3 1 A. UBWSFJV.FEI? FOB THE PEOPLE IffiBMS:-$1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE JOHIT "W. SLE3DC3-E, PROPRIETOR. WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. NO. 28 VOL. XXXVII. 33 . ai niii.n i ii i rnrr -nrrfr-i ir-mrir "jU. "BOWWili itt I tafo-gsj 1, s 'IfrsWMfpIt rswaitrfyVVMsi T1i Kind Ton Have Always Bought, nd which has been In tine for over bo yers, Has borne tne signature or p and hat been made under hli per- fjr , onal supervision lnce iU Infancy. 4Affi4MA4K AllownoonetodecelTeyoulnthla, AH Counterfeit!, Imitation! and Just-as-good" are but Experiment! that trifle with and endanger the health of Infauta and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Oastorla U'a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo substance. Its nge Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. WWHW, V? IN ROM ITMIT. tW VM tf V2s sn a r ' r.xtMu Traa aamm. A Lav Pl.WOPPlTf . ft "skssHsMssBVJsasHsHssJAJ iCrUTHINttfOWSlMn Ctsto OaJj 23 cats at DriKbts, ICirtt Cke!ara - lefntaa. DUrrnc,UyinUiy, us the Bowel Troubles of Children sMiir is. Aids Digestion, RejoJstes the Sowals, Strsnjthsas Hw UilW mm nun. TEETHINC CAST, lo. eaall U sssls to C. J. MOFFITT. M. D. ST. LOWS, MO. !J.bhiaJ! I rSSJT JJStalW I. tt. - pmdpuou fron hall, DSrsflsss. list I 1st ssoikef smwrnli l W try TfcK 1 ttm . smisj ur r w " THE GIRL AT CHURCH, "What Can These Christians Think of Their God ?" You pride yourself on jour politeness You oouut yourself s maoneted girl sod would b very indignant if you wen told that you were Uoking in ordinary polite- Dees, when you ire mvnea oui you ire direful nut only to be prompt but to be coosiderste of your hostess What oonaideraiion do you alio God when you go to His houseT To every little noise end ji'U do out hesitate to luin and twial until you feel that your skirt u arranged exactly right and you are quite omfur-table. Then you give a sigh as you look at the preacher He ia one whose sermons you do not admire, so while he is. trying to do his duty you coolly read your prayer book or hymnal, or look around the oongregstioo and catch the rye of a friend, uive a shiui! of diiust. When the sermon ia over you give vent to igh of thsnkfulness, and you never seem to reslin that lhn bad behavior on your part ia bad behavior not only to the oler gytnan, but to that Qod whose represen tative he it When the collection is taken up you look here and there and everywhere see who is deporting a baok-nole. Be fore the benediction is said you crane yourself like a bird with its plumage so that you will be ready to start out the very minute it is ended, we do not suppose you realise for a moment how dreadful Ibis is. How it is giving to opportunity to so unbeliever to say "Wbatcim these Christiana think of their God when tbe'rate so impolite to Him ?" Then von do fomething else, In yout church the pews msy be lented When you enter you close the doer and give no poor einner an opportunity to sit beside you, and yet, in the sight o Qod vou are all alike, and before Him the rich aiid the poor stand logeth r bejudgid. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES S ataWa Sell Onlr To Merchant. Ontera BoliclUd. f THE WELDON OROCaTKY VU , S 2 8 It wildon.n. 0. ' St I m WYISIT OB WBITE-w 1.8 Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. , PETERSBURG, VA. DON'T BOAST, GIRLS, Ella Wheeler Wilcox Talks Interestingly About the Mat ter. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEK9 IN URNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. "W I NT I ELD, PRESIDENT & MANAGER aavSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. 6 ;r-(IHOVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over Mity years by milliots ot mothers for children, while teething, 'ill nerfeot success. It soothes the cl lid softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oo 10. aod ia the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor lit tie "Sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. ZD ooota a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take do oth er kind. The millionaire's chief end ia the divi dend. m L J I m 1' u L yiWIt 4 111 "WELIDOIT, IT C. Letter, Bill and Packet Heads Weddinsr Invitations. w m Circulars, uana iJins, &ic. m beauty triumphs, Sijf, . Tfm rmavs. JLmL f i 3 A 11 Beauty ia woniun'a uretttest charm. Th CjfinQ US VOUr Ol Uei a. JXll UorIa ..lore.beautiiul women. A pretty . . V woman lred maternityforfearot loaiug orders receive prompt; ana careful attention. 5? mmm Tie Bank of Weldon, a::;:WELDONIN. C.- Oriaiiisi Under Tie Laii of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TAT8 OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. , HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. "TOWN OF VYKLDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL 1X0 SURPLUS $26,000. ... ,nt,.. , tsim Mwsio sfn vassa rnaaa thsaa inaUnlinsi Itaaa nsntJialtl UstUSvlUSl atlaitkwa tvt tHM lis stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax sod Northampton counties for many years. Mosey ia loaned upon ap proved security at the legal rate of interest sii per centum. Accounts of all are. solicited. Cashier: Uiiniowar. What can be done to perpetu ate the rare and keep women beautiful i There is a balm used by cultural and un cultured women in the crisis. Husband, should investigate thia remedy in onlei n rMutir tllSlf WIVCB U tO the CaSC with which children can be born and beauty of form and figure retained. Mother's Friend U the nam by which this preparation ia known. It dfminUhes the pain allied to motherhood. Used throughout pregnancy it relievea morning aickneaa, cures aore breasts, makes elastic all tendons called iinnn tit tirtlit the exrjandine' burden, xiuarlH inften and relax under Its influ ence and the patient anticipates favorably the issue, in the conitort taus peiioweu. Mothsf's FrtsB4 la a liniment lor ei- tml nnlication. It ia eently rubbed over the parts so eererely taxed, and being absorbed lubricates all the muscles. , Draeiflsta sell it for r per bottle, you may have our book 'flotherhood" free. ini isaoruis hsuutss. eo,Tisu,sa, Presideot: VioavPreaidenl: W.E. DANIEL. Ds. J. N. RAMSAY, Seaboard, Northampton eonaty, N. v. W. R. SMITH. PID If (ID vAi Ul QYDNOR k HUNDLEY, for values true, are unsurpassed the city througH Yielding to none, for styles, the choicest FURNITURE waits fot yTJ JJurabls and elegant, ornate or plain, auoh Suites elsewhere w seek in TailiT XToted for UPHOLSTERY, here we fiod i grand oollcotioo of every kioTJ Onumental DRAPERIES, k is knows well," in perfect lHe, they exoejl, Right at 711 E. Broad 8t of MIRRORS 4 PICTURES, the stock's eompletE & lor beauty & qnalit; we ess rely os sll SYDNOR k HUNDLEY do suppf" This great store is 709-711-713 E Broad street Richmond, Va v ll..- llnit UIU Fussing 7 'VfiV THE PLEADING Or THE BELL. 1 c. sr. --sr- 55 - v When my fancy wanders backward, Through the vistas of the years, There are many happy moments, There are flowers mid the tears, 'Mid the old red hills and valleys Where Ogeechee's waters start Where my childhood days were summer And a song was in the heart. How I long once more to wander Where my boyish feet have gone With the cows toward the pasture 'Mid the dews of early morn ; Just to gather woodland blossoms, Just to climb the swaying trees Just to set the kite to soaring, As it danced upon the breeze. Just to taste the icy waters . Of the spring beneath the hill, Where the mossy rocks are lying Just to build the flutter mill. Just to wade along the shadows Just to truant be at school. ' Just to make the hick'ry whistle And to swim the deepest pool. How I long to watch the arrow As it whistles from the bow! How I long to chase the rabbits When the fields are deep in snow I Just to be as fully happy As the barefoot boy again v Just to watch the apples ripen 'Mid the sun and summer rain. 4 s Just to turn the dial backward Just again to be a child Just to see the happy faces And the sunshine as they smiled; Just to play with school boy comrades Just to carry book and slate For a blue-eyed little maiden; Just to linger at the gate. They are gone; the years have vanished; But the Dell rings out the same Calling "Books" to tardy children, From the noisy marble game. But a sadness comes around me Over all a dreamy swell Now its ringing sadly slowly ; There are sorrows in the bell. And it seems to clamor loudly To the scattered ones from home To the weary, broken toiler, "Turn away from care and come !" Rolling on along the valleys 'Mid the hills the pleadings sweep Sobbing sighing 'mid the flowers Where the dead are lost in sleep. And I wonder if my comrades Feel the sadness just as well; If a thousand mem'res cluster, Round the swinging of the bell ? If it pleads, and begs, and urges, "Come within the narrow way Be a man a man of honor !" As I pause, I hear it say. Still we fall as frail and human ; But perhaps the angels tell How a soul was brought to heaven Through the pleading of the bett. ONE MINUTE cJuGII Is the only harmless cough W ith the Cook sad buy yos one bag of J. E. M Flour and be oooviooed that it is the best flour on the market ia aakes Laundry Soap for Irish Potatoes, 25s. peck, sad ererything yon seed for the table aod pantry. W. T. PARKER WELDON, N. C. THE JACKET OF GRAY. The Young Men Who Went to Battle Long Years Ago. Do not, young woman, however charm ing and fuscioatiog you may find your self, boast of your achievements in win ning hearts. Nothiog disgusts men and women whose respect is worth having more than this. Many a belle has found herself a forlorn spinster eventually because she related her early successes too froely. A man who listens and laughs to your story of another man's infatuation U tbiokiDg in his secret heart : "Well, if this is the way she repays some honest fellow's devotion, I will keep clear of her. I do not want her to make me the subject of conversation to some third man," Men have a certain sense of loyalty to one another in such matters, none they may feel glad that a rival has failed in bis wooing, they resent the idea of his being made the butt of lidicule. Keen vour conquests to yourself. If other people mention them refuse to dis- euss them. Do not show letters or repeat compli ments. It is both dishonorable and silly. If the men who surround you are se rious in their attentions you are doing them a great iojuslioe by your frivolous speech regarding them. If they are mere flatterers, sayiog and writing to you what they say and write to all attractive girls, you are making yourself ridiculous. The most contemptible creature on earth is a man who boasts of bis success among women, Every man and every woman despises him once he is known, But the boaBting girl is only a degree lesB oontemlible. Ofoourse vanity in a woman is less criminal than in a man, for man has cultivated her vanity and through it many of her virtues are created. But the vanity which leads her to be attractive and pleasing is quite another thiog from the conceit which leads her to boast of the results of her attractions. Let other people observe your popu larity, but do not declare it yourself. Tell of the popularity of Other girls, praise them and show your willingness to have them admired. It will do more to win admiration for you than all you oould relate of your own exploits. . Men like girls who are generous ind tVa m sneak of the eood Qualities in . other women. Cultivate this spirit if you do not pos sess it. It msy be difficult at nrsi, dui you will find great happiness onco you l,.rn to look for what is admirable in others and to speak jif i. Talk to men of themselves and qt "Fold it up carefully, lay it aside, Tenderly touch it, look on it with pride, For dear must it be to our htarts ever more,- This Jacket of Gray that our soldier boys woro. Aloro than thirty years ago it wss folded and laid away, this Jacket of Gray that bad been worn by the brave Con federate soldiers for four long years of terrific strife. As the swiftly changing seasons oome and go we tenderly unfold this faded garment that is to us, who re member those dark days of war, a sacred relio around which clusters many associa tions that are sadly sweet to our hearts. In another thirty years it will all oease to be a living memory save to a handful of very old men and women who have lived past the Psalmist's span of life, the allotted three-score and ten years of which the inspired writer says, "Yet is their strength, labor and sorrow." The men who went out to battle were young and strong and full of high hopes for the life that was all before them, but many of them never came back, while they were still young their "morn of life declined,' and they were laid in uocoffined graves on many a field so sad aod gory. The veterans who meet in snnual reunions are gray haired men and their number is lesa every time, fewer voioes answer to the roll-call, they have responded to the roll-call up yonder. There are several classes of women but each class speaks for itself. Any man who has a pmr memory for debts has a good meinnry fur faces. Flirting is playing with fire and pre tending it is sawdust. Many an artist thinks he's in hsrd luck if be isn't able to draw s oork, NI!HP0SS15U.CA motherhood," mvs tlie doctor. Some times lie qualifies the statement, and 6ays: " Impossible without an opera tion."' Yet both these "impossibles" have tx-cn miuie possiblca by the use of Dr. Pierce's l'avorite Pre scription. Many times the hindrances to mother hood are to be found in womanly diseases or weaknesses, which are perfectly and permanently A?X I 1 curea uy "ra- W m vorite Pre- $ ? Vr A scrijition." Jt ' -JpVy meli'at; tf J cfine " P women r cures Ir- mrrs 11 M K'J 4 Je7-i BW.T -m. J BBV m m Bfcjfcti t; t m hi it m regularity and dries debilitatin drains. It heal inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak. ness. It makes weak women strong and sick women wen. I wish to add mr tetttffloST to hundreds of others to the value of Dr. Pierce's nsedittltiei,. writes Mrs. Ids M. De Ford, of La ton. Hubbard Co., Mitia. " Have doctored with a great many lans some ppeciaii.ia; nave iwm uccn ed as a hopeless one, aod tbey In s hoHDital for treatment. My case has been erarded as s Hopeless one, ana ice. hat the trouble was. Heart waa bad ' GETTING PERSONAL. The favorite Scottish method ot deal ing with sleepers in church was publicly to denouoce the delinquents. The Chris tian Leader tells this story ; When tho Rev. Walter Dunlap, min ister of a United Presbyterian church in Dumfries, saw a member of his flock cod ding whil he was preaching, he stopped suddenly aod said : "I doot some o' ye bao tacn ower mony whey porridge the day. Sit up, or 1 II name ye oot I" Another Caledonian preacher, on like provocation, cried out, "Hold up yer heads, my friends, and mind that neither saiuts nor sinners aro sleeping in the next world." Then, finding that this general exhor tation was Dot sufficient to deter a certain well known member of the ohurch from getting his night's rest forward, the rev erend gentleman turned toward the offender aod said : "James Stewart, this is the second time I have stopped to waken ye. If I need to stop a third time, I'll expose ye by name to the whole congregation." A JOHNNY REB'S HUMOR. f y knew not id : attofnictl all out of orW; tired out ; eve-e paitw in all parts of the ajdjr; sinking apeili, and Brly every allntent a woman could have. I took nwny a bottle of 'patent medicinea without effect. I began taking Dr. Pierce'e Favorite Pre acrintton, and ten raontha afterward I gav birth to a ten-pound boy. All phyncianx had stated as a fact that I neve tould bear a child. Both the baby and myself were atroatf. and 1 got along aplendidly-thaukstoyour medicine." The Common Sense Medical Adviier, 1008 large pages, in paper coven, it tent free on receipt of 21 one-cent tUmnt to pay expense of mailing only. AddreM r. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, Manv of the veterans who attended other women's good qualities, aod you the Grand Army encampment spent Bev will find vourself surprisingly' popular. era days visiting the civil war battle Rut Inivait to vonr friends to speak of I arnunds not far from Washington. Ooe 4 - . 10 your own fascinations. If you are bilious and seeking advisers, Take DeVVitt'a Little Early lliaers, Just before going to bed. Yju will fiod 00 the morrow, You are rid of your sorrow That's all; just enough said. These detuning pills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily, cleans ing the liver. Their tonio effeot gives strength to the glands, preventing a re turn of the disorder. W. M. Cohen. of a returned party tells a story on comrade. They were going through the country in a wagon on their way to one nf the famous battlefields, when one of the old boys who had worn the blue ssw approaching a countrymau on horsebsok "Here comes a 'Rube, said tie vet eran. "Weil nave some iuu oui 01 him." 'Hey, old man," oalled the Grand Army member. "Haven t seen yon since bl. The rural looking rider reined up alongside the wagoner, and, taking s Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th'9 preparation contains all or tne digestanta and dlResta all kinds of rood. It gives insulin ruiiKi aim uo.ci falls to euro. H allows you to eat all the food you want. The moat sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use manyi thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the BUiniacn. unua ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlybyE.0. Dr.WiTT co.,Jreago lue SL DUIWB cuuiiaiiM ts - W. M. Cohen, Druggiat. It requires a good siied sinking fund good look over the blue-dad occupants, to keep some corporations afloat. For sick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach aod Liver Tablets; they wil ward off the attack if taken in time, For sale by V. M. Cohet Druggist, Weldon, N. C. quietly said "You are right, sab I I have not seen you since you lit out trom nun nun, ab." Washington Letter to INew Xori Herald. IS XELLOW.POISON In your blood ? Physicians call It nalarial Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns yourcom plexlon yellow. Chilly, achlnr sensations creep down your backbone. Vou feel weak and worthless. 9 ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected snd when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Huberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. ne manuiac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' ionic to anvo 11 oui, nourish your system, restore .nntltA. nurifv the blood, pre vent sna cure inuia, rsur, nu Malaria. It has cured thousands-It will cure you, or your money back. Thlslstalr. Try it. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS gives relief. tsiuup, Cures CUUK ours that Coughs, Colds, 1 iidu.'.. W -( Pneumonia, Asthma, LaOrippa and all Throat, Cheat and Lung troubles. I got soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fencer, Munoie, Ind , aod oootracted s severe cold aod cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 pounds. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure. Ibe nrst bottle brought relief; several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 148 lbs. Ooe Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm relieves the sough st once, draws out in flammation, eurea croup. An ideal rem edy for children. w, pi. unen. If s man oarries s mortgage it ia usu ally because ha ean't lift it. FOR A BAD COLD. If you have a bad cold yon need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irritation and infiamma tios of the throat aod lungs. For ssls by W, M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. TUB BUST RKMKDY FOll CHOUF (From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Olobe.) This is the season when the woman Uosa the b::t rcrccdics for cross is in demand in every neighborhood. Ooe of the most terrible things in the word is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The oroup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as s revolver is sure to be lost in oaae of bur glars. There used to be an old fashion ed remedy for oroup, known- as kive syr up and tolu, but some modern mothers sir that Chamberlain's Cough Resaedy is better, and does not oost so much. It oansee the patient to "throw up the phlegm," quicker, and gives relief in , 7 . . n: .1.: ' . anorier lime. - uive tma remeuy aa soon as the croupy oough appears and it will prevent the attack, it never fails and is safe and pleasant to take. For sale by W. M. Cohep, druggia.t Weldon, N. C. Sometimes the hardest things to bear are what the neighbors say. id H, ffi M.vars Bot "SJS' Early Risers THO famous little pins. srv a- YOUKNOWWUAT YOIJ'RETAKING 1J1ZZV t When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill ... Don't get mad if you find a button in Tonic beoause the formula is plainly Then VOUf livei ISI) t acting vour aalad. It's a part of the dressing, printed on every Dome snowing iuai weM j ou sutter trom D1U0US- CUUED PILES AFTER FOKTY VKps,. oOe. 1 1113 Vl JIS a J V aaW YEARS. Mr. C. Haney, of Goneva, Ohio, had I to crawl out. the nilea for fortv veers. Doctors and r dollars could do him no lasting good, Do Witt's Wiloh Hasel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for outs, burns, bruises, sprains, Isoeralions, ecscms, let ter, salt rheum, acd all other skin dis eases. Look for the name DcWitt on the package all others sre oheap, worth leas eouDlerteits. W. M. Cohen. Some people who run in debt are forced por 6Q years they have been the Standard 1-amily rill Small doses cure lie, All druggists. Basra tba Z)1' S. A r-TAn I A VHO I jn in - For Infants snd Children. the Kind You Have Always Bough) Bears tha Signature of brown or rich Wnf' Tlitm ns BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMer. rmimnisTi. r n , ."',,coi'Wl'b'-?-- ' Sour Stomach If a man makes s specialty of paint ing towns red he cannot hope to remain 1 in the pink of condition. A THANKSGIVING DINNER. Iloavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacks inflame the muoous membranes lining the stom ach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, produoing s swelling after eating, heart burn, headache, sout risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves the inflammation, protects the nerves snd cures the catarrh. Kodol eures in digestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by eleansing snd sweetening (be glands of the stomsch. ; , W. M. Cohen. Flying fish have been known to jump tea teet above tne surtaoe 01 the sea. OAftTOnlA. IsarstW The Hind You HawMwsvs Botieht "After I was tan4 ts TT CASCA- irn. I will nerarbs wlihoul ihsai Is tlie bonis. Mr liver was In a verr bad ahaps. sua mr baS achod and 1 bad stonsob troublo. How. aloos tak ing CaacarsU. 1 fool Boo. Mr wlfs baa also USS4 tbi'm wlib benoSclal rosulta for sout stomscb." Joe. ftttlBUMU, WI4 uweraa n... n.. uuwis. siov The voioe of conscience is so delicate that it is essy to stifle it; but it is also so clear that it is impossible to mistake it. There is auite a difierenoe between s shrewd man and one who marries a shrew PjPS CANDY American wind mills ean be seen in the land of the Jordan. OAHToIilA Baan ths ) Klissj Vi HwWSR BougM Slfaaten ef si.im PBiftt.hi- ftu.nt. TsKts Good. Pa eood. Nu.tr HIcSiid, weu. or Uni, 10c, 2ta.tte. CURS OONSTIPATION. ... Sold and rnarsMed by all drng glaia Ul CV as Tobaaso HUM. I KO-TO-BAC Ona r.ainutaCr-:" : C ::ra For Cwshss Cot.s 1.-1 Crtr T1