iiSnr-i ""-J 6 A. NEWSPAPER IB1 O IE? THE PEOPLE. TERMS:-!i PER AjfifeM IN advance JJITN" "W. SLBDaB, proprietor. I WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1902. NO. 27 DL. XXXVII. r .- . '! 1 f 4t8tlable Prprlionror Ai die SlBioadB and Dowels of fromolea DigesllonjCheerful L... rvi Upm Contains neither J)pium,Morphine norMiueraL lhT An rnTTP AM 1 naruVI DfiflMdv for COMikkV hoVTsnur Slomach.DiMrhoea ibrms .Convukions .Feverish fves and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fat Jurats Signature of NEW YORK. r" .ill ixact con- or . For Infnnti mi Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of .AT AM In Use For Over Thirty Years SGASTOIilA G W-fp v ( W -- W 111 cruTHiNfl.POWPin) CesU Oilj 25 ceats it Bnggisti, Giro etttti-hditn. )ten tht DurrvsaJyteitttryaia1 the Bowtl Troubles d CaiUirtnefJvii AMt DljwtlM, Ktoiatca the Bowels. MnagUMM On) UlM UK MOM TEETHING EASY. e. X MOFPtTT. M. D. ST. LOUIS. MO. ouT riSi M. UK-Ill. a . Morenrr-ajr Br Sir i J.iUo. H m !. iwi i mwu tmn C!2..,a rVIilili. o UM. Hil. hit llrt. da, to. iu. .ll.il fin Ui kenlaf ton. "'""JW UiiLi!Ji: ttM bWml.MWHTTUTBl.lAW W - iTZZt m MUM.MIMkil.TIITaiXA,U.Illl.kw.UaowluIL ... . . Yifi, i., B. olTM. MIMt 4 rumlMW Tlnn Ah.) HOW HE MADE AH EHEMY. Old Gentleman Tells of Perfidy o( a Former Friend. "Yei," nid ihe old mio, "Btnith u mj botoo ftiend wheD we were boji it tobool, but be becim mj wont enemy. Wa lit od the itme foim, le together, lept together, tod ahered eioh other I joys tod norrown. When we grew older our pereoli tent vi to uuifernu loceihet, where our frit odxliip, if poitible, grew etronper. We took our drgreee tngei her, end, to preierve ihe fiieedtl ip of our bojhood dive, wiol into parlnrrthip We wire - more thao broiheia end were tlwtys tugoiher, and it wu while tlcndiDg I aocial party that we both met tod fell io loe with the same girl. ' Our rivalry was friendly one, aod for some lime dodo oould tell which wu ihe fnorcd one. Ooe night my chum eame to me in his old friendly way and aid : "John, I can mo that if I ihould prove ihe winner you would suffer deep ly, therrfrre I hate decided to turn over my interest in the busmen to yon and leave hi fe me new eonotry. ''Of urse, I erd svoti d to persuade him not 10 go, but heperMslid aod car ried out hie plan. He went to Austra lia, snd in ibree months I merried the girl." "But how did Smith become your ene my ?" inquired one of ihe listeneis. "Bvnot lettiogme go to Australia instead," snspped the old man; sod tbey til understood. ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE Is the only harmless eougb cure thst gives relief. Uures uougna, uoios, WYISIT OR WEITE-w Ik Petersburg Furniture Co, 203 AMD 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. I THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. "W I N F I ELD president manager calamities of the see. .Specisl Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. "WHEN PEACE, LIKE A RIVER," WHAT IT COST HIM. Circumstances Under Which A Summing Up of a Georgia Mr. Spafford Wrote the Good Candidate's Campaign. Old Hymn. The following burlesque on Georgia "It is Well With My Soul" was writ- osndidate's expenses illustrates what earn- ten by H. 0. Spafford, sod the populsr psigning means to some men end the tune to which it is slwavs lung is one of methods used to set votes. Here is tbe P. P, Bliss's best compositions. way he puts it down Mr. Spafford was t member of the "Lost 4 months aod 33 days oanvsss- Chioago bsr and in elder of the Preaby- iog; 2,548 hours of thiokiog about the terian church. eleclioo: 5 sores of cotton: 22 sores of He hsd been suooesaful io his profes- corn; t whole sweet potato crop; 4 sheep, sioo, but bed msde some unforlunsle in- 5 shoals, aod one beef given to barbecues, vestments, snd when the financial panic two front teeth aod s ooatidcrable quan- of 1873 setioutly dintuibed the butioens tity of hair in I perxonal ekirmiah. Gave of the oouotry Mr. Spafford found (bat U7 plugs of tobaooo; 70 Suoduy school his savings of many years had been swept books: 2 tir of suspenderx; 4 calioo twsy. dresses; 7 dolls sod 13 baby rattlers. The members of his family were pros- Told 2,889 lies; shook bands 85,484 trsted by this disastrous turn in their af-1 times; tslked enough to have made fairs, snd he acceded to the wish of help-1 1,000 Urge volumes eise of psteot offioe ful friends that thsy should visit Europe reports; kissed 1,226 babied; kindled 14 snd thus be removed for some time from kitobeo fires; cut 3 cords of wood; pulled scenes of his financial ruin. 474 bundles of fodder; picked 754 Mrs. Spafford snd her four children pounds of cotton; helped pull 7 wsgoo took passage on tbe French liner Ville loads of corn; dug 14 bushels of potatoes; du Havre, and tbe story of that voyage toated 27 buckets of water; put up 7 is one of the most appalling of the msny I stoves; was dog-bit four limes; watch broken by baby cost (2 to bsve it re- When in mid ocean and in tbe blsck-1 psiied. oees of a November sight in 1873 the Loaned out three bsrrels of flour, 50 steamship collided with the Glasgow bushels of meal; 150 pounds of bacon; clipper Locb Earn and in twelve minutes 37 pounds of butter; 12 doien eggs; 3 the former went down, earning? to desth I umbrellas: 13 lead Dencils: 1 Bible dio- 230 souls, and among them were Mr. tionary; 1 mowing blade; 2 boea; 1 over- Spafford's four daughters. cost; 5 boxes of paper collars, none of Mrs. Spafford sank with the vessel, which have been returned. but floated again, and was finally res- Called my opponent a peismbulating eued. lisr doctor's bill f 10. Had five argu- The saved were taken to Havre, and meets with my wife result: Ooe flower The death of self is the life of the soul . U tup irrupD cmp np tup nQY ? fV MIL U I IILil tfiuit ui ilia, urn i (y Th k far-off hills are very blue, as blue as the painted sky Where the silvery fleece clouds never move while the earth While the earth goes drifting idly by, and the white sun burns from that city Bhe sent a message to her vase smashed; one shirt bosom ruined; ahove I husband in Chicago : I ooe broom handle broken; two hsndfulls question of nutrition. If the stomach and other orgiius of dilution and nutri tion are ke in a healthful condition there will I a wl.nmirlhl body, and little liability to disorders of th liver, bowels or such o..ier disorder as may result Horn in nutrition aud lack of exer cise. Pr. Pierre's Cnhlen Med ical Discovery cures iliartiHce ol the aluuiach and other or gans of diges tion and nutri tion, and also diseases of oth er organs which are caused by the diseased condition of the stomach. By enabling tbe perfect nutri tion nf the body it increases the vital power and promotes a vigorous old age. " I was a auflfrrer from chronic diarrhea for ire ytars." writ.. Mr Mary A. Aaroo, of RoUa, Phflpa Co., Ho, "I two mnrlK rcraw hi,.h wmiM riv m. r.lief for a short titnfl smly. My trouble would return as bad aaever. i mnu,lti.d vnu in lulv iqoq. and bv vour advke MMmiM uiiinv Ur Pi.re'. remedies. I took two bullies ol me ijoioen muic.i uwrn'r, three vials of the ' Pellets,' aod somie of th ' Eitract of Smart-Weed,' aa yo odTtaed. I have not had any return of my trouble atoce nsinf vour medicines. Am nAr seventy-one yeara old aud 1 never had anything to relieve me so quick. I think Dr. Pierce's medleinee the f'reatest on earth. Should 1 ever have any re urn of my trouble shall use your medidite. My thanks to you for your advice and thanks to Almighty Cod for restoring me to health through your hands. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "Just aa good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the beat laxative for old people. They cure con stipation and biliousness. I do?" This message of fesrful import suf ficient to drive reason from her throne- was Iht first notice Mr. Spafford bad that his dear ones were not ss happy ss The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY 'GROCERIES & S VetX is. Ws 611 Only To Merchant. I Orders Solidtad. THK WELDON OBOCEBY CO , OQl. WILDOM.H. 0. I J. Anrl the heat waves flicker over the srrass. R.n.nkiii. Wnnnn mr flonoh I Ann rhA hAAfl thrrjiltyh the r0B6-DedS BaSS anu TeuaSS; Paeumonis. Asthms, UGrippe and all Ana l in my nammoa nwiuK wu oiSu ju, UD Tk., rk i .. i...i ir.iniii. t oni I and love. 1 II I If . , whv " ej-- . i t r j w V soaiea oy rain, saj. ue...uue a. , , , . ... . , . . Muncie, Ind , and oontracted I severe! vu twiTnn ' sold and cough. I failed rapidly; lost . j breach stirs the yellow rye nor ripple's the wheat's when he parted with them I few days 48 pounds. My druggist reoommenaeu paie gheen, before in New York One Minute Coujih Cure. The first And the little farms in the hollows seem to doze to the croon ln his unutterable sorrow Mr. 8psfford ol tne dove: I ... .t,... . , ;u;i,i. n.. A. 1. .1 ..I. f.n V,a wnat nt Inof I or nut me siiauiws rcsiu nu... .no c. . .., ,. . ,.t i nt tho alow.Wod iiniirii croon nn and am MHt. I "--" " r..r..v o...vn-.v.- -r t i Wh n I n mv hammock: swintr and dream or you. ana tne wss iosi m uesiruouuu . w, night, and love, "Saved, but saved alone. What shall of whiskers pulled out; lOo worth stiok- ing plaster $1,758. bought. Besides spending jii'. bottle brought reli f; several cured nie. I am back to my old weight, 148 lbs One tlinule C'uugh Cure cuts the phlegm relieves tbe cough st once, draws out in flammation, eures oronp. An ideal rem edy for children. w, 91. uohen. When a young msn asks the timid maid if she will marry him It is up to ber to declare she will knot. , T.A.t.ftr -Rill and Packet Heads w ' aavvvv., 3V; V m. i i-r 3 Tin TIA.- II $ uircuiars, nana mua, suw. rjotkers, do you know 'Wf the many to-called btrth medic i net. and .. . . i EEeelsior Printing Co., Oh, lagging minutes that bring joy home, and swift that bear u away, How fast we would fill the dark to come with the hours we grudge the dayl So many years shall the earth swing on, that our brief bliss recks not of, While our time runs out like a tale that is told, And the warmth of our youth in the dusk grows cold. But I shaU not care it we botn anit down tnrougn tne long, long night with love. Caroline Duer in Smart Set. i Um THE UNIVERSAL HABIT. t remedies for women in the treatment All 1 moat 06HCI UU yUUl tl UCl O, UI 'it, of her delicate organs, conuin mora ot . nrHoro rAftfiixTfi tiromut andS V V - WWW. - w F - ? careftii attention. 5 Ml Uifttr 11. Ian of fti Statu of Horti Caroliia, - ' AUGUST 20TO, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY . HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSITORY. TOWN OF WKLDON UKrusnvtu less oniuui. mornhine and strychnine? Do You Know that in moat countries drucgiato are not permitted to sell narcot ics Wltnnui laDcune into puuwna r Do You Know that you should aot taka Internally any medicine lor the wain aceomnanylnt pre-s: nancy. uo Yu a, now inag moussra rnesaw Is aooUed axtenullv only? Do You Know that Mother's Friatvd Is a celebrated nreacrvotion. and thst it has been in uaa over forty years, and that each bottle of the genuine bears tha name of Tha Rmdfield Reiruiator Co. ) . o. . .. .. I Do yon know that when you use una remedy Qunn ine penoa ot jtsuuou Kill Da Ire 01 pain aau dw healt Wei that TO hy, hearty and clever chtiaren t I. these thin irs are worth kno r facta. Of druggUta at Jt.oo. k nenuaded to trr a sulaititute. Our .little book "Motherhood" Iroo. m Thsy awo facta. Don't he TNI tlAOPIIlr) lUUUfO CO, Atlaats, U CIPIT1L m SURPLUS $26,000. im te. ...r. .hi. Vm neovided Unklog faoili for tola asoiioo VookhJderssad directors have beet identified with the business .oiar-H. 4ifsx and North.mpton counties for msny yesrs. Money is loaned upon p- Ived security at the legal rat of interest six per centum. Accounts of all ara. suited. : president: Via-PreiideBt: Cuhir. E-DANIEL. Da. J. N. RAMSAY, n W.B.BM1XB. Seaboard, Northampton aounty, n. u D Li U.. D IS YDNOR k HUNDLEY, for Value. 'rtn nrpaed Ike eity throngH pWiiUse, for atylaa, ' Ota oboett FURNITURE wait for JoTJ Pursbl and elegant, ornate or plaio, such Suites elsewhere we seek in Tai23" Toted for UPHOLSTERY, net. we ind grand eolleetloe or every kioj) inameotal DRAPERtES. It h knowe well, in perfect teste, Ibey exoelj Wut 111 K. Broad St , of MIRRORS 4 PICTURES, the stock'eeompletEI ,brb,at,,uJitywee..r.lyo. .11 8YDN0R A HUNDLEY "PPY fhia great store is 709-711-713 E Broad 6treet Richmond, Va mm' . SbJ t W Hello, Central I Central, ring 34. "Hello, h thai ParkerT". "Yee." : , "How about J. E. M. floor?" "Plenty of it." 'Send me barrel of it round at once, please." "Ailright." I , s I have a few single barret breach load' ing aune at 14 60. First ootas will get tbe guns. Only a few left W. T. PARKER. WELDON, N, C. I saw ber go shoppicg in stylish attire; And she felt Of her belt At tbe back. Her walk was ss free as s springy steel wire, Aod msny e rubber neck turned to admire As she felt Or her belt At Ihe back. 8he wondered if all the contraptions back there Were fastened jnst right 'twas sn unceasing care. So she felt Of ber belt At the back. I taw her at churoh aa she entered tbe pew ; And she felt Of ber belt At tbe bsck. She hsd on a skirl that wu rustly and new, And didn't quite know what tbe fastenings might do; So she felt Of her belt At the bsck. She fidgeted around while the first prayer was said; She fumbled about while the hymn waa read . - Oh she felt . Or ber bell - At the back. Jack told her oie night that be loved her like mad; . And she felt ' For her belt - At tbe bock. She didn't look sorry, she didn't look glad She looked like she thought; "Well, thst wasn't so bad." And the felt For bsr belt " At the bsok. But well, I don't tbiok 'twss t great deal or barm, For what should the maiden hsve foond hut sn arm VV dsn she teit For her belt At tbe back. 8. W, Gilliam la Lot Angeles Herald. ALWAYS DYING. thst bis wife wss psiufully prostrated, and that his four children were buried in the dsrk waves of the eea. there came from his heart of hearts a soog of trust and resig nation that has msny times encircled the globe : "When peace, like a river, sttendeth my way, When sorrows, like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul." When Mr. Spafford returned from Havre with his invalid wife be ssid to his friends : "I never felt more like (rusting God than I do now." Spsfford's hymn of resignation, with its fine musical totting by the lamented Bliss, is one of the most helpful of the many goepel songs written during the past quarter of a century, On 8unday evening a service or song wu given in ooe of our large city churohea at which tbe story or "It Is Well With My Soul" wu told, and the lines sung with great tenderness of ex pression by the audience and ohoir. Attending the servioe wu a gentle man who hsd suffered fiosncial reverses in the panie of 1893. When he heard the story or Spsfford's heavy affliction and joined in singing the hymn se pathetically inspired, he said to his wife on hit return home from the servioe : "I will never again complain or my lot. "If Spafford oould write tucb t beauti- Iful resignation hymn when be bad lost alibis children, and everything else save bit wife and ohartoter, I ought surely to be thsokful thst my losses have been so light." I THE BEST REMEDY FOR CROUP (From the Atchison, Ksn , Dsily Globe.) This It Ibe sessoo when tbe women who knowt the best remedies for croup b in demsnd In every neigbboihood u3 &f tic !2C2t tSffib!? hini la the word it to be awakened in the middle of tbe night by t whoop from one of Ihe children. Tbe croup remedies are almost u ture to be lost, in ease of croup, as revolver is ture to be lost io otse of bur glars. There used to be en old fashion DIXIE. I'se gaiue back to Dixie- No more l'se gtvioe to wander; My heart's turn bsck to Dixie I can stay here no longer, I miss de old plantation; My borne and my relation; My heart's turned bsck to Dixie, And I must go. Chorus. I'se gwioe back to Dixie, I'se gwine bsck to Dixie, I'se gwioe where do orange blossom grow; For I bear de children calling, I see their sad tears railing, My heart's turned back to Dixie, And 1 must go. I've hoed io fields of cotton, I've worked upon tbe river; I used to think if I got off, I'd go back there, no, never; But time hu changed de old msn, His head is bendiog low, His heait'i turned bsck to Dixie, And I must go. Chorus. I'm traveling back to Dixie My itep it slow snd feeble; I pray de Lord to help me, Aod lead me from all evil; And should my strength forsake me, Den, kind friends, oome and take me; My heart's turned back to Dixie, And I must go. Chorus. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat. Th'9 preparation contain! all of the aigesianw ana aigcsw an aiuui looa. it gives lnsiarib renei auu uoic. fails to cure. It allows you to eat au the food you want. Tbe most sensitive ttomachscantak-elt. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have beeu -cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled lor me stomacn. vuim ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlyby E. 0. DxWitt Co., vman The 1. bottle coulatns SH times tbe Mo. sum. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. IS YELLOW. POISON ; In your blood ? Physicians call N It naiartai uerm. it can dc seem changing; red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensatlona creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthiest. 9 ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enter the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chllla, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down coma later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore eppetlte, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you. or your money back; Itusisrair. try It. Price, 25 cent. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS, iltHiisiMiTiiTf1 CASTOR I A For Infinti and Children. Iht Kind Yoo Hava Always Bought Bears the Bigoatore of True religion is duty linked to the divine. 1 t nli.niMfl rt ti.aim end eVta lllimAn Uie consists m a e. .. -s - -. j7 reiDedy for croup, known u hive syr economy is simply, so far as i s material part is concerned, a " j t! j .1nr.an.la rn fnnrl aa thn moat imnortftntl r . . .. macuuie uu u. " I , ,hat Chamberlsin't Cough Remedy factor in keeping in wording oraer. vy utu - b lod doe, DOt W9t M maob. commence to die as soon as we are oorn, 11,01 course meuB .uk h (fc certain parts of the body immediately begin to perish; their ex- . M(, gi?ee wHef u t istence is is ephemeral; they come and go. are repienisnea ana Aottm ,ime QiTe thU nmtij decay. They are the dying parts or tnat system 01 me wnicn u (h( y Ippetr, 4od it may last a little while, but which must eventually yield to tnepreTent the stuck. It never fails snd inexorable law ot nature. ne nans, we nair, etc., are ouerv- fs ni loUke. . , ble as an Instance in this case. The skin is always peeling. The For sale by W, M. Cohen,, druggis.t food that, is taken in the one hour nourishes the system and Weldon, N.O. ejects that which was taken the nour oeiore. - do, ... ,k, lhe wom,Bi but YOU KNOW W H AT VOll'HK TAK.INU When yon take Grove's Tssteless Chill Tonic because the formula it pltioly printed oe every bottle showing thst it is limply Iron and Quinine in a tutelees form. No rare, No Pay. 50c leantt Ilftatan af UU1A. I iht Hir.il Vo'J "ffl l"ri BongM H often breaks the husband. We live io die that we may die Io live. 1L. M.-i. U 11-. lUoau ILuirrM af lUW l-CC4GU,1i ir you are bilioos sod seeking advisers, Tske DeWitt'i Little Esrly Risers, Just before going to bed. You will And on the morrow, You ire rid of your wrrow Tbst'i all; jnst enough said. These cleansing pills do not gripe, but move ihe bowels gently md easily, oleaut ing the liver. Their tonio effect gives strength to the glands, preventing a re turn of the disorder. W. M. Cohen. . i. The poor la goods ire often rich in grios. . , Oad'a work must be done io God's wsy. Eloquence is not of the lungs. Wisdom seldom runs in s rut. -Mao is ever greater than hit tools. FOR A BAD COLD. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, sad to allay the irritation and inflamma tion or the throat and lungs. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist WeWoo,N. C. For sick headache try Chamberlaie'i Stomach ind Liver Tablets; they wi ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by W.M. Cohct. Druggist, , Weldon, N.C. CKST' Early Riser ThefanMwalattswpllla. . Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. JSC. II s.-urslsta. Want your ntmi.tiiclie -r feard beautiful brown or rlt'll Muck T Then III. BllCI(IKGilAH'SCYE,w0f,i,.hk.r. BEST FOR THE BOWELS bowili e.r jou re III or will be. Keep yoi iH.wolsionon.tiul be well. Fore. In lhe ihraiieof vie. aiit physio lew imci aleeA It fc Vane wtvf w mf"m lew awwajui Cat CATHARTIO A EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY !.... r.r VaUtaiVila Pntstnt. Tralte OOtrd. D OMmI. ; fftver Sicken, WtkeB,or Orlpe, M, t, and M ;-ititl tr koi. Write (or lree aaapU, d beikllt ol etxltb. Addreit rriKuni kimt roinir. ir-o itw t. KEEP YliUR BLOOD CLEAH Cner.InuteCou-'iCara Fop Coiighe, Colds and Croup. D. E.STAINBACK, , mm public, WgLDOsI, k! 0 .Roanoke News Office. :i7 r