w ieslive of innocence aud health. I A mother's yearn inn fur children is iu- set -lraMe from a love of the beautiful, and it behooves every woman to bring the swetust una best influence to bear on the subject of ber maternity. To relieve pain, and make easy that I period when liie is born again, Mother's Friendl is ixmuhrly used. It is a liniment easily administered and for external use only. ' l'rt'nant women should trv this remedy, it bt-in.ir undeniably a friend to ber during nature's term of suspense aud anticipation. fl 'ther'a Friend, if used throughout gestation, will soften the breasts, thereby preventing cracked nnd sore nipples. AJ . muscles straining with the burden wii.1 relax, become supple and elastic trom its continued anpliintion, All fibres ill the abdominal region will respond readily to th expanding covel containing theembnoifnother'aFriend 19 applied externally during pregnancy. Of all reliable drui-.ts $i.oo per bottle. W rite for free book cn " notherhood." the bradfield regulator co.f Atlanta, ba , He stood before the bar of justioe. It was doubtless bis first appearance in the role of defendant, but that there are other bars was evidenced io his dishev elled attiro, his watery eyes and tbe ob vious trembling of bis person. What is known in the parlsnce of tbe "rounder" a a "bracer" was the one thing needful to establish the culprit's equanimity; but refreshments are not found behind the bar it which stood this penitent and bedraggled victim of two much "night before." The Magistrate regarded him with a pitying gate. "You ire iccused," he said, "of wan dering through the streets in state of beastly intoxioation." The prisoner nodded his head affirma tively. "It is charged by the officer that you, in a loud voice, proclaimed the fact that you didn't intend rfluroiog to the bosom of your family uotil tbe first gleams of sunlight announocd tbe advent of another morning. Again the defendant affirmed the truth of the accusation. Have you anything to say io extenu ation of your offence?" "Your Honor," murmured tho bedrag gled specimen. "I am i married man. Yesterday my wife presented me with i bouncing boy. I left the house, tnd "You thought you would celebrate the appy occasion in befitting man You were unwise. But as it appears customary for i man to observe the occas ion of bis firstborn's appearance in the manner which you selected, I am inclined to be lenient with you. Oo your prom ise not to repeat the offence, I will dis charge you with my congratulations." "1 thank your Honor tor your kind ness and tne sentiments, replied tbe defendant, "but your congratulations are misplaced. It was not the first, but tbo tenth." "You are indeed worthy of commisera- tioo," returned tbe Judge. Go home, poor man tod be hippy, if you ctn. 1'bilidelpbii Telegrtph. A orosa old biobelor says the proper way to bring up obildreo is to keep them dowo on ill possible oocasioos. KOROVEK SIXTY YEARS Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millioot ol mothers for obildreo, while teething, with porfoot tuoceai. It soothe the ohild, softont the gumt, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and it tbe best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little suiter or immediately. Sold by druggitta in every ptrt of tbe world. !! cents bottle. Be cure and isk fur " M rs. W ins- low's Soothing Syrup," and tike no oth ot kind. Sillicus Married life should be I case of two souls with but I single thought Cyoicus Aod the single thought it gen erally how to get the better of csob other, ;J VtLLGW.POSSON In your blood ? Physicians call it I'lalnrtal (ierni. tt can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It work day and night. First, it turn your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. c ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC wlil stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cenU. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. I: W Early Risers The fantoua littto pHU. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you hTtjn't ft refrain, healthy movement of thtj bo welt ery day, you're III or will be. kvNp youi bo waii open. nil b well. Force, .n the thnptjof 1 Sent physic or pill polion, 1r daiitrajroui. Tnu moot ti nt, .teat, most perfect wtvjf of ktxplOf Lb boweti tltjor aud clean la lo tvt CANDY fOJ CATHARTIC . EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Plaasant. Palatable. Potant. Tail QooA. 10 0o4. Dover Bicken, Weaken, or Urlpe, 1ft, B. and BO rent r riot, wnttt lor iroe cample, ami ttouhiei i enlth. Addrena US ITtlUW BKIItT fOVFAST, fHlr.OO HfW TORft. KEEP TltUR BLOOD CLEAN A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayers Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 29c. All druilt. Want tour lnu.u-li or beard a. beautiful lintwn or rirli blara? Tli-n ti.e BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMar. .0 CT, o. nrn- i a Co. , Na.Hu.. a to to adult. For tile it W. I. Coben't drug More, He So you won't kiss sod mike up? She Well, t won't make up. O j. aav Hoar. .. Blnatdru at Kind Yen Han Um BomM , ,y : mbii ia nan ym Ms! Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of the dleestants aud d I net. at all kinds ot food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive ttoruaclii can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled fur the gtomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It, First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary, Cure all stomach trouble Prepared only by E 0. TtaWiTT Co.,Ohlcto avttu at. uoaatu twnatuna a umea tue sua tun. W. M. Cohen, Druggist SCIENTIFICALLY Distiixsd NATURALLY AGED, ABSOLUTELY PURE, Best tnd Safest fur all uses. For Sale By W-.D.SIBITH. Weldon, N.C. One Klnute Cotrch Cure For Coughs, Cold and Croup. DE. STAINBACK, -ROTARY PUBLIC. .Wei.dou, N, 0 MaBoinokt Newt Office. M--haw.a.uattaWUoai ldba