f 1 f OHIT W. SLEDO-E, PROPRIETOR. A. IT E "W SPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TEBMS:-i.5o per annum in advance r()L. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1902. NO. 23 J! U4 Jul ,t3h fBEMl U tirft a - Jfc ' . Af. v. aVc fitiaUe Preparation for As similating theroodandneflula img ttw Stouwcte andBwm of Promotes DigesHonClrerfur ncssandRestContains neither Oinum.Morplune itorMiiteidL Not Narcotic. IPatiSfJr'Mne- rmwwtK Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- llun, sour oiuuva.il, Dion iia Worms .Convulsions .Feverish irss mid Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. Tor Infantt and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature . of tMCT COPY OF WRAPPER. Aa In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMI tsm.WII IWNNf, MIW VtMR TT. fflUBK.i J f EaBW.weFftTr, MOPPlTTf.TnCirii MolirMnfiitM, a." I fill " Bowd Trouble! l -? CallaVutYJira'et. . : Costs M 25 oeatt at frosts, lr Ba ii Msti to e. Morrrrr. m. d t. louis, mo. Orvwi or D. . lilT. fteertMarr ef Stele. Avwm. Tti., No. St, IKtt. I haretoant Df, M ofstt'e TUTHIN A ft Spleavl.4 remed ud aid (wnj teething children. When ar eldest it iu s teettiae ehli4. emr eeeeeedlu Am versed Ibkt wt would laeitbly Um him. I aeioeBr-d Daa Er.THlNA.eed eee"M a mm dniftltltnBV n to Ua. ul fete iamtMHl m aiarkai U M hon. ud froa ki dr MtMrwi I kn Mututlj kaMHud u4lllM wtlaarUdra,udafuktBffrM4 kuart la waadlac Iu fnaM to All MaM fMJaj afcUtfMk I dud it Urelibl ana affer la taaUUg AM. U, m. UAIWIi The Weld on Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBREKS IN 8 STAPLE & FANCY(J3 ' . "v.l1 Wt Sell Only To UerrhauU. Orden Solicited. THE WELDON OROCEKY CO , 2 8 It wii.don.k. o, n h mm Usior Printing WELDON, 1ST. O. mm m Tifttt. er "Rill flnri Pao.kfit Head a If 'yi. - H Wedding Invitations,: M 1 Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc. M SonH ii o irmir nrrlora All orders receive prompt andl . careful attention. 5 Tb Bask of Woldon, -H :::::WELDON, IN. C.- Ornanizeil Under Tie Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST ZOTH, 1892. 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. - HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. $26,000. CAPITAL UD SURPLUS AN UNQUIET SPIRIT. Ik Mril.iloii Llckt Tfcal For lean Haastad Capa Nolr. For nutuj yeara on Cape Nolr, the Wvateru polut of Maria, a atraiiga light wua aeen, dancing and moving about In tbe moat unacrouulnble tnnu her. At one moment It would rlae Ilk 1 column of tiro Into the air, and at an other time It would full like a meteor. Then It would aeem to leap over the Point and drop Into the nea, afterward appearing again In the aame apot on the hlllalde. Tbe liabltnnla Ml, till atory almut It : In the time of the war for the poa- aenalon of Canadu a Kronen veawl, puraued kjr an Engllah warahlp, atoervd Ita court Into the bay at thla point for refuge. A loat waa loneril from the aide jf th richly laden mer chantman, and In thla thirteen men awlftly rowed to the ahore. Tbelr ob ject waa to aecrete a cheat of gold which they had brought with them. On reaching the point they drew lota to which of the men Mould remain to guard the treaaure. The one to whom the lot fell waa forced to awear a solemn oath, by land and aea, by night and day, by the ruler of the Dether world, that he would be faithful to the truat through life, unless re lieved by his returning comrades, and Ten after death would haunt the spot hoald no one come to take hla place, aays a writer In the Era. To secure the fulfillment of thla vow bli wicked associates then and there put him to death and buried him with the treasure. The ghostly light was apposed to be the spirit of the mur dered man, and many persona who, tempted by the hope of recovering tbe treasure, ventured Into the haunted apot fled In terror and told blood curdling stories of th horrible phan toms and frightful sights which they had witnessed. The light la aeen no longer. Perhaps some adventurer bolder than the rest succeeded In dis covering the gold, carried it off and thus gave rest to the nnqulet spirit For ten Tears this losittntloo. has provided banking, facilities for this section '"!o:ih;!d;n::J iL-::t::i t;: ; ""iS"! 'he buiiaeas iuttieits of lihfti and Northampton, oouoties for miov years. Money is loaned upon sp- Biuvea security u tb legal rata or interest in per ceoium. aoooudis oi an an. I President: Vice-President: Cashier: JY. E. DANIEL Dn. J. N. RAMSAY, . W. R. SMITH 8eaboard, Northampton oounly, N. C. D fill D 11 YDNOR I HUNDLEY, for values tins, at uMurpamd the city ihrougH Yielding to rone, for styles, the choicest FURNITURE w.iu for joTJT ijjurable and elegant, ornata or plain, rauh Suite elsewhere we seek in vai3" led lot UPHOLSTERY, fcere w (nd grand oolleotioo of every kinJJ rnamental DRAPERIES, fc it known well, in perfect lasla, Ibey eioeXj plight at 711 E. Broad St , of MIRRORS k PICTURES, thestook'i eomplet lor beauty & quality , can rely on all SYDNOR A HUNDLEY do mppllT This great store is 709-711-713 E Broad street, Richmond, Va TO CURE CORNS. A Few BtMdle., Ckas . f Imaile, When the feet are pressed Into tight flttlug shoes high heels make tbe pressure greuter-hy adding friction we have a needlelike point formed In tbe skin, and the greater the pressure tbe deeper the point will grow. The best preventive remedy known la real ly to go burefootetl, but since thla la not coiMlricnd ethical lu civilized life I will give a few simple remedies which may be of some value for tbe afflicted: First. 1'lncc on the corn a piece of cold, moist linen folded severul times, wrap It up in dry linen, then go to bed. With this treHtmeut tbe hard epider mis swells up. find after six or eight hours the outer covering of tbe corn enn tie removed with a dull knife. When this triutment lias been followed for thn-e or four diiys, a email needle- llke growth (the corn) run be extracted without pain or bleeding. Ily waahlng the feet often in cold water the tender place win ueni rnpioiy. Aiier geiuni rid of this corn It Is well to wear ahoea which are neither too large nor too sninll so aa to avoid excessive pressure or friction. Second. In place of tbe linen a crust of bread soaked In vinegar may be ap plied. Third. The best application la to souk a whole onion twenty-four honrs lu vinegar, then apply one of the layers of the onion to the corn and keep It lu place by a bandage through tbe night. After repeating this procedure a few times the corn cau be removed without any trouble. By either of these atmple applications this troublesome agent can be removed without any danger of blood poison and "free of charge." St Louis ltepubllc. B(rlv Power of k Rakr. The primitive form of th spinel ruby la like that of the dlamoud, eight aided, which distinguishes It at one from the oriental stone. Th color of th genuine ruby la that of th arte rial blood, or plgeou's blood, as it Is called. It Is extremely hard and after the eapphlr la tbe hardest of the corundums, which renders It difficult to understand why the earth so rarely gives It np. Its tint la aa beautiful by artificial light aa by day, and Its pow era of reSectlon are to great that an cient belief credited It with power of emitting light Th ancients even sup posed that It would shin through clothing with undiminished power. mm a! 1 i WVISIT OK- WBITE-w Its Petersburg Furniture Co., ' SOU AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISIIING8. A. J. WINFI ELD. PRESIDENT MANAGER aSpecitl Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. PAPA,WrlAT WOULD YOU TAKE FOR ME? J She was ready to sleep and she lay on my arm, In her little frilled cap so fine. With her golden hair hanging out at the edge, Like a circle of noon sunshine. And I hummed the old tune of Banbury Cross, ' And three Men Who Put Out to Sea. When she sleepily said, as she closed her blue eyes : "Papa, what would you take for me?" And I answered: "A dollar, dear little heart," And she slept, baby weary with play. But I held her warm in my love-strong arms, f And I rocked her and rocked away. Oh, the dollar meant all the world to me, The land and the sea and the sky. The lowest depth of the lowest place, The highest of all that's high. All the cities, with streets and palaces, With the people and stores oi heart, I would not take for one low soft throb Of my little one's loving heart ; ' Nor all the gold that was ever found, In the busy, wealth-finding past, Would I take for one smile of my darling's face, Did I know it must be the last. So I rocked my baby and rocked away, And I felt such a sweet content, For the words of the song expressed more to mo Than they ever before had meant. And the night crept on, and I slept and dreamed Of things far too glorious to be, And I wakened with lips saying close in my oar, "Papa, what would you take for me?" EUGENE FIELDS. V'li Ignoranco Blows out the gas and furnishes the newspapers with a jest and an obituary notice. "Didn't know it was loaded may be an honest plea, but it sever brought a victim back to life. Thoss who let a cough run on, in Ignorance oi turn uanger, find no escape from th con Mouences when the cough de velops into lung trouble. Th Uat time to kill a anake It In Um egg. Th best tint to sure a cough I wha it starts. Ordinarily, a few doses of Dr. Pierre's Golden Med ical Discover will cur cough at the beginning. But even when the rough is deep- seated, the luugt bleed and the k body la wasted by emaciation, f ur. fierce uoinen ueaicai ryA Discovery will in ninety-eight I cases out or every hundred e licet a perfect and permanent cur. Wy hMfaand had tern conf hint: for years and topk frankly told mtlhtl kc would fotntacwu muplloa, writ.. Mra. Juha Sbircuitn. of No. itj aslh Ptaca. Chkaao. in. He bad nick t.rri blt coushina Kll. wt not only grw much atarmad bat lookwt 16c lb. Dunlins of a blood. t.m.1 or a kamorrbaf. at Mftoal auy tltat. Altar tbret day' euuahlag ha waa loo waak lo Croat tba noai. Tka doctor did blm no aood. I alattd tba ataa to a dn.rfi.1. who handed nje a botllt of Dr rlcrca'a OoIJrn Medical IMtcoenr. My huebanda recovery waa remarkable. In Ihrae daw after he braan nalnf tr. rlerct't Ooldea Medical Dtacovery he waa np and around, and l Iwo note dayt at want at work. Two botUat cured hit.a Th Comma. Sana Medical Adviser, 1008 pans, in paper covert, it sent free on arceipt of 11 one-cent attaint to Day expense at milling omr. . Aduitat Dr. R. V. ftcrct, BuflJo. H. V. sr-sr tr.sr.r s IF PA COULD BE A BOY. te?W;5-.-5- e53t '55, I've offen heard my papa say He wisht he was a boy; That life would be one grand sweet song, With nuthin left but joy. , . If that i&Vhat he really thinks I wish he'd take a try, An' if he had to keep it up I bet that pa would die. i He couldn't wallow round in bed Till it was after eight, An' then get up as mad as hops 'Cause ma had called him late. 4 ' .i He couldn't spit the coffee out An' call it pizoned slush, , . 5 An' say the eggs weren't fit to eat, An' ask who burnt the mush '. . " ? v - - . ,Fer if he tried sech things as these ;- Ma'd yank him by the hair, An' fix him so he'd rather stand Than sit upon a chair. . He couldn't come home lute at night An' then begin to scold Because he'd made, us, wait so long ... . . The grub had gotten cold. He couldn't shove his plate away An' say he warn't no hog; He couldn't swear, he couldn't smoke, H couldn't kick the dotf. He couldn't rush out to the club An' have a little game, An' then com home in such a way . - He didn't know his naiuo. . He couldn't knock off work nex! day . An' lie around in bed, - ' While ma cracked up great chunks of ice An' packed it roun' his head. If he could be a boy again . ' I think it might suit ma, But you can bet your button boots It wouldn't do for pa! ... ; New York Press. A DOMESTIC DIFFICULTY. Tka Solution Wan Ortslnal, Thoneh ha Heao.lt Waa tnbandr. "Every time I tell this story," a bright society matron remarked, "somebody accuses me of making It up, but it la a true story nevertheless, "Up In the Virginia mountains David and I took a long walk to explore the wild country road near our hotel. Away up on the rough mountain aide was a little cabin, and its I have a most fervent humau Interest In th borne life of all peoples remote from cities 1 proposed that we visit the rab- ln, with the wayfarers' usual pretext, to ask for a drink of water. Iu the one room of the small house were the usual furnishings, a few chairs, many dogs lying about, guns on the wall, a high bed in each corner and a homely table spread with homely crockery in the center of the household picture. A plain little tvomun, worn and aged, but very neut lu calico frock nod ging ham npron, met, us lit the door and asked uh In, while one of the rough boys lounging on the porch was dis patched to the spring for fresh water. Inxtctid of the usual mountaineer's open nrephice, with Iron crane and kettles, wns a surprising arrangement of a cooking stove mounted on a kitch en bible. My glance reverted to this curious sight so often that our moun tain hostess seemed couutrained to explain. You uns ain't used to seelu' cook stoves fixed up that way, I reckon,' she said apologetically. 'Pap, he got the cook stove down in town way las' May, and he didu' think 'bout the stovepipe, uml he dldn' git 'miff to reach up to that there hole In the cblmbly, so we uns Jes' h'lsted the cook stove up on that there table till be gits time to go to town and git some more stovepipe. Taln't handy to climb up on a cheer to cook, and I wish to the land pup'd hurry hisself and git to town arter that there stove pipe. It'd be a heap handler to hev that there cook stove down on the groun',' "Of course 'we uns" agreed with the good woman thut her complaint was well based, but we praised her clever ness and originality In utilizing the kitchen table. I'robably not one wo man In 10,000,000 would have ever sug gested that way out of the domestic difficulty." Detroit Free Tress. Cut ibis out tod like it to W. M. Cohen '1 drug store and (get I free simple of Chtmberlsin's Stomtch and Liver Tablet, the best pbjsio. Thej cleanse nd invigorate the slomaoh, improve tbo appetite tod regains the towels. Regular til', 2Se. per bog. ' A LIBKRAL.OFPKR. . The Duderaigoed will give a free aaav pit of Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Livci Tablets to an; ona , wentiog a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomach, bil (outness or ooottipttion. Tbia it a new remedy and a f yoi one, W. M. Cohen drugstore. , BRAIN WORK. ""' " lit Effect Upon tk Bodr "el vkw Kind of Pood It Demands. Tbe chnDgi'1 of tissue lu the brain thut take place during study and thought are very Important and very rap!. It has been estimated that three hours of brain work cuuxe as great aa exhaustion of the forces of the body us an entire day of manual labor. This wasto must be replaced by abundant fond, but Its selection re quires careful consideration ami often self denial, for many things which the physical worker can eat with perfect impunity lire slow poison to the bralu worker, who tcrclrs the brain at the expense of the body and rarely gives the lutter sullldciit exercise to counteract the mental strain and keep It In condition to resist dlscnse. Hear In mind that, while the waste of the body Is much more rapid, the depriva tion of physical exercise encourages torpidity of the voluntary functions and renders them elugglsh In eliminat ing these wastes; therefore It Is of the utmost Importance that the tasks Im posed upon them should be light. Brain workers require the most con centrated and easily digested foods. They should eat fresh beef and mut ton, flsh, eggs cooked lu many forms, but never bard boiled or fried oysters and crisp salads, lettuce, chicory, toma toes, watercress, etc., with mayonnaise or French dressing. They should begin the day with fruit and make It form the princlpul part of luncheon and be very sparing In their use of cereals, eschewing entirely white bread and oatmeal. Their Ideal luncheon, which must be light if they continue to work In the afternoon, Is a glass of milk or cup of hot chocolate or, better still, a glass of fresh buttermilk, with two or three graham wafers or a bit of toast and some fruit, an apple, figs or an orange. WAVES OF WATER. For over 1,200 miles the Nile doei not receive a single tributary stream. The Jordan la tbe crookedest river known, winding 213 miles In a distance of 00. The Potomac river is only 600 miles long and In Its lower course Is rather an estuary thun a stream. Tbe highest of all navigable rivers Is the Tsangpo, which flows for nearly 1,000 miles at nn elevation of from 11,000 to 14,000 feet. The Indus, the second sacred river of India, Is 1.71)0 miles long. Its waters huve always becu considered almost aa holy us those of th Uanges. Three rivers as big as the Rhine would Just equal In volume the Gan ges, three (hinges the Mississippi and two Mississippi tbe Amazon. When free from Ice, the Yukon river la navigable for large steamer-1,905 miles, A distance more than twice aa great aa that from Chicago to New Orleans, TettlntT the Sermon. The minister of a parish In a part of New England where doctrinal points are coutlderea or great importance aaya that his teat of a satisfactory ser mon la tbe opposite of that which is commonly applied. . My clerical friends In the city tell me that to long as tbelr congregations appear wide awake and Interested they feel encouraged, be said to a visitor, but with me It's different. "Of course I wish to Interest the con gregation, but If I look over to Deacon Drew a pew and then to Deacon Bnow'a and aea tbem with tbelr eyea closed and heada nodding I feel that all la well. Just as surely as I discover them wide awake and alert after I'vo been preaching for ten minutes I know that there's something wrong to their minds and that I shall hear wbat It la aa soon aa th service la over. Youth's Companion. r.rrumrs In Aneleat Dnrs. Old as the history of the world Itself la that of the queen of flowers. Tbe ancient Greeks and Romnna reveled In rosea. They were used lavishly at tbelr feasts. Iu the time of tbe republic the people had their cups of Fulernlan wine awlmmlng with blooms, and the Spartan soldiers after tbe battle of Clrrha refused to drink any wine that was not perfumed with rosea, while at the regatta of Balm th whole aurface of th Lucrlne lake waa atrewn with flowers. Dolntr Harm. One day Willie, aged five, waa cry. Inn, and hla mamma aald: "Willie, you are getting your far all dirty from crying." And Willie atopped long enough to reply: "Well, It wasn't clean when I start ed." And then he went on. Brooklyn bagle. - A Collection In llckt. Now," aald tbe trot debtor, "If yon disturb in again you'll get wbat you're looking for." . "Thanks," replied the urbane col lector. "1 will try to mnke It con venient to dlaturb yon at about this time tomorrow." Houston Pont Practically all the exports of Africa are natural products, whtfc her Imports iro exclusively manufactured articles. GracefGi Won.cn A Diii fur a Perfect Flrjuro ll Inteparftbla from a Love of t' e Beautiful. The scent of the vii-let or roe is prcd'tiis as the lovely flowers whose breath they are, awl while the lives of. flowers are l-rit-f awl we can only eniov them for a day, the beautiful woman gives the pleasure of her frajrrance to tis aa a permanent Messing. The soft fragrance I a beamitul woman suggests punty, cailh mid elegance: she is the refinement of civilization; an index always of good taste and an unerring badge ox gentility. f L.V -T. JL A. ML J-S JLS w7 t emale txegulator regulating the lunar periods in woman permits of no wrinkles, pale cheeks or to rimed nerve uud shapeless figures. It ia tu re s remeJy. I he druggist may oner some'Jiiijg else and call it "just as good" but the menstrual organs wUl not be de ceived, and permanent injury may result. Try our Regulator. Of all druggists ft. ur treatise ou ' Woman " mailed free. THE DRA0FICL3 CECULATOR CO., ATLANTA, QA. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought 5 Bears the Signature of Judge "I see that Willie Soellton has given up ntomobiling." Fudge "When will the funeral take place?" FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind coho, and is tbe best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. "He aims to be in intellectual actor.' Well, I should judge a 'thinking part' would just suit him." RAN A TKN PENNY NAIL THROUGH HIS HAND. While opening a box J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten peony nail through tbe fleshy part ol his hand ' I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me," says he, "and immediately applicJ Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were soon healed, For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. C. DO GOOD IT PAYS. A Chicago man has observed that. "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the Utter tie worthless. Act kindly snd gently, show sympathy and lend a helpful hand. You cannot possibly lose by it." .Most men appre ciate a kind word and encouragement mote than substantial help. 1 here are persons in this community who might truthfully say: ".My good friend, ohecr up. A few doses of Chsmberlain'a Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold and there is oo danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine, It alwavs euree. I know it foj it has helped me out many a lime." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist Weldon, N. C. She "What is necessary to get di vorce in thi state?" He "Get msrritd." O.A. Batntht Blgnttart tf i- lyill A. . Ihctal Yea Hm im tattft a im mm imi nm .man i Ha You might st least have givm me lome warning that you wcro going lo (blow me over, She Well, haven' I been nice to yon for over a week? A woman'a whim la often a man' fate. Boston Transcript r LOOK OUT FOR FEVER. Biliousness and liver disorders at this season miy be prevented by olesnring the system with DeWitt'a Little Early Riser, These famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gently, but copiously, and by reason of the tonie properties, givea tone and strength to -the glands. W. M. Cohen. Dyspepsia Cure Dirjests what yon eat Th's preparation contains all of the dlgoslants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant renei ana never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The nimt sensitive stomachs can take It. Ily iu use many thousands ot dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose reliuves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlyhy K.O. DlWirrft Co., Ohlcaro 1 u. St. botUe'coaiaiot i timet the We. tins. , W.M. Cohen, Drnggist.'t .at m WW. lit. :Jfi': nWCatVi 7; rSftit-r Ajr'L 'il S i . c;-L'ood? H ysicianj c-.ll it rialarial Uerm. It can be see:: ... changing red blood yellow under :' microscope. It works day nnd jK night. First, it tu'ns your com- plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching f sensations creep down your u backbone. You feel weak and B worthless. ; H ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night -Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Hrevc nt H future sickness. The manufac- R ....... bi.A. .11 .W. v.nl- ' low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money '-nek. This Is fair. Try it. Price, ZS cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. ofitT Early Risers Tho famotia little pill. BEST FOR THE BOWELS It jrtn fa won't re.rn1r, healthy movement of tit kowtli turf juu're HI or wilt be, Keep yen buireli open, nuiil bt well. Korea, in the Br.pof lo. tout physic or pill jjolion, tt duntrerous. Tbe anootkv t, easiest, moet terfnct ot keeping the bowell deer and eleen le to take yTV CANDY fCl CATHAHTIO u . EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleuatit. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. PeOoM. Hewer Hickpn, Weaken, or Urlpe, 10, ts, and M eeota er ros. rite lot tree sample, ana Dttoiuet um tUh, Address ITIBUIM. KKBIM COIfAlT. CI If IOO er KW TORI. KEEP YLUR BLOOD CLEAN Liver Pills That's what you need: some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Ayers Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. ?!.,.. Waut yonr miti?:irle ir iNMsrd , beautiful brown or rich blii-k T Tlieu uie BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMSr. SO f Tt or Druwatan, o P Mil 1 Co , Ntinua, M. H. HARPER wiirar, PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT FOR THEIR MOST DELI CATE PATIENTS. OLD AND PURE. For Sale By Cne r.3nute Ccnh Cora For Coughs, Coidi and Crewe, D. E. STAIN BACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. Wn.rxiH, N, p a,Roanok Newt Offloa, r r TT

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