roHlT.W. SLEDQ-B, proprietor. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEI2lS:-l-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE ()L. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1902. NO. 24 t 3 (KIM The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which baa beta in um for over 30 year, has borne the slirnatnre of and baa been made under bis per- ff . wnal supervision since Its infancy. All Counterfeit, Imitation and " Just-as-good" are but Kiperlments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverixhness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of Tka Wlfe'a Vacation. It la a eoniniou practice In Berlin ful the wife to stay at home wben the hue band and family gu In the seaside. In this nay the wife enjoys ber own boll day, fur there I no housekeeping to be dune. She foregnthers with friends "nrus widows," like herself aud they take their nieula nt roatnuranta, apend their afternoons and evenlnga at popu lar place of entertainment and thor oughly eujoy themselves. Loudou Ex- preaa. Y... Indeed! When a man gets tired out and III be goes flablng, returning shortly with three wall eyed pike, reatored health and a Winter on hla nose. When a wo man feela that way, ahe bungs around the house and cries If iniyhody looki at her. It must be lovely to be a man. Chicago Hecord llenild. Wonderful. He She holda ber uge well, doesn't ahe? She Yea. She doesn't look a day older thau she snya she Is. Philadel phia Iteeord. Sola and Farr. Tie observed," said Uncle Ephe, "dat wlf er good many men luug pow er an' lirulu power nm In Inverse pro portion." Colorado Springe Gaaette. The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt ihtaui) MM, yy umut tmtrr. m vmm um OR.MOFFITT'S Mm (UCTHINO POWDIRSl Costs 0lj 25 cents at Druggists, Cirn Cbolan-LtfiBtDflL Dlafiioea,DyMriUry, and ine Dowai irouattsM Children Mw tgi. Aids Dljettlen, RetuUits in Bowcli, Mruigthta tnt uino ana mates TEETHING EASY. Or Ball tl cits U C. J. MOPPETT, M. D- ST. LOUIS. Ma K IUBJ. Ale.. Jelr SS. MT Da, C. J. Homrt Mr Dmi Sir t Julio, to iMik th.l I .hmild .1,. m l.iti.n..ll madlclee, TEKTUINA. Out UiU. tirl, 1IUM oaUMoM.eas baa auk t.ltMaihiaf. rt.r, rsnsdr was .suites la tb. .hop of ersKriptioas from family Hat eoasle mouar air, nwuar , Fashions roa tbi Fair Six. The favorite material for mourning veils is set. Ao Ateiandra clasp of oxidised silver is set with a large purple amethyst in the eeolre The vogue of ibe eollarlesa bodice la making, ilt way slowly into the retlms of fashioo. The boa has in a great degree given p'soe to the frilly shoulder cap uoisbed with very long scarf ends of handsome laoa, or of accordion-pleated net orchiffun tied with velvet bowt, or brightened here and there villi clusters of rosea of soft fluffy silk poppies. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT MANAGER lf8pecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. mm of pun and buraisi ( oaUnasHl for dtvn M a Una. Her life u almoat d-iMlnd oL dwMralnd to try TRUTH IN A, snd la a dr or two tkm tu a rMl ebtvaT-M lift had reluMeVaw akaauiMMIoTatltTUINA. Uie little tebt U Dow doln wtlL Yourt, on., D, W. MgIVKH, l4llor 4U1 lprMor TwkeffM(Aitv.) TEARFUL ORCBEERFU? Whether a woman is tearful or cheer ful depends not on what ahe boa nutrri' ally, but what she if physically. Many an lnlulenl husmnd is unveil almost to desiair ty the tearful outburst at a wile wno The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Si .We Sell Only To Mer:banta. Ordera Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 81 WILDOK.N. 0 a. hat every- ATL t. thing she tV1, jAfe: want a to $ff iffl 'WVJ' what's the P( T MMH g$ matter. But YTPCl v3l S y W can't tell. "SiSSt- 1 ' yt She only I af Pt3 -ml knows that 8 - - , f'-SSllw condition b i'l Excelsior Printing Co, WELDON", IT. O. 4 W Letter, Bill and Packet Heads W Wedding Invitations.S W lit' . ,rV Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc. M AllM t orders receive prompt and $f A careiui aueniion. of woman lv diaease. 1u mental depression has its corresponding womanly weakness. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription change tearful women to cheerful women cunna: tne aiaeases wnicn cause pnya- leal weakness and depression of apinta. It establishes reiruumty, dries unhealthy drains, heals lnnamnution and ulcera tion, and cure female weakness. VI n. Alice Adama, of Laboratory. Wiibllif- ton Co., Pa., My: "With maoy thank. 1 write ao let you know bow I am. I can say Dy toa help and your help 1 am well. I have taken .fa bottle, of Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription aud two of hia 'Golden Medical Discovery.' aud I can do all my work. I can't praiae your meui- eine too man v. 1 an 1 recommcua your rami' cines as long- as I live. If any one doubts this give them my aaartsa." " Favorite Prescription make weak women stront- and sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonder for weak women. Keep the bowels healthy by the timely us of Doctor Pierce' Pleaaaut Pellet. Pl'OMATTOX IKON WORKS, i' v 1 'ft Raul i W ::::!:WELD0N,N. C. Orpnizetl Under Tie Lavs of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATU OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKP08IT0RY. TOWN OP WELDON DEPOSITORY. CIPITIL IND SURPLUS $26,000. I For tea Tear this institution baa provided banking facilities fur this section V stockholders ani direetors have been Identified with the business interests of fslifiiand Norihamptoa oountiea for msny "ear. Money is loaned upon ap loved aeeuritT at tha letral rata of intereat ail per eeotum. Aooouati of all are. n i iviieu, PtesiJest: Vioe-Preaidenl: Cashier. K. DANIEL Ds. J. N. RAMSAY. . W. R. SMITH. Seaboard, Nortbamptos oounty, N. C. 28 to 34 Old Street. FETERSBUKO, VA. Manufacturers of Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. II avinir boueht out Steel A Aleian der, founder sod maohioistt, wub all patterns, we are now prepared to fur- oii-b paiU to maohiie tormerij msae dj them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES PEANUT MACHINERY peolally, Mill work and cailinni of (II kind, amw-i ;.' isicsisrry for mi tr-p Call od as or writ for what von want. News & Opinions Of National Importance D u D III Till Sill ALONE Contains Both, 53VDNOR & HUNDLEY, for vetoes Hue, are nosorpsMed tb eitj ihrougH DuTl by mail, 16 s year 18 year pTWdiDgtosoD. for styles, the choioest FURNITURE iu for ,oTJ" Daily sd Sosday, by mail, purable and elegant, ornaU or plio, mob 8u'u lsewbr w Nek ia TailT THE .itouirj(uriiuixiiKKXlkerwBoagraDa ooneetiosj w .ioj, QiinlfiTr Qtin 0' truienta4 DRAPERIES, it is know well, it perfect twit, they eieelj if DUUQay OUU C- H'gbt 711 E. Broad St, of MIRR0R3 4 PICTURES, th.stoek'iwsipletE hi t beauty 4 qu.liiy ., MB rely os all 8YDN0R k HUNDLEY do iuppIlT rms great store is 709-711-713! 1 E Broad street, Richmond, VaJ! lath Omtest 8anday Newt paper ! tb world. , Pries 5 eopy. By mail 12 t year Address Tu ova, tin lots, VISIT 032 "WRITB-w The Petersburg Furniture 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. siiiaiaTJtritJrsiai uiisa.ii ismtHbiletslaii WsLttJrttumlyiiiirls-.'it" sjii?eiiaa'ssi' THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY. ftWsSt ifc-l s4iWtia!iljllikl 1 Could we but know The land that ends our dark, uncertain travel, Where lies those happier hills and meadows low Ah, if beyond the spirit's inmost cavil Aught of that country could we surely know, Who would not go ? Might we but hear The hovering angels' high imagined chprus, Or catch, betimes, with wakeful eyes the clear, One radiant vista of the realm before us With one wrapt moment given to see and hear, Ah, who would fear ? Were we quite sure To find the peerless friend who left us lonnly, Or there, by some celestial stream as pure. To gaze in eyes that here were lovelit only This weary mortal coil, were we quite sure, Who would endure ? V5 f ?f.V'- 00-0O-00-00 '00 I THEY ARE NOT LOST. SJJUS .wS af'Saf-S?''' 5"- 00 -00-010-00 -00-00 JaV The look of sympathy, the gentle word, Spoken so low that only angels heard; Tne secret act of pure self-sacrifice, , Unseen by men, but marked by angel's eyes These are not lost. The happy dreams that gladden all our youth, When dreams had less of self and more of truth, The childhood's faith, so tranquil and sweet, Which sat like Mary at the Master's f eet These are not lost. The kindly plan devised for other's good, So seldom guessed, so little understood; The quiet steadfast love that strove to win Some wanderer from the ways of sin These are not lost. Not lost, 0 Lord; for in Thy city bright Our eyes shall see the past by clearer light; And things long hidden from our gaze below Thou wilt reveal, and we shall surely know These are not lost. THE FALLTIME WINDS. V ' tfev- LEARNING A LANQUAGrT It la Contparntlrelr Bnsr tat Aaiir a Working Vocabulary. "It doesn't require any great length of time to learn a language it oqe has patience," mild a man who ha ma- tcrpl several languagee, "and wben I; hear a man regret that he la not able to apeuk French or Oerman or Spanish' or some other language unknown to him I cannot conceal my amusement In nine cus out of ten I might say that the men who express a regret of thin sort bundle English very poorly If thut hnpiH'iis to be their lauguiigu. 'The chimera are that their vocabu- lurlea are extremely limited, and It would irolinlily aurirlsc them to know thnt dcHplte the nilrontagca of birth and education they could not command mora than IUK) or T") words In English If their Uvea deluded upon It Yet they are able to curry on Intelligent con versation, and many of them may be come forcible and even axiomatic In their savings, nnd they plunge Into dis cussions of literature, art, music and other subjects of such line elegance and do It rather auccinsfully too. 'Now, how long ought It to take for a man to learn 000 or 700 or even 1,000 words In any hiuguage? Certainly It ought not to take uny great length of time, and from my own experience I know that It doe not. Of course 1 am not speaking now of mustering bo that one can get the full benefit of all the refinements of speech In a particular tongue. 'But 1 have In mind the Idea of speaking Intelligibly In a given lan guage and being ublc to understand perfectly what Is said In return. I have a system which I have worked out, and It baa been of vast benefit to me and has enabled me to learn a number of languages. It occurred to me while I waa In Mexico a few year ago on Im portant business. 'I could not speuk a word of Spanish and could not understand the language. I concluded that I would learn the lan-. gunge. My plan was simply tills: I made up my mind thut I would not re tire nt the close of any day as long as I was there without learning at least threo words In Spanish, how to pro nounce them and what they meant That would give me ninety words per mouth, or something over 1,000 In s year' time." New Orleans Times- Democrat Look Out Por Your Pat. A contemporary says "pate" is slang for head. It la, eh? Wherefore? Sure ly tho word la used In a trivial or de rogatory sense, as noddle, noggin, cra nium, brainpan, etc., but its origin 1 eminently respectuble. Shakespeare gnya "the learned puto ducks to the golden fool." Pope a epigram 1 good Tou beat your puts and fancy wit will come; Knock as you please, there's nobody at home. Wo have "bald pate" and "shave pate." Why, the word la used once m the Bible, and by David, in I'salui vll, ia "His mischief hnll return upon hi own bead, nnd bis violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate." Ac curately, pate doe rit meuu the head, but the crown of the head. New York Press. A Forblddea Tople. "There I one topic peremptorily for bidden to all well bred, to all rational, mortals," say Eniersou, "nomely, their distempers. If you hare not slept or It you have alept or If you have headache or sciatica or leprosy or thun derstroke, I beseech you by all angola to hold your peace and not pollute the morning, to which all the housemate bring serene and pleasant thought, by corruption nd groans, tome out ot tho aiure. Love the day." The Quotation auggesta that hard as It la to be an Invalid, it may prove al most us painful to be an Invalid' frlcud. Lava an Ba.laaaa. "Dear," she said during an Interval of comparative aanlty, "promla one thing." "Anything," he answered, with tne recklcssncs of love. "After we have been married s rea sonable time if we decide s divorce Is desirable promise that my brothers. who are struggling young lawyera, shall represent us." Philadelphia North American. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Iti 8 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Most non-professors oso eauily point out every hypocrite io the church and out make any mistake either. FOR OVER HIXTY YEAHH Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for ohildren, while teething, with perfect sueeess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhooa. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part ol the world. 25 oents a bottle, lie sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Wait : "The years leach much sbicb tho days oever know." RAN A TEN PENNY NAIL THROUGH HIS HAND. While nnenini? a box J. C. Mount, of ant that they receive early attention. so ' ,..n u,; 1 .., .i. . i . i mt ...I t t t . ,ii" t"'i-1 inu milieu, uic .KID HUH Three Mile Bay, N. ., ran a ten penny faciiitaU;s the secretion of Life Fluid. nail through thefleBhy part ol hia hand. Undeveloped breasts, hard-caked shortly i uki uuiir, w icwji ui nun ana ,,., 'a i;u., , ..,:.. .- I..,u..,.Uk, uuv .... J ,J VIUUIIU.LC U. Mammary Abscess, from which so many , . i . .. J ni , i . , i iiiiicr ciuuuauu lam auu aia ieil wua auu imiucuia.Ci, aoymu vu.sii.... . frevs oreans permanently imnaired. Pain Rnlm and nnnaainnallv afterwards. SoftntM, pllahililvand expansion areartvra to J I the muscles and sinews, thus brine-ino- comfort y issue of tne child. Try It. Our book "SDth.thoed" free. THE BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO, ATLANTA, . I thought at once of all the pain soreness this would cause me," says I like the chilly weather its the kind that's hard to beat: When the fall time winds are blowur, there's a nugit in my feet; Fer the wind is like a riddle, as it comes across the pines, An' I feel, although I'm agin', just like cuttin' up my shit ines! An' its out, With a shout, In the medders round about ! When I hear The fiddle's music I'll be ready never doubt I Ouen Road a Fame aasl Fortnn. "My boy," said the old gentleman in a kindly tone, mere s ouiy ono uuug that stands between you and success. "And what Is thatr asked the youth, "If you worked aa bard at working. exnlained the old gentleman, "aa you do at trying to Bud some way to avoid working, you wuld easily acquire both fame snd fortune." Chicago Poet 1L1 I ...JS wv- ARE YOU A OOMINO MOTHER? YOU CXPCOTAMT7 MOTHER'S FRIEND makes childbirth easy by preparing the system for parturition and thus shortening labor, "the painful ordeal is robbed of its! terrors, and the danger lessened to both mother and child; the time of confinement is shortened, the mother rested, and child tuny developed, strong and healthy. Morning sickness, or nausea arising iroin pregnancy, is prevented Dy its use. Aa pregnancy advauces, the breasts en large, become awoilen and hard. Long before the child is born, they are prepar ing for the secretion of milk. It is import- To my surprise it removed all pain ,BoiJj5Jij,n0Jm,J1 soreness ana tne lnjurea pans were soon healed. For sale at W. M. Cohen' drug atore, Weldon, N. C. A little tin i no less a tin just because I it is eommitted by a big sinner. r. Yerning If you will only marry I me, I promise you I'll make you a good I husband. Mis De Termind Never! feart If I decide to marry you I'll make I you that. DO GOOD-IT PAYS. A Chicago man has observed that, "Good deeds are better thin real estate deeds tome of the latter ate worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helpful hand. You cannot possibly lose by it. Most men appre ciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help. There are persons in Ibis community wbo might truthfully say: "My good friend, cheer up. A lew doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine. It always cute. I know it foi it has helped me out many a time." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Small Boy I want to get s bale of I bay? Dealer What do you want with hay? Is it for your father? Small Boy No, air. It' for our horse. OASVOniA. Saara tha II ,WI m Unl .''si TawW-h.attCI--. 'j lLLOIV.POISOM in your blood ? Physicians call it nalarlal Oerm. It can be Keen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Lhllly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. a ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters tne Diojd at once and drive out the yellow poison. if neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on. Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Previ-nt future sickness. The manufac turers know all sbout this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' ionic to drive It out, nourish your syatem, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent snd cure tnttis, i-evers ana Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. I nis l lair, I ry It. Price, 25 cents. - 8old by ALL DRUGGISTS. "CHI Early Risers Tire tstmotis uttw pun. TAPE WORMS "A lan worm elKblMn raws lonsr al least csme on tha acenu arier my taking two CASC AIIET3. Tola 1 am sura baa eauaed ml , bad health for the put three yeurs. I am still taking Cssoarota, the only ouhartlo worth? el BOUCS Df eeosioio peopie. USU. VT. BUWUBB, ISSira, MISS, "I declare," said Mrs Lapsling, "to hear Mr. Raspua talk you'd ibink he I hadn't a bit of faith in human nature, He's a regular clinic." fT fJf CATHARTIC -a X1 fUDI MANN MIWHMQ u. t'oienl, wnken. or PiatftMnt. Pftl&LaUili i uoua, Heftjf nicnen, Tftlt 0001 Po Grip., tOa. IfetO- OURt CONSTIPATION. ... M.r4taf .) tsifuf, CbkMfw, Mlrl, Um f . US IKn Tfl Dll B"' nrt rnararftwl trf til drw U'lU'DAU (iMa to C V'KJC TotatMO BaMV Dyspepsia Cure Sick Headache J,.. -Vt.. ham . Food doesn't digest well uigesui wai jrv Aooetite poor? Tka Oaa OaallScatlon "What poaltlon will our friend tak on tills momentous oueatlonr asked We had (rood times in April; an' though, summer davs were Ions-1 the eradiionueut man. Tlow wont thnir wnv roioirin' in n. hnllHlulia anno-- I "I'oaltlonl" echoed Benator Bor- t, . . . V. n 1. ; 1 1 n,,n,la a.klnwinf ,..L-a ma . V. .' U - . . I -hum ahaAlitniludGdlv. mil WltlBU VIIIUJ " ttiuo uiun ill lliaav HID Vllllia M 111UC5 IfUUtS I ' bv. When we kissed our sweethearts to the tune of "Coram Through tho Kye r Then, get out, With a shout, In the medders round about ! When I hear The fiddle's music I'll be ready never doubt t Blow on. 0 winds of Autumn, 'cross medder sweet an' town. An' send the gray clouds flyin', an' shake the red leares down! Fer the golden rod s in leather, an' sweet the muscadines, An' I feel, although I'm agin', just like cuttin' up my shines I Then get out, With a shout, In the medders round about! When I hear The fiddle's music I'll be ready never doubt ! well? Bowels . JT This preparation contains all of the consupaicur i uhrub vuaicur dlirestanu and digests all kinds of It's vour liver! Ayef S Pills .Aiui i. i, m m.tanr. m at ami nHTiir ... . a fails ti r.ure. Uie food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By It use many thnnminrta at dvanentics have Deen eured after everything else failed. Is n-j ... u. S"1!. 1H. iiiiHuiiniirai iiir liib niAiiuaii. v." rea with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary, Cures all stomach troubles Prepared oalyhy E. C. PsWitt Co..Ohleaao '.at a I. OOU1B an n-1- Itglves instant reiiersna never ..... fri Av. It allows you vo eat a I aiw iiiv-i p...-, .-vj - pepsia, biliousness. 25c. All arucfltts. I Win! yirtir iiiouitNt-li tir bar4 a I brnwn or r-.-h Ua.'kT 'I hmi a.a BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtS Mt1 tatwa'iri, M Hm.C(,. or th nifcr ta)wiw. W W. M. Coken, Druggist. "Oh, he'll tak pretty nearly any poaltlon tbaf open, provided there' ealary attactiea to lt"-Waahlngtin Btar. Taa Cms. "Oh, Major Bloodgore," said girlish gusher, "they lay that during the war you were always cool In action." "Cool " declared the major, -wny, my dear girl, I waa ao cool that when I shivered people Insinuated that I was trembling." Baltimore Herald. Aaalata-a. Barab-Mr. Rlpplcr says that be is I conflrmcd bachelor. Susie But be didn't say that every girl In town bad aaalated In eon arming him, did ber Indianapolis News, Borne men tak pain naturally, and some give them the same way. Chi cago News. F. L 8TANT0N. Cut I lila eut and lake it to W. M, Cohen' drug store and get s free sample of Chamberlain'! Stomach sod Liver Tablet), the beat phjaio. Tbej cleanse aud Invigorate the itomaoh, improve tb appetite sod regulate the bowels, Bagutar (lie, 25a. per bog. A LIBERAL OFFER. Tb undersigned will giv free asm' pie of Chamberlaia'i Stoaaoh and Liver Tablets to an; one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomaoh, bil iousness or ooostipatioo. Ibis is a Dew remedy and a f wd one, W. M. Cohen's I the glaode. drugs(ore. LOOK OUT FOR FEVER. Biliouantas and liver disorders at tku season may be prevented by cleaning tb system with De Witt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pill do sit gripe. They move the bowel gently, but copiously, and by reason of the tonic properties, give tone and strength to W. M. Cohen. HENDERSON TrrnunMC ILLI IIUI1L If II orrios or GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, BINPIRROK, R. 0 The following Toll Ralea will be io ef-1 feet os and after May 1st, 1902, subject to ebsng or correal ion: rrtaVIUOIVl AjOen, Boyrikin ButfsloHprlngs MurlltiRUHi, Baanfort, Chasa lily, ClarksTllla, Chapel Ulll, Pnna, Pnrham Knnld, ITmnsUntonJ llolilslioro , Ureensboro, ,f Onvnyltla, -llarolUna, Haw RlTef Hrtidrsoa. HUh Point, Khutoa, LllUeloo. lAiulatiurar. HorxheailtUy,' Nashville, Naw awrn, Newport OsfOrd, Plymouth, Ralelsh, Snamiae Rental Roeky Mount, Srolland Keck . HmlUihrM, PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT FOR THEIR MOST DELI CATE PATIENTS. OLD AND PURE. For Sale By ; . W.D.SU1ITH. w.idoo.N.C. Hprlni Tarbii n Hupe, Wake Vonajt Viamnlaa. 7IH WUsim, HKeWlaatos, F. Cs TolPLIMAIt, Oea. Supt. 5 CaeC::iiataCju-ri C-r For Cough CoW and croup. , E.CTAINIACK. Wmmmm, N. 0 KaUEoanok Nsws OtSoa, D.' - a 1 I 'I: r f 1 1

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