.ijp 1 )U1T W. SLEDGE, Hioi'lUETOR. )h. XXXVII. J NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TI1URSDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1902. TERMSH1M PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 21 f Mjiiiimiiiiimii. ......II.. iiimlj ii.. a MM Ml L "TZ vj-n I For Infants and Children. AM'Kf (able Pw parfllionforAs ilmilaiinft iiwroodamlUctfiila jing tle Stuuvicta and Bowls of mmolcs Diilcslion.Chmful- lessandRestContaiits neither ipuun.Morphme nor Mineral. KOT NARCOTIC. uufffrndBrSUtvarmMR flmmJm Sad-MiUiMlr tiMiji win nmvm ixTffcl UVmedv forConsBna- Sion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea JWorms .Convulsions I'everish- tm-s flud Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signnlure of NEW YORK. ilk The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At M M llP m a a w exact copy or wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CUSTOM VERY INQUISITIVE. The Choir Succeeded At Last in Singing Him Down. One of those unnaturally bright chil dren who ire always getting people into trouble m at a prayer meeting the other evening, with bia mother, wheo be aakfd aloud : "Ma, say ma who was Dinah More?" "Ilu-ue-h," whipered bia mother, "It 'a a h)DD." "No, ii aiu'l, ma," continued the hupe- lul, "II a a wuniaus nsun; whoa say going hiiuie to Dinah More?" "Willie," said the mnthir in a ghastly Voice, "you're disturbing the meeting It uirana going to heaven to die no more." "Dine do more I Ob, ma; don't they eat anything there ?" His mother eiploined as well as she I oould, and Willie ait ttill for half a min ute, hit bright eyes roving about the I ohurcb. Then he asked iu shrill .whisper I "Ma, iaOod out of town ?" "N o o, i.o bo," anawercd the distrso- lled woman faintly. I Tk k..1. m. if ii. .. ..; 1 urn wuai n I'll, itciii iuuhiuk line i meeting fur ? ' aked the iweet ehild. The choir auog him down, but the I meeting eloaed with a moment of ai'ent prayer and hii gentle voice waa diatinotly beard aaying : "Old Mrs. Jonea' twitch don't match her hair like your, doea, ma I" THE TROUBLES THAT NEVER COMF. -VISIT OP WEITE-w The Petersburg Furniture Co, 20.1 AND 207 N. 8YCAMOIU3 8T. PETERSBURG, VA. A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW, A WAY OF ESCAPE, We Should Keep the Light of a Jakeway, the Widow Barstow Holy Example Always Burn- and the Preacher's Text. ing, 'Talking about widows," laid the man Be a light unto all who are in the I with the stogy, "did I ever tell you about houaa. Shine wherever you live. Eat Jakeway and the widow Barstow ?" without fault-finding. Mend the torn Now, there hadD't been a word aaid garment without complaint, Go on the I ebout widows, but one of the party re- i - unpleasant errand without bewailiog the P'icu, "No, sir; you never did." ncocssity, Respond to the oall for help! "Wall, aaid the man with tho atogy, oheerfully. Commend often; oenaure "Jakeway was a oh. rioter, one of those only when you must, "l'apa, I do try you read about. He'd lived alone for to do right; won't you pleaae tell me yeare. When he was a young man, he THE HUSTLING AND Uf-TO-DATE LKADEUS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES something when I pleaae you ?" I little girl aaid to her father, who waa constant ly correcting ber. We should keep the light of a holy example always burning, A boat went out to aea, carrying a father and daughter. A terrible storm came up aa they were hurrying back, The ooast waa dangerous. The mother lighted a lamp and atarted up the worn itairway to the attio window. "It won't do any good, mother," the son called after had been dissppoioted in love or some' thiog, and from that time he'd been sour -a reg'lar woman hater-aid the particular object of his dislike waa the Widow Bir atow, sggressive from her head to her hotels. The very eight of hor to old Jake way was like the waving of a red flag to a bull. "They used to go to the same ohurcb, but the ushers knew the situation well enough to put a goodly portioo of the AND GENERAL, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT UANAOER prayed. .Special Attention to Mail Ordera. oct 3 ly. her. But the mother went up, put the sanctuary between them. Unfortunately light in the window, knelt beside it, and on one Sunday there was a new usher. Out in the storm the daughter I The opening service was well under way GO AND GET IT," h - T".?K i hi i ni am Vll tWAf ..aairiajsajsjaaiai aUUkfeJeuadOr Bull h.HfAaatiJ fa ItiilMl'aTCKTniVi aa nluAt, u d akiIMnar th lid -( lun'udlu lift. araU1 UUat VOU Id in 111 IT ! mim. ptDMIH ion B. raiNA, knd tMjtt l mo kdnlnlaUrltis it t J him, And fail liaprutt m m-k4 m it koura. mni tnm It d7 U rtA.vnar.taMl. 1 fear toaiUnUr k.ptllod trl it timf wuk my ehllJra. tad haa UkiPMl IU ill pl. UK. U. H. BAMIX. MOFPITT'l KTriiNO rcwoiwir Costs Oalj 25 ceats at Dnnists, It cmU 0. J. MOFFITT. M. Cures Cktliri-lgtiitii, Dlarrhea,lyiinUry,aMl the Bewal Troublts tl CkMrtntfAnr Aft. Aids DltutlM. RuMn the Bowtlt. StrwtjthaM the OIM and Maku TEETHING EASY." D ST. LOUIS. MO. No matter what the style may be, nor 'how the hair they're teeritnj by my mother's light;" and ere is common to man but Oodwi ne slept ne surrendered nimseil to Uod, me rempiaiioo anu mm j wearing, If you are not equipped with it do not fall to despairing. as surprised to Look at the pages full of ads. and if your eye has met it lb, sa troubles l'n8 kind of hair you'd like to have just go right out and get it! omca or t H. BlfcaDV, ,rnwr ol ettt.. artrn. T.I., N... SI. 1K0. ii naMf ua w for mf Miai.g Diiur.i. wbmi i The Weldon Grocery Co. f WHOLESALE J0BBEH8 IN , f K STAPLE & FANOYter) yjm groceries s mm am. We Sell Oulj To U jrchaula. the story is told ot a lady who lor a time kept a list of impending troubles It was a relief to see them down in black and while. Some months later, in look ing over the list, she was find that nine-tenth of ... never m.-.,. ,ney n.a Mf y0U are not delighted with your present nomenclature, enatenoe only in her imagination. Remember that a husband iB no truest of mother nature: The troubles thst never eome form the Remember to change your money you have to see a preacher, heaviest part of our dailv load The Also to take along with you a confident male creature. worry, the fear cawed by these appre- So P"f k the man who has the name, and threaten him or pet him . miiAel; Kght."-P.iish Viaitor. . . I Rlir. anvliow AamAa rn Viiyi tVtAn Biritilv crr anil a-rat Vtttva T I ' ' beoded uiirietM-s. olleo work ad buoc "v "'V "v" v" 6 6- row. I hp. tH'rciviiiifritii. Ih dtttannoiDl I . .r .. .... ...'' 1 ri I Ir if irnnr ahn rn a h a aAir rlint tvi n Itaq irnn vaiim r nml ri tl r , , . . , IV'IIIJUUI DIIUlO ID UlC DUI V HiaiVTJD J VU T UUIIK 1AV4 Kll II ments, have meir oomlorl and cure, w vnl, rpmliri, ft hhmhino- r,hp.k-. nr r-hin with rnnnino- rfimnlfif But there is no euro fur troubles that Vnw evbrow! Hlipll-lilre par; fnir itkin tlm ffiso in verv Rimnle A thing like that will bother you if you desire to let it But what you ought to do is take your purse and go and get it! Ordera Solicit!. 2 8 ly THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WII.IMN,N. Dllaaftlailalia DaiiiiilMM H MP i 1' WELCOF, IT. O. W' Letter, Bill and Packet Heads w Jm- '-Weddine Invitational Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc. lt il Send us your orders. All b orders receive uromnt and i careful attention. r I wm-mt -w w a w -r I I :WELDON, IN. Organized Under Tie Lav: of the State of North Carolina, AUG.U8T 20TII, 1892. STATIC OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSITORY. TOWN OK W'KLDON DKPOSITORY. UPITALMD SURPLUS $26,000. 1 For tea vears this inatitulioa baa provided banking facilitiea for thia lection .i.touihiioiaefsaod uireotora have bwa iucutiut-U wiiu tbd huiMuM iMtcrct3 o! llalirax and Northampton counties lor many years. Money is loaned upon I proved security at the legal rate of iotereat aix per centum. Aooouols of all I solicited. President: Vioe-Preaideal: Cashier: W. K. DANIEL Da. J. N. RAMSAY. W. R. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton oounty, N. C. 1 SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, for values Hue, era onsurpaned the city through fielding to aont, for styles, the choicest FURNITURE waiu for yoTJ durable and ilegant, ornate or plain, auuh Suites elsewhere we seek ia vaiJ" looted for UPHOLSTERY, here we find a grand collection of every kioJJ 0mDlal DRAPERIES, it ia knowa well, ia perfect taste, ihey exoeXj Iightat 711 R. Broad St., of MIRRORS APICTDRKS, the stock'! eompletirj &C for beauty & quality we oaa rely on all SYDNOR k HUNDLEY do supply This great store is 709-711-713 E Broad sreeti Richmond, Va ("If you haven't got teeth, go get them. "If you haven't got hair, go get it. "If you haven't got a figure, go get it." From the address of Miss White to the audience of ladies at the dressmaker's convention in New York.) Oh, ladies, this good advice. Take heed, you'll not regret it it you are siiy a glossy curl, don't worry; go and get it. saw a glimmer of gold on the watcr'a edge. "Steer for that," the father said. Slowly but etcadily, they came toward the light, and at last were anchored in I the little sheltered harbor by theoottage. "Thank God !" cried the mother, as she beard their glad voices and came the stairway, with a lamp in her and Jakeway was in a pew by himself well down toward the front, when down the aisle came the new usher with the widow trailing along in bia wake, and he banded ber into Jakeway'a pew. "The old man gave one look as tbe down I figure rustled in; then be gathered up his hand. I umbrella, his hat, his bandana and bis Woman's L'a-utcst Urami of beauty and glory is mIkii nature bus chosen her to become a mother, livery lucutty is keenly lcrt us slit foresees the iov, nmmtion. success and the life-long1 sutisfuction com- v nearer, day by day, in tbe deuranu innocent beitr: m soon to Bee light, and the uncertainty whether she shall see a sweet girl or n brave boy face beside her on tbe pillow adds zest to her expectancy. motner I l-riv'iid applied externally throu-'hout pregnancy will relieve the nil ot parturition, and no motner and chiid can fail to be healthy, hearty, strong, tear, complexioued, pure blooded and lieerful in di.'Tiosition, who are mutually nlluenced by the continued" use of thia reat liniment, JlOiHUK'S l'KIUNU. Buy of druggists, i.oo per bottle. Our treatise "Motherhood" mailed free. THE BRADHELO REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, 6i. "How did you get here," she aaid. "We fnjet book and cleaied the baok of the steered by mother's light," answered the pew in front with the agility of a. boy, d.lliblnr "ullhnnirh itiil Tint Itnnv I Bod lUSt 88 he landed 00 the UOOt BOttt hat it was out there." "Ah I" thought the preaober gave out his text : the boy, a wayward boy, "it is time I wai " 'There hath no evil bctallen you suob and asked Him to guide him over life' rough sea. Months went by, and dis ease smote him. "He eannot live loog," waa me verdict ol the dootor; and one stormy night he lay dying. "Do not be afraid for me," he aaid, aa they wept. "I aball make the harbor, lor 1 am steering never come, 1 hey are haunting gnosis, unsubatantml as Biixt, yet very real in t'u ir deprcskiug and harmful power over us. Theie U toil in our daily living; there is wearinerr; si ill blessed rest will follow. But the weBtiuenof imagined burdens This world is but a fleeting show, designed for man's illusion, And you are all the world to him a logical conclusion ! Hence, therefore, unnecessary, it is your bounden duty To make him think his world is one of wondrous grace and beauty, drags the very heart and hope out of So heed this morsel of advice you never will regret it those who indulge in them unhealthful " vou deslre attractiveness, go to some store and get it. fanoiea : There's a song to lighten the toil, And a staff for climbing tbe height, B it never an alpenstock For the hills that are out of sight. There are bitler herbs enough In the brimming cup of to-day, Without the aprig of rue From lo-morrow'a unknown way. Each day comes ss a fresh gift from the hand of God. Io it are just the ex periencea His loving wisdom baa or dained. Meet with a brave heart all that ia io the day's portion, but shrink not from phsntom lions or from shadows that seem to blot out the sun. LOOK OUT FOR FEVER. Biliousness and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by oleaning the system with DeWitt's Little Esrly Risers. These famous little pills do not gripe, lueymovetne Dowels gently, but copiously, and by reason of the tonic properties, gives tone snd strength to the gland. W. M. Cohen. Some men are born with black eyes snd some acquire them. If a man enjoys his wealth before he has ii he never gets rich. Out trouble about obmaoles ia that they are alwaya ia I he way. Belie! that there are aa good Bah id the sea aa ever were caught is poor eonso- atioa to the man whose bait is gone. N's Impure Blood. What ia It t " aaka the mother aa she notices tht smooth skin of her child marred by a red or pimply eruption. Ii la i in Dure mood, aad uw cinia ureas ei once TO UTV1H the us of Dr. rattt'i Golden Uolical Discov ery, tbe bvst and eareat remedy tor Impurity of tkt blood. It entirely tradi cataa the poisons rr W II 14 If I the blood ami It T ,m w a 4. H 1 tht blot I cause tim cwrei i KTOfuU, boil a, jn.dM, tCtCHI, Mil- rimua and other eruptive riiawitm which are the di rtct result of im pure blood. It enriches as well as purifies the i blood. Dr. Piercr'i atMkiM ha a tv4 only &trd ate vrMllv. but k haa don wonder for nr two aorta, 11 writes Mrs. M Hart rick, of Demur. Oawefo Co , N. V. " Bath hA scruMl. 1 ha loot two (Uurhtra to lea than fir yan wit coaammiKioai ana acromial, my wtowm ana wa takea two or tkrre mn aro with htawor fflMsrc Uom th lunrs. II troubled htm for over nm xoom ur, rwtv wmou Mmtcvi if linTUCD'C uvuuc w ' 5? S'- SH 5 C,- Hushed are those lips, their earthly song is ended; The singer sleeps at last ; While I sit gazing at her arm chair vacant, And think of days long past. The room still echoes with the old-time music, As, singing soft and low Those grand, sweet hymns, the Christian's consola tion, She rocks her to and fro. Some that stv the heart like shouts of triumph Or loud toned trumpet's call, Bidding the people prostrate fall before Him, "And crown Him Lord of all." And tender notes, filled with melodious rapture, That leaned upon His word, Rose in those strains of solemn, deep affection, "I love thy kingdom, Lord." Safe hidden in the wondrous "Rock of Ages," She bade farewell to fear; Sure that her Lord would always gently lead her, She read her title cloar. Joyful she saw "from Greenland's icy mountains" The Gospel flag unfurled; And knew by faith "the morning light was breaking" Over a Binful world. "There is a fountain," how the tones triumphant Rose in victorious strains, "Filled with that precious blood" for all the ran somed, ' Drawn from Immanuel'a veins.'' Dear saint, in heavenly mansions long since folded, Safe in God a fostering love, She joir.s with rapture in the blissful chorus Of those bright choirs above. There, where no tears are known, no pain nor sorrow Safe beyond Jordan's roll, She lives forever with her blessed Jesus, The lover of her soul. II with of es cape.' "New York Mail and Express THE BONE OF CONTENTION. Dad, can you answer a question now. or are you too busy r asked the T year old beir. You told me always to ask you about anything I didn't know, Quite right my son, ssid the fond par ent. I wish you to grow up a wise aod observant man. Never be afraid of showing your ignorance and your store of knowledge will stesdily increase, What is it this time? The other duy I heard some oqe talk about the bone of contention, dad, and I should like you to tell mo which part of the body it is io. Which bone is it? Henry, my son, said bis father, sol eluiuly alter casting a glaoce around to see if mother were in the way "the bone of contention is the jawbone of a woman Always be careful of it, Henry." And Henry promised. Baltimore Sun. Honor looks better ou a backgruund of humility. DO GOOD-IT PAYS. A Chicago man has observed that, "Good deeds are better than real estate deeda-aome of the latter are worthless. TUC PURPOSE OF THE INTERVIEW I " " " w - Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helpful band. You cannot I A young woman whose father was am possibly lose by it. Most men appre- bilious for her social success in lite re eiate a kind word and encouragement oently took it on herself to inform him mote than substantial help. There ire that she loved a young olerk ;in bia office persons in this community wbo might a good, upright, ambitious fellow, but truthfully sav: "My good friend, cheer Ut present without means and that she WW . I 1 up. A few doses of Chamberlain's had promised to become his wife, Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold How far has thia thing gone ? dc and there ia no danger whatever from minded tbe surpiised father, pneumonia when you use that medicine. I Well, we've been seeing each other on It always cures. I know it foj it bai the quiet for over a year, Pa, she said. helped me out many I time. I And he'i kissed you eh ? For sale by W. M. Cohen. Druggist, Yes. Pa. she admitted, hanging her Weldon, N. C. head. WHEN BABY IS COMING USE Mother's Friend i$tYELLOW.PQISON In your blood ? Physicians call It nalarlal Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. Vou leel weak and worthless. g ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money hack. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. W Early Lasers TTva famous little pills. BEST FOR TIIE BOWELS ir von ha n't rtfuUr, haaithy raovaaavnt of tht bowela rr day, jou r III ur will lv. kuap yuui bwiaoptn,mtba wall. 1hh. In the ahtof vto. Ntnt uhyMc ur tll iilion, Ir Oanecroui. Tlisj amnotb ast, eaalast. moat irfoct ut kttaplng Iht buwail dew avod alaan la to Uka CANDY CATHARTIC A3 EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant. Palatallt, Potunl. Taaic flood, poOood. Nvr Bu-atfii, Waakaa, r Urlix. if, K. nd W caula Er box. Wrlttj (r truo amil, and bouklat ot calth. Addraaa rriRLivs km km ciWiiY, CMirine ar it toss. KEEP YttUR BLOOD CLEAN "Father" ii the keyword to all true prayer. How often, I say? the YOUf TOflgUe How often ? old man roared! Her head bung do longer. She drawl If it's COatcd. VOUf StomaCQ RAN A TEN PENNY NAIL herself up to ber full height, and, feeing js bad. VOUf liver is OUt Of THROUGH HIS HAND, him with flashing eyes, replied : ordcr. Ayer's Pills will dean Wbileopening a box J. C. Mount, of tber, I came here to oontess not vouf tonPUC Cure VOUf OVS' Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny to boast I pepsia, make your liVCf right. HE LEARNED A GREAT TRUTH, tasy to take, easy to operate, It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley: "Why Bail through tbe fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would eause me," aays he, "and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and tbe injured parts were soon healed. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. C. ;.-. All in rcl.ti. The light from heaven can sever astray. lead When God olosea on door, He opens another. Prayer is the anchor that holds ua fast to God. . Nl IMMOTwy ana Km aoi km . kioirh.ae am vrwr lfv vonMr mom tad acronito am oa tab acvk; hjidTwo tawvt hrihuHl hid mf mim a. commm4 Io Uk JOW MW4- mo. - Accept bo substitute for "Golden Med ical Dt corny." There ia nothing "Just aa good for dtataaes of the stomach, blood aad luan. A icuS pare nook, free for the asking. You can get th People'e Common Sense Medical AdvW, the beat snedical book ever publiehed, frtt by sending stamps to pay expense ol aaaiung tmiy. send li one-cent stamps for paper covers or ii eunips for cloth bouna volume, to ur. R. V. Pierce, Buaaio, N. Y. PREPARATION. Time, time; this ia the first greet fao- tor IB prayer. If you would have Uod put His law into your heart and write it in your mind, you must give Him time. If yoa would live effectually ia your day aod generation, making both your pres ence and worda a power for God, you must give Him time. If you would go wilh peaoe, and quiet through the rush of multiplied dutiea aad imminent dangers, yoa must give God time. Time, time, the ptimaiy urgency must rest here. Tbe Omaha belle who had juat wed ded t Boetoa maa withia twenty-four boon after meeting bin oa a train for Ogdea mast hive beta courted at a Bile a minute rate. THE WORST FORM. Multitude! are aioging the praises of Ko- I dol, the new discovery which ia making so many aick people well, and weak peo ple strong by digesting what they eat, do you tell that child the tame thing over and over again?" "Joha Wesley, be cause once telling is not enough. It is for this same reason that you are told again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures oold aod grip; that it counteracta any tendency of these dis- eaaes to result io pneumonia, and that it it ia pleasant and safe to take. For aale at W. M. Cohen drugstore, Weldoo, N. C. The panama hat appears to be going the way of the Nicaragua canal route. For every aelf-made man in the world there are ten who are self-unmade. Want ymtr in. .11.1.1, bronu nr rt.'ti '. Im k ? 1 BUCKINGHAM'S c- itVC tor the 0 !J IU Whiskers HARPER VlllS'.tV 3 FOB OVER SIXTY YBAKS Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup haa beea ased for over aiity years by millions ot mothers for ohildrea, while teething, with 1 by cleansing and iweeteniug tbe stomach parted saooeaa. It soothes the ehUd, ,od b, transforming their food into the softens the gums, allays all caia. eurea ... :.. ... .v.. l . . . i mi 1 11 num. 1 11 n iiiinmi tiai ui . rra wan. wind Mlu. and tu tha haal Mmariw fnv 1 L Dianhoe. It will relieve the poor Utile feel 8 over- Mre- Cranfield, of sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists Troy, I. T., writes: "For a number of IB every part of the world. 25 cents a I years I was troubled with indigestion and !)0U.lo '.,,0,M, "k for Wif dyspepsia wbiob grew iota the worst form 4 after using four bottles I am entirely Tbe purchase of the Baltimore ball ""red. I heartily recommend Kodol to team by Andrew FreedoMB of New York all sufferers from indigestion and dya- Ii about tbe biggest diamond deal lately pepsia. Take a dose after meals. It recorded. I Atlw. .v., ,M -'6 v W. M. Cohen. OAHTORIA. aau,, yf V Ui Km Hm tiiri Bctiftrt llgaatua sf Cod's iympathy is not exhsuatei igbs. M1 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa ear Thia nrpiwrallnn Contains all of the n raaiinia ana u luesis an aiuua u, food. It gives insiani reiici anu never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The moat sensitive atnmarlia can take lb. ltv its use many thnnunrl of dvanentics have been curr-A after everytlilDgielse failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren wuh weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary, Cures all atomach trublas Pn.iredor)lv.bv R. C. PiWitt Co.. Obleasm Tin t. botU.cuulatua Ikj UmM Uw Mc aua. W.M. Cohen, Druggist. SCIENTIFICALLY Distilled NATURALLY AGED, ABSOLUTELY PURE, Beet and Safest for all asei. For Sale By M. D. SMITH, Weldon, N.C. CnednutaCoushCaro For Coughs, CoMs bikJ Craup. D. E.STAINBACK, ...... NOTARY PUBUC, Wai.ooH, N. G gaVEoapoks Haws Office. a at Vt- Vasikak,y'ca 'Mkst-ftw v I

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