jjOHISr "W. SLE'JDGKE, proprietor. jv()L. XXXVII. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEBMSHUO PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER .9. 1902. NO. 9.2 10 1 1 n i i Nil 1 Tho Kind Yon Have Always nought, and which had been in use for over 30 yearn, has borne the ftlgnntnre of and has been made under his per sonal snpcrvlslon since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "JuHt-an-ifood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infauts and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cafitoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo . substance. Its ago Us guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlsliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of A LEGEND. The Young Man Awoke and Saw the Lesson Taught by His Dream. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. HM INTAWd MMMsrV, TT sMJHItAV TattT. NtWJ VOWS) SIT Cures Clolin-Intuitu. Diarrhaujtyicatcry.wa the Btwcl Trouble of Children olAnr jlos. Aklt Digestion, Rejul.tu Iht Howell, Mftngthtai the Child end Make TEETHING EASY. . O. ST. LOUIS. MO, n. n n H..nr. R.t.ur a. fll.l.. All.Tll. T.I.. Ni?. HI. 1900. apl.adid nmiil and .14 to. or ualhine oailtlrta. Wh.a my .IdMl t- V L.tain. chilli, t.rr .acedia.- daf w.rfl.d n, lhal w. would IBfTitablf lH. hloL 1 ti.fp.BMl upoa 1M.TillNA,Bnd bafaaatoao. admlBiiurina It to bin, and hti imnruv.in.nt wa. ma-kl la H bo.r., .d from Ci.l tlay oa a. recuDr.ud. I a... eoa.tanll kept Hand u1 tulata with ar cbil.ir.a. and b. taa.n .rut pi...,r. la .ouamaa lia traiM. to au at.ta.fa aa juubji wanaraB. . wua ibtmiuui -khh wbvi aHvd vaa pamd HUM- v H, naJU)li Ctsts tody 25 cents at Dnggists, Jttf eutt II can. to O. J. MOFFKTT. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOllBEliH IN STAPLE & FANCY'ra GROCERIES) tVWe Sell Ouly To Merchant.. Orders Solicited. 8 8 ly THE WELIH. GKOCEKY CO, .. WKl.DON.N. c. Excelsior Printing Co., . c. frv WELDOF, IsT ; Letter, Bill and Packet Heads m Wfiddint? Invitations.? Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc.lt Mr vfc j " .Sr. orders receive prompt and 5 careful attention. vS v vW vW -AV Tie 1 Bait of W A legend was told me the other da; which ruuj iukrt'fct you. A joung luao ditcoDlcDtcd with l.ia lot dreamed I won derful dream, fie was carried ioto I beautiful country, and wan driven in itate rouizh leafy bowera and under arching tree, thrru)h groves redolent with or ange b'ownnis. Itare exotics bloomed 00 every ride. The place reemrd per fect I'nirjIiMid of beauty, After driving for mill and milts, he slopped bcfuro a maiinificcnl ralace. It was built of mar- aid thecartiog was of the 6nent orltmuot'hip Itsminarels and domes re ornamented with rare jewels, which flushed in the sunshine. The doors were of 1 carls, the fli c m of gold, and the ceil ings, instead of beiog frrecoed were stud- d with rubies and diamonds The building was of (ntimtus rite, covering, ith its wit gs, fully I rqtiare mile, and cvtryilitng ab i d fcale ol rare splen- lr.. Slit ping lo one side of the palace, is eje retted on a dark brown niche, small, tiul id sucn striking contrast 10 ie palace, that he uhled the guide what meant and wny that was not marble 10, and sel around with preoiuus slones, Imagine (he young man's surprise when he said: "The fault is yours. This is the t'alace beaut it ul, and Ibis is your niche. Vou have been unhappy because of your lowly station in life, and rinte you could not have a position of promi nence, you have spent your lime discon tented, while others have been improving, their time and talents. It rests upon you one to make this palace perfect." The young man aw. ke, saw the lesson taught by his dream, and set to work to maible- iie hia brown niche New York Kvan- gelist. RAN A TKN I'KNNY NAIL TI1UOUGH MS HAND. Whileopeuing a box J. C Mount, of Three Mile Hay, N. Y.. ran a ten penny nail thr ush iheflexliy part ol his hand I thouiiht at once of all lite aio andl solemn this would cauxe me," says he, nd immediately applied Chamberlain's I'ain Bulin and occasionally ofierwards To my surprise it removed all paiu and snreorwi and the Injured parts were soon healed. For sale ai W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. ('. DOMESTIC SUPPERSTITIONS . If you ing while making bread, yen ill cry before it is eaten. If your apron becomes untied, one is h peaking of you. To ail on a chair while it is being I duMrd is sign of money coming. 11 1 child wbirls a cnair about, It is el aigo tie win receive a wmpping. When a rocking chair moves about while you are rocking, you are going lo have a caller. When making a bed, if you chance lo (cruet one ol (he bheet vou will hiar of I wedding in les-t ihau a week. Do not luro chair on one leg. You arc turning your friends from you. To walk a oliuir on its legs, incited of J carryiug ii, signifies the injury of a near nend 01 relative. .For a chair to creak when you tit down on 11 Is a ture ngn ol so accident. Il futni ure fall, elf a load when niov- iiu-,ioiriokues. New York News - J I Kcxuii.e iuthrii); give over arntimen- lali-ru. 1 :WELD0N, IN. C.:-! Opizei. Uiier The Lai. of k State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20T11, 1892. STATU OF NOllTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKI'OSITORY. TOWN OK WKLDON DEl'OSITORY. ' CIPITIL 180 SURPLUS $26,000. For ten vean thia institution has provided banking facilities for I Ii is sectioi in aiockholder and direotors have been Identibetl with ihu uujiness intcreits Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned npoo iproved security at the legal rate of interest- six per cenluiu. Accounts of all "uiiciieu. President: Vioe-President: Cmhier. W. K. DANIEL n. J. N. RAMSAY. VV. R. SMITH 8eaboard, Northampton eounty, N. C. D iii n J 11 SVDNOR t BUNDtijY, for aJuei tme, are ooiurpstd the city througH Yi'ldingto'none'for' alvUs", the choicest FURNITURE waits' for yoTJ" Curable and elegant, ornate or plain, auoli Suitea elsewhere we aeek in vai lT'cd for UPHOLSTERY, here we find grand collection of every kinj Onamenul DRAPERIES, it ii known well, In poifeot tasle, they excXj 1'ght.t 711 K. Broad St, of MIRRORS A PICTURES, the stock icomplctE &C lor beamy & quil v, , re!, 0B , 8YDNOR k HUNDLEY do suppler This great store is 709-711-713 WYISIT OTl WRITER The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. 11 rWflfflalrilL ' ""Tit Ho Did Not Know These Prom ises Were In The Bible. if if THE HVSTLINO AND UP-TO-OATK LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 1 T TTT T 1TT1 T Tl t 1 A . fj . W 1 IN I? 1 Tj li l'l PKE8IDENT k MANAGER .Special Attention to Mail Orders, . oct 3 ly. WHEN DADDY PLAYS HIS FIDDLE, 1a rw:Tel When quiet settles o'er the farm, An' nieht takes place of day, An' all the stock is housed au' fed An' supper's cleared away, Then daddy takes his fiddle out, An' tunes the E ond A, An' then the Q string with the D, An' then begins to play. He plays a reel or jig or two To git his fingers free; To take the kinks out left by work, He says to ma an' me. An' then he puts in longer strokes, An' lays his face hard o'er, An' plays on three strings at a time, An' sometimes hits the four. He cuts in deep upon the bass, An' thunderstorms pass o'er. An' then he sails high on the K An' clears the skies once more. Now deep an' loud; now soft an' low, Life tremblin' by a thread; A dismail wail off in the night Where gravestuns mark the dead. Then daddy strikes a streak of hope, An' buii breaks through the rain, An' then he strikes a martial air An' marches home again, No time, no tune, no written score, Jes' somethin' daddy plays, The like of which was never heard In old or modern days.- He seems a different man whene'er His fiddle's in his hand; There is a bond between the two That's hard to understand. An' ma she sets an' knits away. An' dreams her dreams uv old, While dadl's fiddle takes 'em both Way oft to lands uv gold. No doubt they spy a shady lane, An' hear the songs uv birds, An' see themselves, two lovers there. With hearts too full fur words. I've heard big bands an' orchestras, Church organs tin' 'the rest, But fur sweet music f rum the heart. I likemv daddv's best. That is a beautiful incident told of a certain church member who was unfu- iliar with some of the most precious promises in llie Bible. The story is old but it will bear repealing (or the benefit those who have not road it. A well-to-do dcaoon in Connecticut was one morning aooostcd by bis pastor, ho said,"I'oor Widow Orccn'a wood is Can you not take her i cord ?" "Well," answered the deacon, "I have e wood and I have the team, but who to pay me for it V The pastor re- ied : "I will pay you for it on condi tion that you read the firt-t three verses the forty-first Psalm before you go to bed to-night." The deaoon consented, livered the wood and at night opened e word of Ood and read the passage : "Bletsed is he that coosiderelh the poor; the Lord will deliver bim in time ol trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon earth; and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of bis enemies. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing; thou wilt make all is bed in his sickness." A few days afterwards the pastor met lm again. "How much do I owe you, deacon, for ibat cord of wood ?" "Oh I" said the now enlightened man, do not speak of payment; I did not now those promises were in the Bible. would not take money for supplying the widow's wants." The 5 Hour Doy Which the wnrkinfT man has fought for and aucvcetlvtl lit olilaininx ia UDmrthinu; the wite uaa no share lu. Her tiny He Bins before hia and ends Ioiik after it, aa a rule, aud many a uitht her rest ia DruLcn by llie butty's Iretfulnesa. The healthiest woman must wear out under auch a atraiu. Wlmt can be expeitcd then ol those women who are weaken ed by womnn- ly diseases) Women who nre weak, worn -out and run-down will find new life aud new strength in the use of Dr. IHerce'a Hnvoritt Prescription. It establishes regularity, driea weuWeiiinn drama, heals lntlmnnialion aud ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Sick people are invited to consult IK. Pierce, bv letter, I'm. , All corresoondei held aa atrictly private and sacredly confidential. Atldreaa ur. K. v. Pirn. Buffalo. N. Y. ...auMt wtit. frm.l. wrakneat about elcht mra-trtl arvtnl doctor, bul derived aa brae It antll I began nainj l)r Pierce'. Favorite I're- acrlDlioa," writes nr.. lona vrceu, ' I. rA v .Thi. mrdlctoe waa reoonl- merrier! ti ie by other patlenta. 1 have taken at, hotlleiaad I feel like enotacf penon," The dealer who offers a substitute for f Favorite Prescription," l only seeking to make the little more profit paid on h aale of leea nieritorioua medicine. Hia profit la your loea. Refuse all sub stitutes. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets should be used with "Favorite Prescription " wuen- art taxattv rcuuuea. II' TUC DCil TIC iiy iriL ULnuiii ULi What is the beautiful? My spirit scared in the calm night air And saw a mountain spire that rose Aloft toward heaven, trending far, A soundless symbol, still and fair. The pace of ages in its pose, Soft Rplendors shone from one lone star, Its chastened beams the only light That dawned upon my raptured sight ' And this was beautiful. ' . i .. . . - , - What is the beautiful? My spirit flew with tho darting galo ;' ! And saw the surge of a shoreless sea, '' Where the -wild waves wantoned in cease J j '; ' ' less power, . '' ' ! ' As pulso of life that ne'er shall fail. 0' iv spirit looked nfurfmrn rrm And saw in the dusk of the morning hour i A stately ship, whoso sails wore white With the unrisen sun's first light And this was beautiful, Wlvat is the beautiful? , My spirit drowsed on a perfumed plain And saw a splendor of color schemes, Inwrought of blossoms that swung and ' ' "-'swayed ' ' In prismed glories 'neath kisses of rain, Aa tinted signs of a soul's glad dreams. The flowers flaunted the breeze that played Whilo out from the mist-Btrewn dark of the sky - ,' 1 One sunbeam stole as the clouds passed by- : And this was beautiful. ,- , s , , What 1b the beautiful? - ." , ; A ' My spirit looked in the heavenly span ! ' Ana saw a stately and splendid thing, ; A form of graces and loveliness Which from far depths below began - , t j A lofty flight on viewless wing; Its very passing seemed to bless, With glories crowned with virtues shod, a. ' -v A soul flew, seeking love and Godl This va beautiful. Marvin Dana in Smart Set. THE HIDDEN GEM, A MODERN LOVE TALE. THE WORST FORM. Multitudes are singing the praises of Ko dol, the new discovery which is making so many sick people well, and weak peo ple strong by digesting what they eat, by cleansing and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind of pure, rich blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. Cranficld, of Troy, I. T., writes: "For a number of years I was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia which grew inte the worst form Finally I was induced to use Kodol and after UMog four bottles I am entirely cured, I heartily recommend Kodol to II sufferers from indigestion and dys pepsia, lake a dose alter meals. It digests whst you cat. W. M. Cohen. THE BEAUTIFUL LI FE. To rise each morning with a thought of Ood in the soul, left over to fill a new mission from the night before; to kneel ere descending the stairs for the conse cration of your life, and the assurance of His guidance of you, just for that day this is the true preface of a beautiful life. KOKOVUH BIXTY VGAKs) Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers (or children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child soltens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. ZD cents bottle. Be sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind Work is mans noblest heritage an excellent senliment to keep in mind long as you've got to work anyway. DO GOOD-IT PAYS. A Chioago map has observed that "Uood deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, Bhow sympathy nd lend a helpful hand. You cannot possibly lose by it, Most men appre ciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help, lhcre are persons in this community who might truthfully say: "My good friend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold and there is uo danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine, It always cures. I know it for it has helped me out many I time." For sals by W. M. Cohen, Druggist Weidoo, N. C. The Courtship of a Young Multi-Millionaire Facetiously Des cribed. Tho young multi-millionaire sat in his sumptuous office. At one elbow was a telephone. At the other was a ticket. In front was a system of push buttons, lo a corner was a telegraph operator, In another was a wireless receiver. By his side was his faithful Secretary. "Now, Mr. Quickly," he said, "look at the schedule, and tell me what I am lo do in the next thirty minutes." "You are to get married, sir," said Quickly. "To whom?" "That hasn't been decided." "Ah, yes, I remember. I have been so busy that no selection has been made. ery well. Now get Newport, Lenox, Lower California, London, Paris, and other marriage marts, and find a girl five feet three, not over twenty-live, with real blonde bair, weight 150, and a father who is in the oombine, if possible. Robinson's list of availables may help you." In ten minutes the privato Secretary mado his report. "Here are five," he said. His employer looked over the names. "Good!" he exclaimed. "The market appears to be strong. Try number three' Bar Harbor, you say. Wait a minute." He rang up Bar Harbor. In half a minute be was talking with Mr. Milton, owner of several States and Territories. "Is it all right, old man ?" he asked, finally. "Certainly," was tho reply. "How can 1 refuse anything to the man wlio helped us st a critical moment to keep up the price of bacon ? Ethel is playing ping-porg." The ardent suitor rang up the ping- pong table, and briefly stated his errand. Two minutes were passed in explana tion. "Yes," was finally given. Bishop Stumper was found at Rich field Springs. Tho combination phono graph and telephone was opeocd up for the ceremony. The bridegroom em ployed thj slight delay to apologize to Ethel's partner for interrupting thi game. It vas all right. Now, Quickly," said the bridegroom, "tell 'em to get a gait on, as in fourteen minutes I've got to talk to the President of the Bean Trust." The sonorous voice of the bishop was heard over the wite. The responses were firm and audible. The moment approached for the ring. Ethel's part ner had volunteered to be best man. "How stupid of me," said the groom. Foruot that nog. Hold all the wires while I get the Bar ' Harbor jeweler. Ah, hero you are. I'm Bloomer, of the Standard Air. Send a dozen wedding rings up to Miss Milton's ping-pong table, p. d.q. While you are about if you have any old mine diamonds, pigeon blood rubies, or a necklace worth anything abovo a hundred thousand send 'em alone. Chase Yourself l All the world's wailing." Wedding rings and other trinklcts were on band in ten minutes and the ceremony proceeded. In two minutes more it was com pteted. "And now," said Bloomer, the groom to his secretary, "shut on all the wires but my wife's snd make a memo, to send the bishop a couple ol thousand and aoms wine. An, my dear, we alone, at last. Sorry to hurry you, but business is business. 1 11 try and oome on to see vou in a month or so. In the mcaolimc, pick out a few nioe houses to live in or anvthine vou mav want and charge it to me. Hope I didn't spoil vour eame. See vou later. Au revoir Turninc to bis Secretary, ne saia; "And now. Mr. Quickly, we'll talk with the President of the Bean Trust, Tom Mensem in Life. SHALL NEVES DIE. a We should remember that the wordi "Dust Ibou art; to dust thou shall luro," were not spoken of the soul. "The soul, immortal as its sire, Shall nover die." Death ia simply s transition from this to fairer mansions, not made wilh hands eternal in the heavens. Do not think because you have been robbed of loved ont by the shadow of the great dark messen ger, that you will never see them more. We should hold to the belief that when we, too, pass into the mysterious beyond, our loved ones will be the first tb meet and greet us. Life is a narrow vale between thebleek and narrow peaks of two eternities. After all, there is no death. The stars go down, only to rise upon some fairer world. Its Mother U Well. ic liabv is healthy because durinir tin l of L'estaliciu its mother used the popular and purely vegetable liiiiuieut, Mother's Friend Mother's Friend is a soothing, softening, la:anj( linmieut, a muscle maker, iuvi alur and freshener. It puts new powel intoiiie back ana jiipsol a coining moluer. it 19 api -lied exunially only, mere u no do.sing and swallowing of nasty drugs, no inward treatment at all. The state of the mother during gestation ,.iy influence the disposition and future of the child; that is one reason why moth i should watch their condition and oid pain. Her health, that of the child and their lives, deneud on keenimr free from pain, worry and melancholy. Be oil ou cheer, strong oi heart anu peaceuu minu. not tie is rrionti can ana win ike vou no. Beanni down pains, morn- ' sickness, sore breast aud insomnia are all relieved by this wonderful remedy. Ut druggists tt ; i.oo per bouie. Seud for our book "flotherhood" free. LIE BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA LOOK OUT FOR FEVER. BiliouMieM ind lifer disorders at th season miy be prevented by cli' sowing ibe system with De Wilt's Little E Riners. These famous little pills do not gripe. They move tho bowels gently but copiously, nnd by rMon of ih ton properties, gives tooe and strength the glands. W. M. Cohen. SERE'S A BABY S VELUM. POIS'o,; In your blood ? Physicians a.'.' it nalarlal derm. It can bo seen changing red blood yellow mi !er microscope. It works day and i night. First, it turns your com- ;; plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. Vou feel weak and worthless. r ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come Inter on, Roberts' Tonic will cure ynu then but why wait ? Prcv :,. future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers snd Malaria. It has cured thous ands It vill cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. .i W Early Risers Th famoui little pill. FILES uIaaflrred th tort arc of the damnM Ith DrotrutiliiaT Dilci I r our lit on hv coimdim tlou with whioh I nit, ii.llieted fur twenty years. I ran acrou your t'ASCAKl'.TS In the town of NwoU, IV, and never found unyibltitf to iNjuaYl them To-day i am entirely free from piles and fool like a now num." v u. nun., iin ajuiips csv., aiuu city, i CANOY I 0 MAIUIC PlftlMnf. Pnlntahl. i'ntortt TM flood. TV) flood, Nsrer airLon. Woakon or GtIk. 10c,pC. Wc. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... tMrlUf Umt CtHr. fWltif, ImIi-mI. Row f fc. lit II A TA BUI Sold and imnritMped r klldrnf HUmU-DAIi glitito CX'KKTobftCOO UftbU. Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. And",,!.!.. V ;uit ynitr nnlt ii lirtiwi. or rtfh l.lin i. ' liquid a boitNUful Ml tio DiiPiriairiunii1? nvcfpr.the UUUIXIIlUllMlll O U.LW hiskera HARP3R VIIIS All the grapos out of our reach arc not aour grapes. Keen tor them. if! an '.!. Bignalurs tl 'I Ik t.iail 1 ai Ifcim l:ifi B Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. ThU nmnarattnn Bnntuln. all of the dlRestunts and digests all kinds of food. It Rives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to oat ail the food you want. The moat sensitive stomachs can takelt. Hy Its use many thousands of dyspeptic havo been cured after everything e'6 failed' Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomaclis thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troublas Pruuarwl only bf E. C. t)W itt Co., OUcmo I'll tl. twUie coolulua ax Union llle ,m- 1 W.M. Cohen, Druggist. .arm PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT FOR THEIR MOST DELI CATE PATIENTS. OLD AND PURE. For Sale By ' W. 0. SMITH.' N. c One Kalniite Qou&h Curd For CtMigha, Colds and Croup. D. E.8TAINBACK, ' ' NOTARY PUBLIC. WitDott, N.P .Roauoka Nsws OfSca. E Broad street, Richmond, Va . i

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