I f Tn FvV t -r-Trtft VA pfK ii iX.JU: U ill ;1 i;A 111 ,01 ill .tssmmh 'oa W A "ej.gggr 4siii 'Jk EiSl awi. "'SiSS' -vawal fjOHlT W. SLEIDQ-IB, proprietor. A. NEWSPAPER U1 O IR TUB PEOPLE! THBMS:-i.50 per annum in advance VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1902. NO. 25 if4' ;s A'f tfclaUe Prtpatfllionfof As- ! Mlmilaling ihcFoodarRcfiiila- llllg OK aiUHICft.0 muwwivw u Promotes DigeslionjCheerfuJ ncssandRestConlains neither OiHum.Morphine nor Mineral. NotKahcotic. haw tY OU frSAHlWLPIKMi) flmmtm Sml- GAoTOillA Aperiecl Remedy forConstlpa !lun. Sour Slotnach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish nrs and Lobs OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOTiK. torn EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. uiuiii For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A& a j i.v In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTtt (TinHINOrOWDIIttit- Ccsts Otlj 3 cats it Druggists, Cam Clnltn-lafiBlti, uiirmoti, uvHntcry, tht Bowtt Troublu of VtMnnoftnrtg. Aldi DljuUon, Rcjulate tru dowcii, strtniuwM Dm Child and Malta TEETHING EASY. Or Mil It stale U e. J. MOPPITT. M. 0 ST. LOUIS. MO. Tviaiuaa. Ala. Jolt VS. Mi-Dl. 0. J. MorvTT-Mr Dm Bin hihl I ro. e.nia4i loll I akoold atf e m W,iprt.oee wua roof aieolta.1 aadtclM, TKETRINA. Our Hula flrt, Ju.l Iblrloia wvalaaold, haa aa4 woe froBMaMeUtlat. Iwt MfMflff wa.shM.d I. lb. eaap. af preicrlpuoaa (tool htmil pbr.Ulaaa. H n u t-u n lo pan ob para Mood 'd tarsias rarer eoaunaoa lor oavi ataume. n.r nr. waa alnoat a.ipoiroa or. I U.r 4rt.nr.tnnl to try TEKTUINA, tod la a Sat or I wo there wae a (real caaaf eaew me bod MUM .a hoo.li won faeolaa.eaJthaflkatoTlLXTllINA. tholllUa bobolo Dow dolo WL W. McIVIU, Ullot ood PrapnMoToako(oa(Xlo.) lowo. Ton, ou.. . LXU YY C1UUU UIUUC1 VU. WHOIESALE JOllItElfK IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES MoUWe Bell Only To MerrhtnU, t Orrtf m Solicited THE WEI.DON OROCEKY CO , WELDON, K. 0. rf l n ii n I . I Excelsior rrintmg mm Co, "WELDOIT, 1ST O. n Tifit.t.fir. "Rill and Packet Headt5 M Wedding Invitations,: Circulars. Hand Bills, Etc. 5 Sonrl na vmir nrdfirs. All Aid-. w J VSV- 3"y - ii orders receive prompt ana $ careful attention. 3d The Itri it Wei", :-..::WELD0N, IN. C.I- Organized Unfler The Lais of the State of North Carolina, ' AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OV WKLDON DEPOSITORY. $26,000. THE TOUCH OF II BROTHER. From A Sermon By Rev. John E. White, Second Baptist Church, Atlanta, Oa. Ooe odd weir hi. heart out looking into people'i aoul) bj pvvg, ihrough their Tioei. One face iliia our heart with contempt Tor the baaeoeae within it and lo prayer Tor the lost aoul behind it. Another tlirilla ua with ila nobility and the loilinraa of apiril it revcala lore ia iface we call innocent, here one good na tured, here ooe full of laughter But going forth with jrjinlliy for your guide how many faoa in the aired you will rami that tell a lale of aorrow, and per- hapa aio, an pathetic it to almoat move one to loan. Two well dreaaed men were walking recently down the atreel i f one of our . . i . . . ...... principal nouthern cittea at midnight. In front of them wae a mao ahabbily dreaaed with a look of hunger and deaperatioa o hia face. Aa the three paratd a brilliantly lighted (tore window one of the gent Ii men aaid In the other: "Did yon ealch a glimpse of that man'a face 7" "No, what about it 7" "It wai a terri ble face. I believe thai man will kill bimirlf before morning." "Well, you ean'l prevent it. What of it?" "I don't know, bul I ihiok I can prevent it. Suppose we follow him ?" Tbey did follow him for aeveral blocks. Finally he turned and made his way Mp- idly toward the river. Down by one of the obacure piers be pauaed, close by one of the piles lhat pierced the flooring, and with tbc gesture of despair stepped to ward the adge of (he pier and looked down into the water. He then straight cned himaelf and in another moment wcu.d have flung himseli into (he river batons of the gentlemen who was stand ing in (be shadow of the warehouse oalled out in a quiet, bnt Arm voice : "My brother, il you are in trouble will you let mo help you 7" Al the worde "My brother," the man trembled, tlepped batik, covered hia luce with hia hands and staggering against the pier buret iuto aoba to awful that ibe man who bad taken il on bimaalf to ret' oue him could not aay a word for several moments. Finally be learned in broken ejaoulatioos ibe mao's atory. It waa so old H ry wife snd children in a borne of wretched poverty, rent due, no woik oryiog for bread, wife sick, no friends. That wae all. SuioiJe seemed lb only way oul of it, "I waa going to drown my self," he aaid. "I do not know but what it would be the beot ibing to do after all." But the man who had oalled him ''brother" found work and I home for the despairing aoul. Aod by magic of word, which heals all false distiooiio, he made the man lo live again, Against that word is thrust the phi'. oaophy of the street, "Every man fur himaelf and the devil lake the hind- moat," Who will champion the pbiloao. phy 7 It was born in snakes' eyes sod toads' venom. It ia a crawling creed of aatan. It has murdered thouaaods and saved none. Chrial'a Word for the alreel at "sympathy." It was this word oa Shaftabury'a lips ti nt saved lbs coaler mongers of London. That word written in John Iloward'a heart taved the prison era of Europe from poisonous filth snd misery. That word raved Jerry Mo- Auley. It saved John B. Oongh to humanity and temperance. Oo the lips of a woman in Loniaville, Ky., it saved Qeotge C. L' rio er to the glory of the American pn'pit. I ! The tree of knowledge ia not the trie of life. J. -VISIT OB WBITB-w Tho Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. 8YCAMOUE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. m 0 Wmm 1 .:ff. fill ff-LVi n J O U I rTHl 111 1 W - - . i J I1.'! WfliUifldiuau THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADE11S IX , FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD , PRESIDENT k MANAGER aSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. ii 4a ii . - ii n II c v. n U IV L a an mi i SWEET HOME. 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home; A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there, Which, seek through the world, is ' ne'er met with elsewhere. cnonus. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, f Be it ever so humble, there's iio place like home. I gaze on the moon, as I trace the drear wild, Aad feel that my parent now thinks of her child; She looks on that moon from our cottage door, Through woodbines whose fragrance shall cheer me no more. An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain, Oh! give me my lowly thatched cottage again; The birds singing gaily, that came at my call, Give these, with sweet peace of mind, dearer than all. If I return home overburdened with care, The heart's dearest solace I'm sure to meet there; The bliss I experience whenever I come, Makes no other place seem like that of sweet home. Farewell, peaceful cottage! farewell happy home, Forever I'm doomed a poor exile to roam; This poor, aching heart must be laid in the tomb Ere it cease to regret the endearments of home. ' f jt an i. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS For tea mm thla Inathnllon has nrovlded banking facilities for this section Ia atookholdara and direetora have been identified with the buaineaa intereats of I S'.!i!ira.ii;i-;:LLL;i f:r s? Mnenv ia loaned upon ap proved soourlty at tbc legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all oiioitea, President! Vioe-Presidont: Cashier; W: K. DAVIE!. D. J. N. RAMSAY. W. R. 8MITH. Seaboard, Northampton eonnty, N. C. f iSV v 1 I ' AS THE WAY OF THE WORLD. lioukj ojhruo;.- j. mi nrt.Uokiiifci The wav of the world is a wonderful way ' Wonderful in its madness ! 'Tia a mad endeavor from day to day That ends each night in sadness. For men are greedy to compass wealth With schemes unjust and vicious, Or seek for pleasures, by sun or stealth, And call their sins delicious ! The way of the world is a scandalous way Scandalous for its vileness I fTis a vile procession of folk who play On lusts of native wildness; For men and women of worldly fame Mock at their lewdest passion, And judge it never a thing for shame To reek in foulest fashion. The way of the world is a sorrowful way Sorrowful in its grieving! 'Tis a grievous fear that friends betray, And none is worth believing, For men will sell their honor for gain, And women their virtue give . , For ripples of joy on seas or pain Tha flood the years they five. The way of the world is a sickening way Sickening in its meanness I Tis a mean existence with husks alway To pall the soul with leanness. Far better the ways of Christ, with poaco, With rags, and a crust and cold, A little from Qod, with a heart content, Is bettor than hoards of gold 1 . ' THE CHRIST VISITOR. The Rich Merchant Brought to His Senses By a Very Re markable Dream. SECRETS P . 1 j c A D 1 Aa Frio af atYwrlaaal' Wnmon nn her wav to aeml-lnvallillam caused by pregnancy autlera much pain. Ignorance pronipia ner o inun in alienee and remain in the dark aa to ! tmi mutf motherhood. ii ... ..-- . rj t.lr it, itnrtor'a S'stUVaToc'tc'r." fte Congh Remiy -ill rid ,o. of your cold modestr la protected. Daily application ,DIJ there is no danger whatever from to the W and .aWomen throughout . . .. . Iuivmi i i. m ill unnhlo hfr IO UHtirrVU IU I I J r ...tt UruMl of irwUtitm in t cheerful tuood T Blw-Ti ourei. I koow it foi it bu I And rest undisturbed. I ... . - " DO UOOD IT PAYS. A Chicago mm haa observed thai, "Good deeda are belief than real estate deeds some of the latter are worthleas. Act kindly aod gently, tbow sympathy and lend a helpful hand. . Yon cannot poaaibly loae by It." 51 oat men appre ciate a kind word and encouragement mora than substantial help. There are persona ia this community who might truthfully aay: "My good friend, cheer up, A lew aoeea or i;namoeriain a SYDNOR HUNDLEY, for vamea true, art unsurpassed the city througEC rri.n. . DfiDUrTltDLI .: ft,. ..TT i leiaing to none, tor aty.es, me cnoiooit .. ... Knd rest unduturbed. JJurable and elegant, ornate or plain, auvh Bullet alaewhere wa ieelt in TatjNj . p . .1 . . i . ..... i,. Mother's I? nend XN we" ior urHUiiSi&tu, acre we ooo a griuu wumiv. ..-j Ornamental DRAPERIES, it is knows well, io patfeot taste, they exoeXj I'ghtatTU K. Broad St, of MIRRORS k PICTURES, the slook a eompletE & lor beauty &Qual.T we oa. rely oa all 8YDN0R A HUNDLEY do aupplY This great store is 708-711-713 E Broad 8treet,!Richmond, Va ! . linlmont for rrtrrti.1 uae onlr. It would imlcod beahaoKfiU tf the aacrificc of niixtaaty were necessary to Uie aneceaa ful iaane uf healthy childrta. AU women about to become mothera need aend only toadrugatore and for fi.oo aecura tba priae childbirth remedy. Healthy babiea ir. n, mult nf uwinir Mothtr'a Friend. Our book, ''notherhood" mailed tree. TNI MABnttt UeUUtOH W. ATUUTa, la, For nalebyW.M. Weldoe, N.C.. Cohen, Druggist, The evil of the world is ia sin and not ii suffering. OAWTOJllI A Bwiatka tlat HimltJiHm imBamM af KIM OVKH ailXTY VBAHS Mra. Winalow'a 8ootbing Syrup haa been uaad I of ovat autv veara bf millions mothers for children, while teething, with perfect auoceas. It aoothea the ohild, aoftena the gums, allaya all pain, eurea wied oulio, and Is the beat remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor 111 tie sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 25 cents a bottle.1 Be snre and ask fur "Mrs. Wine low's Soothing 8yrap," and take no oth er kind. They who have been need bo whitewashing. washed white RAN A TEN PENNY NAIL THROUGH HIS HAND. While opening a box 3. 0. Mount, of t hree Mile Bay, IN. I ., ran a ten penny ail through the Beany part ot bra band. I thought at once of all the pain and eureoeta tbU would oauee me," save he, "aod immediately applied Chamberlain's y am lialo and oocasiooilly afterwards, To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness IDd the injured parts were soon healed. For lale at W, M. Cohen'a drug store, Weldon, N. C. It was a brisk, clear evening in the attcrparf ef Depember, when Mr. Abaum returned from his oountiog-houae to the comforts of a bright coal Ire and warm arm-ohalr in his parlor at home, Ho obanged his heavy boots for slippers, drew around him the folds of his even iog gown, and then, lounging back lo hia chair, looked up to the cciliog and about with an air of satisfaction. Still there waa a cloud on bis brow. What could be the matter with Mr. Abaum? To tell the truth, he had that afternoon re ceived in bis counting-room the agent of ooe of the principal benevolent societies of the day, and had been warmly urged to double his last year's subscription, and the urging had been pressed by state ments to which he did not well know bow to reply. "People think," solilo quised he, "that I am made of money, I believe. This is the fourth object this year for which I have been requested to double my subscription, and this year haB been one of heavy family expenses building and fitting up this house car pets, ourtains, no end to new things to be bought I really do not see how I am to give i cent more in charity. Then there are (be bills for the girls and boys; tbey all say they must have twice as much as before we came into this new ouse; wonder if I did right in building ?" And Mr. Abanm glanced up and down the ceiling and around on the ooat- ly furniture, and looked into (he fire in silence. He waa tired, harassed and drowsy; his head began to awim aod his eyes closed he was asleep. In bis sleep he heard I tap at the door; be ipened it, and there stood a plain, poor nokiog man, who, io a voice singularly low aod aweet, asked for I few moments conversation with him. Mr. Abaum asked him into the parlor aod drew chair near Ihe fire. The strsoger looked attentively around, and then turning lo Mr. Abaum, presented him with I pi per. 'It is your Isat year s subscription to Home Missions," said he; "you know all the wants of that oauee that oan be told you. I called lo see If you had any thing more to add lo It." Tbia was said in Ihe same low and quiet voioe aa before; but, for some rea son unaccountable to himaelf, Mr. Ab aum was more embarraaaed by the plain, poor, unpretending man than he had been io the presence of anv ooe before. He waa for some minulea silent before he could reply at all, and theo, in a hurried aod embarrassed manner, he began the exouaes which appeared so sstiafsetory to him tba afternoon before the hardness of the limes, the difficulty of collecting money, family expenses, etc The stranger quietly aurveyed the spacious apartment with its many elegan cies and luxuries, and without any oom mont took from the merchant tha paper he had given, but immediately presented him with another. "Tbia ia your subscription to the Tract Sooiety. Have you anything to add to il? You koow how much it haa been doing, and how muoh more it now de sires to do, if Christians would only fur- Dish meana. Do you not feel oalled upon to add something to it T" Mr. Abaum was very uoeasy under this appeal; but there waa something in the mild manner of the stranger that re strained him, and ha answered that al though he regretted it exceedingly, his oiroumaUnoea were auch that he oould lot, this year, oonveniently add to any of bis oharities. The stranger received back the paper without any reply, but immediately pre sented ia its nloe tba aubsoriptton lo tba Bible Society, and in a few dear and forcible worda reminded bim of ita well known claims, and again requeated him to add something to bis donation. Mr. Abaum became impatient. "Have I not aaid," he replied, "that I oan do nothing more for any charity thaa I did laal rear? There teems to be ao end to tht calls upon oa io tbees days. At first there were only three or four objects preaenled, and auma required wen moderate, now tue unjoin. every day; all call upon na for money; and all, after we hava given onoe, want ul to double aod treble our subscriptions. There I' bo end to tha thing; we may as well atop in one place as another " Tba stranger took back the paper, rose. and fixing his eyes upon bis ompaaioo said in i voioe that thrilled his aoul "One year ago tonight yon thought your daughter lay dying. You oould not sleep for agony. Upon whom did jou call all that Bight T" ' The merchant started and looked np. There aeemed a change to have passed over the whole form of his visitor, wbot eyes were fixed upon hia with a calm. intense, penetrating expression that awed and subdued him. He drew baok, oof ered bis faoe. and made no reply. "Five years ago," said the stranger. ''when you lay at the brink of the grave, and thought that if you died then you would leave a family of helpless children, entirely uoprovided for, do you remember how you prayed 7 Who saved you then?" The atranger paused for an answer, but there was a dead silence. The merchant bent forward as one entirely overcome, and rested bis head on the seat before bim. Tbe stranger drew yet nearer, and said in a still lower aod more impressive tone; "Do you remember, Sheen years since, that lime when you felt ynuraclf so lost, so helpless, so hopeless? when you spent days and nijhla in prayer? when you thought that you would give Ihe world for one hour's assurance that your sins were forgiven you? Who listened to you then ? "It was my Qod and Saviour," said the merchant, with a sudden burst of re uioreefu! feeliog, "Oh, yos, it was He!'' "Aod bss he ever uomplained of beiog called upon too often ?" inquired the stranger, in a tone of reproachful sweet ness. He added "are you williog to be- gio this night and ask no more of him, if he from this night will aak no more from you?'' "Ob, never I never I said tbe mer chant, throwing himself st tbe stranger's feet; but, ss bespoke these words, tbe figure of bis visitor seemed to vanish, and he awoke with bis whole soul stirred within him. "Ob, my Saviour I what have I been ssving?" he exclaimed. "Take all, take everything I W hat is all 1 nave, to what thou bast done for me 7 Tba sanctified church will not be self- satisfied. GOOD LIVING Quite often results in bad health, because what la termed "good living " la naually the gratifica'ion of the palate without reference to tbe nutrition of the body. When the j;ood liver ia a buaineaa man ana naee Irom a full meal to plunge at once Into work renuirim mental effort the result Is almoat aure to be disastrous, because dlgeation drawa upon tbe aame nervoua forcea hlch are em. ivpc e ployed in thought. In time t the atom. ,ach becomee dla- eaaed, the pro cesses of digestion and nutrition are imperfectly - per formed and there ia a pbyaical breakdown. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery cores diseaaea of the atomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It eliminates the effete poisonous matter wmcn onKinates in toe ay stem aa a con sequence of imperfect digestion. It gives sound neaitn to tne whole Body. o I wiih to mv to the world that Dr. Pirre.'. Goldtn Medical Dioeoverv hu proved . treat blcuing to mc" write. Mrs. Hlten B- Boom, of ShdtMbury, Fraoklio Co., Maae. - Prior to aepteruber. 1897. 1 had doctored for my oromaeh trouble for aevernl years, going through courot ot treatment without any real benefit. In OABTOIIIA, Basra tie H Hioi You Haw Always BoM Bifaatars of September. T8oe. 1 had rerr atck mKa aad 1 worae; could eat but tittle. I commenced ia September, 1897, to take tr. Piarae'a mrdldoo, . and in a abort time I could ant and work. I hare gaintd juvm poun&t in two Mfai." Faint. - Dr. Pieree'e Common nM . Medical Adviser is sent ftvt on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the book In Kper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth und volume. Address Dr. R.V.Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. - Only tbe faithless bustle for himself. stewsrd needs to I LOOK OUT FOR FKVER. Biliousness snd liver disorders at thia season may be prevented by cleansing the system with De Witt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills dqnot gripe. Tbey move tbe bowels gently, I but copiously, and by reason of the tonic I properties, gives tone aod strength to I the glanda. W.'M. Cohen. He who has life'a plan slone can make it plain to ns. Si Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. TVila nrr.narat.lnn Pnntjltnfl all of the dlgestanu and digests all kinds of food. H give Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive atomaclis can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been Annul aftpr vArvt,hlniT else failed. 1 nnnimllnd for the stomach. Child. ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary, Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlyihv E. 0. Da Witt ft Co., Chicago i'ELLOW.POISON , in your Diood t pnyaiciani can it rialarial derm. It can be seen p " ichanglng red blood yellow under imicruatopc. 11 wvnu uny biiu 1 night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, achlnt isensatlonai creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble) now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. II neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberta' Tonic will core you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thousands-It will cure you. or your money back. This U fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. I by ALL DRUGGISTS. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. BEST FOR THE BOWELS It ro kao a rafular, h.mbr mororaoat ot la ..... dr. jou r. Ill .r will bo. Heap TOM tow. Sooaa'a n.l b. wall. Pore.. l ha .hjWot lj rr. . ..it, ul.. I, d.i..raua Tba iMoata a.t. aa.U.t, moil parfacl way ol ftoapiae ike bwweia titar and aleM la w ioh CANDY VM 1 nun 1 iv US' Early niaerft Tim twmouB llttto pWle. HENDERSON TEEPHOIIE GOMPADT. -VaVa-B) -w jfr ary Chaae City. orrioi or GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, BIND1B80N, n. 0. The following Toll Rates will be in ef fect 00 and after May 1st, 1902, subject to change or correction: FAT 'EM LIKE CANDY mt a B.l.l.l.l. P.l.af Vaatat Oflori IVe Oo4 N.i.r a.camn, Wke. or Orlp. II, and fir boi. WrtU tor Ire aad bvaklel at altb. Addrwn " aviallM MfMIT. lfAM ar RIW VOftL. KEEP YtUR BLOOO CLEAN A Bad 'Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick, neaaacne. Jc All .ratslata. Clarkarllfe. Chapel Hill, mum, Durham Kiitleld, FraukllntonJ Goldaboro . Qreenaboro, ureenviiie, Hamilton, Haw Blver Hendoraon, High Folut, Klaaton, Littleton. Lon tabu rg, HorrheadCitV, Naabrlllt, New Bern, Newport Oxford, Plymouth, rUleigh, Ramke Ranida Rooky Motiut, Scotland Keck Selma, Smith Meld, Spring Hopa, 'Tarttoro, VTike Forest warrauton, Vi'llaon. (qWinaloa, 41 4S It! as aa 4S F. Ca Tdf LIMArt. Gen. Supi. I af nam ..ns.sps.i.aa Want roar mnuttai'ha or bwwra a baaaUIai brown or rtcti biarttf Ttttti ut BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtvV IOCTI BrD't-nfl t Oa . WaaJB, a . A PPOMATTOX IRON W0RK8. 1. 28 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBURG, VA. M anufaeturera of Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Hsvioi bought out Steel k Alexan der, founders and machinists, with all patterns, we are now prepared to fur nish parts lo maohiees formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES,, PEANUT MACHINERY apeoLalty. Mill work ind eastings of ill kinds, second band machinery for sale eheap. Call on bi ot write for what you want. Mi! VfflEtY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT FOR THEIR MOST DELI CATE PATIENTS.' OLD AND PURE. For Sale By W. D. SMITH. Weido. N.a rtr C4wct, CoMe and crjp. 0. C. STAIN3ACK, I8TMT PL'SUC, WsxooaT, If. 0 Roanoke Nawa Office.

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