JOHN" -W. SLEIDG-E, proprietor. .A. NEWSPAPER FOE TUB PEOPLE. TEI23:S:-i-60 PER ANNUM in advance VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1902. NO. 29 I The treat rheumatic remedy not only curei every X T form of rheumatism, but makes radical cures of I f flnnta or! nin Rlnnrl Dnlnn X Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Cores, Boils, Catarrh, and all diseases ar'; from Impurltlei In the blood. Endorsed byphys-ciatis and prominent people every where after thorough trial. DOt3 NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE OR.OANS. .. . . .. , . BjlLItOH, If. C. Owtlrmra i 1 take plmMire In (waring tmtlmony to the our.tlv. properties ofyoar"KHrnoii)." Tw. buttle ourorl my sonof bad c. Ifthlewlll be at any benelt to you In advertising your meritorious remedy, you m uee lb Yours truly, V. H. RAN D, Steward Stall Blind riuUlttttm. 9 'TJ-'ci fcoviiMeri'rxorori eofl All Druggists, Ji.oo; or prepaid on receipt o( price. Bobbltt Chemical Co., . . Baltimore, fid. SHOES HIOH ART CLOTHING P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Desler ia 0ffM - - - ZEICLER at BAY STATE SPECIALTY. ssr.lole Airent in Weldon for BTKOUKE BROTHERS. Formerly sold here bjrM P.Hirt.) A fit guaranteed Hfci4U.-iiMW TTljijy -UNDERTAKING .,-. jgsgi In ll iU branches Metallic. Walnut, v, t-1 -."iiKti&iAill Cloth Covered Casketa and Coffins -.7,'.. ... I'T-ir i" 1. r . . , . i. . .,. i if i mm i . jri f i eiepnone or vetegrapu mtmig fMSsSZi tended to day or night. Cirn Cdolsn-lndiliB, UUrrhou.UyKnury, M the Bowtl TroublM el Chlldrea f Ant tat. AMi Dilution, Regulates ths Bowels, itrtnjtneas ths Child and Mekte TEETHING EASY, Or run II mil to C. J. MOFFKTT, M. C ST. LOUIS. MO. W. 1. . j-i. M. urm Do. a J. lofRTT-Mr 1HW Bin .roc m r u I k . i , ; .riTaim n liitl- -i.l. l-.ti-lvu. mo.Ui. M4.BM .MMeS knwixhmf. t..Kt i.BMdl I. lb. .up. ol prertpuo.i lrom if pb,.lrt-M. Mr Miitia. Ml ia h. of Dam bld .nil ttirnlaa l.r.r eonlm.od for dr u . ttm. Il.r II. wi ibnI ooimItm of. ta mutliw Jeurmtal to UT Tr.F.TIIIN A,. nil la a d.y or two tb.r wu en.1 iiut-ut HI. IM Mara. D. IV. McIYJtH, Edllor ud ProwMor THbWiJ.) Sew, LOOK TO THAT BETTER UNO. We ire pushing towards Soil rest our el vet. Do not regret it if the eyes grow dim. ton will we belter by snd by. If I the eai ia heavy, do not be lorry. If your youth is pasting and your beauly fading, donot mourn. If your hand tretublei and your foot is unsteady with age, be not depressed in spirit. With every impidiment, with every sign of I the la.ieg down tabernacle, ro nii'Oih.r ilni ii it il.e ntrikit ic f the teoi dial the uiarah rijnj beio, led thai lieu jou noil pilch your labtrnacle, ill lull be on an undimurbid shore, and thai there, wilh eyes nnwit with clouds I lud htf re a 0"d unreilved and nefir to kc wrapped in dirk nets any more, that there, looking back upon thilwor'd of ignorance and suffering and trouble and upon the hardships of the way, you wi I, wiih full and discerning reason, lift up your Toice and give thaoka to God ndaay: "There was not one trouble too much; there waa not one sorrow to I piercing "- And you will thank Qod in that land" for the tery things that wrung lean from your eye in this. Look ihct to that belter land, out of all the trouble of the wiv;'.gh for it,pray for it and enter I iuto ii." WVTSIT OB "WEITE-w h Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. 8YCAM0KEST. " ,PETERStURGVVA. ILilan .il(Uiti.,i. m v THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD , PRESIDENT HAKiOKR uSpeoial Attention to Mail Orders. oot 3 ly. ran.. . . Jli(TtnnHQ rowoEiwl Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, 1m Me., 1 WH0LE8AI.E JvBBKHS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Wm .Wt Sell Only To Merchanta. fcV."1! Ordera Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , ' X2 2 8 It wildok. w. o. n mm .wVi..CVi..CW..CU.. i Excelsior Frintin WELEOF, IT g Co O. W THE BUST REMEDY FOR CROUP I (From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.) I This is ihe season when the woman I ... i who knows the beat remedies tor croup I is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the I word ts lobe awakened in the middle of I the night by i whoop from one of the I ebildrea. The croup remedies are almost I i sure io be lost, in ease of croup, aa a I revolver is sure o be lost in ease of bur- elan. Du re used to be an old fashi n- ed remedi for croup, known aa hive syr up and lo'u, but aome modern mothers I iij that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I is better, and does not cost so much. It I causes the patient to "throw up the I phlegm," quicker, and gives relief in a I shorter lime. Give this remedy as soon I as the ernupy conch appears sod it will I prevent Ihe attack. It never fails and I is safe aud pleasant to take. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggi t, Weldou, N. t . Evary cloud may have a silver lining, I but only an optimist un believe it. A THAN KSG I VINO DINNER Heavy eating is usually the first cause of I indigestion Repeated attacks inflame I the mneous membranes lining the stom ach, riposes the nerves of the stomach, I producing I swe'liog after eating, heart burn, headache, sour risings ind finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves 1 the inlsmmatioo, protects the nerves I and caret the catarrh. Kodol eares in- digestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles I by cleansing and sweetening the glands I of the stomaoh. - . W.M.Cohen. MY COAL BLACK HONEY, ' H Letter, Bill and Packet Heads W '0 " . " .Aj. M Circulars. Hand Bills. Etc. A as. m . i ail oena us your oraers. M orders receive nromnt and careful attention . Nods of the congregation don't always I eipress approval of the sermon. KOH OVER SIXTV VBARS Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup has bee used for over sixty yean by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with I perfect sueeesa. It aoothes the ehild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cores wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little I sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists io evert part of the world. 23 cents a twaiU R. mm ant) uk fur "Mm. Wina. A 1 1 -YV low'a Soothint? Sttud." wd take en nth- r una. ONLY MEDIUM ' BY AN QLD REB. UNCLE JACOB'S SOLILOQUY ON POLITICAL itVlNTS, PAST AND e PASSING. Written for the Roanoke News. Marse Lincum thrilled de nashun, When he writ his proclamation, Declarin' dat de nigger should be free, 1 started in a scramble, to wander an' to ramble, To see what dat freedum gwine ter be. The first thing on de docket was a paper in my pocket; , , - . Givin' me forty acres an' a mule, I clung ter dat delusion, Tell de en' of the confusion, When I f oun' myself a stifpid, silly fool. CHORUS w The autumn leaves a-fallin', I heah de angels callin' t Fur Jacob ter meet 'em up on hi', I'll keep my lamp a-burnin', An my face to hebben turnin', " Twell I croes ober Jordun, by an' bye. J Den come de time of votin', An' my heart was fondly dotinV " On gittin' de white trash under foot. But de nigger cut no flgger, Our white folks proved the bigger, An' ter office we nad 'em jest ter tote. r . I can't stay heah no longer, . ,; ' j De storm is growin' stronger, , Frum de cotton fiel's dis nigger's gwine ter fly. I won't work another minit, An' I'll try wnat luck thar s in it, Ise gwine up to Jarsey doubt I die. ' Brer Sambo break yer banjo, Our job is up, by jingo, Fur Jeter doan' want us any mo', Farwell ter campaign money, Good by, my coal black honey, Be show you write me, luv, fur I must go. Seaboard, N. C, Nov. 27, 1902. ii; iasi if Re's a geod friend of yours, isn't be? Oh. only medium. fc" I What do vn mean bv medium f Oh. he listens while 1 tell him all oi mv trouUrs. but be also wants me to listen while he tells me all of his. 1 -:WELD0N, IN. C.&- Opiieil Uafler The Lan of tie State of Iirtk Carolina. . AUGUST 20TI1, 1892. BTATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. , TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSITORY. capital mo surplus $26,000. .'Ul kCH V B.I . but. IIMHIUIIUH um WUimw. w - Its stockholders and directors have been identified i Ilalifu and Northampton counties for many years. Money proved security at ths legal rate of Interest aiz per centum, solicited. f.mliiU tnr ihia aaotioa ith the business interests of I Is loaned npon ap-l Acoonots or all are. 0r-' -A President: W; K. DANIEL. Vice-President: , Da. J. N. RAMSAY, 8eboard, Northampton contty, Caahien W.R.8MITn. N.C. D W PI J Liu Ulllul THE THIEF OF BEAUTY la Capturod by R-asdAald'a ReMwUtor. Tin. .an.lanf vounff women are awaking ii.. i. Hint inherited eomlineu has Ium .fnl.n. and inatead of glowing cueeke and briKUt eyea, the Wl-tal wrinklea of pain Jiave vaaen unr .. These are U warning fcelineal Weak .-.I . Hi. mnminir. no lite to enter unon their former pleaiurea, IrriUble. .... , i 1 Ji.MritMl I .... erma. Hull ncaiiacnea, tiir,. i l- Kii .nriu " ' KODERN CONVERSITION. , (At a funeral, whispered.) "He looks so nalurall" "Doesn't hel I'm surprised. He suf fered so, you kaoaa.- . . . , Yee, so 1 1 heard. How ell sba bears up!". '. - ' "Wonderfully. It s really remarkable; but, then, abe always had suob will power." !, , , "Yes, indeed. I remember i Will she wear a veil ?" "1 ttoo'l knew. . He didn't approve Of the Idea.,' He always told her But to."'. ' I !' 1 ' ! "SUll, I think she ought to." s "So do I. Its such t comfort to woman. "Isn't ilf He wis well off,; wasn't he?" "Oh, y tailed." "Bow do you mean?" "Well she nets only the income, and if she marries again it goes to a neioe." "Too had. ' But then, she never would any again. . "Don't be so sure of that. I wouldn t HER BANKERS. BY C. B. LEWIS. The major condewended to explain that he wis going to Pittsburg on pri vate business of great importance, and the others condescended to make the aame explanation. The major murmured , ,i . i, . J v.. tnaiiiseemeaourioustnaiau seven oi nv v . if v s nine viuiiuv wiuvw una aiaav a such luck before or since. When she uou,a P""le ousiness up A.n.. . . 1 1,. i.,.i .v,. there on the same day and that no one bus aaven different men were instantly conscious of i feeling ot admiration for her. She was petite and handsome and vivaoious and a widow. Those seveo men worked for intro ductions ind got them. They worked to make an impression, sn eaoh suoceoded. There were a Major Marsh, a Judge Truax, a Lawyer Hopkins, a resl estste man, a capitalist and a contractor. It kept the little blonds widow rather busy to entertain the aeven and satisfy eaoh one that the other aix were totally indif ferent to her, but by rising early and eitling up late she managed things very well indeed. She also managed to let it be known that her late deceased bad left her something like e million dollars. She might have given exact figures, but she didn't. 8he might have also inoressed the number of her admirers from 7 to 17 when it became known that she had money to burn, bat she stuck to the original number for sake of look. You can do more loving at the sea shore in a week than oo the crest of e mountain in a month. Indeed, if you I don't fall in love and propose within a fortnight you are looked upon a. one who Mt got there by mistake. Major marsn i but I'm told that it's all ea JUST WHAT YOU NEED. CBAMBMlAlrS STOMACH AMD LIVES TABLETS. When you feel dull after eating. When yon have ae appetite. . When yea have a bed taste ia your mouth, s '- . ' . When your liver is torpid. When jour bowels are eoqstipated, , Wbsa jot have a headache.; When you feel bilious, ' 1 They will improve your appetite, cleanse sad Invigorate your stomach, and regulate tour livot ind bowels. Price 25 centi per hox, t . ; ' , For isle at W."M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N, U. had been acquainted with the little blonde widow just 13 days when he proposed marriage and was accepted. It wasn't a straight from-the-ahoulder acceptance, but you understand how coy widows get around giving a square answer to such proposals. They blush or try their best to blush. They murmur something about its beiog very sudden, giggle a little, cast down their eyes and all of a sudden a plump little hand steals into yours and you have gained the vietory. Tbe days went by and went by. The days couldn't help it, you know. The major had known the widow exactly 22 days and had been engaged to her over a week when she sent him a note asking him to call on her. She hadn't appeared at breakfast that morning nor come down for her 11 e'clook bath, and be had beco greatly worried. Little blonde widows are' as frail as little obioa teaoops, and one can never tell when they may break to pieces. Themsjor bed no wings to fly with, but he got to the ladies' parlor without loss of time and found the dear little thing in tears. They were tears of grief and aoxietv and eaob one resembled a pearl. Several things had happened all at once, she explained. Her lawyer in New York had gone oot of town and failed to forward her quarterly obeck; two or three hills bad come in unexpectedly, which is a way billa have of doing when one is short; a friend of hers at another resort bad telegraphed her for a loan. Taken altogether, she was in a peck of trouble, and it would take a thousand dollars to get her out of it. 8he could, of course telegraph her broker to sell aome of her stocks, she could sacrifice aome of her Government bonds, she could even appeal to Judge Tiuax, who wae a man of money, but What did the major do? Why, be put his arms arouod his dear little Larie and patted her blonde head and laughed at her tor being troubled over such a trifle aa that. Tbs idea of her being worried and distressed for the want of a thousand dollara when he could place tea times that sum io her hsnds within an hour! Didn't she went two thousand three thousand five thousand, inatead t It was sll tbe ssme to him all in tbe lamily. No she didn t want but ooe thousand, and ahe called him her dear bad mentioned his journey to ths other, but Ibey only smiled and assumed know ing looks. He then snnounoed that he waa rather glad of their company, aa tbey would be on the spot to congratulate him over a certain event, but they looked at him in an absent way and didn't see the point of the joke. The gang reached Pittsburg io due time. Curiously enough, they ill went to the ssme hotel, but no one tried to explsin it. The msjor was the first to register and ascend to tbe ladies' parlor, but tbe other six were oot long behind biro. He remarked on tbe singularity of this thing, but the six looked at the toea of their boots and amiled. Seven cards had been sent upstairs to the little blonde widow to tell ber that her seven admirers were waiting, but she didn't come down, and the landlord didn't know whether she was in Halifax or Texaa. Explanations were io order, of course. It wss a drama io seven acts. Eaoh one of the seven bad been acoepted by the idow and each one had advanoed her money and was to meet her in Pittsburg and lead her to the altar. For a time the seven called each other liars and in eaoh other's nose, but on motion of the major they finally adjourned to tbe bar. Stand ing there and crooking their elbows in unison, they swore each other to secreoy, and every man lied as he declared that he saw through the little widow from the very start and that he had not even spent five minutes of bis time or IS eents of his cash for her benefit. WHIT MORE? Here is a hopeful note : Green grass beneath us, Blue sky overhead, The trees full of 'pjssums, Tbe barns full of bread I Tbe man on the stare who does the trick of escaping from firmly tied rope, submits to the bonds with a emile. He knows he can get out of tbe ropes that are being knotted. Put the same man in the wooaa and let Indian captora bind him to a tree for torture and be would struggle to the last against the bonds. when tbe stomach ia diseased there are bonda being woven every hour about tbe organs dependent on the stomach heart, lungs, river, kidneys, etc The folly of mankind ia to passively submit to the fastening of these bonda with no effort to escape until the pain they cause arouses fear. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Sbcoverr care diseases of the stomach aad other organs of digestion and nutrition.. It cures diseases ot bean, liver, lunga. k. lo ners and other organs, when these diav eaaea, as is often the case, have their origin in the diseased stomach. For a Ions time I waa aofJertae: aad waa lardl able to pot .bout writM ktr. Andnw T. JeaolDrs. of f nomas, Twcktv Co., W. Vt, abe 194. Waa koUMred wttk klAavty tranbl. aad my whole ayftem was oot of order: bad ma ue. a mcno oi mine tola ma so try sir. ee's Golden Medical DIaeovarv. 1 dad ao and the first bottle restored my appetite. I took biz ootu.1 oi ooiaen Mraicsi mwwr, ana soma of the 'Flaaaant Pallets' and SRl ttk a Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from imparl tiee. it! Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. FOR A BAD COLD. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable reedioioe like Chamberlain'i Cough Remedy to loosen snd relieve it, and to allay tbe irritation and inflamma tion of the throat and lungs. For isle by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, U,, BreMrat,loii contains all ot the Weldon, N. C. digestanU arid digests all kinds of It gives instant relief ana never A niece of a woman's mind is not Uio cure. ID allows you w ear. ail good for her husband's peace of mind. food. falls to cure. the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been Forsiok headache try Chauiberlaio's cured after everything else failed. Is l j t m li . .l I unequalled fur ihe stomach. Child. snd Liver Tablets; they will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by W. M. Cohet Druggist, Weldon, N. C. SOMETHING STILL LEFT. ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Flrstdose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlyiby K. C. DiWitt Co.. Ohlcauro XDfl SL ooiue'conuuns a 4 tunes we awe aw. W.M. Cohen, Druggist It is sn old saying that a penny held elose to the eye will shut out the sun shine, sod certainly it often happens tbst little losses blind usio greet blessings. A merehsnt who failed in business a few years ago went home in great agitation, a look of despair oa his white face, "What is the matter?" asked his wife. "I am ruined; I am beggared; I have lost my sll I" he exolsimed, pressing his hsod upon bis forebesd. "All I" ssid the wife, "no; I am left.' "AIM papa," said the eldest boy; "bete am I " "And 1 too, aaid his little girl, mo oing up, ind putting her arms around bis neck. "I am not lost, papa," repeated Eddie. "And you have your health left," said bis wife. ' "And your hinds to work with," ssid his eldest; "and I can help you." "And your two feet to carry you about, and your two eyes to see with," ssid little Eddie. ' And you hsve God's promises," said tbe grandmother. "And a good God," said his wife. "God forgive me," ssid ths poor mer chant, bursting into (Mrs, "I have eot lost my all. What hart I lost to whit I IS ULLOW. POISON In your Mood ? Physicians call It nalartal Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak aad worthless. e ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble aow. It enters the blojd at ence and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later oa, Roberts' Tonic will cure yon then but why wait t Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this y al low poison and have perfected Roberta' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore sppetite, purify the Mood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers aad Malaria. It has cured thous ands It will cure you, or your money back. ThUUfalr. Try It. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Alali DRUJGI3T3 Liver Pills That's what you need: some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Aver s Pills are George snd wiped her tears and looked h, leru" liver pills. They Cure COn- outer than ever. Stay however I If he H. ,r,k rWnM ..d he., th. world StiDation and DillOUSneSS. uentiy laxative. could just as well spare 12,000, ibe Lrrelh would ass the odd thoussod to set deco rators at work io bar New York mansion ind give en order for bar jrouaeau. Tht major was slmost vexed with her because she wouldn't socept 15,000 io stesd, but she wss firm oa that point. Wkn ha bawled over the vulvar dross. ise AlleractkTts. HIS GREATEST MISTUE- Tbs mistake of my life, said the remi oisoent man, wis when I was telling pat ent medio! nea io Russia. One day I attended s review of a oraok regiment, Tbe faster a man is the slowor he is abou. paying his debts. STEPPED AGAINST r , ... A HOT 8T0VK A ehild of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting bis aaual Saturday night bath i ,.j . i i: : l: . . 1 and suddenly every man in toe rasas u. u intra ww uwg, uugwi.g ""I, "f lit, V.T k-...,U II Th. i u a, m oeg.u atwcaiug iw .i. . ww. !-., belaud dnll.r. .man., a t th. lima I wee 1 uso y aampm ease open .ou he thought they were cheap at that, w ""' -- ai.k-n .k-: J.W. loautHmy stm gnu j,.. a war at a sjaaut la Mm in I . e ... . SYDNOR k nUNDLEY, for values true, ire unsurpassed the eity tbrougH Yielding to none, for etylee, the choicest FURNITURE waits for joTJ" 3rsble sad elegsnt, ornate or plain, sub Suites elsewhere we seek ia viiU iTeted for UPHOLSTERY, hers we And s ersnd oollectioB of every kiolD feline aleculeea niulit inir down" pains. All Uieae symptom. ami exhuiistetl "I know it. Ooe never can tell. I'l Indicate deranged and weakened organa. . . . fc. m eel eneiniee louow m I . . enetl condition of the female organa aa surely aa nieht fotlowa day. Save your self Iroul wane rwnnia ay ibkuix "So am I. Iti i comfort to know bow lbs really totAed." I ..w ..... l BRAD FIELD'S T Miinui. Rha'll axnaet tL Ornamental DRAPERIES, it is known well, In perfect taste, tbey exceXj Tu,lllwUliyiKtiog I worla. al relieves namiui, p.u... , w( , "Yes; thst would be the best time." R'ght at 711 E. Broad St , of MIRRORS k PICTURES, th. stock'. compl.tH la-"rJ & lor beauty 4 rely on all SYDNOR k ftUVDLEr MgT S"- This great store is 70'J-711-713 . E Broad streetrRichmoiiQ,Vft Nsw York Herald. INI M0IIl( IttUUTM 00. ATLANTA, la, Qirla who would buy tilled ausbeftdi bifi legal tender heirtt. wedding my. lie wis to meet aer in , t ... , h de h, ,h( rf rittsnure two weexs iron tnai uay anu !- Akashooehebedooski, stepped bsoK against a hot etova whioh quiety married, and later oa they n -.. . burned bim severely.' Tbe ehild" was io 0u tt00tti t0 New York aud her FUH. greet agony snd his mother eould do riflB 1TeDUe B,nsioB. , Three dsys later eotniaglo paciiy mm. tiemetnoenog ,belef, fa p,0Mylvania to cloee up si A report from Mexico City, describing that lbs bad I bottle, 0(1 Chtnbetlaia's uiot ifftir tn B,a been worryiBg hull light there 00 Susday, says that one matador waa goreo anu tea norsea were disemboweled. It most have been I fine old Sunday. ' -. Pain Balm ia the house, ahe thought ahe would try k. la less than half aa beur after applying It the ehild was quiet sod asleep, and la lees tbsa two weeks wss well, .Mrs. BoBSoa b a well knees real deatol Ikeliar, va. rain Calm is so aatiseptie liniment sbd especially ; viler ble for burns, cuts, bruises snd sprains. For sale it W. M',Cobja'i drug store, Weldon, H. U. her for some months, and the light of the major's life west' out.v 4 Two long weekst It wss in eternity te themsjor, especiilly u hs only re ceived one brief tetter from the widow. The hours sod dsys crept awsy, sod one rooming he started for Pittsburg. 80 did the judge, the lawyer and the three others hitherto named. Ths seveu of them took ths same train and rode is Laok is a mighty uncertain thing to I the same oar. Each looked Belt-satisfied it trouBd and wait for, I and supercilious. V'..l your mimal.!-.. or bMrdabMaUiul krowaorrlchblickf Than ih BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttU Mtvt Pi4ev. M P - j " Ml VOUKNOWWHAT VOU'KBTAallVG When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic beoause the formula is plainly Sriated oa every bottle showing that H 1 simply Iroa aad Quiaine la a tasteless form. No cure, No Pay. bOc, A van ts not la a calm oonditioa when he finds it impossible to raise the wind. a a u.NjKra.aAa-j . .... With the Cook sad buy yoa one bsg of J.EH. Flour sod be oonviooed that it is the best flour 00 the market. 12 cakes Laundry Soap for 0". i-r. 1 Irish Potstoes, 25a peck, and everything jou need for the table and pantry. W. T. PARKER. WELDON, N. a

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