t 1 3 ill 6 j UEWSFA-FEI FOR THE PEOPLE. TERMSHl-5" PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE JOH3S" "W. SLEDGE, proprietor. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1902. NO. 26 IVOL. XXXVII. 4 (019 in I The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which ha booa In us for over 30 yearn, ha borno the slgnritnro of niKl nuR Dn lllimu uiiurr uin yvr .onal supervision nlnra IU liifnnojr. Allniwnn ntiA tAllAtfwItfA vnil III till. . .. .A.ia Tmltiitl.iiiu mul " .Timt-im-irootl" nro but Jll VW"". - KipcrlinonU that trllle with and endanger tho lienlth or lufuuta and Children-Experience aguliist Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla Is a hnrmlcs rrabstltute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop and Soothing Syrups.- It is Pleasant. It contain! neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo Hubshince. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Pevcrlshncss. It cures Dlurrliuca and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pnuacca-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 3S VMt sitrrftun owMitv, tt muiihsw strcct. new vow cm. I fOWDlW) Costs flalv 25 cent at DrttfristJ. or miu ti u e. J. MOFPrrr. m. d. st. louis, mo Runt fthsliir-Infantum. inc dowel troubles M Children efiflrAaf. Alrk Dlautlan. Reaulatea i the Boweli, Strengthens inc v.mra ana maacs TEETHING EAST, fnuaanzTAIa.. Jul. M. 187.-Dn.C. J. MomrtT-MF DM air I eunice yon .. jii.; .';-. i m, ,ip.rl..e. ellh j.r .idleM nlelne, TBKTHI.1 . On lluu alrv. lull lair.. "- , W"ilrihlii. v.r, Hmtdj n .ik.Mt.0 In Ih. lUW prmerlptloo. (torn l.m I. phriklaal. Her bU) Suid to dm o par. bll nr. J kun.l.f l.r.r OMU..d for d. U tin... H.r II& . . ' '""i ll ott.r i.0M V, TEBTH1M A, .Di I. d.r or 1.0 Jb.r. . f rl .tow... III. hl '-"- i.L. L . i-. b.tM tbittiiIN A. UiAtiLtla hth is Bow aolnv wall. ' Yoi e!, 6. W. McIVKK, Kdlloc Mtt PrvpritacTaakM(Al.) Me. XHK3 vv ciuuu uuci jr vu. , WHOI.E.SALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY lb bowvlt wtr i i A vt f fra il M 4 A BIT OF PATHOS. But the Heart of the Beautiful Girl Was Not Involved. Hor tilioulders heaved convulsively ud l peifcol aloiin of sebmhook her beau tiful figure. Ai far tho uin in the case, he paced renllcssly twice croiu the room, then Mopped and, with folded Bruin, givd nioo'lily down at the picture of aljcol misery befufo hiui. "Well," (iruflly, "have yu tnudo up your iiilnii ?" "Oh I" oiiid he, KiuinK at hiui llimunh her aniiuinhed evea, and wriaiiiiin her beautiful hands, "I can not I caumit Rive it up I" . Something which sounded suspiciously like I curse escaped the uian'a lips, orid he main look ud his pacing to and fro Suddenly ho .topped betide her and spoke attain, this time accusingly : "Of ooutse, I sympathise with you," Slid he, coldly, "but my sympathy oan not help you. This is something winch yi.o took upon yourself with your eyes open, and from the very first moment that this attachment was formed you knew that this parting was inevitable. "Oh, I know it; I know ill oncd she in a !uet of werpinp, and with shudder of alnwt more than mortal agony. "But, oh, is there no other way ? "No other way !'' repeated he, and his aooeots out like a whiplash, "No other wst." "Well then " Hir voice was lost in i paroxysm of weeping. Let ua leave them here, dear readi ", for (be pen has not yet been made that can di pict a lovely woman's agony when she is being separated frcm a porous plaster. If you lie bilious and seeking advisers, Take DeWiit's Little Eirly Risers, Just before going to bed. You will fiod on the moirnw, You are rid of jour sorrow Tbst'a all; just euough said. These cleansing pills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily, oli ana- ing the liver. Their tonio effect gives strength to the glands, preventing a re turn of the diat rder. W. M. Cohen. t per VISIT OI "WBITE" Petersburg Furniture Co, 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. W Ontera Solicited. m asiy W. Sll Onl Ta Merrhants. ' -' THE WELDON GKOCEKI w , WSLDOM, N. O. After marriaee a man quits buying candy end q laoJcra his money on I eet steak. All the world's a fruit basket, and the big fruit U always on top. ... u a- j..-. -1.: r. ill-, ilA.ikA.-ilA4.HJ (.-ftJirlUiiWljU r,xcB s or nmim uu.. W M" 0 1 23e- -rcr-m-r .-TM-fvX. "NT f! sy vv i'ii ii v---. i sSy- Letter, Bill and Packet Heads :-S Wedding Invitations,: ff; ! Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc.f M- ' Send us your orders. All ' p.arfiful attention. V .. .. i-. .-i .-1 ,-u tJ.vSii'. "Plofei, f:::;::WELDON,N. 0. Orttanizetl UBder The Lais of to State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TATE OB NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKl'OSITOKY. hvMiiu nu WKl.nnM nKI'OSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS j-,. :. : $26,000. Li For ten yesn tbis institution h provided banking facilities for f .aatoohomeraaiiSOiwo.or.u...u '" u..- . I 1 . .n. Halifai and Northamptoa exwule tor many year.. -, -- -r . . r. .fi.. .. r. iwninm. Asoonnti of all are. proved security at to legal raw oi iuicn i solicited. n . v: v.-..A.i' Cashier: u; v mnrct ' n. T W TtAMSAY. W. R.8MITH, " a. trail ictu " ' M n Seaboard, Northampton oounly, - The Human Lottery "Ah, If onlr I war baautlful how hanpr Htm weald b." Tftnt. a r.irl.tni mnU tin. A.11tl tlllS QS sllO looked into t!c mirror. It is the one pos session in Hie lottery of liumau uie ivmca woniijii wouiu not rcruse. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator for youiiK I'irls on the tlireshold of woman- Uoou la llivaiuuoic. mv, w... THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEHS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD,PRKSIDKNTMANAGER SfJ-Special Attention to Mail Orders. Q l3- rl vwa n etp i 1 i itit-H-itit, j ItLfciiiisK'iwiijsu . Some work for this, some strive for that, and grind at every turn; e 1. l 1 ' nvwl urrtntrlmviiava tllPV Some lOug iur wxiui uvy uuvcu t v spurn; And some race for the mountain peak to got the sun's last ray, Some find this earth a first rate place to slave and stint and save And life's chief pleasure to consist in beinjr glum and grave; AnUOlllrHo u iiwii'iviu in mo imim i.v Ma w j-r Will stake their lives that they can spend more than they can I U11U 1U1U UJ. Some take a drink when they are dry, and some when they are Some drink for sweet remembrance' sake, some that they may forgot; 1. v. And some there be, like you and me, free from all shame ac cursed, . Who have laid down a rule for life never to get athirst, Some turn to this, some turn to that, for fortune and for fame. And some won t turn ior anyming auu w.e.c junimo But there's a common turning point, a fate, unkind but just, . . 1 1 ,1 nninll tiiKn nna and 'all T.fl Where ricn anu poor, auu greai, tinu oiun, ium vo dust. $ts THflT mi tS M P W R Q R Y . Vl ,' l ''-' II a. II a ii a s s ... i nnnvmM,annet contributes to The Kansas Farmer the following, which we will all of us recognize as photographic of feelings we once had ourselves : Voti T'vfl cti. n. little brother. Never asked to have him, nuther, But he's here. They just went away and bought him, And, last week the doctor brought him, Weren't that queer? A drummer on horseback lost his way and. bewildered in the woods, a sign board nailed to a tree attracted bis attention. It had been posted where somo pious folk had been holding a oampmcoling, and read : "You are on the Way to Hell." He joco-cd on; and meeting a farmir driving an oz team, ho said to him: "I understand I'm on ihe road to hell, II ow far is it from hero?" Tho farmer cved him for a few sec onds, and noting his mudsplashod boots and haggard appcaranox, drawled out : "You orter know more erbout it than I do. You look like you'd jest broke I looso from thai I" THE BEST REMEDY FOR CROUP (From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.) This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every ncighboihood. One of the most terrible thiogs iu the word is to be awakened in tho middle of the nieht bv a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies arc almott as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in oase of bur glars. There used to bo an old fashion ed remedy for croup, known as bive syr up and tolu, but some modern mothers ssy that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the pstient to "throw up the phlegm," Quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. Oive this remedy as soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and ii su fo and pleasant to take. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon.N. C. ON THE STAND. She Knew Josh and Know Him Well. If we could see ourselves as others see ut mirrors would be a drug on the mark et. V BEAUTIFUL INCIDENT. There is a beautiful little incident re lated oonoerning the conversion of Gen eral Clinton B. Fist, of blessed memory. The nizht on which the little incident ocourred the General and his wife, as wis their custom, prepared their little son aud daughter for goiog to bed, and as the little eirl knelt down to say ber usual evening prayer at the General's knee, she asked God to bless ber papa and mamma and brother, and then look ing up swoelly in her papa's faoo she said. "Pupo, why don t oo pray 7 Tbcse words spoken by bis little daughter, who to him was dearer than life itself, so Effected the General as to ehange the whole course of his remaining life, and thus bo was led to Ihe baviour. Now. madam," said tho oouoscl for the defendant to a littlo, wiry, blackoyed, fidgety woman who had been summoned as a wilocus in a oase "you will please give your evidence in as few words as possible. You know tho defendant?" 'Know who? "The defendant Mr. Joshua Buuii?" "Josh Bagu? I do know him, and I knowed his father before him, and I don't know nothing to the credit of cither of 'em snd I don't think" "We don't want to know what you think, madam. Plcaso say 'yes' or 'no' to my questions," "Do you know Mr. Joshua Bagg ?" 'Don't I know 'im, though? You ask Josh Bagg if be knows me. Ask him if he knows any thing 'bout tiyin' to cheat a pore widdcr like me out of (5. Ask"- "Madam, I" "Ask him whoso orchard he robbed last and why he did it iu the night, Ask his wife Betsy Bagg, if she knows any thing about slippin' into a neighbor's field and milking three cows on the sly. Ask"- 'Look her", madam" "Ask John Bagg about that uncle of his that died in prison. Ask bits about lottin his pore old mother die id toe workhouse. Ask Betsy about putting a big brick into a lot of butter Bhe sold last spring" Madam, I tell you "See if Josh Bagg knows anything about feeding 10 bead of cattle on all the salt that thev could eat, and then letting them swill down all the water tbey oould hold, just 'fore ho drave them into town and sold 'em. See what he s got to say to that !" "That has nothiog to do with the case. I want you to" "Then there was old Airael Bagg, own uncle to Josh, got kioked out of bis native town, and Betsy Bagg's own brother got kctohed in a neighbor s ben- house at midnight. Ask Josti "Madam, what do you know about the oase?" "1 don't know a livin' thing 'bout it, but I'm sure, Josh Bagg is guilty, what ever it is. The fact is, I ve owed them lWf8 a erudue for the last 15 years, and I got meself called up on purpose to get even with cm, and 1 leel 1 ve aone it. .A m , i .,,.,Mi i til rvn dull, ftchine I nanus com, appetite roub iousui pule and lai f 1 t..l n i i.i... tniiiaii rrcniHut a u ii uaui w...m.., ----- .. Iiil menses, aim ineir fcvMciuo Kv-u... , ,w ih.v need a tome, building up and tluir b'.ood demised. Bradlield'5 Female Regulator tor-women is particularly vnlunblt and uaeful owing . V . ..:A.,KnAP4iM mt.l at ft regulator Iiu lis wii- j... of Uie menstrual flows. Painful, obstruct ed and suii;:vl menstruation u penw- nentiy rtriitri'u unu n to her genital organs are cured by it. Kcirulutor clears uie compcuuu, Tt. u..... 1li .nnr-tltp. re fill luc eve, .iiniiw.,.- -rr . move muddy and blotched conditions of Uie skin and cure sick headache at once. Of ilrosanstin.tJt.oo per Dome, i . iru.r M.l,h (nr WanuB1' cut i. I...I r c ! Kcndimr us your address. thi srdfi:l stouiATss eo,ruiA.8A. III J 1 When I heard the news from Molly, Why, I thought at first 'twas jolly, 'Cause, you see, I s'sposed I could go and get him, And then mamma, course, would let him Play with me. But when I had once looked at him "Why," I says, "Great snakes, is that him? Just that mite 1'J They said "Yes," and "Ain't hecunnin' ?" And I thought they must be funnin' He's a sight! . He's so small, it's just amazin'j , Andyon'd tlynk that he was blazin', . He's so red. And his nose is like a berry, And he's as bald as Uncle Jerry On his head. . . ( i Why, he isn't worth a brick, All he does is cry and kick, , He can't stop. ' Won't sit up, can't arrange him ' VI don't see why pa don't change him At the shop. Now we've got to dress and feed him And we reallv didn't need him' . More'nafrog; Why'dthey buy a baby brother, When they know'd I good deal ruthor Have a dog?, . - , SWJNOa A JlUJJPWyifor values true,re nBsurpassed liha itj tlrougH V-i.UA.. th. cboicesi FURNITURE waits far JoTJ" Durable and elegant, ornat. or plain, aucli Buitea elsewhere we aeek in vaiT Xnisn.ITPnnii?,rKRY. her. ire find a grand collection of every liniD Ornamental DRAPERIES, it ia know, well, in perfect taste, tbey .iXj r.!.i.,...i v n..H, fMtIlROR3PICTURE3,theslook'a.ompletE k oualitv .. can relv on .11 BYDNOB iBUNDLEY do .uppl" This great store is 709-711-713 E Broad streoti iticnmonu, v Hello, Central ! Central, ring 34. t , "Hello, is thai Parker?" "Yea."- ' " - - "How about J. E. M.fiour?" "Plenlv of it." "Send me a barrel of it round at once, please." - AurlghL" ' r I k... Um ainols barrel hrteeh load ing guns at $4 60. First onto, will gel the guna. Only a few left. W.T.PAEKER. 'WELDON.N. a FdHOVEH SIXTY VKAHS OlrS. W mSlOW S OOOimug oyrup urn. urn. nuAfl fn hvfir iivtv vears bv millions ot 1 mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soltens the gums, anays an paiu, lira wind eolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little anfferor immediately. Sold by druggist. . r.f tV.a wn-M 8ft AAnta a bottle. Bcsureandaskfor"Mrs. Wina low'a Soothing Syrup," and uke no otb- r kmd. , , . Beware of tha hair tonio that a bald beaded barber trie, to sell you.' VOUHNOWWHAT VOU'HBTAltlNO When you take Grove'l Tastelcsa Chill Tnnin hrrnum til. formula U slliolv nrinlA.I ffl? bottle SLOBIDiZ that U is limply Iron and Quinine in a tastelcsa form, n ure, no ray. uuo. ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE Is the only harmless oough eura that gives relief. Curea Couglie, Lolds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Congh Pneumonia. Asthma, LaUnppe and all Throat, Cheat and Lung troubles. I got soaked by rain, saya Gertrude E. Fenner, Muneie. Ind.. and contracted a aovere cold and oough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 pounds. My druggist recommended One Minute Couch Cure. lh hrst bottle brought relief; aeveral eured me. T an bank to mv aid wemht. 14a lbs. One Minute Cough Cure cuts tho phlegm relieves the oough at onee, draws out in flammation, cure, croup. AO racsi rem edy for children. W. M. Cohen. ' When a man resigns himself to fate his resignation is usually accepted. STEPPED AGAINST A HOT STOVE. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath stepped back against a hot Btovo which burned bim severely. The child waa in ureal agony and bis mother oould do nothinz lo pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle ot Chamberlain's Pain Balm in tbe house, she thought she would trv it. In lesa tbsn half an hour after applying it tbe child wss quiet and asleep, and in less than two weeks waa well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resi dent of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic liniment abd et penally valua. ble for burns, cuts, bruises and Bpraina. For ssle at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. C. WAS SATISFIED. A farmer entered an offico in central Now York and lent this message to a I woman in Canada : "Will yon be my ...... I wife? Please answer quick by telegiaph. Although he waited the rest ot tbe day, Ihe got no answer, but the next morning he cot a nicht dispatch, sent collect, but I favorable. The operator in expressing his sympathy said, "Little rough to keep I vou in suspense ao long. i - - .... "Look a-horo, sonny, the farmer re I marked, "I'll stand all the suspense. I Any woman that'll hold baok her answer all day to a proposal of marriage, jeet ao thet ahe kin aend it half rate at night, ii I economical enough to make up after I I git her for all tbe loss of time and injury I to foelio a I ve auffered wsilmgl A THANKSGIVING DINNER tieevy eating u uauauy iu htm imumi ui digestion. Repealed altacka inflame the mucous membranes lining tha slom ach, expoeei tbe nerves of the stomach, producing a iwellmg alter eating, heart burn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves the inflammation, protects tho nerve, and cure, the catarrh. Kodol cures in- disestion. dvspepsis, all stomach troublei by oleaniing and sweetening tha gtsnds of the stomach. W. M. Cohen. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. obambeblain's stomach and livsb TABLETS. When yon feel dull after eating. When vou have no appetite. When you have a bad taste in your mouth. When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are eonstipated. When you have a headache. When you feel bilious. Thev will improve your appetite, xlMtine and invicorate your atomach, and regulate your liver and bowels. Price j 25 cents per box. For sale at W. M. Cohon a drugstore, Weldon, N. U. GOODBYE. Fsrewelll Farewell I is a lonely aound. And alwaya brings a sigh, But give to me when loved ona'a part, The sweet old word "Good-bye. Farewell 1 Farewell I may do for the gay, When pleaaure'a throng is nigh, But rive to ma that bitter word, That oomea from the heart "Good-bye. Adieu 1 Adieu I we hoar it oft, With a tear, perhaps with S sigh,- . But the heart feeli moat . when tha lips move not, And tha eyea apeak the gentle "Good bye." Farewell I Farewell I is never heard, When tbe tears in tbe mother's eye, healthy woman what .tie would ull tin hrillh . for and she would tell ' un IIibI U rlmir-M 'xdiaiiioude in the world Wild not buy It. What un for diamond rings to I ' l . ' . L n , cniimtuiM too in uu. fia fingers, or earrings to light 'up the checks uouowea uy disease? lli-iitili ta llin first reouiaite ,to womanly happinea.. General iwitraiui III woiiicu una ii v... rill in Wnl wonianlv diaeawe urt, th iliac-aspa of the delicate womanly organism and the gen ..ml ltj-aifV, is nriW-tlv restored. ine rem.rKuuic wucuu m- r,ni- A from the uae of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription are Que to this medicine a per- foft n,ir-a nf wrraiMllv diaMJe.. It establiahe. regularity, driea weaisemnff drama, oeuia wuiuii matiod ana ulceration and cure "It afford, me sreal pltunre to be ble lo My a few word, in regard to me menu or irr. rnr "" Prescription anrl hi. ' Golden Medical Mieovery,' write. Mr.. Flora Arn. of Jack)n Co., Mo, "I waa tempted to try theae medicine, efter leeinu the effect upon my mother. At i an early ae of married Ufa I wan grwtlY bothered wlta painful B.ri od a troublcaome drain which rendered me very weak and wal for wori of any kind. 1 became tk o there waa notlilnf left of me not akin and bone. My haaband beoam. alarmed and got m . bottle of ' Pa Toril. PreaatipTlon.' Alter he "w the wonderful eftcu of (hat one ha rt me two more, and after I need thana up there waa no mora pain, and I be gan to (aia in eeh very rapidly." Favorite Prescription " make, weak women atrong, aick women well. Acccept no aubatmte lor e medicine wmm woim wwm- dera tor weak women. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat Th'9 preparation contains all of the J: A A , mat a all tftniift Ctt uiucBiauiD auu saisjivouo ua. - food. It gives Instant relief and never tn In mirn It. oll.lWa VOll iC P.A.t &11 the food you want. The most senaltlve itomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlyby E. C. DeWitt fo.,lco a'hojt. bovtlrfcontatus tH times the 50c alas. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. In your blood ? Physician call i it rlalarlal Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under mlcroacope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yeuow. cnniy, acmng aenaatlons crncp down your backbone. Vou led weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will atop tha trouble now. It .ntera the DioJd at one. ana drlvea out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevera, Night-Sweats and a gen eral nreaK-uown come inier un, Roberta' Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about tnis yei- IOW poison anu nv jrc, imcu Kooena' ionic iu ami h nourlah your aystem, restore appetite, purity the blood, pre- ,mn. .m -ir i niiia. ravera niiu malaria. It has cured thoua-anda-lt will cure you, or your money back. ThiaUtalr. Try it. Price. 13 cenu. Fold by ALL DRUGGISTS IB' Early Riser Tb famoun tittle pUto. Constipation Does your head acha ? Pain back of your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver I Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. Ail amgtiiu. Want toot mnu.tftch. or beard a boanUinl brown or rick black? Tli'ii ul. r. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE if B-uOttWr. 1 flawasuas. M.J SIMPLICITY ITSELF- There are only two poiota in success. What are they T Work and keep other people from working yon. CASTORIA. B.ara tka ' ) &1 M t,a,, ,,ran M4"1 Adieu I Adien I she spoke it not. . But "my love, good-bye, good-bye. CURED FILES AFTER FORTY A awaiM.Avs.kM Mr. C. fl.ney, of Geneva, Ohio, had tbe pile, for forty years. Doctors and dollars oould do bun no lasting good. DeWitt'a Witoh Hsie! 8alva cured him permanently. ' Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprsins, lacerations, ee tenia, tet ter, salt rheum, and all other skin dis eases. Look for tbe name DeW ut oo tbe package all othen are cheap, worth less counterfeits. W. M. Cohen. It's a wise worm that turns la before tbe early bird turns out. CASTORIA For Infanti and Children. , 111. Kid You Have Always EosgM Bears the Bifcrnatniwof HEAD AGUE "Both my wire and mTiwirfeavc Mat a.l.a CAiCAKET3 and Ibcv a Jib. mouiifiu. u... - 1 14 ' " . . vm my wlta waa frantlo with headache for twodaya. ahe Irled aomaof yourt SCAKETS, . . .... n.n.l it.. n.l. In h-r ti mA llmflll unmedlatoly. V hoik rooom mend CaaaaraU." Pltuburf Smfr k Lmuo.ii Co.. Piuahurf, Pa. CANOV . f Af CATHARTIC y. Meaeant, Palntablj, Potent. TaaU SooS. ! Qood, Never bickon. Weaken, or Oriim. IBe, Mm, Bkaj ... OURK CONSTIPATION. ... St-! a. .ilf Mm, M-, S Ie Mm al a fS Sole and tnaranceed by all Srmt-'lU-BAw nUuWOViSaTobneeaHnkU- Caer.SnutaCocrC-ro rr CouolMt Cow " P DC. STAINEACK, lOTkRT PUBLIC. . Whldoh, K. 0 lafA.KoaDok a News OfBoa,

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